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WaterfordPublicSchools 2023-2024OTHERPURCHASEDSERVICES
Instructional Supplies
This includes rental costs for special education and maintenance equipment.
General Supplies
The cost of basic supplies needed for school operations including copy paper, writing supplies, library supplies, and graduation expenses.
Classroom Supplies
Supplies used in the classroom typically at the middle and high school levels, which pertain to a specific subject such as science, math, unified arts, etc.
Special Education/Summer School
This includes supplies for special education programs and services.
Testing Supplies
Supplies used for ELL Testing ($1,000), Standardized tests and protocols ($9,718), TAG Testing ($188), and Evaluation Testing ($4,000).
This account will be used to pay the $16 registration fee to administer the PSAT to all sophomores during the school day. This information will be used to show the growth in the 11th grade SAT, which is the State’s summative test for high school students.
Audio Visual Supplies
General Audio Visual supplies such as media storage devices, projector lamps, and auditorium microphones, adaptors, lights, and wiring.
• All district software is for administrative and educational licensing costs. Copyright law requires that each device have the appropriate licenses for the software installed on it, whether it is a desktop, laptop, Chromebook or Ipad.
Network Operating Software
Items in this category provide security and management to the system.
o $12,562 – Baracuda; renewal for threat management system o $13,318– Cylance; Threat management o $1,939 – iBoss; web filter o $1,338 – Logmein; remote support and meeting software o $8,826 – Microsoft licensing. Servers o $9,661 – Microsoft; client access licensing program o $8,000 – Schooldude; cloud-based maintenance, athletics, and event scheduling o $3,151 – SSL Certs; security certificates o $14,115 – VDI; district virtual desktop system o $4,500 – Veritas/ VEEAM; system backup
School System Software
Items in this category are used to support student databases, student progress monitoring, the Human Resources department, emergency communications and the district website.
o $6,992 – 1:1 Inventory Control System; Chromebooks o $21,542 – ADS; Finance System o $4,172 – Aimsweb; pro version with data capture for 210 users o $10,609 – Board Docs; Meeting Organizer o $13,800 – Edgenuity; special education online intervention o $9,289 – Follet Library Catalog; web-based cloud at WHS o $10,927 – Fosnot; Personalize professional support system o $15,587 – Frontline; substitute caller and Applitrack o $16,000 – Gaggle; student safety monitoring system o $9,248– IEP Direct; special education suite with 504 module o $123,640 – Kronos; payroll & timekeeping o $7,945 – Naviance; school counseling suite with alumni tracker o $18,540– NWEA; licenses for MAP testing (grades 4-10) o $61,769 – PowerSchool; student information system & monitor/update service o $6,228 – Proquest; library software o $6,334 – RTI Direct; response to intervention o $3,023– School Gate; visitor check-in system o $12,492 – SchoolMessenger; emergency notification system o $1,651 – SNAP; school nurses o $1,600 – SWIS; SRBI data management K-8 o $4,200 – Zoom; at home classroom
Curriculum Software
Items in this category are used for instruction and support the district curriculum.
o $9,000 – Book Creator; elementary schools o $13,870 – Brainpop; elementary and CLMS & WHS Spanish o $73 – CIA Dish; living skills o $21,537 – DreamBox; elementary math o $4,900 – EdPuzzle CLMS & WHS o $4,000 – Exemplars; elementary problem solving for CCSS o $4,997 – Google; Read/Write o $8,343 – Kami; teacher lessons and files o $14,223 – Learning A-Z Razkids; elementary schools & SPED o $11,375 – Lexia; Reading/Math o $2,295 – Mobileserve – WHS LTS o $1,648 – Mystery Science; elementary schools o $13,444 – Newsela; Grades 3-5 & Clark Lane o $ 448 – Padlet; digital lesson plans o $7,097 – ProQuest; culture gram online at CLMS o $ 816 Quia – Testing and Survey tools o $3,456 – Screencasting; record/edit/share videos o $3,133 – SeeSaw Learning management K-12 o $3,133– Study.com; physiology o $2,851 – TCI; WHS social studies online version o $2,436 – Yabla; WHS