Guys: I received the following from Stan at Panatime: Great Website Stan Betesh Here - We have many customers who buy straps from our website Panatime that are watch geeks members I would like to know how we can have a Forum ?? Advertise ?? We would like to offer special Discounts on Straps and deep blue Watches Please let me know Stan Betesh Panatime Deep Blue ========= How would you guys like to handle this? Here is what I propose: #1. Tell him that we don't accept advertising. #2. Add his member account to the VIP group #3. Tell him that we will post a sticky in the accessories forum indicating the discount for membes. #4. Tell him that we will post a global to let folks know about the discount #5. Tell him that he can respond to posts where he can make recommendations #6. Have a graphic in his signature. Given that these guys are not a major competitor to an SNBC vendors, this should be OK and the members all get a benefit. Let me know your thoughts. __________________ Michael