Man of the Year 2014Murmur, Waterford Kettering High School Student

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MURMUR Volume 11, Issue 7 June 13, 2014

Husband, father, teacher, adviser, friend, & so much more, Brian Wilson has been proclaimed...

MAN of theYear

Contents Contents Contents Accomplishments MURMUR MURMUR MURMUR


Editors-in-Chief Editors-in-Chief s-in-Chief & Chris Habba Alessi & Jake ChrisAlessi Habba essi Jake & Chris Habba Webmaster Webmaster master Staff Staff Graphic Designers Graphic Designers ic Designers Jordan Fujarski & Kristin Warholak Jordan Fujarski & Kristin Warholak Fujarski & Kristin Warholak Writing Coach Writing Coach ng Coach Alexea HankinAlexea Hankin Hankin Sports Editor Sports Editor s Editor Lucas Hendricks Lucas Hendricks Hendricks Business Manager Business Manager ess Manager Jordan Fujarski Jordan Fujarski Fujarski

Staff WritersStaff Writers Writers AlexisJulie Brady, Sarah Alexis Brady, Sarah Ciminillo, JulieCiminillo, Julie Brady, Sarah Ciminillo, Dennis, Bridget Ekis, Catherine Habba, Dennis, Bridget Ekis, Habba, Catherine Habba, , Bridget Ekis, Catherine Charles Hendricks, Gabrielle Hilliard, Charles Hendricks, Gabrielle Hilliard, s Hendricks, Gabrielle Hilliard, Stephanie Knapp, Veronica Latimer, The Murmur WJE, teaching WJE, teaching •8• Brian Wilson Kismet 2014 Stephanie Knapp, Veronica Latimer, nie Knapp, Veronica Latimer, •4-5• •8• •4-5• •8• •4-5• get awarded WKHS TV Galore kids about jourkids about jourputs out the first Joshua Marko, Murphy,and Janelle Joshua Marko, Sarah Murphy,Sarah Janelle Applications Galore Behind The Smile Behind The Smile Marko, Sarah Murphy, Janelle Applications Applications Galore Behind The Smile Teacher of the and simple. A Vine andand Julia Kroll surMarried. nalism and whyhas nalism Plain simple. A Vine and Julia Kroll has managed to has sur- managed tochronological Santacruz, QuintenRachel Winowiecki, Rachel Plain and get simple. Aand Vine andPlain Julia Kroll managed to why surQuinten Winowiecki, ruz, Santacruz, Quinten Winowiecki, Rachel Snapchat review. The good and vive depression for 4 years. Snapchat review. The good and vive depression for 4 years. Year by the WaSnapchat review. The marks good and the should vive take depression 4 years. This day thefor should take yearbook. This Woody Woody y bad of two topshe media apps. However, she didn’t do it alone. of two topthe media apps. However, didn’t do terford it alone. the bad of twothe topbad media apps. However, didn’t do itshe alone. Founda-

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This brain can create some of the most amazing idiom-headlines ever seen. The brain of Wilson also holds 45,749,839,837,382 english vocabulary words.


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The Brain

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The Eyes These eyes have the power to see any mispelled word from up to 2.6 miles away.

The Heart

The Voice

The heart of Wilson has pumped furiously in order to live the upbeat life of Brian Wilson. This heart loves countless students, teachers, friends, and family memebers.

The voice of Wilson can read “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe with such passion and pitch it’s convincing Wilson is in fact Mr. Poe himself.

yearbook was

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be considered for publication. Letters The is and printed monthly, and not Murmur is printed monthly, not be for publication. Letters not be considered for considered publication. Letters The Murmur isThe printed monthly, andMurmur must be limited to 250 words. completely put together by the students in students in must be words. limited to 250 words. be limited to 250 completely putcompletely together byput thetogether studentsby in themust ors Sponsors Sponsors Advertising Advertisements do not the Journalism class at Waterford Kettering classKettering at Waterford Kettering Advertising Advertisements do not Advertising Advertisements do not the Journalism the classJournalism at Waterford Allan Asp, Debbie Campbell, Patty reflect the views of the staff. Potential High School. The Murmur serves as an Allan Asp, Debbie Campbell, Patty HighMurmur School. serves The Murmur an views reflect of the staff. Potential Asp, Debbie Campbell, Patty reflectasthe of the the views staff. Potential High School. The as an serves advertisers the staff at open forum for student expression, and open forum for student expression, and advertisers can contact at advertisers can contact the staff at thecanstaffcontact open forum for student expression, and Cascioli, Cindy Dennis, Jullie Dennis, Cascioli, Cindy Dennis, Jullie li, Cindy Dennis, Jullie Dennis, the number to the left. The Murmur opinions printed are not those of the opinions printed the to the the number to Murmur left. The Murmur the of number left. The opinions printed are not thoseareof not the those Hilary Ludecke, David Latimer, Yvette Hilary Ludecke, David Latimer, Yvette editorial board has the right to refuse any administration. Ludecke, David Latimer, Yvette the right editorial boardeditorial has the board right tohas refuse any to refuse any administration.administration. inappropriate advertising. Letters to the editor Letters from Letters the editor from advertising. inappropriate advertising. Latimer, Mike Malley, Margaret Grossinappropriate Letters to the editortoLetters from Letters Latimer, Mike Malley,GrossMargaret Grossr, Mike Malley, Margaret Columns Columns or editorials readers are encouraged. Letters may readers are Letters encouraged. Letters may Columns or editorials Columns Columns or Columns editorials readers are encouraged. may nickle, Buddy Marlin, Carol Weiland, nickle, Buddy Marlin, Carol Weiland, Buddy Marlin, Carol Weiland, represent the be delivered to room 501 or can be delivered 501 represent or can be therepresent opinion writer. of the writer. opinion the of the writer.of the opinion be delivered be to room 501 toor room can be Thoughts or views which are expressed sent to the newspaper’s e-mail address, sent to thee-mail newspaper’s address,or views Thoughts views which are expressed Custard Corner, Mervin Custard Corner, Marissa Lyles,Marissa Mervin Thoughts whichor are expressed sent to Lyles, the newspaper’s address,e-mail d Corner, Marissa Lyles, Mervin are not those of All letters All not lettersthoseareof not the orentire staff the or entire staff or the those entire ofstaff All letters are Nichols, Plante Anne’ Canvas Nichols, Plante Moran, Anne’sMoran, Canvas s, Plante Moran, Anne’s Canvas administration. are subject to editing of grammatical subjectof togrammatical editing of grammatical administration.administration. are subject toareediting Staff Editorials or punctuation errors. must be punctuation Letters Staff must be Letters Staff Editorials Staff editorials are Staff writ- editorials are writEditorials Staff editorials are writor punctuationor errors. Letters errors. must be ten by the staff and include the combined submitted with a signature. Letters with withLetters a signature. withstafften the staff include the combined ten by the andbyinclude theand combined submitted withsubmitted a signature. with Letters opinion of the full staff. libel or slander towards another person will or slander towards person will of theopinion full staff. of the full staff. libel or slander libel towards another personanother will opinion

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The Hands

The Feet

These hands have written countless stories and graded even more papers. They’ve held his two children tight since birth and have always given more than they’ve taken.

These two feet have held Wilson strong as he’s battled many battles. They’ve held as solid support through the thick and thin of times.


13 June 2014




The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.’

I’m pretty sure you already know how I’m going to say something about “Oh I never knew taking newspaper would change my life as much as it did”, because I know you’ve hear me say that a million times. I say that in mind of the actual class, but when I really sit down and look at who I’ve become now I can honestly say a good chunk of me has been observed and learned from who you are as a person. Not really how you’ve taught me to be a journalist exactly but how you’ve taught me to be in general. You’ve taught me to give everyone an opportunity to share his or her side of the story no matter what it may be. You’ve showed me how to genuinely lead a group of people with dignity and reason. And I think the most important thing you’ve taught me is how to have passion for something you love. When I see you I see a real genuine guy who truly cares about what he does for a living, and I really hope I can be like that in a few years. It’s hard to see someone you know and care about go through health problems like you recently have. I look at you and I’m seriously amazed at how you handle all of this while still wearing that same big goofy grin that I’ve known since the first day I met you. If there was a perfect way to handle this situation I think you’ve done it, know that you’re a real good person and everything WILL be all right, just look at how many people care about you. Thanks for everything, Jacob Alessi

Denis Waitley

Wilson, Words cannot describe the type of person you are. You have helped me find my way and unblocked countless paths to my road to success. Taking your class was the best decision I made during high school. While all the AP classes I took taught me how to be smart, your class taught me how to be successful in the real world. I don’t see you as one of my teachers but as a friend who I can always count on. You were one of the only people in the building I could just talk to about virtually anything. As a teacher you are not expected to stay after school until 10:00 pm but, you do. As a teacher you are not expected to deal with highschoolers problem, but you do. As a teacher you are in no way shape or form to come to school on snow days or the weekends, but you do. You go above and beyond and I honestly don’t know how? You strive to inspire all students that walk through your door. ROOM 501 has become the most favored room in the building. You have inspired me and shown me that what I put my mind to, I can do. Your class will never be forgotten, the skills you taught me will never be forgotten, and most importantly, YOU will never be forgotten as the best teacher/friend a student could of asked for in high school. Get well soon,

Christopher Habba

Wilson, you are one of the best teachers I've ever had. You make journalism a class I really enjoy. I look forward to coming to class everyday and working to make the newspaper better! Thanks for always being so willing to help. I hope you feel better soon! Good Luck. Catherine Habba Mr. Wilson, You are, day by day, an inspiration to me. To be entirely honest, I have no idea how you come into school seemingly every day with the biggest smile on your face and this almost childish enthusiasm for what we do in this class—but I also have no idea how we could ever do what we do without you. You singlehandedly touch so many lives and change so many students just by teaching this class, whether they’re going into journalism as a career or not. After I graduate, which is a day I am dreading just because of teachers like you, I know I will never forget the quirks that kept me in this class for the long run: the halloween stories you tell, so invested that they’d probably bring a tear to Edgar Allen Poe’s creepy dead eyes; the banter on our late night deadlines that I’m 100% sure is the only thing keeping us going sometimes; the warm, encouraging smiles you give us after tearing our writing to shreds, because you know we can do better, and we know you’re right. You trust your students with all kinds of daunting tasks, and because of this, we prosper. In church, I hear the saying “you reap what you sow” all the time, and according to that philosophy, you’re an EXCELLENT gardner. If Kettering’s journalism department was a tree, it’d be a really big, beautiful tree. And if somebody followed that beautiful tree’s trunk all the way back to the very deepest of it’s roots, they’d find you. But that’s not all: you plant tiny seeds in every one of us. All of us students are just little branches growing off of this big tree, our publications as our leaves, and no matter how big we get or how far we go, this place is always where we started. It’s a beautiful process, and words will never be able to express how grateful I am just to experience it. And at the end of the day, it’s all because of you. Thank you so much for everything you do. Alexea Hankin




BW, Thank you for being the best teacher I’ve ever had. Keep doing what you do and don’t stop. There are many more students out there that would benefit from landing in you class. Love ya, and get better soon. Lauren Tewes

Mr. Wilson, you inspire me to do my best. You made me realise my love for journalism was stronger than I ever thought it was. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me, and thank you for pushing me to do my best as a writer. I hope to come back my senior year and continue with journalism. Thank you for everything!

BW isn’t just everyone's favorite teacher but also their best friend. Plus his jokes are high quality humor. Wilson’s class allows kids to see what they are really capable of creating. He teaches them all kinds of skills but ultimately gives them the ability to push their work to the next level. He provides opportunities for not only his student’s but the school and the community. It’s safe to say this guy knows what he is doing. Taylor Skelton

Mr. Wilson, You have taught me so much about Journalism in this past year, and I thank you so much for that. Because of you I am exploring the writing fields and have really acquired a passion for Journalism. You were an amazing and inspiring teacher, and I happy I had the privilege to have you my senior year. I wish I would have gotten into Newspaper earlier in high school. You are such a strong individual and you are truly an inspiration to me. Thank you for everything you have done and taught me this year. I’m definitely coming back to visit :)

I want to say thank you for being such a great role model. More like a friend than a teacher. Always willing to give anyone encouragement no matter what you're going through your self. I am blessed and honored to know him. I admire your attitude and spunky sense of humor. Rachel Woody

Janelle Santacruz

Lexi Brady

Mr. Wilson-- Thank you for being an amazingly kind, caring, and supportive teacher to so many students for so many years. We are grateful that you believed in us to get The Murmur off the ground, and we believe in you to get through this difficult time. You're in our thoughts! Courtney Trzos & Elise Rose I was just an awkward 8th grader looking for a mentor, and then I found Jesus. Well, a journalism teacher with a Jesus haircut, but close enough. I'm forever grateful that you believed in me, it's hard to do with kids these days and I will complete my religious analogy by complimenting how saintly you are in that sense. In literally that sense only and no other way, you're actually kind of a jerk. Thank you for proving to me that sarcastic, fun, witty, wise, silly, awkward, passionate adults do exist. And thank you for being there to grow gray hairs while I tried to figure out who I was and how I fit into the world. I was a pretty jagged puzzle piece as a teenager, and you really didn't have to put up with that. But, it's over now, so I'm going to go make a bunch of money and I'll buy you Applebee's in NYC some time.

Shelby Netschke

13 June 2014

Mr. Wilson was probably one of the teachers that impacted my life the most. Without his class I wouldn't have learned the things I know now and I wouldn't have such a passion for photojournalism. His positive attitude always kept me going. I'm so thankful I was able to be a part of The Murmur even if it was for one short year. Tiffany Mountain Dear Mr. Wilson, I’ve never had a teacher who was so passionate about their students that they would stay after school until 9, some nights, or come in to work despite radiation treatments. It’s truly inspiring, how much you love the program and your students. I've gained a lot of confidence in my writing through this program, that I may have never acquired otherwise. So thanks. Sarah Murphy When I wake up in the morning, there are certain things that actually motivate me to get up. One of them being newspaper class. Why? Because of Mr.Wilson bringing such good vibes and a smile to class everyday. If it wasn’t for that man, I wouldn’t be as nearly passionate and motivated as I am about journalism. I truly don’t think I could ever thank him enough for getting me into such an incredible movement.

Josh Marko

Mr. Wilson is the strongest, most awesome teacher I have ever met. He is very cool and fun. I am gonna miss him alot. Charlie


After completing high school I can honestly say that the teachers make or break how much you learn. Some teachers teach the class' required material and that's it. Others go above and beyond to teach you the materials and extra important info about their subject. However, only a select few have the ability to provide real world experience from inside a classroom. You’re one of them. From your supervisor style to your remarkable knowledge on journalism you have found the perfect mix. You've always let us, students, do the work and learn from experience, yet you've never shied away from helping. This, Mr. Wilson, is what makes you an AWESOME teacher. Jordan Fujarski


POW.BOOM.BANG.CRASH. I decided to start with a big entrance because Mr. Wilson never failed to stress that if your introduction isn’t interesting, then your story most likely won’t be read all the way through. Mr. Wilson, I just want to begin by saying, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all that you do. For coming into class with a positive attitude, it really does motivate all of us to get working. One big thanks I want to make sure is clear is, thank you for pushing me to the best I can be. I struggle with design (I think Kristin is the only one who doesn’t), and often times I would come up to you very stressed and unsure of how to do anything. Even during those really stressful times, I’m glad you didn’t just design something for me, and made me work for what I wanted. The first day of school for me was a bit hectic around 5th hour...originally scheduled for broadcasting, in the spur of the moment I changed my mind and chose newspaper. Wilson, thank you for taking me under your wing that day, and making me feel apart of the family. The journalism program would be no where without your quirky, silly, astounding self, so can you stick around for a bit longer? That would be real nice. You do so many amazing things for the staff each and every day, and there is no way I can fully thank you within a 300 word story. I need you to know that you’re awesome, and I can’t wait for the next three years. Thank you for just being you.”

Bridget Ekis

Mr. Wilson, you have made my past two years at Kettering worthwhile. You are not only an amazing instructor, but an overall amazing person. You have been an inspiration to me in the way that you are so positive and encouraging. I hope that one day, in whatever future I pursue, that I can take after you in personality. You are a great instructor and I look forward to the next two years in newspaper. I have seen, and know that I will continue to see, great things for The Murmur in the years and I can proudly say that it is thanks to you. Thank you so much for being such a great advisor, and I could never explain how much you mean to our whole staff. You’re the best! Kristin Warholak Mr.Wilson, you have been such an amazing teacher to me in the last couple years, I am so lucky to have taken the chance at joining newspaper. It was easily the best decision I have made in my highschool career and the class as a whole, especially you has helped me through so much this past 6 months I feel as if I owe you the world. One of my favorite memories was at the underclassmen awards, when you gave the speech for the newspaper award it was one of the best compliments I have ever received. It brought tears to my aunts, sisters and my own eyes and even left my niece, who was just short of a year old, screaming. You continue to boost my self esteem and you have helped shape the person I am today. I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done and you truly are a teacher that I will never forget in this lifetime. Lucas Hendricks Mr. Wilson, you are truly an extraordinary teacher. You have helped me a great deal this year. You took me in not knowing anything, and now I feel like I could write a journalist story and design a page with full confidence. You have taught me how to be a better writer, you’ve told me things that my Language Arts teachers haven’t. So thank you for helping me grow as a journalist. I honestly look forward to coming to your class everyday. You can always lift everyone's mood, even when we are on deadline time. You are an incredible teacher and I am honored to have you. I am looking forward to being in your class next year, because I know you will lead our staff into making a specular newspaper next year. Julie Dennis

13 June 2014



Brian- You are my hero. I have no idea how I would have gotten through the last 5 years of my life without you. You’ve taught me how to be a better adviser, coworker and person. You push me to be better – not by request, but just by being around you. But, the thing I appreciate the most about you is your friendship. Thank you for being there for me, no matter what. I hate that you have to go through this again, but cannot wait to help you celebrate once you’re done. Kick cancer’s butt (again), you “freak of nature,” you. -Jessie Sutherland

When I first knew of you, Brian, I knew we had a lot in common. We both taught the same subjects, more or less. We both loved doing it. We had a lot of the same friends. We both appreciated things like a good book, good music, a good beer or a good game (me for the Hoosiers and SF Giants and you for that "other" school, but at least we had the Big Ten in common). What really clicked for me was seeing you in action a few years later as you spoke as a panelist among Yearbook Adviser of the Year honorees at a national convention. Every word out of your mouth was like "Yes!" in my head. I knew you got it. It was clear just what powerful opportunities you create for your students, how you support and encourage them, how you teach and trust and set them up for success. So I definitely wanted in on that — I wanted to be your friend, to work with you, to know you better. Fast forward a few years, and thanks to Facebook I feel honored to have "followed along" from afar. It's not the important work you've done with NCTE for JEA or the solid teaching/advising you've done with your award-winning program that makes me proud to be your friend. It's seeing you not just as a journalism teacher but as a dad, as a husband, as a PERSON. You make me laugh. Your love for your family and your approach to life inspires me. Your outlook encourages me. I'm glad to be just one of MANY on Team Brian as you kick this. When I was in high school, there was only one teacher beloved — your fan, Sarah Nichols

enough to be known by a nickname. In my many encounters with newspaper students, it’s rare to hear them refer to their adviser by something other than Mr. or Ms. so and so. When I do hear a nickname, in Brian’s case “Wilson,” I know that’s an adviser who has really made a difference in students’ lives. Get well soon Brian - there are a lot more students coming up the Brian is a true gentleman, a gentle man. That he loves what he pipeline that need a role model. does is evident in the joyful way he shares his vast knowledge -Tom Campbell Hey friend, of all things journalism with others -- kids and adults. That he I’m very fortunate to know you and call you a loves his family is evident in the wonderful Facebook pictures friend. You are an important role model for me and status updates he posts as well as the fact that he travels both as a teacher and a father. I always look with his kids and his beautiful bride whenever possible, so we forward to our time together at the summer can all love them, too. That he loves life is evident in the couraworkshop. I hope you feel all of our support as geous way he has faced and defeated cancer. Brian Wilson is you get rid of this cancer a second time. one of my favorite people. His grace, kindness and gentleness - Jeremy Whiting makes him a role model and my friend. Love you, Brian! -Kim Green When I first started teaching at the MIPA workshop in the summer A group of us attended the Ratt concert at the House of Blues in Anaheim of 2004, a bunch of advisors took a bus ride to the Lake Michigan during the 2008 NSPA/JEA convention. We stood not 20 feet from the shore one Saturday night. Brian Wilson was one of several advisors stage, and when the guitarist threw his pick out to the crowd everybody in Hawaiian shirts telling jokes revolving around the word “fruitlooked around frantically for it. Then Brian casually looked down to find cake.” They were a boisterous crowd – funny, friendly and festive. that the pick had stuck to his shirt. That pick couldn’t have found a more I was pretty intimidated by them. I later came to appreciate Brian deserving dude. Here’s to more concerts in years to come! as a truly brilliant scholar, an outstanding educator and a devoted -Jim Steisel family man. He’s basically a superhero who walks among us, and Some of my favorite memories of Brian involve our travels to summer journalism workI consider myself extremely fortunate to know him. Best of luck in shops at Ball State. We’d make the five hour drive to Muncie and along the way we’d riff your latest battle against cancer. Your friend, on trials and travails of the year. We’d discuss sports, make fun of the horrible music on -Jim Woehrle the radio and relive the exploits of our students and colleagues since the last time we Anytime I need a pick-me-up, I pull up a group chat that you, were together. Once we got to Muncie, we’d watch colleagues eat plastic cups, mess Schott and I had in DC last summer. Makes me laugh every time I with each others’ cell phone contacts and attempt to relive the college experience as old read it. I’m sure many people are going to tell you how much they people. Oh, and teach. We’d teach too. Spending time with Brian means you connect care about you, how you’re a great guy, blah blah blah. I suppose with someone who cares, who makes you feel special, who becomes an integral part of I shouldn’t be any different. You are, without question, one of the your life in a short period of time. most genuine human beings on this planet. You’re kind, caring -Rod Satterthwaite and you have a wicked sense of humor. You have the innate ability to connect with anyone and that’s what I admire most about you The only stories I have involving Brian are good. I think that “You got this, the most. I have no doubt that you are going to beat this round of speaks to the type of friend and educator he is. Whether it man. And we cancer. I also have no doubt that you’ll get the superpowers that was spending time at a JEA conference, or getting to know got your back!” you’ve always wanted. Stay strong, man! him over a week at the Washington Journalism and Media -Matt Rasgorshek Conference, Brian is one of the most gifted and passionate - Aaron educators I know. Can’t wait to get to know you better, buddy Your demeanor and empathetic nature models some Manfull and see you again in D.C. this summer.. You’re going to kick wonderful things for your peers. I know I am better this thing’s butt. for knowing you. I love your genuineness, and your One of my favorite things Best, willingness to do anything for the right cause. Well, all about Brian is his sense of Matthew Schott of that is going to help you kick cancer’s butt. And if it humor, which he has clearly decides to fight back, you have so many friends who passed down to Jude and have your back. Love ya, brother. Dylan. I love it when he posts Mitch Eden I knew I liked you the second I met you, hilarious conversations he has but I realized I adored you when I learned had with his kiddos. When Rod Get well soon! Troy High is pulling for you you had named your son “Jude.” So, Hey, Brian, and I had kids, we decided if they weren’t funny and we can’t wait to celebrate you beatmake it better, and we’ll see you at MIPA in enough when they got a bit older, we’d send ing cancer at MIPA this summer. Also, we August. We’re thinking of you and your family, them to boot camp at the Wilson household. In need help with our yearbook theme... and if there’s any — a n y t h i n g — I can do addition, at a MIPA board meeting a few years Love, to help, do not hesitate to contact me. I won’t back, I boldly declared that Brian is “the nicMs. Salk (lol) and the Troy High Gladiator let you down. est guy on the earth” … while sitting next to my Yearbook Staff Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah. husband. Seriously, though – it’s true. -Bobby Hawthorne -Julia Satterthwaite

“Brian Wilson? The Brian Wilson” “Brian Wilson, the journalism teacher!” That’s how it went the first time I met Brian Wilson (the journalism teacher and student media adviser) at a faculty gathering at a summer journalism workshop in Indiana nearly ten years ago. We were the new kids, first-timers who, just like freshmen in high school, hung on the periphery, carefully navigating the scene and sizing up all the others. And, for some reason, probably the happy hippy vibe we exuded. And, right there, a friendship of brothers began. We hung out. We chatted it up. We asked each other questions about teaching, advising and life. We became colleagues. We had a blast. And, we became friends -Mark Newton



MURMUR NEWS 13 June 2014

A family man To our father,

The Wilson family shares their love and support towards the man of their lives



ey Daddy, You are the best Dada in the whole world. You are brave like me with shots and blood draws. But you are super scared of roller coasters. That’s kind of silly. I want you to feel all better so we can go on an air balloon ride without Mom and Jude. I love you! Dylan (Baby Boo)

To my husband,


very. Single. Day. I am in awe of what you do every single day. Everyday you fight this. Everyday you feel sick. Everyday you worry. You power through. Just know this WILL be over soon and you WILL be better. Even with all this going on, you still manage to be a remarkable father, husband, and my very best friend. We need you to finish strong. We need you 100%. The other night when I temporarily lost my mind (in the form of tears racing down my puffy face), you told me I was your rock. Well, that was absurd to me, because YOU are my rock. You always have been. You are the one I turn to when I need support and strength- or just a good, not-sucky, cup of coffee. Dude, I can’t even put my own cream and sugar in! You are in the home stretch now. WE are in the home stretch. Selfishly, I am so excited to not take the garbage and recycling out (in the rain) ever again. I can’t sit through another Star Wars or Minecraft trivia session with Jude. I stink. I’m seriously awful. I just guess “Cloud City” every time. I’m never right. I guess there isn’t even a Cloud City in Minecraft? Dylan needs her running partner. Now that I helped her buy all these cute little running shoes, you need to run to the railroad tracks together. I want to eat spicy thai food and walk in the woods and yell at the neighbor about the dog. I want to go on vacation and play 12 (out of 18) holes of golf and walk through hippy art studios. I want to drink bacon milkshakes and laugh ‘til it hurts and look out at a lake that looks like glass. I want to do these things with YOU. You make all these everyday things so much better. So, hurry up. Finish these last couple weeks and feel better. I love you, Babe!

w 13 June 2014

ear Dad, You are pretty good at a lot of things. This summer I want you to teach me some of them. First, I want you to play catch with me in the yard. I want to be good at baseball like you and go to some more Tigers games. Second, I want you to help me with golf. We can go to the golf course and rent a cart so we can golf all day. Well, not all day, but for a long time. Third, I want to listen to more cool music at concerts like Bob Dylan and Wilco. I do like your music, even though I know that “Kids Place Live” DOES work in your car! I guess I can just listen to that in mom’s car. Lastly, I want you to show me more places on vacation. Can you show me monuments in Washington DC this summer? Well, Dad, you are a smart guy. I love you and hope you feel better soon. It looks like we will have a busy summer! Love, Jude


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w 13 June 2014


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