Business Central

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Volume 1 | Issue 5

The pace of progress Community engagement has played a big part in the development of the new Kapiti Coast expressway

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Page | 62

Rotorua’s new hub

Surf’s up at Waimarama

The stylish new Lakesyde Business Centre is the first business hub of its kind to be built in the inner city of Rotorua.

Work is underway on an ambitious, beautifully designed surf life saving tower at the Waimarama Surf Life Saving Club near Hastings.


Business Central

Page | 14

Page | 13 Unique project for Wellington

Luxury in Havelock North

A new retail and hospitality development in Wellington’s CBD aims to link the Lambton Quay shopping quarter with the cultural heart of the city.

Nestled in the heart of the vibrant Havelock North village, Porters Boutique Hotel brings 5-star luxury to the Hawke’s Bay accommodation scene.

Page | 50

Page |38 Heaven in the Hills

Technology on the menu

Kapiti’s S&J Mackay Builders spent 18 months applying expert craftsmanship to an intricate design on a steep section on the western slopes of the Waikanae hills.

The new McDonald’s restaurant in Silverstream boasts some impressive new technology which will enhance the experience of diners.

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Page | 80 Riveting performance

Zeafruit keeps growing

New Plymouth firm Rivet has expanded its capabilities in carbon steel fabrication to include the fabrication and erecting of structural steel for the construction industry.

Citrus and avocado marketing and logistics firm, Zeafruit has opened a new post harvest packing facility.

>> Index | Page 95 MANAGING DIRECTOR Christchurch Office 112 Wrights Road, Addington, Christchurch Phone 03-983 5500 PO Box 37 346 Queenstown Office 70 Glenda Drive, Queenstown 9300 PO Box 2581, Wakatipu Published by:

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DEVELOPMENT » M2PP - The Expressway

Business Central


The $630 million expressway along the Kapiti Coast includes 18 bridges and runs from Mackays Crossing, just south of Raumati, to just north of Peka Peka, nearly 18kms.

Community focus right road for team Karen Phelps Strong stakeholder engagement has been at the heart of the success of the Mackays to Peka Peka Expressway (M2PP), says project manager John Palm. “The approach has been to have a positive and engaging presence in people’s businesses, careers, schools and personal lives,” he says. The $630 million, 18km four-lane expressway along the Kapiti Coast includes 18 bridges and 16 kilometres of shared pathway as it travels from Mackays Crossing just south of Raumati, to just north of Peka Peka. The project is being delivered on behalf of the Government by the Mackays to Peka Peka (M2PP) Alliance, which is made up of the NZ Transport Agency, the Fletcher Construction Company Ltd, Beca Ltd and Higgins Contractors Ltd.

John says that initially the project divided community opinion and attracted strong opposition. More than 700 submissions were made to the Board of Inquiry and challenges went to the Supreme Court. The fact that the project team has since managed to transform this opposition into nearly 100% satisfaction in terms of community engagement, says John, is indicative of the work put in by the M2PP project team, which has focused on establishing and maintaining long lasting relationships with the local community. “The whole project team got behind a comprehensive community engagement plan and know that any interaction they have is part of that, and genuinely work to support that reputation in any activity or reactive interaction they have with the community.

The whole project team got behind a comprehensive community engagement plan ... this has helped build trust with the community, acknowledging that the project team will do the right thing while delivering quality infrastructure. “This has helped build trust with the community acknowledging that the project team will do the right thing while delivering quality infrastructure. The project team lives and breathes the values of integrity and care, making sure we’re leaving a legacy the community can be proud of,” John says. Community engagement has ranged from the more usual in terms of keeping the community fully informed of progress and milestones through a range of regular updates via local channels, holding neighbourhood impact forums and

Public open days and regular bus tours have kept the locals in touch with the new M2PP Expressway as the development has proceeded.

adapting work programme to cause as little interference with the general public’s daily lives as possible, to more out of the box ways to engage the community. The M2PP Alliance has held a schools programme, which saw students visit the site, and offered career opportunities including a M2PP/ WelTec Steel Fixing Course of on-the-job training designed to meet increased demand for steel fixing on the Kapiti Coast.

• to page 4


DEVELOPMENT » M2PP - The Expressway

Business Central

Community focus at project’s core • from page 3 There have also been partnerships between a project subcontractor and the Ministry of Social Development and between the project’s landscaping subcontractor, Natural Habitats and local iwi Te Atiawa ki Whakarongotai. The M2PP Alliance also has a charity committee that, among other things, hosts monthly bus tours giving the public insight into construction with an engineering narrative. The M2PP Alliance funds the tours with a gold coin donation going to Age Concern. Other fund raising efforts to raise money for local charities have included public open days, raffles, producing and selling a recipe calendar and donations of over $20,000 worth of labour and materials to a reserve upgrade as part of a community development initiative. John says the results of the project team’s effort speak for themselves. In the M2PP Alliance’s quarterly community

survey, of 331 who responded, 97 percent strongly agreed or agreed that the M2PP Alliance was providing them with all the information they needed about the Expressway and 98 percent strongly agreed or agreed that the M2PP Alliance was doing a good job at working and communicating with the community to deliver the Expressway. The M2PP Alliance was recently recognised when they made it through to the finals of the NZ Transport Agency’s Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Awards, which celebrate the success of the Transport Agency’s contractors and consultants. “Making it to the finals was huge as it shows we are among the top in the country in terms of what we have been doing in the community. “The Kapiti Coast is a small community so we couldn’t have done this project any other way so it’s heartening to see the community recognises that the project has contributed to the local economy and has had significant social development impacts.”

QUICK FACTS • The Mackays to Peka Peka Expressway is one of the projects that makes up the Wellington Northern Corridor, stretching from Wellington Airport to just north of Levin. The Wellington Northern Corridor is one of the Government’s roads of national significance. • The Expressway has the potential to improve travel times through Transmission Gully to the south and the Peka Peka to Otaki Expressway to the north. • The project used 4200 truckloads of concrete and 100,000 truckloads of aggregate and 102 rugby fields worth of earth will be shifted. Around 1.4 million new plants were planted.



Higgins Contractors Capital Projects 420 Church Street, Palmerston North E:

The Mackays to Peka Peka (M2PP) Alliance is made up of the NZ Transport Agency, the Fletcher Construction Company Ltd, Beca Ltd and Higgins Contractors Ltd.


Boffa Miskell plays its part Working within an alliance brought many benefits to the nearly complete Mackays to Peka Peka Expressway project, says Boffa Miskell landscape architect Frazer Baggaley. The project is being delivered on behalf of the Government by the M2PP Expressway Alliance, which is made up of the NZ Transport Agency, Fletcher Construction Company Ltd, Beca Ltd and Higgins Contractors Ltd. Having been involved with the consenting of the expressway, environmental planning and design consultancy Boffa Miskell also assisted the Alliance with the detail design and construction phases of the project. “With the Alliance we worked out problems together as a team rather than separately as would generally happen on such projects. Everybody’s opinions counted in the team. There was untold benefit for a designer in sitting next to the builder of the project. It meant we could discuss ideas straight away before they got onto paper,” explains Frazer. The company worked with the Alliance to develop site-specific management plans as part of the Kapiti Coast District Council certification process as well as

advising on the ecology, landscape and urban design aspects of the project. The 16-kilometre, 4-lane stretch of State Highway 1 runs through existing residential communities, crosses several waterways and traverses sensitive ecosystems so it was important not to compromise environmental values and to implement environmental mitigation measures effectively. The Boffa Miskell ecology team carried out stream assessments, safeguarded native fish by capturing and transferring them to safe habitat nearby, while also working alongside Beca to monitor any effects on groundwater and wetlands and implement measures to ensure on-going water quality in streams. The company will continue to work with the NZTA for several years after completion to monitor the success of the ecological and landscape enhancements. Landscape planting was another important project component where Boffa Miskell was much involved. Around 1.4 million terrestrial and wetland native plants are being planted along the road corridor on

dunes and wetlands. Boffa Miskell set up trial planting close to the site on mock embankments to test soil combinations and depth and to determine which plant species would thrive. Mulches were also trialled to see which would perform best. Frazer says the aim of the project was to deliver an asset to the local community as well as a road of national significance. The Expressway project includes a 16-kilometre shared cycleway and walkway, with bridleway sections, running alongside the new Expressway . The shared pathway will tie in with local roads and existing cycle tracks and walkways. It will include interpretive signage and information about the area each section runs through. There will be a 3.0m-wide surface for cyclists and pedestrians with a 1.0m-wide grass pathway for horses and riders in most sections. The shared pathway has been designed to accommodate horses, but there will be restrictions in some parts and signage will point out the recommended bridleway routes. Boffa Miskell worked with the Alliance to design the hard landscaping features to complete the project such

as the cycleway, walkway and bridleway (CWB), noise buffering and retaining walls. Boffa Miskell also worked in collaboration with architect Dean Mackenzie on the design, integration and consenting of the bridges and bridge abutment structures. The local community will also benefit from the 140 hectares of new planting and 9.5 hectares of new or restored wetlands that will make the expressway an attractive green corridor. Boffa Miskell was established by Frank Boffa in 1972 and today works with a wide range of local and international private and public sector clients in the areas of planning, urban design, landscape architecture, landscape planning, ecology, cultural heritage, graphic design, visualisation and GIS / mapping. Over the past four decades the company has built a reputation for integrity, professionalism, innovation and excellence after being associated with a significant number of projects that have led changes in shaping New Zealand’s environment. The company has offices in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown.

ĖĖĖő ç´ ÞÆûÕ§ØØő çőàġ | Ecology | Landscape Architecture | Cultural Advisory | Landscape Planning | Urban Design | Planning


Business Central

DEVELOPMENT » Palmerston North Airport

Growth drives airport expansion Karen Phelps Palmerston North Airport has been experiencing unprecedented growth on the back of the buoyant local economy coupled with Jetstar’s decision to expand into regional centres including Palmerston North and Air New Zealand increasing flights due to demand, says Palmerston North Airport Limited chief executive David Lanham. Competitive product pricing has added to the mix with the airport experiencing 21 per cent growth in the past twelve months, with 615,000 passengers forecasted to be carried to June 2017. David expects this figure to increase to over 700,000 in the twelve months to June 2018. In response the airport has undertaken a number of projects to increase its capacity and create better efficiencies, says David. An arrivals and departures lobby has been constructed with a glassed walkway of approximately 32 metres providing customers with under cover protection as they move to and from aircraft. The expansion has allowed the airport to relocate the arrivals’ doors to the baggage retrieval area creating improved passenger flows as previously arrivals and departures doors located side by side caused congestion at peak times. “It’s all about customer satisfaction,” says David. “Splitting the flow of arrivals and departures traffic has been key. With two departure doors our airline customers can now comfortably board multiple flights simultaneously, which has helped us to cope with the large increase in passenger numbers using the airport.” Another significant change has been the expansion of the arrivals area into the former ground floor international terminal area, which was closed in 2008 when international flights ceased operating from the airport. The extended arrivals area now includes two baggage carousels, additional toilet facilities, and relocated rental car kiosks. “Previously the rental car firms were located adjacent to the check-in area, causing congestion as people arriving moved to the car rental area and crossed over people departing. We now have the capacity to grow the number of car rental operators, or other concessions based at the airport with two additional areas available for lease,” he says. It is also the planned location for the entrance to

Expansion work at the Palmerston North Airport has improved passenger flows and baggage retrieval. the new Air New Zealand Regional Lounge. Planned to be opened in early 2017, the new lounge will be approximately three times the size of the present facility offered. The airport is also about to embark on stage one of a new long-term car park which will add space for an additional 110 cars. This will be followed by stage two of the project which will give capacity for a further 100 car parks giving the airport a total capacity of around 730 car parking spaces when both stages are completed. This project comes on the back of a refurbishment in early 2016 of the current car park. Upgrades to the external area of the terminal building are also planned, says David. Another large project is also underway – the Ruapehu Business Park development on Airport Drive. The development offers over 20 hectares of land for aviation maintenance and training, commercial, logistics, retail or light industrial development, including airside and landside locations.






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Business Central

DEVELOPMENT » Lakesyde Business Centre


Business hub a first for inner city Karen Phelps It’s the first business hub of its kind to be built in the inner city of Rotorua and one of the developers, Tony Bradley, says that the recently completed Lakesyde Business Centre is something the city is more than ready for. “Rotorua is changing and businesses are wanting to move into high end developments with good facilities and car parking recognizing it reflects the professionalism of their own business,” he says. Tony, who owns TPB Properties, is no stranger to property developing but Lakesyde Business Centre is the first project he’s undertaken in partnership with his parents – Paul and Jenny, also well-known Rotorua based property developers. Paul and Jenny have owned the site on which the development is situated for over two decades but it was Tony who instigated the Lakesyde Business Centre project after seeing the potential for a smart inner city office development. He put a plan together and approached his parents then took the reigns of the project which is due for completion at the end of November. “Because the land has been owned by our family for such a long time we wanted to do something on the site we could be really proud of. “We could have simplified the building and done things more economically but we wanted to create something that people would notice as they drove past,” he explains. Designed by Darryl Church Architecture, which Tony has worked with on a number of development projects before, the Lakesyde Business Centre has been built over two levels in Whakaue Street. Facing the Novotel Rotorua Lakeside the Lakesyde Business Centre is split into three main buildings and offers 52 car parks. Several flats were demolished to make way

The Lakesyde Business Centre is split into three main buildings with 52 car parks.

for the development and extensive geotechnical and civil works took place before the building works commenced to result in an A grade building.

The 3000 square metre building is predominantly concrete and steel with eye catching timber details and louvres. Eight tenancy spaces range from 150 square

metres up to 660 square metres with a foyer area and lift service to the first floor.

• to page 9

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DEVELOPMENT Âť Lakesyde Business Hub

The 3000 square metre building over two levels, with a foyer and lift to the first floor, is predominantly concrete and steel with timber details and louvres.

Business Central

DEVELOPMENT » Lakesyde Business Centre

Business Central


Rotorua property market booming • from page 7 A Lone Star restaurant and bar is located on the ground floor with outside decking looking towards the lake. Most tenancies have already been taken but a 300 square metre space is under negotiation leaving just a 660 square metre tenancy still available, says Tony. TPB Properties has previously developed the Redwood Centre, which is about three kilometres east of the central business district and comprises 14 shops and the shopping centre in Fairy Springs Road, which comprises 10 shops occupying 6300 square metres on the corner of Old Quarry Road and Fairy Springs Road overlooking State Highway 5 on the main route in and out of Rotorua from Auckland and Tauranga. Lakesyde Buisness Centre is Tony’s first project in central Rotorua. “It was nice to do something with family on this prime site,” he says. “And it’s certainly very satisfying to see the project nearly completed and looking so good.” At the same time TPB Properties has been undertaking a development at 1105 Arawa Street, which is now complete and tenanted to Tomkins Wake lawyers and infrastructure consultancy firm Opus NZ. Tony admits it is gratifying to see a site transformed from older buildings into something that the tenants and city can be proud of. He says that the Rotorua property market has been experiencing strong growth on the back of the booming Auckland market but he’s unsure of what his next project will be. “A few people have asked me that but it’s been a busy time so it wouldn’t worry me if I sat back and relaxed for a little bit,” he says.

Most tenancies in central Rotorua’s new Lakesyde Business Centre have been snapped up, with just one 660sqm tenancy left.

Consultants have long history of expertise An award-winning, multi-disciplinary consultancy with a history spanning some 75 years, Cheal offers extensive expertise across the fields of engineering, surveying, resource management planning and 3D laser scanning. The team at Cheal is proud to be involved with the development of the Lakesyde Business Centre. Both Cheal planners and surveyors were involved right from the project’s inception and will most likely be the last cab off the rank as the team finalises the new certificates of title. The planners provided advice at an early stage in respect of the development guidelines set out in the District Plan. These guided the architect’s designs and once the plans were progressed a resource consent application was prepared and lodged at the council for approval. The surveyors also assisted at the outset with site levels and accurate site plans on which to base the designs. As the blocks of land had not been surveyed since 1881 it was no surprise that errors were found in the boundary dimensions. The surveyors collected evidence as to the correct boundary dimensions and prepared a Cadastral Survey Dataset to ‘reset’ the boundaries. Laurie Cheal established a small surveying practice in Taupo in 1940. The evolution of the organisation over the past 75

years has seen Cheal become the partner of choice across much of New Zealand. With offices throughout the central North Island the company can provide a nationwide service to clients. Other services offered by Cheal include engineering and assisting clients with design as well as overseeing the construction of infrastructure needed for developments. This includes geotechnical engineering to determine soil conditions through to traffic engineering for access requirements, civil engineering for services and structural engineering for buildings. The company’s suite of solutions is completed with its 3D laser scanning expertise, which is utilised on a variety of projects from hydro-generation schemes to recording culturally and historically significant buildings for heritage purposes. The innovative yet practical approach, problem solving abilities and professionalism of the Cheal team is what makes Cheal leaders across many sectors with specialities in geothermal and energy development, infrastructure, property and land development and the management and development of Maori assets. If you are considering any type of development and want to work with a team that will put your interests first contact the team at Cheal: www.cheal.

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Business Central

DEVELOPMENT » Takiri House - Coastlands

Takiri House in Paraparaumu is a $3 million two storey office and retail build under construction at Coastlands Mall’s west side carpark.

Expressway drives mall expansion Kelly Deeks In Kapiti, one of New Zealand’s fastest growing areas, Coastlands Mall has now started construction on one of the first of several planned extensions. Coastlands Mall director Richard Mansell says the mall has been enjoying close to full capacity for about six years, and with the build of the new MacKays to Peka Peka expressway set to be finished before Christmas, the amount of interest and enquiry for business premises at Coastlands is on the increase. As Paraparaumu prepares for a higher population growth as a result of the new expressway, Coastlands prepares for its future by enhancing its mix of retail, shopping, dining, and business offerings.

The first extension is Takiri House, a $3 million, 400sqm two storey office and retail space in Coastlands’ west side carpark space, directly opposite Kapiti’s civic precinct and the Kapiti Coast District Council building. It works in with the council’s Paraparaumu Town Centre Structure Plan, which will see Rimu Road developed into a main street, with more shops and businesses, and linking Coastlands to the civic precinct. The building is named for Takiri Love, one of Coastlands’ original shareholders who put her family land holdings into Coastlands when it first opened in 1969. Her granddaughter, Takiri Cotterill, now holds a place on the Coastlands board of directors. Richard says while there are some small, old, run down, and impractical business spaces available in Kapiti, the expressway will broaden the areas current demographics and bring Coastlands

new and exciting opportunities to provide good quality business premises in a good location. “This is probably going to be the best office space on the coast,” he says. “Depending on demand, we have a second complex of similar footprint planned for beside Takiri House, separated by a piazza and a raised walkway to Coastlands.” He says the outdoor courtyard and high level of foot traffic provides the perfect spot for food offerings, service retail businesses, and the upstairs office space with their close proximity to Kapiti’s civic centre ideal for businesses regularly dealing with council. Christchurch’s Buchan Group, a shopping centre specialist which has worked for Coastlands for more than 15 years, has designed both buildings and construction on Takiri House was started in August. Local project management company MC2 is looking after its construction, as well as some

current earthquake strengthening work inside the mall. The project was ticking along nicely to meet its 10 month time frame, already two weeks ahead of programme less than two months into construction. Takiri House’s foundations have followed the same trend of Coastlands’ last development, which was the build of Briscoes two years ago. The building needed 165 piles down to 22m. Takiri House required rigourous ground conditions testing to be carried out to establish the site was class D, out of five site subsoil class categories. “Not as bad as class E, but still susceptible to liquefaction,” Richard says. “We’ve got screw piles in the corners, driven wooden piles, and heavy concrete beams under the slab, and concrete filled steel columns in the framing.”


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DEVELOPMENT » Naylor Love - Victoria St Retail

Business Central

| 13

‘Unique’ build for high profile site Karen Phelps A new retail and hospitality development in Wellington’s CBD aims to link the Lambton Quay shopping quarter with the cultural heart of the city. Designed by Jasmax, the development for client Cook Straight Properties Limited is located on a corner site on Manners and Victoria Streets. The WCC plans to redevelop the neighbouring Denton Park and Lombard Street to enhance the overall area. The project has already seen the demolition of the existing building at 47 Manners Street and the construction of a new 1500sqm building with a range of retail, hospitality and commercial tenancies has begun. The project scope of the new build includes retail space to the Victoria and Lombard frontages as well as hospitality opening out into an upgraded north-facing Denton Park. A commercial office premises will be located on the first floor facing out to both Victoria and Lombard Streets. Chris says the new building is a unique shape – curved at the front on Manners Street and splaying back to Victoria Street to create an active frontage to engage pedestrians, while also reinforcing the prominence of the site with a strong built identity. Jasmax has stated that the structural frame was designed to suit the aesthetic of the development and to allow maximum flexibility, with all tenancy walls being non-structural to allow the building to shift and change to suit future needs and requirements. Construction on the project began at the start of May and is due for completion in May 2017. The concrete floors are laid and the steel structure is underway. Chris says that the need to pour each floor separately then build the wall in between that tenancy before starting the next tenancy floor has slowed progress from a flat floor pour but was necessary due to the undulation of the site. A site office has been established above Delton Park due to the tight site and Naylor Love has been liaising with neighbouring businesses to ensure as little disruption to them and the public as possible. “It’s an extremely architectural project and will be a really cool space when completed transforming this part of the city,” says Chris.

The new 1500sqm building is a unique shape, curved on the front on Manners St and running back to Victoria St. It will include retail space to the Victoria and Lombard frontages and hospitality opening out to a revamped Denton Park.

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14 |

Business Central

TOURISM » Porters Boutique Hotel

5-star luxury for Havelock North Kelly Deeks The highly anticipated Porters Boutique Hotel is aiming to set a new benchmark for 5-star accommodation in Hawke’s Bay. Nestled in the heart of the vibrant Havelock North village, Porters - which is set to open on December 1 - is the latest addition to the Hawke’s Bay accommodation scene. Privately owned by the Mackersey and Lowe families, the new hotel offers business and leisure travellers the ultimate in luxury, service and facilities. Co-owner and director David Mackersey says they identified a gap in the accommodation market in Hawke’s Bay. “We saw the opportunity to offer visitors a standard of accommodation not previously available in the Hastings district.” The new hotel offers 32 luxury guest rooms and ten suites with stunning views across the Hawke’s Bay landscape. Spacious, private balconies allow visitors to take advantage of Hawke’s Bay’s renowned climate. General manager Odette Bowyer says as a 5-star, boutique hotel, Porter offers exceptional levels of customer care and the highest standard of facilities. All rooms are generously proportioned and feature beautifully appointed interiors with quality fittings. “Every detail has been carefully considered from the original artworks on the walls to the plush bathrobes for guests,” says Odette. “We’re committed to offering our guests the ultimate in luxury and comfort.” Business travellers are well catered for with complimentary high-speed wireless Internet access and a choice of three conference rooms seating between eight and eighty people.

• to page 17 The rooms at Porters Boutique hotel are generously proportioned and feature beautifully appointed interiors with quality fittings.


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Business Central

TOURISM » Porters Boutique Hotel

| 15

The latest addition to the Hawke’s Bay accommodation scene, Porters Boutique Hotel is nestled in the heart of the vibrant Havelock North village.




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16 |

Business Central

TOURISM » Porters Boutique Hotel

All rooms feature workstations, iPod docks and Bluetooth audio systems.


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Business Central

TOURISM » Porters Boutique Hotel

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Porter’s offering 5-star luxury in Havolock North • from page 14 All rooms feature workstations, iPod docks and Bluetooth audio systems. The hotel offers secure, covered parking and guests can take advantage of allied gym and childcare services. Strategically located at the prime intersection of Te Aute Road, Havelock Road and Porters Drive, the hotel was named for its location, while also giving a nod to the role of the hotel porter, whose presence is a special feature of 5-star properties. Odette says the positioning of the hotel will be a huge drawcard for visitors. “Havelock North is a thriving hub of boutique shopping, restaurants, cafes and other businesses. Visitors have every amenity at their doorstep, while still enjoying the village atmosphere.” With Hawke’s Bay visitor numbers on the rise, the hotel serves as an ideal gateway for all that the region has to offer. While Hawke’s Bay is famed for its moderate climate, outdoor activities, stunning food and worldclass wineries, it is also becoming an increasingly popular destination for business travellers, says Odette. “Recent estimates from Hawke’s Bay Tourism show a marked increase in business travellers to the region and we believe Porters is ideally placed to cater to that market.” Construction of the 42-room hotel complex began in January 2015 and includes a shopping precinct, commercial office space and restaurant. After almost two years of construction, Odette says they are delighted to have opened their doors to guests. “We’re excited and proud to welcome our first visitors to experience our special brand of Porters hospitality.”

On the ground floor adjacent to Porters is Malo, a contemporary restaurant and bar, open seven days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Restaurant manager John Logan has extensive experience in the hospitality industry and is passionate about giving guests the very best in food, service and atmosphere. For John, Malo is the realisation of a lifelong dream to design his own restaurant from scratch. “Because Malo is purpose-built, we haven’t been constrained by the limitations of an existing space. The resulting restaurant is light, bright and minimalist, but still with a relaxed and friendly vibe.” Heading up the dynamic young kitchen team is chef Jackson Smith, formerly of renowned Hawke’s Bay wineries Craggy Range and Elephant Hill. A stint at Sydney’s Gastro Park changed his view on food and inspired his commitment toward ingredient-driven cooking using the best cuts of meat and fresh, local and seasonal produce. The menu is matched by an extensive but accessible wine list, offering a selection of local and international wines, with many available by the glass. Malo opens onto a large outdoor courtyard, perfect for enjoying Hawke’s Bay’s balmy climate. Hotel guests and the public will also be able to enjoy the sheltered, sunny space, which connects the retail shops with the restaurant and hotel. With the capacity to cater for up to 200 people for weddings and private functions, John expects the courtyard to be busy, especially during the summer months. Despite being open less than a month, Malo is proving to be a vibrant addition to Havelock North village. “We wanted to create a gathering place where locals and visitors could enjoy the best of what Hawke’s Bay has to offer,” says John. “Judging by the response, I’d say we’ve achieved that.”

“Havelock North is a thriving hub of boutique shopping, restaurants, cafes and other businesses. Visitors have every amenity at their doorstep, while still enjoying the village atmosphere.”

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18 |

LIFESTYLE » Speldhurst Country Estate

Business Central

‘Significant’ development for Levin Karen Phelps A new lifestyle/retirement village in the Horowhenua will see 500 houses and apartments built over the next 20 years. Speldhurst Country Estate is set on 48-hectares at 70 Kimberley Road, Levin, and is being developed on the site of what was previously the Kimberley Hospital, that closed its doors in 2001. “The scale of this lifestyle development is very significant for a community like the Horowhenua,” says developer and Horowhenua District councillor Wayne Bishop. “With our aging population and the Road of National Significance connecting Levin more closely to Wellington we are very excited about what the future holds for Speldhurst Country Estate.” He says that the first stage of the development, which comprises twenty-three brick-and-tile stand-alone houses, is selling well. The homes have a lounge, dining room and kitchen, three bedrooms, bathroom and a second separate toilet or internal laundry. Single and double garage options are also available. Approximately another 50 homes will be built in the next two or three years including one, two and three bedroom units. All are built from brick and tile construction with aluminium joinery.

• to page 20

The planned new community centre will be the hub of the Speldhurst Country Estate. The facility will offer an indoor heated swimming pool, spa pool and fitness room, outdoor BBQ courtyard, bowling green, billiard table, social hall and kitchen, library and hobby room and TV room.

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Business Central

LIFESTYLE » Speldhurst Country Estate

| 19

Speldhurst Country Estate is a new lifestyle-retirement village in Levin. Set on 46 hectares, the development will see 500 houses and apartments built over the next 20 years.

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20 |

LIFESTYLE » Speldhurst Country Estate

Business Central

Village set in rural lifestyle setting • from page 18 Floor areas of the homes range from 67m2 to 160 square metres. Speldhurst is offering a ‘good,’ ‘better’ and ‘best’ price range for each specification of homes that are being built to offer people more choice to suit their individual requirements and budget. “For example, a Slateprint cobblestone path costs more than a coloured or standard concrete path. “One of the features of this village is that residents are able to choose varying options they like for the different areas in their home,” he explains. All homes and apartments are being sold on a right-to-occupy basis. Wayne says that Speldhurst offers wider lifestyle appeal than a typical retirement complex. “It is a retirement village but it’s set in a rural lifestyle-type environment with community facilities,” he explains. A distinctive feature of the development to be built in the next couple of years will be the community centre to be known as The George. This facility will offer an indoor heated swimming pool, spa pool and fitness room, outdoor BBQ courtyard, bowling green, billiard table, social hall and kitchen, library and hobby room, TV room, a large function centre for parties and catering, restaurant/café and also a daily shuttle into town. The George is planned to be up and running by the end of 2017/early 2018.

The first stage of the Speldhurst Country Estate development will comprise of 23 brick-and-tile stand-alone houses, “This will become the hub of the village and a great meeting place for all whether it be to just relax in each other’s company or share in a meal together or a game of pool. “Boardgames and jigsaw puzzles will also be a great way to meet new people or have a challenge with friends,” says Wayne. He says that interest in Speldhurst Country

Estate has been very strong from the local community, especially from people who currently live on their lifestyle block and are choosing to continue their semi-rural lifestyle at Speldhurst. He says that there has also been a lot of interest from out of the district. The development has a show home at the entrance.

“One of the features of this village is that residents are able to choose varying options they like for the different areas in their home.”

Proud to support Speldhurst Country Estate

Business Central

LIFESTYLE » Village at the Park

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Demand drives village expansion Karen Phelps An additional 28 apartments are under construction at Village at the Park retirement complex and due for release to the market in November 2017. Village manager Brian Leighton says that the close proximity of the village to Wellington CBD has made it popular with residents, which now number around 240 but will increase to 400 when the development is completed. The apartments range in size from 22– 104qsm and offer under floor heating, spacious bedroom with double wardrobe, kitchen including oven, cooktop, extractor fan, breakfast bar and dish drawer, laundry area with tub, en suite bathroom with shower and individual balcony or patio. Brian says that a wide range of services are available depending on individual requirements and all apartments have a bell connected to on-site 24 hour nursing support. There are some garaging options available for purchase or rent, additional to the unit and on site parking is available if required. Village at the Park also includes 38 villas and another 18 are due for construction in around two years to meet demand. Both villas and apartments are supported by full range of care facilities including rest home, specialised dementia care and hospital care. Village at the Park is a privately owned company, owned by the Hurst Lifecare Group and the Wellington Tenths Trust. The Wellington Tenths Trust is owned by the descendants of the original Te Atiawa/Taranaki whanau people of Wellington. The Trust started the village development in the late 1990s and in 2002 entered into partnership with the Hurst Lifecare Group. Brian says that it is the strongly family orientated values, which have resulted in the unique partnership. The Hurst Lifecare Group now has over 20 years of experience and extensive knowledge in operating and developing retirement villages. Brian says that key directors of Village at the Park grew up in small communities, which has led them to seek to replicate this environment at the village. “A small community gives a strong sense of belonging. At Village at the Park we see this as important at any age in life but particularly as we get older.

Residents enjoy the facilities at Village at the Park retirement facility in Wellington . An additional 28 apartments are under construction.

“A feeling of being valued is important for each one of us. It may be just a short exchange, but a moment of thoughtfulness or a tiny act of consideration is what Village at the Park is all about.” Village at the Park also includes a Community Centre which offers a café, swimming pool and spa, outdoor bowling green, indoor bowls, croquet, billiard table and darts, cinema, beauty salon, gymnasium, chapel, library, computer/ internet area, outdoor gym equipment, pétanque, outdoor chess and a lounge area. Other facilities include a vegetable garden and composting area, card room, music library and regular transport to local shops. There is even a childcare facility on site called Little Wonders which Brian says encourages intergenerational interaction.

“One of our slogans is ‘the art of living well’ and that’s certainly the feedback we’ve been getting from residents who are enjoying the community feel ... ” With the ageing population Village at the Park has proved popular says Brian. A final apartment block offering around 20 additional apartments will begin construction after the release next year, which will complete the development. “Village at the Park is continually growing, on

the strength of our history and on our vision for the future. One of our slogans is ‘the art of living well’ and that’s certainly the feedback we’ve been getting from residents who are enjoying the community feel and relaxed yet vibrant lifestyle here.”

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22 |

LIFESTYLE » Alandale Retirement Village

Business Central

Ownership key point of difference Karen Phelps Located on 25 acres on the eastern banks of the Waikato River in Flagstaff, Hamilton, Alandale pitches itself as ‘retirement living the way it’s meant to be’. Looking at the idyllic setting and the array of activities on offer in this small community few could disagree. Alandale manager Ross Ferguson lists some of the things that have been organised in the past: celebrations where residents dress up in fancy clothes and watch the Melbourne Cup together, Christmas parties, jazz bands, Asian dancers and choirs performing on site. Extended family is also included in the fun with an annual gala day complete with activities for both young and old including ice cream, bouncy castle and music. Ross points out that Alandale is distinct from a retirement home – this is a community that lives here by choice with each owning their villa or apartment under unit title. “Unlike other retirement villages, at Alandale you own your own unit title which means that you can redecorate your home as you see fit. You also get to set your own sale price just like you would owning a home outside of a village,” he says. “Alandale residents are here because they want to be, not because they have to be. “They are people who have reached a point in their lives where they don’t want to bother with maintenance on a house and garden and want to enjoy a secure environment where they can live as part of a community. In fact some residents at Alandale are still working but enjoy the lock up and leave lifestyle the village offers giving them the freedom to go on holiday whenever they choose free from worry.” Fletcher Residential Ltd started construction of Alandale in 1988 with the final stages being completed eight years later. In 1996, the Alandale Foundation Trust purchased the village and took over the administration. The Trust owns the land on which the central club building is situated and operates the village under Alandale Lifecare Ltd. It’s a unique set up, says Ross. “Because the Alandale Foundation Trust is an

Alandale residents get together for a chat. With around 190 residents there is no shortage of company or activities. independent charitable Trust this means all profits are reinvested back into the village. The board and management continually strive to ensure Alandale’s facilities are first class, which is reflected in their commitment to the long-term maintenance and development programme that is reviewed on an annual basis.

• to page 24


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Business Central

LIFESTYLE » Alandale Retirement Village

Alandale residents enjoy spacious grounds and gardens, developed before intensification became the norm.

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24 |

LIFESTYLE » Alandale Retirement Village

Business Central

Clubhouse centre of busy activities programme at village • from page 22 Alandale is supported by a dedicated team of around 25-30 staff who look after grounds, gardens, maintenance, catering, nursing service, administration and the general day-to-day running of the village,” he explains. Alandale comprises ten serviced apartments and 133 villas. A range of other support and services available make the lives of Alandale residents even easier including meals cooked and delivered to door, frozen meals and soups to heat at home, fresh baking available twice a week and bus trips to local shopping centres. With around 190 residents there is no shortage of company and residents can lead an active social lifestyle, says Ross. Most of this centres around the Clubhouse, which means residents can choose what and whether they want to take part. The Clubhouse includes a gymnasium, heated swimming pool and hot tub, bowling green, croquet lawn, library, billiard room, games room, bistro, bar and lounge with open fireplace. Types of activities and groups on offer include craft and book groups, mah jong, aquacise, bridge and 500, travel talks, river walks, petanque, big screen movies and

sports, coffee mornings and social hours. With all these things going on communication is important, says Ross who says that Alandale has many ways to make sure that residents are kept informed about the daily activities of the village and in the way the village is managed. For example, a resident elected advisory committee of residents meets monthly with Ross to discuss aspects of village life. A monthly residents’ meeting and an annual general meeting is held and a bi-monthly magazine covers social events, village news, topical comments from the management team and contributions from residents. All residents have access to Alandale’s in-house information channel, which provides daily information about activities, menus and other important notices. Ross says that demand for villas and apartments is strong whenever a resident chooses to sell. He points to factors such as the spaciousness of the village, which was developed before intensification became the norm, as unique selling points. Around 1.5 acres of land adjacent to Alandale was purchased in 2007 and there are several options as to how this might be developed in the future.

Alandale comprises 10 serviced apartments and 133 villas and has a team of 25 to 30 staff who look after the grounds, maintenance, catering, nursing services and administration.

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Business Central

BUILDING » Knight Building

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A key role in shaping Turangi Karen Phelps Turangi is a small tight-knit community and nobody knows this better than Knight Building. Company director Kieron Knight has been building in the region for over a decade and has long serving local staff members who have been working for Knight Building for nearly as long. It’s a highly skilled team that has worked closely together for a long time. “This means everybody knows what is expected in terms of quality and levels of workmanship. We know how to work well together and can get the job completed for the client in an efficient and timely manner,” he says. As a third generation builder building is in Kieron’s blood. His grandfather was a builder and his late father and uncle built in the King Country under the company name of Knight Brothers Limited. Kieron has been building internationally for over 25 years and personally manages every building project the company undertakes. He says this is important as it allows him to liaise with the client from the outset to ensure the building process is undertaken with the client’s best interests at heart. “This means that I’m often on the phone providing client consultation and discussing alternative options and/or cost effective solutions. “Every client is different and we aim to provide a seamless service that meets the needs of the specific project. Everything we do is transparent to ensure the client knows exactly what is happening every step of the way.” Knight Building focuses largely on new home builds but also undertakes renovations, alterations and maintenance projects. The company also completes light commercial projects. Kieron prefers to be involved at the outset

Knight Building completed the Lake Taupo Forest Trust building re-clad project, replacing the majority of the timber in the external walls and cladding. of the project offering valuable advice at every stage. He says this brings many advantages for clients and advises choosing the builder before the design process commences for this reason. “For example the job we are starting now, we’ve been working with this client for three years from selecting a draughtsperson to design and choosing claddings. That’s the kind of personal service we like to offer our clients.” Kieron is proud that over the years the company has played a key role in shaping Turangi. For example it completed the Lake Taupo Forest Trust building re-clad project, working closely with the architect to replace the majority of the timber in

“Every client is different and we aim to provide a seamless service that meets the needs of the specific project.” Painting · Renovations · Repairs · Texturing


the external walls and cladding. It also worked on the refurbishment of the Turangi Tavern building which involved constructing a new cafe and retail area as well as major upgrades to the exterior of the overall building. It has also recently completed a refurbishment of the verandahs and canopies of a block of shops in the Turangi mall. As testimony to the high levels of quality, which the company strives for, it has entered the House of the Year competition twice and taken out awards each time. In 2014 the company won a bronze in the new homes $450,000-$600,000 category. In 2013 it was awarded gold plus the Lifestyle kitchen award in the $600,000-$1 million new homes category. Kieron says it is recognition of the

quality of workmanship as well as a pat on the back for the entire team. Because Knight Building is a member of the Master Builders Association of New Zealand, Hazardco and is a Licensed Building Practitioner this means that clients can be assured of the highest levels of quality. The company predominantly works in Turangi and the Southern Lake area. Four projects are currently underway and Kieron remains devoted to the region which he has lived and worked in for many years. “The market is very busy and we haven’t had this many houses lined up to build for years,” says Kieron. Turangi is an outdoor lovers paradise – this region has it all.”


Ph: (07) 386 8347 Unit 3-4, 66 Rakaunui Rd, Taupo

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26 |

BUILDING » Te Awamutu - ZB Homes

Business Central

Bay of Plenty growth area for firm Kelly Deeks Operating in the Waikato for more than 15 years and in the Bay of Plenty for nearly three years, ZB Homes provides a transparent and flexible design and build service to a wide range of repeat and referred clients. Owner and builder Zane Beckett has built up a reputation for quality, flexibility, and progress which his clients trust and depend on. At just 33 years old, he has built many beautiful homes since he started his career at age 19. He loves making his clients happy, and one of the most enjoyable parts of the process is handing over the keys to his clients. “That’s why we’re in the business,” he says. ZB Homes is known to be transparent and very approachable, really getting to know its clients one-on-one and what they need and want in their new home. Zane says unlike group home builders which follow a rigid process, ZB Homes is much more flexible. “We don’t have any set plans, we do complete design and build,” he says. “We provide concept initial concept drawings for no charge, then we use local architects to design the home each client wants, just for them.” ZB Homes builds new homes for a range of private clients and investors, and also provides house and land packages tailor made to suit individual requirements. “From getting council consents to building, ZB Homes has the knowledge and experience to get you into your new home,” Zane says. “Whether you want to design and build a new home, or you need help finding the right plot of land so we can help you build, ZB Homes will give you experienced and knowledgeable support. We can suggest options, and guide you throughout any part of the process, and we can deliver a flexible and premium solution to meet your budget.” ZB Homes currently has a Te Awamutu subdivision going through council, and expects to break ground on about 40 sites in about a year’s time. There is plenty of land available in the Waikato, likewise the Bay of Plenty, and ZB Homes is regularly being offered parcels of land. “We take it case by case, depending on how much work needs to be done,” Zane says. ‘If it is a flat section, close to town with a view, those things are all favourable.” He says ZB Homes has done quite a number of small developments, such as moving a house off of a large piece of land and replacing it with four units.

ZB Homes has built up a reputation for quality and flexibility in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty.

“We provide concept initial concept drawings for no charge, then we use local architects to design the home each client wants, just for them.” With a large amount of demand for property in the Bay of Plenty, Zane went into partnership with Rik Flowerday in 2014 to set up ZB Homes Bay of Plenty. “The area is going off,” Zane says. “Aucklanders are moving out because they can’t afford to live there, but they could move to Tauranga and have a place by the sea mortgage free.”

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Business Central

BUILDING » Te Awamutu - ZB Homes

| 27

Quality and attention to detail are hallmarks of ZB Homes. The company builds new homes for a range of private clients and investors, and also provides house and land packages tailor made to suit individual requirements.

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28 |

BUILDING » Te Awamutu - DK Designer Homes

Business Central

Company ramps up business scope Kelly Deeks Award winning Te Awamutu building company DK Designer Homes is now undertaking its own developments, with plans for both a large scale residential subdivision and a commercial building redevelopment underway. DK Designer Homes has built a wide array of buildings in the greater Te Awamutu area since it was established by Daniel Kraayvanger in 2007. These projects range from designing and building new homes, to renovations, extensions, and landscaping, as well as light commercial projects. The company’s growth has been spurred by winning the local category in its first entry to the Registered Master Builders House of the Year competition in 2010, then the national category in 2011. Over the past three years, DK Designer Homes has been building 84 villas for Highfield Country Estate, as well as the retirement village’s community centre, The Lodge. “As a three storey building with a swimming pool, this was more of a commercial project,” says Daniel. “We have thoroughly enjoyed working at Highfield Country Estate and we’re interested in doing another retirement village project. It was a great opportunity for our company to get some great systems in place to manage this type of process, where we were working on a live site and had people moving in as soon as we’d finished their home. “For our team, especially our apprentices, they got the opportunity to learn how to put a whole house together, and it gave them the education to do that type of work quickly and efficiently.”

Work at Highfield Country Estate has recently been completed and DK Designer Homes now has another five new home builds underway. Two of these are quite significant, one being a large, 350sqm home, and the other featuring railway sleepers and bridge beams throughout the living areas and entryway. Daniel says meeting new people and building their dream home is a hugely satisfying and rewarding job. “We aim to provide superior customer service and guaranteed customer satisfaction while we build our clients’ dream homes for them,” he says. “We approach all of our building projects with professionalism and integrity. Our philosophy is to incorporate innovation, ingenuity, and inspiration into the designing and building of our clients’ homes, ensuring they are overwhelmed with the finished product.” DK Designer Homes has recently purchased 11.5ha at Te Awamutu, and is taking expressions of interest for a 100 plus home residential development. Daniel has previously undertaken multiple smaller developments, including subdividing sections and building new homes beside existing homes, as well as a five-lot lifestyle block. DK Designer Homes is also currently working on a commercial development with the recent purchase of a commercial building on the main street of Te Awamutu. The building is currently being renovated and DK Designer Homes has plans in council to add a second storey. The second storey is planned to house New Vision Architecture, while DK Designer Homes will move its show offices into the ground floor of the redeveloped building next year.

“It was a great opportunity for our company to get some great systems in place to manage this type of process, where we were working on a live site and had people moving in as soon as we’d finished their home.”



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Bridge beams form a dramatic centrepiece to this 350 square metre home being built by DK Designer Homes

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Business Central

BUILDING Âť Te Awamutu - DK Designer Homes

| 29

Te Awamutu based DK Designer Homes has been building 84 villas for Highfield Country Estate, as well as the retirement village’s community centre, The Lodge. Proud to support

DK Designer Homes, FBR Building, WC Construction & Lunix Homes


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30 |

BUILDING » Te Awamutu - FBR Building

Business Central

Big savings from new build system Kelly Deeks FBR Building director Giles Bayley and Shed It director Alan Hockly are offering significant savings on build cost from construction time and labour costs, as well as energy savings from high thermal performance, having designed and developed a brand new, affordable housing system which uses prefabricated polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulated panels. The PIR panel is a great addition to the services that FBR Building now offers, with more than 15 years of experience in the construction of residential and designer homes, commercial buildings, and development work. Giles says after using the panel to build a childcare centre, he decided there was a future for the product in New Zealand’s housing market. With a reputation for caring for the people it builds houses for, FBR Building knew housing was becoming unaffordable for a lot of people, and it would have to look outside the square for a more affordable system. Giles says as well as its superior thermal performance, PIR panel saves time and money on the build of a home because once it’s in place, four different jobs have been completed – framing, insulation, internal cladding, and external cladding. Its insulation rating is far higher than on a standard home, with R-value 3.6 on the walls and 4.8 in the roof. “Its insulation is its biggest benefit, and it is also waterproof and fireproof,” Giles says.

Giles and Janine Bayley

“Our two bedroom home takes 14 days to build, from start to full completion, including carpets down and curtains up.” “It really hits the mark for building in New Zealand.” Giles and Alan spent three and a half years designing and developing a housing product, which they’ve patented, and can now provide housing to a lot of younger people that previously couldn’t afford to build a home. The new build system and brand, House It New Zealand, was first showcased at Fieldays in June, where Minister for Social Housing Paula Bennett visited the stand and spent considerable time talking to the team about the new system. House It New Zealand is now working with MP for Taranaki / King Country Barbara Kuriger, keeping the government informed on updates and trying to help with some new housing programmes. House It New Zealand is now working on multi-proof building consents through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, to allow building consents to be approved within 10 days of them being lodged with council. “This is another way we’ve been able to speed the whole process up,” Giles says. “Our two bedroom home takes 14 days to build, from start to full completion, including carpets down and curtains up. “Everything is much more cost effective per square metre.” By October, House It New Zealand had already built five new homes. “We thought we’d just about be up and running production-wise, but we’ve already completed five homes,” Giles says. “We’re well ahead of our game, and we’ve bought 1ha of land to set up our new factory. We aim to build 50 to 60 homes next year, and be up to 200 new homes in three years’ time.” House It New Zealand currently has three designs available – a studio, a one bedroom home, and a two bedroom home. The three bedroom home design will be available in March next year. House It New Zealand has partnered with Metalcraft Roofing to supply the PIR panels in a range of colours and textures, backed by solid warranties.

House It NZ’s new build system, using prefabricated insulated panels, offers significant savings on build costs. A two bedroom home takes just 14 days to complete, including carpets and curtains.



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Business Central

BUILDING » Te Awamutu Building - FBR Building

| 31

Quality materials and an eye for detail are evident in this entrance way on a new home build by Te Awamutu based FBR Building.

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272 Bond Rd, Te Awamutu Waikato 07 870 2992

32 |

BUILDING » Te Awamutu - WC Construction

Business Central

Love of building drives business Kelly Deeks Wayne Clarke loves living and building in Te Awamutu. For the English born, former electrical and mechanical engineer who immigrated here in 1998, the town is the perfect place to establish a thriving small residential construction company. “I love building and was fortunate to do my two-year adult apprenticeship with Russell Vincent from Ridge Lines Homes back in 2003. I stayed with Russell until 2008 and this gave me an excellent grounding but I always had the aspiration to become self-employed,” Wayne says. When the down-turn in the building sector happened Wayne saw it as the opportunity to go out on his own, though looking back at that decision he realises he didn’t have clear goals and plans as to how the company would evolve. “I have just enrolled business mentor Elzunia Stachnik from Blaze Business who phoned me and she has helped me focus on my goals by establishing a five-year plan which will see how my business’s reputation has been developed on while allowing me more time to build the business,” says Wayne. Currently Wayne has two builders working for him, Dave Lyons and Rob Christianson and plenty of work on the go with work booked for the next six months. Concentrating on new builds as well as renovations and repairs has led Wayne to experience at times the problems created by ‘shoddy below-par’ unlicensed handymen who sadly still plague the building industry. “Cowboy builders, as I call them, are a real problem. I’m often called in to undo their work and its sad to see how innocent home-owners are left out of pocket. It’s something I would like to see the building licensing people do something about but I’m not sure how that can be achieved,” Wayne says. The key reason Wayne chose to join Certified Builders was to give his clients the reassurance that comes with belonging to a large professional organisation. “It is about credibility and also they keep me up to date on important regulatory matters such as

New builds, renovations or repairs are the main source of business for Wayne Clarke, of WC Construction. The former electrical and mechanical engineer completed an adult apprenticeship before going out on his own in 2008. Wayne is a member of Certified Builders. explaining changes to the building code in ways that can be readily understood and adopted.” When asked about the next generation of young builders coming through from school Wayne says he’s experienced a ‘disconnect’ between what students are learning in subjects like woodwork to what actual building is all about. “It would be good to see a better connection between actual building process and what students

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are taught at school, so they can apply that learning readily in the real world.” He also has some sound advice for apprentices who aspire to one-day go out on their own. “Get some advice from the person you are doing your apprenticeship with. While you are taught to become a builder, you don’t necessarily understand all that is involved in working for yourself and in eventually employing staff, so ask your boss about

what they have learned on the business side.” In between his busy life heading the company and on the tools most days Wayne is also building his own new home in Pirongia. “Everyone in Te Awamutu involved in building is as busy as everyone else. I think when you work in and around a small town you get to know each other and there’s not a sense of competition for work as you might find in larger centres.”

Business Central

BUILDING » Te Awamutu - Lunix Homes

| 33

Rapid growth for fledgling firm Karen Phelps In less than a year Lunix Homes has grown to the point that the company now employs eight staff. Company directors Tau Haimona and Peta Taukiri put the success of the company down to the fact they are producing top quality homes and the talented team they have attracted to the business. “We both have a good reputation in the region and the residential building market is busy. If you are good at what you do people know they can confidently choose you,” says Tau. Although they only officially started their company earlier this year the talented pair have worked together for many years and Peta previously also operated his own building company. Recognising they were stronger as a team they decided to join forces and their first project was subcontracting to another building company to project manage and labour on an extension to a school on Great Barrier Island. From there they progressed to a job closer to home – working in the Highfield Country Estate development in Te Awamutu. Constructed over six stages the village consists of 116 two and three bedroom architecturally designed villas. Lunix Homes built the last ten of these homes and also renovated the community centre, building into two villas once a new community facility had been constructed for the village. The success of this project has led them to become the preferred builder for the Oakridge development, also located in Te Awamutu and being undertaken by the same developer. The subdivision will offer 80 sections and Lunix Homes is offering house and land packages as well as a full design and build option. Pre-sales have been strong and they expect the development to be extremely popular. Located on flat land sections range in size from 600-1000 square metres. Tau says that working in conjunction with the developer the standard of the

“It has definitely put us in a good place to manage the huge growth of the business. The other important factor is a good team – without them we couldn’t do this.” homes and the overall development will be high. Lunix Homes will build a new show home at the entrance to Oakridge. The 223 square metre home will comprise three bedrooms, office, separate lounge and open plan family/dining room leading off the kitchen. The home will be clad in aerated concrete panel with a plaster finish, Linea weatherboard and stone schist details. It will be open to the public early 2017. Tau says that with every build a big focus is placed on communication. “Any building project involves a lot of money so the client has to place a lot of trust in their builder. It’s about fostering that bond right from the initial meeting. Quality is the other big focus. Things have to be done in good time and also to our high quality standards. We have steps and procedures we go through to ensure that the finished result is exactly what the client envisioned.” Based in Te Awamutu, Lunix Homes works throughout the Waikato and have eight builds to start next year outside of the work they are doing in Oakridge. Both have been well prepared for the strong company growth, well used to juggling multiple projects in their previous roles. “It has definitely put us in a good place to manage the huge growth of the business. The other important factor is a good team – without them we couldn’t do this. We don’t aim to grow too big – we want to continue to do what we do well.”

Lunix Homes is the preferred builder for the Oakridge subdivision in Te Awamutu. 80 sections from 600 square metres to 1000sqm are available and Lunix Homes is offering house and land packages as well as design and build options.

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HOUSE OF THE YEAR » A Knight Builders / Cambridge Homes

Business Central

Coastal homes built to last Karen Phelps Building architecturally designed homes in a coastal environment requires a unique skill set and experience. Waihi Beach based builder A Knight Builders are well versed in both these areas. “There are a lot of precautions that need to be taken when building by the sea,” explains company director Adam Knight. “New Zealand’s coastline is one of the harshest environments to build a house, especially if it is a beach front property. Water can drive sideways and upwards into a house so you can’t employ the same techniques you would use to build a house in other environments. “We need to make sure everything is very weather tight and also built in a way that salt and sand can be cleaned off so it doesn’t collect and damage the home. We build homes that stand the test of time.” As testament to this fact the company won a silver regional award in the 2016 House of the Year competition for the Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau region in the new homes $1 million to $2 million category. The 434sqm Waihi Beach home has four bedrooms, four bathrooms, multiple living spaces and a timber ceiling. Solar power and gas keep running costs low. Adam says the steep site necessitated significant earthworks and a retaining wall as well as four metre deep piles. It was a tight site on which to build the home, which is made from concrete block and beams with a concrete mid-floor with cantilevered beams. The top two storeys are timber frame with steel beams and clad in Resene Integra panel. Adam says that it was the attention to detail and high quality of finish that made it an award winning home.

In 2012 his company also received a House of the Year silver regional award for a renovation at Tanners Point, which included an extension and complete refurbishment of a home. “Winning awards such as this are great recognition and definitely help to cement our position in the market.” Adam, a Licensed Building Practitioner and Master Builder, has been building for over two decades. Over the years his company has grown from smaller projects to architecturally designed new homes, larger renovation projects and light commercial jobs. Although Adam is quick to point out he does still take care of smaller jobs for his clients. “Waihi Beach is a small place so sometimes our customers need assistance with smaller jobs and we’re happy to help them out,” he says. A Knight Builders employs a team of eight permanent staff plus contractors as required. The company works from Katikati to Whangamata but Waihi and Waihi Beach normally keeps it busy with a steady flow of work. Adam prefers to work with clients from the design stage. “This means we can ensure that their design meets their budget and site requirements,” he explains. “From our practical building experience we can also give a pretty good idea of costs early on.” The company works with trusted architects and designers and Adam’s wife Hazel, who completes the company administration, is also studying to become a draftsperson so in the future the company will be able to offer a design service in-house. “I prefer to build homes that people are passionate about. We will continue to do build exciting homes that are uniquely designed to the coastal environment.”

This 434 square metre Waihi Beach home won local builder A Knight Builders a regional silver award at the 2016 House of the Year competition.


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The designer kitchen in this award-winning Cambridge home opens out to landscaped gardens, outdoor living areas, and decks.

High spec home wins bronze Kelly Deeks The design and build of a new home at St Kilda in Cambridge which resulted in the owner’s dreams being turned to reality has also seen design and build company Cambridge Homes Waikato take home the bronze medal for New Homes $650,000 to $1 million from the Waikato Registered Master Builders 2016 House of the Year competition. Cambridge Homes Waikato director Noel Shaw says the project was designed and built for a client with a particular brief, and the company enjoyed creating the unique home they wanted. “They wanted open style living that faced north, they wanted their own bedroom to have separation from the guest bedrooms side of the house, and they wanted four car garaging with one part being a workshop area lined with ply, and separate from their nice cars parked up on a carpeted floor,” he says. “Our client has also elaborated on the energy efficiency of their home with a Solar Smart Energy solar system, upgraded insulation, and a fully automated ducted heating system.” The open plan living area includes a beautiful kitchen and opens out to landscaped gardens, outdoor living areas, and decks which extend out from a large portico. Noel says Cambridge Homes Waikato met the client’s brief, and they are delighted with their new home. The most important thing for us is we’ve created our client’s dream home.” Noel runs Cambridge Homes Waikato in partnership with Phil Webb. Noel snapped up the opportunity to join the Cambridge Homes Waikato team two and a half years ago. “Cambridge Homes Waikato is known for building very high quality homes, and being heavily involved in design and build, which I do like, as we

spend a lot of time with our clients working through their brief and creating the home they want,” he says. “With quite a range of standard plans as well, Cambridge Homes Waikato has the opportunity to mix into both markets.” Cambridge Homes Waikato’s vision is to be with its clients every step of the way. A long-standing business, Cambridge Homes’ values of integrity, trust, and reliability have carried forward from its roots as a local home builder to where it is now, a national company with its focus on its clients.

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Business Central

HOUSE OF THE YEAR » Able Builders

| 35

Linea Weatherboard and a schist pizza oven that backs onto an internal schist fireplace in the family room make an impressive feature in this gold medal winning home built by Able Builders. Inside, polished concrete floors, stainless steel benches and plywood joinery add earthy tones to the kitchen.

Award winning home exudes quality Kelly Deeks Attention to detail was an essential part of a recent Able Builders project, whose quality fittings and workmanship saw the home take out the gold medal for the PlaceMakers New Home $400,000 to $500,000 in the Manawatu, Wanganui, and East Coast Registered Master Builders 2016 House of the Year. The 261sqm home, designed by Paul McKenna Architecture, features Linea Weatherboard, aluminium windows, and a mono pitched roof. There are polished concrete floors in the kitchen, dining room, and family room, carpets in the hallway and separate lounge, and bedrooms. The bathroom and ensuite have tiled walls and floors, and custom made vanities with double stone bowls. The long, narrow house has a large kitchen and dining room with ranch sliders opening out to decks on either side of the house. On one deck, a schist pizza oven backs on to an internal schist fireplace in the family room. The kitchen is something different with stainless steel benches, and feature plywood cupboards and draws complimenting the painted units in the rest of the kitchen

Able Builders managing director Wayne Haynes says he knew the home was a winner during the build. “It wasn’t a straightforward job,” he says.

“There was a lot of detail, such as the handmade architraves around the doors and windows, and of course the impressive and imposing schist fireplaces.”

The home’s owners Tara and Anthony Rountree were excellent clients for Able Builders to work with, especially since interior designer Tara knew what she wanted. After the build was complete, she was able to finish off the interior of her new home with her own skill and style. Able Builders has been in business since 1992, and is currently enjoying its busiest year. Wayne says the market is buoyant, and compared to last year, when he had two builders on staff, he now has six builders on staff and has never been so busy. Wayne says the company is focused on giving its clients what they want, and nothing is a problem for Able Builders. Able Builders has built Wayne three new homes over the past 10 years, as Wayne likes to use his own home as a showcase for clients to see the possibilities of what they could do, and give them some ideas to work with. “We do a lot of research and we put in a lot of things our clients may wish to replicate in their own homes,” he says. Wayne has recently been to Australia where he visited 165 show homes and brought some ideas back home around feature and LED lighting for his next show home, which will be constructed next year.

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HOUSE OF THE YEAR » Richards Construction

Business Central

Timber architraves and skirting are a prominent detail in this award winning farmhouse-style home.

Timber detailing catches the eye Kelly Deeks Competition was tight at this year’s Manawatu, Wanganui, and East Coast Registered Master Builders 2016 House of the Year competition, but Marton’s Richards Construction rose to the challenge taking out the gold and category win for Future-Proof Building New Home $500,000 to $650,000. The win put Richards Construction through to the national competition in Auckland. Richards Construction managing director Richard Ellery says his entry was competing against some very nice homes, and standards in the competition seem to be lifting every year. “But I thought this house would do well in the competition,” he says. “There is a lot of timber work as far as natural and native timbers, with a lot of it being milled on the farm our clients have just moved into town from. Their new home is a replica of the farmhouse they had, just not as big.” He says a huge macrocarpa tree from the farm was used for the home’s interior finishings, as well as a lot of totara and matai. “This was all stuff our client had hanging around for years,” Richard says. “It was one of those exceptional builds for the amount of timber we used for finishings, soffit linings, entry ways, and exposed beams.” He says Richards Construction hasn’t used that amount of timber for a long time, and the project was a great one for the company’s apprentice to be involved in. “It’s something he won’t get to do in a hurry again.”

“There is a lot of timber work as far as natural and native timbers, with a lot of it being milled on the farm our clients have just moved into town from.” Richards Construction’s clients are absolutely rapt with their new home, and are enjoying living in it. They were heavily involved in the project as it progressed, which helped Richards Construction to make sure it worked out perfectly for them, and they got exactly what they wanted. Richard is very proud of his team for their most recent accolade, saying they are leaders in their field who take ownership of each project, and produce a high standard of workmanship and a high quality product. Richards Construction has been operating in the Rangitikei area since 1979, after Richard completed his apprenticeship in Auckland. Over the years, he has employed up to 14 staff, but much prefers the small team of five he runs today. Work has taken Richards Construction out of the Rangitikei area and further afield, heading south to Wellington and north to Taupo, Tauranga, Rotorua, and Auckland to complete a wide variety of projects for return and referred customers.

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Business Central

HOUSE OF THE YEAR » Amak Construction

| 37

Hillside home minimalistic masterpiece Sue Russell Mark Kitchin and the team at Palmerston North building business Amak Construction undertakes light commercial projects as well as a wide range of residential builds. Mark has owned the company for three years culminating earlier this year in entering and subsequently receiving silver in the region’s Registered Master Builders new home $400,000 – $500,000 category for a challenging and inspiring home in Summerhill, Palmerston North. Described as a Hillside Haven, Mark says the ground work itself was an enormous undertaking. “We excavated out over 700 cubic metres, 124 truck loads of soil to create the building platform, having cut 4 metres into the bank,” says Mark. The project proved to be a learning-curve also for local council through the consenting phase, given building sites in the Palmerston North area have been generally on flat land. “It was a building process the council weren’t that used to dealing with and given in future more hillside sites will be taken into housing, it was an interesting process all round. There were no hiccups and everything went to plan.” The homes design has been strongly influenced by Scandinavian architecture, blending functionality with a minimalist approach which Mark says suited the owners perfectly. “The owners are a French and American couple who wanted the open space minimalist look and feel. I like the open plan and it has a wonderful view to the Titoki reserve.” Designed by Monica Perry from 242am Architects in Palmerston North. the Master Builders judges described the 260qsm home as ‘flawless’, with white walls set off by white-washed wooden floors. The kitchen is the centre of the home and includes a four-metre Ceasarstone benchtop and six-burner gas stove. “The couple are not into watching TV, and wanted the kitchen area to be the focal place of gathering and entertaining.” Timber decking extends around the north-facing living areas to include the master bedroom. The home’s split levels are delineated by four steps leading to the bedrooms which lead off a wide corridor.

The kitchen is the focal point of this award winning Palmerston North home, set off by white walls and white-washed wooden floors and a four metre long Ceasartone benchtop. These days Amak Construction specialises in Design and Build projects. Mark’s approach when clients first make contact is to ask them to compile a scrap book of their wish-list to help them formulate what their priorities are. Once this has been done concept drawings are developed and discussed with the home-owners. When there’s agreement regarding the basic design elements an architect is then engaged to work up plans within budget. “Listening is really important. It’s about getting an understanding for them and for us as to what

their priorities are and the design features they really want to see in their new home, so that what is important for them to have is achieved within their budget,” Mark says. When reflecting on the journey to date, Mark is happy with what has been achieved and understands that future growth is a case of taking carefully planned ‘baby-steps’. “There’s always room for expansion but so much in this industry is around getting the basics right and establishing relationships. I also think as Master Builders it is very important we pass on our


knowledge to the next generation by encouraging students to consider building as a career.” As a former lecturer in building at Palmerston North’s UCOL campus North Mark says it is encouraging to see adults also turning toward apprenticeships but it is important to understand that adults learn in different ways from children. “Adults tend to be stuck in the ways they have got so it is about encouraging them to get out of their usual way of thinking and apply that to the project in hand. Many adults are very open to new learning if approached in the right way.”

250 - 270 Featherston Street Phone: (06) 354 4087 •

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HOUSE OF THE YEAR » S & J Mackay Builders

Business Central

Awards galore for heavenly hill home Kelly Deeks Kapiti’s S&J Mackay Builders spent 18 months applying expert craftsmanship to an intricate Novak and Middleton design on a steep and rugged section on the western slopes of the Waikanae hills, and the result is a heaven in the hills, as recognised by this year’s Registered Master Builders House of the Year Awards. The home took out the gold reserve award, the local category award, a gold award, the kitchen lifestyle award, and the outdoor living lifestyle award. “It was almost a clean sweep, we were disappointed we missed out on the bathroom award as a great deal of craftsmanship had gone into the bathrooms,” says Steve Mackay. “The bathroom joinery for the home’s three bathrooms, complete with timber vanity tops, has not been manufactured in some big factory, it was all crafted locally in a small local joinery shop by Chatswood Kitchens who also completed the home’s showpiece kitchen space. “Tiler Chace Harley and his team from Stonecraft Ltd, did an amazing job on the bathrooms’ tiling, and also throughout the home on the floors.” Steve knew the build was going to be a challenge as soon as he saw its intricate design and its steep and rugged section. The job started with a large retaining wall, with a load of material taken from the site and compacted behind the wall. The rest of the material removed during the site works was spread around the site for levelling, and virtually none was taken off site. The 360sqm, split level home consists of two forms sited parallel to the topography with a raise of 1400m separating the two. The design and materials used respond to the dramatic surrounding environment, with a strong and uncomplicated structure and materials and finishes crafted using traditional techniques. Three light-filled living spaces and four bedrooms open up to the views across the coastline, taking in the South Island, Mt Taranaki across to Kapiti Island, and its three bathrooms offer a retreat like experience. The kitchen is the showpiece, and includes four contemporary spaces – an open plan food hub, a utility room, an alfresco barbeque and dedicated wine room. The single level layout provides for future proofing the long-term use of the home whose owners will be able to enjoy it in their twilight years as much as today.

The award winning Waikanae hills home takes in views of the South Island, Kapiti and Mt Taranaki. Steve and his team of four builders spent 18 months on the project, with Steve saying for him, building someone’s new home is about quality, not quantity. “We had to follow very intricate plans, there is a lot of detail in this home and you don’t realise how much work has gone into it,” he says. “When I’m building a house, I treat it like my own, and we take the time to make sure we do it right.” Steve has been building in Kapiti for more than 25 years and says that it’s the same for his contractors. “I don’t swap and change, I use the same guys, and this award belongs to them as well,” he says. “We couldn’t have done it without their dedication and high quality workmanship, and the great working relationships we had with the architects, Glenn Wilson and Richard Middleton from Novak and Middleton, and also the owners.”

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“We had to follow very intricate plans, there is a lot of detail in this home and you don’t realise how much work has gone into it.”

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Business Central

HOUSE OF THE YEAR » S & J Mackay Builders

| 39

Kapiti builders S & J Mackay spent 18 months crafting this 360sqm split level home in the Waikanae hills. The home won a fistful of awards including gold reserve award, the local category award, the kitchen lifestyle award, and the outdoor living lifestyle award.

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40 |

HOUSE OF THE YEAR » Hofmans Builders

Business Central

‘Zig Zag’ home has midas touch Karen Phelps Dubbed Zig Zag, a home in New Plymouth has won Hofmans Builders gold in the new home $650,000 to $1 million section at the 2016 Registered Master Builders House of the Year Competition. The design is spread over two sections and the shape of the home reflects the peaks of Mt Taranaki. Susie Hofman says that the home stood out in the competition due to the high levels of craftsmanship required by the distinctive design. Four bedrooms, three bathrooms and three living spaces offer plenty of room for relaxing in the 283 square metre home. Notable features include bespoke joinery, large floor-to-ceiling windows and corner sliders which

allow alfresco living to become one with the open interior. The home also includes a separate guest accommodation wing, which can also be opened up to the rest of the home if desired. It’s far from the first time that Hofmans Builders has won awards at the competition. The company won its first accolade in 2009 and has won every year it has entered since. Hofmans Builders was started in 2002 by Susie’s husband Steve, a builder offering over two decades of experience not only in New Plymouth but also abroad. A strongly family oriented company, Susie takes on the administration and marketing roles as well as assisting clients with interior design choices. The company employs its own team of staff rather than just contractors giving good control over project quality and timing, says Susie. With three teams each with a dedicated foreman Hofmans Builders

“People think a sustainable passive home has to look a certain way but we can build eHaus to any design specification.” can take on multiple projects simultaneously. The company is licensed to build eHaus homes, a sustainable passive home model. Susie predicts it is the way of the future and the company has already built three eHaus homes. “eHaus homes are especially designed to deliver the best health and comfort at a fraction of the energy used by conventional homes – typically 75 – 90 per cent less heating energy while providing healthier and more comfortable living spaces.”

She says customer feedback so far has indicated that heating is rarely needed in an eHaus home. She says that all designs are scrutinised with thermal bridge software during the early stages of development to ensure no elements of eHaus will act as a highway for heat transfer and thus, energy loss. The eHaus’ ventilation system captures and reuses 84% of the heat that would otherwise be wasted and also gives a constant supply of freshly filtered outside air, says Susie.

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Business Central

HOUSE OF THE YEAR » Hofmans Builders

| 41

Hofmans Builders won gold in this year’s House of the Year Competition for this distinctive home in New Plymouth. The 283sqm home features bespoke joinery, floor to ceiling windows, corner sliders and separate guest accommodation. The market is presently busy for Hofmans Builders with new home builds underway in Urenui and New Plymouth and a spec home under construction. The 170sqm spec home is set on an approximately 500 square metre section in Inglewood and the modern design will appeal to first home buyers, says Susie. The aim of Hofmans Builders is to keep

the company the size it is to continue to offer customers a personal and professional service with an increasing focus on building eHaus homes. “People think a sustainable passive home has to look a certain way but we can build eHaus to any design specification. “It’s definitely the way we see the market heading and the future of homes.”

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HOUSE OF THE YEAR » Glenn Diffey Builders

Business Central

Classic design and attention to detail helped Hamilton-based Glenn Diffey Builders win gold in the new home $650,000 – $1million section at this year’s House of the Year Competition.

Standout home takes out gold award Kelly Deeks Hamilton-based company Glenn Diffey Builders has established its reputation on working with honesty, integrity and excellence to provide clients with a quality result, says company owner Glenn. The company’s focus on detail has helped it to win a number of awards at the Registered Master Builders House of the Year competition over the years. Glenn Diffey Builders has received awards in 2006, 2009, 2011 and 2013 for renovation projects but this year was the first time the company had entered one of its new home-build projects. The project won gold and headed to the nationals to compete in the New Home $650,000 - $1 million section. Glenn says that the simple, classic design and his company’s attention to detail during the build made it stand out. The 308sqm fourbedroom Waikato home has vaulted ceilings and bi-fold doors giving good indoor-outdoor flow and extending multiple interior living spaces to an alfresco area. The stylish kitchen was another standout feature and even boasts a wine fridge in the scullery. Divided into wings linked by a window-lined hallway, sun provides passive heating and savings on power bills. The home also has ducted heating and LED lighting is another energysaving measure. Chic schist stone is used as a

feature at the entrance and on an outdoor fireplace. “Entering this home really helps us benchmark where we sit in the industry so we are really proud of this result and its testament to the great team we have. We employ top tradesmen who have the skill, experience and ‘know how’ to carry out difficult jobs to a high standard, plus apprentices who we take a keen interest in training to that same standard. We are proud of our teams’ building ability and personal character and regularly receive feedback from clients affirming this,” he says. Glenn started his company in 1997 and offers his clients nearly three decades of building experience. He says that his Christian faith forms the backbone of the business and he endeavours to deliver a service and product with honesty and integrity. Glenn Diffey Builders undertakes new home builds – either from the client’s plans or assistance can be given with this part of the process. The company also undertakes renovations, new kitchens and bathrooms, insurance repairs, maintenance and smaller jobs and light commercial and industrial projects. Although mainly focusing on Hamilton the company can work further afield depending on the project. Glenn employs a small tight-knit team of three staff. His wife Pauline completes the administration side of the business. Glenn says the business is the right size to deliver a quality build every time.




The stylish kitchen, with scullery and wine fridge, was another standout feature in this award winning home

Business Central

BUILDING » Golden Homes - Amberley Gardens

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Everything but the curtains supplied Kelly Deeks A brand new comprehensive subdivision in the Hutt Valley is halfway through construction of 54 house and land packages, offering turn-key, fully landscaped properties which are painted throughout, complete with designer kitchen and bathrooms, carpets, heat pump, microwave, oven, dishwasher, internal access garage, clothesline, letter box, and fencing. “All you need to buy are your curtains,” says Alena Burt, real estate agent for Gillies Realty, the company behind the development of Amberley Gardens. “The roads are all public roads, the gardens are maintained by the council, and there are no body corporate fees to pay at Amberley Gardens.” From its home in Upper Hutt, Gillies Realty is focused on making the local community a better place to live. A major sponsor of a wide variety of groups and activities in the local area, Gillies Realty even took to the radio when the real estate market was slow, to promote Upper Hutt as the place to live. “The company is in partnership with the community, and has been for some time,” Alena says. “We hope in the future our developments such as Riverstone, Mount Marua, Fairview Farm, Wallaceville Estate, Amberley Gardens, and many others are remembered for the jobs they have created, the other businesses they have supported, and for the lifestyle options we can now all enjoy.” The Gillies Realty team have been working on Amberley Gardens sales and have already sold more than half of the planned homes to a wide range of demographics. “The location at Silverstream is appealing to a range of different people,” Alena says. “Silverstream has been a popular suburb from the very beginning of the establishment of Upper Hutt, and will continue to be with its strong representation of first class schooling, and its unparalleled village atmosphere. “The establishment of the rail and bus hubs, along with the accessibility to State Highway 2 makes this an ideal suburb to live in and raise a family, and still be able to commute for work.” Within close proximity to Amberley Gardens are the Silverstream Bowls Club, Silverstream Village with its shops and supermarket, and the Royal Wellington Golf Course. Down the street, the bus and rail networks make commuting a breeze. For families considering Amberley Gardens, nearby

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Amberley Gardens, in the Hutt Valley, will offer 54 house and land packages, all built by Golden Homes and complete with everything from designer kitchen to letter box.

“Silverstream has been a popular suburb from the very beginning of the establishment of Upper Hutt, and will continue to be with its strong representation of first class schooling, and its unparalleled village atmosphere.” Silverstream School caters for primary age children, whilst St Patrick’s College and Hutt International Boys School are both close by. The 54 house and land packages at Amberley Gardens are all Golden Homes, one of New

Zealand’s leading home build companies with more than 25 years in the industry. Golden Homes was established in 1990 by Len and Jill Helms, who wanted to bring changes to New Zealand’s home building market.

Len and Jill saw a big gap in the market for people wanting the good, strong, Kiwi brick and tile, without having to pay for an architect and private builder. This is what they offered, and for the past 25 years, Golden Homes has kept one step ahead of the market. Golden Homes was the first home building company to offer double glazing and steel framing as standard features, and later was the first to make thermally broken windows standard features as well.

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BUILDING » DNA Quality Builders / Prontobuild

Business Central

Quality comes first at DNA Sue Russell Building brothers Aidan and David Jordan established DNA Quality Builders four years ago, servicing the domestic housing industry in greater Wellington, from their base in Lower Hutt. Two years ago David left the business temporarily to ‘discover the world’ and since that time Aidan has been running a small crew of three staff. While DNA Quality Builders also undertakes light commercial work, the focus is very much on delivering top quality service to the residential sector.. He is very proud of the attitude of his apprentice Denham, who Aidan says ‘has a lot of gumption’, as demonstrated when he decided to commit to the extra study and workload that comes from entering the BCITO Apprentice of the Year award. “He entered it this year to test the waters and to learn about the process and he gained a lot of good experience from it, so he has decided to ‘go the whole hog’ next year building on what he has learnt so far.” The Apprentice of the Year process involved being interviewed by an expert panel in Wellington and hosting them on a site visit, where Denham walked them through site induction, explained the build in progress and answered their questions. While Aidan has worked hard to garner the reputation of the company at a local level and to ensure there is also plenty of work on he says his priorities for himself and the company are not bent around making a lot of money from it. “Of course we need to be able to support ourselves and ensure there is ongoing work for our staff but for me personally it isn’t so much about chasing money and becoming a big company. I enjoy my work immensely and intend to ensure that I am always in control of quality because that is what our reputation has been built on.” Looking forward to the next 5 – 10 years he does however hope to employ more builders and to establish three or four crews. The company has just started working on

Prontobuild offers a turn-key home build service and a Homefirst Guarantee, which protects the client’s deposit and covers the repair of defects for 10 years.

Lower Hutt company DNA Quality Builders has staked its reputation on putting quality first. a fabulous rejuvenation project in Eastbourne; transforming ‘The Royal’ theatre into a three bedroom home. He’s impressed with the design elements of the home which include use of some of the original carpet in part of the home, massive 3m x 4m high windows with decorative trims on the front of the building. Following this Aidan plans to start constructing his own home on a life-style block down the Wainui Coast. The site will also be home eventually to a joinery workshop once the large wool shed has been upgraded. “Completing joinery work is something I have always wanted us to have as an additional service we offer.” When he reflects on his building journey to date Aidan says his late uncle, Mark Jordan, who was a highly regarded and respected construction manager for years at Fletchers Construction, is his inspiration. “He did a lot of big projects including the Westpac Stadium and Te Papa. He was so passionate about construction and had boundless energy. I feel I have inherited his drive and commitment to the industry.”

PROUD SUPPORTERS Bunnings is proud to support DNA Builders and the great work that they do. We like to think our Trade Promises help make their jobs a success.

Client satisfaction the goal Karen Phelps Adrian Mooney entered the building trade a little bit later than most. But he’s certainly made up for lost time and no doubt being a glazier by trade helped. After completing an adult apprenticeship at age 30 he worked for wages for another building firm building up experience before starting his company Prontobuild in 2008. Based in Napier Prontobuild has now completed numerous projects all around the region and employs four staff and one contractor full time to keep up with demand. Prontobuild focuses almost exclusively on new home builds as this is where Adrian’s true passion lies – helping his clients to transform their ideas into reality and building their dream home. Clients can come to Prontobuild with their own plans or Adrian can help pair them up with the right architect to match their needs and budget. Being born and bred in Napier gives a point of difference, says Adrian, who is assisted in the business by wife Holly who completes the administration side of the business and helps clients with details such as layouts and colour selection. “We know the Hawke’s Bay and the people here. We’ve been able to build up good relationships and a solid reputation in the area over time, which gives our clients confidence,” he says. The company offers a turn-key new home build service. Adrian, a Licensed Building Practitioner, is personally involved in every build and on site each day. Being on the tools is what he loves, he says. “I’d hate to sit in front of a computer all day,” he adds with a smile. “That’s our point of difference – I like to work closely with the client. Our clients

like to be a part of their build and we welcome their input and presence on site. We’re excited to be building their home and we want them to share that excitement and enjoy the process. Good communication and ensuring the client is happy is the key.” The company is presently working on five new builds including a modern three bedroom 272 square metre home for a client who approached Prontobuild to sell her a piece of land the company owned. Clad in a mix of Integra panel, Linea weatherboard and vertical board, the home has sliding doors that open right out exposing the living area to the outdoors on nice days and evenings. Inside the home boasts polished concrete floors and sloping cathedral ceilings. A separate wing for the owner’s teenage children completes the design giving privacy to both parent and children. Prontobuild can offer clients the Homefirst Guarantee, which protects the client’s deposit and covers the repair of defects for 10 years. Adrian says the market in the Hawke’s Bay is presently very busy. “The Hawke’s Bay is a great place to live with a good climate. There is a lot of interest in the market here at the moment with a lot of people wanting to build. The shortage of available land to build on is the only problem,” he says. As always for any build finding the right location is key. Prontobuild also builds spec homes and is about to commence work on a 160 square metre three bedroom townhouse. “The aim is to keep growing Prontobuild. Building can be hard physical work and long hours but there’s nothing better than finishing a home then having a drink with the client afterwards and seeing them so happy. It’s a really cool feeling.”

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BUILDING » Freear Philp - Paraparaumu School

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Good subcontractors key for firm Kelly Deeks Celebrating 50 years in business this year is leading Wellington construction and relocations specialist Freear Philip. Over 50 years the company has expanded into joinery manufacture, painting and decorating, and commercial maintenance, and has a built a lengthy and solid reputation for delivering successful projects to corporations, government agencies, and city councils. Freear Philip construction director Dan O’Hagan says the company has enjoyed continued growth in recent years and continues to build on its excellent reputation. Freear Philip achieved an excellent result at this year’s New Zealand Commercial Project Awards, taking home a gold award in the Tourism and Leisure category for the Les Mills Lambton Quay gymnasium, and a silver award in the Health category for Riddiford Medical Specialists building in Newtown. Freear Philip is now working on a rebuild at Paraparaumu School, which in 2014, just months before it reached its 125th anniversary, was set on fire by three teenagers. The fire claimed four classrooms and a library, which accounted for about half of the school’s buildings. Freear Philip will spend the rest of this year rebuilding half the school, with a new six classroom block incorporating shared learning spaces and the school library. Dan says the building will be complete in time for term one next year. Apart from a small delay with the aluminium window supply, the project is running smoothly. Dan says once the building is closed in, Freear Philip will have more control over the project to be able to make up the time lost. “We like to deliver our projects on time,” he says. “We do a lot of education projects, and we’ve regularly worked with architects and project managers who appreciate we do a good job and always include us in the tender list. We have

Wellington construction firm Freear Philip is rebuilding new classrooms and a library at Paraparaumu School after arsonists destroyed the old school block. become well versed in the specific procedures and documentation involved when doing government work, and we’ve developed good systems to comply with the MOEs requirements.” Dan says Wellington’s construction market is currently experiencing an increase in tender activity, plenty of competition, and in some trades, a lack of skills and resources. Like many of today’s construction companies, Freear Philip has noticed a considerable lack

of good quality tradesmen dating back to the industry’s quieter days when less people were trained. “It’s getting slightly more challenging to get good subcontractors with adequate resources, plumbers in particular,” he says. “What we find in the commercial world, is when residential starts to get busy, which it is, those guys prefer that work because it’s a lot more simple. For us it’s about maintaining relationships with good quality

subcontractors, and that’s something we do well.” He says Freear Philip makes sure it pays its subcontractors on time, every time, and goes to great lengths to ensure its subcontractors are treated well. “We can’t do what we do without these guys,” he says. “We try to be a good main contractor and protect the interests of our subcontractors. In building those relationships, we can pull in some favours when we need them.”

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BUILDING » Location Homes - The Links

Business Central

Luxury touch with Location Homes Sue Russell

Location Homes is a busy residential design and build construction company. Since establishing in New Plymouth in 2008 the company has carved a reputation for creating the look and feel of luxury into design elements tailor-made for its clients. Director Campbell Matson and wife Hannah bought the franchise in 2008, having come from a more commercial construction background. Campbell says that the key to success has been in ensuring clients wishes to have elements of luxury included in the design of their home. “We start with a question to our clients. What are your top three priorities that you want to see incorporated in the design?,” he says. “We then isolate these ‘luxury’ items and come up with a concept for the home which will allow these elements to be included within their budget.” Once the key ‘non-negotiable’ design features have been set the team at Location Homes go about designing the home in a way that ensures cost targets are met. Campbell says there are a myriad of ways design impacts on cost both positively and negatively. “We look closely at items such as cladding options, how the home is constructed using them in a way that is most efficient. “Elements like the colour, shape and pitch of the PO Box 37346, Christchurch 8245 | 112 Wrights Rd, Addington roof all impact on cost of construction. We want to Art Dept: 03 983 5558 | Email: see clients getting luxury where it matters to them within their budgetATTN: and we’ve become RE: very skilful t Roofing Ltd Dianne Location Homes Feature ISSUE: BNC4_16 Location Homes is building a stunning new showhome at the Fairway Villas on Links Drive on the outskirts of New Plymouth. at ensuring this happens,” he says. AD AD SLE Location Homes building a premier COLOUR Full is currently07-09-16 00-00-16 ARTIST Caleb SGN: .............. CORRECTED MADEVillas on Links Drive showhome at the Fairway near attention has been given to show-casing extensive “We want to see clients getting luxury where it matters to use of natural materials, including schist and the beautiful Ngamotu Golf Course on the outskirts cedar. Floor to ceiling windows maximise the view of New Plymouth. It’s a project the teamplease have changes or corrections contact: Sarah McQuilkin 03 983 5560 them within their budget and we’ve become very skilful at outside. been planning for some time to show-case exactly “We’ve used a combination of Espan 340 metal what they mean by ‘affordable luxury’. ensuring this happens.” cladding and cedar for the cladding and together “The Links is very much a life-style these two materials really complement each other.” development geared for active people, with tennis Sales director Jody Calvert says the three the house with a lot of the activities centred around While Location Homes nationally has evolved courts, beautiful man-made lakes and walk-ways EARING double-bedroom home due to be completed April it. from its initial birth as a company in the mid-90’s that lead down to the New Plymouth foreshore and next year will amply demonstrate the company’s “Lots of bench space and storage. An concentrating on transportable homes Campbell says close to Ngamotu Golf Course.” unique construction philosophy and just what can entertainers dream and a place for people to gather.” the company is actively looking at promoting this The choice of section to build the show-home ................ “It’s within reach of mid – market level service again. on was important. Location Homes chose a special be achieved by designing ‘smart’. “There are so many lovely features to this home purchasers and its unique situation at Fairway Villas “We’re proud of our track-record designing and piece of land bordering an open reserve, adding a right from the really cool timber board-walk entry along with its specific location will make it a very building great homes to cater for the transportable sense of size beyond its physical boundaries. through sub-tropical planting,” says Jody. attractive purchase.” home market.” The 183sqm home designed by Location “The living areas all receive extensive natural Homes in-house architectural designer Toni light and over the next few weeks we’re looking Snooks, has excellent indoor-outdoor flow forward to the kitchen, by award-winning kitchen encouraging access to the amenities the life-style designer Glen Johns being installed,” she says. development offers. Indeed, the kitchen will be the centre piece of Designed with a contemporary chalet feel

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Business Central

BUILDING » Crowe Construction

Big challenges return big rewards Sue Russell When asked what he most enjoys about working in the construction sector Ross Crowe, founder of Levin-based construction company Crowe Construction and Associates Ltd’s answer is simple. “I love the challenges that come with solving problems and get great satisfaction of creating high quality projects.” Crowe Construction Ltd is effectively a small team of hard-working core staff who take on a whole raft of construction projects mainly centred around the lower North Island. Alongside Ross, who oversees every project and negotiates new work is Rob Tillbrook, project manager who has been with the company seven years. Two office staff, Aime Lowe and Patrice Butler take care of the administration. While the company first established building mainly residential properties, about 25 years ago Ross decided to shift in to commercial construction. “I’ve always had an interest in structural engineering and these days one of the core focuses is seismic work. We recently completed a project in Wellington, strengthening a multi-storey building when a major earthquake happened; that was challenging to say the least!” Key to the success of the company has been the establishment of long-lasting working relationships with sub-contractors, some of whom have undertaken work for Crowe Construction for upwards of twenty years. In early September Crowe Construction completed a major new build creating one of the largest BP service station facilities in the country in Te Kuiti. Rob Tillbrock oversaw the build as project manager which handled all aspects of the construction with the exception of the tank installation, used local building sub-contractors. The new service station boasts a 700 square metre shop with a large food area while the site also has a truck stop, service area and car wash. Crowe Construction Ltd has undertaken several BP service station projects in its time and Ross says they are enjoyable and at times challenging projects to undertake. “The service station at Te Kuiti is positioned along a very busy road so we had to make provision for transporting the service station structures on site in a way that least interfered with traffic flow.” Given the nature of ground conditions underfoot in Te Kuiti, construction of the shop required significant deep piling to start with. When Business Central spoke with Ross, the company was about to undertake two very different projects; strengthening of a 100 year old historic house in Levin and the building of a new

Crowe Construction staff work on the interior fitout of a new McDonalds restaurant in Silverstream. McDonalds in Silverstream, Lower Hutt. In 2014 Crowe Construction took out the national supreme Master Builders award for an exceptional build of a new library facility in Levin. Ross says it was a huge buzz to be recognised from within the construction industry as having built an exceptional building. “It is a really great design and was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and to look at what the community has as a community asset is a great feeling.”

“I’ve always had an interest in structural engineering and these days one of the core focuses is seismic work. We recently completed a project in Wellington, strengthening a multi-storey building when a major earthquake happened; that was challenging to say the least!”

Crowe Construction & Associates is an established construction company in the Horowhenua, which delivers complex and fast-track projects across the North Island. Crowe Construction and Associated can deliver a full construction package tailored to suit the specific requirements to get the job done. We also have a hands on experienced crew.

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16 McKenzie Street PO Box 1074 Levin 5540 T 06 368 8718 M 021 725 067 F 06 368 8769 E

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BUILDING » Crowe Construction

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Work nears completion on the new McDonalds restaurant in Sliverstream, Lower Hutt, another significant commercial build by Crowe Construction.

PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT SERVICES Large enough to serve small enough to care

Proudly supplying and supporting Crowe Construction 24d William Pickering Drive, Albany, Auckland • • P: 09 414 1119 • E:



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BUILDING » McDonald’s Restaurant Silverstream

Business Central

A large interactive LED ‘sparkle table’ is one of some innovative features at the new Silverstream McDonald’s. Diners can move their hands over the surface creating patterns that light up then vanish.

Latest technology at new restaurant Karen Phelps When Mcdonald’s Silverstream burned to the ground on February 12 due to an electrical fault it wasn’t long before plans to rebuild the store were underway. On November 19 the new McDonald’s Silverstream opened its doors to the public. Operations manager for McDonald’s Hutt Valley, Jonathan Barker, says the new store will be bigger and better than before boasting key features that few McDonald’s in the country presently offer. For example patrons will be able to dine at a large interactive LED ‘sparkle’ table where they can rub their hands over the surface creating patterns that light up then vanish. Other changes are more about functionality, including USB charging ports at all tables, digital drive through menu boards and a two storey childrens’ playground. The Silverstream McDonald’s has also

increased in size offering 30 extra seats in the additional 120 square metres of footprint. Car parking has increased from 32 to 44 and the drive in has transformed from single to dual lane. Jonathan says faster more efficient service should be the result of increased investment and changes behind the scenes. For the local community the new building also means more jobs – McDonald’s Silverstream is hiring 30 new staff giving a total of 70. The store is a reflection of the brands focus on offering customers what they want when they want it, says Jonathan. For example McDonald’s New Zealand has recently announced a multi-million dollar investment programme to deliver nutritional improvement across its menu and increased choice and flexibility for customers. Research with New Zealanders, asking them what changes they would like to see in the menu, has indicated that further reductions in the levels

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“We’ve certainly seen the shift at McDonald’s Silverstream with sales of sugary beverages decreasing and sugar free options and water increasing.”

of saturated fat, sugar and sodium across food and beverages were amongst the top ranking priorities, says Jonathan. “We’ve certainly seen the shift at McDonald’s Silverstream with sales of sugary beverages decreasing and sugar free options and water increasing,” he says. McDonald’s is also the first major brand in New Zealand committed to serving only free range eggs and 100 per cent of the freshly cracked eggs restaurants use are free range. Jonathan says that customers are caring for animal welfare and locally sourced ingredients and are the driving force behind the move to free range eggs. New Zealand’s first McDonald’s restaurant opened in Porirua in 1976 and today there

are 166 McDonald’s restaurants across New Zealand, 80 per cent of which are owned and operated by local business men and women. McDonald’s Silverstream is owned by Chris and Liz Boon who also own McDonald’s Upper Hutt, Petone and Wainuiomata. Chris started working for McDonald’s as a crew person nearly 30 years ago working his way up to restaurant manager then operations manager of three stores. Liz had a successful career with Foodstuffs as South Island credit control manager and is also well known as an international netball umpire. The Boons purchased McDonald’s Petone in 2003. With the new larger enhanced McDonald’s Silverstream opening soon Jonathan is predicting sales to increase by 20-30%.

Business Central

BUILDING » McDonald’s Restaurant Silverstream

The new Silverstream McDonald’s offers 30 extra seats, USB charging ports at all tables, increased car parking and a two storey childrens’ playground.

Congratulations to McDonalds Silverstream on the reopening of their new store!

Crowe Construction & Associates is an established construction company in the Horowhenua, which delivers complex and fast-track projects across the North Island. Crowe Construction and Associated can deliver a full construction package tailored to suit the specific requirements to get the job done. We also have a hands on experienced crew. 16 McKenzie Street PO Box 1074 Levin 5540 T 06 368 8718 M 021 725 067 F 06 368 8769 E

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BUILDING » Navigation Homes - Central Plateau

Business Central

Fledgling firm flying in first year Sue Russell On October 12, Emma and Simon Sparkes celebrated their first year owning and operating the Navigation Homes franchise covering a large chunk of the central North Island. Pouring in a huge amount of passion and energy into the fledgling residential building company has resulted in a first year performance seldom seen within the nationwide group. “We really hit the ground running. The fact that Simon and I have had 10 years in New Zealand and 15 years in the UK working in construction before taking on the franchise has helped but we are really very happy with just how much we have achieved,” Emma says. The word ‘achievement’ doesn’t fully reflect just how much business has been conducted. In this first year Navigation Homes Central Plateau has sold 15 land and house packages. It’s a reality of business pace that both Simon and Emma have adjusted to and that is due in part to the way the Navigation Homes culture, led by the group housing founders Aaron and Michelle Hall, fits perfectly with the way the Sparkes want to deliver their services to clients. “Aaron and Michelle are family orientated, and when Simon and I were looking at the idea of taking up a franchise we just felt really comfortable with the way Aaron and Michelle support and encourage their franchisees,” says Emma. While qualified builder Simon is busy on the tools, Emma runs the sales and marketing and works with clients to ensure they understand the company’s building process. When Business Central spoke with Emma, Navigation Homes Central Plateau had secured 21 of the total 62 sections at Huka Heights subdivision on the outskirts of Taupo. This significant presence Emma puts down to a lot of hard work and determination. “I am quite gutsy and very determined, being a husband and wife team, we just compliment each other very well and we just simply love to build” says Emma. Huka Heights home and land options range from $550,000 - $700,000 on average 600sqm sections. Emma says she really enjoys working with a diverse range of clients, from the excitement that comes with helping first-home owners into their dream home to those retiring into the greater Taupo region. Along with Huka Heights in Taupo, Navigation Homes has interests in two other subdivisions,

One of the plans for Navigation Homes’ Villa series. The company is offering home and land packages at Huka Heights in Taupo. Oakdale Down in Kinloch and 518 Lake Terrace with several house and land packages available. At Oakdale Downs land and home packages range from $500,000-$700,000 on an average 1300sqm section while at 518 Lake Terrace the 800-1000sqm home and land packages will sell between $700-$900K. “I describe my relationship to the company and working for our clients as ‘creating happiness’. “It’s such a special feeling to work so hard for clients, form really strong relationships and then hand over the keys and seeing just how much their



new home means to them,” Emma explains. Guiding all their interactions with the team, from clients, suppliers, Council building staff and building contractors is the belief in Navigation Homes vision statement; ‘We build homes you love to live in’. “We care about our business. It’s our livelihood and our dream. We really listen to what our clients want to achieve.” Clients have access to a ‘Book of Ideas’ which compromises 40 customisable plans, 10 in each of the four design series Navigation Homes has developed, the Compass, Nautical, Designer and

Villa series. “They are a good starting place but all are adaptable. “We also encourage our clients not to commit to their maximum budget, to allow for changes in design and elements to happen. As long as the home stays within the square metre allocation it is possible to be very flexible to ensure clients get those special features they seek.” While the current focus is centred on greaterTaupo, plans are in place to extend their services to other locations within their large franchise area, including Hawke’s Bay and Rotorua.

Phone: (07) 386 8347 Email: Webiste: Unit 3-4, 66 Rakaunui Road, Rotokawa, Taupo

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BUILDING » Navigation Homes - Central Plateau

| 53

Clients of Navigation Homes have access to 40 customisable plans, 10 in each of the four design series including the Villa series, Compass series and Designer series.

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BUILDING » RPS Quality Homes

Business Central

House and land packages popular Karen Phelps With a shortage of land available for new builds in Hamilton and Cambridge RPS Quality Homes has focused on delivering house and land packages to the market, says company director Rik Scaramuzza. The company has just released seven packages on Swayne Road in Cambridge with sites ranging in size from 550-650 square metres. The traditional style homes on offer are a mix of single and two storey, from 240-270sqm. Rik says the east side of Cambridge is growing rapidly and the sites are situated close to Cambridge High School with plans for a commercial centre to be constructed near the subdivision. The house and land packages are available to purchase now with titles due to be issued early next year. People can have input into the interior colours of their home to personalize the design to their taste, says Rik. The company is also undertaking its own subdivision in Kay Road, Hamilton offering 19 lots to the market ranging in size from 440-530 square metres. Plans are currently in the design phase but will include single and two storey homes ranging in size from approximately 180-240 square metres. Rik says this northeastern side of Hamilton has experienced rapid growth with a lot of services already available nearby. These will be complemented by an additional primary school, sports field and commercial centre planned near the subdivision. Rik says by undertaking the subdivision from start to finish RPS Quality Homes can keep good quality control over the entire project. RPS Quality Homes does not just build on its own land – the company also offers a range of custom plans as well as a full design and build option. Rik says the plans generally form a starting point to generate ideas and are then invariably adapted to suit clients’ individual needs.

• to page 56

RPS Quality Homes is also undertaking its own subdivision in Kay Road, Hamilton offering 19 lots to the market ranging in size from 440-530sqm.

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“If you’re about to buy carpet, these guys are worth talking to.” Proudly supporting RPS Quality Homes

-Kevin Milne

Proud supporters of RPS Quality Homes

Business Central

BUILDING Âť RPS Quality Homes

| 55

RPS Quality Homes offers a range of custom plans as well as a full design and build option.

Waste Management NZ Limited, Complete Solutions Whether you're a household, small business or multinational organisation requiring a waste management solution, Waste Management has the experience, expertise and capacity to manage your requirements. The company has operated in Hamilton and the greater Waikato for more than 25 years. A local team of 60 plus people is involved with its day to day running. The entire team is dedicated to providing an efficient, quality service, and has the knowledge and resources to meet almost any waste and recycling requirement, says regional manager Paul Mooney. The Hamilton Branch of Waste Management has a strong business relationship in the Waikato region with RPS Homes. For over 9 years Waste Management has provided RPS with a range of skips, frontload and wheelie bins to ensure a complete waste solution is offered. Through proactive account management and relationship building, both businesses have fostered a successful partnership. Waste Management has a strong commitment to the safe, responsible management of waste; regulatory compliance; and protecting and enhancing the environment. Meeting and exceeding the highest standards in environmental performance is crucial to the success and sustainability of its business. As well as serving commercial businesses, Waste Management collects, transports, recycles and disposes of municipal general waste, recyclable materials, garden waste, food waste and general household waste Waikato wide. It is committed to working in partnership with businesses to develop and implement recycling and waste management programs within customers' operations. "Using our simple strategies, organisations can increase resource recovery, minimise waste to landfill, reduce contamination levels in recycling and organics bins, and improve recycling participation," Paul says. "We're proud of our strong history of community education and involvement, and will continue to play an active role in encouraging individuals, households and businesses to recover, recycle and reuse," Paul adds. Phone the Waste Management team on 0800 10 10 10 or visit

0800 10 10 10

14 Edgar Street, Frankton

56 |

BUILDING » RPS Quality Homes

House and land packages popular

Business Central

Quotation Quotation Quotation Quotation Quotation Quotation

• from page 54 RPS Quality Homes works in with trusted local architects to deliver the high quality promise that forms part of the company name. After qualifying as a carpenter, Rik spent four years as a contract builder for various companies before forming RPS Quality Homes in 1998. “My commitment to deliver homes of high quality and workmanship and my personal involvement in each project has given me the satisfaction of seeing many happy clients. “This is the same commitment I make for the future and this is the standard we set for each and every client who decides to take RPS Quality Homes on as their building partner,” says Rik. As testament to this the company won the service and innovation awards in 2008 at the Waikato Business Excellence Awards. Rik says a focus has been placed on developing sound systems to back up the company promise of quality every step of the way. This also makes things less stressful for clients. “Our systems mean that clients know when they have to make decisions at key points during the project and ensures they have plenty of time for this so they can enjoy their build,” he explains. Each client is also assigned a personal construction manager to guide them through the process each day. Rik oversees the multiple projects the busy company undertakes and the end result is one of quality and a highly personal building experience as every client is treated as unique.

RPS Quality Homes has a promise of quality every step of the way.

“My commitment is to deliver homes of high quality and workmanship...” It is obviously working as over 90% of RPS Quality Homes’ clients arrive at the company by referral from satisfied clients. Rik considers this the company’s greatest achievement. “It’s a reflection of the high levels of service we deliver on every job and the high quality end result that leaves our clients happy and pleased to build with us again or refer their friends and family.”

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PH: Neil Nicholls 021 754 955

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BUILDING » Fabish & Jackson

Business Central

| 57

Firm pioneers unique dairy shed Karen Phelps Over a number of decades Fabish & Jackson Limited has established a sound reputation in the Taranaki region as a local builder customers can trust, says Paul Askew who manages the company’s dairy contracts. The company had its beginnings nearly four decades ago when it was started by Trevor Jackson and present owner Stephen Fabish. The company began working on labour only contracts on residential homes before venturing into dairy shed builds inventing a unique rotary shed design called Oct ‘a’ Lock. The octagonal structure has been modified and developed for over 35 years resulting in an extremely functional, high quality, cost effective dairy parlour that fits economically around rotary milking plant. Paul says the design can be modified to fit any site with additional rooms added onto the structure as required depending on the farmer’s needs. Key benefits of the design include easy cleaning with no hard corners, a smaller building footprint than conventional buildings for a given turntable size and the use of glulam timber in the roof structure meaning nowhere for birds to sit. The design has been so popular it has been built all over New Zealand and even overseas. The fact that Fabish & Jackson can complete most of the build at their purpose built facility in Inglewood then transport it to site means basic erection can be as quick as just ten days. Other benefits include better quality control, faster project timelines due to being not so weather dependent and less hassle for the client. Rural work is a large part of the company’s business and also includes effluent holding ponds, silage bunkers and feed pads. For nearly two decades the company has been making iron and fibreglass and precast concrete chicken sheds and, like the Oct ‘a’ Lock dairy parlours, there can also be manufactured off site. The company also undertakes residential home builds, renovations and maintenance, mainly for existing clients, as well as commercial builds. Fabish & Jackson is members of the Taranaki Registered Master Builders Association and employs a highly skilled team of 25 staff. It offers a purpose built facility where it can build glulam beams, precast concrete panels, steelwork and undertake all engineering in-house. Two overhead


Rural work, including dairy parlours, holding ponds, silage bunkers and feed pads, forms a large part of Fabish & Jackson’s business. gantries enable efficient handling of large and small concrete projects which can include wall panels, fences, paving stones, soak hole lids, maize feed troughs, outdoor fireplaces and tables, pipe supports and driveways, paths, yards and flooring. Based in Inglewood the company completes work Taranaki wide and undertakes a wide variety of contracts. As an example it has just completed a new unit for Burgess Hill Hotel in New Plymouth, two 60 bail cow sheds in South Taranaki and foundation works for Energy Works. “As a locally owned and operated company we take pride in consistently providing the highest quality workmanship and service to our customers. We are proud to continue to service our customers’ needs in the Taranaki region.”

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58 |

BUILDING » Stark Property

Business Central

New precinct a boon for Hamilton Karen Phelps Stark Property is nearing completion of a development, which looks set to help revitalize Hamilton’s central city. When company director Matt Stark came across an old shopping mall that had been vacant for nearly a quarter of a century and attached five storey office building he saw an opportunity to create something that would link the city with the river, an important defining geographical feature of Hamilton. Just two years later the Riverbank Lane precinct is the result. The transformation of the site will link Victoria Street to the Waikato River and has sought to use quality design to enhance the rawness of the building and its natural light, says Matt. Tenants have quickly come on board and the Riverbank Lane project now offers a mix of bespoke restaurants, cafes and boutiques. The adjoining office block was refurbished and is now all leased. An opportunity still exists at Riverbank Lane for a hospitality operation, which will be further enhanced when the laneway is completed by early next year creating a vibrant environment and dining experience. Matt says the project will compliment the Victoria on the River development, a Council owned public green space project, and the result will be a new central hub for those visiting, living and working in Hamilton. Matt says that when The Base shopping mall relocated to Te Rapa some years ago it had a negative impact on the central city. He hopes projects such as Riverbank Lane will not only serve the growing number of office workers but also help to draw people in to enjoy the central city once more by creating a different offering. • to page 60

The Riverbank Lane precinct in Hamilton promises to be a central hub for those visiting and living in Hamilton. Quality design is used to enhance the rawness of the building and optimises its natural light.

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Business Central

BUILDING » Stark Property

| 59

A mix of bespoke restaurants, cafes and boutiques are on offer at the Riverbank Lane precinct in Hamilton.

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60 |

BUILDING » Stark Property

Business Central

‘Feel good spaces’ abound • from page 58 “To be honest part of the reason I created Riverbank Lane was because after living and working overseas I loved visiting places such as this and I thought – if they exist overseas why can’t Hamilton have them as well?” Matt, a builder by trade, was born and bred in Hamilton. It is his love of the city and his passion for property development that saw him establish Stark Property in 2010. The company primarily buys, develops and leases commercial property to clients offering a full service including property management. Matt says the focus is on developing distinctive spaces to suit the particular needs of the client rather than generic spaces that clients have to fit into. “We get clients to fill out a full briefing document at the start of each project so we can best determine their needs and requirements. We want to know how they use space and what they want to achieve from it. This enables us to come up with the right ideas to suit their specific business,” he explains. The company’s team is complemented by the right design expertise and Matt prefers to invest in this at the outset considering it a sound investment resulting in a high quality project. Stark Construction undertakes the physical build. Matt

says detail is important – right down to where light switches are placed – to ensure the space perfectly suits clients’ needs. “People go into one of our spaces and it just feels good. It’s something that’s hard to put into words but is the result of a lot of work and focusing on the finer details to get everything right,” he explains. The company has been quietly making its mark all around Hamilton since it started. It completed a full refurbishment of a building on the corner of Anglesea and Knox Streets for client IT Partners and is presently working on 900 Victoria Street, which will have seismic strengthening work completed and the façade refurbished. The space could be split into two tenancies and would be ideal for offices or a company that requires a showroom as the space has high ceilings and good street frontage on a high profile site. It’s available for lease now. The company is also starting preliminary planning for the redevelopment of the Hamilton Central Shopping Centre and is working closely with Kmart to accommodate them into the reconfigured building. “Our goal is to be the best at what we do, delivering great projects and spaces that people thrive in. It’s about creating great communities and delivering great outcomes for our city.”

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Design expertise and creating distinctive spaces that suit the needs of the client have resulted in a high quality, fit-for-purpose build at Stark Property’s Riverbank Lane project.


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Christchurch Office Kingston Partners Ltd PO Box 9353, Christchurch 8149, NZ Telephone: 03 379 1095

Business Central

BUILDING » MCL Construction

| 61

Meatworks chiller latest project for busy company Karen Phelps MCL Construction has just completed a new beef carton chiller unit for Progressive Meats in Hastings. The five month project has seen the company construct a 350 metre square polypanel unit to increase capacity for Progressive Meats, says one of MCL Construction’s directors John Bower. MCL Construction has previously completed a number of projects on the site including a container load out facility. “Because we’ve worked for Progressive Meats for three decades we know their expectations and they know we can get the job done,” explains John. MCL Construction is one of the largest construction companies in Hawke’s Bay and has a long history in the region. John Charles Mackersey founded the business in 1948 and John’s son David took over managing the business in 1989. John Bower, who has been with the company for three decades and director since 2006, was appointed managing director in 2013. John has subsequently been joined by Philip Mitchell and Michael Bush in 2015 as shareholders. In April this year the company was rebranded from Mackersey Construction Ltd to MCL Construction Ltd. Two other businesses were created as part of the new direction – MCL Interiors, specialising in suspended ceilings, office partitions and passive fire, and MCL Joinery Limited, a high-end commercial and residential joinery business. MCL Construction carries out all types of work from housing to major commercial buildings. The company is a member of the Registered Master Builders Association of New Zealand, and is a Department of Building and Housing Licensed Building Practitioner. In total MCL employs over 110 staff from labourers, apprentices, carpenters, site managers and administration staff. Among the company’s current projects is Tamatea Pak ‘n Save and the $25 million Village Exchange & Porters Hotel complex.

“Because we’ve worked for Progressive Meats for three decades we know their expectations and they know we can get the job done.” Located in the centre of Havelock North, the Village Exchange & Porters Hotel for Lowmac Properties is a two year development project comprising of basement parking for 100 vehicles, 1030sqm of retail space for up to nine tenancies, 1200sqm of office accommodation, a 250 m² restaurant and a 40 room boutique hotel with conference facilities. The project is due for completion around December this year. The company has just completed a nine tenancy commercial development at 304 Queen Street, Hastings, including 1500sqm of new build and an 800sqm refurbishment of an existing building. Other recently completed projects include the New Zealand Gold Architecture Award winning Iona College’s Performing Arts Centre and Information Resource Centre, 265 Marine Parade in Napier for client Capeview Properties, which included refurbishment of a three-storey commercial building with tenancy fitouts, a 6000sqm food warehouse in Hastings for Elwood Road Holdings and a 9000sqm water bottling facility including office and factory for Tomoana Water. “On every project our philosophy is to become part of a wider team to ensure that our client’s needs are met to the full,” explains John. “We endeavour to align ourselves to our client’s project and consultant team so that we fully understand their business requirements, ensuring the outcome of our efforts delivers a successful project. In doing this our aspiration is the development of a long term relationship between ourselves and our clients such as Progressive Meats.”

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Foundations ready for pouring at Progressive Meats’ new beef carton chiller in Hastings.

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62 |

BUILDING » Waimarama Surf Life SavingTower

Business Central

Community to benefit from tower Sue Russell

Trenching under way to link services to the Waimarama Surf Lifesaving Club’s new tower. Photos: Kim Nilsson.

Work is currently underway on an ambitious, beautifully designed new surf life saving tower belonging to the Waimarama Surf Life Saving Club. Over summer the busy beach attracts thousands of visitors and come opening season this year the regular life guard patrols will be able to view beach and water activity from the new 6 metre high tower. Kim Nilsson, retired club chairman of the active club which boasts membership in excess of 150, says the tower will be bring significant benefits to the club and to the community. “The placement of the tower some 5 metres back off the beach behind the dunes means those on the observation deck will have unhindered views of the beach. Like any beach, conditions here can change quickly and this ability to be able to see what is happening on a patrol day means we can respond quickly,” Kim says. The club’s original tower, which started its life as part of a Havelock North church tower has served the community well since 1974. When it was erected its forward position and the substantial concrete foundations would eventually cause its demise, as Kim explains. “We received word late 2014 from the Hastings District Council the old tower would have to go, given the foundations were causing erosion to the beach berm. “As a result we started planning and fundraising for the $300,000 new tower. Currently we are sitting on $205,000 which has been a brilliant effort by the public, Waimarama Community members, by club members, the council and business sponsorship.” Galvanised steel handrails, along with Trespa high-pressure laminated panelling which has a permanent coloured finish, are just two examples of the care that has gone in to ensuring what is built lasts. The tower when completed will sport bright yellow and red colourways. These have always been the club’s colours and


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Business Central

BUILDING » Waimarama Surf Life Saving Tower

| 63

The placement of the new Waimarama surf life saving tower, five metres back from the beach, will give lifeguards unhindered views of the beach. The tower will also be a venue for search and rescue. Kim says will also act as a beacon for anyone on the beach wanting to find it, as well as for boaties out at sea returning to shore. “It’s a monument, it’s a beacon and we’re very excited about how magnificent it will be once completed,” Kim says. The surf-lifesaving tower will also act as a venue for search and rescue and as an alarm post when emergencies occur. Kim describes the communities support and passion for the project as amazing. A Give-A-Little page has been set up and when Business North spoke with Kim $1,500 had been pledged. As a communication base the tower will have strong connections to the club itself and to the outside world via fibre broadband capability. “We will be putting in a web-camera and software installed will make it possible for a large amount of data to be captured and transmitted. There will be the usual radio and VHF along with digital networking and a state-of-the-art PA system. The towers ‘leaning forward’ stance is due to the fact that where it is positioned is behind the beach berm. The architect states the roof form and shape references the breaking surf on the beach.

“It’s a monument, it’s a beacon and we’re very excited about how magnificent it will be once completed.” One appealing feature of the tower is the attention to detail that has been taken for it to reflect and uphold Maori tradition in the area. “Artist Phil Belcher took some inspiration from a painting at the local Marae. The beach has a strong history with local Iwi and this has been depicted in etchings which will feature up the towers legs,” Kim explains. All in all, as building progresses, the whole club is eagerly awaiting official opening day once the summer season opens at the beginning of November 2016. Funding support can still be pledged through the clubs website at www.

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64 |

Business Central

BUILDING » Elite Coastal Developments

Spec homes built by Elite Coastal Developments in the Greenhills subdivision near Coromandel town have been snapped up before the consent process is completed.

Coromandel boom boon for partners Karen Phelps Elite Coastal Developments’ point of difference is that both company directors are on site building each day, says one of the company directors Daniel Gujer. “We’re big enough to get the job done but small enough to give the personal touch to each project,” he explains. The Hamilton based company was started in 2006 by Daniel and business partner and fellow builder Hamish Stewart. The pair, who are both Licensed Building Practitioners, have put their skills to good use over the past decade contracting to local housing companies, in particular, Urban Homes. They have also been building homes for their own clients with many successful projects completed in the Greenhills subdivision in Coromandel town. It seems a bit far away for the Hamilton based pair to work but they have family based there, making it an obvious extension to their market. They have built a number of spec homes in the

popular subdivision, which has all but sold out. Daniel says their spec homes have all sold before the consent process is even completed reflecting the popularity of the subdivision for buyers, who include people selling up in Auckland and retiring to the Coromandel. Greenhills is located five minutes walk from Coromandel town and two hours by ferry from Auckland. It has heritage themed streetscape to complement Coromandel Towns unique heritage, including lighting, locally sourced rock and tree planting, with street names reflecting Coromandel history. Elite Coastal Developments has built around a third of the homes in the development and has three homes underway ready to hand over before the end of the year and three ready to go into council to start next year. The homes due for completion have three bedrooms and are approximately 180-190 square metres. Every build is a true team effort. Daniel largely takes charge of plans and scheduling for the builds, with both he and Hamish hands on building. Daniel’s wife Kylie completes the company bookwork and coordinates colour schemes. Elite Coastal Developments can build from a

client’s plan or offer their own plans developed from many successful projects. Daniel says clients can use these for ideas for their own custom build or make adjustments to suit their requirements and site. The company also offers a full design and build service utilizing the services of JM Design. Daniel says it is quality combined with competitive pricing, which sets Elite Coastal Developments apart. “Hamish and I are hands on. We’re on site building and keeping an eye on quality control at all stages of every build. We can offer competitive

pricing due to our long established relationships with local suppliers and tradespeople,” he explains. Lately the quality of their work has meant the company has been approached to tender for commercial projects such as building on a marae and classrooms for schools and this is another direction Hamish and Daniel would like to explore. “We like being outside and working on site each day so we can hand over a great result to our clients. “There’s nothing like a satisfied client at the end of every project.”


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Elite Coastal Developments


07 866 8308

102 Riverlea Rd, Hamilton 0800 226 664

Business Central

BUILDING » Stead Construction

| 65

School upgrade throws up challenges Karen Phelps A significant project to upgrade Havelock North Intermediate’s technology block has been completed by Stead Construction Ltd. The upgrade involved completely stripping out an existing 500sqm building back to a bare shell to transform an existing structure into an Innovative Learning Environment (ILE), the Ministry of Education’s new model to encourage and support many different types of learning. The technology block now houses electronics, hard materials, food technology and science departments along with staffing workstations. The internal courtyard was developed into a useable area mixing both paved and grassed areas along with a purpose built canopy providing adequate shelter between the two wings of the building. According to Stead Construction project manager, Brett Phillips, the project was not without its challenges. He says that significantly altering an existing building structure leaving all but a skeleton shell built from materials of varying types and sizes not available today proved challenging for the construction team. Regular site meetings involving key construction staff, architect and the school’s Board of Trustees ensured any issue that arose during the project was methodically worked through to ensure an acceptable solution for all parties was agreed upon. The school required occupancy of the completed building prior to the commencement of term four and with six carpenters and a total of 13 subtrades, Stead Construction Ltd ensured that the seven month build process was completed on time and within the allocated budget. Stead Construction Ltd undertakes residential and commercial construction with projects in Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne, Waikato and Bay of Plenty Districts. Company general manager, Vanessa Treseder says that the aim is to make the build process as stress-free as possible for clients from start to finish with a firm focus with up-front communication and no hidden surprises.

An upgrade of Havelock North Intermediate’s technology block by Stead Construction included developing an internal courtyard into a useable area along with a purpose built canopy providing shelter between two wings of the building. A fixed price for the work is established, either by open book, negotiated contract, tender, or design and build. All projects are backed by the company’s extensive 1500 square metre joinery workshop with dedicated joiners on staff. Vanessa says that safety is at the forefront of every project, something that is especially important with educational projects such as Havelock North Intermediate.

“We take a safety first approach to construction. Above all else, we put health and safety first when working on a school or educational facility. “We respect that schools need to be able to function without the added stress of having a potentially unsafe environment for pupils and teachers alike. “Key staff are fully trained and qualified in health and safety matters and we have significant proven

experience in Ministry of Education projects,” she says. “On every project we strive for the highest standard of workmanship and aim to exceed building standards. “Stead Construction is proud to offer a proven ability to deliver high-quality buildings within agreed time frames and at competitive prices.”

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66 |

BUILDING » Atkin Construction

Business Central

A new science block at Taradale High School will include nine classrooms in a single storey block. Large sliding doors between rooms can be opened to create large combined classes.

Leading edge design to science block Kelly Deeks

A new science block at Taradale High School could be the most flexible science facility in New Zealand, with the design encouraging greater collaboration between teachers and increasing the opportunities for practical science. Hawke’s Bay’s Atkin Construction won the tender for the project, and the company is now well into the build, with hand-over scheduled for the start of the 2017 school year. Atkin Construction is working to a clever design by Hawke’s Bay’s Gary Pidd Architect, of a nine classroom, single storey block located between existing buildings, allowing for no disruption of learning while construction takes place. Interior glass walls will allow pupils to see what is happening in other classrooms, and large

sliding doors between rooms can be pushed back to create large combined classes. Each room will be equipped for practical science, with a cluster of four specialised science laboratories at the heart of the building. Taradale High School science classes will have the benefit of world class IT and e-learning thanks to the latest in wireless networking. The new 1017sqm block will bring Taradale High School’s science sector into one area, rather than the three blocks it is currently spread across. The construction programme was disrupted part way through when the roof system needed to be redesigned to comply with Ministry of Education standards. Instead of the previously planned standard roof plus insulated ceiling, the science block’s new roof is an insulated RoofLogic system, supplied and installed by Turfrey.

“There are a lot of health and safety issues involved, but we’ve got really good systems in place to manage them. Our sites are really well managed and we try to make sure everyone turns up happy and goes home happy.”

RoofLogic is a new standard in commercial roofing in New Zealand, offering weathertightness, thermal performance, design flexibility, buildability, and affordability. Atkin Construction contracts manager Brad Mason says while the roof redesign put the project behind schedule for a while, with some adjustments needed to fascias and rafter heights, Atkin Construction is now back on track to hand over on time. Atkin Construction has completed many education projects during its 25 years in business, and is well versed in controlling live sites and working amongst school children. “There are a lot of health and safety issues involved, but we’ve got really good systems in place to manage them,” Brad says. Atkin Construction is proud of its company

mantra ‘stress free construction’ and the team strives daily to achieve it on all of its building sites. “Our sites are really well managed, and we try to make sure everyone turns up happy, and goes home happy,” Brad says. Atkin Construction completes mainly commercial projects, where education work is a big factor, as well as office fit outs, and a bit of high end residential work. The company travels to work and from its base in Napier, is currently working in Hamilton constructing the final wing of the main facility in a retirement village for repeat customer Summerset. On the East Coast, Atkin Construction has a crew back at Wairoa College re-strengthening the gymnasium and hall, after reconstructing a large portion of the school back in 2008.

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Business Central

BUILDING » Atkin Construction

| 67

The new 1017 square metre science block at Taradale High School is located between existing buildings, allowing for no disruption of learning while construction takes place.

PANTON PLUMBING LTD Plumbing • Drainage • Gas Proud to Support

Atkin Construction

and to be working with them on the Taradale High School contract

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AIR CONDITIONING | REFRIGERATION VENTILATION | HEATING Installation & Service Specialists including: Design & Build Planned Maintenance BWOF & IQP

06 831 0035

11 Thorn Place, Onekawa, Napier

68 |

BUILDING » Humphries Construction

Business Central

Broadway Radiology’s new Medical Centre will house a number of specialist consultants and high-tech equipment.

FMG build exceeds seismic code Sue Russell Palmerston-North based Humphries Construction has been active in the residential and commercial building sector for 20 years. The company, led by shareholders, General Manager Paul Humphries and Project Managers Kane Barry and Adam Dekker, has grown to include a team of dedicated project managers and an inhouse design team of three architectural designers. When Business Central spoke with Paul, work was three months in on a significant joint-venture construction project on land owned by Humphries Developments Ltd which will be a purpose-built multi-storey office block on the corner of Church and Pitt Streets in Palmerston North.

“We have had a longstanding relationship with FMG having previously designed and built their new headquarters in Feilding in 2013 along with a fit-out of their existing office block in Palmerston North,” Paul says. Given this relationship when Paul approached FMG to consider relocating their office on to the site discussions began in earnest, first at conceptual stage and then into agreement as to the design and structural integrity of the building. On this matter FMG had clear standards they required the building to meet, well above current building code relating to its seismic integrity and thermal mass. “As an insurance provider they were keenly aware of the impact the Christchurch Earthquake had and they wanted to make sure this building

Ph: 06 353 6966 |

would well exceed what the building code around seismic capability currently demands. The whole building is being constructed to an exceptionally high standard,” says Paul. Before work could begin on laying down the services and sub-floor, 85 piles were driven down 18m. This again related to the 130% above code seismic strength nature of the building’s design. That work was undertaken by Richardson Drilling and since completion in early September the full site work is being carried out by Humphries Construction employees and contractors, with Kane Barry overseeing as project manager. While winter proved challenging at times with so much rain Paul says he is confident the work on the office block will be finished in November 2017 with FMG occupying in early 2018.

Beyond this major build there is plenty of work on the company’s books, an indication of the current buoyant construction sector in the Manawatu. A Design and Build project for Broadway Radiology has been purpose built to house a new MRI facility, replacing their existing building on Broadway Avenue while a new 32 lot Design and Build subdivision ‘Wescombe Grove’ in Feilding is specifically being priced to attract those looking for an affordable home. “We are disciplined on what we are providing in this subdivision and the $370,000 to $400,000 market is proving to be very popular. The subdivision is due to open in November and we have already sold twelve,” Paul says. • to page 70

Business Central

BUILDING » Humphries Construction

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Humphries Construction is teaming with FMG to construct a purpose-built office on the corner of Church & Pitt Streets in Palmerston North. The project will be the largest new office build undertaken in the CBD for nearly 25 years.






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Pleased to be working with Humphries on the construction of the FMG building.

Your One-Stop Engineering Shop for: Design, Fabrication, Structural Steelwork, Heavy and Light Engineering, Stainless Steel, Surface Treatment, Light and Heavy Machining. 32 Rangitane Road Whakatu, Hawkes Bay Phone 06 872 7120 Fax 06 876 0617 Email

70 |

BUILDING » Humphries Construction

Business Central

A design and build project for Broadway Radiology has been purpose built to house a new MRI facility.

Apprenticeships encouraged • from page 68 In all the company employs 60 staff, bringing in contract labour-only personnel when needed, though Paul says some contractors have been continually working on Humphries Construction projects for some time. “It is hard to find qualified builders these days so we balance this by taking on apprentices every year. We have a very strong company culture and I think it is important to bring people up through the company.” As evidence of this Paul says their staff members who began as apprentices have been encouraged and supported to become foremen and project managers. The company is also in dialogue with a couple of local schools to support a transition from school into employment for those who show aptitude and a passion for construction.

It is hard to find qualified builders these days so we balance this by taking on apprentices every year. The company also owns an allied business Precast Concrete Manawatu Ltd which not only serves to supply all the precast panels for projects such as the FMG building but also supplies the construction industry generally in the region. “When you are working at the level we are and on the sorts of builds we undertake it is a real benefit to have ownership of major components of the supply chain as it gives you greater ability to control costing and scheduling, benefits we can directly pass on to our clients.”

The new FMG building in Palmerston North well exceeds the building code around seismic activity. 85 piles were driven 18 metres down bringing the build up to 130 per cent above code.


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06 359 0130

Business Central

BUILDING » Choice Commercial Interiors

| 71

Seismic refurbishment big driver Sue Russell Life has been noticeably more busy these past four years for Rick Hardy-Jones and his team of experienced construction professionals. The Wellington-based company, Choice Commercial Interiors Ltd works in all areas of commercial construction with a particular emphasis on base building upgrades, structural strengthening and office fit-outs. The vibrant Wellington economy has led to a marked increase in activity across the board and Rick says this is really benefitting Choice. When asked what he enjoys the most, after 21 years as a director of the company, Rick’s answer is straightforward and clear. “The most enjoyable aspect for me is resolving the issues and problems before they impact on the budget or the programme. That coupled with the sense of satisfaction that comes when a technically challenging project is completed well and everyone is happy with the result,” says Rick. Having spanned two-plus decades undertaking refurbishments Rick says there have been some really positive changes, particularly when it comes to office fit-outs. “Twenty years ago, office fit-outs generally consisted of a multitude of small individual offices which were frequently dingy and unappealing working environments. “The first open plan offices were often poorly thought out spaces that suffered from poor acoustics, making them noisy working environments,” he says.

• to page 73

Seismic refurbishment has been a main driver in the Wellington construction market. Choice Commercial Interiors most extensive project has been the seismic strengthening of the 17 storey SAS Building. Over 60 tonnes of steelwork was installed and over 40,000 hours of site time was spent on the project.

Brian Tattersall


PO Box 7301, Wellington 6242

Proud to support Choice Commercial Interiors

12 Rhodes Street, Newton, 6021

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72 |

BUILDING » Choice Commercial Interiors

Business Central

Extensive work was undertaken at night to allow retailers uninterrupted day time trading during the seismic strengthening of the SAS building in Wellington. OFFICE FITOUTS | RETAIL/SHOP FITOUTS | RESTAURANT/BAR FITOUTS COMMERCIAL FURNITURE MANUFACTURER | CNC MACHINING SERVICES

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BUILDING » Choice Commercial Interiors

Seismic refurbishment ‘suits our skill set well’

Electrical wiring & data installations Electrical infrastructure design & certification Electrical systems servicing and maintenance Lighting controls & design C-BUS controls & programming Commercial and residential contractors

• from page 71 Rick adds that with greatly reduced telephone usage, the use of better acoustic technology and an emphasis on providing quiet rooms and breakout spaces – the modern open plan office environment is light, airy and stimulating. Over the last four or five years seismic refurbishment has been a main driver in the Wellington construction market. This has proved a good fit for a commercial interiors company. “The majority of the work involves removing and reinstating the internal elements to provide access to the seismic workface. This suits our skill set well as we can meet the high level of detail and finish required by owners and occupiers who want their premises to look untouched, often to a standard better than before the work started.” To date, Choice Commercial Interiors’ most extensive project has been the seismic strengthening of the 17 storey SAS Building. Over 60 tonnes of steelwork was installed and over 40,000 hours of site time was spent on the project. The fact that the building was fully tenanted during the project, added a further technical complexity. “While 30% of the cost of the project was for the structural strengthening work, the remaining 70% was for the deconstruction and reconstruction necessary to enable access for the strengthening work.” When the building owner realised how challenging this project was going to be, they

“The majority of work involves removing and reinstating the internal elements to provide access to the seismic workface.” saw the benefit of partnering with Choice Commercial through an early contractor engagement model. To mitigate inconvenience to the occupants two separate teams were established, one working at night, while the other worked during the day and evenings. It’s due to the success of these projects that Choice Commercial has been able to strengthen its relationships with consultants and clients. For Rick, who has seen the company evolve to its current capabilities, that’s very satisfying. “We are fortunate to have built a strong base of repeat clients” says Rick. He puts this down to having built up a strong team, and placing great importance on ethics and building relationships with Clients, Designers, Consultants and Subcontractors. “Our people are our greatest asset. They are professional, technically competent and great communicators. “People enjoy working with us. We work hard but we also try to engender some enjoyment into the process as well.”

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| 73

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BUILDING » Arrow International - Napier Police Station

Business Central

Arrow International’s Hamilton branch is working on the interior fit-out of the Napier police station.

‘Better service’ from combined station Karen Phelps A multi- million dollar investment by New Zealand Police in Napier and Hastings police stations will ensure a better service for the public, says Inspector Tania Kura, Area Commander, New Zealand Police. While previously the two stations operated as separate areas they joined forces as the Hawke’s Bay Area in 2012. With improved roads and links between the two areas and modern communication technology as well as outward expansion of both cities it made sense to combine the stations into one area with a single area commander covering both, Tania says. The Napier station is currently under construction and will have a combination of prevention, response, investigations and support staff based there. A newly built Hastings station will replace the old one and be home to the Eastern District Commander and the Hawke’s Bay Area commander. No difference will be perceivable to the public in terms of services but Tania predicts enhancements created by efficiencies. “It will create a modern working environment for staff leading to a more unified team which

will in effect provide a better service to the public. It will also increase safety and security for staff and prisoners with cells built to modern standards,” she says. The new 900 square metre Napier station presently being constructed by Arrow International’s Hamilton branch and will include a front counter reception for the public, investigations, community team and response team officers work areas. The company started construction of the project in March and it will be completed by the end of November. The new station is being built next door to the existing one on the car park area to ensure the station can remain fully operational throughout the build. Once completed the existing building will be demolished and a new car parking area built in its place. Arrow International project manager Scott

Mackie says the company has completed the base build and is currently completing the internal fit-out. He says the biggest challenge was getting the project out of the ground with extensive in-ground works necessary to ensure the building was secure in the event of natural disasters. He says the tightness of the site as well as the fact the existing station had to be operational throughout the project highlighted the company’s robust planning and project management skills. Designed by Aecom, the Napier Police Station is made from structural steel and precast concrete panel clad in zinc and cedar with patterned precast concrete panel details giving the building a distinctive appearance. Arrow International has been in operation for over 30 years. The company was started when two Kiwi construction blokes called Ron Anderson and Bob Foster wanted to focus

“It will create a modern working environment for staff leading to a more unified team which will in effect provide a better service to the public.”

specifically on the interests of their customers. Their company was started in Dunedin in a basement office on Clark Street, with $250 worth of second hand furniture and a $200 typewriter. From humble beginnings the company now has nine branches or area offices in New Zealand, and an office in Australia. Apart from Napier Police Station other projects in the region which Arrow International is presently working on include Massey University’s new Wildbase Hospital, the structural strengthening and refurbishment of old mid city plaza in Napier and the structural strengthening and expansion of Xero’s offices in Wellington. “We deliver successful projects by combining our building skills with active design management, coordination of project drivers and respect for the clients’ feasibility,” explains Scott. “But at the end of the day Arrow is all about the people. We aim to work with our clients long term and they always come first. “The key difference in our approach is that we work with our clients not for them. We become part of the client’s team. Each project needs a unique approach and we always listen to the clients. By understanding what they need we can ultimately hand them a project that meets their requirements.”

Business Central

BUILDING Âť Arrow International - Napier Police Station

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The new Napier police station is made of structural steel and clad in precast concrete panel, zinc and cedar.

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76 |

BUILDING » Thermawise Homes

Business Central

Panel system offers a new approach Karen Phelps The technology has been available for decades but it’s only more recently that it’s been applied to residential home builds. According to Grant Senior, director of Thermawise Homes, using pre-manufactured Structural Insulated Panels (SIP) offers real advantages over other systems used to build homes today. “Homes built with SIP are stronger, easier to build and are more energy-efficient, while also being very affordable,” he says. Based in Levin, Thermawise Homes operates using pre-manufactured modular building components that, when assembled, form a complete structural/thermal exterior building shell. Grant says that the Thermawise Homes system and detailing allows the product to be used for virtually any type of building project with no compromises to the final appearance. The advantages of SIPs are seriously worth considering for anyone looking to build a new home, says Grant. He says that due to the insulation value of the panels the homes are incredibly energy-efficient and use far less energy to heat than conventionally framed homes meaning considerable savings for customers over time. “The standard 100mm Thermawise wall and roof panels have an R-value of R2.75. This compares with a typical timber framed wall with standard fibreglass batts insulation of R1.64. Thermawise designs with SIP ceiling and roof have a R5.50 rating with thicker panels up to R8 available. “In addition, because SIP is airtight, no insulation value is lost by air leakage,” explains Grant who says traditionally SIP has been used in commercial construction and in particular in cool stores for these very reasons. Because panel systems offer a dense, uniform and continuous air barrier with few thermal bridges air quality is superior as dust and outdoor pollutants cannot enter. As part of the positive insulation properties of insulated panel noise is greatly reduced over traditional methods and because the

Because the Thermawise Homes system is prefabricated it is rapid to install. panels are extremely strong yet light weight it is hurricane and earthquake resistant, he says. Because the Thermawise Homes system is prefabricated it is rapid to install - Grant estimates modular construction methods mean a home is built in a third of the time of traditional methods - and job site wastage is reduced during construction. The resulting home is low maintenance and looks no different to any house built using more common building methods as a wide range of exterior finishes can be used. All Thermawise homes have individual engineering certification to show compliance with New Zealand codes and all materials have

BRANZ approval. SIP used by the company is manufactured in New Zealand. Thermawise Homes offers customers new home builds, either from the customer’s plans, a custom design by Thermawise or one of the Thermawise read to go plans, using SIP. Grant says the plans are rarely used as –is though with Thermawise customizing them to suit the client’s individual requirements and site. The company can also supply kitsets. Grant, who has had a background in running companies in various aspects of the building industry including roofing and insulated panel manufacture, started Thermawise Homes in 1992.

All Thermawise homes have individual engineering certification to show compliance with New Zealand codes and all materials have BRANZ approval.

Initially focusing largely on commercial buildings he quickly realised the potential of the product for the residential market and produced the company’s popular series of home designs around eight years ago to meet demand. Thermawise Homes can be built anywhere and have been including in the Pacific Islands. As awareness grows around environmentally sustainable and warm homes Thermawise is also growing – Grant says it has doubled in the past year with this coming year on track for similar growth. As a result Grant says that he is currently seeking people to act as agents for the brand around New Zealand.

CONTRACTING » Tararua Roofing

Business Central

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Roofing expert has plenty on the go Kelly Deeks Long-standing Lower Hutt roofing and siding contractor Tararua Roofing has had its busiest 12 months for several years, enjoying a range of large and technically challenging projects in and around Wellington. One of these projects which Tararua Roofing has recently completed was the largest reroof project ever undertaken in Wellington, at Porirua’s historic Todd Park. The former motor assembly plant turned factory and warehousing space required a $3 million reroof which covered 50,000sqm. Also this year, Tararua Roofing was selected to install Thermoclick polycarbonate sheeting to walls on a new block at Samuel Marsden Collegiate School in Karori. With an inherent design freedom, Thermoclick sheet systems provide exciting opportunities for visually striking yet extremely practical designs that are a world apart from the drab uniformity of traditional flat panels. The innovative Thermoclick interlocking sheet system delivers attractive, profile-free frontages, which are easy to install and also enhance thermal and acoustic performance. The low maintenance polycarbonate resists rusting, rotting, and warping. Tararua Roofing managing director Wayne Miscall says the product had previously not been installed with windows, so the company’s onsite staff, along with supply partners Ampelite and Dimond Roofing, worked out the details and completed the works to an excellent standard. More recently completed by Tararua Roofing was a house reroof project where a WarmRoof system was installed. Wayne says the many challenges on this very complex contract were overcome thanks to a close working relationship with supply partner Viking Roofspec. A WarmRoof is for low slope roofs and includes insulation installed on top of the roof structure, so the building is insulated from the outside. The energy-efficient roof insulation system provides healthy indoor temperatures while decreasing the amount of heating energy required. The dew point is on the outside of the building, eliminating damp or rotten materials inside. No ventilation of the ceiling cavity is required, and the roof cavity is left clear for wiring. Thermal bridging is avoided, significantly higher R-values are achieved, and air condition and heating costs are lowered. The rigid insulation sheets apply structural integrity to the roof.

Tararua Roofing recently completed the largest reroof project ever undertaken in Wellington, at Porirua’s historic Todd Park. Wayne says the challenges faced in these projects serve to highlight the dramatic changes and developments the roofing industry has seen, and indeed he has seen in the 30 years he has partnered Tararua Roofing. “The changes have been huge over the past 30 years,” he says. “Not just in the excellent products we now have on offer today, but when I first started there were no computers, no mobile phones, no contracts acts, and health and safety was a dirty word. Changes had to be made.” These continuing changes to health and safety standards and government regulations in the building sector, combined with Tararua Roofing’s current work load, life in the office is full on. Tararua Roofing will price most contracts from house additions and new homes for a group of regular builder clients, to large commercial projects, with Tararua Roofing working with most large building companies in the Wellington region. The company has also completed work out of town for regular building company clients.

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Proud supplier of world-class waterproofing materials to Tararua Roofing

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CONTRACTING » Denis Wheeler Earthmoving

Business Central

Everything from demolition to dams Sue Russell Twelve years ago Denis ‘Wheels’ Wheeler decided it was time to change direction, moving away from farming to providing earth-moving services in the Taranaki. He started out on his own, with one digger and one truck and over the ensuing years has grown to the point that these days he is ‘boss’ to eight staff who between them operate seven diggers ranging in size from two to thirty tonne, two bob-cats, four trucks and various of-road dump trucks. “I don’t want to grow any further. Over the years we’ve concentrated our work on housing and commercial developments and these days also do a lot of demolition work. We bring a commercial building down, level and develop the site. It’s often complex and demanding work, taking down an old building surrounded by others and we have evolved a strong reputation in this field,” Denis says. His time is taken up on finding and pricing work though Denis admits to enjoying working on the gear as needed. He is also very proud of his fleet of equipment which is all up-to-date and wellmaintained. “Maintenance is a big thing especially in this day when health and safety is critical. Machines have to be up to standard and I take my gear to AB Equipment who are experienced in servicing all the equipment I have and maintaining accurate servicing records.” With respect to the critical issue of Health and Safety Denis’s attitude is clear and straightforward. “In this industry, if you don’t get in on the ground floor and obey the rules then it is hard to deal with. I have always adopted new regulations and responsibilities as soon as these evolve and just grow with it, then it’s not a problem to remain compliant.” Along with, demolition, earth-moving and reestablishing sites the company also services the energy sector in the region with excavation work. When Business Central spoke with Denis the company had completed demolishing Spotwood College’s gymnasium. While the building which had stood the test of time for four decades took sixmonths to build it’s demise took a matter of hours. “We had no problems at all even though she (the gym) put up a good fight. It’s a case of having the

Phone: 06 7575197 34 Hurlstone Drive, New Plymouth.

Skilled operators on the right equipment is the key to tricky demolition jobs, says contractor Denis Wheeler, from Taranaki based Denis Wheeler Earthmoving. skilled operators on the right equipment,” Dennis says. Other projects have included the new BMX track at Bell Block and demolition of the Marsh-Kirby building. The variety of work the company takes on, anything from levelling expansive chook-shed floors, to constructing dams is one of the key reasons why his experienced team enjoy coming to work. “They love working for me because they never know what is coming up and I make sure I take care of them and show I value in their work by working around their other interests and commitments. It’s important they get good breaks and family time. “One of the best compliments I have ever had is from my team who said they don’t feel like I’m the

boss. I’m a mate,” Denis says. When asked about one or two stand-out projects Denis recalls demolishing the century old Carrington House boarding facility at New Plymouth Boys High School, discovering scrawlings and signatures from former students stretching back to that time. “We are tending to do demolition work on older buildings which sadly don’t meet earthquake standards these days and while it is sad to see

some old buildings go it means that we play a part in creating an evolving city landscape. I get a great deal of satisfaction from driving around this city and seeing projects we have been fundamental to creating.” Having enjoyed many years working in Taranaki Denis says it is good to be able to contribute back including sponsoring junior rugby and golf. “You have to put a little back in and we really enjoy helping out where we can.”

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Business Central

| 79

Hamilton firm stands the test of time Karen Phelps F.B. Hall & Co Ltd has had a change of management. It may not sound unusual but for a company with the long history of F.B. Hall & Co. Ltd, changes like this do not happen often, says new general manager Joe Calkin. The Hamilton based company has been working in the region since 1923 and has only had half a dozen managers in that time. Joe has clocked up two decades, coming in on the tools and progressing to a foreman role then commercial contract estimating and management, before taking the general manager role recently. He says no big changes will take place – there’s no point in altering a formula that has worked well for nearly a century. The focus will be on bringing fresh ideas into the company to take it forward into the future, rather than sweeping changes he says. “We are particularly looking to take advantage of opportunities arising due to the current levels of building activity by proving our well established service backed by honesty and integrity that has carried us so well through the years.” he says. F.B. Hall & Co Ltd provides residential and commercial clients with a range of plumbing and gas fitting services including drain laying, and backflow surveys, working early in the build process to provide knowledge to the best advantage for clients. The company’s services are backed by sheet metal and roofing repair departments. The company works for a range of clients from homeowners to developers, undertaking everything from fixing a leaky tap to large commercial projects. Although predominantly working in Hamilton, F.B. Hall & Co. Ltd will travel in the central North Island for large contracts. Systems are the backbone of the successful business with a particular focus on health and safety. Joe says that safety evaluation is a prerequisite for any job that may be undertaken and the company has a sound system that has been audited by various main contractors and employers and found to be very effective. The company is a member of Site Safe with all staff holding a current Building Construction Passport License. “We run monthly staff safety meetings, which are recorded and topical. We have larger clients attend our workshop to run their own inductions and site requirements, during which our team is encouraged to provide feedback and input into all things safety related. Having the forms and documents at hand ensures safety remains a part of our everyday work habits and sustains our ‘safety first’ culture,” he explains. Keeping up with the latest industry developments is a vital aspect of running a modern company. F.B. Hall & Co Ltd is a member of the Master Plumbers Association and Mike Wilson, company director and commercial estimator and contracts manager, is the Waikato Master Plumbers Association president. F.B. Hall & Co Ltd also places great importance on training staff, particularly apprentices. “Getting enough qualified people is a hindrance to growth,” says Joe.

Hamilton company F.B. Hall & Co. has been providing plumbing services to the region since 1923, services backed by ‘honest and integrity’, says new general manager Joe Calkin.

“We try to mitigate this by focusing on training and we’re really proud to have produced some top plumbers and gas fitters as a result.” F.B. Hall & Co Ltd is owned by seven shareholders, all of whom work in the company. “There are no sleeping partners,” says Joe,

who is one of the company shareholders. “It’s a structure that’s served the company well over the years. Everyone is actively involved and we have a great company culture, a fun, friendly team-based environment. “We aim to maintain and grow our foothold in

the Waikato and continue to be part of creating the future fabric of our region. “It’s exciting to be involved with helping to create the spaces and venues where our people live and work, where communities are formed and memories made.”

Commercial Specialists for new work and repairs • Blocked Drains • High Pressure Drain Cleaner • Roofing and Spouting • Sheet Metal • IQP Certified for backflow preventers

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Business Central


New Plymouth firm on world stage Sue Russell Steve Scott of New Plymouth firm Rivet Ltd has been involved in the business of engineering sheet and stainless steel products for nearly a quarter of a century. In that time he has built the company’s capabilities to the where it is now able to offer complete fabrication services to its clients. When the company began he was one of three, in partnership with his brother and father but a decade ago he and wife Mel took over complete ownership. These days Steve is focused upon business development and marketing while Mel takes care of the financial systems. “We run two engineering workshops. Our ‘shiny shop’ specialises in stainless steel, aluminium, brass and other ‘sheet’ materials. “This includes design and manufacturing of commercial and domestic kitchens. We can also offer custom design of other machinery, flashings, shower trays and aluminium structures for the marine sector,” Steve says. The ‘rusty shop’ deals in medium to heavy engineering projects in carbon steel. In the last three years Rivet Ltd has expanded its capabilities in carbon steel fabrication. This has included the fabrication and erecting of structural steel for the construction industry. Moving more in to construction-type projects has opened up new doors and some amazing projects. One in particular, the stainless steel cladding of the famous Len Lye Centre, has heralded Rivet Ltd on to the world stage. The building has made it to the finals of the World Architectural Awards to be decided in Berlin in November and when Business Central spoke with Steve he was in the process of preparing to head overseas. Steve has been invited to be a guest speaker in Australia at the ASSDA (Australian Stainless Steel Development Association) and will then travel on to Europe for the awards presentations. “As a company, to be offered the opportunity to complete the cladding of the building which is dedicated to kinetic sculptor Len Lye who left all

Rivet has expanded its capabilities in carbon steel fabrication, including the fabrication and erecting of structural steel for the construction industry.

his works of art to the Gallery of New Plymouth is just an amazing accolade. The Stainless Steel façade was always going to be a test of our abilities. “We had to invest in new laser cutting, develop and build special tooling for existing plant/equipment and increase our staff numbers,” Steve says.

Sourcing the 32 tonne of materials used for the exterior cladding was a big challenge. There is only one factory in the world which was able to supply the stainless steel sheet to the exact standards specified and the level of surface protection required to facilitate manipulation into its finished shape. When asked how the company has thrived through the past 25 years in a very competitive environment Steve says it comes down to employing ‘good buggers’. “We’re really big on culture. While we can teach skills of the industry we can’t teach attitude so that is always my priority when looking at taking on new staff. “They have to fit with our commitment to

excellence and work in well with colleagues. We all share the same vision and that is why we are successful.” Rivet Ltd has invested in laser cutting technology that allows for plate to be cut precisely and extremely efficiently. It is also implementing a quality management system in compliance with AS/NZ ISO 9001. Accreditation is planned by the end of 2016. “We are already informally up to scratch with how we operate but the ISO processes are enabling us to evolve and document all our management systems to that standard. “You have to understand what is required and tune your own systems to that standard and I see it as a very worthwhile process.”


Proud to supply Rivet NZ with quality steel and stainless products for their innovative engineering solutions. FOR ALL YOUR STEEL REQUIREMENTS Contact the experts 0800 478 335

“As a company, to be offered the opportunity to complete the cladding of the building which is dedicated to kinetic sculptor Len Lye who left all his works of art to the Gallery of New Plymouth is just an amazing accolade.” • email •

• Metro Services • General Freight • Containers • Hire Equipment


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The 32 tonnes of stainless steel cladding used on the Len Lye Centre in New Plymouth has put Rivet Ltd on to the world stage.

Rivet’s cutting division offers component manufacturing for one-off items through to large batch manufacturing

460 Devon St East, New Plymouth P 06 769 6408 E W

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Business Central

CONTRACTING » FIltration Technology

Council future proofs water supply Jo Bailey National water and wastewater treatment solutions provider Filtec is now making improvements to the Levin Water Treatment Plant, providing a significant upgrade to the facility that will help to future-proof the town’s water supply with more storage capacity and new treatment systems. Horowhenua District Council civil design engineer Garth Flores says the water going in to the plant comes from the Ohau River, and during wet weather, the plant would have to stop pumping from the river due to the large volume of mud. Likewise in the summer, when the water level is low in the river, things get into the water that can’t be removed with a filter. “We will have a new clarification system which can handle the additional volume of mud during wet weather, and a new UV peroxide system to sterilise, disinfect, and remove taste and odour from the water,” he says. “We can keep treating water all year round, we don’t have to lose any water, and we can say with certainty our water is good to drink.” He says future proofing the plant was an important aspect, since changing Drinking Water Standards of New Zealand over the past 10 to 15 years have seen the Levin Water Treatment Plant slip to more of a B-grade system. “Standards are getting harder and stricter every year,” he says. “We want to make sure we get that A-grade, with a multiple filtration and clarification process, and a more robust plant for today, and hopefully for the next 50 to 100 years.” Horowhenua District Council operates five drinking water supply schemes, with Levin’s the last to be upgraded, following Tokomaru, Shannon, Foxton and Foxton Beach. Before Filtec arrived on site, the Levin Water Treatment Plant’s capacity was increased from two existing concrete reservoirs - a four-million-litre tank built in 1965, and a 2.5-million-litre tank built in 1943, with the construction of a new sixmillion-litre reservoir tank, measuring 31 metres in diameter and nine metres high. The new reservoir tank, made from glass fused to steel for corrosion resistance and ease of maintenance, has increased Levin’s water storage capacity from 19 hours, and only 13 hours during peak demand in summer, to 24 hours. Filtec is now in the early stages of construction on site and the plant upgrades will be finished early next year. Filtec is working on site amongst 60-year old plant with a lot of existing infrastructure, and buried infrastructure at that. Once discovered, some of this

Improvements to the Levin water treatment plant include the addition of a 6 million litre reservoir tank, and multiple filtration and clarification processes. Filtec is adding treatment processes before and after the existing treatment, requiring three new buildings to be constructed on site. has been difficult to identify due to its age. Filtec is adding treatment processes before and after the existing treatment process, and this requires three new buildings to be constructed on site. The plant’s existing pressure filters will remain, and Filtec is installing a clarifier to treat water before it gets to the filters. Filtec is also providing the new UV peroxide system, which in case of any water events that create taste and odour, will remove these from the water. The plant is still running and Filtec coordinates its work around it. Short shut downs are required from time to time, but these don’t affect the town’s water supply thanks to the recently increased water storage capacity.

“We will have a new clarification system which can handle the additional volume of mud during wet weather, and a new UV peroxide system to sterilise, disinfect, and remove taste and odour from the water.”

Filtec project manager Mike Evans says the range of work involved in this type of project is well suited to Filtec, which has a group of highly qualified and motivated staff offering a full service for the design, build, installation, and

commissioning of small and large sized treatment projects. With more than 26 years in business, Filtec now operates out of Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, and Melbourne.

Business Central


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Taylorcorp harnessing technology to stay ahead Sue Russell Fourth generation orchardist Cameron Taylor works with his siblings and their father Kelvin on their 300 hectare family-owned apple orchard near Taradale, in the Hawke’s Bay. Carrying the legacy and progressing the company on since Kelvin’s grandfather first began growing apples back in the 1880’s is a responsibility they have a large amount of passion for. “I purchased the original plot here in 1968, I was 18 years old and sold my car to purchase the land. It was a case back then that the inflation level common for the day helped us to acquire more land as it became available,” Kelvin explains. Until year 2000, with an orchard area of approximately 150 hectares and a regulated industry the Taylor’s, like all other growers were required to sell their produce through ENZA but when these restrictions were lifted it meant another chapter in the development of the orchard to its current size. Key to the company’s continued success, despite a challenging year in 2005, has been control of the entire growing, harvesting, packing and selling of their crop which is now chiefly exported to Asian countries. “There has definitely been a positive shift for us in the past few years with easing exchange rates and better selling conditions,” says Cameron. “Our Asian-based customers prefer, the sweeter apples, such as Queen and Royal Gala. A key benefit selling to Asian countries is the fruit is sold at fixed prices, with payment normally up-front.”

To help harvest the apples, Taylorcorp employs workers through the RSE programme from Tonga, Thailand, Fiji and Tuvalu. “We began bringing in workers from the Islands 8 years ago. Hard-working people who are the back-bone of our labour-force and this gave us the confidence to grow. Without knowing we can regularly access orchard workers through this programme we would struggle to find enough staff from within the New Zealand labour-force,” he says. Technology has also heavily impacted on how the apples are graded, moving away from sole dependence on highly-skilled sorters to the use of a camera to undertake the initial sorting. “We grade our fruit with cameras which take about 40 photos of every apple to determine whether each apple meets the required standards. “Currently we have the cameras processing approximately 2000 apples per minute and this is our third season with the technology. “This technology is capable of processing far more apples than this and we look forward to seeing the equipment reach its maximum output in the near future.” Taylorcorp was the first apple grower in the world to use Oritain, a NZ based Company which uses forty different isotopes to help track an apple by using its DNA, this helps stop other countries selling their fruit under the Taylor brand. Looking to other parts of greater Asia for future markets, New Zealand is currently discussing its trade agreement, to reduce the current 52% Tariff with India. Thailand, Cambodia and Laos are still relatively new markets that bode well for future growth.

Key to the company’s continued success has been control of the entire growing, harvesting, packing and selling of its crop.

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Food fraud protection We provide excellence in product traceability by scientifically proving the origin of your products.


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Business Central

Heritage helps drive couple forward Sue Russell Hawke’s Bay couple Wendy and John Evans are proud of the three generation orcharding heritage that they can each trace. This long connection with producing fruit on the fertile land in Twyford, near Hastings, though hard to put into words, makes all the difference in the world to them. While they are responsible for the daily running of the 80 hectare orchard Wendy’s father Ron Flower, as managing director, is equally involved in guiding the company’s development in the future. He’s also a dab-hand at general engineering, having designed and installed a significant proportion of the machinery and general infrastructure. “He’s a self-taught engineer and he pretty much not only built but designed the machinery used to this day in the orchard,” John says. John’s own family connections to working on the land goes back to 1906 when great grandfather Fred Evans bought the block and ran it as a dairy farm until his son, John’s grandfather Gilbert converted from dairying to cropping and then subsequently to orchards. John’s Wayne is still actively involved on that orchard property. Markets are diverse these days as well. Traditionally the destination was either within the domestic market, the UK, Europe or the US but in the last 5 years as has happened with many commodities demand from Asian countries has increased significantly. “They have set the bar quite high in terms of quality which is a good healthy thing. It means we have to work hard to deliver quality consistently as is expected and we’re building a good reputation. “I think these standards are rationalising the exporting capability of those who can grow great fruit and those who can’t,” John says. Pears in particular require real skill to grow, harvest and market well John says. “They have to be stored below zero degrees for four weeks to trigger ripening and following that they take a good five days to become juicy. Pears are a special product that require special knowledge.” For the past five years Wendy and John have been members of healthy food promotion and advocacy organisation United Fresh the bags pears are sold in carry two health ticks, making them instantly recognisable as a safe, healthy food option. “United Fresh is a very good organisation to belong to,” says Wendy. “They have done a tremendous amount around supplying and promoting fruit in schools and the 5+ a day healthy eating programme,” she says. “They have also done a great deal of work on food safety. I feel this is extremely important for our industry,” says Wendy. Growing, harvesting, processing and selling three distinct fruits means there is always a lot to think about and be planning for along with constant activity on the property, something Wendy says has become a key focus for her in recent years as their need for good quality labour has increased.

The 80 hectare RJ Flowers’ orchard is situated on fertile ground at Twyford near Hastings.

“They have set the bar quite high in terms of quality which is a good healthy thing.”

“We quickly saw that taking care of our human resources was a vital component in our success. Historically we have tried all sorts of ways to find enough staff, experiencing contractors with some success and backpackers with limited success,” Wendy explains. With this experience in mind and the importance the couple place on their staff they have made the decision to focus on employing locals and promoting the concept that working in an orchard is a serious career option, leading to permanent fulltime employment and a career pathway. However there is still the need to look offshore for orchard workers and to facilitate this Wendy has been working through the process of credentialing the business to become a bonafide RSE (Recognised Seasonal Employment) employer. The volume of fruit harvested has continued to grow. This year 1584 bins of Kiwifruit were picked. Of that volume 134,667 were marketed as Class 1. The orchards produced 5074 bins of apples, with 102,519 Class 1 while 4228 bins of pears were harvested.

John and Wendy Evans are proud of their respective three generation orcharding heritages.

EPD Rises to the Challenge When Ron Flowers from RJ Flowers Ltd decided to upgrade his existing cool stores, it was EPD Ltd that he called on to automate the new CA control system. With a requirement to provide smart energy efficient technology, with simple controls, converting to a controlled atmosphere system was a logical step for RJ Flowers and EPD Ltd rose to the challenge. “While the refrigeration aspects of RJ Flower’s project were fairly standard, what’s different about its integrated control system is the level of accuracy,” says company Director Marshall Forman. “Most refrigeration systems drop the local temperature in the cool store to a fixed point and then idle the evaporator fans, which in turn introduces heat back into the room. By providing total control via our automated system, we are able to monitor multiple points within the cool store and isolate part or all of the refrigeration system as and when required. Simple, yet effective,” Marshall says. With the successful completion of this project in 2015 and with over 20 years of experience in the local industry, EPD Ltd has grown significantly over the past two years, diversifying into a multi-skilled electrical contracting business, with a

strong background in Automation, Telemetry and Industrial Projects. “It’s been a very exciting time to be part of this company,” says EPD Ltd Business Development Manager Brad Mason. “Continuing on from the company’s previous 20 years serving the Industry, here in Hawkes Bay and in fact, Nationwide. We have a tight-knit, very well aligned team and it feels essentially like a family business. We all enjoy working with each other and contributing our part to the total team effort,” says Brad. While that history has served as a foundation for the company to evolve from, Brad says EPD today is a very different business from its early days. “Today, EPD Ltd is a very focused and professionally structured company. We have a team of highly educated, highly skilled automation design, fabrication and installation engineers, who share a common vision around quality of work, responsiveness to our clients and delivering exceptional turn-key results.” According to Brad, the energy and commitment owners Marshall Forman and Glenn Kemp continue to inject into the business, has seen the company strengthen and diversify its skill base and services over the past few years. “Under their leadership, this company

has gone through a significant time of realignment and restructuring, ensuring a strong future of continued improvement and quality service. The right staff have been employed, supply chains and supplier partnerships have been enhanced and company operations nailed down” If Brad were to sum up the major shift in services offered and the work EPD Ltd now undertakes, it is geared around automation engineering and turn key solutions. When asked what’s special about the culture of the company, he says that comes down to the hands-on attitude Glenn and Marshall have. “While they are the company directors, they still work in the field when needed and are still very much at the coal-face. I think this is good for the team, everyone works together, from the top down. They also value and encourage input from the team on a regular basis. We have some very smart operatives and from our collective experience, we can usually find the best solution to any customer requirement. Everyone contributes.” EPD – Electrical Process Development Ph: 06 876 0806 Email:

• Design • Installation • Service • Automation • Reticulation • Innovation

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HORTICULTURE » Yummy Fruit Company

Business Central

Paul builds on family’s proud legacy Sue Russell Paul Paynter’s forebears first started growing apples near Nelson 154 years ago, a heritage Paul, who carries the business at this time in its journey, is very proud of. “The first shipment of apples from the original orchard near Nelson happened in 1863,” he says. In 1903 Paul’s great-great uncles Ralph and Horace pioneered the first move to Hawke’s Bay, followed in 1930 by his grandfather Howard. For testament to the fortitude and foresight of his grandfather and father, Paul need only look at what has been achieved in what he describes as a really tough industry. “Farming of any nature in this country is hard. When you are competing with other countries for export markets it’s even more so, given our distance from markets and the costs involved in shipping. It’s a high risk enterprise,” Paul says. He has focused his energies on creating valueadded opportunities from the fruit the company produces and one significantly successful way this has been achieved is in specialising in growing Ambrosia apples that originated from Canada. Ambrosia has been the Yummy Fruit Company’s flagship product now for some years and Paul says it’s been especially pleasing to see how well the domestic market has responded. “We started planting Ambrosia over 50 hectares in 1997/98 and our aim now is to have 150 hectares in the fruit in five or six years’ time. “Growing fruit of any sort is an enterprise not for the faint-hearted as the ‘runway’ is very long between establishing the orchard and bearing a productive amount of fruit.” This is so much the case that Paul acknowledges at this time in his 40’s the benefits of the work he and the team are investing in now won’t ‘bear fruit’ for fifteen or so years.

The Yummy Fruit Company’s aim is to have 150 hectares planted in ambrosia apples in five or six years’ time. “You are in this industry because you’re passionate about it. It’s intergenerational by nature and my role now is to continue the legacy of growing the company well, that my family set off doing all those many years ago.”

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In the 1980s, one small addition changed the New Zealand fruit industry forever. Proud to be labelling with The Yummy Fruit Co. since the beginning

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Another new brand ‘Sweetango’ has been scientifically proven to be the worlds’ crunchiest apple and is recorded as such in the Guinness Book of Records. Paul says this amazing fruit distinguishes itself

from others given not only its crunchiness but also by the amount of juice it produces. “The Sweetango originates from Minnesota and is an early season apple.” Alongside apples the Yummy Fruit Company

Business Central

HORTICULTURE » Yummy Fruit Company

Ambrosia apples are the Yummy Fruit Company’s flagship product. is the biggest stone fruit producer in the country. Approximately 75% of what is produced on the orchard is consumed by the domestic market. For Paul, having consumers close to where the fruit is produced is really important. “There’s something lost in the relationship between supplier and consumer when you’re exporting products so far away. It’s about the time/ distance separation and for us our local market is incredibly important for that reason.” The Yummy ‘Apple in the Schools’ programme was introduced by the company as a way of encouraging healthy eating with a significant ‘payback’ for schools. Since starting the programme, which essentially turns apples eaten by students into sports equipment for their schools, some 800 schools have joined. When Business Central spoke with Paul the annual ‘sticker-count’ was about to get underway. “We literally have a room full of stickers collected by schools to count and for us is great to be able to provide money for sports gear in return.”

“Growing fruit of any sort is an enterprise not for the fainthearted as the ‘runway’ is very long between establishing the orchard and bearing a productive amount of fruit.” The programme is so successful that when Yummy Fruit Company thought about pulling the pin on the project the schools responded with a clear message that they wanted the programme to continue. Over half of the produce sold locally is marketed through Food Stuffs though in recent years Yummy Fruit has been increasingly sold through the increasing number of New Zealand independent and specialty stores.

Refrigeration specialists Hawke’s Bay Refrigeration has grown to become the region’s leading provider of specialised total in-house refrigeration solutions since founding in 1992. Founder and CEO Shayne Murphy says that in the nearly 25 years since establishing the company its size and capability has grown organically to the point now that it offers highly specialised refrigeration, air-conditioning and ventilation technology solutions servicing the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors, including the horticulture and food processing industries in Hawke’s Bay and throughout New Zealand. “The refrigeration industry is a continually evolving and expanding one, with the impact not only of new technology and its applications but also in the regulatory environment driven by the Government demanding greater efficiencies and environmental sustainability,” Shayne says. The company’s solutions driven design capability is its core strength enabling Hawkes Bay Refrigeration to take on complete go-to-whoa projects. Working in the design team alongside Shayne is Scott Klem and Mike McIvor with the remaining 36 team members employed as refrigeration engineers, installation technicians and support staff. Maintaining up to the minute understanding of new refrigeration technologies has always been a priority of the business and to support this Hawke’s Bay Refrigeration is a member of the ‘Climate Control Companies Association’, dedicated to promoting, controlling and steering the future directions of the refrigeration sector. “We are proud of the team we’ve built

over the years. They’re hard-working skilled practitioners across many disciplines, including refrigeration engineers with advanced trade, Fitter and turner, welders, buildings and electricians. “It means in most cases we have absolute control of the whole project. We have a significant number of repeat clients who come back to us because of this capability.” Hawke’s Bay’s Yummy Fruit Company is such a business. Having designed and built their large coolstores and controlled atmosphere coolrooms Hawke’s Bay Refrigeration has continued to enhance systems creating added energy and environmental efficiencies for the boutique apple exporter. The company also backs up it projects with ongoing maintenance contracts specifically tailored to meet the needs of clients. Hawke’s Bay Refrigeration understands the highly critical nature of the environmental and energy efficiencies demanded of today’s modern refrigeration plants. The company specialises in a wide range of systems and services for its commercial and industrial clients, including Ammonia refrigeration work, temperature-controlled processing rooms, cool rooms and freezer rooms, blast chilling units, industrial ventilation and cold stabilization systems for the wine industry to name a few. The company’s consultancy and design capability has continued to expand in scope and capability. “We understand just how critical it is to ensure optimum energy use and we tailor the design, manufacture and installation of our refrigeration and air-conditioning systems to exactly suit the specific context of each client’s project,” says Scott.

• Air conditioning • Refrigeration • Glycol • Preventative Maintenance • Building Warrant of Fitness When you call Hawke’s Bay Refrigeration for your refrigeration solution, we can provide you with a full design build service. HBR provide engineering solutions through innovative design. We draw our wealth of knowledge from many years and people operating within the local refrigeration industry. We take pride in our designs and have a committed team ready and able to provide your business a quality refrigeration solution.

Hawke’s Bay Refrigeration is proud to support The Yummy Fruit Company

Hastings 06 878 8002 Napier 06 835 8002

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Business Central

Zeafruit goes from strength to strength Sue Russell Since incorporating in May 2000 Zeafruit Ltd has grown into one of this country’s leading citrus and avocado marketing and logistics businesses, and this can be clearly seen in the new post harvest packing facility which it opened in June this year at Patutahi in Gisborne. Managing director and head of marketing, Cantabrian Glen Dunseath says that between 2003 and 2005 the focus for the company was about creating a network of citrus growers whose fruit juice was primarily sold to the Charlies Juice business. “They were looking for a company that could guarantee supply of sufficient volumes for their juicing operation and it was during those years we realised there was an opportunity for growers and Zeafruit Ltd to build on branding fresh fruit in New Zealand, hence the ‘Charlies’ fruit brand was born,” says Glen. A change to the company’s shareholding in 2009, and a new emphasis on developing new revenue streams saw Zeafruit enter the avocado industry partnering with a number of key domestic and export growing organisations. “Six years on in avocados our partner growers will collectively provide Zeafruit with 470,000 trays for the domestic market along with total production of oranges, limes, lemons and mandarins of 6000 tonnes.

“Our partner-growers have nocost access to ongoing relevant industry information including technical bulletins, pest and disease manuals, regular field days, best practice guidelines and weekly technical and market updates.”

“Last year we marketed 27.4% of total domestic sales for avocados, an outstanding result for a small business such as ours.” One of Zeafruit’s founding values and purposes is to provide it citrus partner-growers with ongoing technical and practical support. To deliver this, the company has its own team of hands-on technical advisors, led by Gisbornebased Juan Ferrere. This support includes providing practical, technical, and proven NZGAP compliance advice developing sustainable production practices and reporting, demonstrating that systems exist to ensure fruit is safe to eat and that attention has been given to protecting the environment. Glen says that one of the core reasons Zeafruit provides it citrus partner-growers with ongoing technical and practical support.

Zeafruit has been so successful in attracting a significant number of growers is the quality of the partnership relationship that the company demonstrates in really practical ways. “Our partner-growers have no-cost access to ongoing relevant industry information including technical bulletins, pest and disease manuals, regular field days, best practice guidelines and weekly technical and market updates. “Equally important to Zeafruit is developing longevity in its customer relationships, adding value to our citrus and avocado produce through developing consumer focused brands and creating sound marketing systems that are consistently adhered to.” The company also supplies and markets lemons, mandarins and navel oranges to export markets, but Glen admits that it is a developing area that needs more focus.

Proud to supply specialised transport logistic for ZEAFRUIT Phone 06 867 3924

Looking at key strategic goals Glen says the next five years will see the business in growth phase lead by generic growth in avocado consumption and consequent plantings to meet demand, supported by growth in citrus as new varieties come into significant production volumes. “The opening of our new packing site allows us the freedom and security to expand our product range and capitalise on opportunities that the market provides – it is a good space to be in. “We’ve gone about establishing a marketing company built on strong foundations. “We’re always looking for new ways to add value to our key relationships with growers and customers and I am sure Zeafruit will continue to play an important part in this country’s avocado and citrus production and marketing sectors.”

Proud to support Zeafruit Company and wish them all the best for the future 1029 Manchester St, Flaxmere, PO Box 2534 Hastings NZ P. 06 879 8195 F. 06 879 8335

Business Central


Zeafruit is a leading citrus and avocado marketing and logistics businesses, and this year opened a new post harvest packing facility at Patutahi.

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HORTICULTURE » St Andrews Limes

Business Central

Big demand for lime-based products Sue Russell It all started nearly 15 years ago when Hawke’s Bay lime producer Anthony Williamses’ wife, Alison, suggested they sell their limes at the local farmers’ market. “We had 100 trees on our property and initially thought we would sell the whole fruit directly to customers, so the Farmers Market was the ideal place to begin,” Anthony says. It wasn’t long before the couple decided to add value to the marketing of their crop by creating a lime vinaigrette, testing it on consumers at the market, along with a subsequent expanding range of lime-based condiments. “It just made sense to us, given no-one was producing products using limes. The feedback and sales we received made us feel we were really on to something new and exciting.” Once the local consumer had accepted there was a genuine market for lime-based products, the range quickly expanded, and in 2003, St Andrews Limes featured at the Wellington Food Show, following exposure in Cuisine Magazine. Today, St Andrews Limes has evolved into an industry leader, not only supplying the local domestic market with an extensive range of chutneys/pickles, cooking condiments, dressings, drinks and mixes, but also developing and marketing products for the hospitality and industrial sectors. While Anthony describes the first 10 years of business as slow and steady, demand has taken a significant leap in the last three years. The original 100 trees at the home orchard in St Andrews Road, Havelock North, produce three tonnes, and that fruit goes into the production of retail products. The vast bulk of raw fruit is sourced from growers outside Hawke’s Bay, and is squeezed for juice. The company has responded to opportunities the market presents. A typical example is a recent stand-out product, with the disarmingly appealing and appropriate name ‘Chilli Undressed’, which is proving very popular. The sugar-free, vinegar-free lemon dressing has a distinct tang, and adds a taste-sensation to seafood and chicken dishes, as well as a dipping sauce for fritters, spring rolls, samosas and the like. While half the business concentrates on the retail sector, the other half produces Preserved Lemons, lime and lemon juice and lime and lemon peel for industry and hospitality. “Limes are an autumn/winter bearing fruit crop, and here in Hawke’s Bay, there are challenges

Havelock North based St Andrews Limes has become an industry leader in lime-based products. growing limes, given their susceptibility to frosts. The best places really to grow limes, are in Gisborne and the Bay of Plenty,” says Anthony. While ground frost threats are managed through water jets releasing ‘warmer’ water, thereby creating an upward draft to keep the trees safe, a more significant problem is an ‘air-frost’ where it is colder above the trees than on the ground. “The weather in New Zealand is definitely changing. Last year we had 29 frosts while this year we have had 36. We seem to be getting more extremes and it is definitely much drier.” Weekdays we see customers coming to our on-site shop. Our produce may still be found at the ‘birth-place’ of the products, the Sunday Hawkes Bay Farmers Market. Other purchasing opportunities are on-line 24/7.

“It just made sense to us, given no-one was producing products using limes. The feedback and sales we received made us feel we were really on to something new and exciting.”


St Andrews Limes produces an extensive range of chutneys, pickles, cooking condiments, dressings, drinks and mixes.

Bringing you beautiful fruit from a bygone era hand-crafted into a delicious range of gourmet treats

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St Andrew’s Limes

4 Bathurst Street Heretaunga, Upper Hutt 5019 | 04 973 8585 | |

P: 06 211 0931 | 021 060 1033 W:

Business Central

HORTICULTURE » Rockit Apples

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Rockit blasts into new markets Sue Russell The last 12 months has been another year of significant growth for Havelock North apple exporting business Rockit Apples. Market Development Director, Phil Alison says key to this has been the continued growth in sales to new markets in Asia and the Middle East. “We had a very successful small introduction in the United Arab Emirates and have subsequently formed a significant retail relationship in Dubai, now holding number one position within the category of local sales through Spinneys,” Phil says. Rockit Apples are currently sold in 10 markets in Asia, with China, Taiwan and Vietnam being the top three. Phil says there are several key reasons why the marketing of the very small, highly sweet apples the company has world-wide ownership of, has been so successful. In the markets they have so far tapped, the apple is considered a premium product which suits their taste-buds and packaged the way it is in a plastic sleeve of three to six apples, it ‘knocks their socks of’ in terms of looks. “Traditionally in Asia they are not use to such a small apple and this is where the way the fruit is displayed really lends itself to the busy Asian lifestyle where consumers are actively on the go. In many of these cultures fruit is seen as very precious and is valued as a gift.” Instead of the apple being used as an ingredient, in these markets it is often used as a display piece or garnish, in the same way we see carrots being carved in to decorative features. Another reason why Rockit Apples are selling so well overseas is the consistency of the product. Given this, Phil and the team are looking further toward establishing sales markets within the hotel and hospitality sectors, opening up the potential for massive take-up in sales. Currently worldwide approximately 1.1 million trees are now at various stages of producing fruit.

Havelock North apple exporter Rockit Apples has seen continued growth in sales to new markets in Asia and the Middle East.

“When looking at harvesting volumes we have five years to go until all the trees currently planted are fully producing, so we are now turning our attention to a three year review of demand and supply to rationalise our planting and marketing strategies into the future phase of the company’s growth,” explains Phil.

In the past year, Rockit apples have looked to diversify products from the apple and have started production of Rockit juice and purees. “We think there is a huge potential in this area, given often other apple juices are a blend of different apples, which makes it hard to pinpoint a flavour to. “Our juice tastes exactly like the apple itself.” Reaction to the juice and purees has been particularly encouraging in Malaysia and Vietnam and Rockit is investigating organic production which will produce fruit destined to become juice and purees for the baby/infant food markets overseas. Looking ahead Phil says the decade ahead will focus also on expansion by tapping first-world regions such as the eastern European block. “Horticulture has taken off so much in New Zealand that land, human and physical resources needed to meet the demand are becoming increasingly difficult to find. “While horticulture has traditionally been seen as an industry ideal for the ‘back-packer’ to earn wages in picking and packing, this is not

“Horticulture has taken off so much in New Zealand that land, human and physical resources needed to meet the demand are becoming increasingly difficult to find.” the case now. The industry needs highly skilled practitioners in all the disciplines that create business.” To that end Phil says Rockit has always sought to employ Kiwis first, but given increases in volume of harvest in the next five years, he’s keen to see students at schools encouraged to view horticulture as a serious lifelong career. For those of us who have not tasted a Rockit apple here in New Zealand Phil says the 2 percent of crop volume sold here can be found in selected New World and Countdown supermarkets in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and Hawke’s Bay. 400 Ellison Rd, Has�ngs

Proud to be associated with Rockit Apples

Attractive packaging in a plastic sleeve attracts buyers in Asia.

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HORTICULTURE » EHC Orchard Management

Business Central

Growing the best fruit for clients Kelly Deeks From the management of a large greenfields orchard development 12 years ago on a former dry stock farm, which has now turned into a very large commercial kiwifruit grower, Edwards Heeney Consulting, or EHC Orchard Management, has grown to be managing more than 520ha of prime Bay of Plenty kiwifruit land. EHC’s client base has increased significantly over the past five years, since with its first big client and a few smaller, private clients, EHC was managing 120ha of orchard space and company directors Fee Edwards and Tom Heeney decided they wanted to keep growing. “That was when we teamed up with Trevelyan’s Pack and Cool, to add orchard management, contracting, and harvesting services to the world class packing and fruit storage facilities and services Trevelyan’s has been offering for the past 40 years,” Tom says. EHC Orchard Management also offers an independent orchard management option. While half of its clients are currently packing their fruit through Trevelyans, the other half are aligned to a variety of alternative pack houses. EHC Orchard Management understands when taking over the reins from a lifetime kiwifruit grower who has been running their own business well for years, there are bound to be different ways of doing things. “Our managers each have a portfolio of about 55ha and about 10 clients, and we tailor make our management plans to suit each client,” Tom says. “We offer any or all orchard management options, and our team continually strives to achieve the best possible outcomes for our growers. Our results are consistently well above the industry average.” As orchard owners themselves, husband and wife team Tom and Fee know the key to achieving great outcomes is by making sound decisions consistently throughout the growing season. “This, coupled with providing a high calibre of

“Our managers each have a portfolio of about 55ha and about 10 clients and we tailor make our management plans to suit each client.” suitably skilled and supervised staff ensures the best possible kiwifruit is grown for our clients,” Tom says. The EHC Orchard Management team is experienced in all aspects of kiwifruit orchard management including vine health, new developments, new varieties, graft management, canopy management and monitoring, soil and leaf testing, pollination, and frost monitoring. The company is committed to ensuring PSA monitoring is carried out regularly on all of its orchards and appropriate management strategies implemented in a timely fashion as required. 12 months ago, with EHC Orchard Management’s continuing steady growth, Tom and Fee decided it was time to consolidate this growth so employed a general manager, a field operations manager, and an office manager. “This allows the business to continue to provide excellent services to clients, and allow for planned growth as demand dictates,” Tom says. EHC Orchard Management now employs about 40 staff, and uses about 300 subcontractors, most of which spend the whole season with the company. Tom says the kiwifruit industry is becoming less seasonal, and for 11 months of the year it is full time. EHC Orchard Management continues to grow to stay ahead of grower demand, and always has capacity to take on new clients at any point of the season.

Husband and wife team Fee and Tom Heeney are directors of EHC Orchard Management.

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Business Central

HORTICULTURE » McGrath Nurseries

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Fruit tree nurserymen and IP managers Sue Russell On the outskirts of Cambridge, McGrath Nurseries Ltd is home to literally hundreds of thousands of young fruit trees, each one the physical expression of what business founder Andy McGrath describes as his core business; creating and managing the technology bridge that links tree and fruit breeding science with consumers here and worldwide. When Business North visited Andy and before receiving the guided tour of the nursery, to gain a sense of the scope of the tree cultivation operation, Andy McGrath began by articulating just what the business was all about. “This business has two distinct aspects to it. We are specialists in growing deciduous fruit tree varieties of apple, pear, peach, nectarine, apricot, plum and cherry trees and we’ve been doing this for nearly four decades now. “We are continually assessing our production systems with a view to resetting the bar on the quality of the trees we grow and the fruit those trees ultimately produce. The other world of our business is about intellectual property management systems that govern the ownership and production of fruit varieties, from importation, testing and development, commercialisation and managing royalty collection and payment systems,” says Andy. McGrath Nurseries Ltd is responsible for growing upward of 40 per cent of New Zealand’s apple trees, a massive 95% of cherry trees and 75% of apricots. “At a business level about 90% of what we grow requires licenses of the intellectual property and we have developed the systems and established the relationships with growers, packers and marketers here and overseas to achieve this.” Over 20 years ago McGrath Nurseries Ltd started importing superior rootstocks from Cornell University in the United States. These rootstocks are resistant to a number of common diseases which enable, this resistance allows the tree to have more energy available for growing instead of fighting disease. They are also a more productive rootstock, producing more fruit per tree than other common apple rootstocks such as M9. Evolving a new apple from breeding through to large-scale production takes time and a long-term view. “We are talking about a 15 year lead-in time so decisions we make today play out over a long period of time and the outcomes are influenced by factors in the future beyond our control.” McGrath Nurseries Ltd manages two varieties of apples, KORU ® Plumac c.v. globally and Honeycrisp in New Zealand. KORU ® Plumac c.v. has an incredibly crunchy texture and an exceptional flavour that is complex, aromatic and honey-like. It has received outstanding consumer test results overseas and is under controlled production, available only from McGrath Nurseries Ltd. “We hold the world rights to production and marketing of this apple and have managed

Andy McGrath, founder and managing director of Cambridge based McGrath Nurseries. The company grows 40 per cent of New Zealand’s apple trees and 95% of cherry trees. its production through development to commercialisation.” Honeycrisp is new to New Zealand and derives from a high-grade U.S. and Europe originating apple. “It’s an outstanding performer, yielding significant grower returns up to three times the retail price of other varieties. I can’t over-state the marketing potential for growers of this apple. It has an outstanding flavour and ‘explosive’ crispness,” says Andy. Andy describes the people he works alongside as core of the business, including the nursery tree ‘care-team’ who travel from Kiribati, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands under the Recognised Seasonal Employer programme. “Growing and caring for trees that begin their life a matter of centimetres above the soil is hard work and those we employ through our RSE status are excellent staff.” A visit to the McGrath Nurseries Ltd website offers the viewer a comprehensive body of information and a snap-shot describing how, from relatively humble beginnings some 38 years ago, the operation has grown into one of New Zealand’s largest and most successful fruit tree nursery and IP management entities.

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VITICULTURE » Beach House Wines

Business Central

Boutique winery Beach House wines was a big winner at this year’s Hawke’s Bay wine awards.

Top sites key to vineyard’s success Kelly Deeks Boutique wine producer Beach House wines has once again been recognised by its peers, winning two trophies and a gold medal at this year’s Hawke’s Bay A&P Bayleys Wine Awards. Beach House Cabernet Malbec 2014 won its second award in as many years, taking out the trophy for Red Blends – Cabernet Sauvignon Dominant. The other trophy winner was Beach House Cabernet Franc 2014 for Other Premium Red Varietals and Blends, while the Beach House Levels

Chardonnay 2015 took out a gold medal in the Chardonnay category. Beach House wines owner and chief winemaker Chris Harrison says it is great to be recognised by his peers, and to have them say Beach House Wines makes the best cabernet blend in Hawke’s Bay. Beach House Wines has been in business for 22 years, going from strength to strength and receiving numerous accolades, medals, and trophies over the years. Chris says site selection has a lot to do with a winemaker’s success, and Beach House Wines picked a couple of good spots.

The Levels Vineyard at Te Awanga has very little top soil and is largely made up of stony beach gravels. The stones are free draining, but with irrigation Chris can provide the optimum level of water the grape vines require, resulting in concentrated perfectly ripe fruit almost every season. The nearby Pacific Ocean provides a cool sea breeze helping to retain the fresh acidity required to make fine white wines, and lowering the incidence of disease. The Track Vineyard, in the world renowned Gimblett Gravels region of Hawke’s Bay, grows all of Beach House Wines’ red varieties as well as Beach House Wines Single Vineyard Chardonnay. “Our Gimblett Gravels site has a little more top soil than most of the gravels, which we believe gives our wines a distinct volume and richness,” Chris says.

Both the Track and the Levels Vineyards are Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand accredited. Chris says he has learned a million different things over the past 22 years, and just like any relationship, communication is now on a more effective level and the whole relationship is a lot more mellow. He says while in the old days it was all about making a big red wine, and how much tannin you could squeeze out of it, today he is making a red wine that is more drinkable. A large part of giving the customers what they want comes down to the Beach House Cellar Door, constructed at the Te Awanga vineyard in 2000, out of hay bales which keep it cool in the Hawke’s Bay summer heat. Open summer weekends from Labour weekend through until Easter for a relaxed but informative introduction to some of the Hawke’s Bays finest wines.

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INDEX Âť A Knight Builders ............................................34 Waihi Beach 021 562 895

Able Builders...................................................35 Wanganui 027 444 9358

Alandale Retirement Village ...........................22 Hamilton 07 854 0468

Arrow International .........................................74 Hamilton 07 838 0422

Atkin Construction ...........................................66 Napier 06 843 4925

Amak Construction ..........................................37 Palmerston North 027 205 0400

Beach House Wines ........................................94 Hastings 06 879 7242

Cambridge Homes Waikato.............................34 Cambridge 027 488 7766

Choice Commercial Interiors ..........................71 Wellington 04 801 9032

Crowe Construction .........................................48 06 368 8718

DNA Quality Builders.......................................44 Lower Hutt 027 779 8000

Denis Wheeler Earthmoving ...........................78 Urenui 021 397 399

DK Builders .....................................................28 Te Awamutu 07 871 5432

EHC Orchard Management ..............................92 Te Puke 07 573 9336

Elite Coastal Developments ............................64 Hamilton 0275 456 6355

Fabish & Jackson............................................57 Inglewood 0274 470 708

FBR Building ...................................................30 Te Awamutu 07 870 2992

FB Hall and Co ................................................79 Hamilton 07 847 4780

Filtec ................................................................... 82

RJ Flowers Orchard ............................................ 84

Auckland 09 274 4223

Hastings Ph: 06 8797472

Freear Philp ........................................................ 45

Rockit Apples ...................................................... 91

Wellington 04 473 5966

Havelock North 06 878 5664

Glenn Diffey Builders .......................................... 42

RPS Quality Homes ............................................. 54

Hamilton 078472529

Golden Homes - Gillies Realty ............................ 43 Upper Hutt 04 528 0010

Hofmans Builders ............................................... 40 New Plymouth 06 757 8931

Humphries Construction ..................................... 68 Palmerston North 06 952 3584

Knight Building.................................................... 25 Turangi 07 386 6355

Location Homes Taranaki .................................... 46 New Plymouth 027 440 0506

Lunix Homes ....................................................... 33 Te Awamutu 07 871 2877

MCL Construction ............................................... 61 Hastings 06 8760252

McGrath Nurseries .............................................. 93 Hamilton 021 479 156

Navigation Homes Central Plateau ..................... 52 021 288 0018

Naylor Love ......................................................... 13 Wellington 04 586 3192

Porters Boutique Hotel ........................................ 14 Havelock North 06 8771234

Prontobuild ......................................................... 44 Napier 021 907 300

Richards Construction......................................... 36 Marton 06 327 6863

Rivet.................................................................... 80 New Plymouth 06 769 6408

Hamilton 07 854 1387

S & J Mackay Builders ........................................ 38 Paraparaumu 04 298 7878

Speldhurst Country Estate .................................. 18 Levin 06 927 9903

St Andrews Limes ............................................... 90 Havelock North 06 877 4683

Stark Property ..................................................... 58 Hamilton 021 718 563

Stead Construction.............................................. 65 Hastings 06 878 0048

Surtees Boats ..................................................... 96 Whakatane 07 322 8461

Tararua Roofing .................................................. 77 Lower Hutt 04 569 3074

Taylor Corp.......................................................... 83 021 470 051

Thermawise ........................................................ 76 Levin 0800 284 539

The Yummy Fruit Company ................................. 86 Hastings 021 242 8264

TPB Properties ...................................................... 7 Rotorua 021 487 233

Village at the Park............................................... 21 Wellington 04 380 1361

WC Construction ................................................. 32 Te Awamutu 021 249 2963

ZB Homes ........................................................... 26 Te Awamutu 021 550 744

Zeafruit ............................................................... 88 Gisborne 0275 974 726

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Business Central

MARINE » Surtees Boats

Demand drives factory expansion Karen Phelps Whakatane based company Surtees Boats has significantly expanded its production capacity to meet growing demand in both New Zealand and Australia. The company has constructed a 900 m² building on its site, which company CEO Adam Dyck says will increase the company’s output by 40 per cent over the next two years. “This building will allow us to streamline our alloy fabrication as presently demand for our product is exceeding supply,” he explains. The company was started in 1993 by Neil Surtees, a boilermaker by trade and keen fisherman, who wanted a boat to cross the Whakatane bar to go fishing with his mates. The result was the basis of a Surtees boat and the beginning of a multi million dollar company. According to Adam key points of difference in the marketplace for the company focus on quality of construction and ride. He says the company boasts arguably the smoothest riding hull on the market. The company’s hull design brings together two important technologies – a deep V hull, which cuts through the water, and stabilising ballast technology. Adam says that both result in a smooth, superior ride experience. As testament the company has just been invited to Australia’s Greatest Boats 2017 to test its 700 Game Fisher model. It’s a real coup for the company as only five alloy boats from around the world are invited to compete each year. The Surtees 700 Game Fisher was also the highest scoring mono hull reviewed by Trade-ABoat magazine, a significant Australian publication for the industry. Importantly, the reviewer rated the boat as the only alloy boat in the world that beat a fibreglass boat on ride quality. Adam says both achievements will garner the company huge publicity. He says that the company’s quality is the result of its staff. Surtees Boats hires trade qualified welders and puts them through a rigorous in-house training program, which takes over a year to complete.

Surtees alloy boats combine a deep V hull with stabilising ballast technology, resulting in a smoother, superior ride according to CEO Adam Dyck. Adam says the result is an unsurpassed weld, which allows the company to offer the only 10-year hull warranty in the industry. “We are the only alloy boatbuilding company to provide this guarantee so that gives a pretty good indication of how confident we are of the quality of product we are producing. We have never had a compromised hull,” he says. Another example of the company’s focus on quality is the fact that each boat has six internal stringers running the length of the hull. It’s just another quality factor resulting in rigidity and durability explains Adam. A unique factor in the company’s boat building

process is that a single boat builder builds each vessel from start to finish. “It’s a move away from mass production where each person completes just one part of the process. “Our builders are artisan craftspeople and build each boat from start to finish. They sign their name on the back of the boat once it is completed. This gives greater accountability and a real sense of pride. Each boat is a work of art.” While it can be typically challenging in the industry to source sufficient highly qualified boat builders, Adam says this has never been an issue for Surtees Boats, despite the fact the company

headquarters is located in a rural area, due to its strong focus on craftsmanship. “Staff come to us because they can create a high quality product and be proud of what they do. We hire largely from the local community as we like to support locals.” It is these factors and others, which is seeing the company experience exponential growth with typically 200 to 250 forward bookings for orders. “We entered the Australian market around eight years ago and have a strong presence in New Zealand. Each year the brand is continuing to gain momentum and we will continue to grow to meet demand.”

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