Oswegatchie Elementary Newsletter - January 4, 2019 Edition

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January 4, 2019

Oswegatchie School Newsletter Phone: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261 470 Boston Post Road, Waterford, CT 06385

Joseph Macrino Principal

Phone: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261

Website: waterfordschools.org/osw Email: JMacrino@Waterfordschools.org

Message from the Principal

Hello OSW Families, Happy New Year! It was a short but busy week as we transitioned from the break. It was wonderful to see the smiles and excitement as our students returned from the holidays. Once again, the amount of charity the OSW community provided to those in need was overwhelming. Thank you all for your contributions. Next week will mark the beginning of Winter MAP testing for all grades. We assess students in September, January, and May in both reading and mathematics. We utilize this assessment to allow us to focus on your child’s growth over time. MAP is an adaptive, computer-based assessment that automatically adjusts to each child’s individual learning targets and highlights your child’s strengths and areas for further growth and development. Like many assessments, it is one snapshot that we use to consider the progress of the whole child. Our teachers use this information to plan instruction to meet the individual needs of all of our learners. For more information about the MAP Assessment, please visit https://www.nwea.org/content/uploads/2016/06/Parent-Guideto-MAP.pdf. Check the attached calendar for all the events that are coming up. 5th Grade Promotion Meeting on 1/8 at 6:45 OSO Meeting on 1/14 at 6:30

Breakfast/Lunch Menu January 7-11, 2019 Breakfast in Cafeteria at 8:20 am $2.00 Lunch choices include sandwich or Yogurt, salad no longer available $3.00 Menus subject to change Monday


Breakfast: Cereal, applesauce cup, Milk Lunch: Brunch for Lunch: French toast sticks, sausage links, potato puffs, fresh orange, 100% Orange juice, Milk Tuesday


Breakfast: Egg & cheese on a whole grain croissant, pear cup, Milk Lunch: Turkey & cheese grinder, cucumber slices, sidekick cup, Milk



Breakfast: Cinnamon toast, banana, graham crackers, Milk Lunch: Italian dippers with marinara sauce, meatballs, romaine salad, melon slices, Milk



Breakfast: Goody ring, diced peaches, cheese stick, Milk Lunch: Grilled cheese or grilled ham and cheese sandwich, tomato soup with crackers, veggie sticks, diced peaches, Milk

Enjoy the weekend! Friday

Joe Macrino Principal Oswegatchie Elementary School Waterford, CT 860-442-4331

Breakfast: Blueberry muffin, applesauce cup, Milk Lunch: Pizza, romaine salad, applesauce cup, Milk


Oswegatchie School Events January 5 January 6 January 7 January 8

brary January 9 January 10 January 12 January 13 January 14 January 15 January 16 January 17

Rec & Park Basketball 9:00-3:00 Rec & Park Basketball 9:00-3:00 Play Rehearsal 4:00-5:00 in Gym Rec & Park Basketball Practice 5:30-8:30 OSO Meeting 6:30 in Library Mo Willems Book Club Room 141 ~3:15-4:00 Mrs. Moore’s scouts 3:15-4:45 in Library All EL Jazz Band 5:00-6:00 Rec & Park Basketball Practice 5:30-8:30 Gr. 5 Parent Promotion Meeting 6:45 in LiAmazing Shake 7:46-5-8:25 in Project Room Play Rehearsal 4:00-5:00 in Gym Rec & Park Basketball Practice 5:30-8:30 Student Council 7:45-8:25 Rec & Park Volleyball 7:00-8:30 Rec & Park Basketball 9:00-3:00 Rec & Park Basketball 9:00-3:00 Play Rehearsal 4:00-5:00 in Gym Rec & Park Basketball 5:30-8:30 Mo Willems Book Club Room 141 ~3:15-4:00 All EL Jazz Band 5:00-6:00 Rec & Park Basketball 5:30-8:30 Play Rehearsal 4:00-5:00 in Gym Rec & Park Basketball 5:30-8:30 Rec & Park Basketball 4:30-6:00 Rec & Park Volleyball 7:00-8:30

Got Science? We want to see! We are working hard to make sure this year’s Science Night is a special one. One way to ensure that is giving an opportunity for our young scientists to present a science project on January 25 th. We will be presenting a Science Exhibit Hall for students that would like to showcase their own scientific research projects. This is open to all students K-5, and parents collaboration is encouraged. Here are some suggestions to kick-start your creativity and some great guidance:

scienceprojectresources.com · scienceprojectlab.com thesciencefairprojects.blogspot.com



If your child would like to present a science project, please fill out the form below and return it to their teacher.

My young scientist, ____________________________, will be presenting a science project focused on (child’s full name)

_____________________________________________________________________________________. (one sentence describing the super cool project)

I can be reached at ___________________________________ for a check-in on the project’s progress. (your email address)

Parents should guide students when the experiments have any potential safety risks.

Waterford High School Fundraisers

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