Business central issue 2

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Volume 2 | Issue 2 | 2017

A lesson in bold design This clever, uncomplicated structure near Hastings is a sight to behold - page 46

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High-end homes for Kandallah

Foreseeing a busy future ahead

Property development company Walton Enterprises is now undertaking its first high-end venture after completing several mid-range developments.

Ben Hanna and the team of Wellington’s specialist alteration and renovation business Hanna Construction is confident the buoyant housing sector will continue.


Business Central


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Church restoration a "labour of love"

Versatility, quality firm's hallmarks

It is possibly one of New Zealand’s longest architectural projects, spanning more than 15 years.

It started with one man, a borrowed car and a tool belt. Today, Chris Bell Construction & Project Management Limted has grown to employ a team of 30.

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A reputation built on innovation

Changing how houses are built

Over the past 40 years, Homestead Construction has built a successful and solid reputation building homes and commercial buildings.

Matrix Homes now has a solution for high rise customers as well as its core range one and two storey buildings.

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Page | 57 Flexible working space at The Kollective

Homes built with the future in mind

Construction has begun on a new community business hub at Tauranga’s Historic Village.

Whanganui building company Wat’sOn Building is currently developing four new architecturally designed homes with a difference.

>> Index | Page 63 MANAGING DIRECTOR Christchurch Office 112 Wrights Road, Addington, Christchurch Phone 03-983 5500 PO Box 37 346 Queenstown Office 70 Glenda Drive, Queenstown 9300 PO Box 2581, Wakatipu Published by:

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Gerard Campbell Journalists Kelly Deeks, Russell Fredric, Karen Phelps, Sue Russell

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DESIGN SERVICES » Architects 44

Business Central

Toko Toru Tapu Church, on the East Coast, is one of the most important Maori ¯ churches in New Zealand. The main restoration is finished but the project is still not completed.

Church restoration 'a labour of love' Karen Phelps It is possibly one of New Zealand’s longest architectural projects, spanning more than 15 years. Although the main part of the restoration of Toko Toru Tapu Church on the East Coast is completed, the project is still not finished, with funding underway for the sprinkler system, landscaping and interpretive signage for the site. Architect James Blackburne, from Gisborne-based practice Architects 44, admits the project has been a labour of love. “It was a project that really inspired me – it is such a significant building and it really needed some help. It’s been incredibly rewarding and it’s been great to see how the community has got behind it. The project has

brought everyone together,” he says. The project took out the national heritage award at the New Zealand Architecture Awards and it was noted that James’ contribution exceeded what would normally be expected of an architect. Heritage preservation, the drafting of funding submissions and physical contributions to the internal preservation work were all part of a role that has seen the building enhanced and preserved for future generations. As Toko Toru Tapu Church is one of the ¯ churches in New most important Maori Zealand, it was even more important than normal that the restoration of the building was sympathetic and followed good conservation principles, says James. The key part of the project was the

project in New Zealand to use fibre glass reinforcing rods (mateen bar), manufactured locally, which were selected due to the fact

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structural upgrade and ensuring this was discreetly undertaken to retain the integrity of the original building. It was the first


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they won’t deteriorate and can be removed easily if need be in the future. The walls were pinned and dowelled using the mateen bar, and the whakairo (carved wooden panels), removed for restoration and then a carbon fibre membrane glued to the walls for strengthening. This along with plywood sarking to the roof brought the church up to 100 per cent of the earthquake strengthening code. The project also involved reinstating the original bell tower, which had been removed in the 1960s, through sourcing archival photos to determine the detailing. Engineering was important as the structure of the bell tower plus bell weighed in at over one tonne. A new roof was put on the church and pressed aluminum diamond shaped tiles were sourced from overseas. Leadlight windows were rebuilt and steel windows repaired and the church has new lighting and heating. James says the project indicates the high levels of skill and expertise offered by Archiects 44, which is led by three directors – James, Dan King and Graeme Nicoll. A44 was set up in 2011 after morphing out of the 1986-established Nicoll Blackburne Architects. The largest architectural practice in the region, James says that Architects 44 is typical of a provincial community in that it

DESIGN SERVICES » Architects 44

has a broad scope of work and provides a comprehensive service. Its difference lies in the experienced, innovative, collaborative way the A44 team addresses a project’s needs around culture, function and technique. “We each bring different skills to the practice and collaborate together on projects. By combining our skills alongside working with the clients we are capable of designing something unique every time. Looking at our portfolio it is apparent that nothing we do is generic – we tailor our work to match the client,” he explains. The skills offered by the team are evident not only in the outcomes but also the fact that their expertise is often sought by the industry. Dan and James have both invited to take part in regional awards juries. Graeme was a Master Builders judge for many years. James is the only New Zealand Institute of Architects Fellow in the Gisborne Tairawhiti region. Although the practice has won numerous architectural awards James says that the award for Toko Toru Tapu Church was the first national award the company has received marking a turning point for Architects 44 as its services are increasingly in demand in the region and beyond. “The award is a recognition of the effort the whole community has put into this project,” says James. “We couldn’t have done it without the whole community working together.”



BUILDING » Arrow International

Business Central

The Frame Apartments building at 111 Molesworth Street in Wellington is being constructed by Arrow International.

Smart engineering for windy Welly Sue Russell Wellington is well known for its prevalence to extreme weather conditions and especially gusts of very strong wind, so when Arrow International took on design and construction of the iconic Frame Apartments building at 111 Molesworth Street, Thorndon, special consideration to the tall and slim multi-storey buildings’ construction had to be given. Arrow’s Project Director Robb Noble says a great deal of planning and thinking went

into ensuring the stipulation from property development company Vicinity that “the building not sway at all” would be achieved. “Tall thin buildings tend to resonate in extreme wind. When this is an office block then staff can be removed but when you are building permanent apartments it is essential there be no movement and to achieve this we looked at a dozen different structural design options before choosing insitu concrete throughout,” Robb explains. The buildings’ In-situ concrete extruded walls, measuring between 375mm – 450mm

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“Tall thin buildings tend to resonate in extreme wind. When this is an office block then staff can be removed but when you are building permanent apartments it is essential there be no movement and to achieve this we looked at a dozen different structural design options before choosing insitu concrete throughout.”

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Business Central wide, are a special feature of the building. “Rather than adding a separate outer material as cladding over the concrete walls, we have met insulation and weatherproofing compliances by rendering the outer face of the concrete over a rigid insulation layer. Unlike many apartment blocks, the design brief for Frame Apartments was that the concrete would be exposed on the internal walls of the apartments to avoid acres of beige plasterboard. Because of this we had to attend to insulation from the outside. With concretes inherent thermal mass properties and a super insulated roof, this is going to be a warm building,” says Robb. Work had just begun on building above the foundations when Business North Central spoke with Robb. This is the third apartment block developed by Vicinity who has made a feature of creating an arty theme to their apartments. Already their Tattoo Apartment building on Abel Smith Street and the Canvas Apartments upper Willis Street have become stand-out buildings in the city. Frame Apartments are built on a site once occupied a second hand book shop. This property was condemned following the Kaikoura Earthquakes. Arrow began work in earnest on the Frame Apartments foundations pre-Christmas. Once completed mid 2018, the tower will be home to more than 50 apartments with a three-bedroom penthouse on the top floor. Arrow International has been working for the past two years through a Design for Excellence process with council. The building's design and construction was assessed and measured using integrated software system ETABS. The system allowed architects, designers and engineers to assess the building under a range of weather conditions using various materials. Construction of the $15 million tower uses a self-climbing wall formwork system. Essentially walls are built independently of floors, meaning that the towers outer frame can continue to rise. “We can take the building up several levels without the need for floors to keep up with them. This makes for a very efficient build.” Founded by Ron Anderson and Bob Foster in 1984, Arrow International has over 30 years experience in major construction across commercial, education, government, health and aged care, industrial, infrastructure, residential, tourism and sports and recreation, both here are in the Pacific. The team at the company’s Wellington office have a number of large projects underway, including the Xero office block build on Wakefield Street, Wellington Airport Hotel and soon to commence DXN Apartments in Dixon Street.

BUILDING » Arrow International


Construction of the $15 million tower uses a self-climbing wall formwork system. Essentially walls are built independently of floors, meaning that the towers outer frame can continue to rise.



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COMMENT » Tax Matters

Business Central

The IRD’s not done with you yet keeping up provisional payments Chris Cunniffe If you paid terminal tax on April 7, you might not be out of the crosshairs of Inland Revenue (IRD) just yet. Yes, your income tax liability for the 2016 tax year has been laid to rest and you can breathe slightly easier knowing that it is no longer hanging over your head. However, many businesses will be due to make another payment to the taxman on May 7: Their final instalment of provisional tax for the 2017 tax year. One of the biggest criticisms of provisional tax – even in the wake of new changes to the regime that will make things much, much better for taxpayers – is it must be paid on dates dictated by IRD. Settling tax on those dates does not always suit a business, particularly those who have seasonal or volatile income. However, in the case of the May 7 payment, what makes the timing of it particularly problematic is that it is due one month after sorting out your terminal tax. This double whammy has the potential to put some serious acid on cashflow. Little wonder some business owners say they feel like the meat in the income tax sandwich right now. Things, of course, can become even more uncomfortable if you do not dance to the beat of IRD’s compliance drum and pay when it expects you to. It punishes disobedience by charging interest and late payment penalties on the overdue tax. Both add up very quickly. Fortunately, there are a couple of things you can do to ease the burden on your cashflow if you have provisional tax due on May 7. Before anything else you should start by reviewing your entire financial year. Unlike your first and second instalments of provisional tax, both of which involve a bit of guesswork in terms of figuring out how much you should pay given you are still earning your income, the third instalment is due after the sun has set on the 2017 tax year. As such, you will have a rough idea of how your business has performed and whether you have paid too much (or not enough) provisional tax for the year. If things have not gone as well as expected, then lower your payment. No point paying more money to IRD if you do not have to, right? Be sure to cast your eyes over your debtors’ ledger to see which customers owe you money and ask them if they can sort their bill earlier. Conversely, see if you can buy a bit more time if you owe suppliers money. If, having done all that, paying provisional tax on May 7 so soon after settling terminal tax is going to be a stretch, an IRD-approved tax pooling intermediary can be used to defer this payment to a time in the future that better suits. The intermediary will pay IRD on your behalf, and you have up to 12 months to repay the intermediary. The upfront finance fee to enter such an arrangement is much cheaper than most other traditional forms of finance. Approval is guaranteed, and the fee tax deductible. A tax pooling intermediary also provides a

Chris Cunniffe: “Be sure to cast your eyes over your debtors’ ledger to see which customers owe you money and ask them if they can sort their bill earlier.”

“Things, of course, can become even more uncomfortable if you do not dance to the beat of IRD’s compliance drum and pay when it expects you.”

way of being able to pay May 7 provisional tax as you go via instalments. As you can see, there are options available to help you manage your business cashflow and tax planning. The key is to be proactive and prepared.

However – and I cannot stress this enough – do not forget to seek the advice of your accountant if you are worried about how you are going to pay provisional tax on May 7. They can work with you to come up with a strategy that ensures you do not remain in

the crosshairs of IRD for any longer than you need to. • Chris Cunniffe is the chief executive of Tax Management NZ, and former head of the Air New Zealand and BNZ tax teams.

Business Central

LOCAL GOVT » Gisborne District Council


New building for Gisborne council Kelly Deeks The demolition and rebuild of Gisborne District Council’s Fitzherbert Street administration centre is set to provide a fit-for purpose, environmentally sustainable building which incorporates modern technology and building techniques, reducing energy and operational costs by around $30 million over the building’s 50-year life span. After the Christchurch earthquake in February 2011, Gisborne District Council assessed its buildings built prior to 1976, and found the two-storey administration centre was earthquake prone. Council sought reviews with a number of engineers and other professionals to confirm the findings and provide options for solutions. These included indications of costs for strengthening, refurbishments, a partial rebuild, or a completely new building of varying sizes to accommodate all staff. Council checked if it was possible to move to another building as a permanent solution, but couldn’t find one with ground floor access for the public, enough room for all staff, as well as meeting 67 percent of Importance Level 4 (IL4) to ensure civil defence operations can continue in an emergency. To purchase and refurbish to those requirements would have cost more than a new building. So solutions were narrowed down to strengthening, rebuilding on the exiting concrete pad, or a complete new build. Strengthening was slightly cheaper, but only in the short-term, and didn’t offer the same level of efficiency across the complex as a new build. Council looked at how to make a new build cost-effective for the community, and has transferred ownership of the building to the council controlled trading company Gisborne Holdings Limited (GHL), so ratepayers won’t, in the short or long term, be paying for the rebuild through increased rates. GHL Tairawhiti Investments general manager Matt Feisst says the council has taken a long term view of its assets in making the decision for a complete new build. “They are an organisation that doesn’t move around, and they need a building that will service the district, that’s going to be sustainable over the life of the building, and the best value for the rate payer,” he says. “At the same time, council staff need to be housed appropriately, and the building they are operating in needs to be safe.”

The new building, designed by Chow:Hill Architects, features an improved layout to meet the council’s needs today, and in the future. At 3100sqm, it is 1000sqm smaller than the previous administration centre.

The new building, designed by Chow:Hill Architects, features an improved layout to meet the council’s needs today, and in the future. At 3100sqm, it is 1000sqm smaller than the previous administration centre. “The old building was a rabbit warren of hallways, stairwells, and add-ons, and had been built up to 4100sqm over the past 60 years,” Matt says. “But that doesn’t mean it was 4100sqm of usable space. The new building has the equivalent or more usable

space. It’s a lot more open plan and userfriendly, which in turn makes the building more efficient.” A sustainable design with more efficient heating, cooling, and lighting make the new building easier and cheaper to run and maintain, with better natural light, orientation to the sun, ventilation, and views. The single storey structure will reduce the risk of future earthquake strengthening issues and increases in the building code

regulations over time. “The single storey option also enables a really clear and simple structure – it’s not an engineering marvel. This has brought down the cost of design and construction.” GHL is working with project manager Greenstone Group to deliver the new building. Construction on the $12.5 million project is underway by Watts & Hughes Construction, and expected to be completed in December.

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Business Central

DEVELOPMENTS » Canam Construction & Whare Aroha Care

Based on the Netherlands’ pioneering ‘De Hogeweyk’’ dementia care village, each home at Whare Aroha Care has been carefully designed to reflect the look and feel of a range of typical 1950s homes.

Unique challenges conquered Sue Russell Construction of 13 ‘kiwi’ residential homes at Ngongotaha’s Whare Aroha Care’s village came with some unique site specific challenges, says Canam Construction’s Bay of Plenty general manager, Mark Miedema. To minimise water run-off from reaching Lake Rotorua bordering one side of the site, a sediment retention pond and a series of bunds were constructed creating essentially a minidam, capable of holding any surface run-off and of sufficient size to allow for the water to

eventually evaporate. Seismic considerations were also critical with specially engineered foundations under each six or seven bedroom home. The design required the construction of a raft type slab which sits on top of the ground and is in contact with driven timber piles below required to create density in the ground. Segments of polystyrene are nestled between the sections delineated by the driven timber piles and these form the cells between the beams which are also part of the raft slab system. In total, approximately 1400 relatively short piles were driven to support the 13

“Research has shown conclusively that people with dementia are most happy and settled when they can live in a home typical of their own upbringing at a time they were settled and happy.”

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Business Central homes. The special nature of the community who will live in the homes also demanded extra care in the design and construction with the site engineered to a high specification where the homes will withstand a routine earthquake thus avoiding the upheaval of having to displace residents. The $13 million project has been developed in stages with earthworks, piling, in-ground services and concrete floor slabs for the various homes completed in June last year. In March this year the homes were completed along with a facilities building. Managing the large number of builders and various tradespeople on the site was a challenge in itself, given the relatively small areas between each dwelling. To compensate for this, building started at one end of the site and progressed across in incremental steps, from framing, scaffolding, closing in to completing each home’s roof and landscaping. The heated local construction market at the time made securing sufficient local resources especially in the labour intensive trades another challenge. Based on the Netherlands’ pioneering ‘De Hogeweyk’’ dementia care village, each home at Whare Aroha Care has been carefully designed to reflect the look and feel of a range of typical 1950s homes. There is good reason for this, as Therese Jeffs, Whare Aroha Care Village’s CEO, explains. “Research has shown conclusively that people with dementia are most happy and settled when they can live in a home typical of their own upbringing at a time they were settled and happy, so we have modelled our homes around seven different life-styles,” Therese says. “We did a lot of research and talking to people about the homes they lived in all those years ago and worked in closely with Ignite Architects who did a great job interpreting the various differences that would exist between them. It was great they could understand what we wanted,” says Therese. Architect Grant Barrowman lead the projects design and he says the whole process was transforming in nature. “The learning experience out of working with Therese was great. They were committed to creating at Whare Aroha Care Village the best possible environment for those with dementia. When they talked to me about the De Hogeweyk approach I bought into the whole concept, thinking about the type of care I would want for my own parents,” says Grant. While each home is the same basic design with small physical changes, the homes’ distinct natures become apparent through internal colour themes, choice of interior design, fixtures and fittings. With completion of the residences, Grant’s work at Whare Aroha Care has come to an end but he’s convinced the model will be

DEVELOPMENTS » Canam Construction & Whare Aroha Care

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The $13 million project has been developed in stages with earthworks, piling, in-ground services and concrete floor slabs for the various homes completed in June last year.

replicated, given the values that underpin it and the quality of life living in this way will offer those who would normally be housed in a more institutional situation. “The Ministry is all about looking at alternative care options for the elderly and I am sure there will be much interest in Whare Aroha Care as residents settle in in a few months time.”

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BUILDING » Chris Bell Construction

Business Central

Versatility, quality firm’s hallmarks Karen Phelps It started with one man, a borrowed car and a tool belt. Today, New Plymouth based Chris Bell Construction & Project Management Limted has grown to employ a team of 30 undertaking multiple contracts simultaneously. Company owner Chris Bell, a qualified builder, started his company in 2006 after many years working for other building companies. He wanted to start a business with a firm focus on delivering quality, which he thinks is one of the main reasons the company has grown so quickly. Chris Bell Construction & Project Management are Registered Master Builders and work on an astounding variety of contracts. A snap shot of the current workload is a case in point. The company is building a 34 room motel in Gill Street, New Plymouth; constructing a science laboratory requiring a high level of finish plus specialized services for drainage and air treatment; earthquake strengthening power substations for Powerco and building a chilled water treatment plant for Southern Cross. Demonstrating the company’s versatility it is also working on two modern home builds and a build replicating a 100-year-old home . The timber weatherboard home is off the grid and includes features such as a wood fire stove for cooking. Chris has been working with the client for three years on the build, which started with a photo. The architects on the project are Boon Goldsmith Bhaskar Brebner. “We have had to source companies capable of replicating components for the home and crafted some ourselves. “A challenge has been replicating features

Chris Bell Construction & Project Management are Registered Master Builders and work on an astounding variety of contracts. that do not meet today’s building code requirements, so we’ve had to think outside the square to achieve the look while making sure it meets all current codes,” he says The three bedroom 140sqm home has a verandah curving around three sides of the house. It has been a labour intensive

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Business Central build requiring extremely high levels of craftsmanship. It’s just the type of project Chris Bell Construction & Project Management loves. “The harder the project is the more we love it,” says Chris. “Anyone can build a simple home or building. We love to test our skills.” He credits the skills of the Chris Bell Construction & Project Management team as a key factor in the company’s success. All the carpenters are fully qualified and most are Licensed Building Practitioners, as is Chris. The company is also ISN qualified enabling it to undertake contracts requiring this certification. Chris oversees the company ensuring quality levels remain high. Each project has a dedicated project manager.

BUILDING » Chris Bell Construction

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Chris Bell Construction & Project Management undertakes all types of building projects in Taranaki across the gamut of residential, commercial and residential. The company also has experience in building pre-cast projects, eco homes, earthquake strengthening and insurance and rebuild work. Chris Bell Construction & Project Management can offer a 10-year guarantee. “Every project we do is different. We endeavour to achieve a level of perfection and client satisfaction second to none, ensuring continued success through repeat business and client referrals. “ It is passion for what we do and the quality that results that has driven the business forward.”

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Business Central

BUILDING » Lobell Construction

Hamilton-based Lobell Construction undertook all concrete and pre-cast erection during work at Rototuna High School.

Work displays technical skills Karen Phelps Hamilton-based Lobell Construction has been instrumental in ensuring the St Mary’s Convent Chapel in Clyde Street has been conserved for generations to come. The company worked with Paua Architects on the seismic strengthening of the building and Lobell Construction came up with an appropriate technical methodology to complete the work while protecting the historic building. It was precise and time-consuming work. Sections of the building were carefully removed and back filled with reinforced concrete. “As the building is a double brick wythe construction we had to remove the outer layer, infill it with concrete, and insert reinforced steel before carefully cutting and removing the section brick by brick,” explains company construction planner Louis Shaw. The roof structure also needed significant strengthening and scaffold was erected and the building shrink-wrapped to protect it while the work took place. Roofing tiles were removed, numbered and stored one by one. The new roof concrete beams were formed, installed and then connected down into the main structure. High-grade epoxy resin and core drilling methods were used to fix the steel to the existing structure. Other parts of the building were repaired as required and the building painted inside and out. Lobell Construction will complete a new entrance to the building later this year. “This project demonstrates our project management skills and technical capabilities. It was a very challenging job, and it was a matter of taking things slowly and getting everything right.” Lobell Construction is a family owned and operated business started as Lue Shaw Builders by Louis’ parents Lue and Sharon in 1989. The name changed nine years ago to Lobell Construction when Louis and his siblings

The roof space of Saint Mary’s Chapel near where Lobell Construction did seismic work.

Ben, a builder, and sister Ellyse, a quantity surveyor, became involved in the business. Lue is managing director and Sharon works in accounts. Louis’ wife Mary, an interior designer, also works in the company. Lobell Construction undertakes a wide range of residential and commercial projects of all sizes throughout Hamilton and the greater Waikato, offering specialised building experience. Past projects include the new Emergency Department at the Waikato Hospital, the NZ Rowing High Performance Centre, Te Totara Primary School, Rototuna High Schools, Nga Taiatea Wharekura, and




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Proud to be associated with Lobell Construction

Business Central

BUILDING » Lobell Construction

the recent Glaisdale Radius Residential Care Facility. Lobell Construction offers an experienced team, with quantity surveyors, a contracts manager, construction planner and field support from project and construction managers, all led by Lue Shaw whwwo has over 40 years building and construction experience. “We have a fully mobile workforce of site managers with over 20 years experience along with carpenters and apprentices. We are proud of our exemplary health and safety record, together with a reputation for delivering our projects on time and to budget,” says Louis. “We have been working in the Waikato for many decades and have established a firm reputation for quality. We are proud of our company name and have established a talented tightknit team. It’s not just about the bottom line – it’s about taking care of our staff and their families as well. “That’s why at Lobell Construction we remain fully dedicated to achieving the highest standards together with the client’s specific requirements in the completion of their construction and building projects.”

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CONSTRUCTION » Blackley Construction

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Cable laying ‘down to a fine art’ Kelly Deeks With a high level of cable installation experience and equipment, Blackley Construction is completing a number of stages in Palmerston North’s power network upgrade. Blackley Construction managing director Kevin Blackley says the company has got its cable laying methodology down to a fine art. “People see us out there blocking the roads and taking out a lane of traffic and they think ‘not again!’ but we try to be as fast as we can,” he says. “We try to move along and clean up behind ourselves, and get the roads back to normal as quick as possible.” Blackley Construction has developed its methodology for direct laying cables through years of working on various wind farms around New Zealand, where speed of installation is key. “We developed a laying system for our trenching machines which allows us to direct lay cables in a single efficient production lines, with various machines following each other to complete the installation process,” Kevin says. “We use the same technology to lay cables in the city as well.” Kevin is a qualified engineer fitter turner, and with the company’s contracts manager and ideas man Grant Binns, together they challenge one another to come up with new solutions. “I’ll say ‘you’re dreaming’ and he’ll say ‘you can do it’.” Palmerston North’s power network upgrade has seen Blackley Construction already assist PowerCo with the route design and installation of ducts for a new 33kV power supply from Keith Street substation to Main Street substation. Completed in December, this first stage of the project was in response to cable faults on some of the main power feeds into the Palmerston North CBD. The Main Street length of the project was approximately 2000m, and besides being a busy city street, it is also a State Highway and a main entry point to the city. The balance of the project was approximately 900m in a grassed area behind the Main Street cemetery. “Included in the work were three major road crossings, four minor road crossings, and a crossing of the four laned Main Street as well,” Kevin says. Now into the second stage of the project, Blackley Construction is installing new ducting in a 2km stretch from the central city heading south, to allow cables to be pulled out in the event of a problem and be repaired, without having to dig up roads.

Blackley Construction is assisting PowerCo with Palmerston North’s power newtwork upgrade. RIGHT: Trenching work before the installation of ducts for a new 33kV power supply.

Once that stage is complete, the third stage will see Blackley Construction installing new ducting in another location, heading into the centre of the city. Kevin says Blackley Construction completes a range of work in quite specialised markets. “Our aim is to be good at doing the things we do,” he says. “We’ve always got challenges which require a lot of thinking and planning on how to approach them.” As such, Blackley Construction has a team of 30 highly skilled and qualified people under its employ, including the office team pricing and winning contracts, and the people working out on site. The company has been around since 1960, when it was established by Kevin’s parents Graeme and Janice. Graeme still works in the business as internal training assessor, and with all his years of experience helps the young people coming through the business to get to grips with different pieces of plant and machinery, with the help of other staff who have experience of certain machines.

“Our aim is to be good at doing the things we do. We’ve always got challenges which require a lot of thinking and planning on how to approach them.”

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18 |

Business Central

KAPITI » Gardner Homes

This architecturally designed show home by Otaki based building company Gardner Homes is clad in weatherboard and schist. The company is offering 12 sections in a new Otaki subdivision. RIGHT: The feature schist wall migrates to the interior entrance way.

Expressway drives demand in Otaki Karen Phelps Otaki based building company Gardner Homes is offering spec houses to meet current demand in the town for new housing, partly prompted by the much anticipated expressway project speeding up access times from Wellington. “Otaki is very price competitive compared to nearby places such as Waikanae and Paraparaumu making it increasingly attractive to home buyers,” says Kylie Gardner, who owns the business with husband Hadley. The couple formed their company in July 2005 and says that their passion is to build high quality permanent material homes at

affordable rates for families to own in the Otaki area. They have built many new homes in Otaki but also have undertaken a number of new subdivisions including Byron Brown Place, Sue Avenue, Phoenix Court and, most recently, Gardner Place. Gardner Place offers 12 sections ranging in size from 500-800 square metres. Some sections will be for sale for people to select their builder of choice while the bulk will be sold as spec homes. Gardner Homes currently has the first spec home under construction, which is available for purchase. The 176 square metre home, clad in brick and feature weatherboard, comprises three bedrooms, bathroom, ensuite and separate toilet along with an open plan living/dining/

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Business Central

KAPITI » Gardner Homes

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Homes positioned for all day sun are a focus for Gardner Homes. The company is focussing on a diverse, high quality subdivision at its latest project in Gardner Place. RIGHT: Light and sun stream into the kitchen-dining area.

kitchen area flowing to an outdoor deck. The home has been positioned for all day sun – a focus for any home built by Gardner Homes. The company is about to start work on the second spec home, also available for purchase, which will have similar features but will be clad in brick and cedar. Kylie says the aim is to create a diverse subdivision of high quality housing so every home will be unique to the site and customers’ requirements. “It is our subdivision so we take great pride in how it is put together and the homes that will go in here. As we are building most of the homes ourselves this means we can ensure a very high standard of build, preserving the value of the investment people are making,” says Kylie.

Gardner Homes specialise in cul-de-sacs with well-spaced homes, modest sized gardens with a real community and family feel. Hadley is a qualified builder and has been building for nearly two decades, giving him a real eye for high quality finishings. Kylie’s strengths are in working with clients as they design their special home and working through the stages with them. People can view the couple’s work at the company show home in Gardner Place. The 195 square metre three bedroom home is architecturally designed and comes with bathroom, ensuite, separate toilet, kitchen/ dining area plus separate living area separated by cavity sliding doors and a double garage. Kylie says it showcases a range of upmarket

products to show people the possibilities when they are considering working with Gardner Homes including ducted heat system and beam vacuum system. The contemporary home is clad in weatherboard with an exterior schist feature wall that migrates to the interior entranceway. Gardner Homes cater for customers from all walks of life including working families with younger children, people nearing retirement or in retirement, people from the wider Wellington region including Wellington City who want to move to Kapiti and own or build a new home, current Kapiti Coast residents who are renting and would like to buy their own home or homeowners who want to relocate and investors who wish to take advantage of the

capital growth returns associated with the new highway construction in the Kapiti Coast area. Otaki is currently a small community of around 6000 inhabitants but that could be set to change once the expressway is completed and it is expected to take around 40 minutes to reach Wellington. Kylie says Otaki is a great place to live with a family oriented feel. “We are both local born and bred and passionate about Otaki and this local community. Word of mouth is important to us living in a smaller place so we always look to go one step further for our clients to ensure they are satisfied. We are there with them every step of the way from the office to the build giving a uniquely personal building experience.”


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Paraparaumu. 118 Kapiti Road. Ph 04 296 6001

Kieran Read, Plumbing World Brand Ambassador

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KAPITI » Riverbank Estates

Business Central

Interest in business park growing Karen Phelps The completion of the Wellington Northern Corridor will bring easier access to Otaki and Otaki Commerical Park is expanding to meet rapidly growing interest, says Otaki Commerical Park managing director Stuart Pritchard. Located off Riverbank Road, 70km away from Wellington and Palmerston North, Otaki Commerical Park already has several key anchor tenants undertaking projects in the area. Fletcher Construction has set up office as it undertakes stage two of the Mackays to Otaki Expressway. There will be around 40 engineering and IT staff based at the park. Transpower has around the same number of staff based there as it completes the $100m BunnythorpeHaywards power line upgrade and Winstones has a transport hub at the park as it works on the expressway. Otaki Commerical Park offers 43 lots in various sizes from 782sqm right up to 4000sqm. Stuart says that flexible options are available including lease, purchase or custom build to make it easy for businesses of all types and sizes to set up in the park. The site offers the flexibility to be used for a variety of business activities including light industrial, warehouse, commercial, and retail. Stuart says that the development offers key points of difference including low carbon footprint with sustainable energy saving buildings, which are energy neutral with export of energy sometimes, LED street lighting, zero hydraulics stormwater system, ultra fast broadband and a green area for recreation. Other sustainable features in the development include a 3.8 KVa wind turbine, solar thermal hot water panel, rain harvest water tanks which run sustainable toilet facilities, grey water system from sinks feeds the landscaped gardens underground and double glazing. The sustainable energy efficient building are built to achieve a five star Green Star rating and natural materials include concrete, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, recycled glass entrance paving and full disabled access. All buildings meet 100% seismic code. Stage 1 - lots 1 to 17 - has been completed and only 5 lots remain available. Stage 2 will involve the completion of lots 18 to 27, Stage 3 lots 28 to 33 and Stage 4 the completion of lots 34 to 42. Otaki Commerical Park is just 500m away from State Highway 1 and the proposed

About 40 engineering and IT staff will be based at Otaki Commercial Park RIGHT: The site offers the flexibility to be used for a variety of business activities including light industrial, warehouse, commercial, and retail.

expressway connection. The first stage of the expressway has opened but it will be the final stage from Peka Peka to just north of Otaki due to be completed by 2020 that will be the key one for the park. The Transmission Gully expressway will also open in 2020 opening up transport links even further. Stuart says it is the combination of increased commercial activity in the region combined with the lifestyle that Otaki can offer, all in relatively close proximity to Wellington,


that is making it grow in popularity. “Otaki has a rich Maori history, beach, 18 hole golf course, walking and cycling tracks and is close to Tararua Forest Park. People can enjoy a good lifestyle here – buy an affordable property and have a lower set up or relocation cost for their business. “Otaki Business Park is jam packed with all the facilities any company would need all set in the stunning and affordable location of Otaki.”

“Otaki Business Park is jam packed with all the facilities any company would need all set in the stunning and affordable location of Otaki.”

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Business Central

KAPITI » Hanna Construction

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Hanna Construction’s reputation has been built on delivering projects to a very high standard and the way this is partly achieved is to work with negotiated contracts.

Foreseeing a busy future ahead Sue Russell Ben Hanna and the team of Wellington’s specialist alteration and renovation business Hanna Construction is confident the buoyant housing sector will continue to keep him busy into the foreseeable future. “Renovations and alterations in the residential housing market are becoming more popular which is great for the Wellington region. Bringing new life into older homes and merging the old and new is something we specialise in,” Ben says. “There are other differences between building from scratch and doing great work on existing homes,” he says. “The owners like to be involved and they need to feel comfortable with the builder and his team because a lot of the time they are living in their home as the alterations are being undertaken.” Hanna Construction is a five man team; two apprentices, two senior carpenters and Ben’s father John as company director. Additional labour is contracted in when necessary. “My Dad is really old-school and taught me the same values and approach to work.

I think for our apprentices especially working for us will give them an excellent grounding in hands-on carpentry and building skills. Skills they will be able to carry for the rest of their building careers.” The company’s reputation has been wrought on delivering, often complex projects, to a very high standard and the way this is partly achieved is to work with negotiated contracts, as Ben explains. “We work closely with a range of people including architects, designers, engineers and of course the clients to achieve a high end result,” says Ben. One way this is achieved is through negotiated contracts where Hanna Construction assists in finding a designer/ architect, offer their professional advice, select the best subcontractors and materials. It’s proven to be a winning formula. “We all work together from the start of the project. We also have clients who come

• To page 22

“We all work together from the start of the project. We also have clients who come to us with their own finalised drawings and specifications which we then price off. We also offer a full contract which is wherte we handle all of the project management.”

EXPERTS IN CONSTRUCTION Residen�al, Commercial, Renova�ons, Re-cladding

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Business Central

KAPITI » Hanna Construction/JD Construction

Wellington home with the X-factor Karen Phelps

Hanna Construction has a range of projects on its books, including recladding work, two new homes and a few renovations.

A busy future ahead • From page 21 to us with their own finalised drawings and specifications which we then price off. We also offer a full contract which is wherte we handle all of the project management.” Because most of the team have been together working for many years Ben says another benefit for clients is that all the senior staff can advise. It’s not a company with a clearly-defined hierarchy. “Everyone knows what is going on. We don’t run with official titles.” When Business North Central spoke with Ben, the company had a range of projects on its books, including recladding work, two new homes and a few renovations. Hanna Construction has also had a longstanding relationship with the Ministry of Education property division covering greater Wellington. “That work tends to happen at school break time, reinstating leaky buildings and making upgrades and changes to existing building spaces.” Light commercial work is also there in the background, particularly when it gets quieter in terms of bigger residential projects.

A significant renovation of a beautiful threestorey home, complete with grand central stair-case constructed of Oak in Khandallah occupied six months of the company’s 2016 building schedule. “It was a major project. The client had lived in the home for years, didn’t want to shift but wanted the whole house modernised. We also did all the landscaping work and the result is a beautiful home given a new lease of life.” The two apprentices, one fresh from school and the other of more mature years have been with the company nearly three years. Ben says experiences of BCITO’s apprenticeship pathway have been very positive. “The apprentice programme is really good with the right balance between theory and practical.” Working entirely in the Greater Wellington area brings its own set of challenges given the geography, with the region carrying its own unique character when it comes to earthquake and seismic profile, extreme wind-zones in specific areas and prone to torrential rain. “Certainly there’s a lot more responsibility through the building licensing and guarantees but that is a good and necessary thing.”

JD Construction Wgtn Ltd has just completed a distinctive architecturally designed home in Kaiwharawhara that is entered in the new home $1 million-$2m category of the 2017 Registered Master Builders House of the Year competition. Although company owner Jason Delaney has worked on many award winning houses over the years this is the first time he has entered under his company JD Construction. A qualified carpenter and Licensed Building Practitioner, Jason started working for himself in 2001. Initially he mainly undertook labour only contracts progressing to full contract work. He started JD Construction in 2009 and now offers his clients over two decades of building experience. Based in Wellington, JD Construction works

predominantly there but also up the Kapiti Coast. Jason is heavily involved in all aspects of his company, assisted by wife Olivia who completes the bookwork. Jason thinks this results in a more personal service as he is on the tools and it is him his clients liaise with on all aspects of their project. It also allows Jason to keep a good handle on quality control and timing of projects, something that particularly comes to the fore when projects must be completed in tight time frames, such as was the case for the Kaiwharawhara home. The 475 square metre home overlooks Wellington harbour and sits on five different levels. The home includes four bedrooms and a rumpus room, three bathrooms and five toilets. The master bedroom has an ensuite and office area as well as two walk-in wardrobes. There are seven off-street car parks and a lift.

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Business Central

KAPITI » JD Construction

The 475 square metre home in Kaiwharawhara overlooks Wellington Harbour and sits on five different levels.

Designed by Design Network Architecture in Lower Hutt, Jason worked closely with the architect and engineer to ensure every detail of the home met the client’s expectations. “It was a challenging house to build and is over 13 metres high at the front corner of the house. But I like these types of builds where you have to think carefully and really craft everything. “It’s about keeping control of all the details and constantly thinking ahead,” he says. Unexpected delays from suppliers added to the tight deadline but due to Jason’s project management skills the project was completed on schedule. Jason credits the trust the clients placed in him as a key factor in the success of the project. JD Construction not only completes new home builds but also undertakes renovation

and light commercial projects. It has several smaller home renovation projects on the go and is about to start building a hair salon in Miramar. Last year, the company extended and renovated a home and the attached Four Square supermarket in Titahi Bay, doubling the size of the business premises. Jason says the Wellington market is busy with a lot of renovation work as due to lack of availability of new properties people are seeking to invest in their home to make it suit their lifestyle. Jason says he doesn’t aim to grow his company much further as he is satisfied completing a set number of high quality builds each year. By maintaining high levels of personal involvement he can best control the outcome to produce outstanding homes.

“It was a challenging house to build and is over 13 metres high at the front corner of the house. But I like these types of builds where you have to think carefully and really craft everything.”

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KAPITI » Homestead Construction

Business Central

A reputation built on innovation Sue Russell Over the past 40 years, Homestead Construction has built a successful and solid reputation designing and building homes and commercial buildings using precast concrete construction. The company was born from one family’s pure enthusiasm for producing innovative construction solutions with concrete. In recent years, Homestead has moved into the light commercial sector. “It’s about delivering innovative construction solutions with concrete. Our core focus is multi-unit residential, apartments, motels, aged care facilities, education centres, health care hubs and more,” says owner Daniel Lawry, who has taken over the helm of the company from his father and founder Phillip Lawry. When Business North Central spoke with Daniel, work on the Lyall Bay Surf Club headquarters in Wellington was 50 percent completed. Homestead also recently completed the Whataitai Papakainga Housing development on the Maori ancestral land at Evans Bay, Wellington. Precast concrete wall construction has many benefits. It acts as a natural fire wall and noise barrier for intertenancy walls, requires less maintenance and is much faster to construct. The company promotes early contractor involvement, assisting in the design and documentation stage. This ultimately saves the investor time and cost. “We manage everything from feasibility, design and planning assistance, to precast concrete manufacturing and project management. Peace of mind I guess is right up there in terms of an advantage. A concrete building is going to last a long time. They have a solid feel about them with little or no long-term maintenance requirements. They are also warmer in winter and cooler in summer,” Daniel says. In 2008, Homestead ventured into new territory and tendered a larger home than normal – a 1600m2 5-star motel in Palmerston North for the nationwide motel chain – BK’s Motor Lodge. “During the tender process, the Homestead team also came up with a superior, more costeffective method for building than what was originally designed,” Daniel explains. BK’s owners Richard and Liz Ward were impressed with the success of this build and the benefits of precast concrete construction and selected Homestead to build another

MAIN: Homestead Construction completed the The Whataitai Papakainga Housing development on Maori ancestral land at Evans Bay. RIGHT: The BK Motor Lodge’s Petone motel in 2012.

motel in Petone in 2012. The company’s reputation has steadily grown as word has quickly spread about Homestead Construction’s capabilities to build multi-unit residential and light commercial buildings with concrete construction. Homestead constructed two projects on the Kapiti Coast for investor Stuart Pritchard - the Clean Technology Apartment and Business Centre at Riverbank Road, Otaki and Lollipops Educare Centre at Ihakara St, Paraparaumu.


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Business Central

“We are currently working through the planning stages for a number of large developments including a 70 room care home, medical centre, modern school facility and a number of apartment complexes,” Daniel says. With plenty of work on their books and unprecedented demand for higher-density housing such as apartment and townhouse units in the region, Daniel says the decision to focus on these projects has come at the right time. “There is a housing crisis and New Zealanders are embracing more and more living in multi-residential complexes. We intend to continue to grow our business to meet demand from this market.” Homestead Construction services the lower North Island region, from Wellington, Kapiti through to the Manawatu.

KAPITI » Homestead Construction

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Homestead Construction built the Lollipops Educare Centre on Ihakara Street in Paraparaumu. RIGHT: An artist’s impression of the Lyall Bay surf club being built by Homestead Construction.

“Our core focus is multi-unit residential, apartments, motels, aged care facilities, education centres, health care hubs and more.”

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26 |

KAPITI » Mulholland Construction

Business Central

Mullholland Construction built this Raumati Beach property that has an impressive inground swimming pool. RIGHT: Pool lighting adds a touch of magic at night time.

Raising the benchmark in design Karen Phelps Kapiti Coast building company Mulholland Construction are underway constructing seven villa styled townhouses each on it’s own freehold title at Raumati Beach. The project promises to raise the benchmark on apartment design standards in the Kapiti Coastal town, says Paul Mulholland. “We have sold five apartments already off the plans. They are very upmarket, built to an exceptionally high spec.”

Company director Paul, along with his wife and operation manager Lanitta, have been building in the Kapiti area since 1999 and in the last 18 years have constructed many of the districts iconic residences and commercial buildings. Matatua Apartments is very much ‘business as usual’ in terms of the no-fuss efficient design and building approach and attention to details the company has built its reputation on. While Paul is responsible for structural design and quantity surveying, Lanitta concentrates on client liaison and interior design.

“Designing and pulling the whole deal together. It has to work financially and bringing together a multitude of elements and all the planning that goes into a design and build is really satisfying.”

135 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu

Business Central The brief was to present a design that reflected a relationship to the small beach community but also guaranteed privacy and the ease and comfort of apartment-type living. Each two bedroom townhouse has two bathrooms and expansive balcony views of the beach and village centre, which lets the owners experience the vibrant buzz of Raumati from the comfort of their own property. Paul says the design sits well on the very visible site and the choice of external construction materials means that the building won’t ‘date’ but remain an iconic beach-side identity. Construction is expected to take six months to complete and when Business North Central spoke with Paul he was confident the apartments would be completed by midOctober. While Mulholland Construction has traditionally undertaken a blend of residential and commercial projects Paul says the emphasis is shifting to concentrating these days on up to three significant property developments in the greater Wellington region at a time. Currently approximately 50 percent of the work Mulholland Construction takes on are for clients with the balance for the company’s own property development arm. One of those future projects, still in planning stage is an ambitious hotel which will either be of boutique size or a larger multistorey complex. Paul says the project has the initial backing of council and will straddle two sites the company already owns in the Paraparaumu beachfront commercial area. Mulholland Construction is part of the larger Mulholland Group of companies. Nine years ago, Paul established Construction Labour Hire and currently employs 80 staff directly operating within the Wellington region. The company has since expanded nationwide under the guidance of Paul’s brother and sister Brent and Vicky who operate it as part of the ELE Recruit brand which is another family owned and operated company employing over 500 staff. While overseeing the Mulholland Group of projects, Paul enjoys working on site as much

KAPITI » Mulholland Construction

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Mullholland Construction recently completed this beach house on Waikanae beach.

as possible. When asked to describe what aspects of working in the busy residential and commercial sector most appeals, his answer is simple. “Designing and pulling the whole deal together. It has to work financially and bringing together a multitude of elements and all the planning that goes into a design and build is really satisfying.”

The company doesn’t tender for its projects, instead all work undertaken for clients is charged up. “We operate an open-book charge system, which is highly transparent for clients, and

eliminates uncertainties. We want our clients to use us again and again in the future so not only meeting, but exceeding their expectations wherever possible is what our team strive to achieve every time.”

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122 Rimu Road Phone: (04) 298 6284 Paraparaumu Proud to support Mulholland Construction

28 |

Business Central

BUILDING » KiwiSpanNZ New Plymouth

Franchise booms for young builder Karen Phelps Builder Joel Schrader was just 22 when he took on the Kiwispan South Taranaki franchise. In 2012 his success led to him also taking on the New Plymouth franchise. Now his franchises have built over 300 buildings in Taranaki and grown to employ a total of 12 staff. “We can take care of everything for our clients from start to finish including concrete works, internal linings etc. We can build and deliver anything from a steel shed to a fully fitted out commercial building,” he explains. KiwiSpanNZ builds and supplies high quality, cost effective steel frame commercial, industrial, rural and residential sheds, garages, barns, shelters and buildings. Joel says that listening to customers’ ideas and identifying their needs is a key part of every build. “We get a lot of people who are not sure of exactly what they want. Our job is to find out what they require then recommend the best way forward and work with them to achieve their goals,” explains Joel. All KiwiSpanNZ builds are specifically designed to suit the customer’s lifestyle or business. By completing all aspects of the build in-house, KiwiSpanNZ New Plymouth and South Taranaki can keep good control over quality and project timing, says Joel who is on site most of the time. “We are flexible in our offering as well. While we can offer a full turn-key package if our customer requires, we can work in with them as well as sometimes they have their own contractors they want to use or organise for specific elements such as painting or carpet.”

Taranaki based KiwiSpanNZ franschise owner Joel Schrader says listening to the customers’ requirements is a key part of every build. He took over KiwiSpanNZ’s South Taranaki franchise in 2012 when just 22 years old and now his franchise has built over 300 buildings.

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Business Central

BUILDING Âť KiwiSpanNZ New Plymouth

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KiwiSpanNZ’s Taranaki franchise owner Joel Schrader with a growing family and staff. The business can build anything from a garden shed to a fully fitted out commercial building.

Being a builder Joel says there are many benefits to steel framed buildings citing features offered by KiwiSpanNZ such as heavy gauge New Zealand steel, which means the structures are strong and durable, and doors carried on their own steel framing, not the building structure, which offers a wider, stronger range of door sizes. KiwiSpanNZ also offers clear spans up to 30 metres and eave heights up to seven metres. KiwiSpanNZ has a choice of four different roof pitches and 20 different colour options and offers a full selection of rollers, shutters and sectional doors. KiwiSpanNZ are made in New Zealand, which Joel says means they have been tried and tested for New Zealand conditions as well as having superior backup and support.

All projects are backed by a five year workmanship guarantee and materials are backed by a 50 year structural durability cover and a 15 year warranty against corrosion, flaking, peeling or fading. Past projects completed include Placemakers Hawera and the Hound Hangout dog day care centre. The company builds Taranaki wide and at present KiwiSpanNZ New Plymouth and South Taranaki is working on a range of projects from building a double garage right up to constructing a large 30m x 85m warehouse. With a lot of people moving to the region there is plenty of work to keep the company busy and Joel plans to keep on offering the same high levels of service and builds he has been doing since he took over his first franchise all those years ago.

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BUILDING » KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa

Business Central

Making the most of the boom times Eliminating the stress and problems associated with building projects is KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa, whose focus on service and quality ensures successful results and buildings customised to meet the needs of its clients. KiwiSpanNZ builds and supplies high quality, cost effective steel frame commercial, industrial, rural and residential sheds, garages, barns, shelters and buildings. KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa says the company is a small and personalised outfit where clients work with the same people from the start to the finish of their project. “And we’re providing the best product on the market,” says KiwispanNZ Wairarapa. “KiwispanNZ buildings are New Zealand made by New Zealand people from New Zealand sourced materials.” KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa says this results in a higher quality building than anything coming out of China, Korea, or Australia, where the steel is thinner and the paint can fade and peel. “Many other engineered buildings haven’t been built to withstand New Zealand’s harsh climate,” KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa says. “KiwiSpanNZ buildings use lattice truss designs and galvanised high tensile steel. We are not restricted to having to use steel only as a construction material, as concrete tilt slab, pole buildings, and timber now all feature as construction methods and building materials. Our system is designed by Kiwis specifically for Kiwi conditions, and using only the best locally manufactured components with unmatched structural integrity.” KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa is owned by Gavin Dennes and Chris Adams, who have been well known locally for the past 13 years for the exceptional service they have provided with their established business G & C Diggers. “This association with G & C Diggers gives KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa a competitive edge, as we can provide the site works a lot cheaper than some of our competitors,” KiwispanNZ Wairarapa says. KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa says it is a company on the up and has recently expanded its team from three to four builders. “Our aim is to be the steel frame shed building outfit people go to in the Wairarapa.” The KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa team is supported by a network of licensed and professional subcontractors, and together they share the attitude that no job is too big or too difficult. KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa covers the largest geographical area of all the company’s 22 nationwide franchises, and KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa says construction in Wairarapa is currently booming.

KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa says it is a company on the up and has recently expanded its team from three to four builders.

KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa has broken all its sales records in the past eight months. “There is a lot of work going on out there, and the three councils we deal with on a regular basis can’t keep up with the consents, and the concrete outfits are struggling to supply concrete on time,” KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa says. “We are getting our slabs down weeks in advance, giving them time to cure up and allowing us to have a seamless transition from job to job.” There has been an increasing number of enquiries for KiwiSpanNZ’s residential range, and the current demand is coming from farmers and lifestyle blocks, people looking for workshops or sheds for their vehicle collections, and a lot of commercial storage for large companies such as Fulton Hogan. KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa says the company

is still growing with the local demand, and is aiming to increase its staff to a point where two or three buildings can be worked on at a time.

“If the demand keeps going like it is, we hope to increase to two or three groups of builders with three to four builders in each group.”

“There is a lot of work going on out there, and the three councils we deal with on a regular basis can’t keep up with the consents, and the concrete outfits are struggling to supply concrete on time.”

Kirk Roberts is proud to support KiwiSpanNZ Wairarapa. STRUCTURAL | GEOTECHNICAL | CIVIL

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Business Central

BUILDING » KiwiSpanNZ Taupo

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Flexibility king at KiwiSpanNZ Taupo Karen Phelps Since Dave and Red Frazer took over KiwiSpanNZ Taupo it has gone from strength to strength. The couple, who have their own lifestyle block, had been interested in KiwiSpanNZ long before they took over the franchise. “We’d always noticed the KiwiSpanNZ buildings around the district and loved the quality and look of them. So when the opportunity came up to purchase the franchise we took it,” says Red. Dave is a builder by trade and both had worked for many years for New Zealand Police. Dave kept up his interest in house building on his days off, continuing to build new homes, mainly for family and friends. They purchased KiwiSpanNZ Taupo in 2012. One year ago, KiwiSpanNZ Taupo employed seven builders. Staff numbers have now doubled as word of mouth and repeat business has seen the company grow. Owned under the couple’s company, Frazer Construction, KiwiSpanNZ Taupo can build anything from start to finish. Red says the KiwiSpanNZ residential range is proving popular as they offer great value for money, with all the benefits of modern living. As an example KiwiSpanNZ Taupo has recently completed a 130 square metre four bedroom home set on two acres for a young couple clad in coloursteel with gib lining. The entire build came in at around $225,000 including finishings, carpet etc. Dave says that is one thing customers love – the fact that KiwiSpanNZ offers complete building contracts with no hidden extras. This transparency makes the company’s offering clear so it is easy for clients to stick to their budgets, says Dave. KiwiSpanNZ Taupo utilises a computer system where initial designs can be priced up in minutes to give people a good indication if they are on track. Strength and longevity are other key selling points. KiwiSpanNZ Taupo has supplied KiwiSpanNZ buildings to Vanuatu which have withstood tropical storms without issue. “Steel is incredibly strong and durable. It won’t rot and is straighter than timber. It is also very cost competitive,” says Dave. KiwiSpanNZ Taupo also completes a great deal of industrial and commercial buildings as well as garages, sleep outs and carports. But

MAIN PHOTO: A honey extraction house just completed by KiwispanNZ Taupo. RIGHT: A large house constructed using multiple sheds joined together.

Red and Dave are quick to stress that when it comes to KiwiSpanNZ Taupo flexibility is king. “There are no rules,” says Red. “We can design and build anything. For example, a steel frame building with any type of lining or cladding or a classic corrugated iron KiwiSpan look. It all depends what the customer requires.” To give an indication of the variety of buildings that KiwiSpanNZ Taupo can complete, at present the company is building 28 storage sheds in Spa Road, Taupo and has just completed a honey factory for Funnell Farms. This 16 metre x 16 metre building had a five metre high stud and included specialized freezer panels for an extraction room, hot room and sluice room. All internal fitout was completed to food hygiene standards. “At KiwiSpanNZ Taupo, we listen to our customers ideas and identify their needs then come up with the best solutions to meet their goals,” says Red. “Every build and customer is different so this is a key factor in why KiwiSpanNZ Taupo has grown to be such a success and why our customers are so happy to recommend us.”


BRIAN FARMER Taupo District

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NZ’s leading provider of high quality, cost-effective steel framing

EziSteel is Proud to support KiwiSpanNZ Taupo 07 376 9333

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Business Central

BUILDING » KiwiSpanNZ Rodney

Meeting the needs of Rodney Karen Phelps With a lot of development taking place in the Rodney district as Auckland’s urban area grows, KiwiSpanNZ has been assisting clients building new lifestyle buildings in the area. Karen Body, managing director of the Rodney District, Waitakere and North Shore for KiwiSpanNZ, says that her business has been busy building sheds and barns on lifestyle blocks, as well as sheds combined with minor dwelling units for customers. “On lifestyle blocks we are often the first building on the site. As a shed or barn can also include a bathroom, this can be really convenient for clients as they build their home as it can be used by both them and their building team as well as be useful for securely storing materials on site,” she explains. Karen says buildings are designed with the future location of the home in mind in terms of driveways and waste water connections to ensure the building fits in well with the finished home and can be used for garaging, storage or a hobby room, for example. With property prices escalating, many of her clients are also choosing to build a shed that includes a portion as a minor dwelling unit on their existing property for elderly parents, children who are choosing to live at home for longer or as a rental investment. The 60sqm units are self-contained homes and Auckland Council has now relaxed some of the rules surrounding these types of buildings on a property and is treating each build on a caseby-case basis, she says. Some customers are also choosing KiwiSpanNZ buildings for their residential home. Karen says the buildings are cost effective, costing around two thirds of the price of a traditional build. The look also fits in well with the Rodney district’s rural feel with the added benefit that a KiwiSpanNZ standalone garage matches in perfectly. KiwiSpanNZ offers a range of high quality, cost effective steel frame buildings encompassing commercial, industrial, rural and residential as well as garages, barns and shelters. “On each project we firstly determine the client’s needs then offer them the best solution to suit their requirements and the site. Not one of our buildings has ever been the same for this reason,” says Karen. Karen took over the franchise areas in 2011 after previously clocking up two decades experience in the steel frame industry including nearly a decade working for KiwiSpanNZ. She is a Licensed Building Practitioner and says there are many benefits to steel framed buildings as they are strong and durable. KiwiSpanNZ also offers clear spans up to 30 metres and eave heights up to seven metres.

KiwiSpanNZ offers a range of high quality, cost effective steel frame buildings encompassing commercial, industrial, rural and residential as well as garages, barns and shelters. KiwiSpanNZ has a choice of four different roof pitches and 20 different colour options. Karen’s KiwiSpanNZ franchise employs three full-time staff in the office and uses a trusted team of local subcontractors. For projects that require an interior fitout, such as a home, KiwiSpanNZ works in with the client’s contractor or can recommend a contractor for the job. All products used by KiwiSpanNZ are made in New Zealand, which Karen says means they have been tried and tested for New Zealand conditions as well as superior backup and support. Because each KiwiSpanNZ franchise is locally owned and operated, Karen says the company is well placed to meet its customers needs in Rodney, Waitakere and the North Shore.

KiwiSpanNZ Rodney offers a range of high quality, cost effective steel frame buildings.

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Nulook Kumeu are proud to support KiwiSpanNZ Kumeu Aluminium Joinery | 12 Loft Place, Kumeu Ph. 412 8569 E. W.


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BUILDING » Landmark Homes Manawatu/Wanganui

Business Central

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Experience drives franchise growth Karen Phelps Since establishing Landmark Homes Manwatu-Wanganui in 2014, directors Aaron Shirriffs and Ryan Coombes have built a growing reputation for constructing high quality homes in the region. The pair brings a lot of industry experience, which has seen significant growth for the franchise. Aaron, who has been involved with the contracting and projects industry in the Manawatu for his entire working career, ensures clients are communicated with and given the best service possible. As the company construction manager, Ryan makes sure that the build process is as seamless as possible for the client. They say that joining the Landmark Homes national franchise has enabled them to share ideas and experience between the franchisees as well as access to proven business systems, communications and support from the national office. As a result their business now boasts a team of seven including new home consultant Shane Turnbull, architectural designer Monica Bright and construction manager Cameron McIntosh. Recently they have also brought in Adam Cowan as their dedicated after-sales care manager, who regularly follows up with clients after they have begun living in their Landmark home. “This ensures that their clients not only enjoy the design and build process, but also find full satisfaction once they start enjoying their new home,” explains Aaron “The entire team works closely on each build from the design brief through to the completed home and beyond.” Landmark Homes has more than 35 years’ experience in building new homes. Paul and Debbie Clarke founded the Landmark Homes franchise system in 2007, developing the systems, branding and quality control requirements based on their over 30 years’ experience running their own successful

building business. Aaron says that the effectiveness of these systems has been demonstrated in the growth of Landmark Homes throughout the country with systems constantly fine-tuned through feedback and suggestions from franchisees and their staff to continually improve the resources available. Landmark offers three distinct products – design and build, remove and rebuild and a collection of more than 90 ready-to-build plans. Aaron says that the unique design and build service is a seamless, easy to follow process that guides a customer through their project and gets them into their new home quickly and effortlessly. Proudly associated with Landmark Homes Manawatu RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ALARMS CENTRAL VACUUM AUDIO VISUAL HEAT PUMPS PV SOLAR CCTV

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Landmark offers three distinct products – design and build, remove and rebuild and a collection of more than 90 ready-to-build plans. He says that the ready-to-build plan collection offers a good starting point and they can be used as a source of inspiration to result in the desired home. “The fluidity of the ready-to-build design process allows the customer to put their own stamp on their chosen design, be it using a different cladding or adding another bathroom,” explains Aaron. Landmark’s remove and rebuild service is the perfect option for homeowners who love their neighbourhood but not the house. It can also provide an opportunity for sub-dividing an existing section to maximise value. Landmark Homes Manawatu-Wanganui has a new showhome due to open shortly in

Pacific Drive, Palmerston North. A brand-new ready-to-build plan, named Rata, it is a timeless design with spacious living areas complemented by an entertainer’s kitchen with a walk-in pantry and direct access to the outdoors. The separate lounge, adjacent to open-plan family and dining areas, which also opens to a large portico area, is perfect for sheltered outdoor living and entertaining, thinks Aaron. He says that he and Ryan remain focused on providing their clients in ManawatuWanganui with a seamless building experience centred on high quality service from the sales process through construction, into their new Landmark and beyond.

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BUILDING » Livingstone Building Selwyn St Andrew’s

Business Central

The three-storey centre will consist of a 24-room care suite on the first floor, which will cater for both rest home and hospital-level care and will comprise two ‘households’ of 12 residents.

Reinventing what aged care means Karen Phelps A new $14m care, retirement living and community amenities centre is under construction at Selwyn St Andrew’s retirement village in Cambridge. The development, being undertaken by independent charitable trust The Selwyn Foundation, will enable the village to offer residential aged care on its site for the first time. Village manager Rachael Hall says the care centre, named The Moxon Centre, will ensure that residents can have the option of continuing to live on site as their care needs change over time. She says that the aim of the design, which sought inspiration from international best practice, was to reinvent how residential aged care is provided in New Zealand. The three-storey centre will consist of a 24-room care suite on the first floor, which


will cater for both rest home and hospital-level care and will comprise two ‘households’ of twelve residents. Residents having their own single room with ensuite, opening onto a large communal living area featuring a lounge and dining/kitchen area that will provide open access to outdoor decks with seating. “By having small communities or ‘households’ of residents and staff within the larger care facility, we wish to deliver holistic care and support, centred totally around the individual, their needs and what they want out of life, and to create an environment where family and friends will enjoy visiting. The physical design, staffing and operational procedures will be focussed on the whole person – not just their clinical care, but also their spiritual and mental wellbeing. Residents who are able will have the opportunity to play an active role in the life of their particular household, making light meals and doing their own laundry, as they would have done previously when managing their




Business Central

BUILDING » Livingstone Building Selwyn St Andrew’s

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The new development has been named The Moxon Centre in recognition of Archbishop Emeritus Sir David Moxon KNZM, former Bishop of Waikato and former Primate and Archbishop of the New Zealand Dioceses of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. It is expected to be completed by August this year.

own home. This approach focuses on empowering residents to do as much as they can for themselves, so they feel truly at home, and promotes independence, eliminates loneliness and encourages people to have meaningful lives and as active a lifestyle as possible, regardless of their age and ability. It is the very reverse of institutionalised care,” explains Rachael. On the upper floor, eleven independent living apartments will be available on an Occupational Rights Agreement basis. The

apartments will offer a choice of one, twoand three-bedrooms. The building will also include a range of community leisure and social facilities on the ground floor for the whole village to enjoy including café/dining rooms, an outdoor barbeque area, lounge and activity rooms, a residents’ shop and a hair salon, and will offer a centre for group activities and social get-togethers. The new development has been named The Moxon Centre in recognition of Archbishop Emeritus Sir David Moxon KNZM, former

Bishop of Waikato and former Primate and Archbishop of the New Zealand Dioceses of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. The expected completion date for The Moxon Centre is August 2017. Selwyn St Andrew’s is owned and operated by independent charitable trust, The Selwyn Foundation. It provides residential care (rest homes, hospitals and dementia care), retirement living and community services and owns or manages a total of nine retirement villages across the upper North Island. As

a not-for-profit organisation any financial surpluses are reinvested into the provision of additional facilities and charitable activities aimed at helping the aged. Currently under development by The Selwyn Foundation is a two-storey 90-bed development at Selwyn Village in Point Chevalier, Auckland and a three-storey 48-bed facility at its Selwyn Oaks village in Papakura, Auckland. The three developments represent an investment total of almost $50 million and will be fully financed by The Selwyn Foundation.

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BUILDING » Matrix Homes

Business Central

Matrix Homes has been focusing on the residential market, building anything from a granny flat to a large home but is now extending into multi storey buildings to meet demand.

Changing how houses are built Karen Phelps Matrix Homes now has a solution for high rise customers as well as its core range one and two storey buildings. Provided modular design is envisaged from the start, there can be huge savings building this way in both time and construction costs, says Matrix Homes sales manager Angel Marsh. “Volumetric modular construction is about building a multi storey building in an off-site factory as ready-to-go units. Assembly takes place on site. Whole units are craned and bolted into place as soon as they are delivered.

When the modules are in place the façade is attached by cherry picker, eliminating the need for scaffolding. Services and final commissioning are then completed. Once the plans are complete, construction time is usually halved and costs savings vary, but can be 20% for an efficient design,” explains Angel. The modular construction system was developed by Alto Australia using knowledge from installing over 20,000 modules in Australia over the last 15 years. The system uses normal steel frame structural steel and the end result is a building that will meet or exceed code for wind and earthquake, says Angel. She says that in fact the steel frame

“By reducing labour costs, this allows our customers to get much more value for their money so they can get a higher quality build for the same price as they would pay for a lower quality build using traditional methods.”

Proud history of supplying our customers with high quality aluminium windows and doors. Proud to be supporting Matrix Homes Nebulite Wellington Ltd Ph: 04 298 3736 E: 5 Manchester Street, Paraparaumu

New Zealand Certified Builders Association


BUILDING » Matrix Homes

Business Central

buildings perform better in earthquakes in general than concrete as there is less likelihood of a catastrophic failure. “Meeting code is not enough anymore as there is no guarantee your building will still be able to be tenanted after an earthquake. Modular steel frame buildings are able to have repairs made, significantly reducing the chance that the building needs to be pulled down after a significant shake,” she says. While new to New Zealand, volumetric modular construction has been used for many decades overseas. Angel says that by keeping the bulk of construction indoors means that work goes on safely in all weathers, reducing costly, unpredictable site time. To give some idea of the time savings, typically the modules for a six floor building are installed in two weeks and then taken to completion in three to four months. Matrix Homes was established in 2014 by Wellington entrepreneur Sean Murrie and designer Graeme Farr, who re-engineering the whole build process from the ground up. The company is now building modular accommodation at a significantly reduced cost. While savings are mainly on labour,

STU CLARK CP Eng Principal

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traditional build has a wastage percentage of 23 percent whereas modular is 5% or less. Matrix Homes has been focusing on the residential market, building anything from a granny flat to a large home but is now extending into multi storey buildings to meet demand. Angel says that Matrix Homes can offer considerable value as although the system is low cost the end result is high. “By reducing labour costs, this allows our customers to get much more value for their money so they can get a higher quality build for the same price as they would pay for a lower quality build using traditional methods,” she explains. “This results in instant equity.” Angel says that Matrix Homes can handle a big workload and is geared up to meet demand from its factory in Upper Hutt. Matrix Homes can deliver nationwide. She says Matrix Homes could play a key role in supplying the many homes and hotels New Zealand needs. “Our way of building is like an assembly line, we just happen to be building houses rather than cars,” she explains. “With Matrix Homes you get factory quality controlled product.”

MARK TRAINOR BSc (Geology) PGDipSc Geologist

BOB LENDRUM Survey and Land Development Reg Surveyor

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526 7589 | FAX. 04 526 4190 | MOB. 027 449 2837 EMAIL. | WEB.

Phone: 03 983 5500 Fax: 03 983 5552

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Business Central

BUILDING » Maycroft Construction

The finished playground that is part of the new 44 room boarding hostel at Queen Margaret College in Central Wellington.

A reputation built on quality work Sue Russell Wellington-based commercial construction company Maycroft Construction has been in existence for over six decades, having built a sound reputation by delivering quality outcomes on time and to budget for its wide range of clients. Operations Manager, Phil Wootton has been part of the Wellington Regional team since 1993 and has carried a variety of roles, including contract negotiation and

management and sustaining long-term relationships with clients, consultants and subcontractors alike. When Business North Central spoke with Phil, he and his team were working on two major school projects both in the Wellington area; a brand new 44 room boarding hostel at Queen Margaret College on Katherine Avenue in central Wellington and a new school hall at Wellington College. “The boarding hostel at Queen Margaret College is not the first project for the school. We built the college’s pre-school in 2014,

“We have a clear set of values and consistent approach to each and every build we undertake no matter its size and nature. We’ve placed an emphasis on also building and maintaining lasting relationships with all those who form the building block of a successful build.”

Specialists in Demolition, Excavation & Siteworks Phil 021 644 213 Stace 021 222 5514 PO Box 57194, Mana, Porirua 5247

Business Central

BUILDING » Maycroft Construction

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The new boarding hostel was just one of two major project Maycroft Construction was working on when Business Central spoke to the company.


Wellington Region and Kapiti Coast Unit 9/110 Whakatiki Street, Upper Hutt PH 027 555 0144 | WEB

so it was very pleasing to be awarded the opportunity to continue this valued relationship with the College,” Phil says. Challenges of working on a small site meant that special dispensations needed to be gained from Wellington City Council concerning parking and the logistics of

bringing machinery and material on to the school site. Construction of the $5.5M boarding hostel began early October last year and is due to be completed before this year’s Christmas break, in time for its doors to be open for the start of the new school term at the end of January

• To page 40

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BUILDING » Maycroft Construction

Business Central

A reputation built on quality work • From page 39 2018. The Boarding Hostel has been designed by leading Wellington architects McKenzie Higham Architects, a company Maycroft Construction has established an ongoing relationship with. When it opens next year, it will be the first time in more than 50 years Queen Margaret College has been able to house boarding students. The school, which dates back to 1919 offered boarding facilities to a small number of its female students until the 1950’s when the original house was closed. The foundations are supported on compression and tension screwed piles. The structure is a combination of in situ columns, shear walls and beams supporting a precast rib floor system over the three floors. The hostel is closed in with structural steel roof structure and cavity wall system on timber wall framing. Meanwhile, Wellington College, located on Mt Victoria will soon have a new Memorial Hall able to seat the entire school population. Not only will the 1600sqm hall, constructed of steel and timber framing, mean that all students can be seated but the facility will also provide a first-class performance venue. “It will make a significant difference for the school. Designed by Architecture+, we expect to also have this project finished before the end of this year. ” Phil says. This year marks Wellington College’s 150th anniversary and Phil says it is good to be involved in such a significant project, replacing the school’s original hall, built as a memorial to the more than 200 students who did not return from World War One. When asked to comment about some of the Memorial Hall’s key design innovations, Phil says the ‘warm’ roof option Maycroft Construction suggested to the Board of Trustees was one key reason the company

Foundation work being done on the new Memorial Hall at Wellington College. The new hall will be able to seat the entire school population.

was awarded the contract. The foundation has a combination ground remediation and rock anchors supporting a complex in situ ground beam arrangement. The main structure and mezzanine are formed from structure steel, wth timber framing supporting the external cavity system. The busy Wellington construction industry is a competitive sector to belong to. Phil says there are several reasons why Maycroft Construction, founded by Eric Maycroft in 1952, has flourished. “We have a clear set of values and consistent approach to each and every build we undertake no matter its size and nature.

PROUD TO SUPPORT MAYCROFT CONSTRUCTION ROADING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SPECIALISTS Higgins Contractors Palmerston North 22 Roxburgh Crescent, Palmerston North P: 07 357 1026 E:

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Stephen Jensen Cabinetmakers Ltd are proud to have been associated with Maycroft Construction and the Queen Margaret College project

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Business Central

BUILDING » Maycroft Construction

We’ve placed an emphasis on also building and maintaining lasting relationships with all those who form the building block of a successful build, from engineers, architects, sub-contractors and key clients such as territorial authorities and the education sector. You’re only as good as your last build though and that is why we pride ourselves on consistently delivering projects beyond our clients expectations.” Maycroft Construction has offices in Lower Hutt and Palmerston North.

“We pride ourselves on consistently delivering projects beyond our clients expectations.”

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Foundations for safe fun Laying a foundation for safe fun is a business taken seriously by New Zealand owned and operated company Playbases. Headquartered in Pakuranga, Playbases specialises in the construction and installation of playground safety surfacing, offering comprehensive supply, installation, maintenance and finance packages to suit every need. Trained in the installation and maintenance of poured-in-place, woodchip and synthetic turf surfacing, the company’s professional ground team are certified installers of a range of products including Play Matta, one of the the world’s top performing playground safety surfaces, manufactured in New Zealand. Playbases is sister company to Matta Products, which operates in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Matta Products pioneered a new manufacturing process and began producing the iconic Play Matta range in 1992 at its plant in Otaki. With strong roots in recycling, Matta Products has perfected the technique of turning waste rubber and PVC into a two-layered playground surfacing system consisting of impact absorbing rubber shock pads overlaid by durable and attractive modular tiles. Playbases sales manager Trevor Howell says crucial aspects of its business operation are not only installing products to a high standard, but its warranties and after installation follow-up; Play Matta comes with a six year product and

installation warranty and complies to standard NZS:5828.2015. This combined with a durable, quality product are important factors in an extremely competitive market, he says. Queen Margaret College, Wellington, is one of the many educational institutions to benefit from the installation of Playbases products such as Play Matta, several years ago. One of the advantages of Play Matta is that it can be uplifted and reused; this proved to be a significant benefit to the college for an upgrade undertaken by Maycroft Construction of Lower Hutt. “They had an original playground there with a space there and a play structure beside it; they put that in eight or nine years ago.” “The school already had a Play Matta system that they were able to pick up and store and then reinstall it, saving a considerable amount of money.” About 100 metres of Play Matta was relaid, with another 100 metres involving the installation of a combination of Playbases’ premium artificial grass and TPV rubber matting in a “tricky” situation because of the slopes and angles on the site. “We are proud to work alongside Maycroft Construction; we have done so in the past and look forward to ongoing work with them.” Trevor Howell also appreciated Playbases being selected for the project by Wellington firm Mark Newdick Landscape Architects.

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Business Central

Exceeding customer expectations Kelly Deeks Third generation family civil engineering company ID Loader invests in new technology to keep in line with the bigger players in the market and offer the same services in the same timeframes, and meet or exceed the expectations of its clients. The company was originally established in Wanganui by Ian Loader in 1954. It was predominantly based around bulldozer work in the local district, and expanded to include major clients like Wanganui District Council and NZTA. In recent years, ID Loader has worked consistently in local forests, building and maintaining forest roads. Core to ID Loader’s operation is drainage and roading, but the company is also involved in water reticulation, building site works, subdivision development, aggregate supply, machinery transport, and machine hire. While most of ID Loader’s work is undertaken in the Wanganui region, the company also works elsewhere around the North Island, and also took its skills and experience to Christchurch for a four year stint post-earthquakes, carrying out drainage projects for SCIRT. ID Loader general manager Hayden Loader says the company brought a lot of knowledge back home from Christchurch. “SCIRT’s main focus is on health and safety – they don’t compromise on anything,” he says. “We took learnings from this and brought back what we thought would be accepted here in Wanganui.” One thing ID Loader incorporated into the business straight away was a new hydro excavator, the only one like it in Wanganui. The hydro excavator is a truck with a vacuum unit and water blaster used to safely make holes in the ground around buried services. ID Loader had used hydro excavators extensively in Christchurch, and over the past three years or so, Wanganui has cottoned on to it being available.

Quotation Quotation Quotation Quotation Quotation Quotation








Core to ID Loader’s operation is drainage and roading, but the company is also involved in water reticulation, building site works, subdivision development, aggregate supply, machinery transport, and machine hire.







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Business Central


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“We don’t use it every day, but our guys really enjoy using it. There is no wondering when you’re digging a hole whether you’re going to strike something. “The councils really like them around trees, because you can dig a hole around a tree and be confident you’re not going to hurt the roots.” The latest addition to the ID Loader fleet is a Caterpillar 326 F excavator. “It came to us 2D equipped, and we added on a 3D function,” Hayden says. “It’s GPS capable so we can develop a plan on a computer, put it on the screen in the digger and the digger knows where it is on the planet. It knows where its bucket is and how deep it needs to dig.” At the same time, ID Loader retrofitted its Caterpillar 320 D excavator with 3D functionality as well. “We thought it was better to have two machines capable of doing 3D so when the 320 D is using 3D the 326 F can still use 2D,” Hayden says. The 3D capable machines have eliminated the need for an additional labour unit measuring and directing the excavator operator, but Hayden says things still need to be done on the back end of this technology. “With this gear we can complete jobs faster, which really helps us today because the expectation of work done in a day is a lot more,” he says. “And we’re able to work in just about any weather. But there’s still a major labour component, and you still need to know how to use a shovel. There are ways and means of doing some things that haven’t been affected by technological improvements, and there probably always will be.” It always comes back to Hayden’s grandad’s passion for moving dirt and crushing metal that started the business 63 years ago. “He’d be pretty proud of what we’ve done,” Hayden says. “He’d be pretty impressed with the technology of the gear we’ve got now. Back when he started, he would have never envisaged the things the gear can do now.”

“With this gear we can complete jobs faster, which really helps us today because the expectation of work done in a day is a lot more.”



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Business Central

BUILDING » Mundi Developments

Where no one day is the same Sue Russell

lot of money and that is still why I build. I’ve been fortunate to have had wonderful building experiences with great clients,” he says. This major shift in focus, from building a home and selling it, to building subdivisions with concept plans highlighting design features that will sit well on a site, allowing clients to have a significant input in the home’s ultimate look should they wish, is something Raju is looking forward to. “With my experience I know what will and will not work on a site and this makes the finalising of designs for clients so much simpler,” he says. When asked to comment about any challenges he sees the residential building sector facing, Raju says the decision by Government to raise deposits for new homes from 20 percent to 40% for owners is too big a leap, which puts significant pressure on the industry as a whole. “I think too many people are going to struggle to find this deposit and in time the deposit percentage will need to adjust back. This coupled with the cost of construction increasing by between 5 – 7% each year is really tightening up the residential building sector.” Last year, Raju completed a high end property in the Meadows, Flagstaff. The house featured over 280sqm of generous

Mundi Developments, has been involved in the building sector for 18 years and has concentrated on the residential and lifestyle market in and around Hamilton and the Waikato.

living spaces and entertainment areas with high raked and boxed ceilings. Early this year, another property in the Meadows, Flagstaff was also completed which was 250sqm of living and entertainment areas was working together with 5 bedrooms, two livings and two full kitchens to create high end luxury living in one of Hamilton’s most sought after

subdivision. When asked what he enjoys most about building Raju says its working with people, that and the fact that his work gives him the capability to work around his family’s needs. “My wife works full-time so it is good that I can come and go from home. No two days are the same and I really enjoy that.”


Stone Basin S

Raju Mundi, from Hamilton-based Mundi Developments, has been involved in the building sector for 18 years and has concentrated on the residential and lifestyle market in and around Hamilton and the Waikato. The busy builder and property developer currently has five house and land packages on sections ranging from house sizes 230sqm to 400sqm at Cambridge Park, Cambridge, two on offer at The Meadows subdivision in Hamilton’s North East quarter, along with lifestyle blocks at Brighton Grove, near Ruakura, just east of the city. “Cambridge Park in Leamington and are really nice sections with gully views. These sites are large, ranging from 1250 – 1500sqm. Our homes tend to be bought by people moving into their second or third home, given their size,” Raju explains. Out at Ruakura, a stones-throw from Waikato University, LIC and Ruakura Research Centre, three life-style blocks, each one 5000+sqm will in time become home to a substantial property. “We are going to build some lovely big homes on these blocks, between 350 to 450sqm each.” Raju is a Licensed Building Practitioner and has always operated on his own. However, last year, given the demand for houses in the areas of Hamilton he has purchased sections for development on, he took on a full-time builder. Over the years, he has been busy constructing high-end and upmarket homes to service the growing demand to live in and around the hub of the Waikato. In the process he has evolved long-established relationships with two builders. “In any given year, I used to complete four or five homes but I feel it is the right time to be stepping up to a new level now. I began with a passion for building rather than making a

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Business Central

BUILDING » Tim Lucas Construction

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Traditional homes, modern comforts Karen Phelps Tim Lucas Construction has taken on the licence for the Wellington region for Heritage Buildings and Homes. This means that the company can now essentially offer clients any style of house – from contemporary to traditional, says company director Tim Lucas. “Through Heritage Homes we can offer customers wanting a traditional home a range of 30 plans that recreate buildings from pioneer cottages to 1860 villas, ornate 1910 villas through to the classic retro bungalows of the 1920s, 30s and 40s. “By using modern building materials and methods, including sustainable and affordable products to future proof our buildings, we can offer a beautiful traditional home with all the modern comforts,” he explains. Through Heritage Homes, the company can offer full turnkey packages and a design service including concept and design and full site specific working drawings. Plans can be customised to suit individual needs and bespoke designs are also possible. Heritage Homes buildings for the main part are clad with pine timber weatherboards. Tim says it’s an environmentally friendly choice as pine timber has low production energy requirements and is a net carbon absorber. He points out that pine timber is a renewable resource and world-leading New Zealand forest management ensures continuous and sustainable production. “Pine timber is plentiful in supply, strong and lightweight, safe and healthy and flexible to use. Providing an environmentally friendly home is important and wherever possible when building Heritage Homes we use materials that have been manufactured from recycled, renewable and sustainable products,” he explains saying that clients are often surprised that the build cost per square metre for a Heritage Home is surprisingly competitive with building a modern home. Tim Lucas Construction is embarking on its first Heritage Homes build, a 1920s style villa designed specifically for clients in Otaki. The 600sqm house includes five bedrooms, a two bedroom guest wing, four car garage with games room and 140sqm of covered verandah. Tim, a Master Builder and Licensed Building Practitioner, has been building for over a decade and started his company in 2009. He says attention to detail has set Tim Lucas Construction apart. The company focuses on higher end housing and establishing good communication with clients is key to achieving the best result, says Tim. “At Tim Lucas Construction, we recognise that every project is different so can work with clients in the way that suits them best - either a full contract build, a labour only contract or

Tim Lucas Construction is a Wellington based building company completing both modern architecturally designed new homes, as well as new Heritage Homes.

somewhere in between. We have a trusted network of trades and can coordinate these to ensure each job runs smoothly,” explains Tim. Tim Lucas Construction, of course, also completes modern contemporary homes and people can approach the company with their own plans or Tim can put them in touch with the right architect for their project. It also completes select renovation projects. The company employs a team of six and has a head office in Paremata where wife Kerstin takes care of the administration and contracts leaving Tim free to be on the tools. At the moment Tim Lucas Construction is working on a labour only contract building two large houses in the Hutt Valley region. The company will shortly start building a large 600sqm Heritage Home. The Wellington market continues to be busy and with the transmission gully project Wellington is expanding. Tim says

that with rising house prices it is becoming comparatively affordable to build new as opposed to buying existing. No matter what the project quality is always paramount. “The end product is really important

to us and it’s that which has helped us to establish such a good reputation. We aim to grow but we never want to lose touch with employees and clients. A personal approach to building is what it is all about at Tim Lucas Construction.”

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Business Central

This three bedroom plus office home by SS Homes to the east of Maraekakaho is a simple rectangle shape, made up of two boxes which are joined by a transparent mid-section.

Simple yet bold house design Kelly Deeks Perched near vertical cliffs and overlooking an everchanging meandering river vista to the east at Maraekakaho, rural Hastings, is a clever, uncomplicated structure with strong architecture which was economical to build, and SS Home’s latest entry into the Architectural Designers New Zealand (ADNZ) 2017 Design Awards. SS Homes managing director Jason Sullivan says he came up with the idea for the design on seeing the lifestyle section, with the meandering Ngaruroro River beyond to the east, and the Aorangi Road vineyard to the west. “It is a simple rectangle shape, made up of two boxes which are joined by a transparent mid-section with floating roofs,” he says. “This home’s layout allows the living area in the transparent mid-section to face east, which upon arrival draws you to the river view beyond, and west to the vineyard. The main

living space serves as a verandah, which allows a strong sense of connection to the outside.” The mid-section has an overhang on the east side, and also keeps a strong connection to the western vineyard views. The transparent mid-section of the home allows sun into the house during the day for passive solar heating of the concrete Maxraft floor slab. The kitchen and open plan living areas are easily transformed into an indoor/outdoor living area by way of stacking sliding doors which open to the east and west facing level entry decks. The bedrooms and service areas are located down the quieter ends of the house, away from the busy areas. The bathroom and toilet have no windows, instead they are flooded with light from light wells in the ceiling. The three bedroom plus office, two bathroom, 216sqm home was an economical build at about $2500 per square metre.

Jason attributes some of the project’s cost savings to having three small floating roofs, as opposed to internal guttering. The lightweight Maxraft foundation, rated at R4.5, also contributed. Black fibre cement sheets differentiate the home’s lines on the exterior, and supplied in

sheet sizes, also contributed to the economy of the construction. The exterior cladding and batons are carried through from the outside and into the glazed mid-section, emphasising the floating roof which ties the two solid boxes together. Jason says the home was a straightforward

Architecturally designed homes, tailored for you 06 875 1127 021 333 150

Business Central


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The transparent mid-section of the home allows sun into the house during the day for passive solar heating of the concrete Maxraft floor slab. The main living space serves as a verandah

structure to design, with the main challenge being how to span the steelwork in the midsection. The main highlight of the project was seeing how good the home looked once construction was complete. “Combined with a great location, this simple yet effective design looks really good,” he says. “Our client is so happy with their home. After a couple of night in their new home they said it was like staying in luxury holiday accommodation and they were just waiting for someone to come and tell them it’s time to check out!” SS Homes’ clients are enjoying the tranquil sound of the river running below their home, and the everchanging views. Ngaruroro River fills up with about 40 jet boats every weekend. Jason is an ADNZ member who has been working in the building industry for 25 years, having gained his trade certificate in the mid1990s. He started SS Homes in 2011, after working for another leading New Zealand architectural design and build practice. He focuses on delivering creative and contemporary architectural design solutions to a wide variety of projects and clients. “Our mission at SS Homes is to create simple, bold designs using sound aesthetic and practical principles to maximise site potential and achieve client satisfaction,”

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BUILDING » Scarbro Construction

Business Central

Scarbro Construction, founded in 1996, is currently working on 20 Customhouse Quay (20CQ), a multi-storey office block on Wellington’s waterfront.

Where pride is an important factor Sue Russell Scarbro Construction was founded in 1996 by Garry Scarborough, Peter de Nys and Paul Scarborough. The Auckland-based company was subsequently joined by Peter Davis. The company undertakes a large range of building

projects, from fit-outs, commercial and residential and apartment blocks throughout the country. Success and reputation have been built on meeting and exceeding clients expectations and delivering projects on schedule and to budget. Underpinning how it goes about business, Garry Scarborough says that to be successful

it is essential to understand the expectations of clients. “We recognise that substantial investments are being made, we are therefore committed to delivering projects that exceed all initial aspects of our customer’s expectations.” Since January 2016, Scarbro Construction began work on the ambitious and groundbreaking 20 Customhouse Quay (20CQ

New Zealand’s leading mechanical HVAC contractor Specialising in design, installation & maintenance Commercial Institutional Healthcare Industrial A member of the Horizon Energy Group

tower) multi-storey office block, replacing BP House on Wellington’s waterfront, demolished following the 2013 Seddon earthquake. “Piling work began in January 2016 and the whole project is due for completion by December this year,” says Scarbro Construction project manager Lachlan Collett. When asked what specific challenges working on the waterfront site presented,


Business Central Lachlan says driving the piles into the ground with a high sea level meant constant attention needed to be given to water distribution and safety. “Another challenge is the diagrid steel structure and maintaining the high level of accuracy with the jumps, three levels at a time.” Lachlan says another challenge has come from working on a site almost fully taken up by the towers footprint. “It’s certainly logistically challenging. It means that onsite storage and loading of bulk material is managed to 15/30 minute timeslots to manage the minimal space we have with the loading bays.” The five green star rating 20CQ carries relates primarily to the buildings energy usage, which include perimeter chilled beams, external solar shading and an ‘intelligent’

BUILDING » Scarbro Construction building management system. One of the tower’s stand-out features Lachlan says is the structural diagrid enveloping the tower. “It’s second to none when it comes to thinking outside the square literally. This structural feature is then enhanced with the addition of Seismic base isolators which mean the building will survive a 1 in 500 year earthquake with no structure damage compared to 1 in 25 for a 100% new building standards rated building. The tower will be New Zealand’s tallest building using base isolator technology. Add to this the curtainwall façade, built to a curve, installed to highlight the diagrid frame, forming large X’s in the façade, has given the project its nickname as XXCQ,” says Lachlan. The curtainwall is also glazed with near

mirror tinting which when combined with the curve will create faceted angles. “So looking at the building from one point you will see both the sea and the sky.” With demand from the market on major construction running at an unprecedented level in the capital, Lachlan says the whole industry is dealing with pressure on its most important resource – people. “A large number of companies are spreading themselves too thin. There simply aren’t enough of us to work through it. Add to this the demand for quicker and faster construction timeframes means that the situation will only get worse unless we invest in the future helping young individuals with a passion for construction to get into the industry now.”

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So what is it that separates Scarbro Construction from other large construction companies? Lachlan puts this down to the company’s culture. “We’re big on culture, both in house and at building sites. We build buildings we can be proud of. Pride is an important factor in the workplace and one that must not be understated. Scarbro builds on reputation.” As for the future, Scarbro Construction, with its headquarters in Ellerslie, intend to continue to work in a broad range of projects, both large and small, so that it remains a general building company, rather than specialising, while pursuing relationships with blue chip companies, local government and growth areas including education and retirement facilities.

“We’re big on culture, both in house and at building sites. We build buildings we can be proud of. Pride is an important factor in the workplace.”

CARPENTRY AND CONCRETE SUBCONTRACTORS. Proud to support Scarbro with the construction of 20 Customhouse Quay. Phone: 0800 WALCON (09) 2983630 • Abrasive Blasting • Zinc Arc Spraying • Industrial Coatings • Intumescent Fire Protection

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BUILDING » Schaw Building Ltd

Business Central

Focusing on the important things Kelly Deeks The workmanship of Central Hawke’s Bay building company Schaw Building (SBL) has recently caught the attention of renowned local architect Simon Clarkson, when the company was approached by a client to build a Clarkson-designed home last year. SBL is now starting its second Simon Clarkson build. “Most of our clients can go one of two ways once the design of their home is finished,” says SBL directors Marcus and Sarah Schaw. “They either stop working with the designer, or they keep them involved. On our first Simon Clarkson build last year, our client kept him very involved and because of that involvement, we were able to build a close relationship with Simon.” SBL’s second Simon Clarkson build is a totally different style of home to the first. “The first one was a really classically styled farm house, with a lot of cedar cladding and recycled timber on the interior,” says Marcus. “This new home we’re about to start is more of a modern and industrial style, using polished concrete, precast concrete, and plaster cladding.” SBL prides itself on helping its clients through the consent process, and in this case got involved early with the council to help get consent. “We’ve got a bit more experience than the average person building their first home, and we have a good relationship with our council and the building department, in particular,” Marcus says. “We’ve got the answers to the questions the council asks, and we can make the consent process run a lot smoother.” SBL has completed an expansive range of projects since its inception in 2010, the variety of work giving the company the scope of experience it is proud to continue to build upon. SBL’s first project was a commercial renovation, carrying out the custom conversion for Mills Honda from the old wool store on Takapau Road. Since then, the company has completed the full range

of construction projects from cattle yards to pole barns, sheds to fixed landscaping, and renovations to architecturally designed dream homes, including a completely off the grid home powered by solar. No job is too big or too small. Company directors Marcus and Sarah Schaw are both born and bred in Central Hawke’s Bay, which gives them a good understanding of what operating a business in a small rural community means. “Client relationships are a huge part of the satisfaction we get from our work,” Sarah says. “In building these relationships we have maintained a strong focus on transparent pricing and attention to details.” She says the SBL team has a strong focus on listening to clients, helping to make the building or renovating process simple and enjoyable. SBL has a team of eight, with Marcus and Sarah heading up six employees. From Brendan Mackey, the smiley foreman, through to Hugo Schaw, the international champ of an apprentice, the whole team are incredibly approachable and help to make up the core of the SBL culture. Also on the team are qualified carpenter George Hendy, SBL’s newest foreman Hamish Carroll, and Hamish Adam and Shaun Mills, two second-year apprentices with plenty of experience in the construction industry. “The structure of our company means there is always someone available to take your call, and our project management ensures your project runs smoothly from start to finish,” Marcus says.

“We’ve got the answers to the questions the council asks, and we can make the consent process run a lot smoother.”

Schaw Building Limited’s team has a strong focus on listening to clients.


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“Marcus & Sarah won our building contract due to their thorough and full disclosure of all costs, which were very competitive. What is more, they kept to the contracted price with no additional costs. We will have no hesitation employing Schaw Building again for any work we require in the future.” “Marcus handles the authorities with professionalism, thus we have had no delays. His team is very particular at following the plans very carefully. We would thoroughly recommend Schaw Building.”



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Pahiatua: 06 376 7896 Waipukurau: 06 858 9366

BUILDING » Shedboss Taupo

Business Central

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An emphasis on quality construction Karen Phelps It was the strength of the ShedBoss system that attracted Trudi and Andrew McHale to take on the Taupo franchise. Andrew, a Licensed Building Practitioner, had previously been building other types of sheds for many years and liked the strong bracketry system used by ShedBoss, which he considers superior. “Joints are the most important engineering consideration in a shed and ShedBoss uses the world patented Morinda glove section bracket system. It includes fully wrap around knee and apex joints that are made from heavy galvanised steel and pre-punched screw holes for quick and correct installation. It is nonwelded and corrosion free,” he explains. ShedBoss Taupo offers a versatile, affordable range of quality steel structures with strong design, independent engineering and exclusive systems such as the Morinda bracket systems. ShedBoss products offered include sheds and garages, workshops, barns, carports, commercial buildings, structures for outdoor living areas and rural sheds. Trudi says that emphasis is placed on quality not only in terms of using quality materials but also during the construction of the project. ShedBoss employs a team of six with Andrew on site overseeing quality control on each job and liaising with clients. Trudi takes on the administration role in the business ensuring things are running smoothly behind the scenes. ShedBoss Taupo works from Taupo to Wellington depending on the project. It has been working on a number of large commercial projects demonstrating the capabilities of the ShedBoss offering. ShedBoss Taupo completed its largest build to date in Ngaruwahia last year – a 78m x 28m building. The franchise has just finished three large commercial projects in Wellington and is working on a large truck workshop in Levin.

ShedBoss products include sheds and garages, workshops, barns, carports, commercial buildings, and rural sheds. But that’s not to say ShedBoss Taupo solely undertakes large builds – it will build anything for customers from a home garage right through to large commercial projects. Trudi says nothing the company undertakes is “standard”. “Everything we build is to the client’s specifications so they get the building they want and that perfectly suits their needs,” she says. “When a customer first contacts us and important part of the initial process is to sit down with them and find out their ideas and

what they are wanting to use their ShedBoss building for. We then advise them as to the best options. Once that is settled we complete the design in-house and it is then engineered through ShedBoss. Only then do we start the build.” ShedBoss Taupo largely completes design and build contracts, taking care of the entire process for clients including consents. The company can also supply product in kitset form though if required. Many colour options are possible giving an aesthetically pleasing result.

Business is busy for ShedBoss Taupo as the region thrives and the company has now completed a number of projects. ShedBoss Taupo has its sights set on further growth to meet demand for ShedBoss in the region. “We’ve proven ourselves in the area since taking the franchise on in 2012 and most of our work is now by word of mouth,” says Trudi proudly. “The product pretty much sells itself. Combined with our building expertise our clients can be assured of a really great result that will stand the test of time.”



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CONTRACTING » Byfords Construction

Business Central

Core family values & integrity key Kelly Deeks One of New Zealand’s largest mobile aggregate suppliers, Byfords Construction, based in the Rangitikei District for the past 55 years, now has 25 consents for gravel extraction and processing in the central North Island including Taupo, the Central Plateau, Rangitikei, Manawatu, Northern Wairarapa, and Central Hawkes Bay Owner of Palmerston North’s Stringfellow Contractors Graeme de Rose purchased Byfords Construction at Taihape three years ago. “Since we’ve taken over, we’ve invested a significant amount of capital and replaced about three quarters of the plant with new and more modern gear,” he says. “This has allowed us to almost double our production of granular products to close to 400,000 tons a year.” He says this increase has been achieved by modernising all the equipment, while staff levels have stayed the same, at 25. “We’ve actively chased new clients, and we’ve recently broken into the sealing chip market for the various roading authorities.” Byfords Construction also has a supply contract with KiwiRail for the manufacture and delivery of railway ballast to the Central North Island Byfords Construction operates its own quarries throughout the central North Island, allowing the company to produce all types of aggregate from basecourse to sealing chip, concrete aggregates to screened topsoil, and sand to landscaping stones. “We also produce a lot of big rock for riprap to prevent erosion on river banks, and we’ve stepped that division up in the past 18 months,” Graeme says. “We get our rock from farmland in the Taihape and Ohakune areas. The rock, which is of volcanic origin, is extracted using excavators and dump trucks and transported to stockpile sites for sorting and breaking into the specified sizes. It is then transported by truck and trailer units to the project site.” Byfords Construction’s resources include a combination of modern mobile jaw crushers, mobile cone crushers, mobile screens, wheel loaders, hydraulic excavators, and articulated dump trucks, providing versatility and an ability to respond quickly to a variety of requests. The latest additions to the fleet are a Keestrack impact crusher which weighs 51 ton, plus a new Keestrack triple deck screen,

Byfords Construction operates its own quarries throughout the central North Island, allowing the company to produce all types of aggregate.

imported from Belgium in November through New Zealand agents Equip2 at Masterton. “That’s given us a huge increase in capacity,” Graeme says. “They are highly productive machines, producing up to 350 tons an hour, so over a 10 hour day we can get 3500 tons of product.” Graeme has spent his whole working life in the construction industry, coming up 50 years. He bought Stringfellow Contractors 12 years ago, and worked on building up its level of activity. He sees the purchase of Byfords

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CONTRACTING » Byfords Construction

Business Central

Construction as a natural extension of Stringfellow Contractors’ existing operations. “Stringfellow Contractors is a civil engineering company located in the Manawatu which works in the southern half of the North Island,” he says. “This operation is very complementary to Byfords Construction, with a lot of NZTA projects, roading, drainage, and earthworks.” Stringfellow Contractors uses about 15 percent of the product produced by Byfords Construction. Since Graeme took over the management of Byfords Construction in Taihape, his eldest son, civil engineer Simon, has taken over the management of the 25-employee strong

Stringfellow Contractors. Graeme’s other two sons Karl and Paul also work in the business. “I’ve spent all my life working and managing our operations to ensure we achieve positive outcomes for all our clients and staff, but now I spend my time picking the right people for the right job,” Graeme says. “Now I’ve stepped back, I’m only as good as my worst man on his worst day.” As a family owned business, Byfords Construction, like Stringfellows is built on a platform of core family values, principles, and integrity. Byfords Construction is a member of the Aggregate and Quarry Association of New Zealand.

| 53

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BUILDING » Smith & Sons Hamilton

Business Central

Renovations the name of the game Karen Phelps Turning a building company into a marketable business that can one day be sold is a challenge for every independent builder. That’s partly why Charlie Robinson decided to purchase the Smith & Sons Hamilton franchise in 2009. “It gives me the option when it comes time to retire to have a business to sell,” he says. “My building company, which I had been operating since 1980, was already one of the biggest renovation builders in Hamilton so it made sense.” Charlie, a Licensed Building Practitioner and Registered Master Builder, offers his clients around 40 years of experience. This is important on renovation projects as experience really counts. Charlie says this enables him to advise his clients appropriately and also avoid foreseeable problems as well as quickly come up with solutions to those unexpected issues that inevitably arise on renovation projects. He says that because clients generally deal with him he can offer a more personal building experience. Charlie manages the company, handling sales and sharing the contract management. He employs a quantity surveyor and office manager. Backed by a solid team Smith & Sons Hamilton can take on any size renovation project. And business is busy. Now that the cost of housing and land has risen so much it is becoming increasingly attractive for people to simply renovate the home they already own. Specialising in renovation projects means Smith & Sons Hamilton can offer clients a highly skilled team. “Renovations are more challenging than building a kitset home. They take more skill to manage and undertake. The level of craftsmanship and skill required is high,” explains Charlie. Smith & Sons Hamilton normally takes on around four projects simultaneously with jobs ranging from around $40,000 right up to $500,000 plus. At present the company is working on a project to open up a modern home in Pirongia and adding two bedrooms and an office along with upgrading bathrooms and ensuites. Ceiling linings will be replaced and a tongue and groove ceiling installed. The company has also just started a renovation in Hamilton East with a dining room and deck addition, double glazing and exterior joinery. They have just completed a new kitchen, ensuite, walk-in wardrobe, new

Smith & Sons has franchises throughout New Zealand and Australia and specialises in home renovation and extension projects. bathroom and deck on a villa in Hamilton. Smith & Sons has franchises throughout New Zealand and Australia and specializes in home renovation and extension projects. Smith & Sons is a company with a real family focus and every Smith & Sons builder works in their own family business, which means these builders can relate and do the utmost to alleviate any untoward circumstances that affect family life, says Charlie. And Charlie’s family is certainly entrenched in the building industry. Charlie’s father was a builder and Charlie’s son Luke is now following in his footsteps and contracts to Smith & Sons Hamilton. His other son, Douglas is an architectural designer. Charlie’s brother Phillip is the quantity surveyor. Charlie remains proud of the family based business he has successfully established and looks forward to continuing to assist people in the Waikato region with their home renovation projects. Smith & Sons Hamilton can also take on new home projects through its sister company CA Robinson Builder Limited.

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BEVERAGES » Harvest Cider

Business Central

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Responding to changing tastes Kelly Deeks Changing tastes and maturing palates have Gisborne’s award-winning Harvest Cider focused on what the customers want, and currently it’s a move away from sweeter flavours and back to the traditional apple. Harvest Cider was established in 1989 by local orchardists Brian and Irene Shanks, who made cider from their own braeburn and granny smith apples. Harvest Cider’s flagship line of Scrumpy Apple Cider was developed in 1991, and since then the company has developed and produced many more flavours and four more brands, including Harvest, Thomas & Rose, Bulmers Original and Strongbow. Harvest Cider general manager Hamish Jackson says the company is a New Zealand icon and just as always being based in Gisborne is part of its story and heritage, so is Harvest Cider part of Gisborne’s, too. “We’ve got nine and a half people working here, and everyone loves it,” he says. Hamish himself has been with Harvest Cider for five years. “I’ve been in produce all my life, and you can only rock up to parties with broccoli and salad so many times.” Joking aside, he says Harvest Cider has had a considerable amount of growth in the past five years, going from producing 1.4 million litres of cider per year to now 3 million litres. “A lot of that growth has been driven by Scrumpy,” he says. “It’s not the biggest seller, but if you put all four of our Scrumpy’s together it makes us the number one brewer of cider in New Zealand.” A good achievement for a small local company, which has also been recognised with several Brew NZ, International Cider, and Fruit Wine & Cider Makers of NZ awards over the years for both Scrumpy Apple Cider and Harvest Apple Cider. Harvest Cider’s first emergence into the fruit flavoured cider market was with Scrumpy Raspberry Cider in 2012, which Hamish says took a while to make traction but is now doing well, and is the number five cider in New Zealand, just behind Scrumpy Apple at number three. Harvest Cider had its range of Thomas & Rose Fine Fruit Ciders under development when the Swedish brand of flavoured ciders Rekorderlig was set to hit New Zealand shelves. “We pushed our Thomas & Rose fruit ciders to get ahead, and we got them out

Harvest Cider’s flagship line of Scrumpy Apple Cider was developed in 1991, and since then the company has developed a produced many more flavours.

about eight weeks before anyone else,” Hamish says. “That was a big growth period for cider in New Zealand. It was growing about 25 percent to 30% year on year. It was popular with younger people and RTD drinkers.” Now he says the market is turning around again, tastes are changing, and while people are still drinking sweet, fruit flavoured ciders, more are progressing back to original apple cider. “Pear is also having a resurgence,” he says. “It dropped off the face of the earth for a while, but now there is growth in pear. We’re about six to eight months behind Australia, and it’s happening there now.” The development of Harvest Cider’s most

recent release, Scrumpy with ginger, was researched on Facebook, with the company using social media to obtain feedback from customers. Scrumpy with ginger has already exceeded sales and marketing forecasts, and in April won a bronze medal in the New World Beer and Cider Awards.

Harvest Cidery also won its first New World Beer and Cider Awards gold medal this year for Scrumpy Apple Cider, and bronze medals for apple cider, Scrumpy with lemon, and Thomas & Rose strawberry and lime cider. Hamish isn’t giving anything away, but says Harvest Cider’s next release later this year will be a limited edition. For over 25 years, Harvest Cidery has been producing some of New Zealand’s favourite cider from Gisborne. The cidery is proud to have created such top brands as Scrumpy, Thomas & Rose, Bulmers, and of course Harvest itself.

Located on Customhouse Street, Harvest Cidery wishes to welcome you into their world of award-winning unique tastes. The Cellar Door is open on the weekdays and is a sightseeing must The Cidery offers a viewing window and when visting cider tastings of our award winning ciders sun-drenched Gisborne. Come and watch the crafty team in action Weekdays 9am-4pm while you learn about the 91 Customhouse Street growth of cider in New Gisborne 4010 Zealand and discover Phone 06 868 8300 some of the world’s best cider making secrets.

Harvest, Scrumpy, Bulmers, Thomas & Rose Fruit Ciders


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INDUSTRY » CR Automation Heinz Wattie’s

Business Central

Innovative bright stack solution Karen Phelps Hawkes Bay company CR Automation has come up with an innovative bright stack solution for client Heinz Wattie’s, realising significant improvement in flexibility and cost saving, says CR Automation mechatronics manager Craig Petersen. Bright stack is a process used by Heinz Wattie’s to stack and palletise unlabelled canned product. The cans are then labelled for distribution as required. The process not only allows Heinz Wattie’s to maintain quality control of product but also the flexibility to label appropriately for different markets depending on incoming orders, says Craig. He says that bright stack systems are typically challenging to design due to the speed of cans needing to be processed – around 350 cans per minute per line in this case. Typical problems are that cans can be missed in the stacking process, meaning that the strength of the pallet stack integrity is compromised, he says, and the solution devised by CR Automation eliminated this problem for client Heinz Wattie’s. Individual rows of cans were created utilising a magnetic transfer system capable of picking up an entire row at a time to move the cans to the conveyor belt. A servo control system positioned the cans on the conveyor in the correct configuration. “This was certainly a challenging design job, which we also completed in a tight time frame. It’s a testament to our in-house team of mechanical and automation design engineers, backed up by strong project management capabilities, that were able to come up with this unique solution that we don’t believe is being done anywhere else in the world,” says Craig. “The solution has resulted in increased efficiency and flexibility for the client’s operation as the system utilises a single robot capable of loading three pallets simultaneously with three different product lines if required.” CR Automation provides automation and electrical engineering solutions, from add-ons for stand-alone machines through to large green field turnkey industrial installations. The company’s clients benefit from cost-effective, fit for purpose, future-proofed systems, delivered on time, to specification

CR Automation provides automation and electrical engineering solutions, from add-ons for stand-alone machines through to large green field turnkey industrial installations.

and budget, says Craig. Since the company was rebranded, CR Automation (originally Crossman Richards) it has taken a new direction to include mechanical design and manufacturing, by partnering with local companies DSK Engineering and Isaacs Electrical for mechanical and electrical fabrication and construction, and expanded its customer base into other industries. Industries served by CR Automation include food and beverage processing, manufacturing, water and waste water, wine and one-off industrial projects. Craig says that the company’s technical capability stems from hands-on experience at the factory floor level combined with the specialist skills of highly qualified engineering professionals. Services offered include specialized software engineering solutions, electrical engineering, industrial IT systems, project management, reverse engineering, robotics,

“No matter what the project we aim to deliver the very best work for clients within budget, to specification and on time. Most importantly, CR Automation places great emphasis on building relationships based on accountability, trust and integrity."

legacy surveys and process engineering. “No matter what the project we aim to deliver the very best work for clients within budget, to specification and on time. Most importantly, CR Automation places great emphasis on building relationships based on accountability, trust and integrity.

"When our clients choose to work with us they gain access to a team of highly qualified and experienced engineering professionals. This depth of knowledge and industry experience means they can rely on the consistency, quality and timeliness of engineering deliverables every time.”

DSK Engineering has come along way for a company that started out with a workshop in a shipping container 25 years ago. Over the years, DSK has expanded naturally with demand for our experience working in the processing industry for companies such as Heinz, ENZA, McCain’s and Panpac Forest products. Now, DSK has become one of the largest engineering companies in Hawke's Bay employing over 50 people. We have a progressive team of knowledgeable project engineers who serve clients throughout New Zealand and offshore. DSK are able to support our clients with comprehensive 24/7 maintenance, installation and break down support. We look forward to putting our passion into your project too.

DSK Engineering is proud to support CR Automation. 510 Coventry Rd, Hawke's Bay 4172

Contact us on 06 872 7033

Business Central

DEVELOPMENT » Tauranga Energy Consumer Trust

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The Kollective will provide flexible working spaces, wrap-around services such as business advice and marketing, as well as the opportunities for community organisations to collaborate with others.

Flexible work space at The Kollective Kelly Deeks Construction has begun on a new community business hub at Tauranga’s Historic Village, where Tauranga Energy Consumer Trust (TECT) is providing the co-working facility with the goal to create an environment which will increase the capabilities and effectiveness of community organisations through better collaboration, communication, and sharing of best practice. TECT general manager Wayne Werder says the community hub, named The Kollective,

will provide essential support to community organisations within Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty. “Most of these groups are small, not for profit, one to three people organisations, and we want to give them the ability to work in a wider environment and share resources,” he says. “If these community groups are more efficient and more effective, the flow on effect is a better service to the community.” TECT is a funding provider for community groups and works closely with them day in

“We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and thorough knowledge of all aspects of the trade”.

Proud to be associated with Taurange Energy Consumer Trust (TECT)

“What we see is a whole lot of individual groups that all have the same needs around back room resources, so having these groups in one space will create more efficiencies and less costs for these groups.” and day out. Extensive engagement with these organisations has helped TECT to understand the key areas of support required to enable delivery of effective outcomes to the community. Wayne says a lot of the applications TECT receives for funding are to pay for the back office costs of running these organisations. “What we see is a whole lot of individual groups that all have the same needs around back room resources, so having these groups

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in one space will create more efficiencies and less costs for these groups,” he says. “If we can save costs for these community groups, what they can then do is redirect funds to the service provision, as opposed to the back office costs.” And bigger than that, the ability of the community groups to be able to co-connect and collaborate with other groups with the same intentions will no doubt lead

• To page 58

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DEVELOPMENT » Tauranga Energy Consumer Trust

Business Central

Once completed mid 2018, the just under 2000sqm facility will be the largest of its kind in New Zealand, with the ability to accommodate about 150 people, and 30 to 40 community groups.

Flexible work space at The Kollective • From page 57 to innovation and improved community outcomes. “We’re going to ensure we get a range of different groups located together, and even some fringe non-community groups like accountants, lawyers, and other services that could be of value to community groups.” The region’s three local funding organisations, TECT, the Bay-Trust, and the

Acorn Foundation, will all take a place in the new facility, giving The Kollective its own funding hub. The Kollective will provide flexible working spaces, wrap-around services such as business advice and marketing, as well as the opportunities for community organisations to collaborate with others. Once completed mid 2018, the just under 2000sqm facility will be the largest of its kind in New Zealand, with the ability to accommodate about 150 people, and 30 to 40

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community groups, depending on their size. TECT has been working on this project for more than three years. “Working for a long period on consultation with community groups to find out whether people would want to locate themselves in a community business hub has given us the confidence that if we build it, they will come,” Wayne says. TECT will remain the property’s landlord, with the return being both financial and social outcomes, and accepting the financial return

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on investment will likely be below market return. The management of The Kollective has been contracted to SociaLink, a community group in its own right which provides support for the social sector. TECT has purchased land within the Historic Village grounds to build The Kollective, and will also partly develop some adjoining green space for communal village use. CBC Construction is the project’s main contractor.

DEVELOPMENT » Lawrenson Group

Business Central

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A trusted name in hospitality Karen Phelps The Lawrenson Group is constructing its latest bar in the suburbs of Hamilton, marking a distinct departure from its previous focus on operating in the central city. Lawrenson Group chief executive officer, John Lawrenson, says the growing population to the north of the city meant that the company saw increasing demand for such a development. “There are 1800 houses being built to the east of Rototuna over the coming years. Commercial land nearby is well developed. There is such a catchment it makes sense to build a large food driven tavern in the area,” he says. The establishment, yet to be named, is under construction and will be opening around October 8. Located on the corner of Gordonton Road and Wairere Drive, the venue will be in a prime location for the 20,000 plus vehicles that pass by daily. At 818sqm, it will be the largest venue the group has built to date. A central bar/ kitchen area will split the layout enabling patrons to either enjoy a drink at the bar or a quieter dining experience on the other side. Substantial outdoor areas will give plenty of opportunity for al fresco dining or drinking. A mezzanine above the bar area, capable of catering to 60 people seated or around 100 standing, will be hired out for private functions. John says that the overall concept will be similar to the company’s hugely successful The Roaming Giant but the décor will provide a point of difference. “The new venue will be slightly softer and plusher with features such as bespoke ornate lighting, upholstered booth seating, carpet tiles and timber flooring,” explains John. Food will be the focus, with the emphasis on doing popular food well. The menu is being developed by Andrew Clarke from the company’s award-winning Victoria St Bistro. “It will be food that people don’t feel intimidated by but done with a bit of a twist to make it a little more special. For example, there will probably be hamburgers but they will be some of the best hamburgers you’ve ever eaten,” says John. Form Building and Developments is undertaking the build. It’s the first time The Lawrenson Group has worked with the company but John says he has been impressed. “Communication has been really good and they’ve kept me up to date with how the project is progressing. Things are going very smoothly so far,” he says.

The new venue has been designed by RM Designs, the company that designed the group’s recent refurbishment of its first venue, Furnace. Originally a restaurant and nightclub, the focus is now entirely on food, transforming the venue into one of Hamilton’s top restaurants, says John. Opulent and modern, the décor has retained the classic schist stonework it was renowned for but added modern colours, deep buttoned felt and leather booths, upholstered chairs and ornate light fittings, as well as materials like dark oak timber and corten rusted steel. The Lawrenson Group is one of New Zealand’s leading bar and restaurant organisations currently comprising 16 establishments located predominantly in Hamilton’s CBD. These businesses range from awardwinning restaurants and after work drinking venues to Hamilton’s biggest and most popular nightclubs. John says that the Group is currently looking to expand, particularly into Auckland, Christchurch and Queenstown where it has identified significant opportunities for the business going forward. He is looking at sites and hopes to start work on the company’s first venue in Christchurch shortly.

The Lawrenson Group’s new venue in Hamilton has been designed by RM Designs, the company that designed the group’s recent refurbishment of its first venue, Furnace (main photo and inset).

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BUILDING » Wat’sOn Building Ltd

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Business Central

Homes built with the future in mind Kelly Deeks

Tozer ors


Whanganui building company Wat’sOn Building is currently developing four new architecturally designed homes with a difference in the small subdivision of Duncan Street. Wat’s On Building managing director Mike Watson says the four new homes, which are three 150sqm townhouses with two and a half bedrooms and a 175sqm home with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, have all been designed with future proofing for the elderly in mind. “What we’re finding is people selling up their large homes when they get to age 55 or 60, they’re getting a reasonable amount for it and are able to buy a brand new unit, future proofed for the years to come,” he says. “Even things they aren’t thinking about at the time, if something goes wrong 10 years down the line, the house is already decked out and ready to go, made ready for wheelchair access, grab rails, wall hung toilets and vanities for ease of cleaning, north facing living areas, sheltered outdoor areas, and more. Future proofing homes for the elderly makes it much easier when the time comes and it’s needed, instead of worrying about how you’re going to get mum or dad back into their unsuitable home.” The homes feature Mike’s own ideas about future proofing for the elderly, some based on his recent experience with his own mother-in-law returning home in a wheelchair after a hospital stay. Mike has been assisted by architect Mike Bayliss from Sharpe Architectural Services. Each home features level door thresholds, wide doorways for wheelchair access and also to eliminate trip hazards. There are either no steps, or a maximum step of 20mm. Bathrooms are future proofed with wet floor showers, and set up with dwangs in the walls ready for the easy installation of grab rails, shower seats, the showers and the separate toilets with their own wash hand basin. Kitchen and bathroom cabinets are all soft close, and also feature anti-spill surfaces with a slightly raised edges. “The garages feature a workshop area at the rear, so people downsizing can still enjoy a place to tinker. Everyone forgets about these types of spaces in units, so we have accommodated by creating this area for those little projects that pop up from time to time. “Laundry units are more than a standard super tub. They are crafted by a joiner with maltica and formica tops, and large sink bowls.”


D e or c

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Each home has outdoor, north facing, patioed living areas adjoined to the main living area, with good sun and covered roofs, sheltered screens also so residents can keep warm outside. Each home has infinity gas hot water, and homeowners have a choice of refillable LPG gas bottles or natural gas piped in. Mike says these homes are architecturally designed and feature higher ceilings in the entry and living areas. Some have skillion roofs for that feeling of more space. “It’s amazing how you can lift the ceiling and the room feels a lot larger compared to your standard 2.4m stud,” he says. “We’ve taken them up to 2.7m, and some skillion roofs up to 3m high.” The homes are complete turn key packages with driveways, footpaths, fencing, and gates all included. Sections are top soiled and ready for grass seed. All that’s left for the homeowner to do is choose window coverings and colours. An interior designer is appointed as part of the package, to help with interior colour selection.

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Whanganui building company Wat’sOn Building is currently developing four new architecturally designed homes with a difference.

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BUILDING » Wallace Development Company

Business Central

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Shared spaces, hot desks, hot property Karen Phelps Wallace Development Company is establishing three Tech Collectives in Napier, Hastings and Havelock North, which look set to change the way the region’s businesses work. According to Mike Walker, one of Wallace Development Company’s development managers, the aim has been to create flexible work spaces and lease options. While spaces are available for long term lease in each collective, a number of hot desk spaces on flexible lease are also being offered to cater to smaller enterprises and start ups. “We’re seeing some real growth and interest in co-working spaces. There will be shared kitchen and toilet facilities. Hot desk spaces will be available in this common area,” explains Mike. The first Tech Collective is nearing completion on Bridge Street in Napier and was converted from an old wool store building. The design includes clear glass walls to give the feel of an open plan co-working environment while also giving privacy. Original Oregon timber beams and columns remain and a white washed ply insulated roof has been installed resulting in a contemporary modern interior. Solar panels on the roof will provide 40 kilowatts of solar energy, which will be spread over the tenants’ power bills reducing occupancy costs. Shared meeting rooms are offered, telephone booths for tenants needing privacy to take a call and there is also an outdoor green space for shared use, bike stands and showers. The development is anchored by phone and internet service provider NOW at one end and Xero at the other. Other companies to have confirmed residency in the building include Red Jungle, Re-Leased, Webfox, DataNow, Many Hats, Grundy Productions and Adoro Café. Tenants will also have access to meeting rooms in the other Wallace Development

The first Tech Collective on Bridge Street, Napier, being built by Wallace Development Company, is nearing completion.

Company Tech Collective projects in Hastings and Havelock North to support a mobile, flexible workforce. Mike says the aim is to roll out the concept nationwide starting in regional centres. With its head office in Palmerston North, Wallace Development Company was formed in 1982 by Jonathan Wallace. The company is now one of the leading commercial property development and investment companies in the lower North Island. Mike says that the company’s point of difference is that it is not a property speculator - the majority of its projects are completed for known clients who are committed prior to the commencement of detailed design and construction. Wallace Development

Company Limited covers all aspects of the commercial property development process from sourcing sites and drafting plans to project management and delivering a turn key solutions for clients. Clients may choose to lease or purchase completed premises from Wallace Development Company Limited. “This allows clients to free up capital for expansion while achieving the necessary changes required to their existing premises.” Other current projects include the Chow:Hill

designed 202-216 Hastings Street, a new three storey building being constructed by Stead Construction. Colliers have leased the top floor of the building and Tremains and Macpac will take the ground floor level. The first floor is still available for lease and offers a 600 square metre space. The project is due for completion by August and Mike says it will add to the mix of office developments in the area, including Cosmopolitan House, which Wallace Development completed in 2013.

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BUILDING » Walton Enterprises

Business Central

High-end homes for Kandallah Kelly Deeks Property development company Walton Enterprises is now undertaking its first highend venture after completing several midrange developments, as well as developments for Housing New Zealand and IHC over the years. Walton Enterprises’ new development is 10 high-end homes in five blocks on a 2100sqm site on Jubilee Road in the premium Wellington suburb of Kandallah. Walton Enterprises director Greg Walton says his company bought the site for $1.4 million about a year and a half ago. It was covered in bush and had two old derelict houses on it. “Jubilee Road is well-known as a good street, its established with character homes which people have renovated to a high standard,” he says. “After doing a lot of midrange properties, it was really nice to try something more towards the million dollar price bracket. It’s been nice dealing with a different type of client, and what’s really nice for me is being able to design something I personally like and would live in. There is huge enjoyment in doing a nice design and providing a high quality product to the market.” And it’s not only Greg who likes his designs, with nine out of 10 of the homes already sold off the plans. The local neighbourhood also likes his plans, and was consulted with closely prior to construction beginning. “We’ve got a good relationship with these neighbours, and we’ve worked hard to make them feel comfortable about the development,” Greg says. “We are bringing some changes to their environment. This particular site will change from accommodating two families to 10, but it’s also changing from derelict houses to high end character homes. The neighbours wanted something nice to happen on the site, and as soon as they saw the plans, everyone was happy. They all liked the design and it has added value to their own properties.” He says some of the things you learn after two generations of property development is to over communicate everything, and keep constant contact with neighbours. “Some developers try to do things on the sly, but we find that never works,” he says. “We give them a lot of information and through that, we create their expectations.”

Walton Enterprises’ new development is 10 high-end homes in five blocks on a 2100sqm site on Jubilee Road in the Wellington suburb of Kandallah.

Greg developed the design himself using ArchiCAD, with his main objective to create expensive looking, character homes. “Being able to create these 3D drawings gives people a great visual representation of their completed home,” he says. “From there we went through the resource consent process with council and fine tuned a few things, which took about four months. The way we operate, and having done several developments for quite a few years now, we know what the buyers are going to like, and what the council requires as well.” For Greg, buyers’ boxes are ticked with homes that he would personally like to live in, close to the city, close to transport links, good sun, and good views. On Jubilee Road, two of the new homes look out over Wellington harbour, with the rest set high and looking back across the valley and native bush to Mt Kaukau. Now about a third of the way through construction, the homes on Jubilee Road are being built by local building company SFB, who also worked on Walton Enterprises previous development of 13 townhouses at

Johnsonville, which were all presold off the plans. Greg says Wellington’s real estate market is currently running hot, and hottest in the medium price range. Walton Enterprises has another development underway in Newlands to suit this bracket.

Coyne Drainage Contractors Ltd Keeping Wellington Flowing Since 1966 Proud to Support Walton Enterprises P: 478 6791 | M: 021 128 8280 A: 28 Glanmire Rd, Newlands | E:

Servicing the greater Wellington region 0800 83 75 22

Business Central

TAUPO » Valhalla Living


| 63

Reducing the ecological footprint Karen Phelps The benefits of building a Passive House are becoming increasingly recognised in New Zealand and Kim Feldborg, director of Taupo based building company Valhalla Living, feels it is his duty to help to further educate the public so people can make informed choices. Established in Germany in the eighties, passive house is a standard designed to reduce the ecological footprint of a building by focusing on low-energy consumption. Passive Homes are designed to strict international criteria focusing on air tightness and using European window technology, high insulation, a heat recovery ventilation system and thermal bridge-free construction. “A Passive House is a well-insulated, virtually airtight building with air circulation that is primarily heated by passive gain. This means that the building’s interior climate can be maintained at a comfortable level without active heating and cooling systems so the house heats and cools itself,” explains Kim. “Thermal bridging is an important aspect and occurs where heat is transferred between material such as the floor slab and the ground. This commonly occurs at corners, connections, windows and where insulation is interrupted. “So thermal bridge-free construction covers everything from windows and internal steel beams not touching the timber framing, to insulating the footings and having the concrete slabs sit on high density polystyrene.” A key advantage of building a home to passive house standards is that the house will retain more heat over time meaning that less energy is needed to maintain temperature. “In traditional New Zealand houses, a substantial proportion of the space heating is needed to replace heat energy that has been lost through the walls, floor and roof. By comparison, the temperature loss through the thermal envelope of a passive house is minimal and the combination of passive heating and heat recovery ventilation provides almost all of the warmth in the house. “Valhalla Living’s focused design and detailing, together with its experience and understanding of Passive House principles, means that we can build a new passive house which uses little or no heating and as a result a fortune will be saved in energy bills,” says Kim. Kim, who is a Licensed Building Practitioner and member of the Passive House Institute New Zealand and NZ Certified Builders, says when building a Passive House experience is key. Kim, who originally hails from Denmark, brings extensive experience building in Europe and England. He started Valhalla Living in 2007 and is mainly kept busy building in Taupo but does

As well as passive house building, Valhalla Living does undertake regular building work – new homes, renovations and light commercial renovations, alterations and fitouts. RIGHT: Valhalla Living’s Kim Feldborg.

offer consultation in Passive House building further afield. Apart from passive house building Valhalla Living does undertake regular building work – new homes, renovations and light commercial renovations, alterations and fitouts. As an independent builder, the company offers a comprehensive plan to completion service, which includes initial planning, design, implementation and project management. Kim says that the beauty of his experience in Passive House building means he can offer his expertise in this area on any house or building he constructs and customers can choose if they would like to include any Passive House features in their build. Kim’s own home has been built as a Passive House and he regularly holds open days and gives seminars on the topic and says interest is growing as people become more aware of energy consumption and the true life long costs of a home.


Passive House Certified Heat Recovery Ventilation solutions

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66 CROWN ROAD TAUPO (07) 376 0200



64 |

TAUPO » Wade Construction

Business Central

Part of Taupo’s building landscape Kelly Deeks Taupo building firm Wade Construction is back working with local Iwi Ngati with ¯ Tatemohuta ¯ the rebuild of Pakira Marae at Waitahanui on the shores of Lake Taupo. Wade Construction co-director Richard Gardiner says this latest project is one of several the company has completed over the years for Ngati ¯ Tawharetoa. ¯ “It’s a good partnership for us,” he says. “A lot of our work is price based, and Ngati ¯ Tawharetoa understands we are giving them ¯ value for money, which is creating more opportunities for future projects.” The rebuild is part of Ngati ¯ Tutemohuta’s marae development plan with the financial support of Te Pae o Waimihia. The new Pakira Marae is under construction and due for opening around Labour Day this year. Richard says it is a modern marae, complete with commercial kitchen facilities including walk in chiller, butchery, and store rooms, and a very large dining area of 10m by 32m. There are bathroom facilities capable of handling the same large amount of people, with six showers, two disabled access toilet and shower rooms, and parents’ rooms. The kitchen and dining are on the lakeside at one end of the building, and a hallway leads through the bathroom area to a new Pakira Wharepuni or meeting house. The Pakira Wharepuni, with a big pitched roof, will feature restored carvings, tukutuku, and kowhaiwhai on the inside, There will be a new design of the marae atea, the place where visitors are greeted on the marae. Richard says with the marae recently roofed and exterior wall claddings starting, the project has been running smoothly. “Our biggest problem so far has been the sandflies – we’re being eaten alive!” The team on site will soon be covering up for winter so this won’t be an issue for long. Wade Construction is a long-standing business which has contributed a range of residential, commercial, civil, and industrial projects to Taupo’s landscape over the past 20 years. The company is made up of about 30 highly skilled, competent, and reliable workers. “Our high calibre team allows us to achieve

Wade Construction is a long-standing business which has contributed a range of residential, commercial, civil, and industrial projects to Taupo’s landscape.

the highest possible standard of workmanship and to take pride in all of the projects we have been involved in,” Richard says. Versatility has been key to Wade Construction’s success, with the company undertaking a variety of projects, some of which highly complex and unique. Residential projects have ranged from minor renovations to architecturally designed private homes,

“Our high calibre team allows us to achieve the highest possible standard of workmanship and to take pride in all of the projects we have been involved in.”

• To page 65

Awnings • Balustrades Security Products • Showers Wardrobes • Gates • Flyscreens Proud suppliers to

Wade Construction

TAUPO » Wade Construction

Business Central

| 65

Part of Taupo’s building landscape • From page 64 while commercial and industrial jobs have included complete refits of busy restaurant kitchens and large scale tilt panel workshops. Wade Construction has a significant presence in all areas of construction in Taupo as one of the town’s leading contractors specialising in all projects most others would say ‘no’ to. “Our versatile work history has proven our resourcefulness and adaptability, and ensures we are capable of completing future projects no matter how simple or multifaceted they may be.” With a new, custom built office and workshop in Mahoe Street, Taupo, Wade Construction provides a contact point for enquiry, communication, and follow up. The marae will feature commercial kitchen facilities including walk-in chiller, butchery, and store rooms, and a very large dining area of 10m by 32m.

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Domestic & commercial • wiring • repair • maintenance P.O. Box 1046, TAUPO Mobile: 0274 964 513 • A/Hrs: 07 378 3612 Fax: 07 377 6550 • Email:

Proud supporters and suppliers for Wade Construction

165 Ruapehu Street, Taupo 3330 07 378 4802


Suppliers of Daikin Heat Pump Air Conditioning in Taupo for 21 years. Proud to be assisting Wade Construction Limited with Supplying and Installing Daikin Heat Pump Air Conditioning as well as Refrigeration for the Pakira Marae Project 16 TOTARA ST, P.O. BOX 1299, TAUPO T: 07 3770441 F: 07 3770221 M: 0274 571612

66 |

TAUPO » Generation Homes

Business Central

Homes forged on trust & hard work Karen Phelps Generation Homes Rotorua-Taupo is in the process of building a brand new show home in the Ngaroto Estate subdivision in Wharewaka to showcase what the company is capable of offering home buyers. The upmarket four-bedroom show home will be clad in Linea Oblique weatherboard and vertical cedar. Inside it will include a tiled bathroom, ensuite, spacious lounge, living, dining area, kitchen with walk in pantry and stone benchtop as well as offer a double garage. Special features include a gas fireplace and chapel ceiling in the living room. Generation Homes Rotorua-Taupo is offering a range of house and land packages in the subdivision with prices starting from around $600,000. Owner of Generation Homes RotoruaTaupo, Paul Marshall, says that the modern development is in a prime location, conveniently accessed directly off Lake Terrace, set in, off the road with good proximity to the lake front and Taupo’s retail hub. Protective covenants will ensure future dwellings comply with or exceed any modern subdivision, he says. Paul come from a background as a builder and grew up in the region. His twin brother Lyndon operates the Tauranga Generation Homes franchise. “I really liked Generation Homes’ family orientated approach, and when the chance came to come aboard it was a really easy decision to make,” says Paul. Generation Homes Rotorua-Taupo builds new homes on clients’ own land or offers house and land packages in select locations. Generation Homes offers a range of 200 architecturally designed plans, which can be adjusted to suit customers’ individual requirements. Sometimes the plans are simply used to act as a catalyst for ideas, says Paul. The company also offers a full design and build option for those who seek a truly unique home. He is proud that around 25 percent of Generation Homes new builds are actually customers that the business has built with before. The amount of builds that are word of mouth referrals brings this figure to up to over 50%. So how does Generation Homes consistently deliver its customers a truly satisfying experience? “It’s because we don’t just say ‘fixed

Generation Homes Rotorua-Taupo builds new homes on clients’ own land or offers house and land packages in select locations. BELOW: Ngaroto Estate subdivision is across the highway from Rainbow Point.

Laser Electrical Taupo Proud to be the Electrical Contractor for Taupo Generation Homes

144 Taurikura Drive, Tauranga e: Ph 07 578 6361

TAUPO » Generation Homes

Business Central price’ and ‘on time’, we guarantee it 100%,” says Paul. “We have national supplier and contractor agreements underpinned by price and quality, and on-time delivery guarantees. “We offer a fully completed product with no hidden extras including landscaping, letterboxes, fencing and clothes line built into the cost, which makes it easy for our clients to stick to their budgets.” Generation Homes achieves a build time of just 14 weeks (single story) to 18 weeks (double story) – achieved in 97% of builds. It offers a 10-year Master Build Guarantee and a 12-month warranty on all building works. Generation Homes was formed in 1997 in Tauranga by electrician Graham Hockly, and builder-business partner David Mansel.

Their partnership was forged on trust, an ethic of hard work, quality workmanship, integrity and providing value for money. Those ethics are still as strong within the company, says Paul. The Rotorua-Taupo region Paul’s franchise builds in has experienced much development and growth in recent years. With a combined population of around 75,000 and growing Generation Homes Rotorua-Taupo has plenty to keep it busy. “Both Taupo and Rotorua’s many attractions earmark them for high future growth, ensuring that the Rotorua-Taupo Generation Homes team will be kept busy helping new customers into quality houses for many years to come.”

| 67

“I really liked Generation Homes’ family orientated approach, and when the chance came to come aboard it was a really easy decision to make.”

ADDRESS: PO Box 10152, Rotorua OFFICE: 07 343 6960 MOBILE: 027 4907 522 A/HRS: 07 347 3412 EMAIL: www.

Generation Homes

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An established walking underpass provides easy access to Secombe Park and the Lions Walk.

Comprehensive Earth Moving Solutions in Taupo and the Bay of Plenty PHONE:

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WEB: | PO Box 4569, Mt Manganui South 3149


68 |

INDUSTRY » Winemakers & Growers

Business Central

Wine exports to US surpass $500m The latest data from Statistics New Zealand show wine exports to the US have surpassed $500 million for the first time, up 11 percent in the last year. As the wine industry advances towards its goal of $2 billion of exports in 2020, there is significant potential for further growth in North America said Philip Gregan, CEO of New Zealand Winegrowers. “New Zealand wine, especially sauvignon blanc, is very popular in the US and we expect consumer demand to continue to grow. “The new record level of wine exports into the world’s largest and most competitive market is an outstanding achievement for New Zealand wine exporters and testifies to the strong global demand for our wines.” New Zealand wine exports reached a new record of $1.63 billion in March year end 2017. Wine is now New Zealand’s fifth largest export good by value. Data shows that: · New Zealand wine exports to the US have jumped 11% ($49 m) in the past year and now represent over 30% of the total value of exports. · Growth in US exports represent 70% of total export value growth of New Zealand wine in the past 12 months. · New Zealand is top 3 wine import into US by value · By value, US exports are now worth 30% more than the next most valuable market, the UK. The announcement of the new export records come at a busy time for the wine sector with the 2017 vintage nearing completion and international sauvignon blanc day celebrations in May.

As the New Zealand wine industry advances towards its goal of $2 billion of exports in 2020, there is significant potential for further growth in North America.


“The new record level of wine exports into the world’s largest and most competitive market is an outstanding achievement for New Zealand wine exporters and testifies to the strong global demand for our wines.”

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“Every Silvan product has a reason for being, a benefit that’s tangible and a relevance to rural conditions” Founded in 1962 by Michael Tricarico, Silvan is devoted to those connected to the land. The Silvan brand has always pioneered superior technology, durability and delivered dedicated support. Silvan and their “big red tanks” have become a constant in the Australian and New Zealand agricultural landscape.

SILVAN CORE VALUES Quality, reliability and innovation These values determine how Silvan operates with commitment to the success of customers, partners, investors and employees. Silvan embraces change and growth, facing the challenges and opportunities of modern agriculture. More than 50 years later, Silvan are still leaders in the agricultural market and focused on creating a productive future.

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evolved into the largest Australasian manufacturer of world-class crop protection sprayers and related machinery. Specialised equipment has been developed for crops including vegetables, grapes, apples, pears, citrus, bananas, olives, sugar cane and turf.

SERVICE & SPARE PARTS Silvan understands that when a customer invests in equipment, they are looking for a product accompanied by prompt and reliable after-sales support. At Silvan, we pride ourselves on the quality of our products as well as our customer service and support.


ADMARK – WINE LABELS THAT TELL YOUR STORY Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your job was completed once you’d produced and bottled your precious wine? You’d be happily indulging your passion creating your next vintage while the last one flew off the shelves with little or no effort on your part. Sadly for many winemakers though, that’s not the way it works. Obviously, the quality and reputation of your wine influences purchasing decisions, but in some cases, it takes a whole lot more than that. Consumers must be attracted to your wine over other wines in the first place, and their curiosity must be sparked enough to want to find out more, before finally making the decision to purchase. And that is the process you have to manage thankfully you have an invaluable marketing tool in your arsenal, known as the wine label. An excellent wine label will make your wine stand out amongst a sea of bottles; it will grab the consumer’s attention and intrigue them enough to want to find out more. Once that intrigue is created, you’re nearly there – they’re on the hook and they’re ready to be reeled in for the purchase. So how does your wine label achieve all that? The short answer is it needs to be as carefully crafted, and embodied with as much dedication and passion, as the wine itself. So as a winemaker, you have a decision to make: do you learn a whole new set of skills, or do you partner with

someone who lives and breathes the science of wine labels?If you chose the latter (and that seems the intelligent choice!), Admark are proud to partner with you to provide expert advice, award-winning expertise and cutting-edge technology and processes to ensure your label not only achieves what’s mentioned above, but captures your brand heritage and personality too. Our team of consultants, designers and printers becomes your team of consultants, designers and printers. We’ll work together to create bespoke labels from a massive range of technically advanced standard and limited edition stocks, with embellishments that offer visual and tactile textures, varnishes, embossing, hot and cold foil stamping – whatever it takes to give your label the wow factor. Our state-of-the-art label machines include a 10-colour press, meaning you’re not limited to conventional inks – inject some pizzaz with metallic, sparkly and colour-changing chromatic inks, and some utility with thermal inks that indicate your wine is at the correct tippling temperature. Elegant and understated, or vibrant and youthful; your label is limited only by the imagination! Technically, of course, Admark’s labels perform to the highest standards – stock, adhesive and embellishment combinations

stand up to the most rigorous conditions with no wrinkling, bubbling, creasing or edge-lifting. We can accommodate long or short runs; numbered limited editions and infinitely variable and personalised data and QR codes that allow you to tell the story of your wine, and track it from grape to mouth, with scan-able links to your website. We can even incorporate authenticity and security features to protect the good reputation of your wine.

The technology embodied in this label press allows winemakers to tell the story of their wine from grape to mouth.

So what are you waiting for, partner? Give Admark a call on 0800 236 275 or visit

INDEX » Architects 44 .............................................4 - 5

Taupo Generation Homes ......................66 - 67

Arrow International Wellington ..................6 - 7

Tauranga Energy Consumer Trust ................. 58

Blackley Construction ................................... 17

Tim Lucas Construction ................................ 45

Byfords Construction...............................52 -53

Valhalla Living .............................................. 63

CR Automation - Heinz Wattie’s .................... 56

Wade Construction .................................64 - 65

Canam & Whare Aroha Care Unit ..........10 - 11

Wallace Developments ................................. 61

Chris Bell Construction ..........................12 - 13

Walton Enterprises ....................................... 62

Comment Section - Tax Matters ...................... 8

Wat’sOn Building Ltd .................................... 60

Gardner Homes .....................................18 - 19

Winemakers & Growers ................................ 68

Gisbourne District Council ............................ 09 Hanna Construction ...............................21 - 22 Harvest Cider ................................................ 55 Homestead Construction ........................24 - 25 ID Loader ...............................................42 - 43 JD Construction .....................................22 - 23 KiwiSpan NZ New Plymouth ...................28 - 29 KiwiSpan NZ Rodney..................................... 32 KiwiSpan NZ Taupo ....................................... 31 KiwiSpan NZ Wairarapa ................................ 30 Landmark Homes Manawatu/Wanganui ....... 33 Lawrenson Group ......................................... 59 Livingstone Building...............................34 - 35 Lobell Construction Ltd ..........................14 - 15 Matrix Homes ........................................36 - 37 Maycroft Construction............................38 - 41 Mulholland Construction ........................26 - 27 Mundi Developments .................................... 44


Riverbank Estates ......................................... 20


SS Homes ..............................................46 - 47


Scarbro Construction .............................48 - 49 Schaw Building ............................................. 50 ShedBoss Taupo ........................................... 51 Smith & Sons ............................................... 54

Talk to us today, the feature profile experts

Phone: 03 983 5500 Fax: 03 983 5552



Business Central

72 |

Page | 12 Chris Bell Construction

Page | 46 SS Homes

Page | 57 Tauranga Energy Consumer Trust

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