1 minute read

Grade 5 (entering 6


Lesson Title: Introduction to Clark Lane Middle School

ASCA National Standards

Domain: Academic Development

A: A1: Improve Academic Self‐concept A: A2: Acquire Skills for Improving Learning

Domain: Personal/Social Development

PS: A1: Acquire Self‐knowledge PS: A2: Acquire Interpersonal Skills PS: C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills

Students will:

 Identify attitudes and behaviors that lead to successful learning  Use communications skills to know when and how to ask for help when needed  Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior  Learn how to make and keep friends  Learn how to cope with peer pressure

Essential Question(s):

What do I need to know about the middle school?

Instructional Strategies/Lesson/Activities:

1. 5th grade students will be dropped off at the middle school and go to the library. The school counselors will introduce themselves and the plan for the visit. School counselors will present a PowerPoint to students about what to expect at Clark Lane Middle School. 2. 8th grade leaders will then bring 5th graders to the cafeteria to have lunch and play a trivia game about facts about Clark Lane Middle School 3. After lunch, 8th grade leaders will divide students into smaller groups to go on tours of the school 4. All students will meet in the library at the end of the session for a closing statement by school counselors


 Library  Cafeteria  PowerPoint

Assessment Strategy:

Students provide accurate information in the group discussion and School Counselors receive feedback from Grade 5 teachers on the student’s experiences.

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