Quaker Hill Elementary Newsletter - September 7, 2018

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Quaker Hill Elementary School 285 Bloomingdale Road Quaker Hill, Connecticut 06375 (860) 442-1095 cdiscordia@waterfordschools.org

Christopher Discordia, Principal

September 7th, 2018

Principal’s Notes– Below are photos of students in Ms. Arico’s class, who are beginning a new Science Unit on Motioneers. They were looking for ways to improve motion on our playground! We also have a photo of a Number Corner lesson in Mrs. Gordon’s class, I was very impressed at all of their mathematical thinking! Please note– we have some exciting events coming up: Back to School Night is September 11th. Doors open promptly at 6pm and will run until 7pm. There is a PTA meeting in the Library following the conclusion of Back to School Night. We also will have our Quaker Hill Summer Reading & Math Carnival on Wednesday, Sept. 12th from 5pm until dark. (Rain date is the 13th). It is a wonderful community event that celebrates all of the hard work students did this summer working on their reading and math skills. I’ve been so proud of our students, as they have turned in hundreds of reading logs and quests. Any child that attends the carnival will receive tickets, and any student that turned in their summer logs/quests will receive additional tickets. Any student that earned over 100 tickets will get an “unlimited wristband,” to use. In the past, we have had Coast Guard Cadets to help us run the stations, but they are unable to make it this year, so we will need parents to assist their children when playing the carnival games. Thank you for your help! -Mr. D

A Peek At the Weeks At Quaker Hill Sept. 11:

5th grade Committee Meeting 5:00pm

Sept. 11:

Back to School Night 6pm

Sept. 11:

PTA Meeting 7:00pm

Sept 12:

Wizards Basketball Game Assembly 10am

Sept. 12:

Summer Reading Carnival 5pm (Rain date 9/13)

Sept. 18:

Gr. 4 & 5 to USGA for Concert

Sept 19:

Yom Kippur - No School

Sept 20:

School Picture Day (Retakes 10/22)

Week of Sept. 10th

September 20th Retakes: Oct. 22nd

Monday - D2 Tuesday - A Wednesday-B Thursday - C Friday - D3

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