Oswegatchie Elementary Newsletter - October 12, 2018

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October 12, 2018

Oswegatchie School Newsletter Phone: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261 470 Boston Post Road, Waterford, CT 06385

Joseph Macrino Principal

Phone: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261

Website: waterfordschools.org/osw Email: JMacrino@Waterfordschools.org

Message from the Principal

Hello and thank you for another wonderful week at Oswegatchie! It was a great week at Oswegatchie School! Thank you for your continued support of our teachers who are working hard to provide a compassionate and rigorous learning environment. In my time working as an educator, I have yet to meet a “bad” kid. I have, however, worked with many students who struggle with self-regulation and emotion management. I am proud to work in a district that embraces social-emotional learning as Waterford does. I hope to hold some informational opportunities so families can see first-hand how we are meeting the needs of the whole child. In the meantime, here is a great article on behavior: http://www.chadd.org/AttentionPDFs/ ATTN_04_11_LaggingSkills.pdf

Breakfast/Lunch Menu October 15-19 2018 Breakfast in Cafeteria at 8:20 am $2.00 Lunch choices include sandwich or salad $3.00 Menus subject to change



Breakfast: Cereal, applesauce, Milk Lunch: Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, broccoli, wheat bread, mixed fruit, Milk



Breakfast: Warm blueberry muffin, diced peaches, Milk Lunch: Nachos with meat, cheese, Spanish rice, corn, applesauce, Milk

OSO will be holding a meeting on Monday, Oct. 15th at 6:30 in the library. Childcare will be provided. Wednesday

We would love to see you at Laps for Lance on Friday Oct. 19! 10am-11am for Grades K-2 and 1:45pm2:45pm for Grades 3-5. We are still looking for volunteers to help us with Zones of Regulation kits. On Thursday October 18, we have volunteer slots in each of the following blocks of time: 9-10, 10-11, 11-12. If you are interested, please email me at jmacrino@waterfordschools.org with “Zones Volunteer” in the title, and the time frame you would like to sign up for. Enjoy your weekend! Joe Macrino Principal Oswegatchie Elementary School Waterford, CT 860-442-4331


Breakfast: French toast sticks, diced pears, Milk Lunch: Baked ziti, garlic bread, romaine salad, melon slices, Milk



Breakfast: Cinnamon breakfast round, 100% apple juice, fresh orange, Milk Lunch: Cheeseburger with roll, oven fries, veggie sticks, watermelon slices, Milk Friday Breakfast: Cereal, melon slices, Milk Lunch: Pizza, romaine salad with dressing, mixed fruit cup, Milk


Oswegatchie School Events October 15 October 16

October 17

Save The Date November 3, 2018 Annual Oswegatchie School Craft Show & Book Fair 10:00-3:00

October 19

October 23

October 24 October 25 October 29 October 30

October 31 November 3 November 4 November 5 November 6

OSO Meeting 6:30 Library Mrs. Moore’s Brownie in Lib. 3:15-4:45 Instructional Basketball Grades 2/3 ~5:00-6:15 Grades 4/5 ~ 6:30-7:45 Amazing Shake 7:45-8:25 in Project Room Spanish Enrichment 3:15-4:15 MCM Holiday Pie Order due in Office Grade 5 Field Trip 9:30-12:30 Laps with Lance Fundraiser Gr. K-2 ~10:00-11:00 Gr. 3-5 ~1:45-2:45 Instructional Basketball Grades 2/3 ~5:00-6:15 Grades 4/5 ~ 6:30-7:45 Science Night Meeting 6:45 in library Spanish Enrichment 3:15-4:15 Student Council 7:45—8:25 Picture Re-Takes 8:45—9:45 in Cafeteria Instructional Basketball Banquet 5:30-7:00 Cub Scouts Pack 36 ~ 6:00-8:00 Mrs. Moore’s Brownie in Lib. 3:15-4:45 Instructional Basketball Grades 2/3 ~5:00-6:15 Grades 4/5 ~ 6:30-7:45 Amazing Shake 7:45-8:25 in Project Room Holiday Craft Show and Book Fair 10:00-3:00 Daylight Savings Time Ends set clocks back Ms. Welcome’s scouts 3:10-4:30 in Art Room No School -Teachers Professional Development

Waterford High School Fundraisers

WHS has been nominated for the WTNH News 8 Game of the Week for next weekend, Oct. 19, which is our homecoming game! Please vote for us at this link: https://www.wtnh.com/hs-football-game-ofthe-week. You can vote for us every day until the voting ends on Wednesday, Oct. 17, at 6 pm. And feel free to send this out to your friends/put it on social media to increase our support.

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