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Tuitionformagnet school studentsingradesKindergarten–12 isthestatutoryresponsibility ofthesendingtown. Specialeducationcostsare alsothe statutory responsibility of the sending town for any magnet school student. Beginning in the2023-2024 SY, The Friendship School (TFS) will no longer offer Kindergarten. Due to this program change, Waterford Public Schools will only have statutory responsibility for the special education costs of studentsinPreK3andPreK4atTFS.
MiddleSchool Magnet/CharterSchools
ArtsMagnetMiddle School
Science & Technology Magnet High School
Marine Science Magnet High School of SoutheasternConnecticut
All sixth grade students at Clark Lane Middle School and those students at Waterford High School enrolled in marine biology andmarinesciencecoursesparticipateinProjectOceanologyat AveryPoint.
Funding for the out-of-district placement of special education students whose placement is in a specialized program within a public school setting:
OCEAN AVENUE LEARNing ACADEMY: The facility supports students with developmental disabilities such as autism, emotional and behavioral challenges, and complex medical needs. TheprogramprovidesABAservicesaswellasdirectand consultative clinical support in the areas of psychiatry, psychology; social work and behavioral expertise – these are providedbasedonthechild’sindividualizedneeds.
Funding for the out-of-district placement of special education students whose placement is in a specialized program within a private school setting:
Adelbrook (Transitional Academy): The Ädelbrook Transitional Academy is a community-based vocational program for young adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. In addition to vocational training, the Transitional Academy provides functional academics, and community engagement opportunitiestohelppreparestudentsforindependentliving.
American School for the Deaf: The American School for the Deaf is a comprehensive learning community that welcomes all deaf, hard of hearing and hearing children with unique communicationneeds.
Buckingham: Buckingham is a non-profit corporation providing a variety of supports and services to student and adults. They provide vocational placements in the community, individual homesupportsandschooltoworktransitionalservices.
Connecticut Coastal Academy: The Connecticut Coastal Academy works to restore and recognize the gifts of people with physical, intellectual/social emotional and learning differences. Through restorative approaches to behavioral health they nurture socially oriented young people, who are proudtotakemeaningfulrolesintheircommunities.
Grace Webb: The Grace Webb School provides special education and related services to students grades K-12. It is their mission to provide individually tailored programs for studentsintheleastrestrictiveenvironment.
Lighthouse Voc-Ed Center, Inc.: A private, nonprofit organizationestablishedtopromoteaqualitycommunitybased programencompassingthelifeskillsnecessaryforindividualsto function independently. Each person’s program is coordinated with teachers, therapists, speech pathologists, case managers, and/or families. Individual programs are designed for each person based upon their needs as determined by staff and families. Lighthouse provides both day and extended day programs.
Meliora Academy: Meliora Academy is a private educational program designed to provide intensive and comprehensive educational services to students with autism spectrum and related disorders. It provides students with a data-based instructional curriculum as part of a transdisciplinary teaching programutilizingresearch-basedinterventions.
River Run Academy at the Susan Wayne Center of Excellenceis a residential treatment center designed to enable students with unique challenges to reach their maximum potential by offering a sophisticated level of education and clinical treatment.
Seabird Enterprises, Inc.: Seabird was established as a nonprofit organization in the town of Groton in 1983 to provide vocationalopportunitiestostudentsandadultswithintellectual and/ordisabilitiesinthecommunity.
Waterford Country School: Comprehensive special education academic, prevocational, behavior management, life skills, and support programs for residential, emergency shelter, and day students, ages 8-22. Day students may be placed by their LEA. Residential, shelterandsafe home placementsarestate agency placements.
WaterfordTransitionProgram atUCONNAveryPointCampus
Transition Program for students ages 18-22 that is located on the UCONN Avery Point campus. This transition program providesstudentswithavarietyofopportunitieswhichinclude direct paid work experience, teaching around resume writing, jobapplications,personalfinance,careerreadiness,studyskills and independent living skills, to name a few. Students also have an opportunity on Fridays to work in the community as well as building social skills with peers. The program fosters the growth of the special education student to build their independence so they are able to enter the work force or attendcollegewithassistanceorindependently.
No-nexus State students who have been placed in the Waterford Country School’s Thomas Bent Shelter who are not appropriate for public school placement. Educational services are provided byWaterford Country School. This account varies widelyfromyeartoyearduetostateagencyplacements.
No-nexus students who have been placed in one of the WaterfordCountrySchool’sSafeHomesorSheltersandrequire an intensive, therapeutic educational setting such as Thames Valley Clinical Day Treatment or the Joshua Center based upon thestudent’sIndividualizedEducationalPlan(IEP).
Excesscostreimbursementwasdefinedasfive(5)timesbeyond thedistrict’saverageperpupilcostforplacementsmadebythe district. However, beginning July 1, 2003, the reimbursement base was reduced to four and one half (4.5) times by the General Assembly. State Agency placements are set at one (1) times beyond the district’s average per pupil cost. The anticipated projected reimbursement rate for excess cost is 70%.