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Berghof Membranes
Berghof Membrane Technology GmbH (Berghof Membranes), part of the family-owned Berghof Group, is one of the leading manufacturers of tubular membrane. Our membranes are manufactured in fully automated high-tech production lines, which enables us to offer high quality and competitive products. With experience developed over 50 years, we are a specialist for filtration and separation of industrial process streams and wastewater. Safe operation, robustness, flexibility, energy-saving, sustainable and high-quality water are the design standards for our products and innovative filtration concepts.
Agora 4
8934 CJ Leeuwarden
The Netherlands
T +31 588 10 01 10
E info@berghofmembranes.com
Contact persons:
Eric Wildeboer (CEO) berghofmembranes.com

Bioclear Earth
Making the world cleaner and more sustainable using the power of nature, that’s our mission. Bioclear Earth creates solutions that are new, clever and effective. Over the past decades we expanded our experience in using natural solutions for soil & water remediation, water quality, healthy ecosystems, ecological risk assessment and the circular economy. We believe that prosperity and a healthy environment can be mutually beneficial, if we are prepared to learn from nature. Together with our clients we are dedicated to help create a cleaner, more beautiful planet and pass it on to future generations.
Rozenburglaan 13
9727 DL Groningen
The Netherlands
T +31 50 571 84 55
E keuning@bioclearearth.nl
Contact person:
Sytze Keuning bioclearearth.nl

With climate change and a growing population, saving drinking water is more important than ever. 20% of our drinking water is used to flush the toilet, and therefore biocompact helps companies, governments and non-profit organisations to save drinking water in the sanitary room. Our solutions include waterless urinals, vacuum toilets and water saving taps and handwashing stations. With more than 12 billion liter water saved, biocompact is in the right direction to achieve the 2025 goal of saving 1% of the total water flushed in the Netherlands!

Netteboetsterstraat 3
3133 EP Vlaardingen
The Netherlands
T +31 85 040 21 04
E info@biocompact.nl
Contact person:
Roderick Standaart
BioSolum is a contract research organisation (CRO) within the biotechnology / microbiology / fermentation / waste water treatment area.
Micro-organisms of interest: Archaea, Yeast, Bacteria, Fungi, Micro-algae.

Fields of interest: Bio-based, Feed, Agriculture, Wastewater treatment, Enzymes. Next to the development of own IP (intellectual property) (e.g. BacRIN, a novel nitrogen removal technology), our expertise lies within feasibility studies, ‘proof of principle’ experiments, solving problems regarding biotechnological processes, the optimization of biotechnological processes, and upscaling of biotechnological processes.
Graafschap Hornelaan 163
6001 AC Weert
The Netherlands
E info@biosolum.nl
Contact person: Marco Siemerink biosolum.nl
We provide services and systems to enable quick detection of bacteria, spores, viruses and toxicity. Core product is the ‘BTWAT’, a world-wide patented device that rapidly detects bacteria in any fluid.
BTWAT is a compact ‘Lab-in-box’ device that can be used in the field as well as in a lab and yields analytical results comparable or even better that a conventional lab. Typically results are available within 2 hours and multiple samples can be processed ad a range of micro organisms analysed. If you are in the production of drinking water, beverages, food, agriculture, water treatment, marine, oil & gas or medical sector, Biotrack products must be of interest to you.

Agora 4
Postbus 7560
8903 JN Leeuwarden
The Netherlands
T +31 58 284 90 47
E info@biotrack.nl
Contact person: Gerard Schouten biotrack.nl
Bluecon developed the next generation decentralized wastewater treatment units based on an innovative physical process without the use of bacteria. This robust and easy to operate treatment plant converts wastewater into reusable water such as irrigation water or clean water to reuse in households. Bluecon helps to keep the valuable resource into circulation. The units are built in weeks and up and running in days, providing a guaranteed water quality under all circumstances and at low costs. Key issues:
• For towns and communities from 100 to 20.000 people
• Decentralized water treatment for local reuse of water
• Easy to operate including on/off operation
• Low maintenance and operational costs
• Possibility to pay per cubic meter of treated water
IJsselsteyn 7
6956 AZ Spankeren
The Netherlands
T +31 6 33 02 36 15
E info@bluecon.nl
Contact person: Jaap Stuiver bluecon.nl