Clark Lane Connects - January 11, 2019

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Clark Lane Connects! January 11, 2019 UPCOMING DATES 1/9– Wingman Wednesday 1/16– Wingman Wednesday 1/18– Geography Bee Final Round Competition 1/18– Sea Stars Team Assembly– Intro to WHS 1/21– MLK Day– NO SCHOOL 1/22– Whelks Team Assembly– Intro to WHS 1/23– Wingman Wednesday 1/23– Terrapin Team Assembly– Intro to WHS 1/25– Snowflake Social School Dance Party– See flier 1/29– Grade 8 Parent Night at WHS

Robotics Club coming in January– See flier attached

YEARBOOKS DEADLINE IS FAST APPROACHING, and so far, ONLY 119 families have ordered!! CLICK HERE to order today! You can also visit the CLMS website or and search for Clark Lane. Extra yearbooks are not available to purchase in June, so please plan ahead to avoid disappointed students at the end of the year! NEW THIS YEAR! 8th grade parents can create a recognition ad for their high school bound student. The link for creating this ad can also be found on the yearbook ordering page. The link says “Yearbook Recognition Ads”!

Clark Lane Connects!

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Grade 8 High School Transition Activities: Team Assemblies ‐ students will be given the WHS Program of Studies, get an introduction to WHS and overview of the elective options th  Friday, January 18 Sea Stars Team  Tuesday, January 22nd Whelks Team  Wednesday, January 23rd Terrapin Team Introduction to WHS Class Lesson/draft of course selections:  Thursday, January 24th Whelks Team st  Thursday, January 31 Sea Stars Team  Friday, February 1st Terrapin Team CLMS Students Register for Courses in S101 Computer Lab: Monday, March 4th through Wednesday, March 6th during PE class time Parent Information Sessions: Tuesday, January 29th 6:30PM at WHS Auditorium Intro to WHS for 8th grade parents Tuesday, February 5th 9:00AM at CLMS library Intro to WHS for 8th grade parents (this time is offered for those who are unable to attend the session on January 29th at WHS)

In December, a group of Clark Lane students orga‐ nized a Joy of Sox Drive. The CLMS community col‐ lected and donated 410 pairs of new socks to the homeless. Socks are the Number One requested clothing item for those not having a home and our students were proud to be able to help!

PTO NEWS– There is still time this year to support the PTO! DINE OUT at Nana’s Byrek– January 23rd, 5– 9 PM– See attached flier Box Tops– PLEASE send them in to collection box in office– See attached flierEasy way to help raise LOTS of funds! Goodwill– Box in front parking lot– PTO receives donations by the pound!

Clark Lane Connects!

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PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT NEWS The PE department continued their focus on fitness with Health Fitness activities in PE during return to school in January. Various exercises are posted throughout the field house and gym, along with Health Fitness terms. On the teacher's cue, students jog to a colored poster and perform an exercise for 30-45 seconds. This muscle endurance activity is performed 2-3 times a class. Our goal is students are learning "hands on" the concept of muscle endurance. Students will be tested in the areas of Health fitness in the spring, as required by the state of Connecticut (for grades 6 & 8). The testing time frame has been expanded, allowing us to test students later in the year, as opposed to the Fall requirement timeline in the past. This is continuation of our efforts to stress the importance of Health Fitness. In December , we had fitness week activities, with a focus on Cardio vascular endurance. Students performed various activities, and on teacher cues recorded heart rates. Comparisons were made between activities.’ Upcoming activities include Badminton & Volleyball!! We will continue our focus on Fitness with Healthy Heart week activities in February!!! Stay tuned & Stay Fit!!! The Wellness team………….. Miss Montanaro, Miss Shannon, Mr Luzzi & Mr Slocum 8th grade wellness students have begun their Consumer Health unit, analyzing the influences on teenagers including advertising and peer pressure. They are investigating Health Claims and marketing techniques, and evaluating how beneficial certain “health foods” actually are. 7th grade health students have begun their Nutrition Unit, starting with exploring the 6 nutrients, and how micro and macronutrients play a role in one’s body. Students are learning how to read a Nutrition Fact label, locate the ingredients list, and calculate the amounts of calories, sugar, fat, etc. in multiple servings. Did you know… FDA regulations now require food labels to include how much of the sugar in a product is added sugar! The American Heart Association and the World Health Organization recommend limiting added sugars to 25-30 grams per day!

Math Coach’s Corner January, 2019 Illustrative Math at C.L. This month marks the 5th month that our math department has been piloting a new math program called Illustrative Mathematics. As we continue to utilize and learn about this program, the department is constantly evaluating its effectiveness in several areas which include: student discourse, student engagement, content knowledge, and several other areas. Throughout this process we are continuing to learn about best practices for implementation so that all students can achieve to their fullest potential. Below I have provided a brief overview of a few specifics with the program. Classroom Experience Almost all lessons begin with a warm-up activity designed to engage the students in some previously learned skill or an idea that is the kick-off to the content for the day. Students usually have time to work alone or with partners, and then a brief class discussion is held. The next part of the lesson is the “deep dive” into the learning objective for the day. This can consist of one or two activities that students usually work together to solve and justify their reasoning. Teachers circulate around the room assisting as needed. After completion of the activity there is a class discussion and the teacher now takes the lead to clarify and connect ideas so there is an understanding of the content for that lesson.

Rob Cillino – Math Coach

Most lessons conclude with a cooldown for the students to work on independently and demonstrate their level of understanding. Homework The Illustrative Math program does not contain a true homework component, so they paired with Khan Academy to provide practice to students which is aligned to the lessons done in class. We have found the use of this online tool to be very helpful in that it provides immediate feedback to the students and offers them multiple opportunities to correct mistakes, both are almost impossible with traditional pencil and paper homework yet imperative to helping students achieve mastery. On the following page is also a flowchart which shows how students should be seeking help when struggling with their homework.

Start Here Move on to Next

1) Try New Khan Academy Assignment


5) Consider Reading an Article for Help

9) Mastered Yes No

7) STOP 8) Not There YET…So Try Again!

4) Try Again… Mastered? Yes No


3) Consider Watching a Video for Help

(2nd Attempt)

2) Mastered Yes No

Move on to Next


Ask Your Teacher For Help!

6) Try Again… Mastered? No Yes  (3rd Attempt)

Khan Academy Homework Flow Chart - Steps (1-9) All Students Should Follow

Move to Next Assign ment

♫♪♫ Music Notes ♪♫♪ This week, the 7th and 8th grade Choruses recorded “I Have a Voice” for the No Bully campaign and competition. We will perform this song about inclusion and self respect at our concert on February 6. More info about concerts is below—mark your calendars!

Another event coming soon is the Mattress Fundraiser on February 10. Students will have the opportunity to earn credit for enticing people to check out the sale! Stay tuned for more info, and if you’re thinking about buying a new mattress, wait until February 10 and check them out at Waterford High School! The 7th and 8th grade Choruses are using Seesaw to record assignments for class. If your child is having a hard time signing on (or if you see a mysterious “0” and wonder what that could be!), contact me and I’ll help! The next assignment is due on 1/31, and late entries are not allowed for this one.  Sixth graders are also hard at work (and play!)on some great repertoire for our upcoming concert on February 13. We can’t wait to share it with you! Dates to keep in mind: February 6 (snow date Feb 7) February 13 (snow date Feb 14) May 15 May 22

7th & 8th grade Winter Concert 6th grade Winter Concert 7th & 8th grade Spring Concert 6th grade Spring Concert

7:00 at WHS (Chorus arrives at 6:40; see your ensemble director for time)

Black and white attire

After School Robotics Club First Lego League provides a great opportunity to enhance your skills in engineering and robotics. Build and program Lego Mindstorm robots while developing solutions to real world problems.

Club starts ​Jan 16​ and will meet on Wed’s after school from 2:35 to 3:35 in room M120. See ​Mrs. Shine​ or ​Mr. Torres​ for more details

Snowflake Social Sports and Dance Party

Dress like a blizzard to win a Blizzard!

Friday, January 25, 2019 2:35 - 4:30 p.m. CLMS Cafe and Field House DJ James Jackson Tickets : $5 Pizza, snacks and Drinks $1ea

Come on out and enjoy some authentic pizza with:

NANA’S BYREK January 23


5-9pm 316 Boston Post Rd Waterford, CT 06385 Just Call 860-437-3030 Come Support the Clark Lane Middle School PTO Enjoy great food by dining in-house or personal pick up ONLY! Val the Owner has agreed to give us 15% of all sales!

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION YES! We still collect Box Tops in Middle School! It’s time to start bringing them into your homeroom. We will be collecting them throughout the year until January 31st. We will keep a running count and the homeroom that collects the highest number of Box Tops will receive a Pizza Party! Please email us with any questions @ Thank you!

Waterford Little League Registration dates for the Spring 2019 season are: Online from January 1st through February 23rd ($20 late fee after February 23rd)

WLLCT.ORG In Person: January 12th from 9am- 1pm At Clark Lane Middle School & rd February 23 from 9am-1pm At Clark Lane Middle School All new players must upload/present Birth certificate. *Evaluations for Baseball ages 8-12 will be March 3rd at CLMS.* *Evaluations for softball ages 8-12 will be March 9th at CLMS* Fees: Tee Ball $70.00 (ages 4-7) Coach Pitch Baseball and Softball (ages 6-8) $90.00 Minor and Major League Player Pitch Baseball and Softball $130.00 Family Maximum $270.00 Questions or concerns prior to registration can be sent to either: Jenelle Fiano –Softball Player Agent Kristina Gordy –Baseball Player Agent









Boston Comedy Festival

Comix Comedy Club

The Today Show

to benefit Q.H. PTA

FRI FEB 8th 2019 8pm TH E SOCIAL BAR + KITCH EN, 208 BANK STREET, NEW LONDON (860) 442 -6900

Return to PTA mailbox.

Comedy Night at The Social Bar + Kitchen If you would like to purchase tickets with a check, please complete and return this form. Student’s name: _____________________________________________ Teacher’s name: _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________

Phone #: ___________________________________________________

$20 per ticket # of tix: ____________________ x $20.00 = _____________________ Total amount due: ___________________________________________

Please make checks out to Q.H. PTA.

Q.H. PTA is hosting its first ever

This is a Father/Daughter, Mother/Son, Very Important Person & Me Dance! When: January 18, 2019

Theme: Red Carpet


Come dressed in your best and bring the whole family!


6 to 8 PM


Great Neck Country Club Dinner includes: Pasta Bar, Chicken, Bread, Soda, Tea, Coffee, Cupcakes, Brownies, and Cookies

Deadline to register is: 1/10

$15 per person Purchase OnLine: OR by detaching the form below and sending into school with you child in an envelope marked Q H PTA Cut Here

Cut Here

Cut Here

Parent’s Name:

Student’s Name:



Number of Tickets:

Amount Due:

School Child Attends: Quaker Hill

Great Neck Oswegatchie

*This is not a fundraiser; the cost covers the venue, food, and any extras.

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