Waterford High School hwoev
School Counseling Department 20 Rope Ferry Road Waterford, Connecticut 06485
The following information applies only to students who are enrolled in AP courses for this school year, 2019-2020. October 2019 Dear AP Students and Parents, AP Exams will take place from Monday, May 4th 2020 through Friday, May 15th, 2020. New to the 2019-2020 school year, Collegeboard has decided to change their processes in that all AP students must register and submit payment for their AP test(s) in the fall, a practice that formerly took place in the spring. As such, Waterford High School is complying with Collegeboard’s new deadlines. Registration for the 2020 Advanced Placement exams will take place Monday, October 14th beginning at 9am and run through Friday, October 25th at 11pm online through Total Registration. To register for your exam(s) please go to: www.TotalRegistration.net/AP/070873 Note: A late fee of $10 will be charged for every exam ordered after the October 25th deadline and any registration made after November 15, per Collegeboard, will incur an additional $40 late fee. The live link can also be accessed at the WHS homepage on Monday, October 14th. The fee for each exam is $100 and payments can conveniently be made online with a credit/debit card. As you are probably aware, every AP student completed an in-class enrollment in the first two weeks of school through the College Board, which allows access to AP course resources. Total Registration is the second mandatory step in the process, where students select and pay for their exams. If a student cancels his/her registration for an exam by May 1st, there will be a cancellation fee of $40. If a student fails to appear for the exam or cancels after May 1st, there will be no refund. Students should be careful when registering to choose the correct selection for each exam. A reminder that WHS offers: Calculus AB, Chemistry II, English Language (junior) or English Literature (senior), European History, French Language, Physics 1 and 2, Psychology, Spanish Language, Statistics, U.S. History and Environmental Science. Any student entitled to testing accommodations through the College Board can select ‘accommodations’ during registration and then will later be approved by the AP and SSD Coordinator. It is helpful to have your SDS number, but not necessary, to register. If a student chooses to not use his or her accommodations, he or she must speak with Mrs. O’Connor before registration closes with the details. For students with qualified financial need and who receive assistance via Free/Reduced lunch, the AP test fee is covered. Sincerely, Leah O’Connor Director of School Counseling AP & SSD Coordinator Waterford High School 20 Rope Ferry Road Waterford, CT 06385 P: (860) 437-6956 x7125 F: (860) 447-7928