Join Date: May 2010 Posts: 1
kazmelbob Junior Member New Geek Invicta - Never Again
Sent in my Reserve Sea Vulture in April because the deployant band would not stay closed after going back and forth with CS on this finally found out that 1. The repairs are all done overseas 2. The band is not covered even though it is a manufacturing defect 3. It takes 6-8 weeks or more to get the watch back My wife and I have a number of Invictas, but will NEVER buy another one - the customer service is non existent and what purports to be Swiss is not Swiss - only parts maybe from Switzerland and assembled elsewhere I have been buying and selling watches for many, many years and never have had an experience like this. Wish that Invicta could get their act together and actually be the company that they purport to be. It is now June and I still don't have my watch back.
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kazmelbob View Public Profile Send a private message to kazmelbob Find all posts by kazmelbob Add kazmelbob to Your Contacts #2 Yesterday, 04:39 PM
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06032010 04:13 PM
Bahoomba Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Jun 2009 Posts: 1,362
Kaz, This is what can be termed, justly, as righteous indignation. I'm very sorry you're having such a hard time. Can't blame you in the least. Bahoomba View Public Profile Send a private message to Bahoomba Find all posts by Bahoomba Add Bahoomba to Your Contacts #3 Yesterday, 04:44 PM
MATTNATTI Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Ohio Posts: 399
they say 6-8 weeks and depending on when in april you sent they are still in that window. i have a sea vulture as well and the same thing happens then i started putting the keepers over the deployment part against the wrist and bang it doesnt open up and is very comfortable. welcome to watch geeks and i can understand you needing to vent but such a negative thread for you first post is not real cool. you didnt come here just to **** and moan about invicta did you? good luck with your watch and hope you get it back soon! __________________ Did you see that? Do they all got hedges like that? Do they? MATTNATTI View Public Profile Send a private message to MATTNATTI Send email to MATTNATTI Find all posts by MATTNATTI Add MATTNATTI to Your Contacts
#4 Yesterday, 04:49 PM
Jaybus74 Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Dec 2008 Location: Wilson NC Posts: 701 Real Name: John
Wow really? You joined just to complain about Invicta? How about an introduction post? Maybe share some knowledge or atleast something positive. I for one am sooooo tired of all the negativity. I don't care if this offends anyone else, because honestly all of the negative posts offend me. We get it! You had a bad experience, everyone CAN NOT be satisfied all the time it's just impossible to do. I understand you should get what you pay for and they should make it right if it's a factory defect and I agree in those circumstances, but come on be constructive to our forums. There's alot more here to do other than to complain. Enjoy your stay if you ever come back. __________________ Maintaining my madness one watch at a time!
Jaybus74 View Public Profile Send a private message to Jaybus74 Find all posts by Jaybus74 Add Jaybus74 to Your Contacts #5 Yesterday, 04:59 PM
MATTNATTI Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Ohio Posts: 399
well said jaybus i was just trying not to be that blunt but i think you got the point across after the speedway incident there has been a nice calm positive feeling here for invicta for a few days and then to get a first post like that it and i have seen a couple like that in the short time that i have been here it makes me wonder if they are just plants from __________________ Did you see that? Do they all got hedges like that? Do they? MATTNATTI
View Public Profile Send a private message to MATTNATTI Send email to MATTNATTI Find all posts by MATTNATTI Add MATTNATTI to Your Contacts #6 Yesterday, 05:01 PM
MATTNATTI Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Ohio Posts: 399
like you implied we will probably never see another post from them and if we do lets hope its not a negative one __________________ Did you see that? Do they all got hedges like that? Do they? MATTNATTI View Public Profile Send a private message to MATTNATTI Send email to MATTNATTI Find all posts by MATTNATTI Add MATTNATTI to Your Contacts #7 Yesterday, 05:36 PM
stormin Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Jan 2010 Location: 5 miles east of omaha Posts: 270 Real Name: norman
Quote: Originally Posted by kazmelbob Sent in my Reserve Sea Vulture in April because the deployant band would not stay closed after going back and forth with CS on this finally found out that 1. The repairs are all done overseas 2. The band is not covered even though it is a manufacturing defect 3. It takes 6-8 weeks or more to get the watch back
My wife and I have a number of Invictas, but will NEVER buy another one - the customer service is non existent and what purports to be Swiss is not Swiss - only parts maybe from Switzerland and assembled elsewhere I have been buying and selling watches for many, many years and never have had an experience like this. Wish that Invicta could get their act together and actually be the company that they purport to be. It is now June and I still don't have my watch back.
REALLY? stormin View Public Profile Send a private message to stormin Find all posts by stormin Add stormin to Your Contacts #8 Yesterday, 05:38 PM
a1trino Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Jun 2009 Location: Lemoore,CA Posts: 857 Real Name: Trinidad
I say let him vent but Im not sure if he is violating TOS. If he is not let him post whatever he wants IMOP! Welcome Hope you stay for a while! __________________ "This is a BIG DEAL!" a1trino View Public Profile Send a private message to a1trino Send email to a1trino Find all posts by a1trino Add a1trino to Your Contacts #9
Yesterday, 05:43 PM
Suz56 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Jan 2010 Location: Eastern NC Posts: 114 Real Name: Susie Pittman
This is how people get shut down. You understand his frustration yet tell him not to post about it. He has every right to post about it because it happened to him. You get tired of hearing the negative stuff, but the problem isn't that people write about the negative stuff, it's the negative stuff itself! What a shock.
Stop trying to shut down the messengers. Just because you may not want to hear the truth about individual people's problems does not mean that they don't have the right to write about them. If you don't want to read about it, then don't read about it. I myself want to know these things because it helps me in my buying decisions. There are often things I don't want to read about, but that doesn't give me the right to tell others what to write. I'm not going to end this little note with the usual, "I have many Invictas and I'm not bashing Invicta." I think it's a shame that so many people feel they have to say that to keep from getting scolded for simply telling the truth. I'm aware that I am likely to get scolded somehow for writing this! So I have an appropriate, dignified response already planned. Here it is:
Susie __________________
Suz56 View Public Profile Send a private message to Suz56 Send email to Suz56 Find all posts by Suz56 Add Suz56 to Your Contacts #10 Yesterday, 05:45 PM
desert rex Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Jan 2010 Location: virginia Posts: 476 Real Name: Jeff Davekos
I wonder if he even has that watch.a lot of random first post last couple of months bashing Invicta,all seem to have one thing in common ,no information filled out in their profile. desert rex View Public Profile Send a private message to desert rex Find all posts by desert rex Add desert rex to Your Contacts #11 Yesterday, 05:50 PM
MATTNATTI Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Ohio Posts: 399
i dont think jaybus or i and i cant speek for jaybus were trying to "shut the op down" but for that to be the very first post is pretty sad. i havent been here very long myself but i sure didnt jump out of the gate with such the time that i have been here i have read at least a half dozen first post like this. and dont tell me "dont read it" i will read whatever i want when i want and where i want. i do this to learn and if i open a negative thread it is to learn something that may be helpful in the future. __________________ Did you see that? Do they all got hedges like that? Do they? MATTNATTI View Public Profile Send a private message to MATTNATTI Send email to MATTNATTI Find all posts by MATTNATTI Add MATTNATTI to Your Contacts #12 Yesterday, 05:54 PM
rickm Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Jul 2009 Location: Chillicothe, Ohio Posts: 414 Real Name: Rick
I agree that one does have their right to vent frustrations. I personally buy watches that have either bracelets with diver's safety clasp or leather or rubber straps. There are many to choose from. rickm View Public Profile Send a private message to rickm Find all posts by rickm Add rickm to Your Contacts #13 Yesterday, 05:54 PM
waswell Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Kansas City, MO Posts: 499
Quote: Originally Posted by Jaybus74 Wow really? You joined just to complain about Invicta? How about an introduction post? Maybe share some knowledge or atleast something positive. I for one am sooooo tired of all the negativity. I don't care if this offends anyone else, because honestly all of the negative posts offend me. We get it! You had a bad experience, everyone CAN NOT be satisfied all the time it's just impossible to do. I understand you should get what you pay for and they should make it right if it's a factory defect and I agree in those circumstances, but come on be constructive to our forums. There's alot more here to do other than to complain. Enjoy your stay if you ever come back. I have no problem with the OP complaining here. We take the positive and negative posts. Hopefully Invicta will listen !!!! Welcome Kazmelbob. I personally agree with you. Hang in there waswell View Public Profile
Send a private message to waswell Find all posts by waswell Add waswell to Your Contacts #14 Yesterday, 05:56 PM
wave3214 Senior Member True WatchGeek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Tempe, suburb of Phoenix Posts: 17,888
I had a clasp issue with my beloved SAN/GMT cause by the weight of the watch. IT woud not stay closed without the divers safety clasp as the weight of thepiece had caused the bar on the clasp to warp. I called Invicta and they were very happy to take care of it and under warranty. I packaged up the watch and sent it in. Three months to the day later I got it back and it was repaired and was perfect. The case had even been buffed out for me. You never know until you ask but my experience has been that Invicta will go out of there way to make you happy if you approach them with a positive attitude. __________________
wave3214 View Public Profile Send a private message to wave3214 Find all posts by wave3214 Add wave3214 to Your Contacts #15 Yesterday, 06:02 PM
MATTNATTI Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Ohio Posts: 399
ther IS great feedback on this forum. i almost sent back my sea vulture but it took me just a few minutes to figure out a solution on my own and then happy days __________________ Did you see that? Do they all got hedges like that? Do they?
MATTNATTI View Public Profile Send a private message to MATTNATTI Send email to MATTNATTI Find all posts by MATTNATTI Add MATTNATTI to Your Contacts #16 Yesterday, 06:03 PM
Jaybus74 Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Dec 2008 Location: Wilson NC Posts: 701 Real Name: John
Suz56: The Op does have the right to vent or post complaints but what good does it do? It doesn't!! Does it help him get his watch back? Does it get his watch fixed? No! If he has a right to post and complain then I have the right to post back and tell him how I feel. Sometimes people just need to learn to cry a river, build a bridge and get over it. Just my opinion!! __________________ Maintaining my madness one watch at a time!
Jaybus74 View Public Profile Send a private message to Jaybus74 Find all posts by Jaybus74 Add Jaybus74 to Your Contacts #17 Yesterday, 06:05 PM
waswell Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Kansas City, MO Posts: 499
Originally Posted by Jaybus74 Suz56: The Op does have the right to vent or post complaints but what good does it do? It doesn't!! Does it help him get his watch back? Does it get his watch fixed? No! If he has a right to post and complain then I have the right to post back and tell him how I feel. Sometimes people just need to learn to cry a river, build a bridge and get over it. Just my opinion!! WOW. Very harsh response. May all your watches come perfect as I would hate for you to "cry a river" !!!! Now when the OP never returns you will use the logic he was only here to complain. Interesting - maybe he won't return because you bit his head off. Just my opinion !!!! "Maintaining my madness one watch at a time!" How true waswell View Public Profile Send a private message to waswell Find all posts by waswell Add waswell to Your Contacts #18 Yesterday, 06:12 PM
buddah00 Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Jan 2010 Location: GA Posts: 1,197 Real Name: Isaac
Coming into a forum and choosing to begin with negativity sure does create a great impression. It is well known that it takes forever to get something back from Invicta or to get an order from Invicta. They don't keep anything in the U.S. I ordered a leather strap in January and a bracelet in February. I still don't have them, am I pissed....of course but getting on here and bashing isn't going to get it to me any faster. We should be able to vent our frustrations and express our opinions freely. I do understand the need to vent.
Introducing yourself like this is in poor taste. People come to WG open a bash thread about a brand and then are never heard from again. They don't contribute anything to WG. These posts should be ignored as far as I am concerned. I am going to try to make this my last time responding to a post like this and contributing to keeping it alive. __________________ I want what every other man want's, I Just want it MORE!
buddah00 View Public Profile Send a private message to buddah00 Find all posts by buddah00 Add buddah00 to Your Contacts #19 Yesterday, 06:13 PM
reddog1 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Chicago Posts: 386 Real Name: Mike
I know that all of you guys are RIGHT ...the thing I think gets EVERYBODY is a ...DRIVEBY-BASHING where they don't stay and really VENT it's alright to hear the BAD as well as the GOOD with so many watches being sold all that is understandable---but like I said at least for's the drive by bashing that's allmost everybody's going to be convinced on the first post of a wronging........NO? __________________ JUST LET ME TRY THE WATCH ON!! reddog1 View Public Profile Send a private message to reddog1 Send email to reddog1 Find all posts by reddog1 Add reddog1 to Your Contacts
#20 Yesterday, 06:17 PM
Jaybus74 Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Dec 2008 Location: Wilson NC Posts: 701 Real Name: John
Quote: Originally Posted by waswell WOW. Very harsh response. May all your watches come perfect as I would hate for you to "cry a river" !!!! Now when the OP never returns you will use the logic he was only here to complain. Interesting - maybe he won't return because you bit his head off. Just my opinion !!!! "Maintaining my madness one watch at a time!" How true If it doesn't come perfect oh well, I would just send it back. I wouldn't run to my computer and make a negative post about how ticked off I am. Sorry if you found it harsh but really when life hands you a lemon you shouldn't turn into a sourpuss. Would you care to explain your remark about "Maintaining my madness one watch at a time!"? What does that have to do with anything? What point or relevance does it hold to this thread? __________________ Maintaining my madness one watch at a time!
Jaybus74 View Public Profile Send a private message to Jaybus74 Find all posts by Jaybus74 Add Jaybus74 to Your Contacts #21 Yesterday, 06:22 PM
reddog1 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Chicago Posts: 386 Real Name: Mike
Well said Jay(when life hands you a lemon you shouldn't turn into a sourpuss.) AGREED __________________ JUST LET ME TRY THE WATCH ON!! reddog1 View Public Profile Send a private message to reddog1 Send email to reddog1 Find all posts by reddog1 Add reddog1 to Your Contacts #22 Yesterday, 06:26 PM
HeavyChevy Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Ventura, California Posts: 1,630 Real Name: Bruce
Quote: Originally Posted by Suz56 This is how people get shut down. You understand his frustration yet tell him not to post about it. He has every right to post about it because it happened to him. You get tired of hearing the negative stuff, but the problem isn't that people write about the negative stuff, it's the negative stuff itself! What a shock.
Stop trying to shut down the messengers. Just because you may not want to hear the truth about individual people's problems does not mean that they don't have the right to write about them. If you don't want to read about it, then don't read about it. I myself want to know these things because it helps me in my buying decisions. There are often things I don't want to read about, but that doesn't give me the right to tell others what to write. I'm not going to end this little note with the usual, "I have many Invictas and I'm not bashing Invicta." I think it's a shame that so many people feel they have to say that to keep from getting scolded for simply telling the truth. I'm aware that I am likely to get scolded somehow for writing this! So I have an appropriate, dignified response already planned. Here it is:
Susie Thanks for the opposing view, gets pretty tiring when the "Post Police" feel the need to weigh in just because someone starts off on what they consider the wrong foot. Apparently, just because they didn't start that way, no one should. Amazing how some folks feel the need to establish standards for others to live by. The "I wouldn't do this" and "I wouldn't do that" gets old. HeavyChevy View Public Profile Send a private message to HeavyChevy Send email to HeavyChevy Find all posts by HeavyChevy Add HeavyChevy to Your Contacts #23 Yesterday, 06:32 PM
reddog1 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Chicago Posts: 386 Real Name: Mike
Quote: Originally Posted by HeavyChevy Thanks for the opposing view, gets pretty tiring when the "Post Police" feel the need to weigh in just because someone starts off on what they consider the wrong foot. Apparently, just because they didn't start that way, no one should. Amazing how some folks feel the need to establish standards for others to live by. The "I wouldn't do this" and "I wouldn't do that" gets old. I think they just want them to wait for a responce rather than it being a unanswered complaint I've heard these complaints and I have heard these same people offer solace and turn into a meaning full discussion __________________ JUST LET ME TRY THE WATCH ON!! reddog1 View Public Profile Send a private message to reddog1
Send email to reddog1 Find all posts by reddog1 Add reddog1 to Your Contacts #24 Yesterday, 06:34 PM
CBASS Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Rocklin, CA Posts: 294
I am under the impression that this is a watch forum for watch enthusiast and collector, they can join to voice their opinion, frustration or praise, as long as it’s watch related..I didn’t see anything anywhere saying that a member’s first post has to be coated with honey..I welcome members like “Kazmelbob” to join and tell us about their Invicta CS experience, isn’t this forum over 50% Invicta driven. So where do you expect him to vent..Just wake up bullies around the forum, I am sure Eyal will not be as offended as you, and I am sure he will want to do something about making sure all of us Invicta owners to be happy and come back, and that will not happen by putting a lid on those problems..This is my honest opinion, if I get scolded for it, then let it be.. CBASS View Public Profile Send a private message to CBASS Find all posts by CBASS Add CBASS to Your Contacts #25 Yesterday, 06:40 PM
Jaybus74 Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Dec 2008 Location: Wilson NC Posts: 701 Real Name: John
The "I wouldn't do this and I wouldn't do that" doesn't get as old as moan and gripe whine and cry, brand bash, brand bash, brand bash. It is what it is he got a defective, oh well, c'est la vie that's just the way it is.
Bullies? You can't be serious!!! Far from a bully! If he wanted to complain about Invicta then why go to a forum that's Invicta Driven as you say? Why not goto say watchuseek? They have plenty of Invicta bashers there! Maybe the mods should make a Complaint Forum and make it an option to hide said forum if you choose to not read about it. That way people can complain and I can choose to not even see those threads. __________________ Maintaining my madness one watch at a time!
waswell Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Kansas City, MO Posts: 499
Quote: Originally Posted by Jaybus74 Would you care to explain your remark about "Maintaining my madness one watch at a time!"? What does that have to do with anything? What point or relevance does it hold to this thread? I was poking fun at you by using your own terms. I think your rant was pure madness I guess you do have to vent your frustrations - just like the OP !!! waswell View Public Profile Send a private message to waswell Find all posts by waswell Add waswell to Your Contacts #27 Yesterday, 06:43 PM
desert rex Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Jan 2010 Location: virginia Posts: 476 Real Name: Jeff Davekos
Quote: Originally Posted by waswell WOW. Very harsh response. May all your watches come perfect as I would hate for you to "cry a river" !!!!
Now when the OP never returns you will use the logic he was only here to complain. Interesting - maybe he won't return because you bit his head off. Just my opinion !!!! "Maintaining my madness one watch at a time!" How true I know of at least 5 threads in the past that started out negative like this,were some members took the side of the OP,only to find the thread shut down for trolling.I'm not saying for sure this is the case here,but if I had to guess ,I would think so.Jaybus74 makes a valid point here in that it will do no good to bash Invicta here,he could have joined and sent a pm to Mike or Jim looking for help in his matter he did not ,instead he took the time to join with just enough information to post a negative Invicta thread. That does no good and will resolve nothing. And last I would think anyone collecting Invicta's would qualify as a geek.then why not already be a member here.? desert rex View Public Profile Send a private message to desert rex Find all posts by desert rex Add desert rex to Your Contacts #28 Yesterday, 06:47 PM
Joe Tex Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Aug 2008 Location: PA Posts: 2,516
I don't know if this is a hit and run, a plant, or just some person needing to share some frustration but an introduction is just polite and relational. Peace N Love Joe Tex View Public Profile Send a private message to Joe Tex Send email to Joe Tex Find all posts by Joe Tex Add Joe Tex to Your Contacts #29
Yesterday, 06:49 PM
reddog1 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Chicago Posts: 386 Real Name: Mike
Your right I was called cruel for even mentioning TROLLING as a forum (discussion)you should stay for a while and discuss that's my belief not bash and not even stay or care for a response __________________ JUST LET ME TRY THE WATCH ON!! reddog1 View Public Profile Send a private message to reddog1 Send email to reddog1 Find all posts by reddog1 Add reddog1 to Your Contacts #30 Yesterday, 06:49 PM
jimmyv Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: Phoenix, Arizona Posts: 851 Real Name: Jim
Bottom line is if you don't like a thread than just move along. Yeah it was their first post but so what. Did you ever think that this is as close to an actual Invicta forum out there and sometimes it's nice to express what you're dealing with so the company who is putting you through that situation may actually see it. Hopefully if you ever do have an issue and want to vent you're treated a little better than you treated this poster. Also, remember that you entered the thread, read it and then took the time to post which you didn't have to do. You could have just moved along and been done with it but decided to take the OP to task so who was really adding negativity here. Just saying jimmyv View Public Profile
Send a private message to jimmyv Find all posts by jimmyv Add jimmyv to Your Contacts #31 Yesterday, 06:49 PM
gman66 Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Mar 2010 Location: Citrus Heights, CA Posts: 783 Real Name: Gary
Welcome to watchgeeks. Sorry your 1st post couldn't be a happier one. Enjoy the forum while you're here! __________________ Bullwinkle: "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!" gman66 View Public Profile Send a private message to gman66 Find all posts by gman66 Add gman66 to Your Contacts #32 Yesterday, 06:53 PM
thescarletpimpernel Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Feb 2010 Location: Central Pennsylvania Posts: 170 Real Name: Mike
I understand some folks unhappiness when one buys an item and it doesn't live up to expectations. For what its worth... I sell custom built automobiles that start at $100,000 plus. People have no idea the issues and problems and arguments we have with the manufacturer concerning defects in workmanship and sometimes their "take it or leave it" attitude. Putting that into perspective makes repairing a timepiece on occasion really not so bad... thescarletpimpernel View Public Profile Send a private message to thescarletpimpernel
Send email to thescarletpimpernel Find all posts by thescarletpimpernel Add thescarletpimpernel to Your Contacts #33 Yesterday, 06:55 PM
lexcolon Member Member Geek
Join Date: May 2010 Location: NYC Posts: 42 Real Name: Alex
Quote: Originally Posted by Suz56 This is how people get shut down. You understand his frustration yet tell him not to post about it. He has every right to post about it because it happened to him. You get tired of hearing the negative stuff, but the problem isn't that people write about the negative stuff, it's the negative stuff itself! What a shock.
Stop trying to shut down the messengers. Just because you may not want to hear the truth about individual people's problems does not mean that they don't have the right to write about them. If you don't want to read about it, then don't read about it. I myself want to know these things because it helps me in my buying decisions. There are often things I don't want to read about, but that doesn't give me the right to tell others what to write. I'm not going to end this little note with the usual, "I have many Invictas and I'm not bashing Invicta." I think it's a shame that so many people feel they have to say that to keep from getting scolded for simply telling the truth. I'm aware that I am likely to get scolded somehow for writing this! So I have an appropriate, dignified response already planned. Here it is:
Susie well said ! __________________ TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE
lexcolon View Public Profile Send a private message to lexcolon Send email to lexcolon Find all posts by lexcolon Add lexcolon to Your Contacts #34 Yesterday, 07:02 PM
lexcolon Member Member Geek
Join Date: May 2010 Location: NYC Posts: 42 Real Name: Alex
BTW I'M sorta new also first time I posted was just after the last SR but spent the day (ALL DAY) sunday 5/31/10 will all the fellow WGs' you guys r great and i would hate to think any would be singled out because they were venting about a bad experience...GRANTED maybe it should not have been the first post-but then again something drove the WG to make that post. AND who has not had issues with INVICTA's CR-yes most of the times they r good but every now n then.... also if you read the warranty it does state it only covers the movement.... PLEASE respect the individual __________________ TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE lexcolon View Public Profile Send a private message to lexcolon Send email to lexcolon Find all posts by lexcolon Add lexcolon to Your Contacts #35 Yesterday, 07:04 PM
Rog1 Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: Pompano Beach , Fl. Posts: 1,851 Real Name: Roger
OP, it is possible you had the watch to tight. You can also bend the deployant to make it harder to open. The problem may have been the fit to your wrist dimension. You should have tried these solutions or asked for other possible solutions here before you sent the watch back. With your next Invicta, try experimenting with being a problem solver and not a problem identifier if it is necessary to do so. Problems with our watches and with customer service can be very constructive to the vendor and to this community when they are posted with a level of civility and honesty, and not with disrespect. R __________________ I'm earning extra watch money, one wipe at a time!!!! Rog1 View Public Profile Send a private message to Rog1 Find all posts by Rog1 Add Rog1 to Your Contacts #36 Yesterday, 07:05 PM
reddog1 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Chicago Posts: 386 Real Name: Mike
Quote: Originally Posted by lexcolon BTW I'M sorta new also first time I posted was just after the last SR but spent the day (ALL DAY) sunday 5/31/10 will all the fellow WGs' you guys r great and i would hate to think any would be singled out because they were venting about a bad experience...GRANTED maybe it should not have been the first post-but then again something drove the WG to make that post. AND who has not had issues with INVICTA's CR-yes most of the times they r good but every now n then.... also if you read the warranty it does state it only covers the movement.... PLEASE respect the individual You're right I think they expected somewhat of a forum not to complain and not look for a resolution many forget it's a FORUM __________________ JUST LET ME TRY THE WATCH ON!! reddog1
View Public Profile Send a private message to reddog1 Send email to reddog1 Find all posts by reddog1 Add reddog1 to Your Contacts #37 Yesterday, 07:06 PM
Time Bandit Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Posts: 711
Welcome to Watchgeeks, kazmelbob! Sorry you had a bad experience. Don't let the restless natives scare you off. There are alot of good people here, and lately the temperature level on this forum has gotten a little warm. Feel free to post here, and good luck with your Sea Vulture. Time Bandit View Public Profile Send a private message to Time Bandit Send email to Time Bandit Find all posts by Time Bandit Add Time Bandit to Your Contacts #38 Yesterday, 07:16 PM
CLEANS-HIGH Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: Aliquippa Pa Posts: 809
The thread did say 'Invicta never again' so I don't know why people who view it are shocked that it's a negative thread but if it's a legitamate complaint than whats the problem it's a member complaining about Invicta CS, I have no problem with Invicta and I own 3 Invicta watches but if I did have a problem I would not keep buying and keep complaining. But I will say I had a repair on a watch, not Invicta and it took about 2 months to get back so I don't think that 6-8
weeks it all that unordinary CLEANS-HIGH View Public Profile Send a private message to CLEANS-HIGH Find all posts by CLEANS-HIGH Add CLEANS-HIGH to Your Contacts #39 Yesterday, 07:16 PM
SeaVulture Senior Member Super Geek
Join Date: Feb 2010 Location: San Antonio, Texas Posts: 1,757 Real Name: William
Quote: Originally Posted by kazmelbob Sent in my Reserve Sea Vulture in April because the deployant band would not stay closed after going back and forth with CS on this finally found out that 1. The repairs are all done overseas 2. The band is not covered even though it is a manufacturing defect 3. It takes 6-8 weeks or more to get the watch back My wife and I have a number of Invictas, but will NEVER buy another one - the customer service is non existent and what purports to be Swiss is not Swiss - only parts maybe from Switzerland and assembled elsewhere I have been buying and selling watches for many, many years and never have had an experience like this. Wish that Invicta could get their act together and actually be the company that they purport to be. It is now June and I still don't have my watch back. Welcome to WatchGeeks kazmelbob!!
My first question is how long have you had that Vulture, and where did you buy it? If you haven't had it more than 30 days, and you bought it at ShopNBC, you've got the option to just send it back and get a refund. The spare parts for clasps and such are not necessarily overseas. If you write an email to Rebecca Baitz ( ) you will find that they can replace your clasp with a new one in rather short order.
I did just that right after I bought mine. Sometimes, instead of venting, it's just a good idea to ask the right question. Try, best you can, to make lemonade out of the lemon, ok?! __________________ Welcome to The Invicta Reserve SubAqua Venom Valgrange A07.211 Automatic WatchGeek Registry! SeaVulture View Public Profile Send a private message to SeaVulture Find all posts by SeaVulture Add SeaVulture to Your Contacts #40 Yesterday, 07:17 PM
CBASS Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Rocklin, CA Posts: 294
Quote: Originally Posted by Jaybus74 The "I wouldn't do this and I wouldn't do that" doesn't get as old as moan and gripe whine and cry, brand bash, brand bash, brand bash. It is what it is he got a defective, oh well, c'est la vie that's just the way it is. Bullies? You can't be serious!!! Far from a bully! If he wanted to complain about Invicta then why go to a forum that's Invicta Driven as you say? Why not goto say watchuseek? They have plenty of Invicta bashers there! Maybe the mods should make a Complaint Forum and make it an option to hide said forum if you choose to not read about it. That way people can complain and I can choose to not even see those threads. With all due respect, I think you are missing the point, the guy was not bashing, he was stating a fact. All over this forum people share their CS problems, how is that bashing or wrong? and yes this forum is Invicta driven, and any Invicta issue should be addressed here, we are not trying to chase people away..what you are saying is "if you like and worship Invicta you are our friend, if you have any problem with Invicta you are the enemy.." and I hope you don't mean that.. CBASS View Public Profile
Send a private message to CBASS Find all posts by CBASS Add CBASS to Your Contacts #41 Yesterday, 07:23 PM
reddog1 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Chicago Posts: 386 Real Name: Mike
Quote: Originally Posted by CBASS With all due respect, I think you are missing the point, the guy was not bashing, he was stating a fact. All over this forum people share their CS problems, how is that bashing or wrong? and yes this forum is Invicta driven, and any Invicta issue should be addressed here, we are not trying to chase people away..what you are saying is "if you like and worship Invicta you are our friend, if you have any problem with Invicta you are the enemy.." and I hope you don't mean that.. I'm happy things are calming down jaybus74 is a good guy I have heard him giving good advice I feel he's looking towards a forum as a forum but like many people here he gives good ADVICE __________________ JUST LET ME TRY THE WATCH ON!! reddog1 View Public Profile Send a private message to reddog1 Send email to reddog1 Find all posts by reddog1 Add reddog1 to Your Contacts #42 Yesterday, 07:55 PM
cwb0526 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Missouri (commute to DC) Posts: 114 Real Name: Chris
I can't really say much with respect to problems as I have only had one problem with an Invicta I purchased. I've purchased a bunch of them so it does strike me as odd that there are so many negative comments about quality. Higher end, lower end Invictas, I just haven't had any problems. I always hate to hear it though when people have problems with quality and customer service. Problem is, out here in cyber-space it is tough to tell BS from what is reality. Some submit photos of their issues which certainly lends itself to credibility of a claim, but most don't. My experience has been good, but that's just me. Chris __________________ "Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing." - Vince Lombardi Last edited by cwb0526; Yesterday at 07:55 PM. Reason: typo cwb0526 View Public Profile Send a private message to cwb0526 Find all posts by cwb0526 Add cwb0526 to Your Contacts #43 Yesterday, 08:00 PM
reddog1 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Chicago Posts: 386 Real Name: Mike
Quote: Originally Posted by cwb0526 I can't really say much with respect to problems as I have only had one problem with an Invicta I purchased. I've purchased a bunch of them so it does strike me as odd that there are so many negative comments about quality. Higher end, lower end Invictas, I just haven't had any problems. I always hate to hear it though when people have problems with quality and customer service. Problem is, out here in cyber-space it is tough to tell BS from what is reality. Some submit photos of their issues which certainly lends itself to credibility of a claim, but most don't. My experience has been good, but that's just me.
Chris Hey Chris it's good to hear the good as well as the bad you probably handled your problem exactly as you posted your thread next time maybe say a few steps you took in getting that accomplished __________________ JUST LET ME TRY THE WATCH ON!! reddog1 View Public Profile Send a private message to reddog1 Send email to reddog1 Find all posts by reddog1 Add reddog1 to Your Contacts #44 Yesterday, 08:10 PM
bigwatchking1 Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Jan 2010 Location: ohio Posts: 3,030 Real Name: Nhard
first welcome to family that is watchgeeks,,,second,,if you wake up happy go to bed happy,,,good karma,,,and believe me some of the geeks here have had there problems,,,i know its your money and you should recieve the customer service that you would expect with buying a product,,,i know i do,,i use to get PO,,screaming yelling ..mad as hill,,didnt get me nothing,,take a deep breath,,enjoy the sunset,,enjoy dinner with the wife,,listen to some jazz and relax,,i found a jeweler who fixes my watches pretty reasonable,,and i have no know more headaches from all of the yelling,,BRO have a blessed day and never let nothing steal your joy,,,god bless __________________ at least i didnt destroy a watch this time bigwatchking1 View Public Profile Send a private message to bigwatchking1 Send email to bigwatchking1 Find all posts by bigwatchking1 Add bigwatchking1 to Your Contacts
#45 Yesterday, 08:43 PM
beyelzu Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Mar 2010 Location: Jefferson Ga Posts: 111 Real Name: Grady
Quote: Originally Posted by HeavyChevy Thanks for the opposing view, gets pretty tiring when the "Post Police" feel the need to weigh in just because someone starts off on what they consider the wrong foot. Apparently, just because they didn't start that way, no one should. Amazing how some folks feel the need to establish standards for others to live by. The "I wouldn't do this" and "I wouldn't do that" gets old. When someone signs up just to ***** and then not post more, I doubt their sincerity and do not know what they offer the community. I don't require everyone be invicta cheerleaders, but signing up just to come here and bash Invicta seems kind of low rent to me. beyelzu View Public Profile Send a private message to beyelzu Find all posts by beyelzu Add beyelzu to Your Contacts #46 Yesterday, 08:44 PM
cwb0526 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Missouri (commute to DC) Posts: 114 Real Name: Chris
Quote: Originally Posted by reddog1 Hey Chris it's good to hear the good as well as the bad you probably handled your problem exactly as you posted your thread next time maybe say a few steps you took in getting that accomplished Wish I could but it was one of those situations where this particular watch just didn't sing to me anyway, so I returned it. Have to admit though I felt bad about it because I have a feeling someone else got that exact watch on a recycle. That's not Invictas issue though, that's a Shop
issue. My post wasn't meant to kick anyone in the teeth. I just personally have had only one issue through around 40 Invicta purchases over the last several years. It's likely that I am just lucky (wish I had this kind of luck in Vegas). In fact, just got through sizing a SAS Black IP with a yellow dial that I got a few days ago. Put it through the ringer before sizing and all seems to be good to go. Quite honestly, with all of the CS issues that many seem to have I am happy that my streak continues.... Chris __________________ "Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing." - Vince Lombardi cwb0526 View Public Profile Send a private message to cwb0526 Find all posts by cwb0526 Add cwb0526 to Your Contacts #47 Yesterday, 08:48 PM
reddog1 Senior Member Senior Geek
Join Date: Apr 2010 Location: Chicago Posts: 386 Real Name: Mike
Quote: Originally Posted by cwb0526 Wish I could but it was one of those situations where this particular watch just didn't sing to me anyway, so I returned it. Have to admit though I felt bad about it because I have a feeling someone else got that exact watch on a recycle. That's not Invictas issue though, that's a Shop issue. My post wasn't meant to kick anyone in the teeth. I just personally have had only one issue through around 40 Invicta purchases over the last several years. It's likely that I am just lucky (wish I had this kind of luck in Vegas). In fact, just got through sizing a SAS Black IP with a yellow dial that I got a few days ago. Put it through the ringer before sizing and all seems to be good to go. Quite honestly, with all of the CS issues that many seem to have I am happy that my streak
continues.... Chris I know what you mean you were not kicking anyone good post.. post some pics for everyone if you get a chance __________________ JUST LET ME TRY THE WATCH ON!! reddog1 View Public Profile Send a private message to reddog1 Send email to reddog1 Find all posts by reddog1 Add reddog1 to Your Contacts #48 Yesterday, 09:11 PM
WATCHJAC Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: New Hampshire Seacoast Posts: 2,841 Real Name: Joe
Quote: Originally Posted by Suz56 This is how people get shut down. You understand his frustration yet tell him not to post about it. He has every right to post about it because it happened to him. You get tired of hearing the negative stuff, but the problem isn't that people write about the negative stuff, it's the negative stuff itself! What a shock.
Stop trying to shut down the messengers. Just because you may not want to hear the truth about individual people's problems does not mean that they don't have the right to write about them. If you don't want to read about it, then don't read about it. I myself want to know these things because it helps me in my buying decisions. There are often things I don't want to read about, but that doesn't give me the right to tell others what to write. I'm not going to end this little note with the usual, "I have many Invictas and I'm not bashing Invicta." I think it's a shame that so many people feel they have to say that to keep from getting scolded for simply telling the truth.
I'm aware that I am likely to get scolded somehow for writing this! So I have an appropriate, dignified response already planned. Here it is:
Here, here well put. We see this all too often some of these self righteous, self appointed, brand defenders (you know who you are)that god forbid someone says something negative about a brand they love. Then they feel like they've been appointed that brands defender and they go into attack mode, how dare you say anything negative about the brand that I love I will not hear of it. Because they would rather have no knowledge of any problems with their beloved brand. I could only guess that is because they would rather go thru life with blinders on(remember knowledge is power). But mark my words the moment they have a serious problem you will hear from them, of that I can guarantee you without question. Some of these very same people I have seen venting or being negative as they would call it about different things but that is ok. Why because it's not about their favorite brand. After all when a fellow Geek falls on hard times such as my car broke down or my dog ran away or someone stole all my watches etc. do we ask them to stop being negative or complaining, no we don't instead we give our full support and that is what is so great about this forum. And IMHO complaining/venting about a CS issue or complaining/venting about something in your personal life is no different because it happened to you and that makes it personal. I understand that this is a new Geek and if he became a member just to say something negative about Invicta that will be apparent soon enough. To you our newest Geek I hope that our insensitivity to your problem has not put you off on our forum, welcome to Watch Geeks enjoy your stay BTW everyone here is o.k. really they are. __________________
WATCHJAC View Public Profile Send a private message to WATCHJAC Find all posts by WATCHJAC Add WATCHJAC to Your Contacts #49 Yesterday, 09:22 PM
nyfatboy99 Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Oct 2009 Location: Westchester County NY Posts: 728 Real Name: Mark
At least make it post ohh say #5 or 6 ?? number ONE should be Hello from LA My name is Jambi and I am a Watchaholic !! Then vent and stuff.. I have over 30 Invictas and have never had any trouble besides one broken in shipping,refunded from SHOP and waited a few weeks for a band for my Akula... __________________ Even a Broken Watch is Right Twice A Day nyfatboy99 View Public Profile Send a private message to nyfatboy99 Find all posts by nyfatboy99 Add nyfatboy99 to Your Contacts #50 Yesterday, 09:24 PM
nyfatboy99 Senior Member Veteran Geek
Join Date: Oct 2009 Location: Westchester County NY Posts: 728 Real Name: Mark
Who was that masked Man, we are all talking to ourselves !!! __________________ Even a Broken Watch is Right Twice A Day
emptypockets Junior Member New Geek
Join Date: Apr 2009 Location: san bernardino calif Posts: 3 Real Name: rod
hey buddha00 how did you get past the dog,security cameras and alarm to take pics of my watches? seems we have very similar tastes in watches. emptypockets View Public Profile Send a private message to emptypockets
Find all posts by emptypockets Add emptypockets to Your Contacts #52 Yesterday, 09:26 PM Join Date: Apr 2008 Posts: 711
Time Bandit Senior Member Veteran Geek
Guys, He didn't post in Member Introductions and Photos He posted in Customer Service Inquiries and Contact Please give the guy a break. Don't be one of these:
Time Bandit View Public Profile Send a private message to Time Bandit
Send email to Time Bandit Find all posts by Time Bandit Add Time Bandit to Your Contacts #53 Yesterday, 09:40 PM
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Smallville Posts: 352
Senior Member Senior Geek
Originally Posted by Suz56 This is how people get shut down. You understand his frustration yet tell him not to post about it. He has every right to post about it because it happened to him. You get tired of hearing the negative stuff, but the problem isn't that people write about the negative stuff, it's the negative stuff itself! What a shock. Stop trying to shut down the messengers. Just because you may not want to hear the truth about individual people's problems does not mean that they don't have the right to write about them. If you don't want to read about it, then don't read about it. I myself want to know these things because it helps me in my buying decisions. There are often things I don't want to read about, but that doesn't give me the right to tell others what to write. I'm not going to end this little note with the usual, "I have many Invictas and I'm not bashing Invicta." I think it's a shame that so many people feel they have to say that to keep from getting scolded for simply telling the truth. I'm aware that I am likely to get scolded somehow for writing this! So I have an appropriate, dignified response already planned. Here it is:
Ditto x 100! __________________
View Public Profile Send a private message to supra Find all posts by supra Add supra to Your Contacts #54 Yesterday, 09:46 PM Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: Tacoma Wa Posts: 1,592 Real Name: Dennis
D-Smoke Senior Member Super Geek
I see both sides of this. I can see why the guy should be allowed to vent or complain, after all we do still have freedom of speech as long as it doesngt violate TOS, but I also see how this gets old to people. Not so much because of the OP but because they've seen so many people pull a hit and run. That is they never post anything but the 1st complaint and they are gone. One question I would like to know, Is this your 1st Invicta or have you recieved 15 Invictas that were perfect and then got a defective one. This to me makes a BIG difference. If you've bought a bunch of watches from them and never had an interest in coming here to be a member or post about your purchase but the minute you get a problem you come whining then thats just wrong. __________________ Big Denny In T-Town
D-Smoke View Public Profile Send a private message to D-Smoke Send email to D-Smoke Find all posts by D-Smoke Add D-Smoke to Your Contacts
#55 Yesterday, 09:55 PM Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: from ny live in g.a Posts: 3,403
BIGNOIZE Senior Member Master WatchGeek
Originally Posted by buddah00
coming into a forum and choosing to begin with negativity sure does create a great impression. it is well known that it takes forever to get something back from invicta or to get an order from invicta. They don't keep anything in the u.s. i ordered a leather strap in january and a bracelet in february. I still don't have them, am i pissed....of course but getting on here and bashing isn't going to get it to me any faster. we should be able to vent our frustrations and express our opinions freely. I do understand the need to vent. introducing yourself like this is in poor taste. People come to wg open a bash thread about a brand and then are never heard from again. They don't contribute anything to wg.
these posts should be ignored as far as i am concerned. I am going to try to make this my last time responding to a post like this and contributing to keeping it alive. lse: well said my friend and i shall follow suit __________________ L.T.R LEARN, TEACH, REPEAT BIGNOIZE
View Public Profile Send a private message to BIGNOIZE Find all posts by BIGNOIZE Add BIGNOIZE to Your Contacts #56 Yesterday, 09:55 PM Join Date: Feb 2009 Location: Topeka Kansas Posts: 344 Real Name: Ryan
watchman785 Senior Member Senior Geek
Wow i agree
The three words at the title of this thread demonstrate completely what I think of invicta. Invicta Never Again, aint that the truth. watchman785 View Public Profile Send a private message to watchman785 Send email to watchman785 Find all posts by watchman785 Add watchman785 to Your Contacts #57 Yesterday, 10:23 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: PDX (Oregon) Posts: 910 Real Name: Russell
Senior Member Veteran Geek
Originally Posted by Jaybus74 Wow really? You joined just to complain about Invicta? How about an introduction post? Maybe share some knowledge or atleast something positive. I for one am sooooo tired of all the negativity. I don't care if this offends anyone else, because honestly all of the negative posts offend me. We get it! You had a bad experience, everyone CAN NOT be satisfied all the time it's just impossible to do. I understand you should get what you pay for and they should make it right if it's a factory defect and I agree in those circumstances, but come on be constructive to our forums. There's alot more here to do other than to complain. Enjoy your stay if you ever come back. Thank you. You beat me to it __________________
fabman View Public Profile Send a private message to fabman Send email to fabman Visit fabman's homepage! Find all posts by fabman Add fabman to Your Contacts #58 Yesterday, 10:33 PM Join Date: Jan 2009 Posts: 1,527
DHL Senior Member Super Geek
Originally Posted by kazmelbob Sent in my Reserve Sea Vulture in April because the deployant band would not stay closed - after going back and forth with CS on this finally found out that 1. The repairs are all done overseas 2. The band is not covered even though it is a manufacturing defect 3. It takes 6-8 weeks or more to get the watch back My wife and I have a number of Invictas, but will NEVER buy another one - the customer service is non existent and what purports to be Swiss is not Swiss - only parts maybe from Switzerland and assembled elsewhere I have been buying and selling watches for many, many years and never have had an experience like this. Wish that Invicta could get their act together and actually be the company that they purport to be. It is now June and I still don't have my watch back. This is a well known issue on the Sea Vulture. Suggest you do a search on this. To keep things positive, you might consider a mod done to one of mine. Put a buckle/tang on the rubber strap! You have to cut a small slot in the end of the strap for the buckle tang, but it's not too difficult. No more deployment problems, plus you can have the watch tighter or looser as you like, without the fixed position of the deployment, by just using a different hole in the strap.
DHL View Public Profile Send a private message to DHL Find all posts by DHL Add DHL to Your Contacts #59 Yesterday, 10:39 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009 Location: Phoenix, AZ. Posts: 305 Real Name: Lee
Senior Member Senior Geek
Originally Posted by Suz56 This is how people get shut down. You understand his frustration yet tell him not to post about it. He has every right to post about it because it happened to him. You get tired of hearing the negative stuff, but the problem isn't that people write about the negative stuff, it's the negative stuff itself! What a shock. Stop trying to shut down the messengers. Just because you may not want to hear the truth about individual people's problems does not mean that they don't have the right to write about them. If you don't want to read about it, then don't read about it. I myself want to know these things because it helps me in my buying decisions. There are often things I don't want to read about, but that doesn't give me the right to tell others what to write. I'm not going to end this little note with the usual, "I have many Invictas and I'm not bashing Invicta." I think it's a shame that so many people feel they have to say that to keep from getting scolded for simply telling the truth. I'm aware that I am likely to get scolded somehow for writing this! So I have an appropriate, dignified response already planned. Here it is:
Susie Nobody told him he could not voice his opinion, but the very first post ! No, hello fellow watch geeks ! No, I just wanted to introduce myself ! Just go straight to the, lets complain about the main sponsor on the site. That is not the best way to post your very first thread. Right or wrong you don't throw the main sponsor under the bus on the first post you have ever done. IMO
Leed24 View Public Profile Send a private message to Leed24 Send email to Leed24 Find all posts by Leed24 Add Leed24 to Your Contacts #60 Yesterday, 11:02 PM
Join Date: Jul 2009 Posts: 91
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Let the man vent last I checked this is a forum right! We need know about these types of issues good or bad.
#61 Yesterday, 11:12 PM
Join Date: Apr 2010 Posts: 38
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Here is why in my opinion, his post was wrong. He obviosly has heard about the forum. He obvioulsy was smart enough and internet savvy enough, to come and register. He obviously was savvy enough and forum smart enough to use little emoticons in his thread title. His first post, He did not come here to ask what he should do about his clasp issue, or that he sent it in and it has been awhile , what should he do, he came here and started a thread titled, Invicta, never again. Um, Ok. Good for you, did you tell your neighbors, your friends, your priest and grocery clerks about it as well. Venting is one thing, and we have the right on the forum to do so, but it doesnt matter the brand, or the forum, If I went to a tv show forum, gun forum, car forum etc, and said, CHEVY, never again, what would be the point???????? IF i have already written off the brand, then what was the point of me coming to the main forum for the discussion of said brand, to tell them all I was done with it ? Answer, there was no point. Nothing to do with other posts in this thread, we will probably never see the OP again, because from the title and the way his post went, he had no intentions of being a member here, but only to spout off about a brand he is never buying again. Well, there are more brands out there besides Invicta, many, many, many. I am no invicta supporter, far from it, but your thread to me, just made no sense at all.