January 2019 Updates The New Year is in full swing, and I have a few early January updates:
Midterm Exams start next Thursday, Jan. 17, and I sent out a separate email full of information about them earlier today. Please encourage your children to prepare as well as possible, since this is their opportunity to demonstrate all that they have learned so far this year. Our next Parents’ Advisory Coffee meeting will be at 7:30 am on Tuesday, Jan. 15, in the library reading room. We will have the Director of School Counseling Services Jason Adler joining us to present information on how to access the Naviance college search tool and what information you can find on it, as well as some information on our upcoming midterms. Please join us! Every year, the WHS Scholarship Committee awards a number of Parent Scholarships to our graduating seniors. The number of scholarships we are able to award is based on how much we receive in parent donations, so please consider donating to this worthwhile cause. The letter below from the Scholarship Committee provides information on how to donate, as well as which local employers offer matching gift programs that can effectively multiply the impact of your donations. Thanks in advance for your generosity! Parent Scholarship Fund letter 1-7-19 As you may be aware, the use of e-cigarettes by teens (often referred to as “vaping” or “juuling”) is on the rise nationally. The CT Department of Public Health reports that in Connecticut the use of e-cigarettes by teens doubled between 2015 and 2017, and they estimate that one in seven Connecticut teens currently use e-cigarettes and that the majority of these teens are unaware of the health risks associated with them. For additional information on the subject, you can follow this link to the CT Department of Public Health site https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Press-Room/Press-Releases---2018/High-SchoolStudent-Vaping-Doubles-in-2-Years or check out the flyer below from the US Department of Health and Human Services for information on identifying ecigarettes, their potential health risks, and what you can do to help prevent their use. 2019 e-cigarettes flyer USDHHS.pdf The WPS Food Service department’s January newsletter is available (see below) – it includes a reminder of how you can set up and manage online payments for food in our cafeteria. Parent Letter - WPS Food Service January 2019.pdf
Have a great day! Andre Hauser WHS Principal