chapter6 function

Page 1



(Function) Watcharin Puangplia 01/09/2554


!"#$%$ C++ !"#$2-3 4-$%$ C++ !"#$ () 5-6$070/89: (/$7 ; 2 3:$;** !"#$ - $</-2 !"#$ !"#$ ()?2,2( - #*;> =, +,-

"! #$ () #*+,- .(/ /,- 0(/1 "! #$ ()=, +,- .(/ /,- 0(/1 "! #$ () #*;> =, +,-


C++ !"#$ (Function) 6 E 7 ; 2/, / %$*- -F- -G (/ 1,- Procedure !"#$%$ C++ 2( 2 +E !"#$2-3 4-$ !"#$ () 5-6$0 JK$70/89: (/$7 ; 2


C++ (C++ Standard Function) L$ !"#$ ()2( /9,;>:1%$ C++ - (/ %": !"#$ 6>,-$(K3: 2( - 12 (include) :2- ,12%$ - + 2?.>!0:1/ cin, cout ( include ? >! iostream.h) sqrt, log, sin, cos (include ? >! math.h)


Math Function Function abs

Include File stdlib.h

Function exp

Include File math.h





















cos cosh

math.h math.h





tan tanh

math.h math.h


1 2 34567 5 3 8 (Programmer--Defined Function) (Programmer Function) L$ !"#$ ()89: (/$7 ; 2= :- JK$2-%62, ",1/%6:89: (/$7 ; 2=-2- R;*, - 5- -$ #K 7 ; 2 L$=,1$/, /S () (/ 1,- 7209> (Module) (/$ !"#$+ #K 0(/1 ;3,=-2- R (/ %": -$?0:6>-/+ #K 3#1 /,- 7 ; 2 ()2( - = :- !"#$;** return +,-?0: ;> 2( - #*+,- Parameter int Cal(int x, int y) { return x + y; }

7 #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main(void) { int i = 1; cout <<"First time..." << endl; while(i<=10) { cout << i << " "; i++; } cout << endl << "Second time..." << endl; while(i<=10) { cout << i << " "; i++; } cout << endl; getch(); return 0; }

6@@ AB First time... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Second time... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void one_to_ten(); (Function Prototype) int main() { cout << "First time..." << endl; one_to_ten(); cout << endl << "Second time..." << endl; one_to_ten(); (Call Function) cout << endl; getch(); return 0; } void one_to_ten() { int i = 1; while(i<=10) { cout << i << " i++; } }

(Function Definition)

6@@ AB ";

First time... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Second time... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



8 8 (Function Prototype) 3:$;** !"#$ L$3#1* %6:+ 2?. > ! 9:RJ : "$<0 : 29> ()G =, +,- >#* G5-$1$.- -2< 3 ! ()+-061# 1,-G ?0: #* "$<0 .- -2< 3 !;3,> 3#1 12 #K >5-0#* .- -2< 3 ! 6>,-$#K$ 9 ;**:

"$<0 : 29> (G) =, +,- >#* "E) !"$# ("$<0 .- -2< 3 ! () #* :-); return-value-type




5H 5 8

!"#$"E) my_func ?2,2( - #*+,- :- ;> ?2,2( - =, +,- >#* void my_func(void);

void my_func();

!"#$"E) square #*.- -2< 3 ! 1 3#1 L$G5-$1$ 3Z2 ;> =, +,- >#* L$G5-$1$ 3Z2 int square(int num);

6 E int square(int);

!"#$"E) to_real #*.- -2< 3 ! 2 3#1 L$G5-$1$ 3Z2 #K +9, ;> =, +,- >#* L$G5-$1$ G < float to_real(int x,int y);


I I5 (Function Definition) - $</-2 !"#$ L$ - 5-6$0 - 5- -$ -/%$ !"#$ "$<0 : 29> ()G =, +,- >#*

"E) !"#$

"$<0 .- -2< 3 ! () #* :-

type function_name(parameter lists) {

-[3#1; +5-=#) ;


return type; }

type +E "$<0 : 29> ()R9 +E$+,- ?0:; ,"$<0 : 29>.E$K 4-$3,- S C++ 6 E ()= :- JK$%62, R:-?2,2( - #*;> =, +,- G 5-6$0 type 0:1/ void function_name +E "E ) !"#)$ (3) #K 3-26># - 3#K "E) 3#1; parameter lists +E .- -2< 3 !3,- S () #*2- R:-2(2- 1,- 1 .- -2< 3 !G 2( + E) 62-/G]> -++#)$?1: ",$ void func(int x, int y) return +E +5-=#) ()* %6: !"#)$/, /=<$K =]0 - 5- -$ (2( 6 E ?2,2( ?Z 0:)


KK H H 8@ 1H LH #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void one_to_ten();

// 3:$;** "! #)$

int main() { cout << "Print 1 to 10" << endl; one_to_ten();

// - (/ %": !"#)$

6@@ AB Print 1 to 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

"E) !"#$

getch(); return 0;

void one_to_ten()

} void one_to_ten()

// $</-2 !"#)$

{ int i; for(i=1;i<=10;i++) cout << i << " "; }

?2,2( - #*;> =, +,- G 5-6$0 type 0:1/ void


5H 5

K H 8@ 1H LH 1. G (/$ !"#$"E) test_name _J) !"#$$(KG ?2,2( - #*;> =, +,-.- -2< 3 ! 70/%6: ;=0 "E) ` $-2= ]> $# [J F- %": E) $? - 1$ * (Loop for 6 E Loop while)

6@@ AB

M – 1 N@ ( )

M – 1 N@ ( )

M – 1 N@ ( )

M – 1 N@ ( )

M – 1 N@ ( )


OP Q 8 M K H ? #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { cout << "Print 1 to 10" << endl; one_to_ten(); getch(); return 0; - (/ %": } void one_to_ten() { int i; for(i=1;i<=10;i++) cout << i << " "; }

!"#$G 5-?0: Z3, 2E) !"#$$#K$?0:2( - -[3:$;** !"#$6 E $</-2 !"#$ , $ ()G (/ %": !"#$ 0# $#K$ - (/$;**$(KRE 1,- 8<0!


OP Q 8 M K H ? #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void one_to_ten() { int i; for(i=1;i<=10;i++) cout << i << " "; }

5 N - = :- !"#)$%62,

-?2,G5- L$3: -[

3:$;** !"#)$ Z?0: S 1 5@ 54

K 1H 3 8 H O S7 5 M 5 H I K@


Function) int main() { cout << "Print 1 to 10" << endl; one_to_ten(); getch(); return 0; }


LH 4 5 #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void my_print(char ch,int loop); int main() (Argument) { my_print(‘A',4); getch(); return 0; (Parameter) } void my_print(char ch,int loop) { int i; 6@@ AB for(i=0;i<loop;i++) A A A A cout << ch << " "; }


UPass by ValueX ‘A’





1H 1H 6H LH

- =, 8,-$+,-%6: #* !"#$%":1<e( - () (/ 1,- UPass by ValueX _J) L$ - +#0> (Copy) +,- - ! <1 2$3! %6: #*.- -2< 3 ! !"#$ ()%":%$ - #*+,- >()/$; > +,- .- -2< 3 ! -/%$ !"#$ G ?2,=, 8>3, +,- - ! <1 2$3! () =, 2-3 $ (/ %": !"#$


1H 1H 6H LH ( H ) #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void inc_print(int num); int main() { int a = 1; inc_print(a); cout << "a = " << a << endl; getch(); return 0; }

- +#0> +,- - ! <1 2$3! +E +,- a _J) 2(+,- a = 1 %6: #*.- -2< 3 ! !"#$ inc_print

void inc_print(int num) { num = num + 1; cout << "num = " << num << endl; }

6@@ AB num = 2 a = 1


1H LH @ 4 5 #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> 6@@ AB int sum_one_to_ten(); int main() sum from 1 to 10 = 55 { int a; a = sum_one_to_ten(); cout << "sum from 1 to 10 = " << a << endl; getch(); return 0; } int sum_one_to_ten() { int i,sum = 0; for(i=1;i<=10;i++) sum = sum + i; return sum; }


=, +,- >#*


main 1H LH @ G- 0<2 ()=,1$6#1 !"#$ main G %": L$ void main() _J) 2E) + 2?.>!G 2(+5- 3E $1,return type of `main' is not `inti !"#$ main ()R9 3: +1 %": L$ int main() {

+5-=#) ; return 0; } return 0 L$=, +,- 0 >#*? %6: #* ** j<*#3< - .E) * 1,-7 ; 2 5- -$

= ZG70/=2*9 k!


2 LH 8@ 1H LH @ #include <iostream.h> !" # $ %

$ & #include <conio.h> ' "( x = 9 ) * +, "- 81 int test_double(int a); ! & ' ' $ %

$ & int main() ! . + { int x; cout << "Enter x : "; cin >> x; cout<<"Double "<<x<<"*"<<x<<" is= "<< test_double(x)<<endl; getch(); return 0; } int test_double(int a) { return a*a; }

% / type + "- 0 1 '

' + & #" 2' 3 ' "- '


2 LH 8@ 1H LH @ BI 53LY4 #include <iostream.h> 9 ;** !"#)$ #include <conio.h> int test_double(int a) G %": int test_double(int a); int main() type L$ int 1- 6$:-"E) !"#)$ .E) * 1, - ! <1 2$3! (Argument) { !"#)$ ()G = :- %62, G +E$+,- L$"$<0 int int x; %$1 >Z* (int a) G #*+,-.- -2< 3 ! 1 cout << "Enter x : "; 3#1 ;> L$ : 29>"$<0 int ,-$#K$ cin >> x; cout<<"Double "<<x<<"*"<<x<<" is= "<< test_double(x)<<endl; getch(); .- -2< 3 ! (Parameter) return 0; } int test_double(int a) { return +,- $<.G$! return a*a; }

6@@ AB Enter x :9 Double 9*9 is = 81


2 LH 8@ 1H LH @ #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> 6@@ AB int test_double(int a); Enter x :9 int main() Double 9*9 is = 81 - ! <1 2$3! (Argument) { int x; cout << "Enter x : "; cin >> x; cout<<"Double "<<x<<"*"<<x<<" is= "<< test_double(x)<<endl; getch(); .- -2< 3 ! (Parameter) return 0; } int test_double(int a) { return +,- $<.G$! return a*a; }

+,- () return G L$3#1; , +,-+ (,) 6 E $<.G$! ?Z 0:



- %": -$+,- ()=, >#*G- !"#$2( /9, 3 9 ;**+E 1. %":3#1; 2- #*+,2. L$ - ! <1 2$3! !"#$ E)$ 3. L$=,1$6$J) $<.G$!

25 #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int square(int x); int main() #" { int a=2,b; "- ' b = square(a); cout << "b = " << b << endl; cout << "Square of (a+1) = " << square(a+1) << endl; b = 1 + square(a+2); cout << "b = " << b << endl; "- & 2' getch(); return 0; }

6@@ AB

int square(int x) { return x*x; }

b = 4 Square of a+1 = 9 b = 17


5H 5 Z @ 5 2


#include <iostream.h> add(10,1) #include <conio.h> int add(int a,int b); add(add(2,8),1) int main() { int sum = add(add(2,add(5,3)),1); cout << "sum = " << sum << endl; getch(); return 0; } int add(int a,int b) 6@@ AB { return a+b; sum = 11 }


3O 5 5H G (/$7 ; 2=5-6 #*6-+,-[# /!? m-_J) 2(=2 - 0# $(K V = I * R 70/ () V +E +,-[# /!? m- , I +E +,- ;=? m- =,1$ R +E +,-+1-23:-$ -$ ;> #K =-2+,-$(K L$G5-$1$G < 70/ 5-6$0%6:=,1$ ()+5-$1k+,- V /9,%$ !"#$ get_volt =5-6 #*=,1$ () #*+,- I ;> R G- 89:%": 12 #K =,1$ ();=0 8>>#.e! +,- V %6: /9,%$ !"#$ main I, R main




#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> float get_volt(float I,float R); int main() { float i,r,v; cout << "Enter I : "; cin >> i; cout << "Enter R : "; cin >> r; v = get_volt(i,r); cout << "Volt = " << v << endl; getch(); return 0; } float get_volt(float I,float R) { float V = I*R; return V; }


3O 5 5H G (/$7 ; 2=5-6 #*6-+,- F(x) _J) 2(=2 - 0# $(K F(x) = x2 + 2x + 1 R:- x 2(+,-?2,3)5- 1,- 0 F(x) = 0 R:- x 2(+,-3)5- 1,- 0 5-6$0%6:=,1$ ()%":%$ - +5-$1k+,- F(x) /9,%$ !"#$ get_fx =5-6 #*=,1$ () #*+,x G- 89:%": ;> ;=0 8>>#.e! +,- F(x) /9,%$ !"#$ main (x ;> F(x) L$ G5-$1$ 3Z2) x main

get_fx F(x)


#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int get_fx(int a); int main() { int x,fx; cout << "Enter x : "; cin >> x; fx = get_fx(x); cout << "f(" << x << ") = " << fx << endl; getch(); return 0; } int get_fx(int a) { if(a >= 0) return a*a + 2*a + 1; else return 0; }


3O 5 5H G (/$ !"#$"E) maximum _J) 2( - #*.- -2< 3 ! 3 3#1 L$G5-$1$ 3Z2 #K 620 ;> %6:=, +,- >#* L$+,- ()2- ()=]0 G5-$1$ 3Z2 #K =-2 int maximum(int x,int y,int z) { int max = x; if(y > max) max = y; if(z > max) max = z; return max; }

32 #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int maximum(int x,int y,int z); int main() { int a, b, c, ans; cout << "Enter a : "; cin >> a; cout << "Enter b : "; cin >> b; cout << "Enter c : "; cin >> c; ans = maximum(a,b,c); cout<<"anser is = "<<ans<<endl; getch(); return 0; }

int maximum(int x,int y,int z) { int max = x; if(y > max) max = y; if(z > max) max = z; return max; }


3O 5 5H 1. G (/$7 ; 2+5-$1k.EK$ () _J) -/> (/00# $(K -/> (/0 ()/1 #*7 ; 2 1.1 !"#)$/, / function circum_a 3#1 >E () 1 .E) +5-$1k6- =:$ *1 circum = 2 * 3.14156 * radius 1.2 !"#)$/, / function area_a 3#1 >E () 2 .E) +5-$1k6-.EK$ () 9 1 >2 area = 3.14156 * radius * radius 1.3 !"#)$6># main program .E) (/ %": !"#)$/, / 7 ; 2 #* : 29> .E) +5-$1k0# $(K 2.1 3#1 >E (choice) 2.2 #[2(1 >2 (radius)


5H 814 7@ 3 8 3#1 /,- () 1 1. Circumference of the circle 2. Area of the circle 3. Quit Please Select Choice => 1 Please Enter Redius1 => 5.9 Area is => 31.4156 1. Circumference of the circle 2. Area of the circle 3. Quit Please Select Choice => 2 Please Enter Redius2 => 25.5 Area is => 2042.8

#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> float circum_a(float radius); float area_a(float radius); int main() { int choice; float radius; cout << "1. Circumference of the circle" <<endl; cout << "2. Area of the circle" <<endl; cout << "3. Quit" <<endl << endl; cout << "Please Select Choice => "; cin >> choice; while ( choice != 3) { if (choice == 1) { cout << "Please Enter Redius => "; cin >> radius; circum_a(radius); } else { cout<<"Please Enter Redius => "; cin>>radius; area_a(radius); }


36 cout << endl << "1. Circumference of the circle"<<endl; cout << "2. Area of the circle" <<endl; cout << "3. Quit" << endl << endl; cout << "Please Select Choice => "; cin >> choice; } // loop while getch(); return 0; } float circum_a(float radius) { float circum; circum = 2 * 3.14156 * radius; cout << "Area is => " << circum << endl; } float area_a(float radius) { float area; area = 3.14156 * radius * radius; cout << "Area is => " << area << endl; }


;**st 6#0 1. G (/$7 ; 2 >()/$ ]k6 92<G- 6$,1/ [- _> _(/=? L$6$,1/ - $?u3! 6 E 7 2 ! _J) -/> (/0 0# $(K 3#1 >E 0# $(K 1.1 >()/$ ]k6 92<G- 6$,1/ [- _> _(/=? L$6$,1/ - $?u3! fahrenheit = c / 5 * 9 + 32 2.2 >()/$ ]k6 92<G- 6$,1/ [- _> _(/=? L$7 2 ! romer = c / 4 * 5 -/> (/0 ()/1 #*7 ; 2 1.1 !"#)$/, / function fahrenheit_a 3#1 >E () 1 .E) >()/$ ]k6 92<G- 6$,1/ [- _> _(/=? L$ 6$,1/ - $?u3! 1.2 !"#)$/, / function romer_a 3#1 >E () 2 .E) >()/$ ]k6 92<G- 6$,1/ [- _> _(/=? L$7 2 ! 1.3 !"#)$6># main program .E) (/ %": !"#)$/, / 7 ; 2 #* : 29> .E) +5-$1k0# $(K 1.1 3#1 >E (choice) 1.2 [- _> _(/= (c)


5H 814 7@ 3 8 1. Celsius - > Fahrenheit 2. Celsius - > Romer 3. Quit Choose the menu 1 or 2 : 1 Enter temperature in celsius : 27 Temperature in Fahrenheit = 80.6 Fahrenheit 1. Celsius - > Fahrenheit 2. Celsius - > Romer 3. Quit Choose the menu 1 or 2 : 2 Enter temperature in celsius : 21 Temperature in Romer = 26.25 Romer


2. G (/$7 ; 2+<0=,1$>0 6:- Big C /]e/- _J) -/> (/00# $(K - !00# $(K 2.1 "$<0*#3 Silver Card >0 3% 2.2 "$<0*#3 Gold Card >0 5% 2.3 "$<0*#3 Platinum Card >0 7% -/> (/0 ()/1 #*7 ; 2 2.1 !"#)$/, / function silver_card .E) +5-$1k6-+,-=,1$>0G- "$<0*#3 Silver Card 2.2 !"#)$/, / function gold_card .E) +5-$1k6-+,-=,1$>0G- "$<0*#3 Gold Card 2.3 !"#)$/, / function platinum_card .E) +5-$1k6-+,-=,1$>0G- "$<0*#3 Platinum 2.4 !"#)$6># main program .E) (/ %": !"#)$/, / 7 ; 2 #* : 29> .E) +5-$1k0# $(K 2.1 - !0 (type_card) 2.2 -+-=<$+:- (price)


3#1 /,- - ;=0 : 29>%$7 ; 2 1. 2. 3. 4.

Silver Card Gold Card Platinum Card Quit

Choose the menu : 1 Enter price : 850 Discount is : 25.5 Bath Money is 1. Silver

824.5 Card

2. Gold Card 3. Platinum Card 4. Quit Choose the menu : 4 Bye Bye !



3. G (/$7 ; 2+5-$1k+,-%":G,-/ - G- - 3<2$K5-2#$ () 2 { Esso 3-2 : 5-6$0 ;> E) $? 3, ? $(K 7 72"#)$0# $(K 3.1 3<22<$< 20 ><3 +<0 200 *- ><3 3, ? +<0 ><3 > 25 *- 3.2 3<2 >- 20 ><3 ><3 > 250 *- ><3 3, ? +<0 ><3 > 20 *- 3.2 3<22- 20 ><3 ><3 > 300 *- ><3 3, ? +<0 ><3 > 15 *- -/> (/0 ()/1 #*7 ; 2 3.1 !"#)$/, / function Mini .E) +5-$1k+,-%":G,-/ - G- - 3<2$K5-2#$ 7 72"#)$ () 1 3.2 !"#)$/, / function Medium .E) +5-$1k+,-%":G,-/ - G- - 3<2$K5-2#$ 7 72"#)$ () 2 3.3 !"#)$/, / function BigBig .E) +5-$1k+,-%":G,-/ - G- - 3<2$K5-2#$ 7 72"#)$ () 3 3.4 !"#)$6># main program .E) (/ %": !"#)$/, / 7 ; 2 #* : 29> .E) +5-$1k0# $(K 3.1 7 72"#)$ (promotion) 3.2 G5-$1$><3 () 3<2$K5-2#$ (num)


3#1 /,- - ;=0 : 29>%$7 ; 2 1. 2. 3. 4.

Promotion Number 1 >> Mini Promotion Number 2 >> Medium Promotion Number 3 >> BigBig Quit

Please Select Promotion Number : 2 Input Number(Liter) : 50 Cost is : 850 Bath 1. 2. 3. 4.

Promotion Number 1 >> Mini Promotion Number 2 >> Medium Promotion Number 3 >> BigBig Quit

Please Select Promotion Number : 3 Input Number(Liter) : 50 Cost is : 750 Bath


4. G (/$7 ; 2+5-$1k+,-%":G,-/%$ - %":7 [#. ! * <F # -".} F! >+ 229$< +"#)$ G5- #0 (26-"$) _J) 2(7 72"#)$0# $(K 7 72"#)$0# $(K 4.1 +]/=#K$ 2 $- (; 1 *- $- (R#0? $- (> 1.50 *- 4.2 +]/$-$ 2 $- (; 3 *- $- (R#0? $- (> 0.20 *- -/> (/0 ()/1 #*7 ; 2 4.1 !"#)$/, / function Shorter .E) +5-$1k+,-%":G,-/%$ - %":7 [#. !7 72"#)$ () 1 4.2 !"#)$/, / function Longer .E) +5-$1k+,-%":G,-/%$ - %":7 [#. !7 72"#)$ () 2 4.3 !"#)$6># main program .E) (/ %": !"#)$/, / 7 ; 2 #* : 29> .E) +5-$1k0# $(K 4.1 7 72"#)$ (promotion) 4.2 1>-%$ - %": -$ (TimeToUse)


3#1 /,- - ;=0 : 29>%$7 ; 2 Please Select Promotion 1.Short Talk 2.Long Talk 3.Quit : Please input Time to Use (minutes) : 12 Your Cost is 17 Baht


Please Select Promotion 1. Short Talk 2. Long Talk 3.Quit : 2 Please input Time to Use (minutes) : 32 Your Cost is 13.50 Baht Please Select Promotion 1. Short Talk 2. Long Talk 3.Quit : 3 Thank You for use program.


5 Z2P (Recursive Function) #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int fac(int x); int main() 3 * fac(2) 2 { int y = fac(3); cout << "3! = " << y << endl; 2 * fac(1) getch(); 1 6 return 0; } int fac(int x) { if(x <= 1) 6@@ AB return 1; else 3! = 6 return x* fac(x-1); }


8 5 8@ 8 5 3#1; -/%$ (Internal Variable) +E 3#1; () -[ -/%$ !"#$ ;> =-2- R%": -$ ?0: Â .- -/%$ !"#$ ,-$#K$ 3#1; -/$ (External Variable) +E 3#1; () -[?1: -/$ !"#$ =-2- R%": -$?0:%$ ] !"#$ 6 E #K 7 ; 2 6- ?2,2( - 5-6$0+,- <)23:$ 3#1; -/$ G R9 5-6$0%6: L$ 0 70/ #37$2#3< ;3, =5-6 #*3#1; -/%$G %":+,- ()+:- /9,%$6$,1/+1-2G5-


5H 8 5

#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void my_func(); int main() { double x = 1.1; my_func(); cout << "In main, x = " << x << endl; getch(); return 0; 6@@ AB } In my_func, x = 2.5 In main, x = 1.1

void my_func() { double x = 2.5; cout << "In my_func, x = " << x << endl; }


5H 8 5 8 5 #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> 6@@ AB double x; void my_func(); In my_func, x = 2.5 In main, x = 2.5 int main() { x = 1.1; my_func(); cout << "In main, x = " << x << endl; getch(); return 0; } void my_func() { x = 2.5; cout << "In my_func, x = " << x << endl; }


5 N 6- ?2,2(+1-2G5- L$G < S ?2,+1 %":3#1; -/$ . - 3#1; $(K=-2- R; :? +,-?0: %$ ] !"#$_J) 5-%6: <0+1-28<0.>-0?0: ,-/ 6- 3#1; -/%$2("E) 0(/1 #*3#1; -/$ %6:/J0 -3#1; -/%$ L$6># 6- 3: - :-RJ +,-3#1;


8 5 M 4 5 8 5 #include <iomanip.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> In my_func, x = 2.5 double x; In main, x = 1.1 void my_func(); int main() { double x = 1.1; my_func(); cout << "In main, x = " << setprecision(3) << x << endl; getch(); return 0; } void my_func() { x = 2.5; cout << "In my_func, x = " << setprecision(3) << x<<endl; }

6@@ AB

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