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Hoppenbrouwers Techniek
Experience in the market is as essential as drinking water from the tap. Knowledge and experience ensure that projects run smoothly and professional work is delivered. Hoppenbrouwers Techniek is the partner who knows the laws and regulations, understands your needs and provides sound advice. In an industry as important as water, that is more than essential.
As a system integrator, Hoppenbrouwers provides water boards, drinking water companies and dozens of other companies in the industry with a variety of solutions. From renovation and maintenance to sustainability and electrical engineering.

Kreitenmolenstraat 201 5071 ND Udenhout
The Netherlands
T +31 13 511 72 27
E jwansems
Contact person:
Jan-Willem Ansems hoppenbrouwers.nl
Hubert is active in design & engineering, manufacturing, installation & service of equipment for water purification and water intake. Our engineered products and technical expertise have enabled Hubert to become a major player on the global markets for water treatment.
Within Hubert we recognize two groups: Waste Water treatment: high quality sub-installations for municipal & industrial waste water treatment plants.
Water intake systems: intake systems for cooling, drinking & process water. Applications can be found in desalination plants, (surface) water processing stations for drinking water, power plants, oil and gas facilities, industrial factories, etc.
Kooijweg 20
8715 EP Stavoren
The Netherlands
T +31 514 68 44 44

E w.schaap@hubert.nl
Contact person:
W. Schaap hubert.nl
HULO’s mission is to provide a globally affordable solution to improve water supplies and to reduce NRW by doing it the smart way, ‘together’ with our clients. We develop algorithms to optimally place sensors and to detect, localize and categorize leakages. Since we do this based on the needs of our customers, it allows us to make a specific solution for every client. This solution works in the system of the client, which allows them to understand it and learn from it.
HULO gives water knowledge, straight from the capital of water technology: Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Zwettestraat 27
8912 AV Leeuwarden
The Netherlands
T +31 611 50 03 96
E info@hulo.ai

Contact person: Robbert Lodewijks hulo.ai
Hydraloop Systems
Use Water Twice. A mission so simple, we believe it will be powerfully disruptive. Hydraloop is a multi-award-winning venture that designs and produces decentralized, consumer-friendly, IoTconnected, compact and scalable greywater recycling products for residential and commercial real estate, reducing water consumption by up to 45%. Hydraloop globally launched at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 2020 in Las Vegas, where it was awarded multiple awards, including the overall ‘Best of the Best’ award. In a recent Netflix documentary ‘Brave Blue World’, the company is featured as one of the key solutions to solve the worldwide water crisis. Hydraloop has a global partner network of more than 120 partners in 50+ countries. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company has offices in the United States and Middle East, as well as business teams in Canada and Australia.

Oostergoweg 9
8911 MA Leeuwarden
The Netherlands
T +31 88 100 35 00
E info@hydraloop.com
Contact person: Barbara Mounier hydraloop.com
Hydroscope is the largest consulting firm in the Netherlands dealing with water quality within buildings. It is important to our customers that they can rely on safe drinking water. That is why we offer allround and personal advice in the field of legionella prevention, also focusing on installation design, cost savings and automation. Hydroscope creates ease of use with a management application (Watertotaalbeheer) that gives online insight into documents, planning, logs and real-time measurement data at a glance.

Minervum 7181
4817 ZN Breda
The Netherlands
T +31 76 572 77 87
E info@hydroscope.nl
Contact person: Kevin Kanters
Indaver Separation Technologies

Sustainable customized solutions for sludge dewatering and separation. Sludge originating from your production process or water purification system can seriously disrupt your primary process, resulting in high costs and production stoppage or an environmental incident.
To avoid this, we offer customed solutions focusing on continuous improvement, respecting the highest safety and quality standards with modern and high performance installations, and a competent and committed team at your service. With Indaver Separation Technologies (IST) you can completely outsource your sludge dewatering and separation.
Spoorstraat 25
4431 NK ‘s-Gravenpolder
The Netherlands
T +31 11 331 30 00
E sales.ist@indaver.com
Contact person:
Evelien van der Hooft