11 minute read

Homicide Rates for Pregnant Women

Homicide is a top cause of death for pregnant women in the U.S. BLACK WOMEN ARE AT HIGHER RISK

By Angela Lindsay

Of all the concerns a pregnant woman may face as she navigates the months leading up to her child’s birth, violence at the hands of a domestic partner is one that is alarmingly on the rise.

According to a study published last October in the medical journal “Obstetrics & Gynecology,” homicide was the leading cause of death for pregnant and postpartum women in the U.S. in 2018 and 2019. The Tulane University researchers who wrote the study found that U.S. women who are pregnant or were pregnant in the past 42 days (the post-partum period) die by homicide at more than twice the rate of the leading causes of pregnancy-related deaths such as bleeding or placental disorders.

Researchers have concluded that this increase in homicide deaths among pregnant and recently pregnant women is due, in large part, to violence by intimate partners, a Johns Hopkins School of Nursing scientist, Phyllis Sharps told the science journal

“Nature” last November. Pregnant and postpartum Black women and young women and girls between 10 to 24, are at the greatest risk of being killed, according to 2018-2019 data from the National Center for Health Statistics. The Tulane University researchers found that pregnant and postpartum Black women in the U.S. have an almost three times higher risk of dying by homicide than women who are not pregnant — the highest increase reported among any racial or ethnic group. Aaron Kivisto, clinical psychologist at the University of Indianapolis and lead author of a study on Black women and partner violence in the “Journal of Interpersonal Violence,” last year, said his team “found that pregnant Black women were eight times more

likely to be killed by their intimate partner than non-pregnant Black women.”

Karen Parker, executive director of Safe Alliance, said, “Violence may begin or escalate during pregnancy, and survivors have shared anecdotal reasons they think the violence has occurred or increased.” She added, “We often hear that perpetrators express frustration over supporting a first or another baby or are stressed over an unplanned pregnancy. Also, some abusers become jealous when a pregnant partner receives increased attention from others (family, friends, medical providers) or they sense they are losing control over their partner because of the pregnancy.”

This story is an all-too familiar one for Ashaki Ali, a local intimate partner violence (IPV) survivor and a member of the Domestic Violence Speakers Bureau.

“Personally, I experienced physical abuse while pregnant and it was all about my partner wanting absolute power. I felt the situation becoming violent and attempted to leave,” Ali said. “So, he attacked me, choking me into submission.”

Bea Coté, founder and executive director of IMPACT LLC and Step Up To Family Safety, says other reasons for the violence may include loss of power to make decisions, jealousy (fear that the mother will focus more on the child and less on him), being thrown into a commitment he didn't want and exposing the relationship, particularly if it was an extramarital or secret affair.

Many pregnant women seek help through Safe Alliance’s programs, and approximately 70 percent of the people they serve are women of color, Parker said. Even if the abuse doesn’t result in homicide, it can produce devastating and long-lasting consequences.

“Intimate partner violence is a risk factor for miscarriage ... and all forms of intimate partner violence contribute to a myriad of medical problems, including exacerbation of underlying chronic diseases and mental illness, such as PTSD, anxiety and depression,” explained Dr. Jessica Salzman, an emergency medicine specialist at Atrium Health-Carolinas Medical Center.

What makes matters worse is the fact that Black women are less likely to trust law enforcement and other institutions, such as medical and mental health facilities, social services and the court system. This is due to the history of violence, oppression and inequity that has been committed against black and brown bodies through such institutions, according to Elyse Hamilton-Childres, prevention and intervention services director at Mecklenburg County Community Support Services.

There are several local services available for both emergency and longer-term needs. Women in immediate danger should call the police, since they can intervene and arrest a perpetrator, and also help survivors and their children get to a hospital, shelter or another safe place, said Parker.

“Otherwise, a good first step is to call the Greater Charlotte Hope Line — 980-771-HOPE (4673),” Parker added. Advocates are

available 24/7 to listen and offer resource information and referrals to organizations that can help with shelter and housing, legal issues, trauma counseling and other types of support. Most resources are confidential and available free of charge, she said. Mecklenburg County Community Support Services offers free domestic violence counseling for adult survivors and children impacted by domestic violence. The organization also offers a statecertified domestic violence intervention program, New Options for Violent Actions, to help abusive partners understand domestic violence and replace harmful behaviors with healthy behaviors, said Hamilton-Childres. In addition, local law enforcement and victim service providers partner to implement the Lethality Assessment Karen Parker Protocol LAP countywide which facilitates conversation between law enforcement and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) victims about the victim’s level of risk and matches them with victim advocates. Shawnice Stratford, a local IPV survivor and also a member of the Domestic Violence Speakers Bureau, provides this encouragement: “It may not look or feel like you have many options, but God didn't bring you this far to abandon you now. Seek help and resources. I believe that freedom is worth fighting for. Yes, you could die trying to escape, but you can also die at the hands of your partner. Ultimately the choice is yours to make.” To contact Safe Alliance, visit www.safealliance.org/. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911. For immediate Ashaki Ali assistance regarding domestic violence, sexual assault or parenting issues, call the 24/7 Greater Charlotte Hope Line at 980-771-4673. P Elyse Hamilton-Childres

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2022 Chair, Real Estate Building Industry Coalition, First female African American President, Canopy Realtor® Association/ Canopy MLS, 2019

What made you decide to get into real estate?

A friend said I’d be good at it. At the time, I was a young professional in traditional corporate environments and was having a relative successful career. I realized that my academic achievements and years of professional knowledge and dedication would be measured and rewarded according to the corporate structure. As a goal-oriented individual with a desire for autonomy, I decided to bet on me in an industry where your only limitation is you.

Any advice for women who are in real estate or

considering the career? Know your strengths; build your business around your strengths. This is a business; treat it as such. Surround yourself with people that will support you, understanding that sometimes that won’t be your family or friends. Get a coach and mentor.

What tips would you give people looking

to buy or invest in real estate? Hire an experienced, trusted professional to guide you through the process. The real estate market is ever evolving. Well-meaning advice from associates who purchased or sold a home years ago may not be relevant in today’s market.

Why is being involved with the Association and

your community important? I became involved in the Association because I wanted to see more women, specifically black women, represented in real estate — not just as salespeople but as leaders in the industry. I didn’t see that representation when I became a Realtor® in 2001, so I got involved at the Association in the hopes that others would have a role model and feel a sense of inclusion.

Charlotte is my home and community is important. It’s at the core of what we do as Realtors®. When people buy homes, they often look to us to be knowledgeable about what is happening civically, culturally, and economically. We all have a responsibility to serve and give back to our community in our individual way.

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2022 Secretary, Canopy Realtor® Association/ Canopy MLS Executive Committee

What made you decide to get into real estate?

I fell in love with real estate after working on my own home purchase at age 23. Something drew me to it — I was in-tune with the whole process. My Realtor® even suggested that I should go into real estate. It was not until years later my sorority sister Janelle, now my beloved business partner, encouraged me to get my license; that was all the prompting I needed. It brings me joy to be able to serve people by helping them with one of their largest transactions. I want to be the person that helps them create and sustain generational wealth.

Any advice for women who are in real estate or

considering the career? Just do it! Be fearless, be strong and be courageous on the journey. If this is something you want to do, do not let anyone’s opinion stop you. Expect endless possibilities and opportunities every day. Women are some of the most resourceful, caring, organized, attention-to-detail multitaskers in the industry.

What tips would you give people looking to

buy or invest in real estate? Now is the time to buy a home while interest rates are low, obtaining tax advantages and the opportunity to build generational wealth. Do your research, find a good Realtor® you can trust and pursue the American dream. Becoming a homeowner will change your life. It’s better to pay for your own home through homeownership than to pay for someone else’s through rent.

Why is being involved with the Association

and your community important? It’s important to see diversity at all levels. Decisions are made at board levels, and diverse perspectives should be considered; they can change the landscape of ideas and decisions. There are some things board members cannot speak to if they have never experienced it. I can be that voice, helping level the playing field and explaining things from a different perspective. It is also important for people to see someone that looks like them at the board level.

I serve because I love being a servant leader. It means that I am committed to putting my personal interests last, and the interests of others first. I want to give hope to people in any situation. 2022 Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Alliance, Canopy Realtor® Association

What made you decide to get into real estate?

My mother had a portfolio of rental properties and understood the value of real estate. Her passion to purchase and provide housing for her community, including assisting her tenants with purchasing their own homes, taught me the importance of homeownership and inspired me to be an advocate for homeownership in my community.

Any advice for women who are in real estate

or considering the career? Real estate is more than a transaction, it’s a relationship. Shepherding buyers and sellers through the process requires you to remain level-headed, compassionate and knowledgeable. You should never stop learning and growing to be the best advocate you can be. Being an active member of professional organizations is one of the best investments of your time and money.

What tips would you give people looking to

buy or invest in real estate? Your first purchase likely will not only be your own home but also your best investment. Don’t pass up a good purchase because it doesn’t have every feature you want. Making the investment is what’s most important. Investors should understand the importance of a knowledgeable, experienced property manager and hire one or have one on call! So many unexpected situations can arise and an experienced property manager can help reduce your risk from the start and handle difficult situations that inevitably arise.

Why is being involved with the Association

and your community important? Being a member of the Association helps stretch and advance your real estate career by providing top-notch education, cutting-edge innovations and systems, community service opportunities and so much more. The Association encourages professional and personal growth and success.

Community involvement for me can be summed up in one of my favorite quotes, which is from Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” The Association embodies that small group and works tirelessly to impact our community and world.

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