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Intro by Hein Molenkamp
‘We were able to help other companies find good matches during our many virtual trade missions and country exchanges in recent months’
There was a nice message circulating in my network on LinkedIn. The gist of the message is an appeal: “If you have lost your job, your company is shut down or things simply aren’t going so well right now and we have worked or studied together or our paths have crossed in any way, contact me and let me know how I can help you.” The sender goes on to concretize their message:
• “Can I put you in touch with a person or company?
• Do you feel the need for a conversation for a positive mindset?
• Would you like a sounding board, a brainstorm session, a second pair of eyes, or a second heart?”
I loved reading this message. It is a sign that there are entrepreneurs who —especially now, during coronavirus— understand that networking is all about reaching out to lend each other a helping hand.
There was another reason I found it remarkable. Without patting myself on the back, I thought: “Those few sentences actually outline exactly what we do on a daily basis at the Water Alliance.”
And we have the results. For example, thanks to a few phone calls from our International Business Development Manager Harro Brons, Samotics (formerly Semiotic Labs, more on them in this issue) entered into a partnership with Anglian Water. We were able to help other companies find good matches during our many virtual trade missions and country exchanges in recent months. These are only a few examples, and we are excited about the developments. In short: if you have a problem, dream, or ambition, but no idea where to start, let us know. We look forward to supporting you.
Hein MolenkampManaging Director, Water Alliance