Common Features for Mobile App Development Depending on the idea, a mobile app can come equipped with numerous features that make the app function as efficiently as possible for its users. Those who do want to develop an app will most likely have in mind some of the features they know the app will need, others go straight to the experts for advice on what exactly the app should do in terms of function. Most companies who specialize in mobile app development will have an arsenal of features ready to be utilized in a new app, but it is helpful to know exactly what some of those features are. The following are a few of the most common elements found within a mobile app that must be taken into consideration during development, along with a brief description of each. An app that includes these different aspects will most likely have more success than ones without.
Email/Social Log-in System: Some apps, like Facebook, Wells Fargo and Groupon will require a type of log-in system to be able to access a user’s personal data on the app. This can be done in two ways: through the user’s Email address or through their social accounts. This is a necessary level of security in some apps and a way to access personalized information in others. Push Notifications: Should the app being developed send user’s notifications? Whether or not users will receive messages from an app is a critical element that will need to be fully-considered before making a decision on developmenr. Notifications, which would appear directly on the user’s phone, can be a nuisance to some but can be very helpful to others. If notifications are necessary for an app, make sure they are non-invasive and provide value to the user.
In-app Tracking and Analytics: Adding in-app tracking and analytics to an app can be very helpful for both the user and the developer. The analytics tell developers exactly what is and is not working in an app, allowing them to make adjustments if necessary and resulting in a better overall experience for the user. Knowing what users do and do not like will make it much easier to determine which updates need to be made to the app. GPS and Location Data: Knowing where users are through GPS and location data is another beneficial feature – especially to the user. Besides being able to get accurate information about the nearest retail location, or allowing users to let their friends know where they are when using the app, GPS and location data can also help with marketing. Incentives like coupons and discounts could be provided when a user is close to the app’s physical location or when they check in. Advanced Security: Security is an important feature when it comes to mobile apps. Users who don’t feel like their personal information is secure will not continue to use the app. Determine beforehand the level of security that will be needed to protect any user’s and their personal information.