1 minute read



Oisann Engineering

Oisann Engineering’s Waterfountain is an offshore desalination system that significantly reduces the environmental impact and cost of desalination. A Waterfountain produces 10.000 m³ per day and can be scaled up to produce up to 30.000 m³ per day. We tested in a real life operating environment, offshore of the Norwegian coast in Flekkefjord. SINTEF, the largest independent research organization in Scandinavia, monitored the test and verified the results. In short, Waterfountain is a large scale desalination system designed to produce a lot of water for less money without compromising the environment. We also make a small offshore desalination unit that is un-manned and produces from 50 - 500 m³/day for small communities, islands, military use, emergency response etc. Easy to relocate and simple to maintain. Reasonable cost to buy and install and cheap to operate.

Agora 4, 8934 CJ Leeuwarden

The Netherlands

T +47 40 45 29 24

E tor@waterfountain.no

Contact person:

Tor M. Stolpestad waterfountain.no


OMEGAM-Water is a specialist in areas such as drinking water, bathing water and legionella prevention. We carry out sampling and research, inspect installations and advise on water quality and management. In addition, we support customers in carrying out checks and maintenance.

Raadhuisplein 1C

1687 NG Wognum

The Netherlands

T +31 22 957 79 20

E klantenservice


Contact person: Hans Schoon



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