WaterAid Annual Review 2010-11

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Annual Review 2010/11


Water and sanitation

Front cover photo: WaterAid/Anna Kari Clean water flows from a new handpump in Hambale village, Zambia.

1. WHO. 2. WHO/UNICEF (2010) Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation report 2010. 3. UNICEF (2010) State of the World’s Children 2009.



...there can be no sustainable development. These basic human rights are the building blocks of a better world. You cannot eradicate poverty in communities where women have to spend all day collecting dirty water, where children are dying from diarrhoeal diseases, or where villages and neighbourhoods are open sewers.




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The water and sanitation crisis is solvable. Water sources and toilets can be built using simple, cheap technologies that can be maintained by local communities. Hygiene promotion can raise awareness of the health benefits of safe water and sanitation. We just need more political will to invest in these building blocks for a healthy, productive future.


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The solutions are well-known

So, why are huge numbers of people living without? Because the importance of safe water and sanitation in reducing poverty is not given enough priority. World leaders are presiding over societies where millions of people are trapped in disease and squalor for want of safe water and somewhere clean to go to the toilet.


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children die every day from the resulting diarrhoeal diseases.3

Water and sanitation underpin health, education and livelihoods



Without safe water and sanitation...


WaterAid/Anna Kari

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billion people live without sanitation.2

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Beauty Chiimbwe and her child, Kayola village, Zambia

million people live without safe water.2


“We don’t have toilets – the dirt from all around kept running into the well. Every time I give the water to my daughter I have no other choice but to put my faith in God to protect us, what else can I do?”



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WaterAid transforms lives

We help people who have no safe water or sanitation. Imagine living just one day without safe water. Imagine there being no clean toilets at home, at school, at work, anywhere. WaterAid believes nobody should live like that. We know that water and sanitation transform lives. We work towards our vision of a world where everyone has access to these basic services.

s e v d i i l A s r e m t r a o W nsf a r t

“The toilet has made things much easier for me. It has helped me to feel proud and have a sense of dignity because I don’t go through ordeals whenever I go to the toilet.”

We deliver services

We work with partner organisations across Africa and Asia to help communities build water points and latrines close to their homes. We use technologies that fit the local context and we train people to maintain them. To maximise the health benefits of these facilities, we promote good hygiene practices.

We influence decision-makers

WaterAid cannot solve the water and sanitation crisis alone; governments and other service providers must do more. We create public pressure to push water and sanitation to the top of the international agenda. We use our experience and research to influence politicians and other decision-makers to act.

We rely on your support

In 2010/11 our 224,477 supporters directly supported 606 WaterAid staff and 479 partner organisations to carry out life-changing work in 23 countries worldwide. Thank you!

WaterAid/Layton Thompson

Ant Tyler

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Ramata Coulibaly, Tienfala, Mali.

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year ahead

We aim to reach 1.4 million people with safe water.

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WaterAid delivers services


We make sure people have access to safe water close to home. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so we work with local people to decide what will be appropriate, affordable and easy to maintain. Technologies we use include hand-dug wells, spring-fed gravity flow water networks and rainwater harvesting.

In the year ahead We aim to reach 2.5 million people with sanitation.

WaterAid delivers services Highlights of 2010/11

• We expanded our urban work: over 25% of the people we reached live in cities or small towns. • We made significant responses to help people affected by disasters, including reaching more than 150,000 people affected by the devastating floods in Pakistan in 2010. • We increased our menstrual hygiene promotion activities; in Bangladesh a menstrual hygiene education programme reached 20,000 children in 772 schools.

WaterAid/Georgie Scott

• 98% of the 11,200 water facilities we tested were safe and functional. • We continued to strive to ensure our services reached marginalised groups, such as girls and women, disabled people and people living with HIV/AIDS. Twelve country programmes received intensive training to improve equitable and inclusive approaches. • We helped communities affected by drought introduce secondary water sources to supplement wells, including rainwater harvesting and sand dams. t r bou o f a r es ate I talk ienc s w d e n ic tak Whe rk, au atist e t . “W nted s wo he s fe ' t a gra erAid d by ow s or f e t h Wa hock lain ental le s xp p y are e. I e ndamd peo e the r u s n I u r is f nt a befo e e r t e s wa lopm wat ” alk e e . t v v n de t ha atio ives nces g s c ie mu edu , who aud s to ve ha Well ork t w e Jan t our UK. ou e ab ss th o acr

The rope pump (left) is cheap and can be made from locally-available parts. A loop of rope fitted with washers runs around a large wheel at the top and a smaller wheel below the water. As the wheel is turned, the rope draws water up through a PVC pipe by suction.


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We promote good hygiene practices – such as hand-washing with soap, protecting water sources, wearing sandals in latrines – to ensure the health benefits of safe water and sanitation are maximised.




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Having somewhere private and hygienic to go to the toilet has impacts far beyond improving health and keeping public space clean. For women and girls in particular, sanitation facilities provide dignity and safety. Technologies we use include pit latrines, pour flush latrines and composting latrines (right), where the platform sits above two pits. Only one pit is used until it is full. Ash and soil are added after every visit. When the pit is full, it is sealed and the other pit is used. After a few months the full pit has turned into safe compost and can be dug out and used on crops.

Illustrations by peter-mac.com



WaterAid influences decision-makers

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WaterAid influences decision-makers Highlights of 2010/11

• We helped to get sanitation included in the outcome document of the UN Millennium Development Goals +10 Summit, and Jan Eliasson, Chair of WaterAid in Sweden, began his role as a Global Millennium Development Goal Personal Advocate for the UN Secretary General. • We helped to successfully advocate for water, sanitation and hygiene to be included in the UK general election manifestos of the three main parties.

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• We held a Westminster Walks for Water event, where UK Secretary of State for International Development Andrew Mitchell and 40 other MPs attended. 63 MPs signed an Early Day Motion and the UK Government announced a review of their portfolio of investments in sanitation and water. • We worked with the President of Burkina Faso on plans to reach 54,000 families each year until 2015 with household latrines. • We took part in the first Sanitation and Water for All high-level meeting, where the Ghana Government pledged an additional $350 million a year for five years to water and sanitation in Ghana.

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Influencing at every level

WaterAid cannot solve the water and sanitation crisis alone and so we influence decision-makers in governments and other powerful institutions. Campaigning makes things happen and we do this in a variety of ways, at all levels, across the world.

Pat Spry, WaterAid supporter

At the international level, we often join forces with our partners and call on decision-makers to, for example, get aid where it is needed most or to integrate water and sanitation into health strategies. At the national level, we often collect supporters’ signatures in order to build pressure on elected representatives. Our experience and research, combined with your voice, engages politicians and makes the issues difficult to ignore.

nd a rs es a e y ssu 5 i t.” 2 In our country programmes we take a similar e t as thes bou approach and mobilise citizens to engage with p e for e a ter their government so they receive their rights h t to water and sanitation. We also support or port ionat n wa d f service-providers with, for example, mapping on sup ass ns o erAi i t data or technical expertise so they can fulfil ita ent re p aig Wat n their responsibilities to communities. sa nm K a amp for d n ver e U ly c ues a ter al go in th eless n iss In the a r w o e i e i r t year ahead or is eopl ho nitat f We will work with ed here y p ry, w d sa n governments in 11 n p an ig d t a S a countries in Africa to p un o m Pat m improve planning and o ca e f at s monitoring of the e ’v th v ’ I I water and sanitation “ sector. Wa te









10 Where we work

West Africa

The numbers of people we reached in 2010/11:

Southern Africa

08. Burkina Faso

01. Madagascar

09. Ghana

Water: 32,000 / Sanitation: 21,000

Water: 45,000 / Sanitation: 14,000

02. Malawi

10. Mali

Water: 59,000 / Sanitation: 93,000

Water: 31,000 / Sanitation: 36,000

03. Mozambique

11. Nigeria

Water: 86,000 / Sanitation: 144,000

04. Zambia

12. Liberia

Water: 36,000 / Sanitation: 41,000

Water: 4,000 / Sanitation: 1,000

05. Angola* 06. Lesotho* 07. Swaziland*

13. Niger

*Country programme at pilot phase

Water: 7,000 / Sanitation: 4,000

14. Sierra Leone*

Water:* / Sanitation: 6,000 *Country programme at pilot phase


15. Ethiopia

Water: 77,000 / Sanitation: 103,000

20. India

16. Tanzania

Water: 582,000 / Sanitation: 435,000

Water: 60,000 / Sanitation: 42,000

21. Nepal

17. Uganda

Water: 59,000 / Sanitation: 62,000

Water: 59,000 / Sanitation: 24,000

22. Bangladesh

18. Kenya* 19. Rwanda

Water: 215,000 / Sanitation: 453,000

23. Pakistan

Water: 21,000 / Sanitation: 42,000

Water: 4,000 / Sanitation: 1,000

1.5 1.6 million people


Water: 52,000 / Sanitation: 45,000

East Africa


Water: 18,000 / Sanitation: 49,000

Totals for 2010/11

million people

*Country programme at pilot phase

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We worked in 23 countries last year. Our 606 staff worked with 479 partner organisations.





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Where we work

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14 Our first country

30 years ago

In 1981 we began our first project in the Southern Province of Zambia, helping communities affected by severe drought gain access to safe water. We returned in 1994 to open a permanent programme and now work in seven districts. Zambia faces many challenges, including a high prevalence of HIV and an increasingly unpredictable climate, which brings both droughts and floods. WaterAid supports water, sanitation and hygiene projects, strengthens local governments’ ability to deliver water and sanitation services, and calls for increased funding for these vital services.

In Zambia, we plan to reach over 38,000 people with safe water and more than 50,000 with sanitation.

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WaterAid/Anna Kari

WaterAid/Anna Kari

In the year ahead

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WaterAid/Jim Holmes

WaterAid/Anna Kari


100% water and sanitation coverage

WaterAid’s approach in Zambia has progressed over the years from aiming for 100% water and sanitation coverage in ‘model villages’ to supporting whole districts. The pictures right and above, taken in Monze District in July 2010, show a young girl enjoying clean water from a well in Hambale village, and a teenage girl outside a new school latrine block in Nyimba ward.

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Hand-washing saves lives

Eight year old Mayaba Hammoba from the village of Chisikili, Southern Province, is pictured here in 1997 washing his hands using a ‘tippy tap’ made from an old plastic bottle. Mayaba has just visited a ventilated pit latrine built by his father Joseph using just one bag of cement.

Urban solutions

Initially, WaterAid’s focus in Zambia was predominantly rural. In 2004 we responded to the worsening water and sanitation problems in rapidly growing towns and cities by starting work in the peri-urban areas around the capital city, Lusaka, and in several small towns. Above, children play over an open sewer in Lusaka.


16 Income and expenditure



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For the Annual Report and Financial Statements, go to the link above or use the contact details on the back to get in touch.

This summary financial information, which has been extracted from the audited Annual Report and Financial Statements 2010/11 (approved on September 1 2011), provides a brief overview in the context of our achievements in the year.


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We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who gave so generously to support WaterAid’s work last year. We could not do it without you. Here we thank the groups and organisations who gave significant support to WaterAid in 2010/11.


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million people reached with safe water in 2010/11.


million people reached with sanitation in 2010/11.

WaterAid transforms lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation in the world’s poorest communities. We work with partners and influence decision-makers to maximise our impact.

47-49 Durham Street, SE11 5JD 020 7793 4594 supportercare@wateraid.org www.wateraid.org


can enable one person to access safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation.


www.facebook.org/wateraid www.twitter.org/wateraid www.youtube.org/wateraid

Yes, I would like to help


You can donate to WaterAid online at www.wateraid.org or by calling 020 7793 4594

I would like to donate £...................................................................................................................................................................... I enclose a cheque/postal order or charity voucher made payable to WaterAid (delete as appropriate).

Or please debit my: Mastercard/Visa/Maestro/Switch/CAF charity card (delete as appropriate).

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Shaded boxes for Maestro cards only.

Signature. .................................................................................................................................. Date........................................................................... Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr (delete as appropriate):....................... Surname:............................................................................. First name:......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Home address:. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ Postcode:............................................................................ Home/work/mobile tel:................................................................................................................................................................................. Email:. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Organisation (if applicable):................................................................................................................................................................................. Please return this form to: WaterAid, Freepost RLZG-YTUU-TUER, 47-49 Durham Street, London SE11 5JD Please send me: information on how I can help with a regular donation information on WaterAid’s campaign activities information for my company/school/club/place of worship (delete as necessary) information on the London Marathon and other challenge events information on the WaterAid credit card information on leaving a gift in my Will to WaterAid Your support makes our vital work possible. We’d like to keep in touch with you to tell you more. But if you don’t want to hear more from WaterAid and WaterAid Trading Ltd please let us know.

Make your gift do more! Through Gift Aid any donation you give will be worth 25% more, at NO extra cost to you. To sign up simply: Tick here if you would like WaterAid to reclaim the tax you have paid on all your donations made in the last four years, and any future donations you may make.* *To qualify for Gift Aid, you must pay as much UK income and/or capital gains tax as WaterAid will reclaim in each tax year (6 April to 5 April), currently 25p for every £1 you donate. Gift Aid will be used to fund WaterAid’s general work.

President HRH The Prince of Wales Registered charity numbers 288701 (England and Wales) and SC039479 (Scotland) Registered Office as above Company Reg. No. 1787329 VAT registration number 736 1798 05

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