Presented by:
Laura McCue & Lauren McKenna - WPS Technology Specialists
Mark Geer - Director of IT
Officers Dan Lane & Norm Malbaurn - SROs
Officer John Bunce - Waterford Police Department
Joe Trelli - Youth and Family Services
ourchildrenonlineisateameffort, whereschools,police,parents,andtown organizationsmustjoinforcestosafeguardtheir digitaljourney,becausetogether,we'renotjust protectingscreens,we'renurturingfutures."
- What we teach
- What we are seeing
- How we respond
WPD - Investigations
Where do we go from here?
- Resources
- It Takes a Village - Ask Questions
SecurlyClassroomisanessentialtool forensuringstudentonlinesafety.It allowsteacherstomonitorand managestudents'onlineactivitieson schooldevicesinrealtime,ensuring thattheyarestayingontaskandnot engagingininappropriateonline behavior.
SecurlyFilterisapowerfulcontentfiltering systemthatblocksaccesstopotentially harmfulordistractingwebsites.Ithelpsto createasafeonlineenvironmentforstudents, protectingthemfrominappropriatecontent andonlinethreats.
• AI-basedScanningofSchoolDevicesto FlagConcerningWebSearches
• AlertstoSchoolAdministratorsAbout ConcerningSearches
iBossisanadvancedwebsecurity platformthatprovidescomprehensive protectionagainstcybersecurity threats.Itenablestheschoolsystemto implementstronginternetsecurity measures,ensuringthatstudentsare safefrommalware,phishing,andother onlinedangers.
Gaggleisasafetymanagementsystemthat helpsschoolsprotectstudentswhentheyare usingdigitaltools.Itmonitorstheuseofonline collaborationplatforms,email,andschoolissueddevices,proactivelyidentifyingand addressingpotentialsafetyconcerns.Gaggle usesacombinationofkeywords,algorithms, andmachinelearningtoidentifycontentthat indicatesstudentsplanningself-harm, bullying,abuse,orschoolviolence.Gagglealso uses24/7MonitoringbyLiveTrained Specialists.
Email message/subject line
Attachments (all file types)
Gun Images and Videos
Links to websites
Shared items from Google Drive
Google Docs
Google Sheets
Google Slides
Gun Images and Videos
Links to websites
Microsoft uploads like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
Non-native files
AnonymousTipLineto Report:
● Bullying
● Planned Fights
● Students in Crisis
● Threats of Violence
● Weapons in Schools
● Other Urgent Situations
Weeducateourstudentsonhowtobegooddigital citizensstartingfromKindergartenthroughGrade12.
SecurlyHomeisanadd-onforSecurlyFilterdesignedto helpparentsmanagetheirchildren’sonlineactivitywhile usingschool-issueddevicesathome.Thisuser-friendly platformprovidesparentswiththetoolstheyneedto ensureasafeandproductiveonlineexperiencefortheir children.Byofferinginsightsintostudents’onlinebehavior andempoweringparentstotakecontroloftheirchildren’s digitalwell-being,SecurlyHomefostersahealthybalance betweentechnologyuseandotheraspectsoflife.
● YouthPromise
● ResponsibleSocialMedia
● SocialMedia(SM)Safety
● SextingandHarassment
● ResponsibleGaming
● SocialMedia and Sportsmanship Classes
TextNow Trends ● Whatwedealwith
Body Shaming
MentalHealthConcerns Challenge
● Taught for all 5th grade students prior to coming to CLMS.
● Various topics to include Social Media Safety and Safe Gaming.
● All 6th and 7th grade students at CLMS
● refresher and an extension of the 5th grade class
● Topics include cyberbullying, texting etiquette and responsible use of social media.
● Also covers responsible usage on school devices
● Taught to all 8th grade health classes.
● This class covers sexual harassment over text and social media.
● Also covers the risks of sexting and the law.
ResponsibleGaming-Our "Healthy Gaming Habits" Lessonat the 5th gradelevel involves educatingchildren on responsible and balancedways to engagewith video gamesand online gamingcommunitiesin a healthyand safe way.
SocialMediaandSportsmanship-The incrediblespeed that information travels over social media magnifies the damagethat an athlete’s lapse in judgment can cause.
*Minimum Age Instagram (13 years Old) Snapchat (13 Years old) Tik-Tok (13 Years Old) You Tube
Why is it Popular / Do they have parental controls Quest For Likes Reels Yes for Parental Controls
Do they offer location sharing Location Sharing - Only available if you post with a location attached Location Sharing - OFF by Default but can turn it on and share with snapchat friends
Location Sharing - You can add or remove your location from videos that are posted
Location SharingOnly available if you post with location information
What Do They Have In Common Addictive Scrolling Mature Content Bullying Access to Unknown People *This
● FOMO - Fear of missing out
● Likes and Followers
● Notifications
● Screen Time
● Sharingtoo much
● Assuming privatemeans safe
● Personal Information - Locations,family, Personal issues
● Unknown followers
● Inappropriatepictures
● Going on social media too early
● Not having clear cut phone rules
● Falling for false marketingand trends
● Bullying
○ Sportsmanship-TowntoTownRivalry
○ SpreadingRumors
○ Body Shaming
● What are your parentalcontrols for your phone/device
● If you do not know ask
● What accounts do they have (multiple?)
● Do you know who they are following / contacting?
● Private or Public Account
● What type of content are they following?
● ParentalEducationon the Appsyour child is using
● Can they addappswithout parentalpermission?
● Keep to the age requirements
● Do you have an extra security option?
● Screen time
● Turning off notifications
● Access to phone during school hours and bedtime
● Blocking and reporting inappropriatecontent / messaging/ bullying
● Fear of saying something
Onlinegamingandsocialmediahavebecome increasinglyintertwinedintoday'sdigital landscape.Manyonlinegamingplatformsare interconnectedwithsocialmedianetworks, allowinguserstosharetheirgamingexperiences, achievements,andcontentdirectlytotheirsocial mediaprofiles.
It'simportantforparentstorecognizethatevenif theirchilddoesn'thaveadedicatedsocialmedia account,theymaystillbeexposedtothesame issuesprevalentontheseplatforms.Whetherit's cyberbullying,inappropriatecontent,orprivacy concerns,theimpactofonlinegamingcanextend beyondthegameitself.
● Onlinegamingofferssocialconnectionandenjoyment,but cautionisnecessarywheninteractingwithstrangers.
● Videogames,likesocialmedia,aredesignedtorewardusers, potentiallyfosteringunhealthyattachmentswithout boundaries.
● Recognizingwarningsignssuchas"ragequitting"or heightenedanxietyindicatestheneedforbreaksand reflectionongaminghabits.
● Goodsportsmanshipisvitalinbothdigitalandreal-world settings,promotingrespectfulbehavior.
● Establishinghealthygaminghabitsinvolvessetting boundaries,designatedplaytimes,andsafetyprotocolsfor onlineinteractions,ensuringabalancedandsecuregaming experience.
Theinfluenceofsocialmediaonyoung people'smentalhealthanddevelopmentis apressingconcern,particularlyfor childrenalreadydealingwithanxiety, depression,orthatareneurodivergent. Thesevulnerablegroupsare disproportionatelyaffectedbythe negativeimpactsofsocialmedia comparedtotheirpeers.
Whilethereareplentyofareasof concernsurroundingchildren'suseof socialmedia,wecan'tdenythatthere arealsoinherentbenefitstotheir participationinonlinecommunities.
Socialmediaplatformsofferavenues forcreativity,self-expression,and connectionwithpeers,fosteringa senseofbelongingandsupport.
We,asparents,educators,community leadersandlawenforcementarehere totemperandguideourkidsinthis digitalworld.
Withthatbeingsaid,recognizingand addressingtheseissuesisimperative andenablesthepromotionof healthierdigitalhabitsandthe protectionofchildren'smentalhealth intoday'sdigitallandscape.
● Social Media and Youth Mental Health: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory 2022-2023
● Common Sense Media: “How to Help Teens Manage the Effects of Social Media on Their Mental Health” June 2022
● Yale Medicine: How Social Media Affects Your Teen’s Mental Health: A Parent’s Guide, January 2024
Cyberbullying: which can lead to or make worse feelings of anxiety, depression, and low selfesteem.
ComparisonandSelf-Esteemissues: contributing to feelings of inadequacy and poor mental health.
FearofMissingOut(FOMO): leading to increased anxiety and feelings of social exclusion.
DistortedPerceptionofReality: Especially for young people without proper context, what they see online, and on social media vs reality, contributing to dissatisfaction with one's life and overall mental health.
SleepDisturbancesduetobeing“chronically online”: impacting mental well-beingdue to fatigue, irritability,and difficulty concentrating.
AddictionandDependence:leading to anxiety and withdrawal symptoms when not using social media.
PrivacyandSecurityConcerns: causing stress and anxiety over potential risks to their reputation and personal safety.
SocialIsolation: which can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and depression.
● Encourage open communication and reassure your child that they can talk to you if they experience cyberbullying.
● Teach them how to block or report bullies on social media platforms.
● Help them cultivate a supportive network of friends both online and offline. It is our responsibility to teach our kids how to create and maintain these connections.
Foster a positive self-image by praising their unique qualities and accomplishments.
Encourage them to follow accounts that promote body positivity and self-acceptance.
Is your child having an “off day”? Limit exposure to social media when it triggers feelings of inadequacy, and focus on offline activities that boost confidence.
● Remindyourchildthatwhattheyseeonsocialmediaoftenrepresentsonlythe highlightsofothers'lives.
● Encouragethemtoembracethepresentmomentandengageinhobbiesand activitiesthatbringthemjoy.
● Planactivitieswithfriendsandfamilytocreatemeaningfulofflineexperiences.
● Remindthemthatnoonlineexperience,nomatterhowexciting,canmatchthe richnessofreal-lifeinteractionswithfriendsandfamily.
● Facilitateopportunitiesforyourchildtoengageinface-to-faceinteractionswith peersthroughplaydates,afterschoolclasses,scouts,orsports.
● Teachthemsocialskillsandhowtoinitiateconversationsbothonlineandoffline.
■ Findlike-minded parentstoconnectwithabouthobbiesyourkidsenjoy
■ Modelthisbehaviorinyourday-to-day life,butonlineand offline.
● Establishtech-freezonesinthehouse,especiallyinbedrooms,topromotebettersleep hygiene.
● Setconsistentbedtimeroutinesandencouragerelaxationactivitiesbeforebed.
● Helpthemunderstandtheimportanceofqualitysleepforoverallwell-being.
● Setclearboundariesaroundscreentimeandenforcedesignatedperiodsfor socialmediause.
● Leadbyexamplebydemonstratinghealthydigitalhabitsandprioritizing offlineinteractions.
● Ifageappropriate,discusswithyourkidstheconnectionbetweenaddiction andtheinstantrushweexperiencewhileengagingwithsocialmedia. Explainhowtheseplatformsareengineeredtotriggerthisresponse.
● Educateyourchildabouttheimportanceofprotectingthemselvesonline-thatour“real life”selfandour“digital”selfarenowoneinthesame.
● Reviewprivacysettingsontheirsocialmediaaccountstogetherandensurethey understandhowtoadjustthem.
● Monitortheironlineactivityandbevigilantforanysignsofsuspiciousbehavioror interactions.
● Engageinopenconversationsaboutthecuratednatureofsocialmediaandhow itcandistortreality.
● Encouragecriticalthinkingskillsbydiscussingmedialiteracyandthedifference betweenonlinepersonasandreal-lifeexperiences.
● Promoteahealthybalancebetweenonlineandofflineactivitiestofosteramore realisticperspectiveonlife.
● ReachOut:Seek support and guidancefrom trusted family members, friends, or mentors. Parenting in today'srapidlychangingworld can be daunting,and it's okay to lean on others for help.
● ProfessionalGuidance:Don't hesitate to seek guidancefrom professionals such as therapistsor pediatriciansif you feel that your situation requires additionalsupport.
● School&TownResources:Take advantageof resources offered through your child's school and local organizationslike Waterford Youth and Family Services.Visit our dedicatedwebpagefor a comprehensivelist of resources for parents. Scan the QR code below for quick access.
● StarttheConversation:Our kids are interactingwith online media at younger and younger ages, so start the conversationearly. No parent wants to be in a “I wish I broughtthis up sooner” situation.
● PreparefortheUnexpected:Discuss "what if" scenarioswith your children as well as the consequencesof when online activitiesbecome criminal. From cyberbullyingto hate speech or sexting,being proactivecan make all the difference. Our next presenter, OfficerJohnBunce sheds light on how law enforcement handlessocial media incidents involvingour kids.
SecurityApp Options Bark Aura mSpy (Iphone) Qustodio Norton Family
Blocking BlockSpecificSitesfrom19categoriesfrom adultcontenttogaming Blockspecificsites byagerangeor category Blockspecificsites BlocksbyCategory Blocksappsyou don'twantthemto use
Location Tracking
Potential Dangers
Receivelocationalerts whenchildleavesor arrivespre-set locations
Seelocationof child'sdevicein realtime
CantrackGPS coordinateswitha tapandseetheir locationonamap
Spotsyourchildona map-Savesmostliked placesandsends notificationswhenthey arriveorleave.
OnMap-see location
AlertsforBullying, Sexualcontent,Suicide, Profanity Doesnotofferthis feature AlertsforBullyingand Sexualcontentbased onkeywords Alertswhenchildtriesto accessblockedsites Alertswhenchild triestoaccess blockedsites
CustomScreen Times Cansetcustomtimes forschooltime,bedtime andfreetime Different schedulesfor weekdaysand weekendsonly Onlyavailablewith FamilyKitand PremiumPackages
Content Monitoring Barkmonitorsyour child/children’stext messages,email, YouTubeand30+apps andsocialmedia platforms.
Canonlymonitor throughusage, categoryor website Onlyfor11Appssomeneedupgrades towork
Cansettimelimitsfor Apps
Settimelimitsfor scheduledtimesor daysoftheweek
Usesupervision featuretoseewhat yourchildis searchingand browsingonline
Common Sense Media improves the lives of kids and families by providing independent reviews, age ratings, & other information about all types of media. https://www.commonsensemedia.org/
KidsHealth is the most-viewed site for dependable information on children's health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years. https://kidshealth.org/
It provides age-appropriate videos and activities to help teach children be safer online with the goal of helping children to become more aware of potential online risks and empowering them to help prevent victimization by making safer choices on- and offline.
https://www.missingkids.org/netsmartz/topics/so cialmedia
Internet Matters supports parents and professionals with comprehensive resources and expert guidance to help them navigate the everchanging world of child internet safety.
Purpose: To stop young people's mental health reaching crisis point.
The Be Internet Awesome Family Guide gives families the tools and resources to learn about online safety and citizenship at home.
https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/en_ us/families
Laura McCue lmccue@waterfordschools.org
Lauren McKenna lmckenna@waterfordschools.org
Officer Dan Lane dlane@waterfordschools.org Officer Norm Malbaurn nmalbaurn@waterfordschools.org Joe Trelli jtrelli@waterfordct.org ** This presentation will be made available on the WPS district site.