Oswegatchie School Newsletter Phone: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261 470 Boston Post Road, Waterford, CT 06385
Joseph Macrino Principal
September 14, 2018
Phone: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261
Website: waterfordschools.org/osw Email: JMacrino@Waterfordschools.org
Message from the Principal
Dear Oswegatchie Families, Thank you very much for you participation in both the OSO Back to School Picnic and Open House. Attendance at both events was at an all-time-high, a testament to who we are as a school community. Great job to all! Next week is a busy and exciting week for us! Monday is a field trip to the Coast Guard for a concert for grades 1 through 5. Tuesday is one of my favorite days of the year, Picture Day. Seeing the kids in their best never gets old! Yom Kippur is on Wednesday and school will not be in session. For those that observe, G'mar Tov. On Thursday, we will acknowledge those students that read over the summer. We want to make sure that everyone that read over the summer is recognized, so please make sure to send in any documentation like a reading log or list of completed titles in with your child on Monday, the final deadline, so we can prepare accordingly. In addition: Monday Sept. 17, the OSO will be holding its monthly meeting at 6:30 in the library. In regards to the mum sale benefitting the 5 th Grade Promotion, those orders will be available for pickup in front of the school on Thursday, Sept. 20 from 2:45 pm until 5:30pm. If you are looking at the school, pickup will be on the patch of lawn just to the right of the entrance of the building.
Breakfast/Lunch Menu September 17-21, 2018 Breakfast in Cafeteria at 8:20 am $2.00 Lunch choices include sandwich or salad $3.00 Menus subject to change
Breakfast: Cereal, banana, Milk Lunch: Grilled ham & cheese or grilled cheese on whole wheat, tomato soup, veggie sticks, diced peaches, Milk Tuesday
Breakfast: Pancakes, melon slices, 100% orange juice, Milk Lunch: Nachos with meat & cheese, Spanish rice, corn, applesauce cup, Milk
Wednesday No School Yom Kippur
Did you know we serve breakfast every morning? If your child needs breakfast, our cafeteria is here for you! More info can be found here: Menus Have a great weekend!
Joe Macrino Principal Oswegatchie Elementary School Waterford, CT 860-442-4331
Breakfast: Yogurt parfait, graham crackers, mixed fruit, Milk Lunch: BRUNCH FOR LUNCH; Pancakes, sausage links, potato puffs, melon slices, 100% apple juice, Milk Friday Breakfast: Egg & cheese on an English muffin, 100% orange juice, melon slices, Milk Lunch: Pizza, romaine salad with dressing, mixed fruit, Milk
Message from Food Service Department There is a 30 day grace period for free or reduced lunch. If your child receives SNAP or Medicaid he or she will be directly certified. You will be receiving notification from the Food Service Department. If your child was approved on family income, you must submit a new application before October 12th. Any questions, please call the Food Service Department at 860-444-5862. Thank you!
Oswegatchie School Events
September 17 September 18
September 19 September 20 September 23 September 24 September 25
September 29 October 2 October 5
Waterford Youth Services and The United Way has given Oswegatchie School a few backpacks for students. If your child has a need for one please call the school office at 860-442-4331.
No School Wednesday, September 19 Yom Kippur
Coast Guard Academy Field Trip Gr. 1-5 ~9:15-11:45 OSO Meeting 6:30 in Library School Pictures 9:00—11:30 Instructional Basketball Grades 2/3 ~5:00-6:15 Grades 4/5 ~ 6:30-7:45 No School—Yom Kippur Mums Fundraiser pick-up 2:45-5:30 Autumn Begins Class Tee Shirt orders due in Office Cub Scouts Registration Night 6:00-8:00 Wizards assembly 1:45-2:10 Instructional Basketball Grades 2/3 ~5:00-6:15 Grades 4/5 ~ 6:30-7:45 Wizards game @WHS Instructional Basketball Grades 2/3 ~5:00-6:15 Grades 4/5 ~ 6:30-7:45 Grade 4 Art Field Trip 9:30-12:30
SMILE School Pictures will be taken on Tuesday, September 18, 2018.