Clark Lane Connects - December 21, 2018 Edition

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Clark Lane Connects! December 21, 2018 Today was PJ for the Kids at CCMC and Clark Lane showed up! Thanks to our Wingman Flight Crew for sharing hot cocoa with everyone! Thanks to all students and families who contributed donations as we raised almost $650 for the kids at CCMC.

Have a safe, happy, and restful break!

See you all back on January 2, 2019!

Clark Lane Connects!

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Highlights from around CLMS



The Waterford Board of Education recently voted to rename the CLMS foyer as the “D. Harold Goldberg Atrium.” Mr. Goldberg was a teacher at WHS beginning in 1957. He was then the principal at CLMS from 1964– 1992. There will be a ceremony this spring. More information coming. On Wed. Dec 19th, 8th grader Eddie Salvati (left) was honored by the Jordan Fire Department for his swift actions in calling 911 and using a fire extinguisher after a fire started in his garage. His actions saved his home from extensive damage. 

Lego League Robotics Club starting in the new year!

Students throughout the school participated in the Hour of Code.  The Morning Announcement Crew re-painted the green screens and expanded the area to be able to do more on our morning news!  Students in World Geography learned about a traditional economy and participated in a Coral Team Marketplace where they brought in items to trade with classmates. This gave them first hand experience to understand what it means to barter and trade as consumers and vendors.  The Mural class is working hard to finish their first of many murals planned for the halls of CLMS.  The coral team went on a field trip to project Oceanology where we conducted a Squid dissection and then participated in a seal watch inventory of long island specifically hungry point off fishers island. When we returned the following day we did a great lab looking at plankton through the microscope.  Students in 8th grade wellness class created vision boards (right) to culminate their self-identity unit!  Seventh grade health students (left) have started a fitness unit and ended the year with some movement!  Terrapin Team students have spent the past month reading and learning in book groups and crafting Gifts of Writing for important people in our lives. In book groups, students built on the interpretation skills we practiced during our work with The Outsiders. Some students also worked on their inference skills, while others practiced author’s craft analysis. We will continue working on these skills within our independent reading in January. Our writing was focused on poetry, zooming in on a moment with a special person and sharing our feelings with that person through writing. We worked hard to craft free verse poems rich in imagery and figurative language. Students also had to work on letting down their guard a bit to make themselves genuine and vulnerable writers.  In Personal Finance students worked collaboratively to “Breakout” the Elf on a Shelf using clues to open four locks to free the Elf for the holidays. The lockboxes have been used as culminating activities in LA and Math classes as well– challenging kids to think critically in an engaging way! 

Clark Lane Connects!

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Rubik’s Cube Competition is coming up!! January 26, 2018 9:30 to about 12

On December 5th, the Student Council traveled to

Concord Middle School 835 Old Marlboro Road Concord, MA

Target to purchase 16 gi s for Waterford children

If you are interested in participating: See Mrs. Joyner in Room C200 for a permission slip. You will need to let her know if you will travel with your parents, or if you will need a ride. Any questions, please contact Mrs. Joyner at

through the Youth Service Bureau's "Adopt‐a‐Family Holiday Program". The council members wrapped the gi s this week during their annual Holiday Party and Cookie Swap where they exchanged Secret San‐ ta gi s while enjoying hot cocoa. Special thanks to Jordon Dunkerly for cleverly arranging the stockings in the background!"

Order Yearbooks Now!

Yearbooks are currently on sale through the CLMS website or by going directly to and searching for Clark Lane Middle School! Don’t delay and get yours today! A

yearbook would make a great holiday gi ! Thank you to all Heron and Egret Team Families for your very generous donations to our two “adopted families” through Waterford Youth Services. It was heartwarming to see the outpouring of kindness and caring during this busy holiday season. This was a wonderful opportunity for students to actively participate in an authentic community service effort. We were so proud to see them work together to accomplish this meaningful project. Best wishes for a joyful winter break!

NEW THIS YEAR! 8th grade parents can create a

recognition ad for their high school bound student. The link for creating this ad can also be found on the yearbook ordering page. The link says “Yearbook Recognition Ads”!

CLMS’ Annual UNIFIED Holiday Party with our friends from Mystic Middle School!

♫♪♫ Music Notes ♪♫♪ On Saturday, December 8th, Carolers in grades 4-8 sang at Raymour & Flanigan to raise donations for the Gemma E. Moran United Way Food Labor Bank. If you would still like to donate, you can reach the Food Bank at (860) 444-8050 and

Chorus members are caroled at the Jordan Green on December 11th helping to bring the historical houses alive with music! The Waterford Historical Society was very appreciative.

February 6 (snow date Feb 7) February 13 (snow date Feb 14) May 15 May 22



Dates to keep in mind:

& grade Winter Concert 6th grade Winter Concert 7th & 8th grade Spring Concert 6th grade Spring Concert

7:00 at WHS (arrive at 6:40)

Black and white attire

December 2018

The Tablet

Clark Lane Middle School—Technology Newsletter

GSuite The majority of teachers and students at Clark Lane Middle School are actively using GSuite to perform most of their classroom and home assignments. Google Suite for Education (GSuite) is a suite of tools that provides the ability for students and teachers to communicate, store files and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations from school or home, all within a secure “closed campus” online environment. It is important to remember an educational Google account is structured and managed differently than a “consumer” or “personal” Google account. We encourage parents to sit down with their children to look at the school work stored within their child’s Google Drive and Classroom, just as we encourage pupils to share their work with their parents. To learn more about GSuite, please read the following information.

Google Drive Google Drives main purpose is to expand your ability to store files beyond the limits of your hard drive. It’s referred to as cloud storage. All Google documents are automatically stored directly to Google Drive. Drive can store a wide variety of file types including images, videos and audio files. Students have unlimited storage and can access their files from any device, anywhere if they have an Internet connection.

Ask your child if their teacher is using Google Classroom.

Google Classroom Google Classroom allows class teachers to register email addresses for parents, so that you can get either daily, or weekly updates on the work your child has been assigned. Please be aware this does not include marks given for work, or direct access to the work itself. This allows you, as a parent or guardian, to see what your child has been doing in classes that are using Google Classroom. If your students teacher is using Google Classroom and you are interested in receiving updates of student assignments, please email your child's teacher with your email address and request to sign up for these Guardian Summaries. When guardians join Classroom, they receive regular, automatic email summaries for each of their students. Guardians choose the frequency of the emails—daily or weekly—and can unsubscribe at any time. Guardian email summaries include:

 Missing work—Work that’s late at the time the email was sent  Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and

tomorrow (for daily emails) or work that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails) Class activity—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers. Here is an example of a guardian summary will look like:

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