2 minute read
The European Water Stewardship is a water support program which helps organisations to build a sustainable water management strategy and address wicked water quality issues caused by f.i. medicine residuals, antimicrobial resistance, plant protection agents.
Organisations can be certified against the European Water Stewardship Standard. The prestigious EWS certification scheme provides recognised bronze, silver and gold awards for a job well done. Individuals can be trained as well to become EWS-Certified Water Stewards.
EWS and its partner network in Europe provide strategy development support, gap analysis, training, e-learning, project development support and run Communities of Practice on the topic of sustainable water management.
Oostergoweg 9
8911 MA Leeuwarden
The Netherlands
T +31 6 53 82 71 10
E t.vereijken@ews.info
Contact person: Tom Vereijken ews.info

Ferr-Tech is the global leader of Ferrate(VI) applications for industrial (waste)water treatment. At Ferr-Tech we produce: FerSol, Ferrate(VI) in solution. Ferrate(VI) is the strongest green oxidizing chemical known. By a patented process, Ferr-Tech makes the use of Ferrate(VI) products available for the (waste) water industry. From our headquarters in Meppel we run the waterlab and provide in high quality (waste) water testing, experiments and analysis for our clients.

Hesselterlandweg 6
7942 HZ Meppel
The Netherlands
T +31 6 21 81 50 14
E judith.lefevre@ferr-tech.com
Contact person: Judith le Fèvre
Fibre Security
Fibre Security together with NTSG Italia, have developed an innovative fibreoptic monitoring system to measure the deformation of any rigid or semi rigid material and to derive vital data such as: strain, bending, compression, stretching, loading, torsion, pressure and temperature. Our system also can identify the presence, location and estimation of the size of a leak within a pipeline (whether it is water, sewage or oil & gas) and for measuring various parameters of the fluid present in the pipeline. Sustainable water management.
Nieuwe Gracht 3
2011 NB Haarlem
The Netherlands
T +31 23 620 08 00
E m.rejger@fibresecurity.com
Contact person: Maja Rejger

FieldFactors is a water technology provider helping cities and water users turn rain into a new source of water supply. With our innovative BlueBloqs rainwater and reuse systems, up to 95% of all rainwater that falls on project sites is stored in the deep underground and used when it is needed. This way, you prevent urban flooding, mitigate heat stress, and have sufficient freshwater all year round to save on your water bill.

Van der Burghweg 1
2628 CS Delft
The Netherlands
T +31 15 202 40 20
E look@fieldfactors.com
Contact person: Karina Peña fieldfactors.com
Flottweg Nederland
Flottweg Nederland
• Flottweg offers solutions for separation technology in the most diverse processes through its knowledge, flexibility, wide product range and test programs.
• The Flottweg decanter line offers a comprehensive line of centrifuges which separate solids from liquids.
• The filtration line of BHS completes the total package of machines to separate liquids and solids by filtration.

Nijverheidsweg 23
2102 LK Heemstede
The Netherlands
T +31 235 47 08 00
E liselotte@flottweg.nl
Contact person:
Liselotte van Donselaar