A post I saw had nothing to do with what Michael has posted in the "Invicta Involvement" thread. It was in the Moderators Lounge and not the Owners Lounge. The thread was for dealing with the influx of members wishing to "donate money" to Michael and Bruce to cover the costs. In this thread a Mod asks "does anybody know what Invicta is paying now for the bandwidth?" An Admin guy answers...."The old site was 200.00 a month, the new site and software will be 5000.00 a year." So if you take
So you know the whole skinny, the Admin forums at Geeks were NOT viewable by registered members there. Only people visiting as "guests". Perhaps you can pass on some info to other members there. Basically Jim, Bruce, Michael, Scott, and all of the other mods made scathing, hurtful remarks about nearly every member. Members were mocked and ridiculed incessantly in hundreds and hundreds of threads. It was also revealed that Invicta Watch Group is actually funding the 5000.00 dollars a year for the forum bandwidth. Some about Joe;
There were many posts about Joe, these are just a parsing. Watchbear- Did any of you guys see Idiot big joes last post? He spelled psychotherapy pscotreapy! What a fool! He needs a good kick in the nutz. Michael- Will he EVER stop posting here? Bruce- I hear he has been tutoring LooseCannon on syntax and sentence structure. These guys are such ass-hats I can't even take it. Jim- He couldn't get a clue in a field of clues, dressed as a clue in mating season. All of these guys are fuzzy bunnies!
“Strength and wisdom are not opposing values.” Bill Clinton
Flyback –That trouble maker Alan is here now. How long before we ban him for life from here. Darth, banned from every forum in the world………
Michael- The guy is a head case. He thinks he thinks he really has something with those cheap watches he buys. He needs a clue. Bruce- Ban him now and save us some headaches. He doesn’t know his ass from a hole. Jim- He has one redeeming quality, he can make a sig file. His watch collection is crap. arielr22 – Alan is a tool and not a very useful one. CANNON – Now he changed himself to the zodiac. Maybe we can have him arrested. Aren’t they still looking for that buy in gaybay. He would fit right in, an asshole in a city looking for assholes.