Clean Our Country Day 2015 03 January 2015 | Bangladesh
Inaugural Rally
Visiting a water point installed at Burjan tea garden Inaugural Rally under HWP supported project
Inaugurating the cleaning campaign
Visiting a water people point installed at Burjan teasgarden Community performing song on necessity of under HWP supported project cleaning our environment
Visiting a water point installed at Burjan tea garden Colorful rally to draw the attention of the mass under HWP supported project
Visiting a water point installed at Burjanroadside tea garden Cleaning playground under HWP supported project
Visiting a water point installed at Burjan tea garden People of all ages and gender participated this campaign under HWP supported project
Visiting a water point installed at Burjan tea Cleaning garden streets under HWP supported project
Visiting a water point installed at Burjan tea garden Gatheringproject wastes into City Corporation truck under HWP supported
Visiting a water point installed at Burjan tea garden Gatheringproject wastes into City Corporation truck under HWP supported
Visiting a water point installed at Burjan tea garden Gatheringproject wastes into City Corporation truck under HWP supported
the conservancy Visiting a waterConversation point installed with at Burjan tea garden officer under HWP supported project of Dhaka North City Corporation
Visiting a water point installed at Burjan tea garden Hand washing after cleaning the garbage under HWP supported project
Visiting a water point installed at Burjan tea garden Hand washing after cleaning the garbage under HWP supported project
Visiting a water point installed at Burjan tea garden Hand washing after cleaning the garbage under HWP supported project
Visiting a water point installed at Burjan tea garden Clean road after the campaign under HWP supported project
BRIEF For the first time in Bangladesh, January 3, 2015 has been observed as “Clean Our Country Day� in a bid to encourage cleanliness and protect environment. To be a proud part of this green initiative WaterAid Bangladesh organised a mass campaign to clean streets, playgrounds and open spaces and to promote proper hand washing in slums of Dhaka. More than 200 slum dwellers, Officials from WaterAid Bangladesh, DSK & Dhaka North City Corporation took part this campaign.