Clark Lane Connects! October 26, 2018 UPCOMING DATES 10/31– Wingman Wednesday 11/6– No School– PD 11/7– Wingman Wednesday 11/8– Stuff the Bus for Interfaith Food Pantry —PTO Meeting 6 PM– Library 11/12– No School– Parent/Teacher Conferences 11/13– 7th & 8th grade Music Informance 11/14– Wingman Wednesday 11/16– Osprey Field Trip– Project O 11/21– 11/23– No School; Thanksgiving Recess 11/28– Wingman Wednesday 11/30– Last day of TRIMESTER 1 —Heron Team Field Trip– Bowling
Hallo-NEON Dance On Friday, October 26, 2018, the Student Council held its annual Hallo-NEON dance afterschool. Over 250 students stayed to enjoy the DJ and dancing in the café; Gaga, Badminton, and Basketball in the Field House, and lots of pizza and candy! Thank you to Mrs. DeLea and her student council helpers for the work they did to prepare, set up and clean up for this event.
Clark Lane Connects!
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Order Your Yearbook Now!
Yearbooks are currently on sale through the CLMS website or by going directly to and searching for Clark Lane Middle School! Don’t delay and get yours today! NEW THIS YEAR! 8th grade parents can create a recognition ad for their high school bound student. The link for creating this ad can also be found on the yearbook ordering page. The link says “Yearbook Recognition Ads”!
A note from the Health/Physical Educa on Department For the week of October 22 through October 30, The Health/Physical Educa on Department has been instruc ng students in "Fitness Week" ac vi es. Students have learned how to find their heart rate (caro d and radial) prior to ac vity, and at various points during ac vity in their PE classes. Instruc on has included the importance of raising their heart rate, and how the ac vi es they perform in class can influence/affect their heart rate. § Is the ac vity beneficial? § Will this ac vity improve my cardiovascular level? § Are my ac vity levels helping me improve in prepara on for the mile run test? Students will be pre‐tested in the mile during this me frame. CT Physical Fitness test repor ng meline has changed for 2018‐19. Our staff can test the students any me this school year. We plan to administer the final fitness test to our students in May 2019, and report results to the state of Connec cut. This allows us to be er prepare our student popula on for the test compo‐ nents: Mile run/walk; push up test; par al curl up test and flexibility test. Our goal is to be er prepare our students for this test, by promo ng ac vity! We encourage you to con nue enforcing the importance of physical ac vity at home! Go for a family walk or bike ride and checking heart rate levels along the way! Ask your child to teach you how! Take advantage of these last autumn days to get outside and PLAY! See below for two fliers/aƩachments about the importance of physical fitness!
Unified Fun Club carved pumpkins and made masks to celebrate the season. The Fun Club has nearly 70 students this year. Choose to Include!! See the a ached flier to order a CLMS Unified T‐shirt!
A group of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students enjoyed making sugar skulls and ornaments
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans:
Youth Physical Activity Recommendations Key Guidelines for Youth Youth (ages 6—17) should do 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of physical activity daily. • Aerobic: Most of the 60 or more minutes a day should be either moderate-or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity and at least 3 days a week should include vigorous-intensity physical activity. • Muscle-strengthening: As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity, youth should include muscle-strengthening physical activity at least 3 days a week. • Bone-strengthening: As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity, youth should include bone-strengthening physical activity at least 3 days a week. It is important to encourage youth to participate in physical activities that are appropriate for their age and ability, that are enjoyable, and that offer variety.
Type of Physical Activity Moderate–intensity aerobic*
Examples of Activities for Youth • Active recreation, such as hiking, skateboarding, and rollerblading • Bicycle riding • Brisk walking • Dancing
Vigorous–intensity aerobic**
• Active games involving running and chasing, such as tag • Martial arts • Running • Sports such as soccer, swimming, and tennis
• Games such as tug-of-war • Push-ups or modified push-ups (with knees on floor) • Resistance exercises using body weight or resistance bands • Sit-ups (curl-ups or crunches) • Swinging on playground equipment/bars
• Games such as hopscotch • Skipping • Jumping rope • Sports such as basketball and volleyball
*Moderate-intensity activity: Allows you to talk but not sing.
**Vigorous-intensity aerobic: Allows you to say only a few words without catching your breath.
Note: Some activities can be classified as more than one type of activity.
Cl ar kLaneMi ddl eSchool Hol i dayOr nament-$8 ORDERFORM Name: Homer oom: #ofor nament s: Tot alcost( $8each) :$
Pr o c e e dsg ot ot heS t ude n tAc t i v i t yF un d MAKECHECKSPAYABLETO CLMS
$20/shirt ___________________________________________________________________________________
NAME __________________________________________ GRADE/HOMEROOM TEACHER_______________________ SIZE YM____
The CLMS PTO is off to a great start this year.! There have been two meetings and over a dozen parents have shown up to commit their support to the PTO this year! THANK YOU! The PTO works hard to provide support to the school through assisting at school events, and fundraising to provide additional resources to each team, and to support several events at the school. There are several easy ways for you to support the PTO. See the PTO website for details of all of these: 1– No frills donation– click on the link to the website above to make a donation through Paypal– or simply send a check to school– envelope marked “PTO.” Suggested family donation is $25. 2– Goodwill donation bin– located in school parking lot– PTO receives a donation per pound of items donated to Goodwill! Remember this way to support the PTO while cleaning out this fall! 3– Box tops– simply cut box tops off packages of products you use in your house. Start saving now. School collection will be in January! See attached flier. 4– Amazon Smiles– Shop on Amazon? If so, simply follow the directions at to select CLMS PTO, and a portion of your shopping sales is donated to the PTO. 5– Eat out on Nov 1 at Filomena’s! A portion of sales is donated to the PTO (see attached flier) 6– Shop at Five Below– See flier on website to bring to Five Below– Nov 18-24.
Join us at
FILOMENA’S for a dine-in!
262 Boston Post RD, Waterford, CT 06385 November 1, 2018 Time: 5pm – 7pm
Bring this flyer with you or have it on your smart phone! Enjoy a delicious meal with your family, friends or co-workers. Have a night out in a decadent environment, With excellent service!
SUPPORT CLARK LANE MIDDLE SCHOOL The PTO will get 10% of all sales. Help us make a community for our students to thrive in!
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION YES! We still collect Box Tops in Middle School! It’s time to start bringing them into your homeroom. We will be collecting them throughout the year until January 31st. We will keep a running count and the homeroom that collects the highest number of Box Tops will receive a Pizza Party! Please email us with any questions @ Thank you!
Saturday, November 3, 2018 10:00 am-3:00 pm Crafters Bake Sale Door Prizes Book Fair Fun for the whole family!
470 Boston Post Road Waterford, CT
Waterford High School Class of 2019 7th Annual 5K
Cert # CT10027JHP
Saturday, November 17, 2018- 9:30 AM
Great Neck School • 165 Great Neck Road • Waterford, CT Pre-Registration $25 (must be post marked before November 15th, 2018) Race day registration $30 from 8:30 am – 9:15 am Bib distribution will start at 8:45 on Race day
T-Shirts to the first 100 registrants Awards for overall male & female and top 3 male & female finishers in each age category SNERRO Timing Results and Refreshments Available After the Race ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mail form and Non-Refundable Fee to: Waterford High School*c/o Erica Baumgartner *20 Rope Ferry Rd. Waterford CT 06385 Checks payable to: WHS-SAF (Waterford High School Student Activity Fund) Last Name:_______________________________ First Name:____________________ Sex:______ Age:_____ Address:______________________________ City:_______________________________________________________ State:____
Zip:___________ Telephone:____________________ T-shirt Size YS
Email: Signature (parent or guardian must sign if under 18):______________________________________________________ In consideration of acceptance of this entry, I the undersigned intending to be legally bound, do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I have against Waterford High School, and any and all associated parties, race organizers, sponsors and volunteers for any and all injuries suffered by me in connection to the event; Waterford High School’s 5K Turkey Trot 2018. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained to participate in the 5K Turkey Trot 2018. Further, I hereby grant permission to any and all foregoing to use my photos, videotapes, or any other record of this event without compensation.
2018 - 2019 Season Update Boys Grades 4th -12th & Girls Grades 4th – 8th
Key Dates
Register Online
Player Clinics Planned for November Additional details will be sent separately
Registration is open until Wednesday, November 14th Registration Fees 1st child: $100 2nd child: $80 Each additional child: $65 Family maximum: $245 Late fee: $20 after Oct 31st
Evaluations ** All Grades** Boys Grades 4-12 & Girls Grades 4-8 ** Important** Senior League Included
Saturday, November 17th Sunday, November 18th Clark Lane Middle School Arrive 30 minutes early
Evaluations November 17th and 18th Practices Start the week of November 26th Games Start the weekend of December 8th Evaluation Times Grade Boys 4th Boys 5th Boys 6th Boys 7th Girls 4th – 5th Girls 6th – 8th Boys 8th Boys 9th Boys 10th Boys 11th – 12th
Sat 17th 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM
Sun 18th 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00PM 2:00 PM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM
Any questions, please reach out to or a WRB Board Member
Player Clinics
Boys Clinics - Grades 4 th - 8 th Location Waterford High School – Field House Dates Tuesday, November 6th Tuesday, November 13th Friday, November 16th Time 6:00- 7:30 pm
Girls Clinic - Grades 4 th - 8 th Location Mitchell College – Yarnall Athletic Center Date Sunday, November 11th Time 12:00- 2:00 pm
Cost $10 per Clinic Any questions, please reach out to or a WRB Board Member
Lancer Winter Hats School _________________________________________ Student Name:
___________ ____
Quantity __________
Teacher: Room #: _______________
All hats are Blue and White with the “W” embroidered and outlined in red
$20.00 All Proceeds go the WHS Class of 2020 Checks are written to “WHS-SAF”. Please include the student’s name in the memo section of the check.
Return all order forms AND cash/ check payment to Mrs. Woznicki in room 304
By Tuesday Nov 5th 2018 Paid:
Check #_____