IC Medical Abstract Retrospective

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CONFERENCE R et r ospe ct

"New technology is changing the way we think about medicine"


IC Medicals Emission Project
 “Emission” project is seated at the intersection of such sciences as physics, biology and medicine. It’s devoted to developing the technology of remote transfer of super weak electromagnetic emissions (SWEME, “emission”) of biologically active substances (BAS) via of communication lines with further SWEME transfer to a temporary carrier. After that procedure the temporary carrier can be used as a source of biologically active SWEME for specific effect on water and aqueous systems.

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2011 Vermont, USA Vermont, USA. Poster on IC Project is presented by Evgeny Germanov (Russia) and MD Dalia Stasitite (Lithuania).


Vermont, USA

Germanov E.P., Voeikov V.L., Novikov S.N., Surinov B.P. «The Perspectives of Practical Application of Electronic Transmission of Medical Drugs: The Role of Water». https://www.youtube.com/watch? feature=player_embedded&v=GSkhPGPtTMY


THE PERSPECTIVES OF PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION OF MEDICAL DRUGS: THE ROLE OF WATER. Germanov E.P.1, Voeikov V.L.2, Novikov S.N., 4Surinov B.P. 1 DST-Foundation, Moscow, Russia; 2 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Moscow, Russia; 3Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technique, Moscow, Russia; 4 Medical Radiological Scientific Center, RF Ministry of Health, Obninsk, Russia. E-mail: v109028v1@yandex.ru

About twenty years ago J. Benveniste et al. demonstrated that specific activities of biologically active substances (BAS) may be electronically transmitted through a standard audio amplifier (electronic oscillator) from a solution of a substance to a suspension of target cells resulting in a characteristic response of cells to the

original substance. If a cell suspension was substituted by water the latter gained the biological activity of a substance after the process of “transmission” and could act upon target cells as if the actual substance was physically present in it. Benveniste suggested that solutions BASes emitted specific electromagnetic

signals that could be digitally recorded using a computer with a sound card and that digitally recorded signals could be transmitted to any distant location [1]. This phenomenon has been reproduced in several independent laboratories using different variants of Benveniste’s technique.

One of the most impressive discoveries is the made in this field by L. Montagnier at al. The ability of solutions of DNA with specific sequences to emit electromagnetic waves and to transmit information of these sequences to pure water was demonstrated. As a consequence, this water serves the template for the synthesis of particular DNA sequence in PCR reaction [2]. Thus the principle of electronic transmission of biological activity of specific substances on aqueous systems is currently confirmed by quite a few of independent researches. Three years ago Russian scientists M.M. Greenstein and M.M. Shraibman suggested DSTfoundation to promote practical application of their technology of transfer of “informational copies” of medical drugs at a distance, to evaluate clinical efficiency of treatment of patients with water “charged” with specific drug information and to conduct scientific survey of this phenomenon. According to the procedure an active principle of a licensed medical drug (e.g. acetyl salicylic acid - AspirinÒ) is placed on the surface of a blank Compact disc (CD) and is illuminated for several minutes with a laser pointer. The CD is inserted into the computer and “informational copy” of the drug is transmitted using Email to a distant addressee. The latter transfers it to a blank CD that is later used as a support for a glass of plain

water. A patient to whom a particular drug is prescribed regularly drinks this water in addition to the drug or instead of it. Currently several dozens of “informational copies” of medical drugs are available [3], and clinical trials of their effects are conducted by 28 MDs from different countries. By now, the DST Foundation has fulfilled about 2,000 clinical observations. Almost all of them indicated of high clinical efficiency of application of this kind of treatment of a variety of pathological conditions with “informed” water specifically selected for particular cases. Integrally it may be stated that lack of health improvements or deterioration is observed in no more than 10% of those who used water charged with a prescribed drug “informational copy”. Up to now only limited volume of scientific research of the phenomenon of electronic transmission of “informational copies” is performed. Still a diverse set of results indicating that “informed” CDs can really change properties of aqueous systems is already available. For example, it has been shown that treatment of mice in which immunodeficiency was induced by sub-lethal ionizing irradiation with physiological solution incubated on the CD “charged” with an “information copy” of the immuno stimulating Russian drug Arbidol resulted in a significant stimulation of immune activity comparable to that of the

effect of the original drug. Combined action of the “informed” physiological solution and of the original Arbidol resulted in the additive beneficial effect. Exposure of samples of water to CDs either by covering vessels with water with CDs, or putting CDs under them resulted in stable changes of some physical-chemical properties of water. For example, it has been shown that some parameters of kinetics of water evaporation changed after exposure to a CD in comparison to those of unexposed water. These parameters also changed differently dependent upon exposure to CDs “informed” with different drug “copies”. Exposure of bicarbonate solutions to CDs also changed parameters of photon emission that accompany red/ ox reactions going on in these solutions: these parameters differed in samples of water exposed to blank CDs or CDs “charged” with different “informational copies”. Probable mechanisms of these unexpected effects of “charged” CDs on fine physical chemical parameters of aqueous systems are discussed. 1 Thomas Y., et al. In: Water and the Cell, G. Pollack et al. (eds.), pp. 325–340, Springer, 2006. 2 Montagnier L., et al. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 306: 012007. 3 http:// www.newpharm.com/





Free radical reactions with reactive oxygen species (ROS) participation spontaneously and continuously proceed in aqueous systems containing bicarbonates, to which natural waters including aqueous matrix of living systems and drinking waters belong. These reactions are accompanied with the generation of packages of high density energy equivalent to photons in visible and UVranges. Therefore, bicarbonate aqueous systems possess the properties of far from

equilibrium, electronically excited active systems. Energy activity (EA) of bicarbonate aqueous systems may be evaluated by measuring the intensity of a photon emission wave in the visible range of the spectrum developing after addition to water of a bolus containing Fe(II) salt in micromolar-submicromolar concentration range.The more intense are free radical reactions proceeding in bicarbonate aqueous solutions the larger is the intensity of an

induced photon emission wave. Intensity and other properties of the processes with ROS participation that altogether characterize their EA and that may be evaluated using Fe(II) test are dependent upon fine structural-dynamic properties of bicarbonate aqueous systems. EA depends upon chemical composition of aqueous systems, on temperature, on their illumination.

As we have demonstrated before it is also influenced by the action of subtle environmental factors, such as geomagnetic storms, Solar and Moon eclipses [1]. Therefore, EA of bicarbonate aqueous systems, conditioned by their fine structural-dynamic properties may serve a sensitive indicator of ultra-weak factors, influencing dynamic processes going on in water by resonance mechanisms. Using Fe(II) test we studied the effects of “informational copies” (IC) of medical drugs Preductal®, Arbidol®, and Tyroxine upon energetic activity (EA) of artesian hydrocarbonate waters “BioVita”, “Svetla” and “Cone Forest”. ICs of these particular medical drugs were chosen because they are known to influence bioenergetic processes, in particular red-ox processes related to ROS metabolism in an organism. The technology of preparation of ICs of medical drugs and the procedure of the transmission of informational copies via Internet are described at the Internet sites http://www.dstfund.com/projects/01/ and www.newpharm.com. ICs of the respective medical drugs were downloaded on clear Compact Discs (CD) from the site www.newpharm.com according to the recommendations provided at this site. Control CDs were prepared by keeping clear CDs in a CD-ROM of a working but not connected to the www.newpharm.com site computer for the same period

of time as was needed to obtain an “informed” CD. Flasks with tested water were installed on “informed” or control CDs and were kept there for different periods of time under the identical conditions of temperature and illumination. After this EA of water samples were measured. It has been shown that in 14 experiments out of 24 performed during the period from 09.2012 to 03.2013, Preductal ICs statistically significantly attenuated EA of “BioVita” as compared to that of the control after 24 hr incubation of water on CDs. Out of 16 experiments with Arbidol ICs performed in September-December 2012 significant enhancement of EA in “BioVita” and “Cone Forest” was observed in 9 trials. However, in February and March 2013 in 13 experiments out of 21 attenuation of EA of water under the action of Arbidol ICs was registered. Enhancement of EA in water “Svetla” in 7 experiments out of 9 after only 2-4 hours of its incubation on CDs with Arbidol ICs was observed in April-May 2013. During the same time period statistically significant enhancement of EA of water “Svetla” incubated for 2-4 hours on CDs with IC of Tyroxine was observed in 9 experiments out of 12. In most of the experiments where no significant difference between experimental and control water samples was observed “informed” CDs used were prepared more than 3 weeks before their usage indicating of

the gradual loss of the ability of the “informed” CD to influence energetic activity of bicarbonate water. Thus CDs “charged” with ICs of medical drugs transmitted via Internet may for some time change structure-energy properties of water. There are indications that there exists seasonal specificity of water reaction to such informational influences. In the report we’ll compare our data on the effects of “informational copies” of medical drugs on water properties with the data of our colleagues of their effects on immune status of laboratory mice. Our data agrees with the principle of transfer of biological activity of chemical compounds on aqueous systems discovered by J. Benveniste [2] and confirmed by other authors. Our approach differs from the others by the application of a simpler and convenient technology of transfer of biological activity of chemical substances via electronic networks allowing to use this technology on a wide scale. 1. Voeikov V. L., et al. The Stable Nonequilibrium State of Bicarbonate Aqueous Systems. Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 86, pp. 1407–1415. 2. Thomas Y., Kahhak L., Aissa J. The physical nature of the biological signal, a puzzling phenomenon: the critical contribution of Jacques Benveniste. In: Water and the Cell, G. Pollack et al. (eds.), 325–340. 2006.


Pamporovo, Bulgaria

A. Fedorenko, J. Pfeiffer, V. Voeikov, K. Khachumova, B. Surinov, E. Germanov «Material property changes under the influence of information» https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=GsVy1i93diU&list=UUhPrfhkHcmrCPXvGKsssAUw&index=17


Material property changes under the influence
 of information 
 A. Fedorenko1, J. Pfeiffer2, V. Voeikov3, K. Khachumova4, B. Surinov5, E. Germanov6 1Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudniy, Russia. Email: faa@phystech.edu 2Pond Science Institute, USA. Email: 369@svpwaterresearch.com 3Biological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 4GBOU VPO RNIMU after N.I. Pirogov, Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics 5Federal State Institute “Medical Radiological Research Center” of Ministry of Health of Russia, Obninsk, Russia 6DST Foundation, Moscow, Russia

Objects of material media can interact with each other, without direct (chemical) contact – at a distance. For implementation of remote interaction, a channel of communication is needed.

Experimentally, it has been established that electromagnetic field (EMF) of different characteristics can be such a communicational channel (carrier of interaction). Experiments

show: by placing a biologically active substance and a biologically neutral substance near each other and within an external EMF of certain characteristics, we obtain the active substances

Therefore, what was initially biologically neutral, became biologically active. Thus, we consider that each substance has its own informational image (informational image = informational copy = super weak EMF) and an external EMF can “read”, transfer and “imprint” this information on objects of material media. Various substances, such as aqueous systems have been used as secondary carriers of information. Results of “informational processing” exhibit a change of properties in such substances, manifested in their nonstandard effects on the test system. Using EMF as a channel of communication, it is possible to transfer information fields (super weak EMF) of substance at considerable distances.

Applications of such technologies are currently in development and possess a very high potential of social significance. Currently, IC Medicals1-3 is one of such technologies in healthcare and international group of researches and practitioners are conducting studies in this field. Positive results in examination of the effects of informational copies (super weak EMF) (ICs) of drugs Arbidol, Preductal, Tyroxin, and Dexon on stimulated luminescence of bicarbonate drinking water are presented. Immunomodulatory effects of IC of Arbidol, L-tyroxine, and Galavite on laboratory animals are compared with those of original analog drugs. It is shown that IC of medical drugs with opposite immunomodulatory action produce opposite effects both on bicarbonate aqueous

solutions and on mice. According to data concerning clinical observation of 5019 patients treated with ICs of medical drugs and biologically active additives (herbs); positive effects were detected in 92,6% of cases, while no side effects were observed. Data shows, that inclusion of IC within scheme of treatment significantly improves the results of treatment. References: 1. www.icmedicals.com - website which is the part of the technology of transfer of informational copies of biologically active substances through a distance using Internet. 2. www.dst-fund.com – official web-site of DST Foundation, contains results of studies. 3. Patent WO 2013/112066 A2: “The dosage form with no side effects and the method for the preparation thereof.”

 Varna, Bulgaria Serge Kernbach, Jeremy Pfeiffer, Anton Fedorenko IC Project: Transmission of specific field generated by a primary substance over long distances, and changing the state of secondary substance under influence of specific field»

Abstract IC Project: Transmission of specific field generated by a primary substance over long distances, and changing the Abstract We can measure the absorbance spectrum of both primary and secondary substances. Substances absorb a field bearing specific characteristics and nature. Substances absorb energy and are in equilibrium with the external environment. Additionally, they emit and exchange energy. In all substances (objects) exist a characterized source field; even in darkness and at room temperature. In the absence of external ancillary sources, substance-irradiating measuring devices are unable to accurately determine the field of substance, and show only the noise signal of their own elements (considered here, substance is in a passive state). These devices are oriented to measure fields of electromagnetic nature; fields that are created by charges moving with acceleration. As a result, the device is unable to measure the electromagnetic field of primary substance in a passive state.

Consequently, the substances are considered ultra-weak, and it is believed they are unable to exert influence upon a secondary substance. The ultraweak, weak and strong fields; surrounds all substances, making the field of our passive substance difficult to distinguish from the “noise”. In order to highlight the field of a specific substance from the “noise” forces, the substance must be influenced with a certain effect (substance should be placed under special conditions). Therefore, substances create fields, and it is considered that these fields cause effects on other substances, and only when objects are near in distance to each other and in absence of “noise”. To transmit the weak field of one substance over long distances to another substance, a carrier-field must be implemented. A set of model experiments have been conducted that reveal the existence of the following phenomena: Field of primary

material substance, i.e., biologically active substance can be transferred at a distance by means of an electromagnetic field generated by an external source; transferred field can interact with secondary substance, altering its properties, and leaving an imprint. These experiments raise the following questions: How the field of a substance interacts with the carrier-field? What are the characteristics of a carrierfield? In order to measure this effect, what conditions are necessary to support a carrierfield reaction with another substance? How does a "carrierfield" interact with substances? On what structural or elementary particle level in a substance does this carrier-field interact? Why and how the state of the secondary substance is conserved after the carrier field has been exerted upon it? This report will present experimental evidence that progressively answers these questions.


The Conference of Energy-Medicine Doctors
 By invitation of Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Hendrik Treugut Ehrenpräsident der DGEIM. Presented by Anton Fedorenko.



P. Surinov, V. G. Isaeva, L. P. Zhovtun, N. N. Duhova, 
 E.P. Germanov

 A.Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Centre - branch of the National Medical Research 
 Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

It is known that chemical and biological agents can produce low-intensive electromagnetic fields. Remote reproduce properties of biologically active substances by using their characteristic electromagnetic radiation has been known for a relatively long time (J. Benveniste et al., 1987, 1988, 1998; L. Montagnier et al., 2009, 2012). The mechanisms of such phenomena have not a clear theoretical justification.

It was shown previously that the ability of lowintensive laser radiation to reproduce the basic properties of individual drugs in neutral carrier, presumably due to induced secondary radiation (B. P. Surinov et al., 2012, 2013, 2014). To do this, they (tablets, ampoules with solution) were placed on a neutral carriers (substrate) - CD- or DVDcompact disc - and within 2-3 minutes exposured to the drug with laser radiation (the

source of 5mW, wavelength 650 nm). As a result, the carrier of about 1.5 months of retained the ability to influence the properties of water or saline solution, placed it in a glass vessel for 15-20 minutes. These solutions are designated as information copy 1 (IC 1) of drugs. Option IC 2 was obtained remotely through the Internet using technology developed by the DST Fund (http:// www.newpharm.ru, http:// www.dst-fund.ru).

Abstract We can measure the absorbance spectrum of both primary and secondary substances. Substances absorb a field bearing specific characteristics and nature. Substances absorb energy and are in equilibrium with the external environment. Additionally, they emit and exchange energy. In all substances (objects) exist a characterized source field; even in darkness and at room temperature. In the absence of external ancillary sources, substance-irradiating measuring devices are unable to accurately determine the field of substance, and show only the noise signal of their own elements (considered here, substance is in a passive state). These devices are oriented to measure fields of electromagnetic nature; fields that are created by charges moving with acceleration. As a result, the device is unable to measure the electromagnetic field of primary substance in a passive state. Consequently, the substances are considered

ultra-weak, and it is believed they are unable to exert influence upon a secondary substance. The ultra-weak, weak and strong fields; surrounds all substances, making the field of our passive substance difficult to distinguish from the “noise”. In order to highlight the field of a specific substance from the “noise” forces, the substance must be influenced with a certain effect (substance should be placed under special conditions). Therefore, substances create fields, and it is considered that these fields cause effects on other substances, and only when objects are near in distance to each other and in absence of “noise”. To transmit the weak field of one substance over long distances to another substance, a carrier-field must be implemented. A set of model experiments have been conducted that reveal the existence of the following phenomena: Field of primary material substance,

i.e., biologically active substance can be transferred at a distance by means of an electromagnetic field generated by an external source; transferred field can interact with secondary substance, altering its properties, and leaving an imprint. These experiments raise the following questions: How the field of a substance interacts with the carrier-field? What are the characteristics of a carrier-field? In order to measure this effect, what conditions are necessary to support a carrier-field reaction with another substance? How does a "carrier-field" interact with substances? On what structural or elementary particle level in a substance does this carrier-field interact? Why and how the state of the secondary substance is conserved after the carrier field has been exerted upon it? This report will present experimental evidence that progressively answers these questions.


Sofia, Bulgaria Evaluation of the IC Project by professor Gerald Pollack

New technology is changing the way
 we think about medicine
 Professor Gerald Pollack, University of Washington, Seattle, 
 Organizer of the International Conference on Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water

2006. Until 2012, the conference was held in the US and in the last 3 years moved to Europe - Bulgaria.

The international scientific conference "Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water" (www.waterconf.org) has been held annually since

At this conference dedicated scientists and researchers from around the world gather to present and discuss groundbreaking research in a relaxed open forum setting. Particular attention is paid to study the physical parameters and biological properties of water under the influence of a

variety of natural and artificially simulated factors. I would like to draw your attention to the research of the group of scientists from the DST Fund in the field of informational, spectral copies of biologically active substances transmitted via communication lines (IC project). It opens up completely new horizons for the Internet application. DST Fund studies may find wide practical application in the health industry, agriculture,

Information about IC: The IC project began efforts in 2009 and have since taken part amongst the Conference on Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water over the last 4 years. IC project scientific research has shown that electromagnetic signals can impart "information" into water, therefore having effects on biological systems and application in material science. The idea of informational medicine is nothing less than astounding. The IC team is dedicated to developing new approaches in medicine that will change the way we think about medicine itself.

With support from the DST Fund, "IC Medicals" project has successfully established

an integrated global-medical crowdsourcing platform, implementing into wide scale practice the use of "Informational Copies" of Biologically Active Substances for treatment and prophylaxis of various diseases. An IC medicals team of professionals were assembled and technical centers were equipped with "Informational Copies" informed with active properties of medicines, which have been made available for patient-practitioner download and use. Web-sites connected to technical centers have been designed and launched in multiple languages www.icmedicals.com etc. With help of a personal computer or hand held device, IC-medical sites allow internet

Brief video-presentation of the project http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVtlCQHD8Ls IC Project Presentations from the Conference on Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water 2012 year https://www.youtube.com/watch? feature=player_embedded&v=GSkhPGPtTMY 2013 year https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=kP1hGfnFWLc 2014 year https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=GsVy1i93diU&list=UUhPrfhkHcmrCPXvGKsss AUw&index=17

accessible patientpractitioners the ability to receive the "Informational Copies" from the IC Medicals technical center. With help of a personal computer or hand held device, IC-medical sites allow internet accessible patientpractitioners the ability to receive the "Informational Copies" from the IC Medicals technical center. Please take a moment to review the project information provided in the following links and feel free to inquire with questions and further interest. CEO: Non-profit charitable DST Foundation, IC Project, Evgeny Germanov Contact: dstfund@gmail.com

2015 year https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=xtGUGVDVDlo&feature=youtu.be


Gerald H. Pollack 4 March 2016

www.waterconf.org/ www.facebook.com/waterconf Brochure by Science to Sage (com)

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