Bicycle Repair: Quick Guide

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Table of Contents Anatomy of a Bicycle 3 Fixit Station Anatomy 4 Bike Maintenance Tools 5 Using the Bike Pump 6 How to Remove Wheels 7 How to Change a Flat Tire 9 Putting your Chain Back On 11 Brake Basics 12 Additional Resources 13


Anatomy of a Bicycle

handlebar Plug

seat seatpost tire rim




seatpost binder

brake & shift lever brake




pedal crankarm


brake hoods

rear derailleur



valve stem



Fixit Station Anatomy

Pump air for tire inflation. Pump hose with universal valve opening that works with presta and schrader valves.

Hanger arms accommodate most types of bikes

Necessary bike tools for general bike maintenance Wheel chock to immobilize your bike while you pump air in your tires!


Bike Maintenance Tools

6. Allen Wrenches 5. Tire Levers

4. Headset/Pedal Wrench 3. Box Wrenches 2. Flathead Screwdriver 1. Phillips Head Screwdriver 5

How To: Pump Your Tires

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Detach pump from fixit station post. The pump has a universal head and will work with both schrader and presta valves. Prepare tire valve to receive pump: -Schrader (common on mountain/ hybrid bikes) - uncap only.

-Presta (tall/skinny; common on road bikes) - uncap, then unscrew the valve stem. Find out the recommended PSI or tire pressure. The raised printed number range is located on the side of the tire.



a) Place the pump on the valve with the lever down. b) Once on, flip the lever up into the closed position. NOTE - to preserve pump attachment, do not force and use with care! Inflate tire to somewhere within the PSI range. Tire should feel hard when squeezed. Do not overinflate! Flip the lever back down, remove pump, and screw the plastic cap onto the valve. NOTE - for presta valves, close the valve after pumping. Adhere the magnetic pump head to the pump body to keep it off the ground.


How To: Remove a Wheel Single Speed Bike: front & back wheel






Use a box wrench to loosen bolts Front Wheel: Simply remove wheel Back Wheel: Remove chain from on both front and back wheels. from the fork. sprockets before removing the wheel from the frame.

Derailleur Geared Bikes: Front Wheel

1 Begin by squeezing the brake pads.


Then pull out the brake wire, which should now be sitting clearly within the notch.

With a quick release, simply loosen the handle by pulling it away from the wheel.


Hold the nut on the other side Remove wheel from the fork. of the wheel and twist the hand Reverse the process to reinstall counter clockwise to loosen wheel. wheel.


How To: Remove a Wheel (cont.) Derailleur Geared Bikes: Back Wheel


Set gear to the largest number (smallest disk).

4 In order to remove the wheel, hold the frame and pull the wheel sideways. The derailleur should have disengaged.





Then, loosen the brakes as shown Turn the bike upside down and in the front wheel instructions loosen the quick release as shown (page 7, #1 & #2). on page 7 (#3-#5).

Pull up on the derailleur so that Finally, pull the wheel up and out the wheel can clear fixture. of the frame, and simply remove the chain from the sprockets.

Additional Information: Different brake types and wheel connection instructions can be found on these videos: * How to Remove a Front Wheel of a Bicycle * How to Remove a Back Wheel of a Bicycle


How To: Change a Flat Tire What you will Need:

*materials not provided at fixit station


tire levers box wrench new tube* p atch kit*

1. Remove your wheel. Reference the how to remove your wheel section (pages 7-8).

2. Check the outside of your tire for obvious damage. Remove nail or glass if you find any.

3. Release all remaining air from your flat tire by unscrewing and depressing the tire valve. If you have a cap, you must remove it first.

4. Get tire levers. Use the longer end of a tire lever to pry the bead of the tire up and over the edge of the rim. Start on the section of your tire opposite the valve. Slide the lever along the whole rim.

5. Remove the inflatable tube from beneath the tire by pulling the valve stem out through the rim first.

6. Run your hand along the interior of the outer tube to check for any abberations on the surface.


How to: Change a Flat Tire (cont.)

7. Replace the tube with a new one. Replacing a tube is always the safest, most effective option. A patch kit can also temporarily be used.

8. Once you have a tube to put back in the tire, partially inflate it to give it shape.

9. Inflate tube so it barely takes shape. Then, starting with the valve stem, place the tube in the wheel, then the tire onto the wheel. To put the tire back on, start with one edge of the tire, then once completed, do the other.

10. Once the tire and valve are in place, check the edges to make sure the tube is not caught between the rim and the tire bead.

11. Slowly inflate your tire, checking the tire’s alignment. Inflate the tire to its recommended tire pressure (page 3).

12. Reinstall the wheel by reversing the procedure you used to remove it.

Additional information and further instructions:


Putting on Your Chain if it Falls Off

1 2 3 4

1. When you notice that your chain fell off, stop biking and flip your bike over.

2. Push forward the rear loaded derailleur so that you get some slack in your chain.

3. Use the slack to thread to other end of the chain around the smallest of the front sprockets.

4. Release the arm of the rear derailleur and ensure the chain is tight. You can now ride away!

Additional Information and further instructions:


Brake Basics Most bicycle brake systems consist of three parts. All of these parts should be checked frequently and cleaned with a rag. The cables and arm & lever pivots should be lubricated with oil after cleaned.

Brake Levers

Brake Cables

Brake Assembly

Basic Brake Maintenance 1. To check if brake levers are gummed up with grime and dirt, squeeze the levers. When fully engaged there should be about one inch of space between the inside edge of the lever and the handlebars.

1� 2. Check if your cables have rust, are frayed, have kinks, or have slack. If there is extra slack in the system, it can cause your brake pads to set up a little further away from your wheel rims than before. 3. The brake pads wear down over time in response to normal use. This can lead to slower brake response times and squeaking. If the pads are cracked or worn down significantly, they should be replaced.


4. The systems should be centered around each wheel with the brake pads equidistant from the two rim surfaces. Each pad should make contact fully with the rim when the brake is engaged: make sure it isn’t touching the tire above or hanging lower than the edge of the rim.


Additional Resources Local Resources

Bottom Floor of Gregg house (Located on the South 40)

1155 S Big Bend Blvd (314) 862-1188


Web Resources 1. Fixit Repair Mobile Website 2. Bike Tutor 3. REI Bike Repair Expert Advice 4. Bike Repair Video Tutorials


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