Winter 2016
Where the rubber meets the hoof DeLaval’s Phill Bloomfield (left) tells Michael Burnett, from DeLaval dealer Canterbury Farm Services, just why cows enjoy milking on a rubber deck. Balclutha-based CCMP’s decision to use the rubber decking on a custom-built shed drew reports of an instant difference in bovine behaviour. Story: page 40.
WORLD WIDE AGRICULTURAL Traralgon Victoria, Australia, July 20-22
SAM KEKOVICH (AUSTRALIA) VFL Sporting legend and Australia’s lamb ambassador
YORK BAYER (GERMANY) Overuse of chemicals and effects on crop yields
BOB PERRY (USA) Importance of soil analysis to achieve healthy soil
NEAL KINSEY (USA) Magnesium in the soil and how to improve water efficiency
TIM REINBOTT (USA) Cover crops and how soil fertility influences food quality
PETER NORWOOD (AUSTRALIA) Antioxidants in plants, animals and humans
DR. DON HUBER (USA) The overuse of glyphosate and effects on crop yields
AARON WOOLARD (USA) Soil mapping for efficiency of fertiliser and water applications
BO SHROPSHIRE (USA) The management of high sodium and high pH soils
Early bird registration finishes 1 June Farmer speakers from Australia and New Zealand
To register visit or email