Great Neck Elementary Newsletter - October 19, 2018

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GN PTA Tru n k - or - Tre at — t h i s w e ek en d!




Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 25

Running Together w/ Mrs. Guetti Creative Writing w/ Mrs. McGuire (last) STEM Program w/ Mrs. Rei—Grades 3—5 Picture Re-Takes Nature Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grades K & 1 Great Shots Basketball—Grades 2 & 3 (last) Great Shots Basketball—Grades 4 & 5 (last) Grade 1 Trip to Denison Pequotsepos Nature Ctr. Nature Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grades 2 & 3

3:10 3:10 3:10 10:30 3:10 6:30 7:30 9:00 3:10


4:15 4:15 4:15


4:00 7:30 8:30 12:15 4:00

Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 2

Running Together w/ Mrs. Guetti STEM Program w/ Mrs. Rei—Grades 3—5 Nature Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grades K & 1 Nature Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grades 2 & 3

3:10 3:10 3:10 3:10


4:15 4:15 4:00 4:00

Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 8

Election Day / Professional Development Day STEM Program w/ Mrs. Rei—Grades 3—5 Stuff the Bus w/ Waterford Youth Services Nature Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grades K & 1 (last) Veterans’ Day Assembly Nature Play w/ Mrs. Wheeler—Grades 2 & 3 (last)

No School 3:10 - 4:15 9:00 3:10 - 4:00 9:30 3:10 - 4:00

Parent/Teacher Conferences Creative Drama w/ Mrs. McGuire—Grades 4 & 5 Running Together w/ Mrs. Guetti November PTA Meeting STEM Program w/ Mrs. Rei (last) Taste of Great Neck / Basket Bonanza Running Together w/ Mrs. Guetti (last)

No School 3:10 - 4:15 3:10 - 4:15 5:30 3:10 - 4:15 5:00 - 8:00 3:10 - 4:15

Oct. 26

Nov. 9 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 16 Nov. 19


N o v e m b e r 2 1 , 2 2 & 2 3 ~ T h a nk s g i v i ng B r e a k ~ N o S c ho o l Students must be pre-registered for after-school activities unless otherwise specified.

Congratulations to the following students who received a Pride Star for earning 3 Pride Cards:

Nijaya Swepson Andrew Benvenuti Gabe Harkins Jeremy Peck Patrick Lombardi Jack Bassett Jennifer Blankenship Gabriella Dielli Gianna Gingras Keniyah Hill Aiden Ocampo Emily White Zaydin Martinez Luciana Juliani Tobiasz Cygler Tyler Stark Daniel Haynes Alexis Cooley-DeGrasse Nate Greene Max Hunter Reese Jacques Thomas Klingensmith AJ Stefano Pano Matsas Leila Olson-Maher & James Tattersall!


OCTOBER 19, 2018

What is Number Corner? In our quest to continuously improve instruction, teachers at Great Neck have enhanced their math instruction this year with a new curriculum resource called Number Corner. Number Corner is ‘a skill-building program that revolves around the classroom calendar, providing daily practice as well as continual encounters with broader mathematical concepts in 20 minutes of engaging instruction.’ Number Corner is aligned to the common core standards and is used to complement our K–5 curriculum. Equally important is the fact that we have increased the amount of instructional time we are dedicating to mathematics on a daily basis. Your child now receives 75 minutes of math instruction daily. I encourage you to ask your child about their daily math practice with Number Corner. All teachers in grades K-5 have an instructional block built into their day to deliver Number Corner lessons. The lesson is meant to provide opportunities for daily practice of the core skills considered the major work of each grade level. It is also a tool used to preview skills that students will explore in greater depth as part of their math units of study in the weeks or months to come. Number Corner is displayed in every classroom, providing a rich visual display of mathematical concepts for students to reference regularly. This tool exposes students to key vocabulary terms on a daily basis to increase student proficiency with explaining their thinking in math. As an instructional framework, teachers adhere to a math workshop model to allow many opportunities for group work and rich math-focused conversations centered on problem solving, collaboration and the sharing of ideas related to mathematical thinking. The components of a workshop model typically include a short, focused lesson, small group work, teacher conferencing and an opportunity for students to present and share their thinking with the class. Teachers use workshop time to circulate between groups to assist in facilitating math conversations or provide the scaffolds students need to work together and problem solve. Leveraging this framework for instruction allows our teachers to better individualize instruction and meet every learner’s needs. The addition of Number Corner enhances the in-depth work expected from our students during their workshop time. With Parent/Teacher Conferences right around the corner on November 12th … be sure to check out how your child’s teacher is supporting Number Corner in the classroom. - Billie

Message from GN PTA Book Fair Chairperson, Stacey Greer ~ "THANK YOU to all of our fall book fair volunteers! Your smiles, enthusiasm and helpfulness brought FUN to the fair this week! It could not have happened without you!" Winners of a $10 Book Fair Gift Certificate for the closest guess of the pumpkin poundage were Alex Siu in 2Cieplik and Mali Stelik in 4McCue ~ Congra tula tions!

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