2 minute read
With our smart inspection techniques and prediction models, you gain all the insights you need in order to appropriately schedule maintenance, to avoid failure, and to get the most out of your assets.
Acquaint aims to prevent future failure of pipelines. Pipelines which, within the drinking water and wastewater sector, have a vital function in achieving and maintaining the welfare of the society. The company develops innovative inspection methods and techniques for the pipelines. Using these tools, pipeline owners are able to verify maintenance strategies and detect failure mechanisms. The application of the autopilot creates a leverage effect which allows for accurate prediction models to increase control over assets. Consequently, Acquaint contributes to the structural reduction of capital costs and the achievement of operational excellence.

Zwettestraat 27b
8912 AV Leeuwarden
The Netherlands
T +31 58 303 27 82
E info@acquaint.eu
Contact person: Rudy Dijkstra acquaint.eu
ADS Groep specialises in the design and construction of wastewater and drinking water treatment plants and the manufacture of associated structures. ADS Groep is one of the leading contractors in the field of drinking water and wastewater treatment and has extensive experience in industrial projects. The expertise and synergy available within the company, as well as our own production facilities ensure that we can operate in a successful and flexible manner within these specialist markets.

Nieuwenkampsmaten 8
7472 DE Goor
The Netherlands
T +31 547 28 63 86
E j.grondman@adsgroep.nl
Contact person: miss J. Grondman adsgroep.nl
AkaNova is manufacturer of NIQO systems®: the solution for wastewater.

Wastewater treatment plants of NIQO systems® excel because of a high operational reliability and durability. They offer the highest adaptability for any situation.
Treatment plants of NIQO Systems® have a longer life cycle and lower power consumption than other small sewage treatment plants. With NIQO Systems® you invest in quality and durability!
NIQO systems® is fully compliant, tested and approved to EN 12566-3 and is CE marked to meet the latest construction products regulations.
Koperslagersstraat 58 8601 WP Sneek
The Netherlands
T +31 515 43 25 74
E info@akanova.nl
Contact person: Ton Koekkoek akanova.nl
Aqana provides customized turn-key industrial wastewater treatment solutions for any type of industry. By using biomass carriers in our methane reactors Aqana developed one of the most robust and flexible biological treatmentsystems on the market. We are a young company composed of highly experienced professionals and enthusiastic young academics providing expertsolutions involving innovative carrierbased anaerobic technology. We serve industries around the world committed toproviding the best possible client-specific solution. Starting in 2011, as a joint venture of AQWISE & Dutch Water Technologies – Aqana now operates worldwide and continuesto innovate and evolve technologies and products to meet the ever-changing needs of the industry to preserve theenvironment.

Smidsstraat 2
8601 WB Sneek
The Netherlands
T +31 515 20 02 10
E info@aqana.com
Contact person:
Olaf Teunissen aqana.com