Clark Lane Connects - Newsletter - September 14, 2018

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Clark Lane Connects! September 14, 2018 UPCOMING DATES 9/19– Yom Kippur– NO SCHOOL 9/25– Coffee with the Counselors 9-10 AM– Library Media Center (see pg 2 for details)

Thank you for coming to Back to School Night! We had a wonderful evening this past Wednesday. We hope that you enjoyed the opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and get a brief look at their day here.

Message from Mr. Sachs and Mrs. Moore: 9/27– PTO Meeting– Media Center Over the past two weeks, we have held team assemblies with all students to review behavioral expectations. Stu6:00 dents are expected to know and understand all rules outlined in the student handbook (see below). The message 10/1– Wingman Kick-off Day in our presentation was about RESPECT. Please help us reinforce the expectation that all students be respectful of 10/2– Grade 8 to WHS for Lancer Fair each other and all adults. We reviewed the bullying and harassment policies with them and gave them specific ex10/8– Columbus Day– NO SCHOOL amples of behaviors that fall under these state statutes. We reminded them that the law extends the right for the school to intervene with behaviors that occur outside of if those behaviors infringe on another’s right to Handbook/ Notifications school feel safe and comfortable at school; this is especially imEach student received a copy of the Wa- portant for them to understand with regards to their use terford Public Schools Annual Notifica- of social media. tions of important policies and procedures and the CLMS Agenda Handbook Our school motto is Reflect, Respect, Respond. We which outlines important school rules. want kids to REFLECT on the impact of their actions All students and families are asked to and words on other people, RESPECT themselves and review those documents in order to fulothers in everything they do, and RESPOND by helping ly understand these policies. others in need and/or speaking up if someone is violating They can also be found on the school these expectations. and district websites or by following this link: We want everyone to have a wonderful year here at Clark Lane. Thank you for your continued support of our ourschool/policiesprocedures/ efforts to help your children with their social, emotional and academic growth while they are students here.

Clark Lane Connects! Coffee with the Counselors: September 25th– 9-10 AM in the CLMS Library Media Center Please come enjoy a cup of coffee and refreshments while meeting your child’s school counselor, learning about the school counseling curriculum, and how they can help support your child through their middle school years! Mrs. Stephanie Dinatali, grade 6 Mrs. Kenzie Lloyd, grade 7 Mrs. Bree Dolce, grade 8

Fall sports are underway– keep up to date by checking the websites below:

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Attention 8th grade parents: High School Presentations will be held as follows this fall: October 2 – All 8th graders attend Lancer Fair at WHS October 11 – Tech School & WHS presentations (Norwich Tech, Grasso, Tech, Ledyard High School, WHS) October 15 – New London Science and Technology Magnet High School presentation (2:40-3:10 in library) October 29 –(tentative date) Marine Science Magnet School (2:40 – 3:10 in library) Additional information about open houses at each school and the application process for each will be provided.

Soccer Cross Country

Order Your Yearbook Now! Yearbooks are currently on sale through the CLMS website or by going directly to and searching for Clark Lane Middle School! Don’t delay and get yours today!  NEW THIS YEAR! 8th grade parents can create a recognition ad for their high school bound student. The link for creating this ad can also be found on the yearbook ordering page. The link says “Yearbook Recognition Ads”! Calling all artists– if you are interested in submitting a cover design for the 2018-19 yearbook, please see Mrs. Shine and/or Mrs. Provo-Parker for details. Information about criteria and how to submit is also available via the morning announcements.

Math Coach’s Corner September, 2018 Illustrative Math at C.L. We are excited here at Clark Lane to be implementing a new math program through Open-Up Resources called Illustrative Mathematics. The program achieved the highest rating on EdReports and we are happy to be using it here. IM 6–8 Math is a problem-based core curriculum rooted in content and practice standards to foster learning and achievement for all. Students learn by

doing math, solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and constructing arguments using precise language. Teachers can shift their instruction and facilitate student learning with high-leverage routines that guide them in understanding and making connections between concepts and procedures. Please ask me if you’d like more information.

Rob Cillino – Math Coach

Coming Soon….Math Workouts Purpose: To provide an opportunity for students to get their problem solving skills in better “shape”. Students will be tasked with solving meaningful math problems independently or in small groups. They will focus on how to “enter” a problem, make sense of it, devise a plan, carry it out, and evaluate their response. It may not be something that all students need (just like some people are in better physical shape than others) but it is something every student can benefit from (like exercise). Math workouts will be offered on Tuesday’s right after school from 2:40 to 3:40. Workouts will alternate between grade 6 one week, and both grades 7 and 8 the alternate week.

Follow us on Twitter: Clark Lane Math @math_lane

Mark your calendars! We are having our first fundraiser on OCTOBER 13 at Applebee’s in Groton. Contact a music teacher for tickets. Ensemble teachers will be sending home order forms soon! Mrs. King – Ms. Masciarell – Mr. Robarge –

In other MUSIC NEWS, Eastern Region forms are due 9/27. Chorus contracts are also due 9/27.

Come find out on Saturday September 22, 2018 for the 3rd Annual 5K Foot Pursuit! Where: Great Neck Elementary School 165 Great Neck Rd, Waterford CT 06385

* Entry Fee is $25.00 to Pre-Register * * Registration the day of the event is $30.00* Register by Wednesday September 5, 2018 to guarantee a TShirt T-Shirt and Number pickup starts at 8:00 am and the race starts at 9:00 am Pre-Register On-Line using the following link

Please provide your shirt size when you register All proceeds go towards two Waterford High Student Scholarships

Ignite Thames River​ a ​ nd​ P ​ roject Oceanology​ a ​ re pleased to announce:

Marine Makerfaire A one-day marine technology exploration For students in​ 7th through 10th grades i​ nterested in marine sciences ​and/or c ​ omputer programming

➢ Explore marine technology - how to make it and how to use it ➢ Go on-the-water in a research vessel ➢ Learn Arduino programming Be part of a local network of marine technology interested students & professionals.

Participants will go home with their own programmed Arduino sensor! Saturday, September 29th 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Project Oceanology, Groton Information and registration: ​​ -- R ​ egister today - space is limited!

Questions: contact Emma Palzere-Rae, Ignite Program Manager at i​

This program is partnership of:

With support from the ​Community Foundation of Eastern CT​ & ​Pfizer Community Foundation. Ignite​, a program of T ​ hames River Innovation Place,​ is made possible with support from ​CTNext​.

Waterford High School Class of 2019 7th Annual 5K

Cert # CT10027JHP

Saturday, November 17, 2018- 9:30 AM

Great Neck School • 165 Great Neck Road • Waterford, CT  Pre-Registration $25 (must be post marked before November 15th, 2018)  Race day registration $30 from 8:30 am – 9:15 am  Bib distribution will start at 8:45 on Race day

 T-Shirts to the first 100 registrants  Awards for overall male & female and top 3 male & female finishers in each age category SNERRO Timing Results and Refreshments Available After the Race ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mail form and Non-Refundable Fee to: Waterford High School*c/o Erica Baumgartner *20 Rope Ferry Rd. Waterford CT 06385 Checks payable to: WHS-SAF (Waterford High School Student Activity Fund) Last Name:_______________________________ First Name:____________________ Sex:______ Age:_____ Address:______________________________ City:_______________________________________________________ State:____

Zip:___________ Telephone:____________________ T-shirt Size YS





Email: Signature (parent or guardian must sign if under 18):______________________________________________________ In consideration of acceptance of this entry, I the undersigned intending to be legally bound, do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I have against Waterford High School, and any and all associated parties, race organizers, sponsors and volunteers for any and all injuries suffered by me in connection to the event; Waterford High School’s 5K Turkey Trot 2018. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained to participate in the 5K Turkey Trot 2018. Further, I hereby grant permission to any and all foregoing to use my photos, videotapes, or any other record of this event without compensation.


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