Great Neck Elementary Newsletter - September 7, 2018

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Back To School Ice Cream Social—TONIGHT!

Sept. 11

GN PTA Meeting

Sept. 17 Sept. 19 Sept. 20

Grades 3, 4 & 5 Trip to Coast Guard Academy Y om K i ppu r Obs er v ed — No S ch o ol S CHOOL P ICTURE D AY! Yoga Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grs. K, 1 & 2* Great Shots Basketball—Grades 2 & 3* Great Shots Basketball—Grades 4 & 5* Nature Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grs. 3, 4 & 5*

Sept. 21 Sept. 23 Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Oct. 2 Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 11 Oct. 12


5:30 9:00



9:00 3:10 6:30 7:30 3:10


4:00 7:30 8:30 4:00

First Day of Autumn! Yoga Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grs. K, 1 & 2* Great Shots Basketball—Grades 2 & 3* Great Shots Basketball—Grades 4 & 5* Nature Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grs. 3, 4 & 5*

3:10 6:30 7:30 3:10


4:00 7:30 8:30 4:00

Creative Writing w/ Mrs. McGuire—Grs. 4 & 5* Yoga Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grs. K, 1 & 2* Great Shots Basketball—Grades 2 & 3* Great Shots Basketball—Grades 4 & 5* Nature Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grs. 3, 4 & 5*

3:10 3:10 6:30 7:30 3:10


4:15 4:00 7:30 8:30 4:00

C ol u m bu s Da y Obs e rv ed —No S ch o ol Creative Writing w/ Mrs. McGuire—Grs. 4 & 5* Yoga Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grs. K, 1 & 2 (last) Great Shots Basketball—Grades 2 & 3* Great Shots Basketball—Grades 4 & 5* Grade 1 Field Trip to Denison Nature Center Nature Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grs. 3, 4 & 5 (last)

3:10 3:10 6:30 7:30 9:00 3:10


4:15 4:00 7:30 8:30 12:15 4:00

* Participants must be pre-registered.

Congratulations to the following students who received a Pride Star for earning 3 Pride Cards! Poet Viera Chase Beit Evie Bellos Millie Harris

Reminder ~ Children who ride their bicycle, skateboard or scooter to school, must wear a helmet and have a note from home.

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