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Anomaly Xtreme Team

Subject: Re: The Latest Invicta Fiasco and subsequent WG coverup and banning spree: Today at 10:58 am As long as we keep this to the SUBJECT OF THIS MOVEMENT (and NOT resurrect ghosts from the past), I am fine with discussing this matter. My $.02, how can ANYONE put any stock in Invicta after this? (unless of course this letter is a total fake, which, would not surprise me either given the depths of disdain some have for the company)...

But again, it's like being shocked at hearing a sailor cuss... Posts: 3889 Join date: 2009-11- ***EDIT - I do NOT want to see any REPLY posts from anyone associated from Invicta or 14 ShopNBC... Age: 45 Location: Tampa, ...they have their own site for that. Florida ____________________________________

Anomaly Xtreme Team

Subject: Re: The Latest Invicta Fiasco and subsequent WG coverup and banning spree Today at 2:35 pm

Excellent commentary and great video dude! ____________________________________

Posts: 3889 Join date: 2009-11-14

Age: 45 Location: Tampa, Florida

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