April 2015 Murmur, Waterford Kettering High School Student

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murmur Volume 12, Issue 5 April 2, 2015


Mapping friendship


Junior Jamie Swalwell maps the distance between herself and her close friend. Due to the the growing popularity of social media, many teenagers like Swalwell are making friends around the world. Photo by Veronica Latimer

MURMUR Editor-In-Chief: Alexea Hankin


The Drift Editor-In-Chief: Calvin Habba

Better safe than sorry

Managing Editor: Catherine Habba




A new view at Kettering’s various security programs.

Copy Editor: Sarah Murphy

So, Sadies?


Illustrator: Josh Marko

Jessica’s journey


ISIS for dummies

Photo Coach: Veronica Latimer Organization Editor: Erin Eggenberger Staff Writers: Brooke Boyer, Gracelynn Boylan, Julie Dennis, Lucas Hendricks, Grace Moultrup, Hannah Neal, Ally Pierchala, Becca Posigian, Dathon Skelton, Taylor Skelton, Abby Webb Adviser: Brian Wilson Waterford Kettering High School 2800 Kettering Dr. Waterford, MI 48329

Sponsors Jamie B. Collett, Kate Casper, Donald Neal, Sandra Pylvainen, Jennifer Mayle, Waterford Kettering Wrestling, Heather Neal, Steve Smitka, Bonnie Webb, Bryce Neal, Heather Halls, James Webb, Mike Malley, Laura Stephens, Lindsay Styke, Spanish department, Bill Pierchala, Ken Elliot, Bill Stephens, Monica Bandlow, Dave Crane, Jason Pratt, Sam Williams, Amy Smith, Lisa Krollinger, Denise Chall, Mary Lou Knight, Tom’s Coney Island, Christy Engle, Bethany Dannewitz, Susan Pierchala, Lisa Pierchala, Laura Kwapis, Jim and Gail Stephens, Donna Kunse, Becca Neal, Ian Model, Cindy Dennis, Dan Dennis, Jenni Marlin. THANK YOU


Students share stories about their unique pets.

Broadway bound

Assistant Editor-In-Chief: Kristin Warholak

Photo Editor: Bridget Ekis

Peculiar pets


Behind the flag


Read it and weep



A Q&A with Kettering’s brand new winterguard.

March madness


Breaking it down


A few profiles of Kettering students from the Waterford jam skating team.


Freshman Haley Farquar has a passion for acting.


Not my twin


A common cause


Sarah’s soapbox


Junior staffer Becca Posigian and her twin sister, Neveda, explain what it’s like to be twins that look nothing alike.


Feed yourself to health


The Murmur provides some easy, healthy snacks for a Spring Break diet.


The look for less


What’s happening/Let’s play


We don’t knead gluten


The Murmur is printed monthly, and completely put together by the students in the journalism class at Waterford Kettering High School. The Murmur serves as an open forum for student expression, and the opinions printed are not those of the administration.



Kettering students discuss the pros and cons of a technology centered world, and how social media connects us all.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters from the readers are encouraged. Letters may be delivered to room 501 or can be sent to the newspaper’s email address, ketteringmurmur@gmail.com. All letters are subject to editing of grammatical and punctuation errors. Letters must be submitted with a signature. Letters with libel or slander towards another person will not be considered for publication. Letters must be limited to 250 words. ADVERTISING Advertisements do not reflect the views of the staff. Potential advertisers can contact the staff through the Kettering phone number. The Murmur editorial board has the right to refuse any inappropriate advertising. COLUMNS or editorials represent the opinion of the writer. Thoughts or views which are expressed are not those of the entire staff or administration. STAFF EDITORIALS are written by the staff and include the combined opinion of the full staff.


Letter from the editor


technology and social media is, everyone is still always on it. We, as humans, are social creatures—we are made to commune and make friends and connect. Social media helps us do that with the click of a button or the tap of a screen, and we’re all so addicted to it—but we ridicule it as though it is wrong. And the Murmur has one question. Why? Why do we attack what we all seem to love? What is wrong with being ‘stuck on a screen’? And why are internet friends seen any different than real ones? While meeting people and befriending those strangers online should be met with some apprehension, the Murmur believes the social media is not as bad as we make it out to be. On the contrary, we think that social media helps us connect in ways that are unique to this time period alone. And that’s something to be respected. The Murmur is tired of the “technology is making us shallow” rhetoric. We hear it all the time. So now, we want to talk about something different. Teenagers are always on their phones. So what?

FOLLOW US & VISIT OUR WEBSITE Twitter: @WaterfordDrift Instagram: @WaterfordDrift Vine: Waterford Drift www.WaterfordDrift.com

Take polls, flip through recent photos, and read all the stories in this issue online

Congratulations to Kettering’s 3098 Robotics team alliance for winning their tournament last weekend, and for winning the Engineering Exellence Award! Photo courtesy Steve Smitka


ou’ve heard it before: Teenagers are always on their phones. And, for the greater majority of the readership of this newsmagazine, that is true. Kettering, much like any other American school, has a student body who seems stuck on a screen. We even have a classroom system to designate how okay it is to use phones in said rooms. Cell phones are so heavily a part of our lives that many of us can’t really be without them for too long. And I don’t say that as an insult to teenagers— much like my parents, my iPhone gives me directions to places I don’t know how to get to, lets me record moments via photograph and video, and keeps me in touch with the people I love. It’s actually a very beautiful tool, in my opinion. But what I don’t understand, and what the Murmur staff does not understand, is that many people don’t see it that way. Many people, including those who own cell phones, see them as the fall of society—many believe they are making us shallow, boring, less likely to spend time in the “real” world. Cell phones, and likewise the social media that everyone uses on their phones, is just not good for society, we believe. But the funny thing is, that with how hated



Kettering students talk about the safety and security of Kettering and realize that they are...

Better safe than sorry BY HANNAH NEAL Staff Writer hannahneal17@waterforddrift.com


he final bell rings as sophomore Gulda goes on to say that being Becca Ciminillo walks up to the stationed in Kettering also helps his doors to enter the 100 hall. She outside police work and his caseload pulls on the handle, but the door because he is able to have the scoop doesn’t budge. The doors are locked.It’s on many students and can talk to students protocol, now. Ciminillo, thinking of the and staff if needed in one of his cases. days before Sandy hook, trudges to the Another security practice that has been front of the school in the cold michigan going on within Kettering for multiple wind. She’s beeped through the main years is the random K9 drug searches. office after signing herself in, and is “The drug searches have definitely now five minutes later to class than she helped not just Kettering, but students to would’ve been had she been let in at the make the right decisions,”Ciminillo said. 100 hall doors. “They help them make the right choices Kettering,similar to thousands of other because when someone gets caught schools across the U.S., has invoked with drugs it makes them stop and think numerous security measures in the about exactly what they are doing and aftermath of disastrous school shootings that they shouldn’t have drugs at school and attacks in the past few years. These or at all.” stand in a long line of other protocols In the past five years, the need for that have been around since before the school security has reached a new level. tragedies occurred, like “I had a brother who K9 searches, and all graduated in 2012 from have been marked as I feel very safe with Kettering and security practices of maintaining wasn’t as strict throughout the security measures. his years,” sophomore students’ safety. “I feel very safe with Becca Ciminillo, 10 Marissa Roberts said. the security measures. I “I think because of a lot know all the doors are of things happening out of school like locked except for the office, so it’s not like shooting and bomb threats, it’s necessary someone can just walk in,” sophomore to take those precautions now more than Becca Ciminillo said. “There are cameras it was even five years ago.” inside and outside the building, and they Although most schools have security have to buzz the door open for you to measures,these systems differ in size, get into the school.” type and degree of seriousness. Within Along with the security cameras, a Waterford the type of security systems new entrance was added to the building. barely differ. “I like the add-on in the office. It “There is no difference between definitely is an extra sense of security security at Kettering and Mott,” Gulda that we need in today’s world, which is said. “There is basically the same sad to say,” sophomore Marissa Roberts protocol. Classroom windows shouldn’t said. “But staff and students need extra just be wide open, the doors are locked, security and protection nowadays.” there’s the same staff roles at each A police liason, video camera, school, the front main office entrance is random drug searches, hall monitors, the same, and Mott has the same liaison lockdown drills and a new entrance role. The only difference is that Mott has round out the security system at Kettering. one more hall monitor than Kettering.” “Liaisons have been in the school School security systems are meant for more than 20 years,” Kettering’s to keep students and staff safe. Security Police Liaison, Officer Gulda said. “A systems do their job, even if they have liaison is what we call proactive police negative side effects as well as positive. work instead of reactive. People are School security is a necessary part of discouraged from doing anything wrong daily safety and protection. because they know the police are here.”



Do you feel safe in Kettering?

I think Kettering has done a good job at keeping us safe. I don’t always feel safe, but then I think about how there is a lot of behind the scenes work that people don’t know about that is done to keep people safe, even if they don’t always think they are.

Nick Ross, 11

Kettering’s security makes me feel safe. With the new office you have to check in and they actually make sure they know who is coming into the building.

Alexis Silver, 11



BY BROOKE BOYER Staff Writer brookeboyer17@waterforddrift.com

Illustration by Josh Marko

With an all new type of spring dance, Kettering students and stuent council members hope for a better turnout at Sadie Hawkins


ophomore class president Kristina Wylin and her fellow student council members begin to start planning for the winter dance, better known this year as Sadie Hawkins. What many people don’t know is that the Sadie Hawkins dance originated from a cartoon known as Li’l Abner, during November 5th of 1937. There was a designated day in November where girls who were unmarried could chase the bachelors around the town in hopes of catching them for marriage. Sadie Hawkins was the name given to the girl in the cartoon. Generally, the guys hated this holiday. As the silly comic became more popular, and it drew more attention from high schools across the United States. High schools got some inspiration from the fun holiday and began throwing dances on the day. “I think it’s interesting that high schools put their own twist on the dance,” Liedel said. Wylin says that Sadie Hawkins is supposed to be more like a casual dance, but the student council voted and they decided that they wanted it to be more like homecoming attire, in hopes that more students would want to attend. “There is a lot more pressure to promote a winter dance, this being because our previous attempts at winter dances were not successful,” Wylin said. “We thought that

Sadies? some students felt like having a casual dance would make it feel like a middle school dance.” Some students feel as if having it be a formal dance, it may be more successful than the previous attempts at winter dances. “It is better that they made Sadies formal, having it be a formal dance makes it more like homecoming which everyone loves,” Liedel said. “Plus getting dressed up is half of the fun.” The lack of sales in tickets last year lead to the dance being canceled, so there has been a lot going into the preparation of the dance this year to ensure success. “We only sold about 40 tickets last year,” Wylin said. Compared to the twenty dollar price for a homecoming ticket, the Sadie Hawkins ticket price is only ten dollars. Wylin says that there is a lower price for the ticket in hopes of increasing the number of ticket sales. Some students at Kettering aren’t sure what an actual Sadie Hawkins dance entails. In terms of what to wear, if they can go without a date. Since the whole Sadie Hawkins theme is ‘girl asks guy’ instead of the guy asking the girl. A switch in roles in a way. The pressure’s on the girl this time, not the guy. “It’s really cool seeing the girls ask the guys this time,” sophomore Jaiden Liedel said.

An inside look at a night with a date to Sadies: How did you ask him?

“I went to his house and filled his room with balloons and wrote ‘Sadies?’ on them.” Alyssa Watts, 10

How did you ask him?

“I asked him by making cupcakes. I was really excited about asking him because of his reaction and just making him happy.” Taylor Piske, 10

Where did you guys go to take pictures before?

“We went to Jake’s house to take pictures before because it was really cold.” Alyssa Watts, 10

Where did you go to dinner?

“We went to Outback Steakhouse with friends.”

Alyssa Watts and Jake Chambers

Taylor Piske and Tony Navarro

Taylor Piske, 10

Photo courtesy of Taylor Piske and Alyssa Watts




essica’s ourney

Kettering Alumni Jessica Warholak talks about her missionar y trip to Duhok, Kurdistan over the summer of 2014. Little did she know what complications would arise while she was there.

BY BRIDGET EKIS Photo Editor bridgetekis@waterforddrift.com


hile Warholak was there, she did various things such as build a library and teach English to Kurdish children. On the left, she stands smiling with her class. In the beginning she had very few reservations about traveling to the Middle East. About two weeks into her trip, ISIS (The Islamic State of Syria and Iraq), attacked the city of Mosul which was an hour South of the city Duhok where she was stationed. Most of the writing done here is through Jessica’s online blogs and journal entries.

Photo courtesty to Jessica Warhalok

Journal entries dated June 10, 2014 1 hour from Duhok bad news in Mosul- rebels have taken over the city (airports, banks, prisons)the army fled, (dropped weapons and ran) which equals no protection. People are trying to flee here for safety- we saw them at a check point on the way home from Domiz today. 100+ people (families, children and women) all sitting outside in the hot sun because the KRG [Kurdistan Regional Government] won’t let them cross over to safety in Duhok, (fear of terrorist attacks here). Also sad because Syrian Refugee camps won’t accept those people either, because they aren’t refugees (from another country) they are just IDP’s (internationally displaced). This leaves them with no place to go. My heart goes out to them. Deepest prayers coming their way. 06 // WATERFORDDRIFT.COM // APRIL 2, 2015


Blog post from June 11, 2014

The next day (Tuesday), we headed back to Domiz bright and early in order to finish the mural. This is the day that has been the hardest for me so far. I’m not sure if you have heard, but there are some major problems occurring in a town near us called Mosul which made it extremely difficult for us to enter the refugee camp. From my understanding, a radical group called the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has gained control of the city. From what we have heard, when the group entered the city, the Iraqi Army fled. Because of the great danger this left the citizens of Mosul in, they all began to leave the city and head toward where we are.

Journal entry from June 11, 2014


An Islamic terrorist group which broke ties with Al-Qaeda in February of 2014. They are Sunni Muslims, which is one of the two branches of Islam. The other branch is known as Shi’a, which make up a small population of Muslims around the world- roughly 20%. ISIS claims to be performing such extremist acts because this is what Allah (islamic god), instructed them to do, however,many Muslims agree that ISIS does not follow islamic teachings and rituals. ISIS is a radical movement, which result to drastic measures in order to seek change.

According to a survey of 415 Kettering students

Blog post from June 13, 2014

As this day comes to an end, the team and I watched some of the US news concerning what has been happening in Mosul. Seeing what many of you have seen, I can understand why you may be concerned. I just wanted to assure all of you that we are safe. We have seen minimal differences where we are located. There has been stepped up security, which only makes us even safer. There has also been an influx of refugees from other part of the country seeking safety here in Duhok. I want to make it clear that I want to be here because God has placed a calling in my heart. I trust Him with everything. The work that we have begun and will continue to do here is making a difference. I am so excited to see the final product of our commitments. With that being said, know that I always appreciate your prayers, but I ask that you please redirect some of those prayers to the people who aren’t within the safe borders of Kurdistan that our team has been blessed with. PLEASE pray for them because they are facing more hardship than most of us can comprehend.

87% 13%

reported they knew what ISIS was

reported they didn’t know what ISIS was


They want to create their own Islamic nation. It would be called The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. ISIS wants to enforce their view of conservative Islamic traditions. They have already claimed their leader, Abu Bakr alBaghdadi as the caliph of the Islamic State. Caliph’s are seen as religious successors to the Prophet Muhammad.


The members involved in ISIS are known as radicals. As a little refresher, dictonary.com describes a radial as, “a person who holds or follows strong convictions or extreme principles; extremist.” They’re activists, and want change. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the leader of this radical group, and is said to have earned a doctorate degree in Islamic studies.


According to NBC news, on February 11 2015, President Obama sent Congress a formal request for authorization to fight ISIS by using military force. The proposal made would limit the U.S’s involvement to only three years, and would limit the U.S’s forces to only be through naval or airforce attacks. No ground forces would be used. However, the President stated that if circumstances became more severe, such as rescue operations, then U.S ground forces would step in to help. Congress denied the Presidents proposal, and as of March 29 2015 there are no U.S troops in Iraq or Syria.


I was brave enough to enter a war-torn area



reported they didn’t reported the U.S was reported the U.S know what the U.S doing enough wasn’t doing enough is doing

WHAT DOES THE FLAG SAY? The upper portion of the flag reads “there is no God but Allah.” And the bottom portion within the white circle reads “Muhammad messenger of Allah.” The interesting part about their flag is that it doesn’t preach a single thing about terrorism, and only preaches Islam itself. Illustrations by Josh Marko


SPORTS // THE MURMUR BY ALEXEA HANKIN Editor in Chief alexeahankin@waterforddrift.com Photos by Alexea Hankin

As Waterford Synergy Winter Guard kicks off its first year, the Murmur goes



Q& A

with Kettering Color and Winter Guard Director, Amanda Portuesi

Q: What’s your experience in guard? I started dance when I was 3, and I was in guard from 8th grade through all of high school and college. I went to Novi High School, who at the time had the largest marching band in Michigan. I later attended Michigan State University and was apart of their colorguard and winterguard, State of Art. Q: What brought you to Kettering? I was at State. My director at the time got a call from a previous marcher, Heather Halls, who is very involved with Kettering’s marching band. They like other State people and asked him if he knew anyone that would like to teach, and me and my friend Becky were like “yeah, we want to teach!” And they were like “oh, cool, we’ve got a spot opening up at Waterford.” So here I am.

Q: How did the winter guard start? This year, the kids came to me and said that they were interested in winterguard, but we didn’t know if we had enough money for it. So I went to the administrators and they brought up the idea of a joint Kettering/Mott group, because both of the color guard programs at Mott and Kettering were small this year. We still have a small group, but that’s okay. Q: What’s the difference between color and winter guard? Colorguard is when we’re a part of the band, and the band picks the music and its outdoors. Winter guard is indoors, it is competitive, and we have a set soundtrack. Winter guard is basically color guard without the restrictions of band. Q: How well did Synergy do this season? We placed 14 out of 26 teams in our division, which is pretty good for a first year team. 08 // WATERFORDDRIFT.COM // APRIL 2, 2015


Q & A

With the Kettering and Mott United Waterford Synergy Winter Guard





“ “ “ “ “ “ “ Catching a toss is the best feeling in the whole world.

I love the variety of people we get in our guard. There’s no room for cliques.

Getting forth place at our second competition is my favorite winter guard memory. It was such a good feeling.


I love guard. It’s great, and everyone loves to watch me when I do it. My mom did it, and I like following in her fun footsteps.


Being the youngest on the guard was pressuring at first, but once you get to know the team it’s really fun.


Working with Kettering kids is really nice. Everyone is so kind and we get along really well. Winterguard is an entirely new experience. It’s a lot of fun, but it’s sad knowing I won’t be here next year.



The Key to MARCH MADNESS How to conquer the near impossible March Madness bracket

BY LUCAS HENDRICKS Sports Editor lucashendricks@waterforddrift.com


t’s that time of year for college basketball fans. We have studied “Don’t think too hard when you make your picks,” Hall said. “You each conference and each team all year, watched many upsets might second guess yourself.” and even more triumphs. Many of the stuff we have witnessed this Yet there really is no way to tell how the bracket will turn out. Out season has been like no other, a Virginia team that was counted out of of 100 random students asked at Kettering the majority said Kentucky even contending for an ACC title rose to the top. A Kentucky team that at 40%. Going with Kentucky may be the safest choice but picking continued to prove why they are the best in the land, and a confident Kentucky to win the national championship isn’t giving yourself a state of Michigan watching what used to be a powerhouse of U of M chance to stand out. fall short of expectations. “Don’t pick all of the number one seeds to win” Austin Thrasher said. Despite how the regular season fared, Anyone can pick the best team to win, but it takes college basketball fans have been waiting for Don’t pick all the numa genius to pick the team that will upset the best. That’s this moment since Shabazz Napier took an ber one seeds to win. the glory of march madness, its unpredictable, there will overlooked Connecticut team all the way. The be things that don’t go the way they’re supposed Austin Thrasher, 11 always brackets, the big dance, March Madness. to. Its a drama film that last a month and its an amazing Of course for fans March Madness is month for sports fans. all for fun, fill out a bracket and see how With the final four we have now i expect nothing but lucky you get. But over the past years the brackets have become a madness. The Spartans have done it again making it into the final four competition more than anything. The odds of someone picking the but can anyone really stop Kentucky? Notre Dame was close and winner of the whole bracket is 1 in 64 or as most people would Wisconsin has the size to do even better. What ever happens we will say, improbable. The odds of getting the whole bracket perfect 1 in look back at this years tournament, see the UCLA Cinderella run, the 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 which can be thought of as near MSU championship push and the Kentucky craze, and realize it was impossible. one of the best we have had in a while. Kettering students like Junior Matt Hall believe they know the trick to beating the bracket.

“ “


Captains choices

100 students at WKHS were asked who they thought would win the NCAA tournament, and here are the results...

...According to Mr. Nicholson “I choose the BPI over the RPI because the RPI doesn’t take into account injured players, Home vs. away wins, and blow out games.”

By the definition BPI Basketball Power

RPI Rating Percentage Index. An ESPN created and Index. A quantity used to owned statistic that has the advantage of accounting for missing or injured players.

rank sports teams based on a teams wins losses and strength of schedule.



percent said Virginia

10 percent said Louisville


percent said Gonzaga


percent said other

40 percent said Kentucky

27 percent said Duke

the do’s and dont’s of






“Pick some underdogs to win.” Bryce Mojica, 9


A quick overview on what you didn’t know about March Madness The odds of a



1 in 9.2 quintillion

“Go with your gut.”

Audrey Jutis, 9


“Look at the team’s record; it means nothing once the tournament starts.” Brandon Speagle, 12 “Pick a 16 seed; they have never won.” Jordan Evans, 11 “Think too hard; you might second guess yourself.” Matt Hall, 11 APRIL 2, 2014

$2.5 MILLION spent in illegal bets each year during March Madness

Origin of March Madness:


Oregon was the first winner of the tournament.


Has historically dominated the tournament with 11 NCAA titles. University of Connecticut has the most Women’s NCAA titles with 9.



earns no money from the tournament; the profits are distributed to the 64 teams in the tournament. // WATERFORDDRIFT.COM // 11


The art of jam skating explained

BY CATHERINE HABBA & JULIE DENNIS Managing & Entertainment editor catherinehabba@waterforddrift.com juliedennis@waterforddrift.com

Tyler Sherrod started the jam skating class at the Rolladium on March 29, 2014. “Regulars at the rink kept coming up to me and asking me to teach them how to do different moves,” Sherrod said.“ Dennis Cahow, close friend and mentor, gave me the idea that I should teach a class.” Sherrod’s class consists of teaching new moves to both the advance and the beginner group, and along with reviewing and perfecting older moves. The class is currently working on a routine for the show and preparing for competitions. “Once my advance students feel that they are ready, I want them to start competing,” Sherrod said. “ I want them to meet everyone

in the community and I want people to see what we’re doing and how far we’ve come.” Sherrod has talked to several advance students about starting to compete. “We haven’t gone to a competition due to the simple fact that they don’t think they’re ready, but I know that they are,” Sherrod said. One agreement that Sherrod, and other skaters have is that the best part of jam skating is the supportive attitude and the freedom. “Everybody is their own coach,” Sherrod said. “Everyone skates differently and everyone does each move a little differently.” This is what makes jam skating so unique.

Routine that is made up. Must include stationary break dancing, footwork, groundwork, and pacing all in three mintues. Judged by a six judge table which critique the skaters fluency, timing, and transitions.

Just like the solo battles. Up to six people can be on a team. Each team skates for the 30 seconds together.


I like to think of jam skating as a game of chess, you have to know what you’re doing three steps ahead.

Tyler Sherrod, Jam skating coach

All freestyle. Moves made up as the skater goes. A skater will go and skate for 30 seconds and then the other skater will go and skate for 30 seconds. This is repeated two more times for a total of three round for three mintues.

Breaking down Coach Tyler Sherrod teaching his advance class the routine for the show.

Everyone in the class always works as a team, we are like a family.

Mariah Davis, 11


Junior Mariah Davis has been jam skating for six months. She started off doing artistic figure skating at the Rolladium, and after watching some jam skaters at public session, she realized she wanted to be a part of it. “Jam skating is more hip hop compared to figure skating which is uptight and proper,” Davis said. “I have more freedom to move and I decided what to do instead of following steps.” In jam skating, there are three different styles: groundwork, footwork, and pacing. “We have moves where we work on the ground using our hands and our feet,” Davis said. “We cross our feet, and do moves that involve support from the arms.” This is called groundwork. It is the most Junior Ryan VanAlstine has been jam skating for 11 months. He started off using roller blades to skate the public sessions. He was eventually persuaded by his friend Matt Mccullough to try jam skating. “I like all of the jazzy stuff that can be done in jam skates, in blades all I would do is skate fast,” VanAlstine said. “I also like the people, environment, skill set, and techniques that jam skating has to offer.” VanAlstine can’t take all of the credit for his fast learning. Jam skating coach, Tyler Sherrod, has a lot to do with it. Sherrod has been working with VanAlstine and the other jam skaters in hopes of going to a

Freshman Brooklen Bredow officially started jam skating March 27, 2014. “I bought jam skates before I actually learned how to jam skate,” Bredow said. “I would just skate around in them.” Bredow and other jam skating regulars usually pay five dollars every Saturday for class from 10:05pm to 10:55pm. “I love the friendly environment of the class it’s not super strict,” Bredow said. The class has recently been split up into two groups- the beginners and the advanced team. There aren’t requirements for joining the Brooklen Bredow, beginners class, anyone can join and the first class is free. 9 “There are requirements to be on the advanced team,” Bredow said. “You have to be able to do certain moves to be on the team.”

Jam skating can basically be summed as breakdancing on skates.

popular jam skating style because it’s the most interesting to watch. “I find this to be difficult because you get your skates caught, you hit your legs, and it requires a ton of upper arm strength,” Davis said. Floor work requires the skater to be standing upright. The skater does movements that involve their feet weaving through each other. The last style is pacing. Pacing involves the skater to skate around the rink to the beat of the music. “I like pacing because you can do what you want,” Davis said. “You can add the moves you want as long as it’s to the beat.”

competition one day. “I personally don’t feel like we are ready for a competition,” VanAlstine said. “The team hasn’t planned for more yet and Tyler has just gotten the team together.” VanAlstine and most of the other advanced jam skaters are looking forward to eventually competing. VanAlstine says that if Sherrod wants the team to go to any competitions he would talk to the team about it. “If we decide to compete Tyler would decide on if we went as a team or if we went as solos,” VanAlstine said.

I’m going to jam skate as long as I can function properly.

Ryan VanAlstine, 11

Sherrod will start off with teaching the beginner group a move, once he helps them out, he will come over and show the advance group a move. This is a repeated process. Sherrod generally spends more time with the beginner group because they need the most help. “When Tyler is teaching the beginner group Frank Jewel, the class assistant, comes to our group and will help,” Bredow said. The jam skating class is preparing for a performance in June. Both classes have a number in the show. APRIL 2, 2015 // WATERFORDDRIFT.COM // 13


An up-close view at some of the most interesting pets owned by students at Kettering

BY CALVIN HABBA The Drift Editor-In-Chief Calvinhabba18@waterforddrift.com

Chatty chickens Sophomore Jessica Lesh spends time with her chickens Yoke-O and Scrambled. Photo courtesy of Jessica Lesh


ho doesn’t love waking up in the morning and eating a farm fresh egg? Sophomore Jessica Lesh thought the same thing as her and her family did research on the best place to purchase chickens. “I have always wanted chickens because I thought they would be cool,” Lesh said. “When we had decided on the breed, we found a breeder in Davison MI that we could purchase two 3 to 4 day old chicks from.” According to Lesh, chickens are exceptional pets to own. There are many breeds of chickens and each one has a different personality. “Having chickens are unique because unlike a dog or cat, you get something from them other than loyalty and love,” Lesh said. “I get one or two large brown eggs a day.”

Happy hedgehog Senior Joshua Schwimmer spends quality time with his hedgehog named Felix. Photo courtesy of Joshua Schwimmer


enior Joshua Schwimmer recently received baby hedgehog two weeks ago. “It’s still small and the quills are white with some dark spots,” Schwimmer said. Schwimmer instantly knew that he wanted a hedgehog as soon as he played with his friends hedgehog. “I searched for a hedgehog breeders online,” Schwimmer said. “I found a site that seemed like it would come from a nice place.” According to Schwimmer, hedgehogs are great pets to own. “They are not friendly at first, but you have to take care of them so they get used to you,” Schwimmer said. Hedgehogs are not like most pets, the feel of them is different.

Healthy horse Freshman Audrey Graham is riding her current horse named Jingles. Photo courtesy of Audrey Graham


ast Christmas, freshman Audrey Graham received a chestnut colored horse named Jingles. Ever since Graham was a little girl, she loved horses. She has also competed in many horseback competitions since then. “When I was five I started horseback riding and I’ve been doing it ever since,” Graham said. From the time she started riding, Graham has won over 150 ribbons in her horseback riding competitions. “Horseback riding is probably one of my most favorite things to do,” Graham said. “If I’m not at home sleeping, I’m most likely at the barn.” Graham feels at home whenever she is at her barn.

Photo courtesy of pet owners

Students share photos of themselves with their unique pets

“I like hedgehogs because they are very easy to take care of and super cute.” Abigale Newkirk, 10

“I like geckos because they are very easy to maintain and nice to everyone.” Sarah Ratz, 10


“I like guinea pigs because they are cute and friendly animals and funny looking when they eat lettuce.” Megan Gaines, 10

“I like hedgehogs because they’re different and uncommon, also super adorable.” Celia Ramirez, 12


Animals Up close

Photo courtesy of pet owners

Photo courtesy of pet owners

Try to guess what type of animal is in the zoomed in picture. Scan the QR code at the bottom of the page to see if your guess was correct. This feathered animal lays eggs and usually lives on a farm.

This rodent is furry and lives up to five years.


2 This big animal weighs well over 3,000 pounds.

This reptile is cold blooded and has rough skin.



This vertebrate is very intelligent.


This Mammal gets hunted in the winter.

6 Use these hints to help you if you’re stumped 1. It is an ear 2. This animal has wings 3. It’s an eye 4. This animal has 4 feet 5. It is a nose 6. Meat from this animal is called venison

To view the original pictures: 1. Download a barcode scanner App. 2. Scan this QR code with your phone 3. OR type this URL into your search bar http://www.waterforddrift.com/peculiar-pets/




CONN E In a society where social media on



the rise, students feel they are all

ECTED BY ERIN EGGENBERGER & ABBY WEBB Organizational Editor and Staff Writer Erineggenberger17@waterforddrift.com Abigailwebb@waterforddrift.com


unior Jamie Swalwell’s daily life started to change after she began talking to sixteen year old Calie from Wisconsin. In the summer of 2012 Calie initiated the connection between the two on a site much like Facebook called Quizazz by commenting on Swalwell’s post. When Calie asked for her number, Swalwell was apprehensive at first, and instead of giving her phone number away, she found Calie on Facebook and they began to chat, and eventually Skype. Since then Calie has become just like another friend from school to Swalwell, essentially best friends.

“After a while we exchanged numbers and started texting and talking all the time,” Swalwell said. “We’re trying to plan a date this summer that we can meet face to face.” Many teenagers today, like Swalwell, have grown close to friends online. Older generations remain apprehensive about how this sort of thing is becoming normal to this generation. Some teenagers agree with the caution one should have online. In a society where teenagers are introduced to new technology daily, this generation is naturally connected.

Continued on page 18...



QUESTIONS & ANSWERS A lot of people say that social media makes people, especially teenagers, more shallow. What’s your take on that?

How did you meet the friend you talk to online?

Are you parents aware of the friend you met online?

How do you keep in touch?

What would you say to people who believe that online relationships/ friendships aren’t real?

Do you think people are more cautious about trusting people online? Why? And should they be cautious?

Jamie Swalwell, 11

Ben Tucker, 11

I think it can make people shallow. But that’s not the only result of social media. And not everyone becomes shallow because of it.

It does not make people people shallow, every person is different and has their own personality. It all depends on how they are raised and what they have in common with people.

In July 2012 she commented on a post of mine. It was a website through Facebook that is deleted now. We just talked to each other on there and she asked for my number. I said I couldn’t give her my number and she understood and asked if we could Skype After a while we exchanged numbers and started texting and talking all the time. She’s 16 and a sophomore in Missouri. We’re trying to plan a date this summer that we can meet face to face.

I was playing Arma 3 on my PC and I met him while waiting in a server for a game to start. He is a Guardsmen, such as myself. So we have alot in common. We might be seeing each other sometime because I’m 11b (Infantry) and he is 25b (radio guy). 11b’s and 25b’s are shipping back and forth over seas so there might be a chance we might meet.

I talked to my mom about it and we looked her up on Facebook and she said that would be okay.

No, my parents aren’t in my business. I only tell them what they need to know. They could care less considering I am an adult and I can make my own decisions on what I do.

We text and follow each other on social media.

If I’m playing a game and he wants to join then we play together. Internet ‘Friends’ are different than real life friends.

I think you can always have a friend online. I had another friend from the same website that lived in Germany and when she came to Texas for an exchange program we texted all the time. She’s back in Germany now, and we don’t talk as much. I’ve never met her or my other friend, but I feel like she’s a friend that I go to school with every day. However, I don’t really think you can have an online relationship. It doesn’t make sense to me that you can “fall in love” with someone that you’ve never actually met.

It would depend because if you’re looking for a friendship then maybe but you have to be careful because a lot of people would love to take all your personal information and take all your money. But if you’re looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend this way then no. You never know what they even look like they could be some creeper. Furthermore, how could you actually have feelings for someone you never met and hardly know? Doesn’t make sense to me.

I don’t think people are as cautious as they should be, you should definitely be careful when making friends online. That’s why I didn’t give my number out right away.


Yes, people should be cautious. Use common sense about who you let see all your posts. Because if the wrong person is looking at that and wants to do something to you they can find out your habits and find out how to get to you. You can never fully trust someone online unless you are say friends with them in real life.


ways of the past


activities you don’t do because of cell phones


Meet people face to face

Why meet face to face when you can stay home and lounge in your underwear?


Flip through a phone book With technology these days, its much more practical to simply search through your contacts or the internet than it is to flip through 2000 pages for 1 phone number.


72% of kettering students said they use social media

Students were asked what social media platform they use to talk to people, their answers consisted of Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram.

Read a map


Unless you are way out in the middle of no where with no signal whatsoever, chances are you’re using phone as a GPS.


said Tumblr

Carry quarters for a pay phone Do pay phones even exist anymore? Pay phones are pretty much extinct in this era.


51% said Twitter

Write a letter

Because shooting a text or even sending an e-mail is a million times easier, people who write letters to one another are a dying breed.


Said Instagram




As freshman Haley Farquhar creates an acting career for herself locally, she finds herself...

BY GRACELYNN BOYLAN Staff Writer gracelynnboylan18@waterfordrift.com



he hot lights beat down on the vivid off of the TV, so it’s always been a goal of faces of the actors as they come out mine. It’s really fun and I’ve made so many from behind the curtain for the new friends.” final bow. Everyone in the audience claps for the performance just put on. Freshman Haley Farquhar has gone through this excitement since age 10. “The first performance I had ever been in was Excalibur as young King Arthur,” Farquhar said. “Which I had a surprisingly big part for my first show. That really got me into acting.” Farquhar has been acting Starting young Farquhar in her first performance as in multiple productions for five young King Arthur when she was ten years old. years now, including both of the productions put on at Kettering this school Farquhar is also in the Kettering concert year. The first show she had done with her choir as an alto and uses choir as a sister made her realize that she wanted to do confidence-booster. Choir helps with stage something on her own; acting was finally her presence and is a great way to train your own hobby. voice to have a stronger presence. “Theatre is something I can do for myself,” “Choir helps a lot actually,” Farquhar said. Farquhar said. “I love becoming different “It gives me confidence and helps me to have characters and when I was younger my dad a stronger voice.” always told me I was like someone straight Farquhar has been in Excalibur, Wonderful

World of Oz, Pirates of Penaznce, Beauty and the Beast, Antigone and many more. She has also had backstage experience as production manager of Guys and Dolls. However, the roles Farquhar plays are each a chance for her to get better while working with a large cast. Some of the roles she prefers more than others. “I love all of the roles I’ve had but my favorite was Mini the Munchkin in Wizard of Oz,” Farquhar said. “I got to be super sassy and it was so much fun.” Throughout all of the productions and auditions Haley has decided she the wants to see how far she gets as an actress. “I’m not sure where it’ll take me but I hope it gets me far,” said Farquhar. “I have hopes and dreams of someday making it to Broadway or TV but I just keep pushing myself and working hard.” Farquhar wants to continue acting and singing in productions while also achieving her goals for her future.

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Read it and weep

The preferences of reading actual books as opposed to reading on e-readers is explored by today’s readers BY ALLY PIERCHALA Social Media Editor allisonpierchala17@waterforddrift.com


How do YOU read?

itting in class, what are you doing? Really are doing in that very moment. With new take a second to think about it. Think technologies like e-readers or books on cellular about your surroundings. People, desks, devices you are able to have that with you at chairs… the list goes on and on. But there is any given moment. I read actual something more than that. Words. “Reading is much more versatile and there books more A glance around any room will result in when you need it when its on a electronic than books on some form of reading. It could be as little as device,” sophomore Autumn Andrews said. my tablet, if I’m reading the words written on the board or With the new addition to e-books in the reading a book someone reading off of their phone or kindle, library here at Kettering, the advances in my eyes don’t It could even be an old fashioned paperback. technology and the way students are reading hurt like they Reading a actual book is rarely seen has been expressed throughout the school day. do reading off anymore. Nowadays people have adapted to “I would rather read off of my Kindle,” an e-reader. the wave of technology, and reading has been freshman Rebekah Shultz said. “It really one of the many things affected. depends on the mood I’m in, I like the Kindle Autumn “I think the way students read is based on more than actual books because I can get Andrews, 10 their personal preference,” Librarian, Mrs. more options on it,” Shultz said. Dombrowski said. There are various types of e-readers out Those who don’t enjoy there these days, most reading tend to stray from commonly known among books. these would be Kindles, “Reluctant readers tend to Nooks and Ipads. They may I like to read enjoy reading off of e-readers all serve the same purpose, on my Kindle or listening to audiobooks however they have their own because it’s opposed to a physical book,” differences. For one glare smaller than a Dombrowski said. resistance on Ipads is no book and I can Reading comes in so many where near the quality of a read more than different forms now. kindle. Advertisements for one book at a “I read on my phone more these e-readers express the because I feel like im not differences and compare time. really reading,” sophomore them based on differences Allan Collet, 9 Megan Simpson said. “I and prices. Riveting Reads Freshman Audrey usually read more and tend to Jutis gets sucked into an intriguing “I feel like the prices are enjoy reading more if its on my book inside the library. decent for all,” sophomore phone,” simpson said. Mikayla Rappuhn said. “I The way in which we read has shifted and would much rather pay for a kindle over an changed as society has become more cyber. Ipad though, the Ipad does the same thing Throughout the day reading is a regular but the kindle is much cheaper which is nice,” activity. You can't go through a whole day Rappuhn said. without reading something. Whether it’s the Affordable and versatility seem to be the I like reading words on someones shirt or the room numbers factors most people look for when purchasing books more, outside the classrooms, reading is just an an e-reader. However not everyone likes it has a more everyday thing. e-readers some people still prefer to read authentic feel, Reading can also be taken to a whole other actual solid copies of books. you can see level, getting lost in a book and becoming “I prefer to read actual books rather than how far you are connected to the characters or the plot line is books on my phone or a kindle,” Daleo said. into the book just an example. “it might be easier to transport because its on rather than “I really enjoy reading for a lot of reasons,” your phone or something similar, but I would staring at a flat sophomore Gianna Daleo said. “Its kind of like rather be able to hold the physical book,” a break from reality, I'm not really focused on Students all have their own likes and screen. anything that’s going on it’s just me and the dislikes, among these may be reading. So Andrew characters and what’s going on in their lives,” if I ask you again what you do in class, the Acciaioili, 12 Daleo said. answer is almost always going to revolve Reading has escalated into something other around reading. Its just something you can’t than just words. The perception of when you seem to escape. APRIL 2, 2015 // WATERFORDDRIFT.COM // 21 read it can act as an escape from what you




ait, she’s your sister?” This is a question I’m asked quite often. I always reply with a small smile and a polite “yes, she’s my twin.” That’s what usually gets people. They often laugh or shake their head in disbelief, but I’m accustomed to that reaction now. It’s the routine question that follows afterward that still gets to me. “So you’re fraternal twins, right?” Ah, yes. Fraternal. It’s a term that many of us are not familiar with. Now I could go into gross anatomical detail and tell you how Fraternal twins are conceived differently than identical twins, but let’s not discuss that unless we have to. So, fraternal twins? The easiest way to explain the concept is that they are two separate people and that they always have been. Take my sister Neve and I, for example. I’ve known her for my entire life, obviously. We grew up sleeping beside each other in the same room, playing together on the playground during recess, and sitting next to each other on the bus, so I guess it could be said that having a twin is a lot like having a best friend. This is great, honestly, but best friends do tend to fight from time to time, right? I’m not going to paint this beautiful picture of my sister and I sitting in the back garden playing patty-cake at age five. If I’m being honest, the picture is something more like this: my sister is crying with mud caked into her hair, I have mud covering the front of my favorite shirt, and my mother is standing on the back porch looking disapprovingly at my sister and I. As with any other siblings, not all memories are going to be good. Neve and I argued a lot when we hit our preppy tween stage and

thought that everything in the world revolved around us, respectively. We argued when we got into high school, too. It was usually about stupid things like whose wardrobe we were choosing from that day, or how much time the other took to get ready in the bathroom that morning, so nothing too serious. Don’t even get me started on those petty best friend fights though, because Neve and I will take the cake for that one without a doubt. Now somewhere underneath our pointless arguing and horror stories (which mainly involve hair pulling and the hiding of our most valuable possessions) there is happiness. As cheesy as it may sound, she is one of my best friends. There isn’t a time that I can’t come to her. Whether I need a laugh or a shoulder to cry on, she’s always there for me. We’re not your typical Annie James and Hallie Parker twins, either. With Neve’s light hair and blue eyes compared to my dark hair and brown eyes, it’s sometimes hard to tell that we’re sisters, let alone twins. Neve is loud and quite strong in her actions, while I’m more reserved, and hesitant to be so outgoing. Unfortunately we’ve never successfully performed the “Parent Trap” ‘twin switch’, as we have both nicknamed it. We have tried, but it has never ended well, as you could easily guess. At the end of each day we feel lucky to have each other. She’s been my partner in crime since day one, and I never plan to change that. Whether it’s a day filled with smiles or tears, I know that there will never be a dull moment when I’m with her, and I couldn’t be any more thankful to have a partner like her by my side until the very end.


TWIN A The blissful and beautiful truth behind having a fraternal twin. BY BECCA POSIGIAN Staff Writer rebeccaposigian16@waterforddrift.com

Best friends We truly were inspeperable when we were younger. We were each other’s best friends.

Playing dress up It may have been to cold for swimming, but it definetly wasn’t too cold for this.

Dress for success Our parents loved to dress us alike when we were younger.


TWIN B The true story between fraternal twins with a bond stronger than anything. BY NEVADA POSIGIAN Guest Writer



Back to back We both stand back to back, promising to always be there for each other. Photo by Veronica Latimer

eing a twin is one of the most amazing and blissful things I have experienced in life. When people see my sister, Bec and I, they don’t believe that we are twins, let alone sisters. We look nothing alike and we have two totally different personalities. We don’t always get along or agree on everything, but I’m so thankful to have her as my sister. Bec and I have an indescribable bond with each other. She’s always there for me when I need advice, a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with, and she’s someone who always keeps all of my secrets. In the end we have each other’s backs. We were never the stereotypical “Mary Kate and Ashley” twins. We both act and dress differently, too. I think of everyday as a fashion show, while Bec doesn’t always ‘dress to impress’. We act completely different from each other and like to do our own things. I’m the louder twin who isn’t afraid to be a little sassy from time to time. Bec is the more reserved twin and definitely doesn’t have the same amount of sass as I do, but that’s what makes us so unique. That is the absolute, pure truth about us, regardless of what the stereotypes say. We get compared to each other a lot too. This consists of academics, physical appearances, and social statuses. Just because Bec can do something doesn’t mean I can, too. A challenge that we often face is dating. Come on, we’re girls. We want what everyone else wants too, and it’s especially hard to express how you like somebody who your sister also likes. That’s a BIG NO NO, but it’s an even bigger no no when it’s your sister’s crush as well. Believe it or not, this has happened to us on multiple occasions. There’s a very good chance that we both wandered onto the topic of boys only to realize halfway through describing our crushes that we are talking about the exact same boy. Every day is not the “Honeymoon Phase” with us. Some days I want to punch Becca in the face and I know sometimes she wants to do the same to me. Some days more than others, I’m sure. Besides that I will always have her by my side, through good times and bad. I know when I don’t have anyone, Bec will be there like she always has been. With having Bec as my twin, I want her to be my maid of honor, and the one who walks with me through my biggest milestones as she’s done with me for my entire life. I am thankful for my sister and everything that she does for me. I’m so blessed to have her and I couldn’t thank her enough for always being by my side. “Sometimes miracles come in pairs” comes to mind when I think of us; the dynamic duo of miracles.

Smile big We sit side by side in our favorite Easter dresses, smiling big for the camera.



#FEMINIST BY ALEXEA HANKIN Editor in Chief alexeahankin@waterforddrift.com

ratio of men to women working on film Men comprise over 90 percent of workplace deaths

Men receive 63 percent longer sentences on average than women do


With conceptions of feminism and meninism falling away, believers of either philosophy realize they can come together to discover


Men are as likely to commit suicide than women Men are


times as likely as women to become victims of online fraud

The average American boy spends a week playing




of all young people enrolled in U.S. colleges are

I would have to say the true definition of a meninist is someone who disagrees with all or some of feminism movements. I would not consider myself a meminist though. There are aspects of feminism I do not agree with such as how some feminist take feminism to a way too extreme level.


he first time a boy made fun of my body was the fifth grade. I’ll admit—I, in a lot of ways, have the better side of the female weight coin. Born an entire month early to a mother who was a size 0 in her high school days and a father who was not much larger, my genetics seem to be on the “lucky” side. Still, there was never enough fingers to count on my hands and toes combined how many times throughout my youth I’ve been accused of starving myself, how many people have told me I am “too skinny.” And I’ve grown used to it. In my youth, a troupe of boys I hung around would call me “Anorexia”—a clever, fifth grade wordplay on my name, “Alexea”—and “Fat Man” as it was funny, because I was neither of those things. It was, as I remember it, a loving interaction between kids who didn’t know better. As an adult, these memories have taken a darker hue. And it’s now become one of the many reasons I am a feminist. Now, I have lived 18 years on this earth as a woman and from either sides of the weight spectrum, and even from “middle” weight girls, I have heard stories similar to my own. Some of them a little funny, like mine, and some of the, horrific. I heard stories about girls who moved into entirely new towns to get away from the relentless bullying they faced from their peers—stories about girls who have cut themselves for not being our society’s ideal, unrealistic feminine body type. I am a feminist because I believe this is wrong. And I am a feminist because I know weight is not the only construct our society unfairly judges females on. I am a feminist because in my whole life of literature classes, I’ve only been required to read two full-length books written by a woman. I am a feminist because there are still people who look down upon breastfeeding in public, but do not care about Victoria’s Secret billboards. I am a feminist because no matter what I major in when I go to college and no matter how successful I am, the odds are that a man doing the same things will always be making more money than me. I am a feminist because in my world history class, we learn the names of many more men than we do women, and it’s not my teacher’s fault. I am a feminist because men are so afraid of femininity that they had to make a new word to describe feminism—”meninism”— so that it’s all about them—when it’s always and forever been all about men, as world history and literature unwillingly teaches every one of us. And honestly, there’s a lot of words to describe my belief that I call “feminism”. Humanism. Egalitarian. Some even say meninist—but just as my computer does not recognize “meninist” as a word, nor do I. Feminism realizes that men are only seen as weak when they express emotion because of the way femininity is attached to emotion, because being feminine is the same thing as being weak. Feminism realizes that men usually pay child support because men make more money than women and women usually are stuck raising children after bitter divorces; feminism realizes that a man’s gender related problems usually start with how women are perceived in today’s world. Meninism does not realize that feminism is not about putting down men—after all, the suffragettes did not fight for abolishing men’s voting privileges. They just wanted their own. And, as a once tiny girl who heard much too often that she was too skinny, as a girl who wants to hear about more women role models, and as a girl who one day wants to make the same wages as a man for the same job—I don’t believe feminism is wrong. You’re probably a feminist, too.

Noah Dooley, 10




percent of women in movies have speaking roles Women make up but in



percent of the workforce

fields, women make

58 percent of social sciences studies 48 percent of biological and medical studies 13 percent of engineering studies 25 percent of mathmatical and computer science studies




Women only make up

24 NEVER There are

States in the U.S. who have




Things like tumblr may have feminism accounts that go to extremes, but I think real feminism is making everyone equal.

Cassie Vogel, 10

BY DATHON SKELTON Staff Writer dathonskelton@waterforddrift.com

percent of CONGRESS had a woman governor The average American girl spends a week playing

I am a meninist. I am a supporter of equality and some ideals of feminism. I am not, however, in support of hate and sexism radicals of feminism support. Looking back in human history, the roles of women have been evolving over time. In 1950, a man would arrive home from work to be catered to almost every need, by of course, his wife. Her stereotypical role was to please her man: back rubs, homemade meals, a clean house. Almost everything wonderful to a man was given to him by his wife. At that time, most men had a girl with the one and only desire to please her man. Whether it is correct or not, it was something that had actually occurred. Then the 1960’s hit. A time of change and equality. A time where women could leave their stereotypical life of living at home and watching over the kids. But why the sudden change? The concept of feminism began to shift from equality to overpowering men. What was meant to create equal opportunities for women became women wanting more than men. It became a concept of hate for a number of feminist. It is true, women do deserve more in life than the expectations of catering to a man. Women are just as vital as men in creating and carrying on the human race. But feminism shouldn’t ever be carried out in anyway other than it making males and females equal. No women or men has the better half in gender, so the hate on men needs to be stopped. Modern day feminism is ridden with radicals who use feminism to hate on men. Followers of this type of radical feminism have forgotten their original goal of gaining equality between genders and now seek out a way to take their anger out on men by using “feminism” as a not so valid excuse. Social media can be to blame. Words posted are the fuel to the fire that women use to hate on men. The ideas of sexism are incorporated into feminist accounts on social media attempting to ridicule men and gain support. In other words, misandry (or the prejudice against men) is being put to use by women calling it feminism, when in reality feminism is equality and sexism is putting one sex over another. The idea that men are slobs and pigs is encouraged by these accounts and by radical feminists. It is unfair that we men get scrutinized when it comes to custody of kids, when it comes to the sports men play that may be considered “girl” sports, and when it comes to the things we like or anything we may say or do. If a man were to get upset and cry they would be considered in a lot of eyes as weak. If a girl would to get upset and cry it would seem as though she is just in distress. If a male decides to dance ballet he is seen as “gay” or a “fruity” guy, while girls can play football or hockey and be seen as strong and brave. I am sure things can go both ways, women being judged on their likes and dislikes, but men are far often the greater target. The true definition of a meninist is a male who is in support of feminism, and it’s ideal to make men and women equal. I am a meninist. I support equality however; I do not support women who use feminism as a way to hate on men.


How to


Sarah’s Soapbox

write a column A true narration of my experience with column-writing

BY SARAH MURPHY Copy Editor sarahmurphy@waterforddrift.com


’m sure you have all greatly enjoyed hanging on every single word I have written since September. I’ve enjoyed freaking out monthly, wondering what I should write for your reading pleasure. Born out of this frustration is this issue’s column, wherein I will walk you through the process of writing a column. Maybe you can apply it to your own essays. Or not.

Sa ra


4Step Writing Process

Column Topics Ideas I’ve successfully executed

Ideas I’ve had

My Emotions During the Writing Process Done Agony


Our Editor’s Levels of Irritation with Me

Decide on a topic

Think long and hard about everything that’s wrong with our society. What makes your blood boil? If you’re stumped, scroll through the social media app of your choice, where you will find countless people angry about things that should undoubtedly anger you, too. Make sure to find something that you can form into a rant of the necessary length. Avoid politics. There’s too much to complain about and too many layers of crap to shuffle through with your word limit. Not to mention, the amount of research you’ll have to do will take up more time than you really want to put in.

Write everything down

Start by staring at your computer screen for hours until you become so frustrated with it that you have to stop. Calm down by playing that app everyone has been talking about. Sometimes, it helps to asdfghjkl. (Make sure to delete it so you don’t look stupid in print.) Repeat daily. The night your rough draft is due, stay up until 11:59 writing the piece. It’s a good idea to do this on your Google Drive app, instead of the family computer, so your parents don’t realize how long you’ve been pushing it off. A lecture on priorities will not help you finish at this point in the game.


Writing anything at the last minute will likely leave it riddled with errors. (If only you’d started sooner.) Fear not, there is a solution: simply follow your editor in chief around the classroom like a lost puppy and whine about how much you hate this column. She has a list of other things to do, but eventually she’ll get sick of your excessive complaining and lean over your shoulder to read your story. She’ll probably tell you it’s fine, aside from some small component that you have no idea how to fix. Just remember: it’s okay to cry.

Pray people like it

The deadline will crash into you like a tidal wave, but once your story is submitted the only thing to do is wait and pray that no one really reads your story- occasionally, you can find a glimmer of hope that someone might like it- but regardless, you can find comfort in the fact that you will start the cycle over again next month. 26 // WATERFORDDRIFT.COM // APRIL 2, 2015


Feed yourself to health BY KRISTIN WARHOLAK Assistnat Editor-In-Chief kristinwarholak@waterforddrift.com

Spring break bodies have become a year-round fad, so here are some easy, quick receipes for healthy foods to keep you on track for your calorie goals


ating good food and being healthy at the same time has proven to be a difficult task. Many people struggle to find a balance. Eating healthy food, the majority of the time, is BORING. In order to be able to eat delicious food and stay healthy, we have to get creative. Many different programs and diet books exist to help you in eating right, but all those things cost a lot of money. There are mounds of resources out there to assist in people in their

diets, that are virtually free. Countless Instagram pages, websites, and Twitter accounts are devoted to creating free and useful sources for helathy living. Here are a few of the best tasting, healthiest, and easiest foods to make when you’re counting calories. Follow these two simple recipes to make a super sandwich or a scrumptious snack. Then you can follow the sources at the bottom of the recipe for many more delicious, healthy foods.

Nutrition Facts for this page Serving Size 1 page (3.8g) Amount per serving Calories 0 (simply fun) Total fat -20g (you burn fat reading this page) Sodium 0mg (no one’s gonna be salty) Total carbohydrate 14g Sugars 14g (sadly, this paper is sweet) Protein 9,000g (this page gets you fit)



Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1/2 sandwich Amount per serving Calories 274g

Total fat 30g Sodium 494mg Total carbohydrate 18g Sugars 17g Protein 6g

You will need: 1 extra large Don Pacho spinach tortilla 8 slices of deli turkey 1/4 cup of shredded cheddar cheese 1/4 cup of dices tomatoes Green leaf lettuce

Spread the mayo on the tortilla so that it is thin on one half and thick on the other half Place the 8 slices of turkey on the tortilla covering the thick side of mayo Sprinkle the cheddar cheese and the tomatoes across the center of the tortilla Place a few leaves of lettuce on the center of the tortilla on top of the cheese and tomatoes Starting on the meat side, rollthe tortilla up tightly Immediately wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve (this helps the light side of mayo bind the tortilla shut) *optional, cut the wrap into pieces for bite size snacks* Source: great_healthy_recipes (Instagram) and ohsweetbasil.com

Hummus Cups Directions:

You will need: 1 (13.8 oz) roll of Pillsbury Classic Pizza Crust 1/2 cup hummus 1/2 cup diced cucumber 5 cherry tomatoes (quartered) 1/8 teaspoon salt

Heat oven to 400 degrees Lightly spray 20 mini muffin cups with cooking spray Form pizza dough into a 14in by 12in rectangle Use a 2 1/2 inch round cookie cutter to cut out 20 circles of dough Press the dough circles into the muffin cups Use a fork to pierce the bottom 3-4 times Bake the dough for 8-10 minutes,or until the edges are light brown Transfer the cups to a cooling rack to cool completely Once cooled, fill each cup with a heaping teaspoon of hummus Top it with 3-4 cucumber pieces and 1 tomato quarter Finish with a light sprinkle of salt

Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 cup Amount per serving Calories 55g Total fat 2.3g Sodium 95mg Total carbohydrate 7g Sugars 4g Protein 2g

Source: great_healthy_recipes (Instagram) and inspiredtaste.net



BY GRACE MOULTRUP Fashion Editor gracemoultrup17@waterforddrift.com

he allure of a perfectly pulled together outfit is something women across the world strive for. Many seek inspiration in the stars, well stars of the red carpet that is! Celebrities are commonly celebrated for their captivating attire, from ballgowns to dressing down, undoubtedly, celebs not only influence the fashion world, but many women’s style. For those who crave glamour, with aversion to spending your entire paycheck just to see a name brand, look below to get the Look for Less.

WKHS students recreate Celebrity looks.

Where 2 Buy: - H&M Knit Sweater in “White” $19.95 - H&M Pendant Necklace in “Red” $12.95 - H&M CLutch Bag in “Light Beige” $39.95 - H&M Skinny Low Jeans in “Light Denim Blue” $39.95 - H&M Ballet Flats in “Powder Beige” $12.95


Rihanna stepped out in style in Santa Monica, CA, May 19th, 2013 wearing this exact look. Top: Gina Tricot Vera Sweattop in “Light Grey Melange” Necklace: Prada Crystal and Resin Necklace in “Red and Blue” Clutch: Celiene Fold-Over Clutch in “Nude” Jeans: Skinny J Brand Pants in “Powder Blue” Shoes: Christian Louboutin Duvette 120 metallic and patent-leather pumps in “Nude and Gold”

Matching your bag to your shoes is a quick way to pull an outfit together. Kylee Cooper looks great in casual skinny jeans. “I really like this look because it’s relaxed but chic. It can be worn anywhere. If every woman dressed like this the world would be a better place.” Cooper said.

A sleek grey sweatshirt style sweater is made casual by Sophomore Kylee Cooper. “The sweater can be worn so many different ways, Rihanna’s style is versitaile, and comfortable and always pulled together, I admire her for that” Cooper said. A statement necklace is a neccesity in a fashion-forward woman’s closet.

Copy Cat. Sophomore Kylee Cooper modeling the Look for Less


Let’s play!

Applications from the “Google Play Store” that are currently popular among students

“The Weather Channel”

BY CALVIN HABBA The Drift Editor-In-Chief calvinhabba18@waterforddrift.com

“Granny Smith”



This weather app is always accurate and I use it every day.

Isabel Thomas, freshman

The Weather Channel app created by Cable Channel features humidity, dew point, visibility, pressure, and wind chill all with the swipe of a finger. This app also allows you to view hourly weather and a ten day forecast. The Weather Channel provides videos and radar, as well as pollen count, flu report, airport conditions, and ski conditions.

What’s h

and throwing. In this stunning game you can compare scores with people from all across the world and earn achievements. Buy power ups to enhance granny. Whatever you do don’t let the thief snatch the apples before you.

Help poor old granny catch the apple thief and save her apples. Skate your way to victory while playing Granny Smith created by Mediocre. The objective is to beat the thief and collect all of the apples, this is done by jumping, gliding,


Applications from the “App Store” that are currently popular among students

BY JOSHUA MARKO Illustrator joshuamarko@waterforddrift.com

“MyRadar” Weather

With Michigan being a crazy weather state, MyRadar is a fast, easy to use, weather application that displays animated weather application that displays animated weather radar around your current location, allowing you to quickly see what weather is coming your way. Just start your app, and your location pops up with animated weather, allowing you to easily see what is coming for you. You can find this app in the Apple App Store with 4 out of 5 stars and great reviews.

Created by Ketchapp, these little jelles need you more than ever before! They keep drowning over and over again. Only you can keep them safe. Collect little jelly blobs and craft new jellies out of them. Challenge your friends in this awesome game!

“Jelly Jump” Games

This app is very fun. Definatly the next game to be popular.

Donald Scott, junior






BY VERONICA LATIMER Photo Coach veronicalatimer@waterforddrift.com


oing Gluten-free is everywhere: markets, celebrity diets, and our favorite magazines. When a real-life food allergy becomes a trendy dietary fad, you just know some people are going to take it too far. With all the hype, it’s very easy to forget that there is a legitimate medical reason for cutting gluten out of your diet. Now you’re probably wondering, “What the heck is gluten anyway?” You’ll be surprised to know that not many people are aware of what gluten is and where you can find it, even though we consume it everyday. Gluten is a protein found in certain types of grain that, for some people, can cause an autoimmune response inside the small intestine, causing symptoms from stomach pain to nutrient malabsorption. Just as it sounds, Gluten comes from the Latin word “gluten”, meaning “glue”. It is used as a sort of binding for two foods, making it very hard to detect. In more interesting words, it is a protein found in grain, such as barley, wheat, and rye, that can cause problems to the digestive system. Someone who suffers from this is often diagnosed with celiac disease, which affects over three million Americans nationwide. The solution? A strict, gluten-free diet. Sounds boring right? There are actually a lot of alternatives you can eat instead of foods with gluten, and because of the growing demand for gluten-free foods, many of your favorite brands now make their products gluten free. Now you don’t have to give up

Going gluten-free is more than just a diet your favorite midnight snack! Before you go out on a shopping trip to hunt for all gluten-free foods, you should know that without gluten, food companies are forced to add extra fat and sugar to make up for the lacking flavors and texture. Say HELLO to extra calories! It’s not a bad thing if you want to switch to gluten-free, regardless of whether or not you have Celiac disease. Many people switch simply because they believe it brings healthier living habits, but before you make that decision, you should know what exactly you’re going to be doing on a gluten free diet and how it will affect your body differently from normal eating routines. A gluten free diet is not necessarily a “diet.” The eating style for those with celiac disease is gluten-free. The treatment for this diagnosis is a lifelong gluten-free diet. But “diet” in that case isn’t what we think of when we usually think about going on a diet. The idea of dieting for weight loss (the classic idea of a diet) and a prescription diet (the type celiacs must follow) are very distinctly different, and believe it or not, if you don’t have any kind of gluten intolerance and are pursuing a gluten-free diet, you may actually gain weight over time! Before you decide to cut gluten out of your diet, you should look into how it will impact your body, what kind of health risks and gains are possible, and how much it may cost you. If you don’t have to go gluten-free, would you REALLY want to give up eating your favorite pound cake?


Meal or Steal?

We cracked the egg to find out whether these top beliefs about gluten are truth or myth.

Gluten makes you gain weight. Steal The number one myth that is associated

with gluten is that cutting gluten will make you lose weight. The reality is that it’s completely the opposite. Calories are what cause you to gain weight, regardless of where they come from. In-fact, a lot of times, gluten free foods will often have more calories than regular foods.

There are no medications Meal to cure celiac disease.

There are no medications that will relieve intestinal symptoms in people suffering with celiac disease. There is also no known cure for celiac disease, but it is entirely treatable by following a strict, gluten-free diet.


Celiac disease can be outgrown over time.

This is completely false. Celiac disease isnot a child’s disease, therefore, it cannot be outgrown. Just like Type-1 diabetes or any other auto-immune diseases, once you are correctly diagnosed, you will always have the disease.


thursday wednesday tuesday



days with no gluten


I took the challenge and went completely gluten-free for 5 days. Here is my personal journal about the experience. BY VERONICA LATIMER Photo Coach veronicalatimer@waterforddrift.com

Today I started my five days of going gluten-free. I was very excited this morning to see in what ways changing my eating habits would affect my body both physically and mentally. I started out the day by eating a gluten-free yogurt cup for breakfast, which barely tasted different from my normal yogurt, followed by some pepper sticks dipped in homemade dressing for lunch, and ended the day with some homemade gluten-free chicken noodle soup. I noticed that at the end of the day, I felt more energized than normal, and I also felt more full with the smaller amounts I was eating. The first day of my gluten-free diet was very successful, and left me feeling more energized and refreshed atthe end of the day. Today, I took the ACT, so I’m hoping that changing my eating habits won’t effect my testing ability in any way. I started off eating an omelette with parsley, along with a frozen yogurt pop with strawberries. After testing, for lunch I made a tossed salad with tomatoes, green peppers, and onions topped with italian dressing. Dinner consisted of some of the leftover chicken noodle soup from last night. I felt as if the day went very well and I had more energy then normal at dance class. Upon waking up, I first noticed that I didn’t feel nearly as tired as normal, which was a great feeling! I think that my performance on the ACT was unaffected by what I was eating, and if anything it boosted my performance. For breakfast, I started off by making a fresh omelette with parsley and a pinch of salt, followed my a strawberry-banana smoothie. For lunch, I ate somemore pepper sticks with a couple salami and mozzarella cheese roll ups. At dinner time I made beef stew with celery, carrots, and beef in a beef broth. The stew was very tasteful and I had a lot leftover, so I could pack it for lunch the next day. This morning, I could tell that I ate a lot of food for dinner last night because when I woke up, I wasn’t very hungry for breakfast. Since I didn’t want to over-stuff myself this morning, I decided to stick with a simple and small breakfast. I had a small bowl of cantaloupe, and a strawberry-banana smoothie. At lunch, I had a thermos full of leftover beef stew, and I also had a small salad with italian dressing. For dinner, I made a large bowl of gluten-free quinoa sald that inclused diced vegetables and a viniagrette dressing. I tried to watch my portions today, but I noticed I got more tasks done than normal. I cannot believe that today is Friday! It is already the last day of my gluten free diet, and I am actually surprised at how sad I am that it’s over. I felt very good this week, and I mean good as in more fresh every morning and more energized throughout the day, which was great! For breakfast I had another omelette that I made, plus a small yogurt cup. For lunch, I ate an italian sub that was made of salami and mozzarella cheese on a gluten free tortilla, dipped in italian dressing. At dinner time, I made quinoa and ground beef stuffed peppers, with organic quinoa and tomato sauce. While challenging, this week has been very enlightening and left me with new knowledge of what it’s like to live with celiac disease! APRIL 2, 2015 // WATERFORDDRIFT.COM // 31


your friends


Whoppie cushions. Snake in a can. Plastic wrap over the toilet. April Fools’ Day is a beautiful time of mischevious debachury, stupid jokes, and purposely irritating the people we love. And though it may be a little late to put some salt on dad’s toothbrush for a morning surprise, we here at The Murmur have hand-picked some easy tricks that anyone can accomplish any day—even a day after April Fools.

Skill level: LAZY


Easy-peasy. Tape some paper on the bottom of a loved one’s computer mouse. Easy clean-up, and momentarily hilarious.


Be a good friend and offer your BFF a drink. Spin the tab around first, so they can’t open it.



An April Fools’ Day Guide BY ALEXEA HANKIN Editor in Chief alexeahankin@waterforddrift.com


Make some brownies. Or, Brown E’s. (Cry when your friends leave you because of your lame puns.)

Skill level: CREATIVE


Do you like caramel apples? Great! You’ll love caramel onions!

2 MILK’S BEST FRIEND 3 CANDY CANDY Everyone loves Oreos, and everyone loves clean teeth. Combine them for a mint-chocolatey surprise!

Skill level: MONSTER


SHARE A COKE... Or maybe it’s just soy sauce and Sprite. Same thing, right?


OVER THE RAINBOW Using water-based, easy-to-clean paint, leave a rainbow surprise for a friend.

M&Ms and Skittles are basically twins. Perhaps they taste better together?



Close a door, and reuse your Murmur to create a wall of newspaper behind the door. The next time someone opens it... (Can be recreated with plastic wrap for even more fun!)


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