Quaker Hill Elementary Newsletter - January 25, 2019

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Quaker Hill Elementary School 285 Bloomingdale Road Quaker Hill, Connecticut 06375 (860) 442-1095


Christopher Discordia, Principal

January 25th, 2019

Principal’s Notes–

Great Kindness Challenge! Quaker Hill is participating in the Great Kindness Challenge again this year. Our staff has challenged all of our students to complete as many acts of kindness as they can this week, and record it on their Kindness Challenge checklist. Please encourage your students to complete as many kind acts as they can. If your student wants to complete a kind act that is not on the list, encourage them to write it on the back of their checklists. All checklists should be returned by Thursday, January 31st.. If our school does 3500 acts of kindness, we will earn a whole school dance party on Friday, February 1st. For more information about the Great Kindness Challenge, please check out this video- http://viewpure.com/UOvDiJIubnk? start=0&end=0 Thank you for your support! -Mr. D

After School Art Clubs with Mrs. Messina These were taken in the 2nd Grade Arts & Crafts Club that is being run by Evalyn Tesler & Lily Valentino. The theme of the first week was super hero's.

This photo was from the Arts & Crafts Club led by Maya and Savannah Brown and three of their fifth grade buddies. 20 2nd and 3rd graders participated.

A Peek At the Weeks At Quaker Hill Jan. 29th: Gr 2 Arts & Crafts Club 3:05-4p. Jan. 29th : Gr 3 Acting Club 3:15-4:10p. Jan. 30th: Lego First Club 3:15-4:15p. Jan. 30th: QH All Stars Club 3:15-4p. Feb. 5th:

Gr 3 Acting Club 3:15-4:10p.

Feb. 12th: Gr 2 Arts & Crafts Club 3:05-4p. Feb. 12th: Gr 3 Acting Club 3:15-4:10p. Feb. 12th: Fit Girls 3:10-4:30p.

Week of January 21st Monday - A Tuesday – B Wednesday - C Thursday - D Friday - A

Mon: Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri:

Lunch Menu for the week of January 28th

Hot dog w/roll, oven fries, cucumber slices and chilled pears Pancakes, sausage links and potato puffs Mac & cheese, green beans, garlic bread and diced peaches Cheeseburger w/roll, baked beans, veggie cup and melon slices Pizza, Romaine salad w/dressing and fresh orange

Also Available: choice of sandwich , yogurt or salad plate. Water also available for $1.00

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