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Supplies Budget
2023-2024 WHS Athletics BudgetMatrix
BLAX(H), Softball (H), Girls Tennis, GLAX (H&A), Sideline Cheer, FencingSet x1
On average over last two years, all fees increased 2% per year (in2021-22total paid = $52,078)
Helmets, pads as required Athletic Training Supplies, Team Med kits, etc Awards, Letters, certificates, banners, etc
Athletes = 754
2023-2024 CLMS Athletics Budget Matrix TRANSPORTATION
EQUIPMENT $353,689
Principals review equipment requested by teachers or department heads to determine which items are necessary and reasonable within the total building budget. The Superintendent further scrutinizes these requests.
Program Equipment
• This category consists of equipment, which is used directly or indirectly for the instruction of students. This account budgets for replacements to music, P.E., athletics, as well as other classroom needs, such as multi-media (audio visual).
Technology Plan Equipment
This account budget is for infrastructure maintenance per the technology plan, which supports over $5 million in hardware. Specific projects for 2023-24 are as follows:
• $142,800 for replacement chromebooks and $38,050 for replacement iPads. These are planned as a recurring purchase as the district has moved to a one-to-one device school district.
• $28,000 for replacement computers at Oswegatchie School.
• $6,000 to maintain the regional printing environment. Regional printing consists of printers, copiers, and swipe card systems. This funding will be used for replacing end of life printers and updates to the print management system.
• $60,000 for replacement switches, routers, servers, and controllers
Special Education Equipment
• Equipment specifically used for special needs students or programs.
Maintenance Equipment
• This line item is for equipment purchases that exceed $500 in the Buildings and Grounds cost center. It includes items such as snowplow blades and tools.