Anonymous + bonearenaofmyskull Anonymous asked: Why isn't Hannibal a psychopath? Bryan and Mads and everyone I guess keeps saying he's not and I'm not sure why. bonearenaofmyskull Two reasons. One, the character is meant to be mythologized above anything quantifiable. Specifically, they like to equate him to the human embodiment of Satan, which is inspired by the novels in that he presents temptation to others, passes judgment, consumes and punishes, and does it all with a healthy dose of blasphemy to boot. He’s supposed to be unique, not a “garden variety” anything, and labeling him a psychopath (or anything else, really) will tempt some audience members to reduce him to just those characteristics and miss how important understanding him as completely unique is to the overall narrative. This is important because it raises the stakes of the story to be about something bigger and more legendary than just capturing any psychopathic murderer, and they’re aiming for a mythological morality play, not for a realistic depiction of criminal (or any other) psychology. There’s a reason why Will chose to describe the Ripper as a monster rather than a human being with a diagnosis. While we have a differentiation in the English language between a devil and the devil, we don’t have the same for psychopaths, and that’s what we would need to tell the story the way the storytellers want it told. Hannibal is not just a baddie. He is the Big Bad, and calling him a psychopath would be a little like calling him a baddie rather than the Big Bad—it’s not entirely untrue, but it’d definitely be inappropriate. Sometimes you’ll hear Bryan Fuller or Steve Lightfoot refer to Hannibal as a psychopath, but then they’ll often then attach a “not simply a psychopath” kind of statement to it, and I think this is largely why. Additionally, the base premise of the story is that Hannibal and Will are each completely unique, so that the only person in the universe who could truly understand and appreciate Watercooler Journal
2.9 (2014)