GRADE 2 Essential Questions: Creating – How do artists collaborate? Presenting – How do artists select work for display? Responding – Where do we encounter images in our world? Connecting – How does art help us understand the lives of people of different times, places, and cultures? Grade Level Expectations
Instructional Strategies
CREATING Brainstorm ideas for artistic work. Cr1.1.2 Create a work of art which demonstrates personal interests using a variety of art materials. Cr1.2.2 & Cr2.1.2 Demonstrate safes procedures for using and cleaning art tools & equipment. Cr2.2.2 Repurpose objects to make something new. Cr2.3.2 Discuss and reflect with peers about choices made in creating artwork. Cr3.1.2
Nonlinguistic representations/Marzano Reinforcing effort & Providing recognition/Marzano Student modeling Teacher modeling, think-alouds
PRESENTING Selects work from portfolio to exhibit. Pr4.1.2 & Pr5.1.2 Explain how art works enhance communities, both in and outside of school. Pr6.1.2
Identify similarities & differences/Marzano; Think, pair share Local presentations, exhibitions and Arts Nights
RESPONDING Perceive and describe aesthetic characteristics of one’s surroundings. Re7.1.2 Categorize images based on expressive properties. Re7.2.2 Interpret art by identifying the mood suggested by a work of art. Re8.1.2 Use learned art vocabulary to express preferences about artwork. Re9.1.2
Setting objectives & Providing feedback/Marzano Artist investigations Artist investigations Response games
CONNECTING Create works of art about events in home, school or community life. Cn10.1.2 Compare and contrast cultural uses of artwork from different times and places. Cn11.1.2
Inter-disciplinary integration of core subjects; Current art events, local museum events, authentic art works Multimedia presentations (V-Brick & Art DVD’s)
Common Performance Assessments Common Arts Literacy Assessment Art Portfolio Art Exhibit
Children’s Trade Books – see attached list Videos – Brain Pop Jr., Tumblebooks, VBrick videos Equipment & Supplies – various art media & supplies for drawing, collage, painting, printmaking, sculpture and ceramics
Waterford Public Schools
K-12 Art Curriculum