To the so called Mr. Horology and his bullshit posts on facebook by koimaster Today at 9:57 am
I see the so called watch expert at watch geeks is at it again. First it was the whining about "if you could say something about my ill brother at watchlords you would" post at watchgeeks which we have saved on this forum and now this bullshit at his Facebook page. I recieved a message today that you are claiming I posted the below crap on your facebook page. It is too bad your profile requires you to approve your friends. I am not one of them. So that shoots your bullshit down there. Second, I never call anyone "brother" That is for losers and people that are wannabes. It seems you fit right in with that group. Third Asshole, learn how to spell my moniker. It is one word, one s, not two like the aSShole you apparently are. What is it with people like you anyway. You seem to need attention just like your leader the knife lord troll. I do like the comments about photos of you though. I suppose I would have to look at to find those. Since you seem to follow the leaders so to speak, are you planning on becoming an informant like GTWG was, getting paid $200 a week for 2 years and requiring an actual police officer to go undercover to give him credibility? Do you have tax problems like a couple of the honchos at geeks have had over the years. In fact one appears to have had a court case where the IRS had a $34,000 claim against them. And yes I can prove what I just stated. In closing Horology or not, since I was sent the posts and you are making these bogus claims on line, I have referred them to law enforcement. Since it appears you are being threatened by someone claiming to be me, they can get the IP address of the poster from Facebook. I have just gotten off the phone with someone at facebook and pointed them to this post you claim is me. I will let them do thier thing also. Oh and for the record asshole...... I do not have a facebook account in the name of Koimaster you stupid little prick. Now go kiss Jim W Skeltons' ass and ask permission from him to lick his balls.
Koi our "friend" Mr Horology has been saying on facebook that someone, claiming to be you, has been leaving threating messages on his facebook. Here is his page And here are the messages that he says came from you. Between You and Koi Masster August 24 at 5:47pm Look out for my next post mr HOROLOGY! This time, pictures from you will be on the newly developed forum. Just so people can see who the con artist is. So wait and check it out. I looked at your so call fan page lol, LAME brother. I managed to come across someone who seemed to be dear to you. The person is no longer on the fan page, but I think with a little convincing, I can show the ...person your scam ways and hope that the word gets spread across.I think I may have to contact that dear someone and ask for them to join forces with us. We're bringing you down brother. Fakes like you don't need to be around.
“Your heart was warm and happy
With the lilt of Irish laughter
Every day and in every way
Now forever and ever after."