Clark Lane Connects - November 30, 2018

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Clark Lane Connects! November 30, 2018 UPCOMING DATES 12/3– First Day of TRIMESTER 2 - Coral Team Field Trip 12/4– Sea Stars Team Field Trip -Terrapin Team Field Trip 12/7– 8th grade students— TECH SCHOOL Applications Due to Guidance

Today marks the end of the first trimester at CLMS. We do not issue print report cards for the first and second trimesters. We will notify you when grades are finalized (around Thursday, Dec 6th or Friday, Dec 7th). At that time, you can log in to see the final trimester 1 grades. Students begin trimester 2 classes on Monday, December 1st. This is a Day 1 in our rotation. Students will receive a printed copy of their schedule, but can also access their trimester 2 classes through PowerSchool– click on the matrix view.

12/5– Wingman Wednesday 12/7– Grades 6-8 Band to perform at Hartford Wolfpack game 12/12– Wingman Wednesday 12/13– PTO Meeting; 6 PM

Order Yearbooks Now!

Yearbooks are currently on sale through the CLMS website or by going directly to and searching for Clark Lane Middle School! Don’t delay and get yours today! A

yearbook would make a great holiday gi ! 12/18– PTO Sponsored Staff Holiday Luncheon 12/19– Wingman Wednesday

NEW THIS YEAR! 8th grade parents can create a

recognition ad for their high school bound student. The link for creating this ad can also be found on the yearbook ordering page. The link says “Yearbook Recognition Ads”!

There are many, many items in the lost and found area in the cafeteria. There are very nice sweatshirts & jackets that surely cost a lot of money, along with lunchboxes, books, and all kinds of things!! Anything unclaimed by the December vacation will be donated to charity. (Lost valuables (jewelry, eye glasses) can be found in the Assistant Principal’s office.)

Clark Lane Connects!

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The Egret and Heron Teams celebrated a successful start to the sixth grade year by taking a field trip to Spare Time Bowling. We focused on team building and supporting one another. The Egret and Heron Teams are helping local families in our community this holiday season, by participating in the Adopt A Family program through Waterford Youth Services. An informational flyer was sent home with students this week, and is posted on our teacher pages. Donations will be accepted through December 10. During the week of November 13-16th, students at CLMS celebrated National French Week. Several members of the French Junior Honor Society decorated the hallways with displays of flags of French-speaking countries and French words in the shape of the Eiffel Tower. There were Did You Know facts displayed as students entered the school and the top destinations to visit in France. There were trivia questions and 8th grade French students taught the whole school via the morning announcements a French word of the day! Students had the opportunity to dress as a French person would, as well as wear the colors of the French flag: blue, white and red! One day, some students even dressed up like a famous French person! There was a photo backdrop outside the cafeteria, where students were invited to take pictures as if they were strolling along a street in Paris, with props, of course! We held a very successful Paint Event after school with the help of our very own art teacher, Ms. Provo-Parker, who led the group of students, parents and staff, including Mr. Sachs in a Renoir painting: Sunset at Sea. The Rubik’s cube club even joined in the fun and made a mosaic of Marie Curie! Overall, it was a successful week which helped to promote the French language! Stay tuned for more fun French related activities or check out my teacher page: adeojay for more information!


Ms. Montanaro and Mr. Slocum’s Wingman groups participated in a physically active Thankfulness activity to incorporate movement into a reflection and teamwork activity!

CLMS celebrated National French Week November 13-16th

♫♪♫ Music

Notes ♪♫♪

On Saturday, December 8th, Carolers will be singing at Raymour & Flanigan again this year to raise donations for the Gemma E. Moran United Way Food Labor Bank. If your child plans to attend, contact Mrs. King ( to receive a permission slip. Mrs. King is staying after school on Tuesday, December 4th to practice the carols for anyone who wants some review! It’s always a joyful hour spent singing with Elementary school students… and eating cookies! Families are asked to bring a donation for the food bank and help support others in this giving season. Thank you! Chorus members are also invited to carol at the Jordan Green on December 11th at 4:00. Info sheets will go out next week! Stay tuned for other caroling opportunities… people enjoy hearing our sounds of the season! The first trimester Ukulele class finished up this week by playing for a few teachers around the school. Remember our motto: Uke can do it!

February 6 (snow date Feb 7) February 13 (snow date Feb 14) May 15 May 22

Dates to keep in mind: 7th & 8th grade Winter Concert 6th grade Winter Concert 7th & 8th grade Spring Concert 6th grade Spring Concert

7:00 at WHS (arrive at 6:40)

Black and white attire

The Health/P.E. department has been working to increase activities that the focus on muscular strength and endurance, as well as cardiorespiratory health so that students at Clark Lane Middle School students can not only meet the Physical Activity guidelines, but also pass the state fitness tests in the spring. The updated guidelines encourage movement throughout the day, in and out of school, as well as adult support! We need your help to encourage a healthy lifestyle! To read more about the benefits of physical activity or movement ideas, check out the updated Physical Activity Guidelines or explore ideas on the Move Your Way site!

Type of physical activity Muscle Strengthening

Preschool-Aged Children   

Bone Strengthening

   

Games such as tug of war Climbing on playground equipment Gymnastics

Hopping, skipping, jumping Jumping rope Running Gymnastics

School-Aged Children         

Games such as tug of war Climbing on playground equipment Rope or tree climbing Resistance exercises using body weight or resistance bands Some forms of yoga Hopping, skipping, jumping Jumping rope Running Sports that involve jumping or rapid change in direction

Adolescents   

   

Games such as tug of war Rope or tree climbing Resistance exercises using body weight or resistance bands Some forms of yoga Jumping rope Running Sports that involve jumping or rapid change in direction

CLMS is joining hundreds of schools across the state to raise money and honor the brave children fighting cancer at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (CCMC) We ask that students donate a dollar next week, and wear their pajamas to school on Friday, December 21st. Donations will be collected during all three lunch waves 12/17 - 12/20. To learn more please go to: entry School dress code applies; please make sure you wear appropriate pajamas!

2018 Waterford Youth Wrestling Clinic Hosted and given by the Waterford High School Wrestling Team & Coaching Staff Date: Saturday December 1, 2018 Place: Waterford High School Wrestling Room Time: Check in from 8:30 - 8:45 am (Clinic times: 9 - 11:30 am) Cost: $10 Invited: Any Waterford Youth and Middle School Wrestler (Grades K - 8) Goals: Introduction to Sport, instruction, conditioning, & fun Gatorade, water, and snacks will be available for purchase at snack stand Questions? or if you would like to pre-register contact Coach Gamble at Pre-registration is not necessary, but it will help us plan. Walk-ins are welcome.

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