Clark Lane Connects
Clark Lane Middle School March 2025

Many groups of students were able to earn pride cards, receive an award for exhibiting pride in their learning, behavior or community by a staff member, or were winners in the pride raffle.
Let’s all continue to do our best daily as we “grow through what we go through”. If your student needs any support, be sure to let any member of our team know.
Hello CLMS Parents and Guardians!
As we prepare for the close of Trimester 2, take a moment to check in with your child(ren) regarding their Goals, Glows and Grows for this trimester. As they share details of their intentions, successes and challenges, be sure to celebrate each moment that they achieved a goal, learned from a challenge, and used the appropriate supports and strategies along the way. There is still time to reach out to the counselors, teachers and administration for help with any goals for Trimester 2. Remember, Together Everyone Achieves More! Let us help your child achieve their personal best…TOGETHER! Go, Lancers!
Thank you for all your support!
Mr. Sachs & Mrs. Howard


Bring your school-issued device with you to school EVERY DAY, even on the first day! Be sure to charge your device or bring your charger with you! Also, don’t forget to bring a refillable water bottle with you to school daily!
Thank you for your attention!

Clark Lane Middle School 860-443-2837
Main Office, Press 1
Report Absence, Press 2

Or email: CLMS-Attend@waterfordschools.org
Nurse (Health Office), Press 3
School Counseling Office, Press 4
Assistant Principal, Press 5
To reach teachers by email: first initial, followed by last name @waterfordschools.org
For example: lhietala@waterfordschools.org
To view Clark Lane’s staff directory:

Mark your calendars!
Thurs., March 6 – Professional Development, Early Dismissal
Fri., March 7 – Professional Development, No School
Tues., March 11 - End of Trimester 2
Wed., March 12 - Trimester 3 begins (It’s a Day 2.)
Wed., March 19 - Career Day (7th grade)
Thurs., March 20 - Parent Conferences, Early Dismissal
Tomeka K. Howard Assistant Principal
James M. Sachs Principal

Clark Lane Middle School…
Connecting with Parents
March 2025
Important Message from the Attendance Office:
You may be asking, “What can I use the clms-attend@waterfordschools.org address for ?” Let’s take a look!
○ If you want to notify us that the child will be
■ Late, due to appointment or otherwise
■ Out sick
■ Leaving early, for appointment or otherwise
■ On vacation or out for another specific reason

○ If you have a medical note for your child’s absence(s) to share with us
○ If your child would like to take a different bus with a friend or get off at a different stop on their regular bus
■ All bus requests must be in writing

Thank you all for your attention to this!

We are excited to recognize our first group of students honored through our new PRIDE initiative! Each month, teachers and staff select students who exemplify Pride in our Learning, Pride in our Community, or Pride in our Behavior. These students serve as role models through their dedication, kindness, and positive impact on our school.
For the month of February, our selected students enjoyed a special pizza celebration on Friday, February 28th in recognition of their achievement. This is a prestigious honor, and we are incredibly proud of their efforts!
We look forward to celebrating even more outstanding students in the months ahead. Please encourage your students to keep showing their PRIDE!

Clark Lane Middle School…
Connecting with Parents
March 2025
As a reminder and for you to review with your student(s), here is our PRIDE matrix. These are the behaviors and expectations we have for our students in the different areas of our building like the hallways and bathrooms, and in various situations like on the school bus, for instance. The expectations at the top of this chart (in the gray box) represent those expectations which we at Clark Lane Middle School consider to be the non-negotiables and include: no cell phones, no hurtful or abusive language and no rough-housing or horseplay, to name a few. For a more clear copy of our expectations, you may refer to the Clark Lane Student Handbook, which all students were given a copy of on the first day of school. Should you have questions, we encourage you to reach out to our Administration. Thank you for your support!

Clark Lane Middle School…
Connecting with Parents
March 2025
Spring Parent Conferences

Clark Lane Middle School will be hosting Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, March 20th from 12:30 – 2:30 pm so we will be following a shortened day schedule for students. These conferences are one way in which you have the opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers and to learn about his/her progress to date. Generally, conferences can be scheduled with any individual teacher with whom you would like to meet. In addition, if you would like a conference with more than one teacher, a team conference (or partial team conference) is sometimes available on these days, time permitting. We are asking parents who would like a conference to please email your conference request. If you are interested in a short conference (approximately 10-15 minutes) with an individual teacher, please email that teacher directly to schedule a time. If you are interested in meeting with one or more of your child’s teachers, please email your child’s homeroom teacher indicating with whom you would like to meet. In your email, please identify a range of time that you are available.
Teachers can be emailed by using first initial + last name@waterfordschools.org (e.g. Jami Petchark: jpetchark@waterfordschools.org). If you do not have access to email, you may call the school at 860-443-2837 to leave a message for the teacher with whom you would like to meet. We look forward to seeing you!
Did you know…March is Women’s History Month? This year, the 2025 National Women’s History Theme is “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations.” To find out more, click the code.

Clark Lane Middle School…
Connecting with Parents
March 2025

Lynne Hietala is our new Administrative Assistant supporting Clark Lane’s Guidance Office and Attendance management, as Carol Abate has retired and her former email address is no longer reaching the attendance office.
When contacting the school for any special bus requests, please use the clms-attend@waterfordschools.org email address as all requests must be in writing. You may use that same email address to report a daily absence or to send documentation regarding extended absences.
Additionally, we are including the link to our School Attendance Policy as a refresher for your review. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please contact Ms. Hietala at the email above or by calling (860) 437-6983. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JKG 2vz1ETjyXRaWpnMFsEjMuOBNeUII4 /view
Thank you for your attention to this!
Principal Sachs celebrates a birthday this month.
Help us wish Mr. Sachs a very Happy Birthday!

Early Dismissal Procedure

We ask that you make every attempt to NOT dismiss your student after 2:15 pm, unless a note was given in the morning. It is a disruption to the end of the school day and traffic management.
Thank you for your attention to this!
Drop off Procedures/Times
Parents may drop off students no sooner than 7:15am. Students wait in the cafeteria before proceeding to Homeroom.
Students who arrive after 8 am MUST be signed in at the Main Office (in the back of the building) by a parent/guardian. Please accompany your student into the building.

Clark Lane Middle School…
Connecting with Parents

www.jostens.com Trimester Two ends on Tuesday, March 11th!

Did you know…March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day? Beginning in 2007, the 21st day of March (the 3rd month of the year) was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down Syndrome.

All teachers at Clark Lane Middle School have extra help days. Help days are generally on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays due to the availability of late buses. If your student needs extra help, wants to retake an assessment, or would just like extra support in a specific class, have your student reach out to his/her teacher(s)! We’re here to help! Misplaced something? Think you left it at

Clark Lane Middle School…
Connecting with Parents
March 2025
While we welcome students to stay after school for games and competitions that take place at Clark Lane Middle School, there are rules in place that must be followed for the safety of all.
Students who stay after school:
● MUST REPORT to cafeteria and sign-in.
● MUST stay in the cafeteria until released to Fieldhouse or Old Gym.
● MUST stay in DESIGNATED GAME AREA during entire game/competition.
● Cannot leave and return to school (unless picked up by parent at parent pick-up).
There is NO WANDERING and students are not allowed to enter classrooms.
Students should also be following all directions of the chaperones/adults in charge.
Violation of the above rules will result in disciplinary consequences.
Thank you for supporting our school rules and expectations!
Did you know…Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 to commemorate the mathematical constant π (pi)? Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, and is approximately 3.14159.
Here's a fun fact: 3.14, the two decimal-place value of pi, also represents the date March 14, which happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday! It seems appropriate that the person credited with the greatest insight in math since Isaac Newton would have his birthday represented by an irrational number.

At Clark Lane Middle School, we celebrated this guy on National School Resource Officer Day (February 15). Next time you see Officer Lane, be sure to thank him for all he does to keep the students and staff safe at Clark Lane!

Clark Lane Middle School…
Connecting with Parents March 2025
Reminder to Parents!
Wondering how your student is doing in his/her classes? Curious what grades your student has? Is your student coming to class prepared? Is your student missing assignments? Not completing assigned work? Be sure to check PowerSchool for comments. For many teachers, this is their means of daily, sometimes weekly communication.
For help logging in to PowerSchool, check out the page on our website shared here:

Did you know...each March, book lovers across the United States gear up for Read Across America? This nationwide event celebrates not just the act of reading, but the colorful cultural tapestry that literature creates. Initiated by the National Education Association (NEA) in 1998, this program promotes literacy and the joy of reading among children and adults alike!
Clark Lane Middle School…
Connecting Community March 2025

Help Us Help Others
Our UNIFIED Community Club and UNIFIED Basketball have organized a Sock Drive for the homeless. Socks are the number one requested clothing item and our homeless are in need. All socks collected will be donated to the Homeless Hospitality Center in New London and Safe Futures!
Socks donations should be new, packaged. Dark or black socks are preferred. Donations can be dropped off at Clark Lane Middle School to Mrs. Botteon’s classroom (Room S108).
We appreciate your support!

Clark Lane Middle School’s Clark Lane Players will be performing a production of the classic Broadway musical comedy Guys and Dolls Jr. on Wednesday, April 9th! We hope you can join us!

Clark Lane Middle School Celebrates National School Social Worker Week
March 2nd - 8th
Thank you to Mr. Tyskiewicz! Our students are lucky to have you! We appreciate all you do!

Connecting with Clark Lane Middle School’s
School Counseling Office
Counseling Department Brings Career Day to CLMS
Career Day will be on Wednesday, March 19th from 9 to 11 am at Clark Lane Middle School. There will be 20-25 professionals from the community who share information about their careers and career paths with our 7th graders. Students will rotate through four different presentations and learn about four different careers through hands on activities, PowerPoint presentations, Q&A and class discussions. In case students are wondering, it’s a Day 1. The schedule will be a little different to accommodate this event. Periods will run: A, F, C, D, E & B.
We are so appreciative of all our professionals for volunteering their time to join us and to share their experiences with our students!

Need to see your counselor?
Stop in the School Counseling Office and set up an appointment first. While there, say hi to Ms. Hietala, the new Guidance & Attendance management Administrative Assistant!

8th Grade News
Mrs. Dolce, eighth grade school counselor, reports, “February was an eventful month for our 8th graders!” Waterford High School students and counselors visited Clark Lane Middle School to discuss elective options and provide valuable insight into the WHS scheduling process. Early in the month, Mrs. Dolce met with all students to draft their preliminary WHS schedules. Later in February, she reconvened with the 8th graders to enter their elective choices into PowerSchool. There’s one final transition activity planned for late spring, though the details are still being finalized. Stay tuned for more updates!
Connecting with Clark Lane Middle School’s
Health Office

MakingHealthyConnectionsbetweenhomeandschool March 2025
Note from the Health Office
National Sleep Awareness Week is celebrated March 9-15th. According to American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 6-12 years old should get 9-12 hours of sleep per 24 hours, while 13-18 years old should get 8-10 hours of sleep per 24 hours. Did you know…according to the National Sleep Foundation, less than 2 out of 10 teens report getting the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep on both school days and weekends? Oh no!!
Ideas to promote good sleep health:
● Stick to a consistent sleep schedule

● Limit light exposure/technology at bed time
● Be active during the day
● Avoid caffeine at bedtime
Stay healthy! Get a good night’s rest! Nurses Erica and Rosita

Did you know…March is National Nutrition
Month? Use the month of March to dedicate extra time and attention to nutrition! Keep track of how many fruits and veggies you eat in a day and try to reach at least five a day! Use this tracker to help you: http://shk-images.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/w p-content/uploads/2012/06/fruit-veggie-tracker-C opy.pdf

Aim to reach 60 minutes of physical activity a day! Visit this site for more information: https://www.actionforhealthykids.org/activity/celeb rate-national-nutrition-month/
To directly contact the School Health Office, call: 860-437-6977 or email:
emccaffrey@waterfordschools.org & rcorumgiles@waterfordschools.org
Be sure to email BOTH nurses when emailing information about your student!
Confidential faxes may be sent directly to the School Health Office 860-437-2179

Please keep your student home with a fever and DO NOT return to school until you are 24 hours fever free without meds.
6th grade students who have not had a physical this year will need one by the start of 7th grade. You will receive a notice if you are not compliant with this. Thank you!

This visual is a great way to reflect upon a reader’s journey and how easy or difficult it has been (or still may be). Parents and Teachers can always work together to provide support based on a student’s need and pace of learning.
Esta imagen es una excelente forma de reflexionar sobre la experiencia de aprendizaje de un estudiante como lector y lo fácil o difícil que esto ha sido (o que aún puede ser). Los padres y los maestros deben trabajar juntos para brindar apoyo según las necesidades y el ritmo de aprendizaje de cada estudiante.
https://nancyyoung.ca/the-lad der-of-reading-writing/
Images used with permission from Nancy Young.
News from IT

March 2025 especially for Clark Lane Middle School
Can students customize backgrounds/wallpapers on a school issued device?
We encourage students to personalize their background, but any images set as a device or browser background must be school appropriate. Inappropriate media may not be used as a device background; presence of guns, weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drugs, or gang-related symbols is not permitted.
Problemswith your Chromebook?

Students are REMINDED to bring their devices to school every day, preferably charged and ready to go! There is a limited number of Chromebooks for students to borrow throughout the day on a first come, first serve basis. Students who need to borrow a Chromebook should go to library after checking in at homeroom!
For information about Waterford Public School’s
One-to-One Device Program, click on the QR code here:

FYI: All Waterford students in Waterford Public Schools are issued an email account starting in sixth grade (username@my.waterfordschools.org). For students in Grades 6-8, email can only be sent and received within the Waterford domain. For students in Grades 9-12, email can be sent and received outside of the domain.

Carrying Chromebooks
● Always transport Chromebook with care to avoid damage.
● Hold the Chromebook (cover closed) with two hands when carrying it.
● Never lift a Chromebook by the screen or carry the Chromebook with the screen open.
Lost your charger?
How to order a replacement charger:

The Student Device Protection Program does not cover lost chargers, so there is a fee. With or without Device Protection, the current replacement cost is $20. Once payment has processed, the charger will be delivered to your student's school. Please allow for processing and delivery time.

Did you know…as a parent or caregiver, you can use the Securly Home App to stay on top of your child’s online activity in real-time from anywhere? That’s right! Securly will also send you weekly email reports with a snapshot of your child’s internet activity. You can use this information to understand your child’s digital activities, gain insights into their education, and have meaningful conversations about their learning. Wow!

Family & Consumer Science

@ Clark Lane Middle School March 2025
Culinary Update
Mrs. Loguidice has this to report about her classes: “Culinary Skills students continue to practice their cooking skills in our Clark Lane kitchens. Introduction to Culinary classes have been baking up a storm recently and will soon prepare a tasty spaghetti dinner buffet meal. Advanced Culinary students have been working on a Quick Breads unit, practicing the muffin & biscuit methods used in baking.” Sounds like things are busy in the kitchens! Keep up the great work, students!

Photos courtesy of Mrs. Loguidice
Connecting our corner of the globe to yours March 2025 ClarkLane MiddleSchool’s

Dans la classe de français

6th graders have recently learned about the holidays celebrated in France, including Bastille Day (their 4th of July) celebrated on le 14 juillet (July 14th) and Mardi Gras, which we will celebrate at an after school event on March 4th! We’re ending our final unit with a short quiz before the end of this trimester, which means sadly, our time together is almost done; however, I am hopeful that your student has enjoyed their time in French class!
7th graders are learning possessive adjectives and will be discussing family members. Soon we will be in our House Unit, where they will be working on drawings of their dream room and learning prepositions of location. They should be continuing to study the irregular verb: être. We’ll be using this verb and many others over the remainder of the school year! 8th graders are still focusing on “big four” irregular verbs: avoir, être, aller and faire. Students will soon be working on an oral presentation in French about their activities throughout the year, focusing on our unit vocabulary. In fact, all of the vocabulary and verbs they learn at CLMS will help the students who continue French at WHS!
A classe linguae latinae
6th graders are wrapping up their second trimester of Latin! They have completed a final project for the story they read in Latin where they are tasked with diving back into the text to create a comic strip slideshow for the events that took place, all in Latin! In the process they have learned about Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Mt. Vesuvius, and the importance of these towns for archaeologists today. They will be finishing learning about the Founding of Rome with Romulus and Remus and picking a famous Roman to learn about.

7th graders will continue working with verbs! As they strive to master the present tense, they will continue their Mythology unit with Hercules and his 12 labors. At the end they will watch the Disney movie and then write a persuasive paper to give Disney a grade based on their portrayal of the actual mythology.They will also be participating in World Language Week!
8th graders - Aeneas has finally left Dido and the shores of Carthage. He is on his way to Italy! The 8th graders will continue to read the Aeneid as Aeneas inches closer to discovering Rome. They will also learn about the structure of the Roman military, subject pronouns, and participate in World Language Week

En la clase de español

6th graders are finishing up their calendar unit and will soon begin working on their end-of-trimester project. In this project, they will showcase everything they have learned in Spanish class. They will talk about themselves and a friend—all in Spanish! Encourage your child to practice their lines with you at home. You’ll be amazed by how much they have learned in just one trimester!
7th graders have finished up the family unit and will soon be learning how to tell time in Spanish to describe their school day and schedule. They will also learn how to talk about activities they do in each class.
In addition, students will explore the schedules of students in different Spanish-speaking countries and learn about the school day in places like Costa Rica and Spain!
8th graders are finishing up their project, ¿Quéhacesentutiempo libre?¿Adóndevas?(What do you do in your free time? Where do you go?). In this project, students are sharing with their peers about the places they visit in their free time and the activities they enjoy there. In the second part of this unit, students will learn question words to invite others to join them in the activities they enjoy doing.

Junior Honor Societies
What you need to know

There are currently three World Language Junior Honor Societies open to students in 8th grade at Clark Lane Middle School. Students are selected at the end of Trimester 2 based on their current overall grade in French, Latin or Spanish. In fact, potentially eligible students are invited by their teachers at the end of seventh grade to participate in the club associated with their language of choice for eighth grade.
The French Junior Honor Society (Jeunes Amis du Français), the Latin Junior Honor Society (National Junior Classical League) and the Spanish Junior Honor Society (La Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad) are honorary clubs that take part in special projects and/or events that promote interest in the study of French, Latin and Spanish and create enthusiasm for the respective language and culture in the school community and community at large.
To be eligible for membership in each individual honor society, candidates must:
● Be a current eighth grade student who is enrolled in a full academic year of French/Latin/Spanish
● Have completed two full trimesters of French/Latin/Spanish in middle school
● Have an A- or higher in all trimesters in French/Latin/Spanish (including in 7th grade)
● Exemplify good citizenship and maintain a record free from serious behavioral offenses, such as cheating and offensive language or actions.
● Participate in two language-related activities over the course of this academic year promoting the aims of the JAF, JCL or SHA: stimulating interest in French, Latin or Spanish and creating enthusiasm for and an understanding of Francophone culture, the Classical World and/or Hispanic culture AND attend more than 50% of the meetings prior to the induction.
● Submit the completed application to the World Language teacher by the deadline
● Be recommended by the French/Latin/Spanish teacher
If your student is eligible, s/he will receive a letter by the middle of March with an application and instructions for applying. Application requirements must also be met in order to be considered. There is a formal ceremony, which takes place in the spring.
NOTE: The formal induction ceremony is in late April or May. Rehearsal for the ceremony can be after school or during the school day. If students miss class to attend the rehearsal, they are responsible for missed work. Rehearsal is mandatory.
This is an extraordinary honor reserved for the highest achieving students.
We encourage all eligible students to participate.
For more information, please contact your child’s World Language teacher.

After School Clubs @ Clark Lane Middle School March 2025
The Connections Program offers a variety of afterschool clubs for students here at Clark Lane Middle School. These clubs offer students the ability to get involved in activities they enjoy after school and to meet new people and connect with the school. Generally, club meeting days & times are announced over the morning announcements; however, there is also a bulletin board outside of the Assistant Principal’s office where staff members post club flyers! Students: be sure to check this out!
Come join

Rubik’s Cube Club!

Learn how to solve the cube. Come join us! See Mrs. Joyner if you have questions!

Interested in Joining the Alegría Club

See Mrs. Morosky or Ms. Sutman for more information!
Come Join Scrabble Club!
The next Scrabble Club meets on Wednesday, March 5th after school in Main Office foyer! Come join the !

Have an Idea for a New Club?

Anyone can start a new club at Clark Lane! You just need a school sponsor (teacher, building sub or paraprofessional) and an idea!
Write up a proposal, work with an adult in the building and see if you can make it happen! For more information, stop by and see Mr. Sachs and find out how your idea can be set into motion for a new club at Clark Lane!
Information about Late Buses

Late buses run (most) Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays unless there is a faculty meeting, which is typically the first Monday of the month. If late buses are not running on a particular day, it will be announced. Students take the late bus that goes to their area of town. Students will be issued a bus pass from the adult they are staying after school with, or they can get picked up in lieu of taking a bus. Late buses arrive at school at 3:40 pm.
After School Clubs @ Clark Lane Middle School March 2025
Formula for Victory: Math Counts Club Earns Third!

On Sunday, February 23, Mrs. Joyner and the students in the Math Counts Club headed to UCONN for the regional competition! Mrs. Joyner shares, “Our Math Counts Team placed third in the regional competition. Now, we will be moving on to the State Competition on March 1st at Yale.” Those champion students are: Spencer Morin, Rafael Pereira, Logan Nier and Kaden Khouy! Great job, students! Good luck at Yale!

Come join the Astronomy Club! Viewing nights will be announced on the CLMS morning news when possible and are open to all students and their family members. Anyone interested in joining the club can join the Google Classroom with the code: m3fswvv or see Mr. Rocha for more information!
join us
for Perler Bead Club

Perler Bead Club meets on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays, depending on the week. Each week, there is a different theme. Students can make something related to the theme or choose a design on their own. Next meeting is March 11th.
Come join us! Sign up in L200.

See Mrs. Deojay for more info!

Clark Lane’s GSA Club meets every other Wednesday. Students should listen to morning announcements or see one of the co-advisors: Mrs. Heller or Ms. Galvin.
Photo courtesy of Mrs. Joyner
After School Clubs
New Craft Club Makes Its Debut at Clark Lane

Looking for a fun way to spend your Tuesday afternoons? Be sure to check out this new club at Clark Lane: The Craft Club. This club meets on Tuesdays in the cafeteria with Nurses Erica and Rosita. They say, “Get ready to be creative!” The projects from the past few weeks include string art, wrapping letters with yarn, decoupaging shells and making valentine fortune cookies! What a great way to spend the afternoon! Come join us!

Photos courtesy of Nurses Erica and Rosita

What’s Cooking?
in Clark Lane Middle School’s cafeteria March

Please remind your student that if they want hot lunch they need to let their homeroom teachers know in the morning. Thank you!
Students riding the bus who want breakfast in the morning should report to the cafeteria after checking in to Homeroom for attendance.

If your student is a parent drop-off in the morning, those students wait in the cafeteria until the bell and can get breakfast there as they come in before Homeroom.

Join the CLMS PTO Connect with us!
March 2025
Attention 8th Grade Families
Do you want to help our 8th graders have an unforgettable finish to the school year? We need to raise approximately $2,500 for end of year activities including the 8th grade dance, beach day, and promotion. This works out to approximately $20 per student.
Please help us reach our fundraising goal by donating $20 (or more!) and sending in a donation of cash or check - made out to CLMS with 8th grade in the subject line. To avoid having to scale back our plans for end of year celebrations, we need to hit our goal by Friday, April 11th.
If you haven't already, please join our CLMS 8th Grade Parents Group on Facebook for updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/931301762218871
Please send in your contributions soon and help us to spread the word to other 8th grade families.
Thank you for your support!
The CLMS 8th Grade Committee

For more information about upcoming events & fundraisers or to get involved in the CLMS PTO, contact Crystal Leahy, PTO Vice President, with any questions at clarklanepto@gmail.com or click here:

8th Grade Dance is scheduled for Friday, June 6th

month’s meeting is Tuesday, March 11th at 5:30 pm

The Clark Lane Middle School PTO would like to thank all of you for supporting our Scholastic Book Fair! This has been our most successful book fair to date! With your help, the CLMS PTO was able to purchase books for the the Language Arts teachers at Clark Lane, as well as for the the CLMS Library. All money earned was put right back into supporting each student’s access to books! Thank you!
A special Thank You to Crystal Leahy for working so hard to make this possible! We appreciate your dedication and all of the time you put into planning and coordinating volunteers, as well as running the fair itself!

Here’s a simple way to support
Just download the app and you can support Clark Lane Middle School with purchases made in person or online. Visit https://www.boxtops4education.com/ to learn more and see a list of participating products. Thank you!