04-02-2009, 12:11 AM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
An apology to the WatchGeeks membership The Owners of Watchgeeks.net have become aware of a very serious breach of the confidential areas of our Forum. This is a critical issue and we feel our entire forum must be made aware of the situation. Briefly, during the transition to the new software, all the threads and posts in our Moderator’s AND Owner’s areas were inadvertently left accessible to anyone, including guests, that logged on. The “door” was opened for approximately 5 hours. The good news is that Personal Messages of members were NOT accessed during the breach. What is the “Moderator’s Lounge” and “Owner’s Lounge”? Simply put, this is much like the teachers lounge of any school. A place where we as the Admin and Mod team can discuss current events, topics, issues and whatnot. Not only is it a place that we can privately strategize on how to run the forum, but it is also a place for our team to “blow off steam” when topics, or members get to be “too hot to handle”. Instead of a team member reacting publicly to a situation, they can vent to the team, and then regroup and deal with the situation, or person, in a more calm and reasonable manner. The Moderator’s lounge is a safe place to “count to ten” before re-entering the main public forums. In the course of these conversations comments can be made that, when taken literally, can absolutely be read as crude and derogatory in nature against one or more individuals who populate our forum. "Mod forums" and "Admin forums" are a part of most every forum on the internet, regardless of the forum's subject matter. As some of our current members here have been mods elsewhere, they can also attest to this. The unfortunate result is now obvious. Screen captures of specific posts and threads, as well as our secure and private contact information, are now in the hands of many people that would like to use this private info against the ownership and administrative team and this information is already on the way to the infinite reaches of the internet. Several members of the administrative team have already received threatening emails to the personal addresses that were gathered during the intrusion. One such threat was to send out our team’s personal home addresses and phone numbers to anyone they choose to. The Moderator’s Lounge has always been the place where our Team could blow off steam, make private commentary amongst ourselves and be secure in the knowledge that what was said would NEVER go outside of the Management “family”, sadly this internal commentary is destined to be made public.
Many members here can and probably will find some of these comments to be sarcastic, crude, cold in nature, and at some times unsettling. For that, we apologize. It is unfortunate that the full context is not always provided and due to manipulation of the information, the entire story is not readily apparent. However, what was said was said and was done so in the context of private discussion. We would only ask everyone to ask yourself who has never said anything in confidence or in privacy that they would not be thrilled about it seeing the light of day? That is the case here. The first impression of the information is damning and for that we take full responsibility. We do not underestimate the potential damage this event can cause our community. We cannot ignore the reactions and will deal with them as they come up. We, as owners, respectfully request that no one responds to the inevitable “fires� that will be erupting other than Jim, Bruce and I. As is the case with private messages of others, we will not be trotting out our laundry for others to see and we will not allow others to do so here either. If you receive something that you find to be upsetting or questionable, I ask that you contact us directly.
Our entire Admin and Moderator staff deeply apologize for any embarrassment or discomfort this situation may cause our Members. For the sake of centralizing the information, we ask that you please place any and all questions and comments in this thread so that we can easily and quickly respond to them as necessary. Other threads will be locked with a note pointing everyone to this thread. The Ownership Team (Michael, Jim and Bruce) The Administrative and Moderator Team __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces!
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meijin View Public Profile Send a private message to meijin Find all posts by meijin Add meijin to Your Contacts #2 04-02-2009, 12:32 AM
CharlieB Senior Member True WatchGeek
I fear this is not an April fools joke. We'll get through this, in whatever form it takes. __________________
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: On the Puget Sound, WA Posts: 13,347 Real Name: Charlie
CharlieB View Public Profile Send a private message to CharlieB Find all posts by CharlieB Add CharlieB to Your Contacts #3 04-02-2009, 12:34 AM
Furdog Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Missouri Posts: 1,242 Real Name: Aaron
I have been behind the scenes elsewhere and know the differnce between blowing off steam and just outright trashing members. I'm sure those who would like to make this mole hill into a mountain are guilty of much worse. I sure hope they make the right decision for their own good. I'm off to look through my files. . .;-) __________________
Let Greg Pitch - Facebook Link Furdog
View Public Profile Send a private message to Furdog Visit Furdog's homepage! Find all posts by Furdog Add Furdog to Your Contacts #4 04-02-2009, 12:35 AM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
No Charlie, it is not. __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces! meijin View Public Profile Send a private message to meijin Find all posts by meijin Add meijin to Your Contacts #5 04-02-2009, 12:38 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
CharlieB Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: On the Puget Sound, WA Posts: 13,347 Real Name: Charlie
We'll circle the wagons Michael. We won't let let them win. __________________
CharlieB View Public Profile Send a private message to CharlieB Find all posts by CharlieB Add CharlieB to Your Contacts #6 04-02-2009, 12:38 AM llnot4u Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 664
Well I'm glad that I have not seen any of this stuff. I don't want to either....I'm just sorry with what ever you are going to have to deal with Mike.. llnot4u View Public Profile Send a private message to llnot4u Find all posts by llnot4u
Add llnot4u to Your Contacts #7 04-02-2009, 12:49 AM
tomgautoone Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Tustin, California Posts: 1,452 Real Name: Tom
It was a good idea to get out in front of this issue. I believe you handled it correctly. All we really have to do is examine our own feelings at times when certain posts rub us the wrong way, and what our initial reactions are. Blowing off steam at a given moment in time is understandable and only human. Our bond on this forum is strong enough to survive a few hiccups, even if Meijin was talkin' 'bout my momma. Tom __________________ "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing.".....Edmund Burke....... tomgautoone View Public Profile Send a private message to tomgautoone Send email to tomgautoone Find all posts by tomgautoone Add tomgautoone to Your Contacts #8 04-02-2009, 12:50 AM Pepper Senior Member Super Geek
Don't worry about it Michael we're behind you. Pepper
Join Date: Jan 2009 Location: Iowa Posts: 1,704
View Public Profile Find all posts by Pepper Add Pepper to Your Contacts #9 04-02-2009, 01:18 AM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1
mom2000 Junior Member New Geek
How unfortunate but what a great opportunity to deminstrate how watchgeeks stick together and raise above contraversy and adversity of prespection...our skin is much thicker than that! So gentlemen on with business as usual. __________________ Marketing Opportunities=Money! (We keep the green lights on.) Michael Larkin, IT Executive/Owner mom2000@msn.com, www.leverage-it-now.com Last edited by mom2000; 04-02-2009 at 01:19 AM. Reason: Forgot about signature. mom2000 View Public Profile Send a private message to mom2000 Find all posts by mom2000 Add mom2000 to Your Contacts #10 04-02-2009, 01:19 AM
Furdog Senior Member Super Geek
Found what I was looking for.
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Missouri Posts: 1,242 Real Name: Aaron
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. __________________
Let Greg Pitch - Facebook Link Last edited by Furdog; 04-02-2009 at 01:20 AM. Reason: I felt like it. Furdog View Public Profile Send a private message to Furdog Visit Furdog's homepage! Find all posts by Furdog Add Furdog to Your Contacts #11 04-02-2009, 01:26 AM
NG111 Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Santa Clarita, CA Posts: 3,840 Real Name: Nate
No apology is needed here You guys do a great job and make this a fun place to hang out, learn, and make an occasional watch trade, too. I appreciate what you are saying here but you don't need to apologize to me for anything (even if you said some unflattering things about me in your privacy). Hey, you wouldn't be the first to do that; my wife has you beat by several decades! Keep up the great job guys and God bless. Nate NG111 View Public Profile Send a private message to NG111 Send email to NG111 Find all posts by NG111 Add NG111 to Your Contacts #12 04-02-2009, 01:41 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008 Posts: 2,095 Nasty Senior Member Super Geek
I didn't see anything, but feel free to talk about me and make fun of me. Everyone else does... The voices in my head tell me so! Seriously... Don't sweat it IMO. Nasty View Public Profile Send a private message to Nasty Send email to Nasty Find all posts by Nasty Add Nasty to Your Contacts #13 04-02-2009, 01:44 AM
watchfan7 Senior Member True WatchGeek
No problem Michael, I'm just happy to see it up and going __________________
Join Date: Oct 2008 Location: Delaware Posts: 7,098 Real Name: Rodney
Rodney watchfan7 View Public Profile Send a private message to watchfan7 Find all posts by watchfan7 Add watchfan7 to Your Contacts #14 04-02-2009, 01:46 AM WHTKNGHT Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 167
I too am happy I have not heard any of the information pirated from our owners/moderators lounges, but know there are people out there that will gladly spread it around. Hopefully most everyone will understand the situation(s), but the ones that don't will always be out there too. Keep up the good work guys, and I look forward to many years of sharing information, observations, feelings, and opinions, and the knowledge that I have garnered in the last year of membership. Hang in there. __________________ Michael WHTKNGHT View Public Profile Send a private message to WHTKNGHT Find all posts by WHTKNGHT Add WHTKNGHT to Your Contacts
#15 04-02-2009, 01:50 AM
Arktander WatchGeeks Moderator True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Central Illinois Posts: 9,074 Real Name: David
Some of you guys are just too funny! That's why this place is the best. The queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach is easing up now. __________________ DAVID
Arktander View Public Profile Send a private message to Arktander Send email to Arktander Find all posts by Arktander Add Arktander to Your Contacts #16 04-02-2009, 01:51 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 3,142 alwaystenpastten Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Wow. This post raises more questions than it answers. Sometimes this site and this community is a real source of "drama." I'd like to circle the wagons, but then again, I don't know what was said or just how bad it was or who all was in the crosshairs. And I'm not asking. Pardon me if I throw up in my mouth a little. __________________ Keep your crowns screwed down, my friends.
alwaystenpastten View Public Profile Send a private message to alwaystenpastten Find all posts by alwaystenpastten Add alwaystenpastten to Your Contacts #17 04-02-2009, 01:55 AM
Dominator Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Malden, MA Posts: 618 Real Name: Dom
I know noooothing, I see noooothing, I hear nooooothing (Sgt. Schultz). Hopefully no one else did. __________________
In memory of our friend Frank - He loved the Red Sox Dominator View Public Profile Send a private message to Dominator Send email to Dominator Find all posts by Dominator Add Dominator to Your Contacts #18 04-02-2009, 01:56 AM
toyaddict007 Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: 'Da Region-NW Indiana Posts: 1,825
Thanx for the heads-up, and let me apologize in advance for all the time youse guys wasted dealing with my lunatic rantings, but like NG111's situation, my wife says that with a guy like me, you were most likely correct, no matter what you said about me! I'm trying to be better! Meds adjusted. Bruce __________________ A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse...
This is how I roll...in my own mind... toyaddict007 View Public Profile Send a private message to toyaddict007 Send email to toyaddict007 Find all posts by toyaddict007 Add toyaddict007 to Your Contacts #19 04-02-2009, 01:59 AM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
Quote: Originally Posted by alwaystenpastten Wow. This post raises more questions than it answers. Sometimes this site and this community is a real source of "drama." I'd like to circle the wagons, but then again, I don't know what was said or just how bad it was or who all was in the crosshairs. And I'm not asking. Pardon me if I throw up in my mouth a little. Well, we did not make this post to create any drama (as you put it). However, we felt the situation warranted making everyone aware of the situation. Especially since some of us (myself very much included) could have probably exercised better judgment. At this point, it is what it is and we have done what we can to address the issue. __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces! meijin View Public Profile Send a private message to meijin Find all posts by meijin Add meijin to Your Contacts #20 04-02-2009, 02:07 AM
Or Ology Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 573
Having been on the moderator end of a watch forum before, I can only imagine what was said in the staff lounge. LOL! No one is exempt. I would just say to everyone: Don't take this hobby too seriously and don't take yourself too seriously and don't take any slanderous stuff that was said about you too seriously. Step back. I have a friend who is 43 with three kids younger than 11 years old. My friend has stage four cancer and is now going through her third round of chemotherapy. Now THAT'S something to take seriously. True life trauma makes any trauma on this forum look like nothing of import whatsoever. Everything in its appropriate context. Or Ology View Public Profile Send a private message to Or Ology Send email to Or Ology
Find all posts by Or Ology Add Or Ology to Your Contacts #21 04-02-2009, 02:12 AM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 14
bigdaddyski Junior Member New Geek thickskin
The thing is I don't give a &#$$$$^&*#%$ what people say about me, I say get a life, I just can't wait to get my Central Command, it should be here in a couple of days, and what a price I paid $230. Damn nice watch, Damn nice price bigdaddyski View Public Profile Send a private message to bigdaddyski Find all posts by bigdaddyski Add bigdaddyski to Your Contacts #22 04-02-2009, 02:19 AM
barskin Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: Boston, MA Posts: 1,896 Real Name: Barbara (Hey, guess what? I'm using my real name as my real name!)
Well...what could anyone say about me? I know everyone appreciates the glamour I bring to these boards, and, by the way, it's my pleasure. __________________ Proud member of the
Watch Lovin' Broads速
Time is on our side!
View Public Profile Send a private message to barskin Find all posts by barskin Add barskin to Your Contacts #23 04-02-2009, 02:24 AM
arglz007 Member Member Geek
Join Date: Oct 2008 Location: DEEP-SOUTH TEXAS Posts: 64
THIS CAN BE SERIOUS. Do you foresee it happening again? arglz007 View Public Profile Send a private message to arglz007 Find all posts by arglz007 Add arglz007 to Your Contacts #24 04-02-2009, 02:26 AM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
Quote: Originally Posted by arglz007 THIS CAN BE SERIOUS. Do you foresee it happening again? When mistakes in judgement are pointed out, no matter the circumstances how, it is typically good to take that information and act on it in the future. __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces! meijin View Public Profile Send a private message to meijin Find all posts by meijin Add meijin to Your Contacts #25 04-02-2009, 02:29 AM
arglz007 Member Member Geek
Join Date: Oct 2008 Location: DEEP-SOUTH TEXAS Posts: 64
THAT IS ALL THAT CAN BE EXPECTED. No? mattcantwin Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,053
Michael, thank you for the apology and the explanation. It is unfortunate that behind the scenes, private comments have been "liberated". I haven't seen anything yet, but agree with the previous posts, that in the scheme of things, it is not going to be difficult to deal with...
that's why we're Geeks! __________________
mattcantwin View Public Profile Send a private message to mattcantwin Send email to mattcantwin Find all posts by mattcantwin Add mattcantwin to Your Contacts #27 04-02-2009, 02:33 AM
arglz007 Member Member Geek
Join Date: Oct 2008 Location: DEEP-SOUTH TEXAS Posts: 64
You have such a great thing going here that I would hate to have anything little thing so much as ding it. arglz007 View Public Profile Send a private message to arglz007 Find all posts by arglz007 Add arglz007 to Your Contacts
#28 04-02-2009, 02:57 AM mojo8 Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Jan 2009 Location: Cleveland,Ohio Posts: 1,184 Real Name: Chris S.
No Sweat my Brothas !!! I love this site and all the help you guys provide , free I might add !!! You should only hear what we say about you guys ...... LOL only kidding !! What idiot would send out threatning e-mails about F%&*ng watches ???? Get a life !!! I only hope that if I am one of those too hot to handle members someone would let me know PC to PC so I could take an icy bath ............sounds like much addo about nothing , at least I hope so !!!!! Thanks guys for the heads up and we are here to back you at all costs ...if you don't like the site leave , it will make room for more respected watch geeks !!! MOJO8 __________________
mojo8 View Public Profile Send a private message to mojo8 Find all posts by mojo8 Add mojo8 to Your Contacts #29 04-02-2009, 03:03 AM KINGOFDEBAUCHERY Member Member Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 80
way to man-up michael. that warrants respect. acts like yours make this great community a stronger place. we got your back. __________________ THE EDGE... THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO REALLY KNOW WHERE IT IS ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE GONE OVER..... Hunter S. Thompson...R.I.P. KINGOFDEBAUCHERY View Public Profile Send a private message to KINGOFDEBAUCHERY Find all posts by KINGOFDEBAUCHERY Add KINGOFDEBAUCHERY to Your Contacts #30 04-02-2009, 03:07 AM Watch_Crazy Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 2,821
As my Uncle Guido 'The Pipe' T. (from Buffalo, NY) used to say! ...
... "IF anyone gets too far outta' line, we'll just whack 'em!" ...
___________________________________________ Seriously, that IS what he used to say - and "NO" I won't discuss his line of work! ...
... but, for the sake of discusssion, let me just add that it included 'taking out the garbage!' ...
__________________ HI! - I'm Larry & I'm Wacky About Watches -
… So, You Can Also Call Me … 'Crazy LARRY' Last edited by Watch_Crazy; 04-02-2009 at 03:19 AM. Watch_Crazy View Public Profile Send a private message to Watch_Crazy Find all posts by Watch_Crazy Add Watch_Crazy to Your Contacts #31 04-02-2009, 03:08 AM
chwcjw Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: Beverly hills Fl Posts: 589 Real Name: Christopher
no problem by me, thanks for honesty but then that should be a geek trademark chwcjw View Public Profile Send a private message to chwcjw Find all posts by chwcjw Add chwcjw to Your Contacts #32 04-02-2009, 03:33 AM
wave3214 Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Tempe, suburb of Phoenix Posts: 20,366
Talk is talk and I agree with Charlie that we just circle the wagons and not let this great hing of ours suffer from the jealousy of others. THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE. We have the best owners. mods and members. People are gonna trash talk its human nature but no apology is required though it just shows the amount of intergity in this place that one was offered. We're with ya Michael all the way __________________
wave3214 View Public Profile Send a private message to wave3214 Find all posts by wave3214 Add wave3214 to Your Contacts #33 04-02-2009, 03:33 AM
NEW GEEK Senior Member Veteran Geek
We surround you!!!!!
Join Date: Dec 2008 Location: Riverside, CA Posts: 614
No worries Michael! We are all one big happy family here! As in ANY families out there things happen... then they go on! Everyone talks about everyone! DA! That is life... If one can't take it....well... deal with it! We all are around all you guys! No matter what! JIM, BRUCE and YOU have put your hearts and souls into this bad boy! We all appreciate all you guys have done! NO ONE will be able to trash you guys... period!! I don't give a damn what was said... it aint the end of the world! (Ya like my grammar?) 21 years in the Marines have taught me some things, one of which is loyalty. That my friend is what myself and others here have for you guys! There.. now I feel soooo much better! NUFF SAID! signed new geek or grasshopper or what every ya want to call me!!! OUT................. __________________ Manny Semper Fidelis NEW GEEK View Public Profile Send a private message to NEW GEEK Find all posts by NEW GEEK Add NEW GEEK to Your Contacts #34 04-02-2009, 03:39 AM
RLFierro Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: The Beautiful Eastern Shore of Virginia Posts: 4,811 Real Name: Rich
Should any of it get out some will let it roll off their backs, some will let it eat at them to the very core. The ones it bothers are probably the ones that were causing the "fracus" for the moderators, causing them to vent to each other. Thick skin is the name of the game here. Was big of you, Michael, to man-up like that. Yup, feelings will get hurt and yup, things will get better. __________________
FCCS(SW) USN(ret) 1982-2005 RLFierro View Public Profile Send a private message to RLFierro Send email to RLFierro Find all posts by RLFierro Add RLFierro to Your Contacts #35 04-02-2009, 03:49 AM concertofdreams Junior Member New Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: New Albany, Indiana Posts: 1
Hello - Jim & the rest of the gang Thanks, for your honesty. It is too bad; some people have to take advantage of a situation. You all do a GREAT job! I hope & pray who ever has your private home addresses & numbers will NOT SHARE IT WITH ANYONE. I have had this happen to me as well, several years ago. Numbers can always be changed, but it is hard to change your home address. Keep up the good work in all you do for us; Watch Lovers! Peace, Michael
Michael xxxxxx Founder - Concert of Dreams
concertofdreams View Public Profile Send a private message to concertofdreams Find all posts by concertofdreams Add concertofdreams to Your Contacts #36 04-02-2009, 03:52 AM
wave3214 Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Tempe, suburb of Phoenix Posts: 20,366
Talk is talk and the owners and mods are only human. We have the best ownership and mod team on the net and that means there are those out there who are jealous of us and will do whatever they can to tarnish us. I agree with Charlie its time to circle the wagons and not let ourselves be brought down by heresay and second hand info. THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE and I say no apology is needed but just the fact that one was offered speaks volumes as to the integrity of the owners. This is our and they cant have it. They can peacefully join us or politely get the hell out of our way. Michael you are a man of honor and have done a heck of a job, dont let this get to you. __________________
wave3214 View Public Profile Send a private message to wave3214
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Joe Tex Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Aug 2008 Location: PA Posts: 2,919
I appreciate the quick and honest response. Please continue to address the issue with integrity which I personally believe you brothers will do. On a different note I just want to thanks for all use-guys do!! Peace N Love Joe Tex View Public Profile Send a private message to Joe Tex Send email to Joe Tex Find all posts by Joe Tex Add Joe Tex to Your Contacts #38 04-02-2009, 04:13 AM gratefuj Member Member Geek
Join Date: Nov 2008 Posts: 52
I have always found it interesting that some like to destroy, and that is all do. To destroy is easy, as anyone can do that. However, can they build, can they create? That is what is truly important, as this is where one will find all that is good in the characteristics of mankind. Anyone who deals with mankind knows that the human nature of others, sometimes, suck at best. To blow off steam is a good thing, and since some are untrustworthy, perhaps rather than carring on with there old destructive ways will use this opportunity to explore "why" those that build and create would focus and blow off steam regarding their destructive behaviors. Yes, an opportunity for them to change, rather than continuing their simple ways of destroying.
Most are very appreciate of all that the owners have done here, and all that they have created. Yes, this website is wonderful, and a huge THANK YOU from me. James gratefuj View Public Profile Send a private message to gratefuj Find all posts by gratefuj Add gratefuj to Your Contacts #39 04-02-2009, 04:32 AM STILL TICKIN Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Kernersville,North Carolina Posts: 4,479 Real Name: Rick
Hey, s-it happens. We all know this was all under an all out effort to get the new software up and running and we all appreciate all your total efforts. Keep up the great work! Thanks. STILL TICKIN View Public Profile Send a private message to STILL TICKIN Find all posts by STILL TICKIN Add STILL TICKIN to Your Contacts #40 04-02-2009, 04:35 AM trav Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: May 2008 Posts: 693
I was online at the time this happened and thought this was just a new open area,what with transparency being in vogue these days and all that.I soon realized someone didn't make some areas private.I didn't see anything to get exited about or even worth remembering.I've read much worse in some open forums.
trav View Public Profile Find all posts by trav Add trav to Your Contacts #41 04-02-2009, 04:39 AM
HarleyD Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Pennsylvania Posts: 275
The fact that you exposed this breach to your membership shows what a professional forum WatchGeeks.net is. For me, this site is a place to relax and enjoy the passion of collecting watches with other Geeks. There are too many other issues going on in my world that cause me stress, so I certainly am not going to let a couple of computer hackers ruin my one little sanctuary. Thanks for the honesty......your members will continue to support you. __________________ HARLEYD HarleyD View Public Profile Send a private message to HarleyD Find all posts by HarleyD Add HarleyD to Your Contacts #42 04-02-2009, 04:55 AM duker20005 Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: Mentor on the Lake, Ohio Posts: 1,024
To the owners and mods of WG"S.......I trust that you guys always try to do the right thing. I only hope that everyone gets over this and we continue to move forward. Thanks again for all of your hard work. Don't worry Micheal, I still love ya man, no matter what you said about me. LOL __________________ Earl
Watch Geeks Rule!!!!!!!!! duker20005 View Public Profile Send a private message to duker20005 Find all posts by duker20005 Add duker20005 to Your Contacts #43 04-02-2009, 05:22 AM
JavaQueen Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: New York Posts: 1,898
Thanks so much for addressing this right away. Due to the nature of the Internet, we all know what can happen under the best of circumstances. So you just do the best that you can. If people behave themselves appropriately in the forums, what complaints can be made? Like anything else. Java JavaQueen View Public Profile Send a private message to JavaQueen Find all posts by JavaQueen Add JavaQueen to Your Contacts #44 04-02-2009, 05:31 AM
SeanCM Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Phoenix Arizona Posts: 7,928 Real Name: Sean
This is unfortunate to hear!! As a former Moderator on "that other forum" I know what kind of talk goes on behind the scenes. Yikes this could get ugly real fast!! My stomach is doing cartwheels!! Michael I commend you for sharing this with us before the I hope that nothing comes of it and it just quietly goes away!! Now we wait and see... __________________
SeanCM View Public Profile Send a private message to SeanCM Send email to SeanCM Find all posts by SeanCM Add SeanCM to Your Contacts #45 04-02-2009, 05:36 AM
hits the fan.
Stingray Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: St. Louis, MO Posts: 2,600
Well I am here to help out however needed. Thanks for the heads up. The geeks will prevail forever! __________________
- Kevin Stingray View Public Profile Send a private message to Stingray Find all posts by Stingray Add Stingray to Your Contacts #46 04-02-2009, 05:39 AM sheraortho Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Carmel, IN Posts: 8,430 Real Name: Brian
I have to agree with what everyone else has said. Stuff happens and things like this won't keep me from coming to WatchGeeks to get my daily watch fix! I also appreciate your being upfront and honest with this issue Michael. I know at all forums there is a place for the staff to "vent" and I'm sure the things said would make some people blush, but hey, that's life. If something was said about me, I'm sure it isn't the first time and I guaran damn tee it won't be the last!
This is a great place to spend my time and that hasn't changed. I have learned too much and made too many friends to let something like this ruin it for me! Keep up the good work to ALL the management team! __________________ Renato, Marina Militare, Zodiac, Invicta, Hamilton, SeaPro, Orient, Wenger, Riedenschild, Luminox, Swiss Legend, Seiko, Sector, Bulova, Gruen, ESQ, Tauchmeister, Vostok and Alpha all have their place..... on my wrist! BRIAN sheraortho View Public Profile Send a private message to sheraortho Find all posts by sheraortho Add sheraortho to Your Contacts #47 04-02-2009, 05:48 AM
Stratos27 Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Dec 2008 Location: Manchester,Conneticut Posts: 6,825
Michael no worries. It is all out in the open. It is pretty well know that people from the other sites are jealous of what has been made of WG's in such a short time. Like CharlieB said circle the wagons and dig in! We are all human on this site and there have been times when a post is gotten out of hand. It is frustrating to read on my end, so if you need to talk to each other to blow off steam, then so be it! I think this is the best site out there so I am not going anywhere. Let's just hope it all air's out fast so we can enjoy WG's
Jeff Stratos27 View Public Profile Send a private message to Stratos27 Find all posts by Stratos27
Add Stratos27 to Your Contacts #48 04-02-2009, 05:51 AM
delo149 Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Long Island, New York Posts: 1,299
I suck, you suck, we all suck.......at least I'm not paying to get trashed. Who cares.......by the way the new site rocks. It's really helped control my drinking problem now that I don't have all that time between getting logged off and back on again. Yo guys rock!u delo149 View Public Profile Send a private message to delo149 Send email to delo149 Find all posts by delo149 Add delo149 to Your Contacts #49 04-02-2009, 06:32 AM
bdgrewe74 Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Conyers,GA Posts: 3,040 Real Name: Brian
Its no prob Michael.. I just noboby is foolish enough to do this.. thanks for being honest with us... __________________ A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.
- Segal's Law bdgrewe74 -AKA -Brian bdgrewe74 View Public Profile Send a private message to bdgrewe74 Find all posts by bdgrewe74 Add bdgrewe74 to Your Contacts #50 04-02-2009, 06:33 AM Join Date: May 2008 Location: Killington, Vermont Posts: 714
NoPinkPlease Senior Member Veteran Geek
The whole "private lounge" concept is kind of icky to me, not to mention risky. I guess I'd be using email for the kinds of hot discussions described. Haven't seen anything tho' and really hope nothing serious erupts. Good luck! Fingers crossed! Wagons circling as we speak.... kauffmds Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Parkersburg, West Virginia Posts: 1,203
I've always looked to this forum as a place to relax, communicate with friends and talk watches. It still eludes me why this would anger some outside of the forum the way it has. For heaven's sake; things happen. With our large membership rising daily, I can imagine the need for a private area for the owners and mods to take off steam. In the light of this incident, I will go on relaxing, commicating with friends, and talking watches. I hope the rest of the membership will follow suit. __________________ Kauffmds
kauffmds View Public Profile
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srebo70 Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Antioch, IL Posts: 8,924 Real Name: Scott
First and foremost, I'd like to thank the members that have chimed in and shown their support. It is because of the members here and the community that has been built that I accepted the offer to be a Moderator. Second, I'd like to thank Michael for posting this. As I was up for hours last night after I logged out thinking about this whole situation, and yes David, there was that queasy feeling, not because of anything I may have said in the Mod Lounge, if I said something that one of our members do not like or understand, I will be happy to explain in what context it was said. That feeling came from the fact that my personal contact information is now out in the open and the fact that I received an email from "someone" last night that I do not know telling me they have all of this information REALLY bothered me. Don't get me wrong, I can handle MOST things that come along, but when something as ridiculous as this can possibly have an effect on my wife (given that my home phone and address is now out there for public view) THAT really bothers me. In fact, it bothers me to the point where I have been contemplating completely removing myself from this and every other forum I participate in. I did receive two subsequent emails from the same person overnight, one stating that they or the other "admins" will not use mine or the other admind team of WG's information for nefarious purposes, and one that the person was just going to let it all go, but there others may still publicly post everything that was taken when what is quite honestly a "break-in" publicly. Up to now, I am still not really sure what I am going to do about continued participation here or elsewhere. This whole thing is completely out of hand. They are watch forums and this whole situation, not just the break in, but the whole atmosphere of us against them, them against us is just sad. I appreciate the attemots of levity you guys have tried to infuse into this thread and the show of support for Michael. As much as I appreciate humor, sarcasm and defusing situations, I just can't bring myself to laugh about any of this.
Thanks again to everyone for the support! For NoPinkPLease - the reasons for these areas is so that everyone on the team have a place to discuss ideas, issues and make answers to questions for everyone on the admin team. To do that through email would be very tedious, as in some cases we have to reference actual threads. __________________
Cars and watches, I sell one to buy the other!
srebo70 View Public Profile Send a private message to srebo70 Find all posts by srebo70 Add srebo70 to Your Contacts #53 04-02-2009, 07:07 AM andrema Banned Veteran Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: Sunny Connecticut Posts: 554 Real Name: Mark
From the tone of SREBO70's comments, I seems like the information that was obtained by these outside individuals can be construed as mean spirited. I understand that people have to blow off steam, but it seems like there may have been a line crossed...just my thoughts andrema View Public Profile Find all posts by andrema Add andrema to Your Contacts #54 04-02-2009, 07:13 AM
BlackOPS Member Member Geek
Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: On the beach in Florida Posts: 57
Damage Control... Priceless! Michael. other owners, and staff: A side effect of our technological evolution is that vast quantities of information, both relevant and inconsequential, is readily available for our use 24 hours a day; as it the opportunity for human error. As a professional in the technology business I understand how these situations can and do occur. Unfortunately, in your case, somewhat sensitive correspondence was obtained and WatchGeeks.net is now in the unenviable position of performing damage control. As Einstein aptly put it,"Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal." Frankly, that's what we have here; a person or persons unknown, that can find little better to do with their time then to attempt to embarrass and/or divide a wonderful community. So be it. The site response was measured, appropriate, and appreciated by the vast majority of members, I suspect. Your analogy concerning the inherent human response, candor, and intent, is of course absolutely correct; it was not personal. We have all been there. That being said, in my opinion and to use the well worn phrase,"it's a tempest in a tea cup!" It is certain that rational, introspective, fair minded individuals will view the "remarks" as nothing more then casual complaining, while others will perceive whatever meaning(s) they wish. Still, there are a select few that will maliciously distort, and intentionally misrepresent the information to further their own agenda... malus infinitus. I for one, choose not to play. I wish you the best and this small distraction does not in any way diminish my enthusiasm for the site, it's members and/or staff. __________________ A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. --Douglas Adams
Last edited by Arktander; 04-02-2009 at 09:49 AM. Reason: Edited language BlackOPS View Public Profile Send a private message to BlackOPS Send email to BlackOPS Find all posts by BlackOPS Add BlackOPS to Your Contacts #55 04-02-2009, 07:15 AM mayaamber Junior Member New Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 1
Sounds like a friend or two should buy you a drink.....what do you think? mayaamber View Public Profile Send a private message to mayaamber Find all posts by mayaamber Add mayaamber to Your Contacts #56 04-02-2009, 07:21 AM heavyharmonies Banned Veteran Geek
Join Date: Mar 2009 Posts: 557
Quote: Originally Posted by srebo70 Second, I'd like to thank Michael for posting this. As I was up for hours last night after I logged out thinking about this whole situation, and yes David, there was that queasy feeling, not because of anything I may have said in the Mod Lounge, if I said something that one of our members do not like or understand, I will be happy to explain in what context it was said. That feeling came from the fact that my personal contact information is now out in the open and the fact that I received an email from "someone" last night that I do not know telling me they have all of this information REALLY bothered me. Don't get me wrong, I can handle MOST things
that come along, but when something as ridiculous as this can possibly have an effect on my wife (given that my home phone and address is now out there for public view) THAT really bothers me. In fact, it bothers me to the point where I have been contemplating completely removing myself from this and every other forum I participate in. I did receive two subsequent emails from the same person overnight, one stating that they or the other "admins" will not use mine or the other admind team of WG's information for nefarious purposes, and one that the person was just going to let it all go, but there others may still publicly post everything that was taken when what is quite honestly a "break-in" publicly. Up to now, I am still not really sure what I am going to do about continued participation here or elsewhere. Yikes! As one who owns a forum, albeit a much smaller one, I understand the need for a private "admin" section. It's a place to discuss issues, problems, developments, etc. More importantly, it's a private place to move potentially problematic threads to, in order for a moderation team to discuss the future of, without having to delete/lock a thread on the spot. It's also, as previously mentioned, a place for management to "blow off steam" in private. Trust me, every user community has those members that just make a moderator's teeth ache. As to the posting of moderators/owners private contact information there, I'll be candid: the thought has never occurred to me to do so on my board, just because bulletin boards can and do get hacked, and "upgrades" often are not. For discussion of a confidential and/or personal nature, I have set up an admin mailing list, via Yahoo Groups, that only the moderation team and myself have access to. All messages are archived, and by it not being part of either the message board or my main site, it serves as another communication method, in the event that either the board or the site go down. For a site the size of watchgeeks, not having all your eggs in one basket with respect to communication becomes even more critical. It's admirable that management is addressing this issue openly. To those who may be naysaying the need for "private" areas of the board, I can state from personal experience, that in order for a user community to run smoothly, it is a necessity. To those trying to use this information or issue for personal gain or for their jollies: shame on you. -Dan Last edited by heavyharmonies; 04-02-2009 at 07:24 AM. heavyharmonies
View Public Profile Visit heavyharmonies's homepage! Find all posts by heavyharmonies Add heavyharmonies to Your Contacts #57 04-02-2009, 07:21 AM
srebo70 Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Antioch, IL Posts: 8,924 Real Name: Scott
Quote: Originally Posted by andrema From the tone of SREBO70's comments, I seems like the information that was obtained by these outside individuals can be construed as mean spirited. I understand that people have to blow off steam, but it seems like there may have been a line crossed...just my thoughts That was not the intention of my post. I cannot honestly remember every post or discussion that was made in the area, but I do know whatever I personally posted in the area can be explained given the context it was posted. The only "mean spirited" issue in any of this is the way the information was obtained, how it could be potentially used, and our personal contact information in the hands of the people that would do this. Despite anything that may have been said in the area in question, I know we all try very hard to make the experience on WatchGeeks enjoyable for everyone. This place is not about how much negativity can we create in the name of "fun"!!! __________________
Cars and watches, I sell one to buy the other!
srebo70 View Public Profile Send a private message to srebo70 Find all posts by srebo70 Add srebo70 to Your Contacts #58 04-02-2009, 07:22 AM kevm Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 458
Quote: Originally Posted by arglz007 THIS CAN BE SERIOUS. Do you foresee it happening again? With all due respect to newgeek, how could they forsee it coming again? !! They didn't forsee it coming the first time.. Yes you are right it is serious, agreed. Yes they are right, we have all said things we regret behind (seemingly) closed doors. Yes most of the comments are right. These guys do a great job in a great forum and I do not expect that to change. I have gotten a wealth of excellent information here on the hobby. Of course you will do whatever you can to minimize the effects an move on. Thanks for being so up front. regards __________________
You've got to believe in something, so I believe I need a new watch..!! kevm
View Public Profile Send a private message to kevm Find all posts by kevm Add kevm to Your Contacts #59 04-02-2009, 07:35 AM
PTAaron Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: Novi, MI Posts: 847 Real Name: Aaron
I'm sorry to hear that this happened, and even more sorry that some people are trying to use what they saw against the site. It is JUST A MESSAGE BOARD, it is not "real life" and people tend to lose that concept in a close knit group online. The mod/admin team on any site is going to get frustrated and need to vent every now and then - just like you may get frustrated about something and need to vent to your friends or spouse. It happens! Everyone does it. If you read something you don't like - just remember that it was said by someone you have probably never met, that probabl doesn't really know you, so it really shouldn't matter to you! The idea of people threatening to use your personal information against you shouldn't be tolerated - I'm sure your local police would be able to help in that situation. __________________ -Aaron My watch pictures: http://photobucket.com/AaronWatches PTAaron View Public Profile Send a private message to PTAaron Visit PTAaron's homepage! Find all posts by PTAaron Add PTAaron to Your Contacts #60 04-02-2009, 07:43 AM
flhjim Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Forest Lake Minnesota Posts: 310 Real Name: Jim
Look, there is more good here then EVER can be bad! I am not the best conversationalist but what I am saying is this site has opened the door to many for information, good talk and well intentioned deeds. I feel more pain for any threats to you all and would hope all realize that most of us (and I would guess all) have said and done things in the heat of the moment we are not proud of. I have no doubt you have worked your @*%@ off to get the new software up and in the past when we have had problems and for that I thank you! flhjim View Public Profile Send a private message to flhjim Send email to flhjim Find all posts by flhjim Add flhjim to Your Contacts #61 04-02-2009, 07:43 AM
Furdog Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Missouri Posts: 1,242 Real Name: Aaron
A couple thougts here; I have seen mean spirited elsewhere. I have seen people create stupid images using photos of members and watched owners, admins, and mods laugh. This is childish and very mean spirited! I have seen ghost accounts created for the soul purpose of poking fun at members, by owners. I have watched those same people deny this and work hard to cover it up with lies. This shows a lack of any integrity. Our team here works very hard behind the scenes. They deal with things we wouldn't think
would be a part of running a forum, even one of this size. It gets frustrating and things get said in PRIVATE in the heat of the moment. Now some jerks went somewhere they shouldn't have been, even if the door was open. These same jerks send out emails to acheive what? Seems they are the dishonest ones who are more than a bit slimey. By exposing their findings they also expose themselves. I appreciate that our team here already admits to some mistakes in judgement and didn't go out of their way to cover anything up. In fact they made the decision to meet it head on. That is integrity. Anyone who would hold personal information as some kind theat is a loser. __________________
Let Greg Pitch - Facebook Link Furdog View Public Profile Send a private message to Furdog Visit Furdog's homepage! Find all posts by Furdog Add Furdog to Your Contacts #62 04-02-2009, 07:46 AM
HondaLover Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina Posts: 2,697 Real Name: John
Scott, Michael; I don't know what was said by whom, but you can talk about me all you want. If you post enough you are bound to ruffle someone's feathers. Don't worry, live and learn. I've learned the same lesson over and over in life, but for some reason it never seems to stick. The lesson is, don't say something behind someone's back that you would not say directly to their face. Gossip, mean-spirited chatter, etc. always seems to
come back to hurt the one saying it, as well as the original target. And, if you are worried about contact information being out there, well guess what. A few bucks and all that stuff is available on ALL of us out there on the net. It comes with usage of this vast internet, privacy is very much reduced Anyhow, don't worry, this will all blow over. Michael, thanks for the post and meeting it headon. John HondaLover View Public Profile Send a private message to HondaLover Find all posts by HondaLover Add HondaLover to Your Contacts #63 04-02-2009, 07:54 AM bodypeersur Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Melbourne, FL Posts: 2,812 Real Name: Duff
Well, I know that we, as members, can sometimes get carried away. And I can personally understand where the powers that be may need to vent before moving forward on certain issues. There is much more to owning and moderating a forum than meets the eye, especially when the membership grows with such intensity. I know the I have personally done a few things here that may have created some problems and if my name was brought up in the privacy of the Moderators Lounge I will understand. I feel that anyone that would intentionally make these private conversations public are dispicable. The only purpose in exposing these conversations would be to not only hurt our members and administrative team, but attempt to hurt the forum itself! SCOTT, PLEASE RETHINK LEAVING US! YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO OUR FAMILY HERE AND YOUR LEAVING WOULD SADDEN MANY OF US!!! With all that said, I would like to thank MICHAEL for being straight up about the issue. Duff bodypeersur View Public Profile Send a private message to bodypeersur Send email to bodypeersur
Find all posts by bodypeersur Add bodypeersur to Your Contacts #64 04-02-2009, 07:58 AM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 240 wflyboy Senior Member Senior Geek
Ya know what??? THINGS HAPPEN and sometimes its out of our control. The owners and moderators do a GREAT job and we have a very good group ou WG members that should understand. Its a HUGE plus that the OWNERS were up front with its members and we thank them for that. __________________ **********wflyboy************ -Have a WatchGeek Daywflyboy View Public Profile Send a private message to wflyboy Find all posts by wflyboy Add wflyboy to Your Contacts #65 04-02-2009, 08:02 AM Cigar Dude Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: Irmo, South Carolina (near Columbia) Posts: 156 Real Name: Tim Rollins
Since I'm such a new member I'm sure nothing was said about me! ; ) But, as a member of many cigar boards I can tell you it can get REAL heated at times, but...usually everyone gets over it and moves on. And that's probably what should happen here...move on; get over it.
Anyway, if you need someone new to talk about I urge you to use me! I'm a big boy; I have big shoulders; I can take it! : ) __________________ Cigar Dude "smoke 'em if you got 'em" Tiny Tim's Cigar World Cigar Dude View Public Profile Send a private message to Cigar Dude Find all posts by Cigar Dude Add Cigar Dude to Your Contacts #66 04-02-2009, 08:04 AM Join Date: Oct 2008 Posts: 199 Real Name: John
B725 Banned Senior Geek Ths G&S
I can understand, but it seems a bit Gilbertian. Stay strng and have faith...watch out. B725 View Public Profile Find all posts by B725 Add B725 to Your Contacts #67 04-02-2009, 08:04 AM Join Date: Jun 2008 Posts: 35 muskrat55 Member Member Geek
We've all said something we wish we hadn't, but once said we can't take it back. God tells us "let
the first one without sin cast the stone". That rules out all of us. I think most of us have thick skins so we shouldn't take anything to personal. I enjoy the web site so keep up the good work and we'll move on. muskrat55 View Public Profile Send a private message to muskrat55 Find all posts by muskrat55 Add muskrat55 to Your Contacts #68 04-02-2009, 08:06 AM
Don Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: North Carolina Posts: 772 Real Name: Well ahh-actually it's Don
Forum Breach It's okay, I knew you guys were talking smack about me, I knew you didn't love me all along. After that first date----well lets just say things seemed to change. I will take my broken heart in stride in the hopes that someday I will be accepted for the true jem that I am. Perfect in every way, infallable in my ways, pristine in my appearance, a true model of society. When you attain the same level of perfection that I enjoy, you will be sorry you were so mean to me. ROFLMAO!!!!!! __________________
Don View Public Profile Send a private message to Don Find all posts by Don Add Don to Your Contacts #69 04-02-2009, 08:06 AM
Buster Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: WV, USA Posts: 270
Quote: Originally Posted by srebo70 In fact, it bothers me to the point where I have been contemplating completely removing myself from this and every other forum I participate in. This whole thing is completely out of hand. They are watch forums and this whole situation, not just the break in, but the whole atmosphere of us against them, them against us is just sad. This is completely why I have gone from "active member" to "lurker". Some here may remember me from here and "the other forum" and this crap has been going on for over a year now........I mean come on, a year over a watch forum. All of it is just sad. I just recently heard Jim on TV with NFW owner asking if "the other forum" (and I quote) "still even had a server". Again, come on. All of this turns something fun and enjoyable into head aches and hard feelings. I am sorry this happened and I am sorry your information fell into the wrong hands. You are handling this correctly, and I wish you well. Josh __________________
Buster View Public Profile Send a private message to Buster Find all posts by Buster Add Buster to Your Contacts #70 04-02-2009, 08:11 AM
captain714 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Charleroi ,Pa. Posts: 429 Real Name: Keith
Carma Michael,Thank's for the heads up. Just remember CARMA is a Bit#h,they will get theres.Don't change a thing & stay strong. I laugh at myself every day,that's what keeps me young,people who can't laugh at themselfs must be the .1 percent of the world that thinks there perfect. Once a member always a member! Captain 714 captain714 View Public Profile Send a private message to captain714 Send email to captain714 Find all posts by captain714 Add captain714 to Your Contacts #71 04-02-2009, 08:14 AM oldman1943 Junior Member New Geek
Join Date: May 2008 Posts: 1
Mike; I have been around for the last 66 years and nothing anybody has said about me has not killed me yet, so to those few people that think they are above all get " a live" and growup. This is a said momment but we are bigger, smarter, and better then those few. I have enjoyed coming to this forum and have learned a lot. I also have never chatted with any of you so for me to write this response is something of a miracle. I found a new hobby and a lot of good people on this site so to all of you THANK YOU. oldman1943 View Public Profile Send a private message to oldman1943 Find all posts by oldman1943 Add oldman1943 to Your Contacts #72 04-02-2009, 08:22 AM
NWP627 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 405
Thank you... Michael, Jim and Bruce for bringing us a forum that all its members can be proud of. It's educational and fun and can sometimes get a little rough but its mostly about the love of timepieces. Hopefully all will keep that in mind. N __________________ Qui docet discit NWP627 View Public Profile Send a private message to NWP627 Find all posts by NWP627 Add NWP627 to Your Contacts #73 04-02-2009, 08:26 AM jeffezy Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: May 2008 Posts: 270
Thanks for the heads up! I am sorry to hear about what happened, but appreciate very much being notified. Should I come across anything questionable, I will let you know. Thanks again and keep up the good work. jeffezy View Public Profile Send a private message to jeffezy Find all posts by jeffezy Add jeffezy to Your Contacts #74 04-02-2009, 08:28 AM Z-FREAK Banned True WatchGeek
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Z-FREAK View Public Profile Find all posts by Z-FREAK Add Z-FREAK to Your Contacts #75 04-02-2009, 08:33 AM
BigJoe Original Past Ambassador True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Long Island New York Posts: 25,225
Apology No Apology is nessasary Im sorry to hear this private information got out and that some of you are being harresed because of this we all have bad days and I for one have had them as well.I hope you can have this fixed so it does not happen again.I think you all do a fine Job here on the Forum and I know Michael you work very hard doing what you do.So like I said no apology is due here and just keep up the great work for making this Forum what it is and like I have said before Im always open to help you in what ever way I can on the Forum. __________________
Big Joe like's watches and good friends. Take care and be safe. [ Big Joe ] sergibubka Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: San Sebastian, Spain Posts: 198 Real Name: Sergio
NOTHING of what you guys said is worse than stealing personal addresses and phone numbers and threatning to use them the wrong way. THOSE people, the people that stole the
information, should be ashamed of their actions. If they think about it a little bit, they should not use and destroy the information right away. If they don't, that proves the type of idiots they are. They might be watchgeeks too...but we don't want them in this forum. s sergibubka View Public Profile Send a private message to sergibubka Send email to sergibubka Find all posts by sergibubka Add sergibubka to Your Contacts #77 04-02-2009, 09:12 AM sampson1 Member Member Geek
Join Date: Mar 2009 Posts: 36
Don't Think Nothin' Of It Hey guys, things happen. We all learn from our mistakes every day. Apology accepted! sampson1 View Public Profile Send a private message to sampson1 Find all posts by sampson1 Add sampson1 to Your Contacts #78 04-02-2009, 09:17 AM amazonracer Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: Chino Hills California Posts: 448 Real Name: Brent
Life's to short For the most part, people are good but are not perfect and mistakes will happen. Don't sweat it. Funny story sort of. Long story short. My daughter is excepeted to UC Irvine but did not get in to UC San Diego. She has already been rejected. She got a email two days ago from the web site saying "you have been excepted". An hour later, another email saying the last email was an error and we are sorry. Needless to say, it really shook her up but I told her people make mistakes but you should always strive to do the right thing no matter what comes your way. Glad were back
amazonracer View Public Profile Send a private message to amazonracer Find all posts by amazonracer Add amazonracer to Your Contacts #79 04-02-2009, 09:19 AM
Furdog Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Missouri Posts: 1,242 Real Name: Aaron
I find this a bit sad. People who I once considered friends are now involved in this. Some more so than others. On the other hand there are people on this forum that don't even understand the circumstances fully. They only want to enjoy themselves. Yet, we have people out there who no doubt spent hours combing through messages looking for anything they could use to belittle others and cause hurt feelings and discontent. I also find it sad that their lives have come to this. Perhaps they need to surround themselves with Family and Friends to experience what real joy is, instead of spending hours dwelling on petty little things that matter to nobody but themselves. I wonder who they think they will hurt should they bring these private conversations to light? Will it be members here who are not involved with this petty crap? Will it in some way hurt the owners, maybe some admins or mods? Will it blow up in their face and only expose themselves as petty little individuals? I think they have already done this, but it will only dig the hole deeper. I request that we let them have their fun, as demented as it is, and move on to what we enjoy in this hobby. The owners here have done what can be done. Let's field this crap as it arises and move on just as quickly. If not we will only be brought down to a level I will not participate in. __________________
Let Greg Pitch - Facebook Link Furdog View Public Profile Send a private message to Furdog Visit Furdog's homepage! Find all posts by Furdog Add Furdog to Your Contacts #80 04-02-2009, 09:33 AM randys123 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Dec 2008 Posts: 440
all i can say is I will be bitterly disappointed if I find out I am NOT one of the ones you were making fun of...lord knows I have given you enough ammunition life is short, dont sweat the small stuff
(where are the b for bold and all that stuff?) randys123 View Public Profile Send a private message to randys123 Find all posts by randys123 Add randys123 to Your Contacts #81 04-02-2009, 09:35 AM
Join Date: May 2008 Posts: 40 firecop5002 Member Member Geek
Well it goes to the heart of what I have known in my business for years. If you say it behind closed doors in today's world it can and will come back to haunt you. Nothing is breach free. Best just not to say it in the first place. I don't know who was involved or what was said or why. I hope I never see any of it. Lesson learned we all move forward. Dave firecop5002 View Public Profile Send a private message to firecop5002 Find all posts by firecop5002 Add firecop5002 to Your Contacts #82 04-02-2009, 09:39 AM Lunerdustbunnies Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Jan 2009 Location: Parkersburg, West Virginia Posts: 3,381 Real Name: Chris
Apology We all have to vent from time to time with people who understand our position. Time to move on. ChrisM from Parkersburg, WV __________________ Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength. And love your neighbor as your self. Have a great day fellow Geeks! Lunerdustbunnies View Public Profile Send a private message to Lunerdustbunnies
Find all posts by Lunerdustbunnies Add Lunerdustbunnies to Your Contacts #83 04-02-2009, 09:45 AM Watch Guido Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 5,676
It seems to me~ Forums unlike wine do not always improve with age, for many reasons I have recently gone from an active poster trying to share of my experience gleaned from many years in horology to an occasional response poster. I to have removed myself from another watch forum years ago due to deleterious experiences . With that said, while it is nice to have the camaraderie of people who share an interest in timepieces sometimes it is just not worth the on line aggravation that lasts well after steeping away from the CPU. In general, people are very nice here, I think going forward this forum will do well. Watch Guido View Public Profile Find all posts by Watch Guido Add Watch Guido to Your Contacts #84 04-02-2009, 09:46 AM mctheny88 Junior Member New Geek
no apology necessary we will overcome after all we are watch geeks mctheny88 View Public Profile Find all posts by mctheny88 Add mctheny88 to Your Contacts #85 04-02-2009, 09:47 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Surprise, AZ Posts: 18
ripple Member Member Geek
Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: Derby Ct Posts: 91 Real Name: Ed
I'm sure everyone alive has said something they may have regretted in private, but private is private I'm sure those who may be offended will get over it.
ed ripple View Public Profile Send a private message to ripple Find all posts by ripple Add ripple to Your Contacts #86 04-02-2009, 09:54 AM gekisai29 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Jun 2008 Posts: 201
all who are upset just chill. these guys have created a forum that is just fabulous. they are entitled to some slack as in any event i am quite sure no malice was intended. gekisai29 View Public Profile Send a private message to gekisai29 Find all posts by gekisai29 Add gekisai29 to Your Contacts #87 04-02-2009, 10:07 AM firstfrog Senior Member
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Posts: 208 Real Name: Marv
Senior Geek Breach
Honesty is always the best policy. Let's just move on, get the site updated and proceed as normal. firstfrog View Public Profile Send a private message to firstfrog Send email to firstfrog Find all posts by firstfrog Add firstfrog to Your Contacts #88 04-02-2009, 10:08 AM Join Date: Dec 2008 Posts: 134 hennesseystealth Senior Member Senior Geek
I haven't read all the posts but I hope you are getting legal assistance to issue cease and desist letters. 3rd party interference in business dealings is a civil offense and the use of electronic communications to issue threats is a criminal offense. If they are through the post, then it is a Federal criminal offense. hennesseystealth View Public Profile Send a private message to hennesseystealth Find all posts by hennesseystealth Add hennesseystealth to Your Contacts #89 04-02-2009, 10:25 AM admsyam Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 233
It happens at some point to every watch forum. let it go and move forward. I've been a member here for quite some time now. I even own my own site. at times, pms and emails do get posted from disgruntled members. we call them internet ninjas. lol most already know about the moderators board. Its the only place that the mods and admin can vent away from the board itself. privacy is expected when posting there. phpbb3 software is a open source, and has many flaws, like the breach you had. This is the 1st I heard of this happening here. It happened on my forum also. we just moved forward. We checked before about these types of events. Its the internet. no laws were broken, but you would think gentlemens rules would apply. Not all people are mature. Hope you guys can let this one go. You have a great forum. ps. If you need help with setting up a seperate permissions area that will isolate the mod board from any future events, send pm. theres a new software pack that addresses this issue. admsyam View Public Profile Send a private message to admsyam Send email to admsyam Find all posts by admsyam Add admsyam to Your Contacts #90 04-02-2009, 10:34 AM
pacifichrono Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Sunny San Diego Posts: 258
Well, as of 8:30 a.m. PDT I haven't seen any mention whatsoever of these issues on the other forums. I hope that continues. Taking the high road pays dividends long term. __________________ Regards from Sunny San Diego......Tom pacifichrono View Public Profile Send a private message to pacifichrono Visit pacifichrono's homepage!
Find all posts by pacifichrono Add pacifichrono to Your Contacts #91 04-02-2009, 10:36 AM dietDrThunder Junior Member Member Geek
Join Date: Mar 2009 Posts: 29
Phhhht. Total non-issue. I know I'm new here, but I'm not new to forums in general, and I have moderated two very high traffic forums. There is a reason they call you the owner. It's because you own the place. It's your forum, it's not a Designated Free Speech zone, or a community property or whatever. If somebody doesn't like something that was said about them, they are free to go start their own forum and say whatever they like. The other side of the coin is this: if you're a mod and you said something about an individual of a personal nature that you wouldn't want to see the light of day, maybe it shouldn't have been posted to an Internet forum, private or otherwise. If you posted something that you're now embarassed about because it got out, it's your own fault. There is nothing private about the Internet...everyone should have that figured out by now. Great forum btw...keep it up, and don't sweat the small stuff. dietDrThunder View Public Profile Send a private message to dietDrThunder Find all posts by dietDrThunder Add dietDrThunder to Your Contacts #92 04-02-2009, 10:44 AM Seattle Senior Member Senior Geek
It will blow over, no worries. Seattle View Public Profile Find all posts by Seattle
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Add Seattle to Your Contacts #93 04-02-2009, 11:07 AM
watchbabeinseattle Junior Member New Geek
Join Date: Jan 2009 Location: Sammamish, WA Posts: 19 Real Name: Chris
Thanks for the heads-up. I'm sorry some a-hole found it necessary to "listen in" on your private conversations. I haven't seen anything, don't want to nor would I dignify it with a response. The people who did this should not be on the internet or in public for that matter if they want to be seen as perfect and brilliant as they think they are. You are entitled to your opinions. Anyway no problems here. If I don't want people to disagree with me I wont post it on a public forum. Keep up the good work. watchbabeinseattle View Public Profile Send a private message to watchbabeinseattle Find all posts by watchbabeinseattle Add watchbabeinseattle to Your Contacts #94 04-02-2009, 11:09 AM
bhar21 Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: Derry NH Posts: 4,081 Real Name: Bryan
Thanx everyone for doin a great job, gettin the site up and running! Awesome bhar21 View Public Profile Send a private message to bhar21 Find all posts by bhar21 Add bhar21 to Your Contacts
#95 04-02-2009, 11:12 AM
Furdog Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Missouri Posts: 1,242 Real Name: Aaron
Quote: Originally Posted by pacifichrono Well, as of 8:30 a.m. PDT I haven't seen any mention whatsoever of these issues on the other forums. I hope that continues. Taking the high road pays dividends long term. Good news Tom. How about posting up some vintage eye candy for us to enjoy while we wait to see if the stuff flies! ;-) __________________
Let Greg Pitch - Facebook Link Furdog View Public Profile Send a private message to Furdog Visit Furdog's homepage! Find all posts by Furdog Add Furdog to Your Contacts #96 04-02-2009, 11:17 AM randys123 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Dec 2008 Posts: 440
One note on this, as an admin of a political forum I find those who I work with who are the most negative about members are folks with issues themselves. Not a sin to admit that or work on that, isnt that what life is all about anyway? If I don't learn something today then I didn't have a productive day...Peace out. randys123 View Public Profile Send a private message to randys123 Find all posts by randys123 Add randys123 to Your Contacts #97 04-02-2009, 11:32 AM
DiverFan Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Rockland Cty, New York Posts: 1,869 Real Name: Gerald(Jerry)
Michael, We who love this Forum will continue to supprot it, and also, you Administrators and Moderators. It may be a good idea to set up an e mail address separate from the Forum, where the administrators and moderators can communicate more securely. Something like group instant messaging may work. Let's just move forward and put this behind us! Take care, Gerald DiverFan View Public Profile Send a private message to DiverFan Find all posts by DiverFan Add DiverFan to Your Contacts #98 04-02-2009, 11:41 AM
timeseeker WatchGeeks Moderator Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 2,336
WOW!! You guys have shown me what I knew along....We have first class membership!!! No wonder we are the fastest growing forum on the planet!! Thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your understanding, patience and loyalty!! __________________ I collect watches.... It's my thing... it's what I do. timeseeker View Public Profile Send a private message to timeseeker Send email to timeseeker Find all posts by timeseeker Add timeseeker to Your Contacts #99 04-02-2009, 11:56 AM kenv Member Member Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Posts: 32
Quote: Originally Posted by llnot4u Well I'm glad that I have not seen any of this stuff. I don't want to either....I'm just sorry with what ever you are going to have to deal with Mike.. Ditto! kenv View Public Profile Send a private message to kenv Find all posts by kenv Add kenv to Your Contacts #100 04-02-2009, 11:59 AM
SWISSATELIER Member Member Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Gateway To The East (close to St. Louis) Posts: 52 Real Name: Q.
Pet Peeve I joined because I love, and design watches, and I appreciate people such as Jim Skelton. I really think that is worth repeating, and I will. I joined because I love, and design watches, and I appreciate people such as Jim Skelton. Now as for speaking political correctness, or a police state, or childish rants. Life is to just too short. I know since I just lost one of man's best friends, my pet, just yesterday. dnbelles Junior Member New Geek
Join Date: Jan 2009 Posts: 5
G'day guys & gals. Two things impressed me as I read the posts. First, there seems to be general outpouring of support, regardless of what was said in "private". Must be we've all said things that we wouldn't want repeated. AND we recognize that the net contains things about us that we're glad are not posted. Second, it's time to live, learn, and get on with it. B4 there was a net, as a vocational instructor I said and taught some leading edge stuff. I got nailed for it in a couple of professional organizations. Years later many of the people that had created the problem came back and apologized for their behavior. Also they realized that what I had said and taught was legit and they felt badly for what they had done, out of ignorance. I realize this is not quite the same, but the principle is. Angry and confused people see things through their own prism regardless of the reality. If they can develop leverage to remove the pain from themselves and distract themselves they will. Let it go, you've prepared us for a POTENTIAL incident. That's all you can do. Thanks for doing what's good for everyone and the site. god bless you for trying to help us don BTW: based on some interpretations of quantum physics here is a goal. And the cares of tomorrow can wait, cause they're already done. dnbelles View Public Profile
Send a private message to dnbelles Find all posts by dnbelles Add dnbelles to Your Contacts #102 04-02-2009, 12:47 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 17 fg42man Junior Member New Geek
Yes I don't post here a lot but i am reminded of something I learned loooonnnng ago....If you write something down about someone that you wouldn't say to their face...don't EVER do it. It's that simple. fg42man View Public Profile Send a private message to fg42man Find all posts by fg42man Add fg42man to Your Contacts #103 04-02-2009, 12:47 PM VetteFreak Member Member Geek
Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: New Jersey Posts: 67 Real Name: Ken
Important Message Lighten up guys! This is suppose to be fun. I'm brand new to the WatchGeeks, a couple of weeks. As one of the guys said, "this ain't nothing like real life"! People are getting shot on the street, the economy is trashed, this is nothing. I don't know what was said either but I'm sure we'll all live through this. Let's get back to talking watches. VetteFreak View Public Profile Send a private message to VetteFreak Find all posts by VetteFreak
Add VetteFreak to Your Contacts #104 04-02-2009, 12:50 PM Solar Power Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Central Florida Posts: 1,051 Real Name: Jack
Michael's Poker Playing Smiley Just like this situation....Protect your hand or raise, pre-flop, on the big blind. Your Smiley needs sunglasses, it looks like he is bluffing by continuously betting like that. You, Jim, and Bruce are awesome and we appreciate your "time" and hard work ! __________________
"If you see me at the airport, please don't say Hi to me" Solar Power View Public Profile Send a private message to Solar Power Send email to Solar Power Find all posts by Solar Power Add Solar Power to Your Contacts #105 04-02-2009, 12:55 PM
CharlieB Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: On the Puget Sound, WA Posts: 13,347 Real Name: Charlie
Quote: Originally Posted by delo149 I suck, you suck, we all suck.......at least I'm not paying to get trashed. Who cares.......by the way the new site rocks. It's really helped control my drinking problem now that I don't have all that time between getting logged off and back on again. Yo guys rock!u
CharlieB View Public Profile Send a private message to CharlieB Find all posts by CharlieB Add CharlieB to Your Contacts #106 04-02-2009, 01:03 PM
coolbreez Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: St Louis Metro area Posts: 6,212
I just can't believe you said those "things" about me. I know my head is too big for my body, but I can't help that. LOL __________________ Dale aka Big Poppa
coolbreez View Public Profile Send a private message to coolbreez Find all posts by coolbreez Add coolbreez to Your Contacts #107 04-02-2009, 01:23 PM
Dreampod9 Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: HYDE PARK, NY. Posts: 1,281 Real Name: Rod
This is a really nice place that I have barely discovered. I would very much hate to see it ruined by anyone! Gentlemen, may I suggest' "snail mail" its slow but less pi ratable! __________________
View Public Profile Send a private message to Dreampod9 Send email to Dreampod9 Find all posts by Dreampod9 Add Dreampod9 to Your Contacts #108 04-02-2009, 01:44 PM Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Parma,Ohio Posts: 227 Real Name: Terry
watchmen Senior Member Senior Geek Hang Tough
Jim,Bruce,Mike hang tough it's a sad thing right now but I think I can say for all of us watchgeeks that we are behind you and like all good watchgeeks we'll get thru this. Their is more good things that come from this forum than bad ones. As a somewhat new member I have learned so much about watches from Jim and the rest of the watchgeek members over the past year or so that I will NEVER lose my respect for any of you. Keep up the good work and remember "HANG TOUGH" Terry a.k.a watchmen. watchmen View Public Profile Send a private message to watchmen Find all posts by watchmen Add watchmen to Your Contacts #109 04-02-2009, 01:56 PM
srebo70 Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Antioch, IL Posts: 8,924 Real Name: Scott
One more clarification! No one has harrassed me, I was informed by someone that they obtained my contact information
because of the "break in". I call it that, because that is exactly what they did. No one has directly stated to me (I cannot speak for the others as I just got back on here) that my information is going to be used in any sort of manner. The indivdiual that contacted me and I have traded more messages (and yes, I do know you are on the forum) and told me that the personal information will NOT be used by him or any of his associates. Which I and everyone else affected, I'm sure, appreciate! The simple fact that it is out there and for whatever reason the person(s) that did this "break in" would even want to do that for is beyond me. I guess there is some truth in what I always say: "Just because you can, doesn't mean you SHOULD". __________________
Cars and watches, I sell one to buy the other!
srebo70 View Public Profile Send a private message to srebo70 Find all posts by srebo70 Add srebo70 to Your Contacts #110 04-02-2009, 02:05 PM Red Ryder Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Aug 2008 Location: southern Calif Posts: 10,679
Michael and all Thank you for bringing this up. It shows your integrity and sense of honor. I will not let some jerks affect my affection for this group. You folks need a place to "let it all hang out"......... Scott (screbo70)........You Cannot Quit. If you do, I'll send Bandit after you. But, if a day comes when wicked things are said about Ruthie ( lil miss) , have a friend pm me and I won't come online........(lol)..."when I am good I am very very good, and when I am bad I
am better..." lil miss Ruthie Red Ryder Red Ryder View Public Profile Send a private message to Red Ryder Send email to Red Ryder Find all posts by Red Ryder Add Red Ryder to Your Contacts #111 04-02-2009, 02:17 PM doublel Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Long Island, New York Posts: 4,481 Real Name: Larry
Michael: Thank you for letting us know. Don't worry about it. It is unfortunate that there are people out there that will gladly spread this stuff around. But we have the best forum on the web with great caring people. This too shall pass. __________________ Larry
Live Long and Prosper doublel View Public Profile Send a private message to doublel Send email to doublel Find all posts by doublel Add doublel to Your Contacts #112 04-02-2009, 02:21 PM
arglz007 Member Member Geek
Join Date: Oct 2008 Location: DEEP-SOUTH TEXAS Posts: 64
Quote: Originally Posted by kevm With all due respect to newgeek, how could they forsee it coming again? !! They didn't forsee it coming the first time.. Yes you are right it is serious, agreed. Yes they are right, we have all said things we regret behind (seemingly) closed doors. Yes most of the comments are right. These guys do a great job in a great forum and I do not expect that to change. I have gotten a wealth of excellent information here on the hobby. Of course you will do whatever you can to minimize the effects an move on. Thanks for being so up front. regards POINT TAKEN… My real concern though, was just loosing this great think we have called watchgeeks.net. I just believe we need to protect our community. Right? Also I could careless what anyone would say about me because I know that most of us say things we really don’t mean or over do it sometimes. Why ? Well, because we’re guys. Am I right? Thanks for pointing it out. I did not mean sound like an ass or the inspector of the obvious. Thanks again. arglz007 View Public Profile Send a private message to arglz007
Find all posts by arglz007 Add arglz007 to Your Contacts #113 04-02-2009, 02:32 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 99 garwal Member Member Geek
Moving On The only secrets are those you hold in your heart and never dare to cross your lips. If you speak it or write it you have exposed it to the entire world at some point. There is nothing to fear here. You have done a great job with WG and have much to be proud of. Take it from one that has put in his time building a web community, and no where near the success you have had. While I do not always agree with everything said in any public forum that is just what makes it a good forum. Also I love the new look, nice fresh , clean . In from the dark and on to the light. Well done WG friends. Gary garwal View Public Profile Send a private message to garwal Find all posts by garwal Add garwal to Your Contacts #114 04-02-2009, 03:04 PM DocKlock Member Member Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 96
It's a watch forum I agree with MOJO8 about it being a WATCH FORUM. The information contained in this Forum is not the combination to Fort Knox. It's too bad some people can make a mountain out of a grain of sand. Get a life!!!!! You guys do a fantastic job and I (we) appreciate it. keep up the good work!!! __________________
___________________________________________ "I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken!!" DocKlock View Public Profile Send a private message to DocKlock Find all posts by DocKlock Add DocKlock to Your Contacts #115 04-02-2009, 03:21 PM cali kid Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: monterey county, CA. Posts: 3,283
cali kid View Public Profile Find all posts by cali kid Add cali kid to Your Contacts #116 04-02-2009, 03:36 PM
sportyjet Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Little Elm, TX Posts: 927
That is ok. We still love watchgeeks. I am just glad everything is back to normal. No love lost here. Just keep up the good work. sportyjet View Public Profile Send a private message to sportyjet Find all posts by sportyjet Add sportyjet to Your Contacts #117 04-02-2009, 03:51 PM seattle09 Member Member Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 34
IT WORKS!! To the "bosses": The new site and software works perfectly, and congratulations. Being a "Mac" user, here in Seattle, the home of Microsoft, it was difficult, especially being new to WG's. You guys are to be commended on making the site so easy and fast to use. I'm in..... Thanks, Seattle09 seattle09
View Public Profile Send a private message to seattle09 Find all posts by seattle09 Add seattle09 to Your Contacts #118 04-02-2009, 03:53 PM Lenny K Junior Member New Geek
Join Date: Jan 2009 Posts: 3
How can i help? + 1 suggestion I'm sorry that the breach occurred. While not directly affected by the breach, I offer my services to Watch Geeks, in any manner deemed fit by the Mod & Admin. I'm grateful to all the leaders, and hope that "WATCH GEEKS," continues to be a going concern. I suggest that the leadership deatch the Moderator's/Admin Forums from this website. Both Moderators' & Admin's Forums may be better served by simply setting up new e-mail accounts, with extremely limited circulation of the new addresses. All in charge could discuss & vent, with minimum probablity of Security Breaches. On 2nd thought, an Admin forum may be necessary to provide guidance to newcomers, and answer questions from established members. The Admin Forum would be strictly limited to info directly related to the site, and nothing else. HANG IN THERE MY FRIENDS, Lenny K Lenny K View Public Profile Send a private message to Lenny K Find all posts by Lenny K Add Lenny K to Your Contacts #119 04-02-2009, 04:11 PM Tex 46mm Junior Member New Geek Sorry to hear that, but Glad to hear from you As you may guess from my handle, I'm from Texas. Dallas to be specific. I don't know if you are aware of what has happened in my fair burg. Jewelry TV has purchased the Time Warner Cable channel ShopNBC used to broadcast on !
Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 5
The Horror !!!!!!! It's true, I can NO LONGER "watch" ShopNBC for my ADDICTION to watches. ShopNBC did not get moved to another channel (per Time Warner) , the were simply replaced. Please advise me on how to get my "fix" ! On another note, I tried to express this on Watchgeeks. Every time I try to send an email or participate in a contest, I get Logged Off ! Any help resolving either or both issues would be Great !!! Sincerely, Tex 46mm Tex 46mm View Public Profile Send a private message to Tex 46mm Find all posts by Tex 46mm Add Tex 46mm to Your Contacts #120 04-02-2009, 04:14 PM Benny B Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Posts: 643
MEIJIN Michael, I wanted you too know I appreciate everything You Guys have done for this site. You have made it a Fun Place too come, and share, make friends and Show Off Our Wonderful Watches, since I have been a member, I have learned, about taking good pictures, how too Size Watch Bands, all about watch movements,and Met Many Friends. I would say that is a Totally Positive Experience! And i learn something New Almost EveryWeek! Thanks for Creating this Site!
Benny B
Steve Hamilton Benny B View Public Profile Send a private message to Benny B Send email to Benny B Find all posts by Benny B Add Benny B to Your Contacts #121 04-02-2009, 04:15 PM NoPinkPlease Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Killington, Vermont Posts: 714
Quote: Originally Posted by srebo70 For NoPinkPLease - the reasons for these areas is so that everyone on the team have a place to discuss ideas, issues and make answers to questions for everyone on the admin team. To do that through email would be very tedious, as in some cases we have to reference actual threads. I hear you, Srebo. Makes sense. I hope it all works out for you. NoPinkPlease View Public Profile Send a private message to NoPinkPlease Send email to NoPinkPlease Find all posts by NoPinkPlease Add NoPinkPlease to Your Contacts
#122 04-02-2009, 04:17 PM watchcollector1968 Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: Tulsa Posts: 1,231
Well, I have been a moderator at another forum at one time. We also had a private section and some things were said that were not meant for the public. It was discussing forum business and sometimes blowing off steam. These people who are exploiting the mistakenly opened mod forum can use any excuse they want (oh gee, its public now) but using the info they found is wrong. Kind of like your house, just because you accidentally leave the door open does not give somebody the right to come in and pilfer your stuff...their own morals should dictate "this is wrong". Anyways, I think Watchgeeks will be just fine and still the place that Kristie and I love to hang out at. watchcollector1968 View Public Profile Find all posts by watchcollector1968 Add watchcollector1968 to Your Contacts #123 04-02-2009, 04:18 PM
merichar Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Quote: Originally Posted by srebo70 One more clarification!
"Just because you can, doesn't mean you SHOULD".
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Northwest Oregon Posts: 2,877 Real Name: Mark
It will be interesting to see how this turns out. I have seen a small sampling of the threads, and let me just say, I'm pretty disappointed in some of the comments made. It would seem the mods/owners would have been well served by following this advice also. __________________ Mark merichar View Public Profile Send a private message to merichar Find all posts by merichar Add merichar to Your Contacts #124 04-02-2009, 04:25 PM
HondaLover Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina Posts: 2,697 Real Name: John
Quote: Originally Posted by merichar It will be interesting to see how this turns out. I have seen a small sampling of the threads, and let me just say, I'm pretty disappointed in some of the comments made. It would seem the mods/owners would have been well served by following this advice also. And where did you see "a small sampling of the threads"? HondaLover View Public Profile Send a private message to HondaLover Find all posts by HondaLover Add HondaLover to Your Contacts #125 04-02-2009, 04:34 PM
merichar Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Northwest Oregon Posts: 2,877 Real Name: Mark
Quote: Originally Posted by HondaLover And where did you see "a small sampling of the threads"? I'm not going to say, because I have no intention of furthering anyones "cause". Its been mentioned that all could be explained by "context" and that does'nt justify it in my opinion. __________________ Mark Join Date: Jan 2009 Posts: 1
JFC Junior Member New Geek It is what it is!
Jim, An old saying from my grandfather, it is what it is, nothing more. Do not be concerned for the future, the future will take care of itself. Great Job, all of you. Regards, JFC JFC View Public Profile Send a private message to JFC Find all posts by JFC Add JFC to Your Contacts #127 04-02-2009, 04:44 PM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
Context is only a small part of the entire situation. Some things just simply should not have been said period. __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces! meijin View Public Profile Send a private message to meijin Find all posts by meijin Add meijin to Your Contacts #128 04-02-2009, 05:00 PM nu2thegaim Junior Member New Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 2
much appreciation! I sincerely hope this glitch has no impact on the founders or moderators who use watches and/or Orology as a livelihood. You folks dedicate so much time to this forum. Although not as active as I'd like, I do appreciate this forum. All the best to each and everyone of you! Nu2thegaim nu2thegaim View Public Profile Send a private message to nu2thegaim Find all posts by nu2thegaim Add nu2thegaim to Your Contacts #129
04-02-2009, 05:07 PM Watch_Crazy Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 2,821
Okay, I don't often do this, but, this one time, I'm going to become 'who I used to be'; i.e., quite serious and frank! First of all, after RE-reading this thread, I need to say that it would be a good idea for ALL of us to 'stand way back' and take a GOOD look at the BIG picture! ________________________________________________ Sure, I understand the concern that some have expressed about so-called 'private' information being divulged, but I HAVE to say that, these days, there is VERY little information that remains 'private!' Honestly - the BEST you can hope for is that your SS No. and DoB remain 'off the internet', but, I'm sad to report that - for a few bucks - it MAY be possible for someone to obtain at least your DoB - along with your home address, phone no., and marital status as well as certain financial 'historical' data such as liens filed against you, etc. And - AND! - IF anyone is NOT happy that this sad state of affairs has finally 'come to fruition', may I strongly suggest that they at least investigate and, hopefully, support an organization called EPIC.ORG Honestly, EVERY citizen of the good ol' USofA would be well served to spend some time on this website! ________________________________________________ Regardless, How? ... HOW? - you may ask - could someone obtain ALL this so-called 'private information' IF they didn't know your name? Well, they could start by 'tracing' your IP, OR 'exploiting' your DNS cache (with. for example, 'Cascading Style Sheets') OR even launching a 'Pfishing' attack against you - and go from there! With enough persistence and dastardly imagination, anyone can really 'get a handle' on the REAL you! ... so, trust me, ... 
... you' would TRULY be amazed (and frightened) at how 'creative' someone with GREAT determination and technical prowess can really be! ...
________________________________________________ As Justice Louis Brandeis once said, "I fear that what is now whispered in private will some day be shouted from the rooftops!" FWIW, I'd be willing to bet better than even odds that
whatever was stated amongst the mods and owners about whomever/whenever was certainly MUCH less than what a determined 'date miner' could obtain with some persistence and the willingness to spend a few bucks to get it! And - AND! - if someone take ANY 'umbrage' about any 'personal dispersions' that may have been cast their way, they need to 'get a life' - we ALL get frustrated and PO'd sometimes and say stuff that we regret later! I say 'fahgetta'bowit' - we're family and family forgives! ________________________________________________ There, I'm done - and, now, I'll return you ALL back to the old, cushy/comfy, 'Crazy Larry' that you're used to! ... I think! ... I hope! ... TTFN! __________________ HI! - I'm Larry & I'm Wacky About Watches -
‌ So, You Can Also Call Me ‌ 'Crazy LARRY' Last edited by Watch_Crazy; 04-02-2009 at 05:58 PM. Watch_Crazy View Public Profile Send a private message to Watch_Crazy Find all posts by Watch_Crazy Add Watch_Crazy to Your Contacts #130 04-02-2009, 05:09 PM
borderchino Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: So. California Posts: 855
Management Staff in any business, organization, etc have 'closed door' meetings to discuss company business and employees(forum members and thread content in this case). How else can you keep the Forum clean. It's the nature of our society and the right of the Staff. Do you think our nation's leaders go behind closed doors to knit and drink koolaid? Michael, don't sweat it, the new Forum look is great and keep up the good work. Just happy to be here. __________________
Protect Our Nation's Borders borderchino View Public Profile Send a private message to borderchino Find all posts by borderchino Add borderchino to Your Contacts #131 04-02-2009, 05:38 PM
kswatchgeek Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Kansas Posts: 3,824 Real Name: Shirlene
Thanks for putting everything in the open. I have no problems with anything and if anything slips through I will take with a GOS. __________________ Shirlene Yes, If you lick it, you can keep it! ~The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. - Robert Bloch ~
kswatchgeek View Public Profile Send a private message to kswatchgeek Find all posts by kswatchgeek Add kswatchgeek to Your Contacts #132 04-02-2009, 05:41 PM Ditchdoc Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Georgia Posts: 1,310 Real Name: Ken
Most unfortunate. I have not looked for nor do I want to see this privliged information. I think it would be difficult for even the most understanding person (no matter what most say) to read raw, derogitory posts about themselves which was said behind what was thought to be a closed door and not feel at least slightly different about the forum. I certianly hope we don't lose anyone over this breech. I do have a higher degree of respect for the admin. team for confronting this head on and not simply ignoring it hoping it would not be discovered. Michael made no excuses and the team has accepted responsibility for what was said. You can't ask anymore of a person. Coming out first and honest should not be underestimated. This is a privately held forum and the owners can boot anyone they want to for whatever reason To my knowlege we have only lost 2 members since I have been a part of watchgeeks.net and both for apparently legitimate reasons. So whatever was said behind closed doors, blowing off steam or whatever, they were at least fair, followed their own rules and allowed these members to continue being part of the forum and did not say these things in an open forum. PM or email may have been a more secure route to go with these type of communications but it's not as instant or convenient as a thread. Bottom Line: Everybody here is human (well I'm not sure about Duff). I know I've said things in the past that I wish I had back. We put it behind us and move on. If Ditchdoc got slammed, I'm a big boy and I can handle it. Honestly, I hope I never find out because I love the way I feel about this forum and I don't want that to change not even a little bit. Thanks for taking the time to post this Michael after a tough upgrade.
__________________ Ken If I'm ever killed in an accident......I hope I'm wearing a decent watch.
Ditchdoc View Public Profile Send a private message to Ditchdoc Send email to Ditchdoc Find all posts by Ditchdoc Add Ditchdoc to Your Contacts #133 04-02-2009, 05:52 PM russ gop Junior Member New Geek
Join Date: Jan 2009 Posts: 6
Not life or death As someone has said on this forum: "It's not life or death, it's only watches". Keep it in perspective. Gee Mike, I guess you must get paid lots to run this forum. lol. Hang in there. russ gop russ gop View Public Profile Send a private message to russ gop Find all posts by russ gop Add russ gop to Your Contacts #134 04-02-2009, 06:07 PM
Genezilla Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Sunny Southern Cali Posts: 2,931 Real Name: Gene
YEEOUCH! I appreciate your honesty regarding this issue as I had not seen or read any of the information. Unfortunately there are people in this world with ill intent towards others. Remember, payback is a *****! Oops, can I say that? I will continue to be a member and the new forum is awesome! Genezilla Genezilla View Public Profile Send a private message to Genezilla Find all posts by Genezilla Add Genezilla to Your Contacts #135 04-02-2009, 06:15 PM cali kid Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: monterey county, CA. Posts: 3,283
Lets all remember that the members as a whole are what makes this place great! Not the owners, admin or mods but the membership as a whole! that being said there were some awful things said about some very active and loved members! Whether blowing off steam or not it was plain wrong and i sure hope that it doesnt all come out because not everyone will feel like they do now! Hopefully the people behind the scene will think twice now before they send their private messages! We've got this great new site and i hope that all will be forgiven but time will only tell whether thats possible! __________________
Trevor cali kid View Public Profile Find all posts by cali kid Add cali kid to Your Contacts #136 04-02-2009, 06:18 PM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
Quote: Originally Posted by cali kid Lets all remember that the members as a whole are what makes this place great! Not the owners, admin or mods but the membership as a whole! that being said there were some awful things said about some very active and loved members! Whether blowing off steam or not it was plain wrong and i sure hope that it doesnt all come out because not everyone will feel like they do now! Hopefully the people behind the scene will think twice now before they send their private messages! We've got this great new site and i hope that all will be forgiven but time will only tell whether thats possible! You are quite right...things were said that should not have been and that is why we made this post and then sent out over 7,000 direct emails to let folks know that we do apologize for improper things that were said. We can't take back what was done, but hopefully we can move forward. __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces! meijin View Public Profile Send a private message to meijin Find all posts by meijin Add meijin to Your Contacts #137 04-02-2009, 06:20 PM
HondaLover Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina Posts: 2,697 Real Name: John
Ya know, I've been on other forums, and have seen some of the members here that shifted alliances trashed (in the other board's public forums). I can only imagine what the mods and owner(s) of those other forums posted in "private". I bet it was ugly. It cuts both ways. Live and learn, treat others like you want to be treated yourself. We can all learn from this, hopefully. Keep the faith, John HondaLover View Public Profile Send a private message to HondaLover
Find all posts by HondaLover Add HondaLover to Your Contacts #138 04-02-2009, 06:38 PM
heronmark Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Beautiful Gulfcoast of Florida Posts: 1,766 Real Name: Patrick
I'm not worried about anything you could've posted about me. Unless, of course, you got ahold of that photo of me involving a poodle, a prodigious amount of whipped cream, and an ill-fitting tutu. In that case, I can explain.... __________________
heronmark View Public Profile Send a private message to heronmark Send email to heronmark Find all posts by heronmark Add heronmark to Your Contacts #139 04-02-2009, 06:46 PM
CharlieB Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: On the Puget Sound, WA Posts: 13,347 Real Name: Charlie
Quote: Originally Posted by heronmark I'm not worried about anything you could've posted about me. Unless, of course, you got ahold of that photo of me involving a poodle, a prodigious amount of whipped cream, and an illfitting tutu. In that case, I can explain....
CharlieB View Public Profile Send a private message to CharlieB Find all posts by CharlieB Add CharlieB to Your Contacts #140 04-02-2009, 07:03 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 549 abazaba Senior Member Veteran Geek
To all owners, moderators, and members This is an awsome forum to come and spend some time, learn a little, share a little, vent a little. As far as I am concerend this place still awsome, even better now. I hope it stays the same. Thanks to all.
No sweat. __________________ ----Abe ----Destiny has two ways of crushing us. by refusing our wishes and by fulfilling them. abazaba View Public Profile Send a private message to abazaba Find all posts by abazaba Add abazaba to Your Contacts #141 04-02-2009, 07:04 PM Join Date: Apr 2008 Posts: 7 BoxMaker Junior Member New Geek
Not to worry Michael was up front and out in front with this issue. Stuff happens. This is a great forum and I intend to be here a long time. I venture to say that this will liven things up for awhile. BoxMaker View Public Profile Send a private message to BoxMaker Find all posts by BoxMaker Add BoxMaker to Your Contacts #142 04-02-2009, 07:08 PM slylcy Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Milwaukee,wi Posts: 960 Real Name: christine
I knew you guys never liked me and now I know for sure, lol, just kidding sorry this happened, this is bad,really bad,they have no right to contact ,or call private home of the staff here, call the police, i would if I could. christine __________________ Sincerely Christine slylcy View Public Profile Send a private message to slylcy Send email to slylcy Find all posts by slylcy Add slylcy to Your Contacts #143 04-02-2009, 07:46 PM livefortoday Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Jan 2009 Location: Needham, Ma. (from Dallas, Tx.) Posts: 1,508 Real Name: Mike
Like BigJoe said, No Apology Necessary. "And this too will pass" Mikey livefortoday View Public Profile Send a private message to livefortoday Find all posts by livefortoday Add livefortoday to Your Contacts #144 04-02-2009, 08:06 PM
Jerseyruss Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: morris county, NJ Posts: 1,711
Sorry to hear that any of this had happened, you guys put in alot of time for this forum to be as good as it is. I sure hope everything comes out well in the end. I personally will be praying for ya all. Russ Jerseyruss View Public Profile Send a private message to Jerseyruss Find all posts by Jerseyruss Add Jerseyruss to Your Contacts #145 04-02-2009, 08:08 PM Join Date: Oct 2008 Posts: 933 RGILLER Senior Member Veteran Geek
Thanks for the information. The WatchGeek community will get through this. Hang in there and we all will get through this......................Roy __________________ God Bless the USA RGILLER View Public Profile Send a private message to RGILLER Find all posts by RGILLER Add RGILLER to Your Contacts
#146 04-02-2009, 08:40 PM
duke3940 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Pittsburgh Posts: 218 Real Name: James
Sticks and stones "whatever" My friends and I have a saying" if one of us is absent from an even then we are open game to those that are" We joke about it and we are big guys and don't worry about what might be said about any of us in our absence. I know this is not the Owners Objective , but it doesn't bother me. I expect to be slammed , smacked , or what ever if I tick someone off. I try not to but it could happen. I would rather buy watches, and be a member of Watch Geeks than worry if someone jagged me off for some reason. Hey Jim this is James from Pgh (wheaty3940) I'm taking names if you dissed me. LOL.... We all may vent and May pile on sometimes. That would **** anyone off. So No Biggie. My dog just wretched on my new carpet. That I will worry about __________________ I'd rather be a sheep herder than a sheep. Learned that TIME above ground is good TIME. Last edited by Arktander; 04-02-2009 at 10:13 PM. duke3940 View Public Profile Send a private message to duke3940 Find all posts by duke3940 Add duke3940 to Your Contacts #147 04-02-2009, 08:43 PM la_mark Member Member Geek Geeks Unite! Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. No prob, my friends. That's life on the www. la_mark View Public Profile
Join Date: Apr 2008 Posts: 57
Send a private message to la_mark Find all posts by la_mark Add la_mark to Your Contacts #148 04-02-2009, 08:53 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 495
markdl Senior Member Senior Geek
I'm late to the party! Sorry to hear about whatever it was that happened. Is this how the forum will look from now on or is this temporary? markdl View Public Profile Send a private message to markdl Find all posts by markdl Add markdl to Your Contacts #149 04-02-2009, 09:04 PM
StreetBoss Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Gladstone,Oregon Posts: 442 Real Name: Kevin
Michael, I cant imagine what might have ben said that would put the owners and mods in a position to apologize to the members. I for one appreciate being a member of this forum and understand that we can all be a pain in the rear end sometimes. some more than others. I also apprecaitre all of the work that you do a s a group to run this forum. This thing will pass ans people proably need to not take themselves so seriuosly. Watches are fun not work or drama. JMHO Kevin StreetBoss
View Public Profile Send a private message to StreetBoss Find all posts by StreetBoss Add StreetBoss to Your Contacts #150 04-02-2009, 09:22 PM Herbie13 Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 743 Real Name: Skip
Just read about this for the first time. I haven't seen anything and personally will disregard it if I do (after letting you know). I enjoy this group and have learned a lot here. No idea what the person or persons hope to gain, but it won't be anything from me. Grow up! Keep up the good work and thanks for the heads up. All the best... Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 281 VEV 1138 Member Senior Geek
sorry to hear about this... Kind of like Jesse Jackson with the open mike... not meant for public consumption, but someone for sure was going to make it public. if it is any consolation, I like the new forum layout. It's easier to navigate and the new logo is well designed. __________________ The Watch Komrade russia2all.com and detentewatches.com VEV 1138 View Public Profile Send a private message to VEV 1138 Find all posts by VEV 1138
Add VEV 1138 to Your Contacts #152 04-02-2009, 10:11 PM
drigby Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: cali Posts: 802 Real Name: daniel
mejin hey we geeks dont sweat the small stuff and thank you for your work on this site it is fun agian and we owe you the thanks so all geeks we dont sweat the small stuff coments are made every day that no one wants heard or shared with others we truly understand __________________ watches i love all have blue screws and red jewels drigby View Public Profile Send a private message to drigby Send email to drigby Find all posts by drigby Add drigby to Your Contacts #153 04-02-2009, 10:16 PM
barskin Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: Boston, MA Posts: 1,896 Real Name: Barbara (Hey, guess what? I'm using my real name as my real name!)
Quote: Originally Posted by meijin Context is only a small part of the entire situation. Some things just simply should not have been said period.
Okay, you are now officially driving me crazy! What did you say???
Nah, never mind. __________________ Proud member of the
Watch Lovin' Broads速
Time is on our side!
barskin View Public Profile Send a private message to barskin Find all posts by barskin Add barskin to Your Contacts #154 04-02-2009, 10:36 PM joguin Junior Member New Geek
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Redneckville Arkansas Posts: 19
???? It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all dought !!! Don't know who said that so I'll shut up now !! As for all this other -- no cares -- no worries !!! I GOT TIME 24/7 KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GUYS !!! LET'S SEE SOME NEW DOPE FOR US WATCH JUNKIES and KEEP TALKIN SMACK --- IT'S A FREE COUNTRY !!!! REDNECK FROM ARK joguin View Public Profile Send a private message to joguin Find all posts by joguin
Add joguin to Your Contacts #155 04-02-2009, 10:45 PM Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Orlando, Florida Posts: 1
Hoosierklutz Junior Member New Geek
Thanks for the heads up and so sorry you even had to let us know that anything happened! It is a shame that adults can't be adults and keep the information "in house." I guess I just don't understand why some people feel such a need to take information that was clearly NOT meant for public consumption and instead of letting the Admins know about it, they pass it on to all and sundry (probably in a fit of pique.....). Oh well, I may not get here often, but I appreciate this site and believe it will weather this storm! Good luck! Last edited by Hoosierklutz; 04-02-2009 at 10:46 PM. Reason: mispelled word Hoosierklutz View Public Profile Send a private message to Hoosierklutz Find all posts by Hoosierklutz Add Hoosierklutz to Your Contacts #156 04-02-2009, 11:14 PM
CharlieB Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: On the Puget Sound, WA Posts: 13,347 Real Name: Charlie
Hey at least we got some lurkers coming out and showing the flag! Good for you guys, now stay a while and share your thoughts with us...we wanna hear from ya!
CharlieB View Public Profile Send a private message to CharlieB Find all posts by CharlieB Add CharlieB to Your Contacts #157 04-02-2009, 11:38 PM
Flyback Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Northern CA Posts: 21,892 Real Name: Brad
Quote: Originally Posted by The Horology Collector WOW... I cant believe what I am reading here! Back Door hidden message boards where the powers that be trash members and make fun of others, phantom accounts created to belittle people who are the life blood of this forum. While I do appreciate Mike for who he is, everything he does and getting out in front of this wildfire with a garden hose, personally I am very troubled by this. I feel sorry for those that were embarrassed. I thought that this was the place for watch lovers to unite and share their passion. As taken from the home page: "Unfortunately, some have posted elsewhere extremely negative and opinionated material in reference to certain brands and their broadcast marketing venues; this will NOT be tolerated at Watchgeeks. Specific problems and opinions are welcome, but piling on of negative comments, insulting or derogatory comments about vendors, hosts, brands and other members WILL NOT be allowed and will result in the offending posts being locked and/or deleted and repeatedly offending members being banned.
Additionally, off-topic subjects of a political, religious, sexual or generally contentious nature will have no place on Watchgeeks." Hmmm.... Guess there is a double standard here. Wondering if I joined the right forum?? You're welcome to your opinion whether supportive or not, but clearly understand that NO PHANTOM ACCOUNTS have ever been created on Watch Geeks. Furdog's reference to that practice was on another forum that he used to be associated with. __________________
If n = the number of watches you have, then n + 1 = the number of watches you need!
Flyback View Public Profile Send a private message to Flyback Find all posts by Flyback Add Flyback to Your Contacts #158 04-02-2009, 11:45 PM Smvans Junior Member New Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 1
No Apology Needed!! As most of the senior member's have so eloquently stated before me, there's no need to apologise for what we all do and have done as well as continue to do. It's simple human nature. And we should never apologise for being human. Keep up the great work. Good Luck Guys!! Smvans View Public Profile Send a private message to Smvans
Find all posts by Smvans Add Smvans to Your Contacts #159 04-02-2009, 11:53 PM
CharlieB Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: On the Puget Sound, WA Posts: 13,347 Real Name: Charlie
Quote: Originally Posted by The Horology Collector WOW... I cant believe what I am reading here! Back Door hidden message boards where the powers that be trash members and make fun of others, phantom accounts created to belittle people who are the life blood of this forum. While I do appreciate Mike for who he is, everything he does and getting out in front of this wildfire with a garden hose, personally I am very troubled by this. I feel sorry for those that were embarrassed. I thought that this was the place for watch lovers to unite and share their passion. As taken from the home page: "Unfortunately, some have posted elsewhere extremely negative and opinionated material in reference to certain brands and their broadcast marketing venues; this will NOT be tolerated at Watchgeeks. Specific problems and opinions are welcome, but piling on of negative comments, insulting or derogatory comments about vendors, hosts, brands and other members WILL NOT be allowed and will result in the offending posts being locked and/or deleted and repeatedly offending members being banned. Additionally, off-topic subjects of a political, religious, sexual or generally contentious nature will have no place on Watchgeeks." Hmmm.... Guess there is a double standard here. Wondering if I joined the right forum?? With 4 posts I wonder if you just joined with an agenda... Yes, of course there's a double standard here, what do you expect? People who run things usually go by a modified set of rules that enable them to effectively run things. That shouldn't be surprising to anyone. __________________
CharlieB View Public Profile Send a private message to CharlieB Find all posts by CharlieB Add CharlieB to Your Contacts #160 04-03-2009, 12:07 AM
davewrona Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Aug 2008 Location: State College, PA Posts: 179 Real Name: Dave Wrona
No Worries Horolgy Collector, maybe you should just leave before they throw you out. These guys put a great deal of time and money into this site and we pay NOTHING for the privelage of utilizing this site. Jim Skelton is a prankster, but, if you want watch advice- There is NONE BETTER! Scott, leaving, forget it. Yourself, Jim, Bruce, Nathan and others need each other more now than ever. Support one another and 99% of us Watch Geeks will support all of you to the bitter end, and don't worry about the minority remaining 1%, because they mean NOTHING! I am certain that all the watch vendors from ShopNBC will be right in your corner for much more than just moral support. With Eyal, Leor, David, Marianne, Wing, and likely even Daniel behind you, they don't stand a chance! If it were not for Jim and the rest of you, they would not be positioned in the marketplace as they are today! I purchased over 50 watches in the last year, and I give the majority of the credit for this to Jim Skelton. I am sure MANY others would agree. This new website is simply awesome! Keep up the great work! Relax and Chill! davewrona View Public Profile Send a private message to davewrona Send email to davewrona
Find all posts by davewrona Add davewrona to Your Contacts #161 04-03-2009, 01:00 AM
G.Curcio Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Sin City...Vegas! Posts: 3,312 Real Name: Gaetano
Forgiveness I don't know what was said, nor do I wish to find out. In difficult times I always feel some positive words can help, so he are a few I wish to share with all my brothers and sisteres here at WG's. This is all I will add to this topic now and in the future.
When you are offended at any man's fault, turn to yourself and study your own failings. Then you will forget your anger. ~ Epictetus ~
The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world. ~ Marianne Williamson ~
The act of forgiveness is the act of returning to present time. And that's why when one has become a forgiving person, and has managed to let go of the past, what they've really done is they've shifted their relationship with time. ~ Caroline Myss ~
He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love.
~ Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) ~
Let he without sin cast the first stone. ~New Testament~
Fill your mind with compassion. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion ~The Dalai Lama~ G.Curcio View Public Profile Send a private message to G.Curcio Send email to G.Curcio Find all posts by G.Curcio Add G.Curcio to Your Contacts #162 04-03-2009, 01:07 AM
davewrona Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Aug 2008 Location: State College, PA Posts: 179 Real Name: Dave Wrona
The Horology Collector Quote: Originally Posted by The Horology Collector Aparently throwing out members that do not jump on the band wagon and choose to speak their mind is how it goes around here huh?? Thanks for the heads up... I'm not drinking the coolaid. I never said that the work that Jim, Bruce, and Mike put into this wonderful website was not appriciated now did I? No, your drinking something alot more potent than coolaid! Do us all a favor.....make like a tree.......and LEAVE!
davewrona View Public Profile Send a private message to davewrona Send email to davewrona Find all posts by davewrona Add davewrona to Your Contacts #163 04-03-2009, 01:07 AM
Flyback Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Northern CA Posts: 21,892 Real Name: Brad
Quote: Originally Posted by The Horology Collector Aparently throwing out members that do not jump on the band wagon and choose to speak their mind is how it goes around here huh?? Thanks for the heads up... I'm not drinking the coolaid. I never said that the work that Jim, Bruce, and Mike put into this wonderful website was not appriciated now did I? You've stated your opinion, albeit with some level of hyperbole, more than once now, which is completely acceptable. Taunting the other members isn't. __________________
If n = the number of watches you have, then n + 1 = the number of watches you need!
Flyback View Public Profile Send a private message to Flyback Find all posts by Flyback Add Flyback to Your Contacts #164 04-03-2009, 01:22 AM
Flyback Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Northern CA Posts: 21,892 Real Name: Brad
Quote: Originally Posted by The Horology Collector With all do respect I was not taunting anyone merely replying to posts that quoted me with my opinion. Now do I feel that I am unfairly being called out by several people for voicing my thoughts...Yes. With comments like, "Apparently they make you feel superior, as I have a life outside of my hobbies.", "Feeling a little guilty?? "You must be one of those insiders?", and references to drinking the coolaid (your spelling), that's hardly just voicing your thoughts. If you want to belong to and participate in our forum feel free to do so, if you want to throw stones and pick fights, you'll do better elsewhere. __________________
If n = the number of watches you have, then n + 1 = the number of watches you need!
Flyback View Public Profile Send a private message to Flyback Find all posts by Flyback Add Flyback to Your Contacts #165 04-03-2009, 01:23 AM
davewrona Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Aug 2008 Location: State College, PA Posts: 179 Real Name: Dave Wrona
LEAVE Quote: Originally Posted by The Horology Collector With all do respect I was not taunting anyone merely replying to posts that quoted me with my opinion. Now do I feel that I am unfairly being called out by several people for voicing my thoughts...Yes. Sha na na na hey hey hey............Goodbye! davewrona View Public Profile Send a private message to davewrona Send email to davewrona Find all posts by davewrona Add davewrona to Your Contacts #166 04-03-2009, 01:35 AM
CharlieB Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: On the Puget Sound, WA Posts: 13,347 Real Name: Charlie
Quote: Originally Posted by The Horology Collector Sounds like your on the D-Fence now huh? Feeling a little guilty?? You must be one of those insiders? Question me if you choose to. I joined this forum for one purpose only: HOROLOGY Not to play games and bulls**t around on the inter-webz. As you can see I signed up back in February so your guess is skewed on my agenda... ! Wrong again, I'm not an insider, just a geek. You came here for horology but your first posts you're blazing away with both barrels. How is it that you don't post since February about horology, your reason for being here, yet you are kicking @ss about this subject? Why is it that it takes this to get you to comment when horology is your interest and reason for being here? No, not skewed on your agenda. Your words, which reek with anger, speak volumes about your agenda. You're only hear for one reason, to stir the pot. You're not fooling anyone. __________________
CharlieB View Public Profile Send a private message to CharlieB Find all posts by CharlieB Add CharlieB to Your Contacts #167 04-03-2009, 01:40 AM
Magster Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Southern California Posts: 13,464
Being a member that loves this forum, I appreciate the owners, moderators, and admins that make this a fun "playground" for us. However, like any playground, words spoken can hurt some. It is unfortunate that the words had to be spoken in the first place. I'm hoping that the negative comments made about members were not just for the "fun" of those making them. I'm hoping that they were made in reaction to a specific situation/thread. That does not excuse them being said, but it does make it less hurtful, in my opinion. Afterall, if you enter into a heated discussion, at least you KNOW that you are open to being slammed. Since I do a LOT of long posts, and talk too much here, I'm sure that my name was tossed around the "private area". As long as it was in the context of something I said or did, I'm ok with the leaders of the forum kicking around my name in what they feel is a private area. One of the first things that impressed me, way back when this forum started, was the even, level headed responses that the moderators posted when a thread got heated. I did not know that they had the benefit of a place to discuss things with other forum leaders and/or blow of steam. Even now that I know this, I am still impressed with the way the forum leaders respond. I hope to NOT hear any of the negative comments made in the "private area". I would prefer to learn this information from those that said it directly. And, via email or PM, not posted for all to see. Quite a while ago I posted a thread that asked the experienced forum members to provide any "pet peeves" or improper forum issues that are not covered in the TOS, but irk others. The thread had a page of responses, and not much more. But, in creating that thread, I was showing that I would like to know if something I do offends or bothers someone else. I have sent a PM to another member to work out something that was taken wrong by me in a thead. I believe it is the best way to deal with issues. But, I don't run the place... I hope this all passes quickly... I appreciate all that the owners, mods, and admins have done to give us this forum. NOW, I appreciate it even more... Scott, please do not leave. You are an amazing man and I would miss you dearly... I need my AWM!
Magster View Public Profile Send a private message to Magster Find all posts by Magster Add Magster to Your Contacts #168 04-03-2009, 02:00 AM Red Ryder Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Aug 2008 Location: southern Calif Posts: 10,679
Ar first I took this was a grain of salt since we are all capable of saying mean things in private. I hope and pray that no one was hurt by any offhand remarks. As this problem moves forward, I am beginning to think some folks are hurt. There is a large quiet in certain parts of the forum now. Some folks are holding back. Heck, I got slammed in my Quest for the perfect lupah thread I began some days ago by Steve and Arktander today. I thought it was puerile....unworthy of both of them. snide remarks only show a lack of character. I laughed it off with a joke but I now have insight into abit of meaness. RedRyder We can do beter than this WGs Last edited by Red Ryder; 04-03-2009 at 02:06 AM. Red Ryder View Public Profile Send a private message to Red Ryder Send email to Red Ryder Find all posts by Red Ryder Add Red Ryder to Your Contacts #169
04-03-2009, 02:13 AM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,904 Sir Charles Senior Member Super Geek
Quote: Originally Posted by FlyBack With comments like, "Apparently they make you feel superior, as I have a life outside of my hobbies.", "Feeling a little guilty?? "You must be one of those insiders?", and references to drinking the coolaid (your spelling), that's hardly just voicing your thoughts. If you want to belong to and participate in our forum feel free to do so, if you want to throw stones and pick fights, you'll do better elsewhere. Horology Collector, your words and tone are very different from anyone else's I have ever heard on my months at this forum, you aren't fooling anyone, this is a strong community, and your tactics aren't going to work. __________________ If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. -- Albert Einstein URWERK UR-202 • Seiko Monster Sir Charles View Public Profile Send a private message to Sir Charles Find all posts by Sir Charles Add Sir Charles to Your Contacts #170 04-03-2009, 02:50 AM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
Well Horology Collector, at least your intentions are transparent and readily understood by all.
Is it Los Arbolitos or Pinyon? __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces! meijin View Public Profile Send a private message to meijin Find all posts by meijin Add meijin to Your Contacts #171 04-03-2009, 03:58 AM
wave3214 Senior Member True WatchGeek
don't go away mad,,,just go away __________________
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Tempe, suburb of Phoenix Posts: 20,366
wave3214 View Public Profile Send a private message to wave3214 Find all posts by wave3214 Add wave3214 to Your Contacts #172 04-03-2009, 07:31 AM Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Homestead, Fl. Posts: 561 Real Name: Barry
fauxguy Senior Member Veteran Geek Who Cares
I sure don't. Blow off as much steam as needed and bombs away on any of my posts (or me). Private should be private. Thanks for running a great forum guys. fauxguy View Public Profile Send email to fauxguy Find all posts by fauxguy Add fauxguy to Your Contacts #173 04-03-2009, 08:26 AM
PTAaron Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: Novi, MI Posts: 847 Real Name: Aaron
This is how problems start... people start speculating about what may have been said. People start thinking it must have been about them, and that the entire staff area of the site must be full of negative comments about everyone. I didn't see the posts - but I am sure this was not the case.
Every forum I have been on staff with has a "staff" area - a place is needed to share rules, discuss situations that arise, talk about plans for the site, etc. People get fed up from time to time and need to vent - and for the staff they have an area to do it. So what??? You have never come home from work and complained to your friends/family about someone or something? Never complained about someone or something to anyone else? It happens. The staff area serves an important purpose on all sites/forums - and venting is just a very small part of that purpose. Who cares who the comments were about! With 6000+ members there is a REALLY good chance it was NOT you! __________________ -Aaron My watch pictures: http://photobucket.com/AaronWatches PTAaron View Public Profile Send a private message to PTAaron Visit PTAaron's homepage! Find all posts by PTAaron Add PTAaron to Your Contacts #174 04-03-2009, 08:39 AM Skinny Member Member Geek
Join Date: Jan 2009 Posts: 47
Well I have recently gotten a promotion at work and am now the head of my department and all I can say is that I wish I had a lounge where I could go blow off some steam. I totally understand your situation and as a new member I totally appreciate you shedding light on the situation and to me it just makes this site that much better to be apart of. Hopefully others will sit back and count to ten before they react. Skinny View Public Profile Send a private message to Skinny Find all posts by Skinny Add Skinny to Your Contacts #175 04-03-2009, 11:25 AM bigjimzlll Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: Redding,CA
Posts: 1,658 Real Name: Jim
Super Geek
I saw the Admin page when the site first came back on. I did not investigate it however. Being a Mod and an Admin on a few sites I know what is said behind the scenes. I also didn't read al 8 pages of this thread, so if my comments are now out of place I appologize.
CharlieB Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: On the Puget Sound, WA Posts: 13,347 Real Name: Charlie
Quote: Originally Posted by Red Ryder all capable of saying mean things in private. I hope and pray that no one was hurt by any offhand remarks. As this problem moves forward, I am beginning to think some folks are hurt. There is a large quiet in certain parts of the forum now. Some folks are holding back. Heck, I got slammed in my Quest for the perfect lupah thread I began some days ago by Steve and Arktander today. I thought it was puerile....unworthy of both of them. snide remarks only show a lack of character. I laughed it off with a joke but I now have insight into abit of meaness. RedRyder We can do beter than this WGs I know I'm going to regret saying this Ruthie, but I do not believe your characterization of Steve and David's comments in that thread is at all accurate. I read what they said and saw no slam, nothing puerile or snide, no meaness whatsoever, certainly nothing that deserves your slam on their character. I know you are extremely sensitive to any posts that aren't 100% positive, but you just did to them what you dislike. Just my opinion, and I apologize for anything I said that may cause offense.
CharlieB View Public Profile Send a private message to CharlieB Find all posts by CharlieB Add CharlieB to Your Contacts #177 04-03-2009, 12:07 PM
Furdog Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Missouri Posts: 1,242 Real Name: Aaron
This isn't going to play out well at all. The people responsible for "exposing" this are no better themselves. It is the pot calling the kettle black. Oh to only enjoy ourselves and this hobby. . . . __________________
Let Greg Pitch - Facebook Link Furdog
View Public Profile Send a private message to Furdog Visit Furdog's homepage! Find all posts by Furdog Add Furdog to Your Contacts #178 04-03-2009, 12:18 PM cali kid Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: monterey county, CA. Posts: 3,283
I think the only way to stop this wildfire is to be proactive not reactive! Print the lounge pages here, take away the power these people are holding over you and let the chips fall where they may!! but what do i know! __________________
Trevor cali kid #179 04-03-2009, 12:18 PM koimaster Banned Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,976
Quote: Originally Posted by davewrona Sha na na na hey hey hey............Goodbye!
I was not going to say anything about this but with what I have read on this thread I am going to. As far as an agenda, I have read the posts that were in the cool kids forum. I will not publicly disclose them but more than an apology is needed to members of this forum. I was and still am disgusted by what I read. Comments made even in the "privacy" of the "cool kids" forum crossed the line. In fact some were so far over the line that I was flabbergasted. To be honest, I think that some should step down from their positions as mods and admin based on what I have read. That would be the honorable thing to do. Do I expect to get banned for doing this, sure and that is fine with me. I have already been banned as one in power said from several forums which include BDWF for calling an owner out for bashing a member and WTF for calling out the owner for comments made about my wife and her religion. I resigned from that one in fact and was banned after the fact. So lets see what happens here. Will people act with honor and do the right thing or will everyone act as if nothing happened? koimaster
#180 04-03-2009, 12:29 PM
jskelton WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Posts: 16,675 Real Name: "Diamond Jim" Skelton
Alain, no one would be banning you for speaking out. I know some of what was said concerning you, and I believe you are showing a great deal of restraint and tact through all of this. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the comments you witnessed. Mistakes were made, some more egregious than others. Some things should never have been posted. But then again, some should not peek into a ladies' room just because the door was mistakenly left open either. There are judgements of character on BOTH sides of this, and that is not to be forgotten.
As has been repeated here by those who have administered on other forums, "hidden" rooms for administration is absolutely commonplace, and posts made within there are not for public consumption for a number of reasons. As has also been mentioned, many members here have moderated for these other watch forums who wish to use this to 'kill' WG, and the same and far worse has been in THEIR hidden forums. Does that make any of this right? Of course not. But it just shows that old addage of people in glass houses is a proper one. I will comment more on this later when I am able to type more. __________________ Quote: Living well is the best revenge. -George Herbert Quote: Originally Posted by charleswatts Your candor in the explanation reveals the nature of the relationship you have formed with your viewers. jskelton
#181 04-03-2009, 12:35 PM
pacifichrono Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Sunny San Diego Posts: 258
Quote: Originally Posted by jskelton Alain, no one would be banning you for speaking out. I know some of what was said concerning you, and I believe you are showing a great deal of restraint and tact through all of
this. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the comments you witnessed. Mistakes were made, some more egregious than others. Some things should never have been posted. But then again, some should not peek into a ladies' room just because the door was mistakenly left open either. There are judgements of character on BOTH sides of this, and that is not to be forgotten. As has been repeated here by those who have administered on other forums, "hidden" rooms for administration is absolutely commonplace, and posts made within there are not for public consumption for a number of reasons. As has also been mentioned, many members here have moderated for these other watch forums who wish to use this to 'kill' WG, and the same and far worse has been in THEIR hidden forums. Does that make any of this right? Of course not. But it just shows that old addage of people in glass houses is a proper one. I will comment more on this later when I am able to type more. Hey Jim, good to see you somewhat back in the saddle. If it's any consolation, the only mention I have seen in other forums is one passing mention that garnered virtually no responses. I'm encouraged by that. __________________ Regards from Sunny San Diego......Tom pacifichrono View Public Profile Send a private message to pacifichrono Visit pacifichrono's homepage! Find all posts by pacifichrono Add pacifichrono to Your Contacts #182 04-03-2009, 12:41 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,904 Sir Charles Senior Member Super Geek
Quote: Originally Posted by cali kid I think the only way to stop this wildfire is to be proactive not reactive! Print the lounge pages here, take away the power these people are holding over you and let the chips fall where they may!! but what do i know! I tend to agree, but perhaps we ought to split the difference: (1) One way we can go is to continue along the current path with the "Nixon Tapes" and have everyone continue to wonder what the hell was said. Perhaps we can continue along this path a bit longer to see how it plays out, but it doesn't seem to be playing out very well. (2) A second way would be to print the lounge pages here. This would take away the power as suggested. There would then have to be a lot of explaining, but the chips would in fact fall and there are only a finite number of chips. (3) A third way would be to post some sort of an explanation of what had been said, e.g., "SoAndSo mentioned in no uncertain terms that he was sick and tired of Sir Charles posting enumerated lists." (4) A fourth way would be to PM the members that were talked about the actual posts concerning them. This would be with the request that the posts were not to be shared, but of course could be discussed, preferably privately. After every concerned member was PMed, there would be an announcement that if you haven't received a PM, then you were not specifically discussed. (5) A final way would be a combination of (3) and (4); (3) for the general stuff (the Cool Kidz posted they are sick of posts about whatever) and (4) for the member specific stuff. My vote? I'm split between (1) and (5). My vote? Hmmm. Should we put this up to a vote? That would really tick the pot stirrers up if we actually circled the wagons, voted on how to proceed, and solved this as a group. Thoughts? __________________ If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. -- Albert Einstein URWERK UR-202 • Seiko Monster Last edited by Sir Charles; 04-03-2009 at 01:11 PM. Sir Charles View Public Profile Send a private message to Sir Charles Find all posts by Sir Charles
Add Sir Charles to Your Contacts #183 04-03-2009, 12:47 PM
Furdog Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Missouri Posts: 1,242 Real Name: Aaron
Tom. . . I also saw the mention, I think it is the same one, and was happy to see it was a non issue and comments were restrained. I hope that same restraint will be carried out privately as well. __________________
Let Greg Pitch - Facebook Link Furdog
#184 04-03-2009, 12:48 PM koimaster Banned Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,976
Quote: Originally Posted by jskelton Alain, no one would be banning you for speaking out. I know some of what was said concerning you, and I believe you are showing a great deal of restraint and tact through all of this. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the comments you witnessed. Mistakes were made, some more egregious than others.
Some things should never have been posted. But then again, some should not peek into a ladies' room just because the door was mistakenly left open either. There are judgements of character on BOTH sides of this, and that is not to be forgotten. As has been repeated here by those who have administered on other forums, "hidden" rooms for administration is absolutely commonplace, and posts made within there are not for public consumption for a number of reasons. As has also been mentioned, many members here have moderated for these other watch forums who wish to use this to 'kill' WG, and the same and far worse has been in THEIR hidden forums. Does that make any of this right? Of course not. But it just shows that old addage of people in glass houses is a proper one. I will comment more on this later when I am able to type more. I want to make clear I did not enter the cool kids forum but I have friends on many forums who did. What they sent me, which was everything they saw has not been publicly disclosed except for one thread dealing with a particular forum they belonged to. Other than that NOTHING has been publicly disclosed by me nor anyone else that I know. As far as what was said about me, as I have told members close to me, I will not be spending much time here anymore. I just saw this thread and decided to throw my nickels worth in. I also want to add one other note. Someone from this forum using another ID registered at a sister forum and insinuated they were stealing information for personal reasons ( admin will know what I am refrring to ). When I defended the people at that forum, some of whom are members here, I was asked if I would vouch for them and the response here in public is yes I will. I will also vouch for members I know here. End Last edited by koimaster; 04-03-2009 at 12:53 PM. koimaster
#185 04-03-2009, 12:56 PM cali kid Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: monterey county, CA. Posts: 3,283
Charles, alot of good idea's! I think that if we control it the less damage we will take! I see alot of newbies here with 60 posts thinking it's us against the world! they dont even know whats going on. My best interest are with the membership thats been here since the start, Right now were only protect us from ourself (if that makes any since)! The information that fell into the laps of these people had nothing to do with what really happened! Enough about what they can do with it and get to why in the world it happened, get some closure and if some feel they need to leave they can and get back to watches! If not we will always have this white elephant around our necks and the naysayers will always say "we told you so about watchgeeks"!! All in all we are protecting the wrong people by sweeping it under the rug! __________________
Trevor cali kid #186 04-03-2009, 01:02 PM
Furdog Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Missouri Posts: 1,242 Real Name: Aaron
My final thought. We know this is a bad situation. The owners have stepped up and confronted it even before anyone was aware the information was out.
Now we wait for them to do what is right from here. That is all we can ask at this point, right? __________________
Let Greg Pitch - Facebook Link Furdog
#187 04-03-2009, 01:06 PM cali kid Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: monterey county, CA. Posts: 3,283
Couldnt quite figure out the new edit but what i wanted to say, is i'm done with this and just want to gt back to the way geeks use to be! We've got the site running like we dreamed it would be, fast and smooth as a baby's bottom and then baby made a mess! So lets clean up the diaper and get on with watches!! REmember what we have done together, helping skip when he was down, giving watches away to people we never met face to face, this place was so far ahead of it's time and nobody on the net was doing the things we were for each other! Lets get back to those days, onyl with a better systems! And if anyone got anything to say about tell me here i'm a big boy!( i know it long and i hope my spelling was right but you know what i'm getting at) __________________
Trevor cali kid
#188 04-03-2009, 01:13 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,904 Sir Charles Senior Member Super Geek
Quote: Originally Posted by cali kid Charles, alot of good idea's! I think that if we control it the less damage we will take! I see alot of newbies here with 60 posts thinking it's us against the world! they dont even know whats going on. My best interest are with the membership thats been here since the start, Right now were only protect us from ourself (if that makes any since)! The information that fell into the laps of these people had nothing to do with what really happened! Enough about what they can do with it and get to why in the world it happened, get some closure and if some feel they need to leave they can and get back to watches! If not we will always have this white elephant around our necks and the naysayers will always say "we told you so about watchgeeks"!! All in all we are protecting the wrong people by sweeping it under the rug! I agree completely. The destination is clear; not certain of the path. __________________ If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. -- Albert Einstein URWERK UR-202 • Seiko Monster Sir Charles View Public Profile Send a private message to Sir Charles Find all posts by Sir Charles Add Sir Charles to Your Contacts #189 04-03-2009, 01:18 PM sergibubka Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: San Sebastian, Spain Posts: 198 Real Name: Sergio
I said it before and I will say it again: NOTHING of what was said/written in private is worse than stealing personal addresses and phone numbers and threatning to use them the wrong way. The owners have apologized and I am sure they have also learned a lesson. They are better owners now. I would encourage every geek not to read and delete any information they see or receive about themselves or other geeks. We all want to have fun and keep the good vibe going. To the ones that stole the information, please stop and leave. To all, remember, we have BETTER OWNERS NOW!. Let's forgive and keep sharing our passion please. s. sergibubka
#190 04-03-2009, 01:22 PM
TM Maker Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: Chicagoland Posts: 1,511 Real Name: Rob
When I first joined, I took a comment the wrong way and replied as such. I shouldn't have simply because no one here meant to hurt me in any way. So, if any moderator called me an a-hole in privacy, it's OK. Sometimes I AM an a--hole. As a matter of fact, I don't think anyone on this planet is a saint all the time so let's just get past this if possible. I will not look at what was said. TM Maker View Public Profile Send a private message to TM Maker Find all posts by TM Maker Add TM Maker to Your Contacts #191
04-03-2009, 01:30 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 344 muddiver Senior Member Senior Geek
** MOD EDIT** A subject that will be addressed soon in it's own seperate thread. Thank you for the question, and yes, it will be answered for you. For right now, we'd like to remain on the other topics at hand. __________________ It's not a question of how much time you have, but a matter of how you spend what's left Last edited by jskelton; 04-03-2009 at 01:43 PM. muddiver View Public Profile Send a private message to muddiver Find all posts by muddiver Add muddiver to Your Contacts #192 04-03-2009, 01:35 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,904 Sir Charles Senior Member Super Geek
I've purchased products from MHP International and their CS is over the top. I mean, crazy over the top. I mean, sending me an expensive replacement for a product damaged in shipping and
trusting that I would return the original when I got it, using the included shipping label, just because I made a single phone call. I mean, strangers treating strangers with respect, dammit. I felt the words of Michael Friedman are appropriate here: Michael Friedman, President and CEO, MHP International In every field of human endeavor, he that is first must perpetually live in the white light of publicity. Whether the leadership be vested in a man or in a manufactured product, emulation and envy are ever at work. In art, in literature, in music, in industry, the reward and the punishment are always the same. The reward is widespread recognition; the punishment, fierce denial and detraction. When a man’s work becomes a standard for the whole world, it also becomes a target for the shafts of the envious few. If his work be merely mediocre, he will be left severely alone – if he achieves a masterpiece, it will set a million tongues a-wagging. Jealousy does not protrude its forked tongue at the artist who produces a commonplace painting. Whatsoever you write, or paint, or play, or sing, or build, no one will strive to surpass, or to slander you, unless your work be stamped with the seal of genius. Long, long after a great work or a good work has been done, those who are disappointed or envious continue to cry out that it can not be done. Spiteful little voices in the domain of art were raised against our own. Whistler as a mountebank, long after the big world had acclaimed him its greatest artistic genius. Multitudes flocked to Bayreuth to worship at the musical shrine of Wagner, while the little group of those whom he had dethroned and displaced argued angrily that he was no musician at all. The little world continued to protest that Fulton could never build a steamboat, while the big world flocked to the riverbanks to see his boat steam by. The leader is assailed because he is a leader, and the effort to equal him is merely added proof of that leadership. Failing to equal or to excel, the follower seeks to depreciate and to destroy – but only confirms once more the superiority of that which he strives to supplant. There is nothing new in this. It is as old as the world and as old as the human passions – envy, fear, greed, ambition, and the desire to surpass. And it all avails nothing. If the leader truly leads, he remains – the leader. Master-poet, master-painter, master-workman, each in his turn is assailed, and each holds his laurels through the ages. That which is good or great makes itself known, no matter how loud the clamor of denial. That which deserves to live – lives.
__________________ If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. -- Albert Einstein URWERK UR-202 • Seiko Monster Sir Charles View Public Profile Send a private message to Sir Charles Find all posts by Sir Charles Add Sir Charles to Your Contacts #193 04-03-2009, 01:40 PM koimaster Banned
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,976
Super Geek
Interesting comment since only one post by someone named gman who was a new member at another forum ever alluded to that released that information. I have no comment one way or another on the validity of that information. If true, let the chips fall where they may. If not true, a rumor. koimaster
#194 04-03-2009, 01:53 PM bodypeersur Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Melbourne, FL Posts: 2,812 Real Name: Duff
Here is my take on this whole mess. I think regardless of if the comments become public or not, the 'people' that decided to create this fiasco have succeeded to a large degree. They have caused much stress, worry and anxiety here. They have made friends doubt each other. They have hurt good peoples feelings. That is very sad. I agree with Trevor...let's just blow this off and get back to why we came here in the first place. Unfortunately our fast growth has spawned a CANCER in our membership. Now I see things here that I've seen on the other sites. It only takes a few to stir a pot to the boiling point. I am sure that if I saw my name being brought up in the "Admin Lounge" that it would probably feel like having a knife twisted in my gut. With that said, I can understand the need of a place to vent. I know that some of my postings during our benefit for Skip were a little too exhuberant and I was spoken to about it. Yes it hurt my feelings as I was trying to help, but when the person that spoke to me, explained it from his side...it all made sense and I completely understood where he was coming from. I'd really love to have 2000 members again, but you can never go back. All we can do is put this behind us and move forward. I thank the owners and the admin and mods for being the good people they are. And now I'll get off podium. Duff bodypeersur View Public Profile Send a private message to bodypeersur Send email to bodypeersur Find all posts by bodypeersur Add bodypeersur to Your Contacts
#195 04-03-2009, 01:58 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,904 Sir Charles Senior Member Super Geek
Quote: Originally Posted by bodypeersur Here is my take on this whole mess. I think regardless of if the comments become public or not, the 'people' that decided to create this fiasco have succeeded to a large degree. They have caused much stress, worry and anxiety here. They have made friends doubt each other. They have hurt good peoples feelings. That is very sad. I agree with Trevor...let's just blow this off and get back to why we came here in the first place. Unfortunately our fast growth has spawned a CANCER in our membership. Now I see things here that I've seen on the other sites. It only takes a few to stir a pot to the boiling point. I am sure that if I saw my name being brought up in the "Admin Lounge" that it would probably feel like having a knife twisted in my gut. With that said, I can understand the need of a place to vent. I know that some of my postings during our benefit for Skip were a little too exhuberant and I was spoken to about it. Yes it hurt my feelings as I was trying to help, but when the person that spoke to me, explained it from his side...it all made sense and I completely understood where he was coming from. I'd really love to have 2000 members again, but you can never go back. All we can do is put this behind us and move forward. I thank the owners and the admin and mods for being the good people they are. And now I'll get off podium. Duff I agree we want to put this behind us and forward. I think a lot of us do. The question is, do we need to do something to manifest that or trust it will happen on its own accord? I really can go either way; my #1 or #5 mention above. __________________ If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. -- Albert Einstein URWERK UR-202 • Seiko Monster Sir Charles View Public Profile Send a private message to Sir Charles Find all posts by Sir Charles
Add Sir Charles to Your Contacts #196 04-03-2009, 02:01 PM
CharlieB Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: On the Puget Sound, WA Posts: 13,347 Real Name: Charlie
This is obviously a very tough situation. Feelings are being deeply hurt in some cases, and I'm sure there is plenty of regret for what might have been flippantly said in the moment, but not stongly meant. All that's happened is a reflection of our imperfect humaness. We all mess up from time to time, everybody does. When I see how someone has messed up, my first reaction isn't to get down on them, but rather to thank God that it wasn't me who did it...for it often could have just as easily been me if I was in that person's position. Empathy is a good thing. Putting yourself in other people's shoes, especially when they mess up, and say to yourself, would I really have acted much differently? We'd always like to think we would, but unless you've found yourself actually amoungst it, it's really hard to know for sure. So, in my mind, it's totally fair to disapprove of inappropriate actions, that's how standards of conduct are maintained. But I try not to judge people and focus on blame too much. Especially when they try so hard to do good things for people other than themselves. When they have their inevitable screw-ups, I feel it's fair to them to cut them more slack. I don't subscribe to the suggestion of putting the bad stuff out here. The people who snagged it would love nothing better. It would spead the toxic throughout our forum, and we don't need that. Better that things get worked out amongst the appropriate individuals via PM and e-mails as best as possible. Much of this should be dealt with privately "man to man", best chance of a successful resolution. Just my opinion on it. __________________
Last edited by CharlieB; 04-03-2009 at 02:04 PM. CharlieB View Public Profile Send a private message to CharlieB Find all posts by CharlieB Add CharlieB to Your Contacts #197 04-03-2009, 02:07 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,904 Sir Charles Senior Member Super Geek
Quote: Originally Posted by CharlieB This is obviously a very tough situation. Feelings are being deeply hurt in some cases, and I'm sure there is plenty of regret for what might have been flippantly said in the moment, but not stongly meant. All that's happened is a reflection of our imperfect humaness. We all mess up from time to time, everybody does. When I see how someone has messed up, my first reaction isn't to get down on them, but rather to thank God that it wasn't me who did it...for it often could have just as easily been me if I was in that person's position. Empathy is a good thing. Putting yourself in other people's shoes, especially when they mess
up, and say to yourself, would I really have acted much differently? We'd always like to think we would, but unless you've found yourself actually amoungst it, it's really hard to know for sure. So, in my mind, it's totally fair to disapprove of inappropriate actions, that's how standards of conduct are maintained. But I try not to judge people and focus on blame too much. Especially when they try so hard to do good things for people other than themselves. When they have their inevitable screw-ups, I feel it's fair to them to cut them more slack. I don't subscribe to the suggestion of putting the bad stuff out here. The people who snagged it would love nothing better. It would spead the toxic throughout our forum, and we don't need that. Better that things get worked out amongst the appropriate individuals via PM and emails as best as possible. Much of this should be dealt with privately "man to man", best chance of a successful resolution. Just my opinion on it. I agree, and here is why: Let's say these alleged things were spoken, as is more accurately the case (I am typing now but it is more like verbal speak). No one would suggest people get on a podium and speak what they said in private to the world; they would deal with it privately and person-to-person. So, I go with my #5 above. __________________ If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. -- Albert Einstein URWERK UR-202 • Seiko Monster Sir Charles View Public Profile Send a private message to Sir Charles Find all posts by Sir Charles Add Sir Charles to Your Contacts #198 04-03-2009, 02:11 PM arielr22 WatchGeeks Moderator Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Miami, Fl. Posts: 1,730 Real Name: Ariel
I will add my 2 cents. Alot of what goes in the back scenes is private and was intended to be that way. While I agree some comments might have come across wrong, I can assure there has never been any mal intent or agenda from any of us. Some of the comments if not most that might have come across wrong are tongue and cheek. No different than hanging with your friends and talking a little smack and venting at times. We are just a group of watchgeeks who have an EXTREME passion for watches. Unfortunately, There are several watch aficinados for one
reason or another would love to use this as an opportunity to tear us down. I have been on forums for over 3 years now and I can assure that I have never been more pleased with our owners, mods, and most importantly the WG membership and community. I have met the nicest people on this forum and this incident shouldn't and doesnt change a thing, IMHO. __________________ Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail By Ralph Waldo Emerson - My Top 3 - Edox Classe Royale Open Heart RoseGold/Black - Philip Admirale 44mm w/ Silver Dial - Renato Wildebeast in gunmetal with Red carbon fiber Dial
arielr22 View Public Profile Send a private message to arielr22 Find all posts by arielr22 Add arielr22 to Your Contacts #199 04-03-2009, 02:27 PM
PTAaron Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: Novi, MI Posts: 847 Real Name: Aaron
I don't think that putting the "private stuff" on display here is a good idea. It will do more long term damage than short term good - especially in a few months when this whole fiasco is forgotten and a new member bumps it up asking questions. That will just bring back all of the hurt feelings again. Let me relate a story that you may or may not care about - you don't have to read it if you don't want to. I run a bodybuiding forum, and on that forum we have private areas for the staff (as all forums have) and we also had a private "Ladies Locker Room" and "Guys Locker Room". In the locker
rooms guys and ladies were free to discuss whatever they wanted without fear of other people being able to see it. I can only guess what goes on in the ladies area - because I set that area so that even as a "Super Admin" I cannot access the area. In the guys area things got out of hand a bit - as you can imagine. Some things were said about some of the female members of the site mostly complimentary things, but some negative things. One day one of the female members of the site created a fake account as a guy, and asked me for access to the locker room - without questioning it I gave "him" access because it was 2am and I was tired. Within 20 minutes I had several PMs from the female member stating she now had screen captures of some things that were said and she was going to spread them around to everyone on the site. She made a formal announcement on the site that she had obtained this information, and alluded to what was contained in the screenshots without actually telling anyone any specific details. This naturally caused outrage amoung the women of the site - even though only MAYBE 2 people really should have actually been upset. Speculation about what was said was FAR worse than what was actually said, and the number of affected people was FAR LESS than was implied. Long story semi-short: We lost several really good people on the site because of that fiasco even though they had nothing to really be upset about. Things eventually cooled down on the site - and we did not share the "secret" information with anyone, neither did the person threatening to do so. The people that we lost have returned since then - and after having to remove the "guys locker room" for 6 months, we were finally able to re-instate it without any protest with a promise of MUCH stricter rules. Whole point of this is that the BEST way to get past this - IMO - is to let it blow over now that it has been confronted and apologized for. Posting what was said will not benefit anyone, and will probably cause more long term harm than keeping it private. __________________ -Aaron My watch pictures: http://photobucket.com/AaronWatches PTAaron View Public Profile Send a private message to PTAaron Visit PTAaron's homepage! Find all posts by PTAaron Add PTAaron to Your Contacts #200 04-03-2009, 02:41 PM cali kid Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: monterey county, CA. Posts: 3,283
Two sides to that story Aaron, if you would have posted them then wouldnt have lost the good members!!! It's a tough call either way! __________________
04-03-2009, 02:55 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 3,142 alwaystenpastten Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Have you ever used an outhouse? Have you ever peered down the hole? Have you ever been really all that thrilled or glad that you did? I'd rather not know, but if the offending statements are made public, I'm probably going to read them - and then regret doing it. __________________ Keep your crowns screwed down, my friends.
alwaystenpastten View Public Profile Send a private message to alwaystenpastten Find all posts by alwaystenpastten Add alwaystenpastten to Your Contacts #202 04-03-2009, 03:03 PM Ditchdoc Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Georgia Posts: 1,310 Real Name: Ken
Personally I do not think that the information contained in the "cool kids" forum (WTH does that mean anyway) should be released publicly here as a preimptive attempt to take the power away from those that have obtained these post. I do not think it would serve any healing purpose. It would only further fan the fires of decent and anger that this disclosure has caused. It would hurt feelings and potentially irepairably damage the characters of members and bias new members that have not come to know these people. There is no perfect solution to this problem. Any action or solution will undoubtably bring more scrutiny. I totally understand the need for a "cool kids" forum (again, whatever the h@!! that name is supposed to imply) but I do not think that these supposedly private forums were ever intended to be a place or a "safe haven" if you will for these types of very damaging comments. Perhaps email would have been more appropriate. I do respect the fact that the owners (Michael posting) have come out in front of this thing for whatever reason. Its good to to see Jim back. It must have taken him 2 hours to post his message. LOL. I am disappointed that some negative things may have been said about myself as well as other members behind closed doors by people I have so much respect for but thats the way life and relationships go. It doesn't reflect good on the forum or the companies that take part here. I hope these companies don't choose to distance themselves from us. Having said that, this forum is not a democracy and policy is not dictated by vote of its members. Those who pay the bills make the rules and I think we would all agree that the rules are pretty libral and fair. I have truly enjoyed being a part of this community and it saddens me that this has happened but how many relationships have any of us been a part of that hasn't had a few bumps. Well with my personality I can't think of any. I think in this case the things that needed to be said have been said by the right people and as far as the details go......silence is golden. __________________ Ken
If I'm ever killed in an accident......I hope I'm wearing a decent watch.
Ditchdoc View Public Profile Send a private message to Ditchdoc Send email to Ditchdoc Find all posts by Ditchdoc Add Ditchdoc to Your Contacts #203 04-03-2009, 03:17 PM randys123 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Dec 2008 Posts: 440
Most of us are curious and want to know what was said... You can choose two courses of action, do nothing and know, from experience, it will blow over, or post the material and watch the sparks fly... Personally I prefer the latter, life is boring enough at times... There is no way the admins are going to post it, though...It will all die down eventually... and life will go on.... randys123 View Public Profile Send a private message to randys123 Find all posts by randys123
Add randys123 to Your Contacts #204 04-03-2009, 03:20 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Denver Posts: 714 Real Name: John
qwikfix Banned Veteran Geek
I would like to know exactly who you are apologizing to? And for what action or lack thereof you are taking. Are we all equal or are we not. Richard Nixon was not guilty until the tapes came out and now the tapes are out. Should everyone get a pass because these things were not supposed be out. I think the right thing should be done and if anyone violated our rules then the consequences are pretty clear I think this must be done to preserve what is left of the integrity of this forum. qwikfix View Public Profile Find all posts by qwikfix Add qwikfix to Your Contacts #205 04-03-2009, 03:22 PM
PTAaron Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: Novi, MI Posts: 847 Real Name: Aaron
Quote: Originally Posted by cali kid Two sides to that story Aaron, if you would have posted them then wouldnt have lost the good members!!! It's a tough call either way! True - but most of them came back. Posting it would probably have lead to the "internet lynching" of several other good members who happened to make some comments that were never meant to be shared. Same thing would probably happen here. The staff that said negative things would possibly be pressured to step
down. __________________ -Aaron My watch pictures: http://photobucket.com/AaronWatches Last edited by PTAaron; 04-03-2009 at 03:49 PM. Reason: spelling errors... stupid "i" key isn't working right! PTAaron View Public Profile Send a private message to PTAaron Visit PTAaron's homepage! Find all posts by PTAaron Add PTAaron to Your Contacts #206 04-03-2009, 04:09 PM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
Since things were brought up here concerning Invicta and their role on this forum, I have made a separate thread that addresses this issue. You can access this thread here: http://watchgeeks.net/showthread.php?t=24958 It has been made a separate topic so that folks don't miss it in this very long, multi-page thread. __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces!
meijin View Public Profile Send a private message to meijin Find all posts by meijin Add meijin to Your Contacts #207 04-03-2009, 04:21 PM Watch Guido Senior Member True WatchGeek
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Quote: Originally Posted by randys123 Most of us are curious and want to know what was said... You can choose two courses of action, do nothing and know, from experience, it will blow over, or post the material and watch the sparks fly... Personally I prefer the latter, life is boring enough at times... There is no way the admins are going to post it, though...It will all die down eventually... and life will go on.... I am not curious -As long as I don't lose show, studio, nightclub gigs or half of my guitar students, over what was said, if anything, I really don’t care. While I love to collect Watches it is only an expence for me, not an income. Like I said before there are great people here the forum will do fine. Watch Guido View Public Profile Find all posts by Watch Guido Add Watch Guido to Your Contacts #208 04-03-2009, 04:22 PM cali kid Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: monterey county, CA. Posts: 3,283
Aaron, that make sense to me! __________________
Trevor cali kid View Public Profile Find all posts by cali kid Add cali kid to Your Contacts #209 04-03-2009, 04:23 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 587 PoliMalaka Senior Member Veteran Geek
Quote: Originally Posted by Buster This is completely why I have gone from "active member" to "lurker". Some here may remember me from here and "the other forum" and this crap has been going on for over a year now........I mean come on, a year over a watch forum. All of it is just sad. I just recently heard Jim on TV with NFW owner asking if "the other forum" (and I quote) "still even had a server". Again, come on.
All of this turns something fun and enjoyable into head aches and hard feelings. Well said Buster. __________________
"I have to return some video tapes." -- Patrick Bateman PoliMalaka View Public Profile Send a private message to PoliMalaka Find all posts by PoliMalaka Add PoliMalaka to Your Contacts #210 04-03-2009, 04:27 PM Red Ryder Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Aug 2008 Location: southern Calif Posts: 10,679
CharlieB remarks Quote: Originally Posted by CharlieB I know I'm going to regret saying this Ruthie, but I do not believe your characterization of Steve and David's comments in that thread is at all accurate. I read what they said and saw no slam, nothing puerile or snide, no meaness whatsoever, certainly nothing that deserves your slam on their character. I know you are extremely sensitive to any posts that aren't 100% positive, but you just did to them what you dislike. Just my opinion, and I apologize for anything I said that may cause offense. Go back and read my first reaction.#110. Since that time , matters have changed. I was sent info of what the mods et al said. It was damaging to one of my friends. It has made me nervous now.....which is why I posted my second post. Re Steve....he is an old friend whom I was the first to nominate for WGOM April. I have been ill...have undergone a series of radiation treaments from which I am just recovering. Not as strong and as tough as you would like.
No offense, Charlie...just giving you more info. Sorry I'm not as tough as you are. Red Ryder View Public Profile Send a private message to Red Ryder Send email to Red Ryder Find all posts by Red Ryder Add Red Ryder to Your Contacts #211 04-03-2009, 04:28 PM Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,904 Sir Charles Senior Member Super Geek
OK, since I have posted the most number of suggestions (I do strive to be thorough) and after reading the subsequent responses, here is my personal final conclusion:
(1) Let's accept the apology. (2) Let's get back to talking about watches. (3) Screw the trouble makers. (4) Break out that bottle of Rain-X and shine those babies up!
SC __________________
If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. -- Albert Einstein URWERK UR-202 • Seiko Monster Sir Charles View Public Profile Send a private message to Sir Charles Find all posts by Sir Charles Add Sir Charles to Your Contacts #212 04-03-2009, 04:34 PM
Chief68 WatchGeeks Moderator True WatchGeek
Join Date: Jan 2009 Location: Staten Island New York Posts: 13,545 Real Name: Nick
O K up until now I sat back and just read everything without commenting but 9 pages have been written and I guess I should say what is on my mind. First I really love it here but I fear things will never be the same UNLESS we confront it. If people have these pages and want to use them to destroy WG we must confront it and that means sending the person or persons that were talked about an email and the pages. If you were not talked about then you can send a standard script sent out saying so. The method of -This shall pass -will not occur because human nature is what it is and we will always wonder and just when things settle pages will be released to stir it up again. I am sorry this happened I really am, but you do not run away from the school yard bully or he will get you one day!!! YOU MUST CONFRONT THE ISSUE. I will adhere to whatever is decided by the owners but I truly hope they read this and consider it . It will probably get worse before it gets better but that is the medicine needed to rid us of this problem. Thats all I have for now and I wish the owners luck and wisdom to get thru this. __________________
NYPD Emergency Service Unit Chief68 View Public Profile Send a private message to Chief68 Send email to Chief68 Visit Chief68's homepage! Find all posts by Chief68 Add Chief68 to Your Contacts #213 04-03-2009, 04:37 PM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
Individuals involved have been contacted and/or communicated with and will continue to communicated with. __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces! meijin View Public Profile Send a private message to meijin Find all posts by meijin Add meijin to Your Contacts #214 04-03-2009, 04:40 PM
CharlieB Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: On the Puget Sound, WA Posts: 13,347 Real Name: Charlie
Quote: Originally Posted by Red Ryder Go back and read my first reaction.#110. Since that time , matters have changed. I was sent info of what the mods et al said. It was damaging to one of my friends. It has made me nervous now.....which is why I posted my second post. Re Steve....he is an old friend whom I was the first to nominate for WGOM April. I have been ill...have undergone a series of radiation treaments from which I am just recovering. Not as strong and as tough as you would like. No offense, Charlie...just giving you more info. Sorry I'm not as tough as you are. No one's attacking you Ruthie. Not Steve, not David and not me. Everyone likes you. You have no reason to be tough here. And as far as what's happening, I can see how it can have people's nerves on edge. If it causes people to say things they wouldn't normally say, then maybe they should step back for a while until things settle down a bit more...for their own piece of mind.
CharlieB View Public Profile Send a private message to CharlieB Find all posts by CharlieB Add CharlieB to Your Contacts #215 04-03-2009, 04:40 PM sergibubka Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: San Sebastian, Spain Posts: 198 Real Name: Sergio
AGREE with Sir Charles, let's stop posting on this thread...including myself s. sergibubka View Public Profile Send a private message to sergibubka Send email to sergibubka Find all posts by sergibubka Add sergibubka to Your Contacts #216 04-03-2009, 04:42 PM randys123 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Dec 2008 Posts: 440
if i had a nickel for everytime i sent a pm to a friend in my political forum, only to hit the send button then have a mini heart attack hoping i didnt send it to the person I was talking about by mistake... i was always talking about the same insufferable person, a woman...i was in a power struggle with her at the time...isnt life stupid sometimes!! randys123 View Public Profile Send a private message to randys123 Find all posts by randys123 Add randys123 to Your Contacts #217 04-03-2009, 04:48 PM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
Quote: Originally Posted by randys123 if i had a nickel for everytime i sent a pm to a friend in my political forum, only to hit the send button then have a mini heart attack hoping i didnt send it to the person I was talking about by mistake... i was always talking about the same insufferable person, a woman...i was in a power struggle with her at the time...isnt life stupid sometimes!! As the only person here that works on the database files that contain all of the private messages ever sent on our forum and, as such, occasionally having to see the contents of some messages as a part of maintaining them, I can guarantee you that some folks would be very unhappy should their private comments about people be aired for all to see. __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces! meijin View Public Profile Send a private message to meijin Find all posts by meijin Add meijin to Your Contacts #218 04-03-2009, 04:51 PM renigade4x4 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Folsom CA. Posts: 322 Real Name: Michael
The issue here from, what I have read is many of those who was talked about. was Owners and /Mods and if ever this happen again those people need to loose their status if not already. I have consider Joe and others as a good friend. One calls a lot of people to see if all is well or just there to listen. It is hard to find people that cares about people from a far and even the one's you have never met. This is wrong apology's or not the moderator and owners went to far this time. They are supposed to be silent and not take any side here or make comments about any members on or even in their little room. anyone can hack into anything if they now how. Yes they can have as many opinions about what this forum is about. Watches and vendors and what coming down the pipes. If this forum is going that direction the others have I hope Jim steps in grab those in-charge and stop it NOW. I don't think this was in idea to fall apart like the others and just survive on new members only.( No Issue with new members OK) We all want the same. Someone needs to watch them and evaluate Owners/Mods and it should never be their own team that watches over them. This one of the biggest issue's on all forums. If they can't stay nonpartisan. then they need to go! Yes we can make and opinion as users about watches companies support issue's ETC. NEVER about a person character o any other thing about the member period. It is not their JOB. Read the rules and see if they had been broken by
themselves and the outcome is what??. I know this now more then ever before. I made my own mistake recently and brought it up on the forum and after reading others post I felt I did the wrong thing and never can take it back. For them to take any side at all about anyone one person is not their job! I feel they should be removed as a moderator or Owner and just be a silent partner. To bashing people is wrong I know very well how that feels. I was bash on often and left another forum. So I know how it feels and I tell you Someone need to take action and be replaced. That is the only action that will end this issue. If I am going to be banned for my opinion then so be it. Happy TRAILS has be silent lately, M Michael I hope this turns out for the better or the member will leave this forum and move to others. I have seen this happen before. It is never good to have a bad reputation and this forum was built to be different then others and now it almost he same. It not the members, remember it the staff that made this a issue. Only them can take of this and they know what needs to be done. This will not do anything but keep the fire burning if members start to get Banned over this issue. NO ONE SHOULD TALK BAD ABOUT ANYONE ON THE INTRANET IT WILL ALWAYS GET OUT. Has anyone figured that out look at myspace,facebook ETC. Last edited by renigade4x4; 04-03-2009 at 04:54 PM. renigade4x4 View Public Profile Send a private message to renigade4x4 Find all posts by renigade4x4 Add renigade4x4 to Your Contacts #219 04-03-2009, 05:10 PM randys123 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Dec 2008 Posts: 440
Over time an admin or mod can become callous, lose the proper emotions or self editing we rely on in civilized society....just human behavior sometimes but if you find yourself being critical and judgmental, or like this one admin i knew, superior in every-way...it was this woman i mentioned, she grew to hate pretty much everybody on the board. sadly the power that comes with admin/mod position is addictive, I admit this.
Last edited by randys123; 04-03-2009 at 05:17 PM. randys123 View Public Profile Send a private message to randys123 Find all posts by randys123 Add randys123 to Your Contacts #220 04-03-2009, 05:45 PM
ACE Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: Fort Walton Beach , Florida Posts: 8,429 Real Name: Louis
Is it safe __________________
ACE View Public Profile Send a private message to ACE Send email to ACE Find all posts by ACE Add ACE to Your Contacts #221 04-03-2009, 05:45 PM renigade4x4 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Folsom CA. Posts: 322 Real Name: Michael
Why is a page missing from this post? are we all not equal? From 8-10 9 is missing. Instill beleave action needs to be taken or this will not go away. Michael renigade4x4 View Public Profile Send a private message to renigade4x4 Find all posts by renigade4x4 Add renigade4x4 to Your Contacts #222 04-03-2009, 05:47 PM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
Quote: Originally Posted by renigade4x4 Why is a page missing from this post? are we all not equal? From 8-10 9 is missing. Instill beleave action needs to be taken or this will not go away. Michael They are missing because someone was making very antagonistic comments towards other members here and their comments. We blocked him from being able to do that. Most of what he said can be read in other posts where people were quoting him. __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces! meijin
View Public Profile Send a private message to meijin Find all posts by meijin Add meijin to Your Contacts #223 04-03-2009, 06:09 PM renigade4x4 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Folsom CA. Posts: 322 Real Name: Michael
IN BRIEF: Hostile; unfriendly or opposing. antagonistic. Well this sound like the comments made behide the yellow door. So Michael what are the action going to be taken. I sure if you let us know this will end. Michael This is my opinion and I am sure others too. Don't get me wrong we have grown quickly and we needed Modes etc. I will tell you Many of them i have never had a issue with but lately . Please take care of this so we all can have a good spring break and smile once again about our home here. You try to post and IF IT all does not go through because of errors , you get slam by a mod. Last edited by renigade4x4; 04-03-2009 at 06:33 PM. renigade4x4 View Public Profile Send a private message to renigade4x4 Find all posts by renigade4x4 Add renigade4x4 to Your Contacts #224 04-03-2009, 06:27 PM
pacifichrono Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Sunny San Diego Posts: 258
Quote: Originally Posted by Sir Charles OK, since I have posted the most number of suggestions (I do strive to be thorough) and after reading the subsequent responses, here is my personal final conclusion:
(1) Let's accept the apology. (2) Let's get back to talking about watches. (3) Screw the trouble makers. (4) Break out that bottle of Rain-X and shine those babies up!
SC I agree with Sir Charles. Ten pages of discussion is enough for this topic. Let's put it to rest and move on. After all, this is just a watch forum! __________________ Regards from Sunny San Diego......Tom pacifichrono View Public Profile Send a private message to pacifichrono Visit pacifichrono's homepage! Find all posts by pacifichrono Add pacifichrono to Your Contacts
#225 04-03-2009, 07:05 PM
Bridgette Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: MS Gulf Coast Posts: 660
I've read a lot of this and have had time to think about it. I've even been made aware of some very "specific" things that were said and at first I was shocked and angry but I've cooled off and here's what I think........ (my 2 cents and only an opinion..you certainly don't have to agree.) I don't really care about what other forums are doing. I don't care about "a place where you can cool off and blow off steam" and that everyone does this bla bla bla... Talk to your husband or wife when you want to blow off steam or when you want to vent! Go for a drive or mow your yard. There's 100 other ways to vent. My personal opinion is that nobody needs a private room in the same forum where the members are that you are talking about........to TALK about them! This forum should be striving to be different than other forums. I would like to believe that there is some level of respect at this place that welcomes people in to share their hobby. You are welcoming people in... and there shouldn't be any fear that they are being talked badly about or made fun of behind their backs by anyone if we are a "community" or kind of watch "family" if you will. We are all adults here. I like it here and haven't been part of any other watch forum so I have nothing to compare this place to but I have always had a great deal of respect for the owners, admins, and mods. I've made a lot of friends here, friends that I trust. I would hate to see that all disappear. And while I'm thinking of it........I don't see any comparison to a teacher's lounge in this situation. At my workplace, we are all on the same team. We may go in there and complain about being tired, having hyper students, or feeling stressed but as a faculty we are all on the same team...and members of a team stick together and lift each other up, not put each other down. So people need to please disregard that analogy that was made somewhere, because that's really not a good analogy at all. I'll end by saying this: I was always taught a couple of things that I've tried hard to live by 1. If you don't have anything good to say, maybe it's best not to say anything at all and 2. NEVER put anything in WRITING... because odds are if it's not something you want other people reading..... it may end up in their hands eventually and then you can't deny what it says......it's there in black and white with your name all over it. People may forgive but it is really hard to forget. I love it here at this forum, and I hope somehow that this can be resolved so we can all feel like we are on the same page again. I also hope what I've said here doesn't make anyone angry but if
it does, good. Sometimes getting angry is the first step to fixing a mistake. Sometimes, fixing a mistake brings people closer than they were before it happened. WG is supposed to be the best watch forum on the net. We need to all work together to make it that way. __________________
It's never just a watch, it's always a collection of precious time. -Bridgette 04-03-2009, 07:05 PM Watch Guido Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 5,676
What say you fellow aficionados, let us return to the merriment and solemnity of horology. Watch Guido View Public Profile Find all posts by Watch Guido Add Watch Guido to Your Contacts #227 04-03-2009, 07:36 PM
Furdog Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Missouri Posts: 1,242 Real Name: Aaron
Quote: Originally Posted by Watch Guido What say you fellow aficionados, let us return to the merriment and solemnity of horology. Agreed. __________________
Let Greg Pitch - Facebook Link Furdog View Public Profile Send a private message to Furdog Visit Furdog's homepage! Find all posts by Furdog Add Furdog to Your Contacts #228 04-03-2009, 07:51 PM
merichar Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Northwest Oregon Posts: 2,877 Real Name: Mark
Quote: Originally Posted by Bridgette I've read a lot of this and have had time to think about it. I've even been made aware of some very "specific" things that were said and at first I was shocked and angry but I've cooled off and here's what I think........ (my 2 cents and only an opinion..you certainly don't have to agree.) I don't really care about what other forums are doing. I don't care about "a place where you can cool off and blow off steam" and that everyone does this bla bla bla... Talk to your husband or wife when you want to blow off steam or when you want to vent! Go for a drive or mow your yard. There's 100 other ways to vent. My personal opinion is that nobody needs a private room in the same forum where the members are that you are talking about........to TALK about them! This forum should be striving to be different than other forums. I would like to believe that there is some level of respect at this place that welcomes people in to share their hobby. You are welcoming people in... and there shouldn't be any fear that they are being talked badly about or made fun of behind their backs by anyone if we are a "community" or kind of watch "family" if you will.
We are all adults here. I like it here and haven't been part of any other watch forum so I have nothing to compare this place to but I have always had a great deal of respect for the owners, admins, and mods. I've made a lot of friends here, friends that I trust. I would hate to see that all disappear. And while I'm thinking of it........I don't see any comparison to a teacher's lounge in this situation. At my workplace, we are all on the same team. We may go in there and complain about being tired, having hyper students, or feeling stressed but as a faculty we are all on the same team...and members of a team stick together and lift each other up, not put each other down. So people need to please disregard that analogy that was made somewhere, because that's really not a good analogy at all. I'll end by saying this: I was always taught a couple of things that I've tried hard to live by 1. If you don't have anything good to say, maybe it's best not to say anything at all and 2. NEVER put anything in WRITING... because odds are if it's not something you want other people reading..... it may end up in their hands eventually and then you can't deny what it says......it's there in black and white with your name all over it. People may forgive but it is really hard to forget. I love it here at this forum, and I hope somehow that this can be resolved so we can all feel like we are on the same page again. I also hope what I've said here doesn't make anyone angry but if it does, good. Sometimes getting angry is the first step to fixing a mistake. Sometimes, fixing a mistake brings people closer than they were before it happened. WG is supposed to be the best watch forum on the net. We need to all work together to make it that way. I agree with what Bridgette said. I've been disappointed by these developments and my perception of some people running this forum has been drastically altered. In time, maybe that will change. I don't think there is a place here for that type of behavior while claiming to be different than other forums and staking claim to the high ground. Forum members will never know for sure, what is going on in the background because that trust has been broken. I would like to believe what I am told but now there are doubts that can enter in. We members are all given the opportunity to participate in this forum by those who own and run Watchgeeks. I appreciate that fact, but its the members who make me want to spend time here. Hopefully, this issue will be addressed firmly and in no uncertain terms. Changes should be made and I hope to see signs of that in the future. __________________ Mark merichar View Public Profile Send a private message to merichar Find all posts by merichar Add merichar to Your Contacts #229 04-03-2009, 08:17 PM
srebo70 Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Antioch, IL Posts: 8,924 Real Name: Scott
I have spent the last few days away from home traveling for business. While I was away, all of this "stuff" went down. I have been contemplating my future on the forum. What did I have to go on? Let me see: 1) Emails from an individual telling me about others plans on what they were going to do with the information that was procured from the Moderators' Lounge. 2) Calls for the heads of those of the admin team that made off-color, hurtful, disrepsectful remarks in what was supposed to be a private area. They should step down, be replaced, etc. 3) The information sent out to members by "unnamed" individuals for the reason of being helpful, letting members know what people thought about them. First, let me say since I have been quoted on OTHER forums that my information in posts of a "BREAK IN" were incorrect. Initially I, like others, was informed that ONE INDIVIDUAL found his way into the forum during the upgrade. Apparently, I was mistaken, and there were MANY individuals that were able to access these areas. To show my lack of knowledge of navigating forums when they are down for maintenance, I tried logging on, saw the message it was going to take longer and I closed the window. It never crossed my mind to see if there was another way in! So for clarity sake, those at the other forums that continually quote "BREAK IN" as I deemed it, I am sorry I was mistaken. What I was not mistaken about was the blatant copying of the posts and information contained in there. Second, if ALL of the threads were to be sent out to the members, in the name of being helpful, our membership would see that the overwhelming MAJORITY of the posts were started as: "What do you think of this post?", "Is this screen name over too over the top?", "What do you guys think about a new area for <whatever>? Those posts are boring and will not get a rise out of anyone, so why bother sharing them? For those that believe we were wrong for having that area, I can see why you would believe that when it is portrayed as nothing more than an area for us to belittle the membership, but to see what actually took place there and the exchange of ideas and opinions to make this place better (including communicating ideas some members have brought up and had implemented) it can be hard to make that assumption. For those of you that have never said anything you regret and can't take back, I commend you. I strive to be more like that myself. There is ALWAYS two sides to every story and I hope I have given you mine. Lastly, I appreciate those who have contacted me asking me not to leave. I truly value the friendships I have made on here, both with meeting people personally and just communicating
through phone calls, emails and pms. Since this is but one aspect of my life and yes, things have occurred that I am not happy about, I will continue to participate and try my best to make this place better for everyone. For anyone affected by any of my actions, I welcome you to contact me and I will address this personally. Okay, REALLY lastly, for those of you who have lost trust in the Owners/Admin/Mods here, I hope that sooner or later you will realize that only the negatives have been stressed and it is all of our intentions to make this place a great, fun place, so I am with Aaron and Guido and would like to get back to why we all came here in the first place! __________________
Cars and watches, I sell one to buy the other!
Last edited by srebo70; 04-03-2009 at 08:21 PM. srebo70 View Public Profile Send a private message to srebo70 Find all posts by srebo70 Add srebo70 to Your Contacts #230 04-03-2009, 08:24 PM cali kid Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: monterey county, CA. Posts: 3,283
Scott, i'm very happy you decided to stay! You are a shinning beacon here at WG's and truely care about the members!! __________________
Trevor cali kid View Public Profile Find all posts by cali kid Add cali kid to Your Contacts #231 04-03-2009, 08:32 PM Watch Guido Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 5,676
Very good Scott~! This place would be a bit harsher minus one good-hearted soul who gives a forever home to a dog. Watch Guido View Public Profile Find all posts by Watch Guido Add Watch Guido to Your Contacts #232 04-03-2009, 08:37 PM
Furdog Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Missouri Posts: 1,242 Real Name: Aaron
Good news Scott! __________________
Let Greg Pitch - Facebook Link Furdog View Public Profile Send a private message to Furdog Visit Furdog's homepage! Find all posts by Furdog Add Furdog to Your Contacts #233 04-03-2009, 08:45 PM Red Ryder Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Aug 2008 Location: southern Calif Posts: 10,679
Hooray for Scott. whew
Red Ryder View Public Profile Send a private message to Red Ryder Send email to Red Ryder Find all posts by Red Ryder Add Red Ryder to Your Contacts #234 04-03-2009, 08:48 PM livefortoday
Join Date: Jan 2009
Senior Member Super Geek
Location: Needham, Ma. (from Dallas, Tx.) Posts: 1,508 Real Name: Mike
This forum is a better place to be with ya,Scott. I applaude your decision. Mikey livefortoday View Public Profile Send a private message to livefortoday Find all posts by livefortoday Add livefortoday to Your Contacts #235 04-03-2009, 10:31 PM Z-FREAK Banned True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 5,969
Anyone who says they have not talked some smack or trash about someone, even someone here, is just not being honest...we all do it. I think what might be going on however is that MEMBERS typically hold OWNERS and ADMINS to a higher standard. Is that right, after all they are just people too? It probably it not fair or not to be held to a higher standard as an Owner or an ADMIN, but it just goes with the territory. You set yourself up to pubic review and scrutiny when you are in a position of authority, so be prepared for it. Is it any less wrong for me to talk trash about someone, in theory, than it is an Owner or Admin? Of course not. Perception is reality however and I think that in general, when people in positions of authority make bad decisions, they are criticized more for it "than the average guy" would be. 1. Let him without sin cast the first stone... 2. Keep a better lock on the Admin Lounge door... Last edited by Z-FREAK; 04-03-2009 at 10:45 PM. Z-FREAK
View Public Profile Find all posts by Z-FREAK Add Z-FREAK to Your Contacts #236 04-03-2009, 10:42 PM
GeorgeTheWatchGuy WatchGeeks Moderator True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: OHIO Posts: 9,399
I'm really glad you have decided to hang in there Scott... You have been a great addition to the Admin. Staff here!!!
Now lets see those New watches guys & girls... __________________
"There are Two Types of Pain in this World: The Temporary Pain of Discipline, or the Permanent Pain of Regret"... GTWG GeorgeTheWatchGuy View Public Profile Send a private message to GeorgeTheWatchGuy Find all posts by GeorgeTheWatchGuy Add GeorgeTheWatchGuy to Your Contacts
#237 04-03-2009, 11:05 PM
CharlieB Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: On the Puget Sound, WA Posts: 13,347 Real Name: Charlie
All right! You geeks rock. Let's get back to watches! __________________
CharlieB View Public Profile Send a private message to CharlieB Find all posts by CharlieB Add CharlieB to Your Contacts #238 04-04-2009, 12:29 AM jdman Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Pa Posts: 251
Quote: Originally Posted by merichar I agree with what Bridgette said. I've been disappointed by these developments and my
perception of some people running this forum has been drastically altered. In time, maybe that will change. I don't think there is a place here for that type of behavior while claiming to be different than other forums and staking claim to the high ground. Forum members will never know for sure, what is going on in the background because that trust has been broken. I would like to believe what I am told but now there are doubts that can enter in. We members are all given the opportunity to participate in this forum by those who own and run Watchgeeks. I appreciate that fact, but its the members who make me want to spend time here. Hopefully, this issue will be addressed firmly and in no uncertain terms. Changes should be made and I hope to see signs of that in the future. I have to also agree with Mark and Bridgette. It makes me wonder what is being said about members at this and other forums from here on out behind the scenes. I had no idea this was going on. I guess I am just naive when it comes to that. I guess i hope for the best in people. I will always wonder now "who's saying what about who behind closed doors"? I understand the need for such a place. I would hope from here on out that discussions will be kept on topic and not turn to personal derogatory attacks. We commonfolk will never know though. __________________ __________________________
Scott Ours is a world governed by the excessive use of force. jdman View Public Profile Send a private message to jdman Find all posts by jdman Add jdman to Your Contacts #239 04-04-2009, 12:45 AM
Flyback Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Northern CA Posts: 21,894 Real Name: Brad
I think this needs to be given some perspective. Of the 7,000 plus members we are now
privileged to have on board, it's my guess that over the last year a total of 25 or so names were ever discussed behind the scenes. Of those roughly 20 were ultimately banned or moved on under their own power. The remaining represented either the more difficult personalities and/or those that were otherwise frustrating for whatever reason. All of us on the team volunteer our time and have invested heavily in making this a fun and productive place to hang out. Along the way we vented our frustrations regarding a very small number of people most of whom are no longer here. Call it what you will, I call it being human and as such, fallible. __________________
If n = the number of watches you have, then n + 1 = the number of watches you need!
Flyback View Public Profile Send a private message to Flyback Find all posts by Flyback Add Flyback to Your Contacts #240 04-04-2009, 01:00 AM
pacifichrono Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Sunny San Diego Posts: 258
Quote: Originally Posted by FlyBack I think this needs to be given some perspective. Of the 7,000 plus members we are now
privileged to have on board, it's my guess that over the last year a total of 25 or so names were ever discussed behind the scenes. Of those roughly 20 were ultimately banned or moved on under their own power. The remaining represented either the more difficult personalities and/or those that were otherwise frustrating for whatever reason. All of us on the team volunteer our time and have invested heavily in making this a fun and productive place to hang out. Along the way we vented our frustrations regarding a very small number of people most of whom are no longer here. Call it what you will, I call it being human and as such, fallible. These are just the facts of life. All forums operate like this, to differing degrees of obtuseness. You can go to other forums, but I guarantee similar comments are made in their back rooms. It most cases, those comments will never see the light of day (thankfully). It goes with the territory. __________________ Regards from Sunny San Diego......Tom pacifichrono
#241 04-04-2009, 01:05 AM koimaster Banned Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 1,976
Originally Posted by FlyBack I think this needs to be given some perspective. Of the 7,000 plus members we are now privileged to have on board, it's my guess that over the last year a total of 25 or so names were ever discussed behind the scenes. Of those roughly 20 were ultimately banned or moved on under their own power. The remaining represented either the more difficult personalities and/or those that were otherwise frustrating for whatever reason. All of us on the team volunteer our time and have invested heavily in making this a fun and productive place to hang out. Along the way we vented our frustrations regarding a very small number of people most of whom are no longer here. Call it what you will, I call it being human and as such, fallible. And with that type of comment I very tempted to post what was said about me and many others, most of whom are not "holier than thou". I refrain only because of
members here I like. koimaster #242 04-04-2009, 10:12 AM
merichar Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Northwest Oregon Posts: 2,877 Real Name: Mark
Quote: Originally Posted by pacifichrono These are just the facts of life. All forums operate like this, to differing degrees of obtuseness. You can go to other forums, but I guarantee similar comments are made in their back rooms. It most cases, those comments will never see the light of day (thankfully). It goes with the territory. I don't doubt that this happens at others places. I've seen it take place in the open threads at other forums. In the past I have taken abuse in other forums for defending this one. Perhaps naively, I had operated under the impression that this place was different. The owners and moderators have since day one-worked to keep this a positive/open forum. To find that even in isolated cases-the same kind of elitist, arrogant crap took place in the background disappoints me. People who did absolutely nothing wrong have been hurt by this and that saddens me. __________________ Mark merichar
#243 04-04-2009, 10:22 AM
HondaLover Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina Posts: 2,697 Real Name: John
I absolutely KNOW that this happens at the other forums I visit, in the background. I know the owner's and moderator's personalities on those forums, and I expect as much. As Mark said, I typically defend this forum on those other places, and I catch flak for it. So, I expect to be dissed there. Having it happen here is really a bummer. I know the owners and moderators are chastened somewhat, so hopefully it will not happen as frequently. It probably will, but I hope not. Keep the faith, John HondaLover #244 04-04-2009, 10:40 AM meijin WatchGeeks Owner True WatchGeek
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Atlanta, GA Posts: 11,985 Real Name: Michael
After about 10,000 reads and several hundred responses, I think this thread has run the usefulness at this point. We will have some more information to post about this soon. __________________ Michael
Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it. ~ Edward de Bono Invicta...in hoc nomen vinces!