Oswegatchie School Newsletter Phone: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261 470 Boston Post Road, Waterford, CT 06385
Joseph Macrino Principal
November 2, 2018
Phone: 860-442-4331 Office Fax: 860-447-6261
Website: waterfordschools.org/osw Email: JMacrino@Waterfordschools.org
Message from the Principal
Hello OSW Families, I hope you had a nice week! IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR DISMISSAL ON 11/5 On Monday of next week, we need to accommodate Election Day preparations and voting. Here is how we will dismiss walkers: Pickup will not occur in the gym. Parents and guardians will enter through the door to the right of the main entrance in the front of the building, if you are facing the building. The sign-in table will be set up and we will follow the normal procedure. Exit will be through the same door you entered from. Thanks in advance for your flexibility. The craft fair will be happening at OSW on Saturday from 10-3 and the book fair will also be open during that time in the library. Check it out! Reminder: As per the district elementary handbook, food will not be accepted for distribution in the classroom. Please do not send in any food items for celebrations or any other event, as they will not be accepted. This includes wrapped, manufactured, and home-created items. Congratulations to Christine Dulin, our long-term substitute social worker, on her appointment as Head Girls Lacrosse Coach for Waterford! Enjoy the weekend! Joe Macrino Principal Oswegatchie Elementary School Waterford, CT 860-442-4331
Breakfast/Lunch Menu November 5– 9, 2018 Breakfast in Cafeteria at 8:20 am $2.00 Lunch choices include sandwich or Yogurt, salad no longer available $3.00 Menus subject to change Monday
Breakfast: Cereal, banana, Milk Lunch: Grilled ham & cheese or Grilled cheese on whole wheat, tomato soup, Milk
No School Professional Development Election Day
Breakfast: Pancakes, melon slices, 100% orange juice, Milk Lunch: Pasta with meat sauce, garlic bread, romaine salad with dressing, diced pears, Milk
Breakfast: Blueberry muffin, applesauce cup, Milk Lunch: Hot dog on roll, oven fries, cucumber sticks, mixed fruit cup, Milk
Friday Breakfast: French toast sticks, pear cup, Milk Lunch: Pizza, romaine salad with dressing, applesauce cup, Milk
Oswegatchie School Events November 4 November 5
Reminder Friday, November 9, 2018 Veterans Day Celebration 2:15 PM
Stuff The Bus Food Drive November 8, 2018
Daylight Savings Time Ends set clocks back Ms. Welcome’s scouts 3:10-4:30 in Art Room Karate Enrichment Gr. 1-3 in gym 3:15-4:00 November 6 No School ~Teachers Professional Development Election Day Grade 5 Bake Sale November 7 Book Fair 3:15-4:00 November 8 Sadecky’s Puppets Assembly Stuff the Bus Food Drive Rec & Park volleyball 7:00-8:30 November 9 Veterans Day Celebration 2:15-3:00 November 12 No School~Parent Teacher Conferences~ By Appointment Book Fair open 9:30-3:30 November 13 Mrs. Moore’s Scouts in Library 3:15-4:30 All Elementary Jazz Band 5:00-6:00 on stage November 14 Amazing Shake 7:45-8:25 AM MCM Pie Fundraiser Pick Up 3:00-5:00 November 15 Rec & Park volleyball 7:00-8:30 November 19 Mrs. Welcome’s Scouts 3:10-4:30 in Art Room Karate Enrichment Gr. 1-3 in gym 3:15-4:00 OSO Meeting 630 November 20 Grade 2 Nutcracker Assembly in Cafeteria 9:30 Festival of Friendship 2:00 in Gym November 21-23 Thanksgiving Break ~No School ~ November 26 Karate Enrichment Gr. 1-3 in gym 3:15-4:00 Pack 36 Meeting 6:00-8:00 Rec & Park Basketball Practice 5:30-8:30 November 27 Mrs. Moore’s Scouts 3:15-4:45 in Library All Elementary Jazz Band 5:00-6:00 on stage Rec & Park Basketball Practice 5:30-8:30
November 3, 2018 Annual Oswegatchie School Craft Show & Book Fair 10:00-3:00
Waterford High School Fundraisers