GRADE 5 Essential Questions: Creating – How does knowing the contexts, histories, and traditions of art forms help us create works of art? Presenting – Why do people value objects, artifacts, and artworks, and select them for presentation? Responding – How does knowing and using art vocabulary help us understand works of art? Connecting – How is art used to impact the views of a society? Grade Level Expectations
Instructional Strategies
CREATING Link ideas to create an original idea for art. Cr1.1.5 Recognize many ways to investigate an idea at the beginning of creating a work of art. Cr1.2.5 Explore various methods and approaches to making art. Cr2.1.5 Exhibit craftsmanship by correct use of materials, tools and equipment. Cr2.2.5 Cr2.3.5 Develop artistic statements using correct vocabulary to describe artwork. Cr3.1.5
Cooperative learning/Marzano Teacher modeling, think-alouds Reinforcing effort & Providing recognition/Marzano Student modeling Setting objectives & Providing feedback/Marzano
PRESENTING Discuss and define the roll of an art curator and why they are important. Pr4.1.5 Establish safe and effective use of tools and materials for various art techniques. Pr5.1.5 Note how and why a museum show can expand on a specific idea. Pr6.1.5
Current art events, local museum events
RESPONDING Note how a response to art can be the same or different than others. Re7.1.5 Note and consider the way different cultures express a vision in their art. Re7.2.5 Understand visual art by considering various forms and structures, historic background and use of media to express ideas and mood. Re8.1.5 Note differences in how we analyze works of art depending on time, style, media, history and cultural preferences. Re9.1.5
Identify similarities & differences/Marzano Think, pair share Response games Artist investigations
CONNECTING Use correct art vocabulary for describing and explaining visual art. Cn10.1.5 Note how art is used to inform, open minds to various beliefs and values in a society. Cn11.1.5
Inter-disciplinary integration of core subjects; Multimedia presentations (V-Brick & Art DVD’s)
Common Performance Assessments Common Arts Literacy Assessment Art Portfolio Art Exhibit Class critiques
Waterford Public Schools
K-12 Art Curriculum