Oswegatchie Elementary Newsletter - October 19, 2018

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October 19, 2018

Oswegatchie School Newsletter Phone: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261 470 Boston Post Road, Waterford, CT 06385

Joseph Macrino Principal

Phone: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261

Website: waterfordschools.org/osw Email: JMacrino@Waterfordschools.org

Message from the Principal

Hello OSW Families, What a wonderful week! Laps with Lance could not have gone better. The sun was shining and the kids were smiling. Thanks to the OSO, family volunteers, and all that donated. All involved should be very proud of what you were able to put into place to benefit the students of Oswegatchie. I would like to send a special thank you to all of our substitute teachers who maintained routines and quality instruction this week as staff members worked diligently on Next Generation Science Standards curriculum. I have no doubt our students will benefit greatly from new and engaging opportunities to explore science through inquiry and hands-on experimentation. If you or someone you know is interested in substitute teaching, please reach out!

Breakfast/Lunch Menu October 22-26, 2018 Breakfast in Cafeteria at 8:20 am $2.00 Lunch choices include sandwich or salad $3.00 Menus subject to change

Monday Breakfast: Cereal, banana, Milk Lunch: Brunch for Lunch: Pancakes, sausage links, potato puffs, 100% apple juice, fresh orange, Milk


I am happy to report that our breakfast numbers are increasing! Please consider our breakfast program to ensure that our students are full and ready to learn. Have a great weekend! Joe Macrino Principal Oswegatchie Elementary School Waterford, CT 860-442-4331


Breakfast: Goody ring, melon slices, cheese stick, Milk Lunch: Italian dippers with marinara sauce and meatballs, romaine salad, melon slices, Milk


Veteran’s Day is around the corner and Oswegatchie will be giving thanks to our service women and men with a special assembly for them on November 9. Please check the attached flier for more information.



Breakfast: Warm muffin, diced peaches, Milk Lunch: Hot dog with roll, baked beans, cucumber slices, mixed fruit, Milk



Breakfast: Pancakes, diced pears, 100% orange juice, Milk Lunch: Turkey grinder with cheese, lettuce, tomato, chips, veggie sticks, diced pears, Milk

Friday Breakfast: Egg & cheese on an English muffin, applesauce cup, Milk Lunch: Pizza, romaine salad with dressing, fresh apple, Milk


Oswegatchie School Events

October 23

Save The Date November 3, 2018 Annual Oswegatchie School Craft Show & Book Fair 10:00-3:00

October 24 October 25

October 29 October 30

October 31 November 1 November 3 November 4 November 5 November 6 November 8

November 9

Instructional Basketball Grades 2/3 ~5:00-6:15 Grades 4/5 ~ 6:30-7:45 Science Night Meeting 6:45 in library Spanish Enrichment 3:15-4:15 Student Council 7:45—8:25 Picture Re-Takes 8:45—9:45 in Cafeteria Instructional Basketball Banquet 5:30-7:00 Rec & Park volleyball 7:00-8:30 Cub Scouts Pack 36 ~ 6:00-8:00 Mrs. Moore’s Brownie in Lib. 3:15-4:45 Instructional Basketball Grades 2/3 ~5:00-6:15 Grades 4/5 ~ 6:30-7:45 Amazing Shake 7:45-8:25 in Project Room Rec & Park volleyball 7:00-8:30 Holiday Craft Show and Book Fair 10:00-3:00 Daylight Savings Time Ends set clocks back Ms. Welcome’s scouts 3:10-4:30 in Art Room No School -Teachers Professional Development Sadecky’s Puppets Assembly Stuff the Bus Food Drive Basketball practice 4:30-6:00 Rec & Park volleyball 7:00-8:30 Veterans Day Celebration 2:15-3:00

Waterford High School Fundraisers

2018 - 2019 Season Update Boys Grades 4th -12th & Girls Grades 4th – 8th


Key Dates

Register Online www.waterfordbasketball.assn.la

Player Clinics Planned for November Additional details will be sent separately

Registration is open until Wednesday, November 14th Registration Fees 1st child: $100 2nd child: $80 Each additional child: $65 Family maximum: $245 Late fee: $20 after Oct 31st

Evaluations ** All Grades** Boys Grades 4-12 & Girls Grades 4-8 ** Important** Senior League Included

Saturday, November 17th Sunday, November 18th Clark Lane Middle School Arrive 30 minutes early

Evaluations November 17th and 18th Practices Start the week of November 26th Games Start the weekend of December 8th Evaluation Times Grade Boys 4th Boys 5th Boys 6th Boys 7th Girls 4th – 5th Girls 6th – 8th Boys 8th Boys 9th Boys 10th Boys 11th – 12th

Sat 17th 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM

Sun 18th 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00PM 2:00 PM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM

Any questions, please reach out to Waterfordbballboard@gmail.com or a WRB Board Member http://waterfordbasketball.assn.la

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