Washitaw Resource

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Unity Washitaw de Dugdamoundyah Muur Nation Royal House of Tunica, Private Royal Society Southeast Territory

Do you have “Indigenous� Ancestry? Most people in the Americas do. You may belong to the oldest Indigenous People and Sovereign Nation on the planet. Look into it, the United Nations is looking for us and .... SOLEMNLY PROCLAIMS the following United Nations Declaration on the Rights

Declaration of Human Rights and political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural international human rights law. development.

Article 4

Article 2

of Indigenous Peoples:

Indigenous individuals and peoples are free and equal to all other individuals and peoples in PART I dignity and rights, and have the right to be free from any kind of Article 1 adverse discrimination, in Indigenous peoples have the right particular that based on their indigenous origin or identity. to the full and effective enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal

Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, economic, social and cultural characteristics, as well as their legal systems, while retaining their rights to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.

Article 5

Article 3

Every indigenous individual has Indigenous peoples have the right of self- determination. By virtue of the right to a nationality. that right they freely determine their There are 45 Articles in this Declaration


Know Thyself

The time has come


Clan Mother Oneness at 1-800-609-8157

The Washitaw Empire the Washitaw. Being a It is said when you are has a legacy of over 100,000 years of rulership by Empresses. Her Majestic Highness Verdiacee Tiara Washitaw-Turner (Tunica) Goston ElBey is the reigning Empress of the Washitaw Muur Nation. She is the legal heir to the Maison Rouge land grants that were skillfully willed to her greatgrandfather Henry Turner, son of the Marquis Maison Rouge.

knight in the order of the religion of St. John, his marriage could never be accepted by the Roman Catholic church.

in the presence of the Empress Verdiacee you can feel that vast and ancient flow of eternal energy.

Her Highness is soon to celebrate her 82nd Henry Turner was the birthday and now we child of the Marquis work to ensure her life’s work is fulfilled. In her book, “Return of the Ancient Ones” you can read the truth of the Washitaw Empire. Our Nationality is Washitaw. We are not those from Morocco, our families married after they arrived in the “Americas”. Muur from Mu and Moor from Morocco are not interchangeable. All of the land is the Sacred Trust of the Original inhabitants, the Muurs, before all Treaty or land grants.

de Maison Rouge and the Empress Ayahmareeyah. After the Marquis' death, Henry Turner recovered all the titles to his father's land. The Marquis Joseph de Maison Rouge was Empress Delphi Kimm Washington-Washitaw the child of French (1849-1966) reigned nobility who was rescued by the Baron during the turbulent de Bastrop during the years of legal land reclamation. French Revolution This very real and The King of Spain, powerful distinction Since the day Empress determines how we uncle of the Maison Rouge made the deal Verdiacee became mold our spiritual aware of the legacy of consciousness, how to transport his her family and our nephew to the "new we see Time/Calendar world" for fear of his people she spent the and Space. It is the hours of her life life. difference between researching, fighting harmony and discord and talking about the in all our efforts. It is While exiled here in Washitaw de Universal Truth, Dugdahmoundyah, the Washitaw Empire and therefore Cosmic Law. Marquis married into it's political, spiritual Washitaw is rising. the Imperial family of and cultural aspects. All Sovereign Rights Reserved.

Know Thyself

The Phoenix is the Imperial Bird of The Washitaw Empire. A phoenix is a bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage (or purple and blue, by some sources). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of myrrh twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again.

The time has come

Clan Mother Oneness at 1-800-609-8157

The Law of Time - Synchronic Wisdom of the Ancient Ones Mayan Time Masters surpassed all knowledge. The basis of the knowledge of time is Everything is called the Law of Time. programmed by the Law The Law of Time is not of Time. The Law of Time an invention; it has is our Ancient knowledge functioned since the seeming new. There has Origin of Time. The Law not been this level of new of Time has governed all knowledge on a planetary stages of evolution. Trees scale through all of are governed by the Law recorded history. The of Time, and the dolphins Law of Time has its base and the birds and all the in the Olmec-Mayan species. They live culture, now focused on according to the Law of all regions of our planet. Time. They live in the The purpose of our unconscious Law of Time. Olmec-Mayan culture is to plant the seed of the What we have here is that Law of Time. The the Law of Time has knowledge of the Olmec- become conscious. The

Time: Present-TenseNOW: Unity.

All Sovereign Rights Reserved.

Know Thyself

Law of Time has put its nose above the Waters and is now coming out of the Water. As the Law of Time becomes conscious, this marks a great dividing line for ourselves: this dividing line is between the cosmic unconscious ones and the cosmic conscious ones. Which are you?

We are the Olmec, pre-columbian original inhabitants of North, South and Central America. The Name of this land called The United States of America is Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah. We the so called We the people, black black, red and many and brown and white who appear white and red people living people of North right here on this land America are predominantly must wake up from Washitaw, the the lies that have Ancient Mound encrusted us with builders. totally fabricated misinformation as a foundation for all the Unity Washitaw de Dugdamoundyah assumptions that we Muur Nation, Royal as human beings House of Tunica is instinctively make. rising on The Law of Time.

The time has come

Clan Mother Oneness at 1-800-609-8157

The Mound Builders

The mounds were built over a period of decades. Each time a building was destroyed, the mound was given a new foundation and a new building was constructed on top. It still remains a mystery as to what function the mounds served. Perhaps they were for some religious or ceremonial purpose. (University of Arkansas Website)

The so called Mississippian Indians, as they are called by archaeologists were the Washitaw. We developed a highly advanced social structure. Our culture, called Plum Bayou, was very different from the cultures of other civilizations that lived in the Mississippi Valley during this time. The people lived in permanent All Sovereign Rights Reserved.

Emerald Mound is the largest of the Toltec Mounds. It is 35 feet high and lies on the Natchez Trace Parkway in Mississippi. (National Park Service Website)

villages and hamlets. Early in their culture they farmed, gathered, fished, and hunted. One of our major agricultrual accomplishments was combining the domesticated plants of the eastern agricultural complex of North America with corn and beans

agriculture, rather than on gathering wild plant foods. This greatly expanded our population, and from 900 A.D. on, more places like Toltec began to appear in the Mississippi Valley. It is said by about 1200 to 1500 A.D., our culture had peaked.

from Mexico. Because of this our way of life became based solidly on Know Thyself

The time has come

Clan Mother Oneness at 1-800-609-8157



Know Thyself

The time has come


Clan Mother Oneness at 1-800-609-8157

Where are we now? We are still here.

left to right: Cherokee woman, Rampo woman, Seminole woman, Mantincock man Photos by Louis B Myers courtesy of African Native Americans We are still here

The Washitaw were direct descendants of the Olmecs who mixed in with the Malian Moors. The name "Washitaw" comes from the Washita River which flows along Northwest Texas and Oklahoma to the Red River, where the Cheyenne Native Americans lived with the Chawasha, meaning "Racoon People" .

Louisiana, and Alabama (named after NubianSudanese Ali Baba). The tribe was officially named "Wichita" by the U.S. Government in the Camp Holmes Treaty of 1835. This tribe were unmistakably a Negroid tribe!

The Wichita were also known as "Paniwassaha" or by the French "Panioussa" which The Washo were a tribe of means "Black Pawnee." Negroids who lived above the French traders from Illinois New Orleans Bayou and were called them "Pani Pique" of Tunican linguistic stock. which means "Tattooed The name "Washitaw" is a Pawnee." The Washitaw or derivative of the term "Racoon People" were called "Ouachita" or what is now Racoons because of their "Wichita". The term is a black faces. When describing Choctaw term which means the Washitaw, the French "Big Arbor" which represented describes the blacks who the Grass thatched arbor lived in large grass houses. homes that the people lived The Washitaw called in. themselves "Kitikitish" which is an interpretation of The Washitaw was originally "Racoon Eyed." The term was later shortened to "Coon" from lower Mississippi, All Sovereign Rights Reserved.

Know Thyself

The time has come

which became a term used in reference to blacks in America. The Washitaw were an offshoot of the Pawnee Confederation. When the Moors came to America, they mixed in with the Washitaw Native Americans and became known as "Washo." So the Washitaw Moors are the so-called "Lost" tribe of Indians that are spoken of in the history books? Yes! They are the hidden tribe that were the descendants of the Olmecs and Toltecs of Mexico. The Washitaw tribe are also the ancestors to such tribes as Pawnee, Osage, Creek, Seminole, Cherokee, Catawba, Comanche, Nez Perce, Tuscarora, Gingaskin, Mattaponi, Powhatten, Micmac, Lumbi, Mandan, Blackfoot, Natchez, Chickasaw, and many more tribes.

Clan Mother Oneness at 1-800-609-8157

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